
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. xmalloc
  2. newblock
  3. freeblock
  4. addedge
  5. splicebefore
  6. printblock
  7. blockany
  8. getvariables
  9. printcfg
  10. reversepostorder
  11. blockrpocmp
  12. iscall
  13. isselectcommcasecall
  14. isnewselect
  15. isselectgocall
  16. isdeferreturn
  17. addselectgosucc
  18. fixselectgo
  19. newcfg
  20. freecfg
  21. isfunny
  22. progeffects
  23. newliveness
  24. freeliveness
  25. printeffects
  26. printnode
  27. printvars
  28. livenessprintblock
  29. livenessprintcfg
  30. checkauto
  31. checkparam
  32. checkprog
  33. checkptxt
  34. twobitwalktype1
  35. localswords
  36. argswords
  37. twobitlivepointermap
  38. unlinkedprog
  39. newpcdataprog
  40. issafepoint
  41. livenessprologue
  42. livenesssolve
  43. islive
  44. livenessepilogue
  45. hashbitmap
  46. livenesscompact
  47. printbitset
  48. livenessprintdebug
  49. twobitwritesymbol
  50. printprog
  51. liveness

// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Garbage collector liveness bitmap generation.

// The command line flag -live causes this code to print debug information.
// The levels are:
//      -live (aka -live=1): print liveness lists as code warnings at safe points
//      -live=2: print an assembly listing with liveness annotations
//      -live=3: print information during each computation phase (much chattier)
// Each level includes the earlier output as well.

#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include "gg.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "../../pkg/runtime/funcdata.h"

enum { BitsPerPointer = 2 };

enum {
        UNVISITED = 0,
        VISITED = 1,

// An ordinary basic block.
// Instructions are threaded together in a doubly-linked list.  To iterate in
// program order follow the link pointer from the first node and stop after the
// last node has been visited
//   for(p = bb->first;; p = p->link) {
//     ...
//     if(p == bb->last)
//       break;
//   }
// To iterate in reverse program order by following the opt pointer from the
// last node
//   for(p = bb->last; p != nil; p = p->opt) {
//     ...
//   }
typedef struct BasicBlock BasicBlock;
struct BasicBlock {
        // An array of preceding blocks.  If the length of this array is 0 the
        // block is probably the start block of the CFG.
        Array *pred;

        // An array out succeeding blocks.  If the length of this array is zero,
        // the block probably ends in a return instruction.
        Array *succ;

        // First instruction in the block.  When part of a fully initialized
        // control flow graph, the opt member will be nil.
        Prog *first;

        // Last instruction in the basic block.
        Prog *last;

        // The reverse post order number.  This value is initialized to -1 and
        // will be replaced by a non-negative value when the CFG is constructed.
        // After CFG construction, if rpo is -1 this block is unreachable.
        int rpo;

        // State to denote whether the block has been visited during a
        // traversal.
        int mark;
        // For use during livenessepilogue.
        int lastbitmapindex;

// A collection of global state used by liveness analysis.
typedef struct Liveness Liveness;
struct Liveness {
        // A pointer to the node corresponding to the function being analyzed.
        Node *fn;

        // A linked list of instructions for this function.
        Prog *ptxt;

        // A list of arguments and local variables in this function.
        Array *vars;

        // A list of basic blocks that are overlayed on the instruction list.
        // The blocks are roughly in the same order as the instructions
        // in the function (first block has TEXT instruction, and so on).
        Array *cfg;

        // Summary sets of block effects.
        // The Bvec** is indexed by bb->rpo to yield a single Bvec*.
        // That bit vector is indexed by variable number (same as lv->vars).
        // Computed during livenessprologue using only the content of
        // individual blocks:
        //      uevar: upward exposed variables (used before set in block)
        //      varkill: killed variables (set in block)
        //      avarinit: addrtaken variables set or used (proof of initialization)
        // Computed during livenesssolve using control flow information:
        //      livein: variables live at block entry
        //      liveout: variables live at block exit
        //      avarinitany: addrtaken variables possibly initialized at block exit
        //              (initialized in block or at exit from any predecessor block)
        //      avarinitall: addrtaken variables certainly initialized at block exit
        //              (initialized in block or at exit from all predecessor blocks)
        Bvec **uevar;
        Bvec **varkill;
        Bvec **livein;
        Bvec **liveout;
        Bvec **avarinit;
        Bvec **avarinitany;
        Bvec **avarinitall;

        // An array with a bit vector for each safe point tracking live pointers
        // in the arguments and locals area, indexed by bb->rpo.
        Array *argslivepointers;
        Array *livepointers;

static void*
xmalloc(uintptr size)
        void *result;

        result = malloc(size);
        if(result == nil)
                fatal("malloc failed");
        return result;

// Constructs a new basic block containing a single instruction.
static BasicBlock*
newblock(Prog *prog)
        BasicBlock *result;

        if(prog == nil)
                fatal("newblock: prog cannot be nil");
        result = xmalloc(sizeof(*result));
        result->rpo = -1;
        result->mark = UNVISITED;
        result->first = prog;
        result->last = prog;
        result->pred = arraynew(2, sizeof(BasicBlock*));
        result->succ = arraynew(2, sizeof(BasicBlock*));
        return result;

// Frees a basic block and all of its leaf data structures.
static void
freeblock(BasicBlock *bb)
        if(bb == nil)
                fatal("freeblock: cannot free nil");

// Adds an edge between two basic blocks by making from a predecessor of to and
// to a successor of from.
static void
addedge(BasicBlock *from, BasicBlock *to)
        if(from == nil)
                fatal("addedge: from is nil");
        if(to == nil)
                fatal("addedge: to is nil");
        arrayadd(from->succ, &to);
        arrayadd(to->pred, &from);

// Inserts prev before curr in the instruction
// stream.  Any control flow, such as branches or fall throughs, that target the
// existing instruction are adjusted to target the new instruction.
static void
splicebefore(Liveness *lv, BasicBlock *bb, Prog *prev, Prog *curr)
        Prog *next, tmp;


        // There may be other instructions pointing at curr,
        // and we want them to now point at prev. Instead of
        // trying to find all such instructions, swap the contents
        // so that the problem becomes inserting next after curr.
        // The "opt" field is the backward link in the linked list.

        // Overwrite curr's data with prev, but keep the list links.
        tmp = *curr;
        *curr = *prev;
        curr->opt = tmp.opt;
        curr->link =;
        // Overwrite prev (now next) with curr's old data.
        next = prev;
        *next = tmp;
        next->opt = nil;
        next->link = nil;

        // Now insert next after curr.
        next->link = curr->link;
        next->opt = curr;
        curr->link = next;
        if(next->link && next->link->opt == curr)
                next->link->opt = next;

        if(bb->last == curr)
                bb->last = next;

// A pretty printer for basic blocks.
static void
printblock(BasicBlock *bb)
        BasicBlock *pred;
        BasicBlock *succ;
        Prog *prog;
        int i;

        print("basic block %d\n", bb->rpo);
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(bb->pred); i++) {
                pred = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->pred, i);
                print(" %d", pred->rpo);
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(bb->succ); i++) {
                succ = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->succ, i);
                print(" %d", succ->rpo);
        for(prog = bb->first;; prog=prog->link) {
                print("\t\t%P\n", prog);
                if(prog == bb->last)

// Iterates over a basic block applying a callback to each instruction.  There
// are two criteria for termination.  If the end of basic block is reached a
// value of zero is returned.  If the callback returns a non-zero value, the
// iteration is stopped and the value of the callback is returned.
static int
blockany(BasicBlock *bb, int (*callback)(Prog*))
        Prog *p;
        int result;

        for(p = bb->last; p != nil; p = p->opt) {
                result = (*callback)(p);
                if(result != 0)
                        return result;
        return 0;

// Collects and returns and array of Node*s for functions arguments and local
// variables.
static Array*
getvariables(Node *fn)
        Array *result;
        NodeList *ll;

        result = arraynew(0, sizeof(Node*));
        for(ll = fn->dcl; ll != nil; ll = ll->next) {
                if(ll->n->op == ONAME) {
                        // In order for GODEBUG=gcdead=1 to work, each bitmap needs
                        // to contain information about all variables covered by the bitmap.
                        // For local variables, the bitmap only covers the stkptrsize
                        // bytes in the frame where variables containing pointers live.
                        // For arguments and results, the bitmap covers all variables,
                        // so we must include all the variables, even the ones without
                        // pointers.
                        switch(ll->n->class) {
                        case PAUTO:
                                        arrayadd(result, &ll->n);
                        case PPARAM:
                        case PPARAMOUT:
                                arrayadd(result, &ll->n);
        return result;

// A pretty printer for control flow graphs.  Takes an array of BasicBlock*s.
static void
printcfg(Array *cfg)
        BasicBlock *bb;
        int32 i;

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, i);

// Assigns a reverse post order number to each connected basic block using the
// standard algorithm.  Unconnected blocks will not be affected.
static void
reversepostorder(BasicBlock *root, int32 *rpo)
        BasicBlock *bb;
        int i;

        root->mark = VISITED;
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(root->succ); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(root->succ, i);
                if(bb->mark == UNVISITED)
                        reversepostorder(bb, rpo);
        *rpo -= 1;
        root->rpo = *rpo;

// Comparison predicate used for sorting basic blocks by their rpo in ascending
// order.
static int
blockrpocmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
        BasicBlock *bb1;
        BasicBlock *bb2;

        bb1 = *(BasicBlock**)p1;
        bb2 = *(BasicBlock**)p2;
        if(bb1->rpo < bb2->rpo)
                return -1;
        if(bb1->rpo > bb2->rpo)
                return 1;
        return 0;

// A pattern matcher for call instructions.  Returns true when the instruction
// is a call to a specific package qualified function name.
static int
iscall(Prog *prog, LSym *name)
        if(prog == nil)
                fatal("iscall: prog is nil");
        if(name == nil)
                fatal("iscall: function name is nil");
        if(prog->as != ACALL)
                return 0;
        return name == prog->to.sym;

// Returns true for instructions that call a runtime function implementing a
// select communication clause.
static int
isselectcommcasecall(Prog *prog)
        static LSym* names[5];
        int32 i;

        if(names[0] == nil) {
                names[0] = linksym(pkglookup("selectsend", runtimepkg));
                names[1] = linksym(pkglookup("selectrecv", runtimepkg));
                names[2] = linksym(pkglookup("selectrecv2", runtimepkg));
                names[3] = linksym(pkglookup("selectdefault", runtimepkg));
        for(i = 0; names[i] != nil; i++)
                if(iscall(prog, names[i]))
                        return 1;
        return 0;

// Returns true for call instructions that target runtime·newselect.
static int
isnewselect(Prog *prog)
        static LSym *sym;

        if(sym == nil)
                sym = linksym(pkglookup("newselect", runtimepkg));
        return iscall(prog, sym);

// Returns true for call instructions that target runtime·selectgo.
static int
isselectgocall(Prog *prog)
        static LSym *sym;

        if(sym == nil)
                sym = linksym(pkglookup("selectgo", runtimepkg));
        return iscall(prog, sym);

static int
isdeferreturn(Prog *prog)
        static LSym *sym;

        if(sym == nil)
                sym = linksym(pkglookup("deferreturn", runtimepkg));
        return iscall(prog, sym);

// Walk backwards from a runtime·selectgo call up to its immediately dominating
// runtime·newselect call.  Any successor nodes of communication clause nodes
// are implicit successors of the runtime·selectgo call node.  The goal of this
// analysis is to add these missing edges to complete the control flow graph.
static void
addselectgosucc(BasicBlock *selectgo)
        BasicBlock *pred;
        BasicBlock *succ;

        pred = selectgo;
        for(;;) {
                if(arraylength(pred->pred) == 0)
                        fatal("selectgo does not have a newselect");
                pred = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(pred->pred, 0);
                if(blockany(pred, isselectcommcasecall)) {
                        // A select comm case block should have exactly one
                        // successor.
                        if(arraylength(pred->succ) != 1)
                                fatal("select comm case has too many successors");
                        succ = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(pred->succ, 0);
                        // Its successor should have exactly two successors.
                        // The drop through should flow to the selectgo block
                        // and the branch should lead to the select case
                        // statements block.
                        if(arraylength(succ->succ) != 2)
                                fatal("select comm case successor has too many successors");
                        // Add the block as a successor of the selectgo block.
                        addedge(selectgo, succ);
                if(blockany(pred, isnewselect)) {
                        // Reached the matching newselect.

// The entry point for the missing selectgo control flow algorithm.  Takes an
// array of BasicBlock*s containing selectgo calls.
static void
fixselectgo(Array *selectgo)
        BasicBlock *bb;
        int32 i;

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(selectgo); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(selectgo, i);

// Constructs a control flow graph from a sequence of instructions.  This
// procedure is complicated by various sources of implicit control flow that are
// not accounted for using the standard cfg construction algorithm.  Returns an
// array of BasicBlock*s in control flow graph form (basic blocks ordered by
// their RPO number).
static Array*
newcfg(Prog *firstp)
        Prog *p;
        Prog *prev;
        BasicBlock *bb;
        Array *cfg;
        Array *selectgo;
        int32 i;
        int32 rpo;

        // Reset the opt field of each prog to nil.  In the first and second
        // passes, instructions that are labels temporarily use the opt field to
        // point to their basic block.  In the third pass, the opt field reset
        // to point to the predecessor of an instruction in its basic block.
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link)
                p->opt = nil;

        // Allocate an array to remember where we have seen selectgo calls.
        // These blocks will be revisited to add successor control flow edges.
        selectgo = arraynew(0, sizeof(BasicBlock*));

        // Loop through all instructions identifying branch targets
        // and fall-throughs and allocate basic blocks.
        cfg = arraynew(0, sizeof(BasicBlock*));
        bb = newblock(firstp);
        arrayadd(cfg, &bb);
        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
                if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH) {
                        if(p->to.u.branch == nil)
                                fatal("prog branch to nil");
                        if(p->to.u.branch->opt == nil) {
                                p->to.u.branch->opt = newblock(p->to.u.branch);
                                arrayadd(cfg, &p->to.u.branch->opt);
                        if(p->as != AJMP && p->link != nil && p->link->opt == nil) {
                                p->link->opt = newblock(p->link);
                                arrayadd(cfg, &p->link->opt);
                } else if(isselectcommcasecall(p) || isselectgocall(p)) {
                        // Accommodate implicit selectgo control flow.
                        if(p->link->opt == nil) {
                                p->link->opt = newblock(p->link);
                                arrayadd(cfg, &p->link->opt);

        // Loop through all basic blocks maximally growing the list of
        // contained instructions until a label is reached.  Add edges
        // for branches and fall-through instructions.
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, i);
                for(p = bb->last; p != nil; p = p->link) {
                        if(p->opt != nil && p != bb->last)
                        bb->last = p;

                        // Stop before an unreachable RET, to avoid creating
                        // unreachable control flow nodes.
                        if(p->link != nil && p->link->as == ARET && p->link->mode == 1)

                        // Collect basic blocks with selectgo calls.
                                arrayadd(selectgo, &bb);
                if(bb->last->to.type == D_BRANCH)
                        addedge(bb, bb->last->to.u.branch->opt);
                if(bb->last->link != nil) {
                        // Add a fall-through when the instruction is
                        // not an unconditional control transfer.
                        switch(bb->last->as) {
                        case AJMP:
                        case ARET:
                        case AUNDEF:
                                addedge(bb, bb->last->link->opt);

        // Add back links so the instructions in a basic block can be traversed
        // backward.  This is the final state of the instruction opt field.
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, i);
                p = bb->first;
                prev = nil;
                for(;;) {
                        p->opt = prev;
                        if(p == bb->last)
                        prev = p;
                        p = p->link;

        // Add missing successor edges to the selectgo blocks.

        // Find a depth-first order and assign a depth-first number to
        // all basic blocks.
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, i);
                bb->mark = UNVISITED;
        bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, 0);
        rpo = arraylength(cfg);
        reversepostorder(bb, &rpo);

        // Sort the basic blocks by their depth first number.  The
        // array is now a depth-first spanning tree with the first
        // node being the root.
        arraysort(cfg, blockrpocmp);
        bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, 0);

        // Unreachable control flow nodes are indicated by a -1 in the rpo
        // field.  If we see these nodes something must have gone wrong in an
        // upstream compilation phase.
        if(bb->rpo == -1) {
                print("newcfg: unreachable basic block for %P\n", bb->last);
                fatal("newcfg: invalid control flow graph");

        return cfg;

// Frees a control flow graph (an array of BasicBlock*s) and all of its leaf
// data structures.
static void
freecfg(Array *cfg)
        BasicBlock *bb;
        BasicBlock *bb0;
        Prog *p;
        int32 i;
        int32 len;

        len = arraylength(cfg);
        if(len > 0) {
                bb0 = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, 0);
                for(p = bb0->first; p != P; p = p->link) {
                        p->opt = nil;
                for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, i);

// Returns true if the node names a variable that is otherwise uninteresting to
// the liveness computation.
static int
isfunny(Node *node)
        char *names[] = { ".fp", ".args", nil };
        int i;

        if(node->sym != nil && node->sym->name != nil)
                for(i = 0; names[i] != nil; i++)
                        if(strcmp(node->sym->name, names[i]) == 0)
                                return 1;
        return 0;

// Computes the effects of an instruction on a set of
// variables.  The vars argument is an array of Node*s.
// The output vectors give bits for variables:
//      uevar - used by this instruction
//      varkill - killed by this instruction
//              for variables without address taken, means variable was set
//              for variables with address taken, means variable was marked dead
//      avarinit - initialized or referred to by this instruction,
//              only for variables with address taken but not escaping to heap
// The avarinit output serves as a signal that the data has been
// initialized, because any use of a variable must come after its
// initialization.
static void
progeffects(Prog *prog, Array *vars, Bvec *uevar, Bvec *varkill, Bvec *avarinit)
        ProgInfo info;
        Adr *from;
        Adr *to;
        Node *node;
        int32 i;
        int32 pos;


        proginfo(&info, prog);
        if(prog->as == ARET) {
                // Return instructions implicitly read all the arguments.  For
                // the sake of correctness, out arguments must be read.  For the
                // sake of backtrace quality, we read in arguments as well.
                // A return instruction with a p->to is a tail return, which brings
                // the stack pointer back up (if it ever went down) and then jumps
                // to a new function entirely. That form of instruction must read
                // all the parameters for correctness, and similarly it must not
                // read the out arguments - they won't be set until the new
                // function runs.
                for(i = 0; i < arraylength(vars); i++) {
                        node = *(Node**)arrayget(vars, i);
                        switch(node->class & ~PHEAP) {
                        case PPARAM:
                                bvset(uevar, i);
                        case PPARAMOUT:
                                // If the result had its address taken, it is being tracked
                                // by the avarinit code, which does not use uevar.
                                // If we added it to uevar too, we'd not see any kill
                                // and decide that the varible was live entry, which it is not.
                                // So only use uevar in the non-addrtaken case.
                                // The p->to.type == D_NONE limits the bvset to
                                // non-tail-call return instructions; see note above
                                // the for loop for details.
                                if(!node->addrtaken && prog->to.type == D_NONE)
                                        bvset(uevar, i);
        if(prog->as == ATEXT) {
                // A text instruction marks the entry point to a function and
                // the definition point of all in arguments.
                for(i = 0; i < arraylength(vars); i++) {
                        node = *(Node**)arrayget(vars, i);
                        switch(node->class & ~PHEAP) {
                        case PPARAM:
                                        bvset(avarinit, i);
                                bvset(varkill, i);
        if(info.flags & (LeftRead | LeftWrite | LeftAddr)) {
                from = &prog->from;
                if (from->node != nil && from->sym != nil) {
                        switch(from->node->class & ~PHEAP) {
                        case PAUTO:
                        case PPARAM:
                        case PPARAMOUT:
                                pos = arrayindexof(vars, from->node);
                                if(pos == -1)
                                        goto Next;
                                if(from->node->addrtaken) {
                                        bvset(avarinit, pos);
                                } else {
                                        if(info.flags & (LeftRead | LeftAddr))
                                                bvset(uevar, pos);
                                        if(info.flags & LeftWrite)
                                                if(from->node != nil && !isfat(from->node->type))
                                                        bvset(varkill, pos);
        if(info.flags & (RightRead | RightWrite | RightAddr)) {
                to = &prog->to;
                if (to->node != nil && to->sym != nil) {
                        switch(to->node->class & ~PHEAP) {
                        case PAUTO:
                        case PPARAM:
                        case PPARAMOUT:
                                pos = arrayindexof(vars, to->node);
                                if(pos == -1)
                                        goto Next1;
                                if(to->node->addrtaken) {
                                        if(prog->as != AVARKILL)
                                                bvset(avarinit, pos);
                                        if(prog->as == AVARDEF || prog->as == AVARKILL)
                                                bvset(varkill, pos);
                                } else {
                                        // RightRead is a read, obviously.
                                        // RightAddr by itself is also implicitly a read.
                                        // RightAddr|RightWrite means that the address is being taken
                                        // but only so that the instruction can write to the value.
                                        // It is not a read. It is equivalent to RightWrite except that
                                        // having the RightAddr bit set keeps the registerizer from
                                        // trying to substitute a register for the memory location.
                                        if((info.flags & RightRead) || (info.flags & (RightAddr|RightWrite)) == RightAddr)
                                                bvset(uevar, pos);
                                        if(info.flags & RightWrite)
                                                if(to->node != nil && (!isfat(to->node->type) || prog->as == AVARDEF))
                                                        bvset(varkill, pos);

// Constructs a new liveness structure used to hold the global state of the
// liveness computation.  The cfg argument is an array of BasicBlock*s and the
// vars argument is an array of Node*s.
static Liveness*
newliveness(Node *fn, Prog *ptxt, Array *cfg, Array *vars)
        Liveness *result;
        int32 i;
        int32 nblocks;
        int32 nvars;

        result = xmalloc(sizeof(*result));
        result->fn = fn;
        result->ptxt = ptxt;
        result->cfg = cfg;
        result->vars = vars;

        nblocks = arraylength(cfg);
        result->uevar = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);
        result->varkill = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);
        result->livein = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);
        result->liveout = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);
        result->avarinit = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);
        result->avarinitany = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);
        result->avarinitall = xmalloc(sizeof(Bvec*) * nblocks);

        nvars = arraylength(vars);
        for(i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
                result->uevar[i] = bvalloc(nvars);
                result->varkill[i] = bvalloc(nvars);
                result->livein[i] = bvalloc(nvars);
                result->liveout[i] = bvalloc(nvars);
                result->avarinit[i] = bvalloc(nvars);
                result->avarinitany[i] = bvalloc(nvars);
                result->avarinitall[i] = bvalloc(nvars);

        result->livepointers = arraynew(0, sizeof(Bvec*));
        result->argslivepointers = arraynew(0, sizeof(Bvec*));
        return result;

// Frees the liveness structure and all of its leaf data structures.
static void
freeliveness(Liveness *lv)
        int32 i;

        if(lv == nil)
                fatal("freeliveness: cannot free nil");

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->livepointers); i++)
                free(*(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, i));

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->argslivepointers); i++)
                free(*(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, i));

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {



static void
printeffects(Prog *p, Bvec *uevar, Bvec *varkill, Bvec *avarinit)
        print("effects of %P", p);
        print("\nuevar: ");
        print("\nvarkill: ");
        print("\navarinit: ");

// Pretty print a variable node.  Uses Pascal like conventions for pointers and
// addresses to avoid confusing the C like conventions used in the node variable
// names.
static void
printnode(Node *node)
        char *p;
        char *a;

        p = haspointers(node->type) ? "^" : "";
        a = node->addrtaken ? "@" : "";
        print(" %N%s%s", node, p, a);

// Pretty print a list of variables.  The vars argument is an array of Node*s.
static void
printvars(char *name, Bvec *bv, Array *vars)
        int32 i;

        print("%s:", name);
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(vars); i++)
                if(bvget(bv, i))
                        printnode(*(Node**)arrayget(vars, i));

// Prints a basic block annotated with the information computed by liveness
// analysis.
static void
livenessprintblock(Liveness *lv, BasicBlock *bb)
        BasicBlock *pred;
        BasicBlock *succ;
        Prog *prog;
        Bvec *live;
        int i;
        int32 pos;

        print("basic block %d\n", bb->rpo);

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(bb->pred); i++) {
                pred = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->pred, i);
                print(" %d", pred->rpo);

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(bb->succ); i++) {
                succ = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->succ, i);
                print(" %d", succ->rpo);

        printvars("\tuevar", lv->uevar[bb->rpo], lv->vars);
        printvars("\tvarkill", lv->varkill[bb->rpo], lv->vars);
        printvars("\tlivein", lv->livein[bb->rpo], lv->vars);
        printvars("\tliveout", lv->liveout[bb->rpo], lv->vars);
        printvars("\tavarinit", lv->avarinit[bb->rpo], lv->vars);
        printvars("\tavarinitany", lv->avarinitany[bb->rpo], lv->vars);
        printvars("\tavarinitall", lv->avarinitall[bb->rpo], lv->vars);

        for(prog = bb->first;; prog = prog->link) {
                print("\t\t%P", prog);
                if(prog->as == APCDATA && prog->from.offset == PCDATA_StackMapIndex) {
                        pos = prog->to.offset;
                        live = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, pos);
                        print(" ");
                if(prog == bb->last)

// Prints a control flow graph annotated with any information computed by
// liveness analysis.
static void
livenessprintcfg(Liveness *lv)
        BasicBlock *bb;
        int32 i;

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                livenessprintblock(lv, bb);

static void
checkauto(Node *fn, Prog *p, Node *n)
        NodeList *l;

        for(l = fn->dcl; l != nil; l = l->next)
                if(l->n->op == ONAME && l->n->class == PAUTO && l->n == n)

        print("checkauto %N: %N (%p; class=%d) not found in %P\n", curfn, n, n, n->class, p);
        for(l = fn->dcl; l != nil; l = l->next)
                print("\t%N (%p; class=%d)\n", l->n, l->n, l->n->class);
        yyerror("checkauto: invariant lost");

static void
checkparam(Node *fn, Prog *p, Node *n)
        NodeList *l;
        Node *a;
        int class;

        for(l = fn->dcl; l != nil; l = l->next) {
                a = l->n;
                class = a->class & ~PHEAP;
                if(a->op == ONAME && (class == PPARAM || class == PPARAMOUT) && a == n)

        print("checkparam %N: %N (%p; class=%d) not found in %P\n", curfn, n, n, n->class, p);
        for(l = fn->dcl; l != nil; l = l->next)
                print("\t%N (%p; class=%d)\n", l->n, l->n, l->n->class);
        yyerror("checkparam: invariant lost");

static void
checkprog(Node *fn, Prog *p)
        if(p->from.type == D_AUTO)
                checkauto(fn, p, p->from.node);
        if(p->from.type == D_PARAM)
                checkparam(fn, p, p->from.node);
        if(p->to.type == D_AUTO)
                checkauto(fn, p, p->to.node);
        if(p->to.type == D_PARAM)
                checkparam(fn, p, p->to.node);

// Check instruction invariants.  We assume that the nodes corresponding to the
// sources and destinations of memory operations will be declared in the
// function.  This is not strictly true, as is the case for the so-called funny
// nodes and there are special cases to skip over that stuff.  The analysis will
// fail if this invariant blindly changes.
static void
checkptxt(Node *fn, Prog *firstp)
        Prog *p;

        for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
                        print("analyzing '%P'\n", p);
                switch(p->as) {
                case ADATA:
                case AGLOBL:
                case ANAME:
                case ASIGNAME:
                case ATYPE:
                checkprog(fn, p);

// NOTE: The bitmap for a specific type t should be cached in t after the first run
// and then simply copied into bv at the correct offset on future calls with
// the same type t. On, twobitwalktype1
// accounts for 40% of the 6g execution time.
static void
twobitwalktype1(Type *t, vlong *xoffset, Bvec *bv)
        vlong fieldoffset;
        vlong i;
        vlong o;
        Type *t1;

        if(t->align > 0 && (*xoffset & (t->align - 1)) != 0)
                fatal("twobitwalktype1: invalid initial alignment, %T", t);

        switch(t->etype) {
        case TINT8:
        case TUINT8:
        case TINT16:
        case TUINT16:
        case TINT32:
        case TUINT32:
        case TINT64:
        case TUINT64:
        case TINT:
        case TUINT:
        case TUINTPTR:
        case TBOOL:
        case TFLOAT32:
        case TFLOAT64:
        case TCOMPLEX64:
        case TCOMPLEX128:
                for(i = 0; i < t->width; i++) {
                        bvset(bv, ((*xoffset + i) / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer); // 1 = live scalar
                *xoffset += t->width;

        case TPTR32:
        case TPTR64:
        case TUNSAFEPTR:
        case TFUNC:
        case TCHAN:
        case TMAP:
                if((*xoffset & (widthptr-1)) != 0)
                        fatal("twobitwalktype1: invalid alignment, %T", t);
                bvset(bv, (*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer + 1); // 2 = live ptr
                *xoffset += t->width;

        case TSTRING:
                // struct { byte *str; intgo len; }
                if((*xoffset & (widthptr-1)) != 0)
                        fatal("twobitwalktype1: invalid alignment, %T", t);
                bvset(bv, (*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer + 0);
                bvset(bv, (*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer + 1); // 3:0 = multiword:string
                *xoffset += t->width;

        case TINTER:
                // struct { Itab *tab;  union { void *ptr, uintptr val } data; }
                // or, when isnilinter(t)==true:
                // struct { Type *type; union { void *ptr, uintptr val } data; }
                if((*xoffset & (widthptr-1)) != 0)
                        fatal("twobitwalktype1: invalid alignment, %T", t);
                bvset(bv, ((*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer) + 0);
                bvset(bv, ((*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer) + 1); // 3 = multiword
                // next word contains 2 = Iface, 3 = Eface
                if(isnilinter(t)) {
                        bvset(bv, ((*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer) + 2);
                        bvset(bv, ((*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer) + 3);
                } else {
                        bvset(bv, ((*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer) + 3);
                *xoffset += t->width;

        case TARRAY:
                // The value of t->bound is -1 for slices types and >0 for
                // for fixed array types.  All other values are invalid.
                if(t->bound < -1)
                        fatal("twobitwalktype1: invalid bound, %T", t);
                if(isslice(t)) {
                        // struct { byte *array; uintgo len; uintgo cap; }
                        if((*xoffset & (widthptr-1)) != 0)
                                fatal("twobitwalktype1: invalid TARRAY alignment, %T", t);
                        bvset(bv, (*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer + 0);
                        bvset(bv, (*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer + 1);
                        bvset(bv, (*xoffset / widthptr) * BitsPerPointer + 2); // 3:1 = multiword/slice
                        *xoffset += t->width;
                } else
                        for(i = 0; i < t->bound; i++)
                                twobitwalktype1(t->type, xoffset, bv);

        case TSTRUCT:
                o = 0;
                for(t1 = t->type; t1 != T; t1 = t1->down) {
                        fieldoffset = t1->width;
                        *xoffset += fieldoffset - o;
                        twobitwalktype1(t1->type, xoffset, bv);
                        o = fieldoffset + t1->type->width;
                *xoffset += t->width - o;

                fatal("twobitwalktype1: unexpected type, %T", t);

// Returns the number of words of local variables.
static int32
        return stkptrsize / widthptr;

// Returns the number of words of in and out arguments.
static int32
        return curfn->type->argwid / widthptr;

// Generates live pointer value maps for arguments and local variables.  The
// this argument and the in arguments are always assumed live.  The vars
// argument is an array of Node*s.
static void
twobitlivepointermap(Liveness *lv, Bvec *liveout, Array *vars, Bvec *args, Bvec *locals)
        Node *node;
        Type *thisargtype;
        Type *inargtype;
        vlong xoffset;
        int32 i;

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(vars); i++) {
                node = *(Node**)arrayget(vars, i);
                switch(node->class) {
                case PAUTO:
                        if(bvget(liveout, i)) {
                                xoffset = node->xoffset + stkptrsize;
                                twobitwalktype1(node->type, &xoffset, locals);
                case PPARAM:
                case PPARAMOUT:
                        if(bvget(liveout, i)) {
                                xoffset = node->xoffset;
                                twobitwalktype1(node->type, &xoffset, args);
        // The node list only contains declared names.
        // If the receiver or arguments are unnamed, they will be omitted
        // from the list above. Preserve those values - even though they are unused -
        // in order to keep their addresses live for use in stack traces.
        thisargtype = getthisx(lv->fn->type);
        if(thisargtype != nil) {
                xoffset = 0;
                twobitwalktype1(thisargtype, &xoffset, args);
        inargtype = getinargx(lv->fn->type);
        if(inargtype != nil) {
                xoffset = 0;
                twobitwalktype1(inargtype, &xoffset, args);

// Construct a disembodied instruction.
static Prog*
unlinkedprog(int as)
        Prog *p;

        p = mal(sizeof(*p));
        p->as = as;
        return p;

// Construct a new PCDATA instruction associated with and for the purposes of
// covering an existing instruction.
static Prog*
newpcdataprog(Prog *prog, int32 index)
        Node from, to;
        Prog *pcdata;

        nodconst(&from, types[TINT32], PCDATA_StackMapIndex);
        nodconst(&to, types[TINT32], index);
        pcdata = unlinkedprog(APCDATA);
        pcdata->lineno = prog->lineno;
        naddr(&from, &pcdata->from, 0);
        naddr(&to, &pcdata->to, 0);
        return pcdata;

// Returns true for instructions that are safe points that must be annotated
// with liveness information.
static int
issafepoint(Prog *prog)
        return prog->as == ATEXT || prog->as == ACALL;

// Initializes the sets for solving the live variables.  Visits all the
// instructions in each basic block to summarizes the information at each basic
// block
static void
livenessprologue(Liveness *lv)
        BasicBlock *bb;
        Bvec *uevar, *varkill, *avarinit;
        Prog *p;
        int32 i;
        int32 nvars;

        nvars = arraylength(lv->vars);
        uevar = bvalloc(nvars);
        varkill = bvalloc(nvars);
        avarinit = bvalloc(nvars);
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                // Walk the block instructions backward and update the block
                // effects with the each prog effects.
                for(p = bb->last; p != nil; p = p->opt) {
                        progeffects(p, lv->vars, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        if(debuglive >= 3)
                                printeffects(p, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        bvor(lv->varkill[i], lv->varkill[i], varkill);
                        bvandnot(lv->uevar[i], lv->uevar[i], varkill);
                        bvor(lv->uevar[i], lv->uevar[i], uevar);                        
                // Walk the block instructions forward to update avarinit bits.
                // avarinit describes the effect at the end of the block, not the beginning.
                for(p = bb->first;; p = p->link) {
                        progeffects(p, lv->vars, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        if(debuglive >= 3)
                                printeffects(p, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        bvandnot(lv->avarinit[i], lv->avarinit[i], varkill);
                        bvor(lv->avarinit[i], lv->avarinit[i], avarinit);
                        if(p == bb->last)

// Solve the liveness dataflow equations.
static void
livenesssolve(Liveness *lv)
        BasicBlock *bb, *succ, *pred;
        Bvec *newlivein, *newliveout, *any, *all;
        int32 rpo, i, j, change;

        // These temporary bitvectors exist to avoid successive allocations and
        // frees within the loop.
        newlivein = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));
        newliveout = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));
        any = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));
        all = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));

        // Push avarinitall, avarinitany forward.
        // avarinitall says the addressed var is initialized along all paths reaching the block exit.
        // avarinitany says the addressed var is initialized along some path reaching the block exit.
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                rpo = bb->rpo;
                if(i == 0)
                        bvcopy(lv->avarinitall[rpo], lv->avarinit[rpo]);
                else {
                bvcopy(lv->avarinitany[rpo], lv->avarinit[rpo]);

        change = 1;
        while(change != 0) {
                change = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                        bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                        rpo = bb->rpo;
                        for(j = 0; j < arraylength(bb->pred); j++) {
                                pred = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->pred, j);
                                if(j == 0) {
                                        bvcopy(any, lv->avarinitany[pred->rpo]);
                                        bvcopy(all, lv->avarinitall[pred->rpo]);
                                } else {
                                        bvor(any, any, lv->avarinitany[pred->rpo]);
                                        bvand(all, all, lv->avarinitall[pred->rpo]);
                        bvandnot(any, any, lv->varkill[rpo]);
                        bvandnot(all, all, lv->varkill[rpo]);
                        bvor(any, any, lv->avarinit[rpo]);
                        bvor(all, all, lv->avarinit[rpo]);
                        if(bvcmp(any, lv->avarinitany[rpo])) {
                                change = 1;
                                bvcopy(lv->avarinitany[rpo], any);
                        if(bvcmp(all, lv->avarinitall[rpo])) {
                                change = 1;
                                bvcopy(lv->avarinitall[rpo], all);

        // Iterate through the blocks in reverse round-robin fashion.  A work
        // queue might be slightly faster.  As is, the number of iterations is
        // so low that it hardly seems to be worth the complexity.
        change = 1;
        while(change != 0) {
                change = 0;
                // Walk blocks in the general direction of propagation.  This
                // improves convergence.
                for(i = arraylength(lv->cfg) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        // A variable is live on output from this block
                        // if it is live on input to some successor.
                        // out[b] = \bigcup_{s \in succ[b]} in[s]
                        bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                        rpo = bb->rpo;
                        for(j = 0; j < arraylength(bb->succ); j++) {
                                succ = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->succ, j);
                                bvor(newliveout, newliveout, lv->livein[succ->rpo]);
                        if(bvcmp(lv->liveout[rpo], newliveout)) {
                                change = 1;
                                bvcopy(lv->liveout[rpo], newliveout);

                        // A variable is live on input to this block
                        // if it is live on output from this block and
                        // not set by the code in this block.
                        // in[b] = uevar[b] \cup (out[b] \setminus varkill[b])
                        bvandnot(newlivein, lv->liveout[rpo], lv->varkill[rpo]);
                        bvor(lv->livein[rpo], newlivein, lv->uevar[rpo]);


// This function is slow but it is only used for generating debug prints.
// Check whether n is marked live in args/locals.
static int
islive(Node *n, Bvec *args, Bvec *locals)
        int i;

        switch(n->class) {
        case PPARAM:
        case PPARAMOUT:
                for(i = 0; i < n->type->width/widthptr*BitsPerPointer; i++)
                        if(bvget(args, n->xoffset/widthptr*BitsPerPointer + i))
                                return 1;
        case PAUTO:
                for(i = 0; i < n->type->width/widthptr*BitsPerPointer; i++)
                        if(bvget(locals, (n->xoffset + stkptrsize)/widthptr*BitsPerPointer + i))
                                return 1;
        return 0;

// Visits all instructions in a basic block and computes a bit vector of live
// variables at each safe point locations.
static void
livenessepilogue(Liveness *lv)
        BasicBlock *bb, *pred;
        Bvec *ambig, *livein, *liveout, *uevar, *varkill, *args, *locals, *avarinit, *any, *all;
        Node *n;
        Prog *p, *next;
        int32 i, j, numlive, startmsg, nmsg, nvars, pos;
        vlong xoffset;
        char **msg;
        Fmt fmt;

        nvars = arraylength(lv->vars);
        livein = bvalloc(nvars);
        liveout = bvalloc(nvars);
        uevar = bvalloc(nvars);
        varkill = bvalloc(nvars);
        avarinit = bvalloc(nvars);
        any = bvalloc(nvars);
        all = bvalloc(nvars);
        ambig = bvalloc(localswords() * BitsPerPointer);
        msg = nil;
        nmsg = 0;
        startmsg = 0;

        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                // Compute avarinitany and avarinitall for entry to block.
                // This duplicates information known during livenesssolve
                // but avoids storing two more vectors for each block.
                for(j = 0; j < arraylength(bb->pred); j++) {
                        pred = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->pred, j);
                        if(j == 0) {
                                bvcopy(any, lv->avarinitany[pred->rpo]);
                                bvcopy(all, lv->avarinitall[pred->rpo]);
                        } else {
                                bvor(any, any, lv->avarinitany[pred->rpo]);
                                bvand(all, all, lv->avarinitall[pred->rpo]);

                // Walk forward through the basic block instructions and
                // allocate liveness maps for those instructions that need them.
                // Seed the maps with information about the addrtaken variables.
                for(p = bb->first;; p = p->link) {
                        progeffects(p, lv->vars, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        bvandnot(any, any, varkill);
                        bvandnot(all, all, varkill);
                        bvor(any, any, avarinit);
                        bvor(all, all, avarinit);

                        if(issafepoint(p)) {
                                // Annotate ambiguously live variables so that they can
                                // be zeroed at function entry.
                                // livein and liveout are dead here and used as temporaries.
                                // For now, only enabled when using GOEXPERIMENT=precisestack
                                // during make.bash / all.bash.
                                if(precisestack_enabled) {
                                        bvandnot(liveout, any, all);
                                        if(!bvisempty(liveout)) {
                                                for(pos = 0; pos < liveout->n; pos++) {
                                                        if(!bvget(liveout, pos))
                                                        bvset(all, pos); // silence future warnings in this block
                                                        n = *(Node**)arrayget(lv->vars, pos);
                                                        if(!n->needzero) {
                                                                n->needzero = 1;
                                                                if(debuglive >= 1)
                                                                        warnl(p->lineno, "%N: %lN is ambiguously live", curfn->nname, n);
                                                                // Record in 'ambiguous' bitmap.
                                                                xoffset = n->xoffset + stkptrsize;
                                                                twobitwalktype1(n->type, &xoffset, ambig);
                                // Allocate a bit vector for each class and facet of
                                // value we are tracking.
                                // Live stuff first.
                                args = bvalloc(argswords() * BitsPerPointer);
                                arrayadd(lv->argslivepointers, &args);
                                locals = bvalloc(localswords() * BitsPerPointer);
                                arrayadd(lv->livepointers, &locals);

                                if(debuglive >= 3) {
                                        print("%P\n", p);
                                        printvars("avarinitany", any, lv->vars);

                                // Record any values with an "address taken" reaching
                                // this code position as live. Must do now instead of below
                                // because the any/all calculation requires walking forward
                                // over the block (as this loop does), while the liveout
                                // requires walking backward (as the next loop does).
                                twobitlivepointermap(lv, any, lv->vars, args, locals);
                        if(p == bb->last)
                bb->lastbitmapindex = arraylength(lv->livepointers) - 1;
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);
                if(debuglive >= 1 && strcmp(curfn->nname->sym->name, "init") != 0 && curfn->nname->sym->name[0] != '.') {
                        nmsg = arraylength(lv->livepointers);
                        startmsg = nmsg;
                        msg = xmalloc(nmsg*sizeof msg[0]);
                        for(j=0; j<nmsg; j++)
                                msg[j] = nil;

                // walk backward, emit pcdata and populate the maps
                pos = bb->lastbitmapindex;
                if(pos < 0) {
                        // the first block we encounter should have the ATEXT so
                        // at no point should pos ever be less than zero.

                bvcopy(livein, lv->liveout[bb->rpo]);
                for(p = bb->last; p != nil; p = next) {
                        next = p->opt; // splicebefore modifies p->opt
                        // Propagate liveness information
                        progeffects(p, lv->vars, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        bvcopy(liveout, livein);
                        bvandnot(livein, liveout, varkill);
                        bvor(livein, livein, uevar);
                        if(debuglive >= 3 && issafepoint(p)){
                                print("%P\n", p);
                                printvars("uevar", uevar, lv->vars);
                                printvars("varkill", varkill, lv->vars);
                                printvars("livein", livein, lv->vars);
                                printvars("liveout", liveout, lv->vars);
                        if(issafepoint(p)) {
                                // Found an interesting instruction, record the
                                // corresponding liveness information.  
                                // Useful sanity check: on entry to the function,
                                // the only things that can possibly be live are the
                                // input parameters.
                                if(p->as == ATEXT) {
                                        for(j = 0; j < liveout->n; j++) {
                                                if(!bvget(liveout, j))
                                                n = *(Node**)arrayget(lv->vars, j);
                                                if(n->class != PPARAM)
                                                        yyerrorl(p->lineno, "internal error: %N %lN recorded as live on entry", curfn->nname, n);

                                // Record live pointers.
                                args = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, pos);
                                locals = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, pos);
                                twobitlivepointermap(lv, liveout, lv->vars, args, locals);
                                // Ambiguously live variables are zeroed immediately after
                                // function entry. Mark them live for all the non-entry bitmaps
                                // so that GODEBUG=gcdead=1 mode does not poison them.
                                if(p->as == ACALL)
                                        bvor(locals, locals, ambig);

                                // Show live pointer bitmaps.
                                // We're interpreting the args and locals bitmap instead of liveout so that we
                                // include the bits added by the avarinit logic in the
                                // previous loop.
                                if(msg != nil) {
                                        fmtprint(&fmt, "%L: live at ", p->lineno);
                                        if(p->as == ACALL && p->to.node)
                                                fmtprint(&fmt, "call to %s:", p->to.node->sym->name);
                                        else if(p->as == ACALL)
                                                fmtprint(&fmt, "indirect call:");
                                                fmtprint(&fmt, "entry to %s:", p->from.node->sym->name);
                                        numlive = 0;
                                        for(j = 0; j < arraylength(lv->vars); j++) {
                                                n = *(Node**)arrayget(lv->vars, j);
                                                if(islive(n, args, locals)) {
                                                        fmtprint(&fmt, " %N", n);
                                        fmtprint(&fmt, "\n");
                                        if(numlive == 0) // squelch message
                                                msg[--startmsg] = fmtstrflush(&fmt);

                                // Only CALL instructions need a PCDATA annotation.
                                // The TEXT instruction annotation is implicit.
                                if(p->as == ACALL) {
                                        if(isdeferreturn(p)) {
                                                // runtime.deferreturn modifies its return address to return
                                                // back to the CALL, not to the subsequent instruction.
                                                // Because the return comes back one instruction early,
                                                // the PCDATA must begin one instruction early too.
                                                // The instruction before a call to deferreturn is always a
                                                // no-op, to keep PC-specific data unambiguous.
                                                splicebefore(lv, bb, newpcdataprog(p->opt, pos), p->opt);
                                        } else {
                                                splicebefore(lv, bb, newpcdataprog(p, pos), p);

                if(msg != nil) {
                        for(j=startmsg; j<nmsg; j++) 
                                if(msg[j] != nil)
                                        print("%s", msg[j]);
                        msg = nil;
                        nmsg = 0;
                        startmsg = 0;


// FNV-1 hash function constants.
#define H0 2166136261UL
#define Hp 16777619UL

static uint32
hashbitmap(uint32 h, Bvec *bv)
        uchar *p, *ep;
        p = (uchar*)bv->b;
        ep = p + 4*((bv->n+31)/32);
        while(p < ep)
                h = (h*Hp) ^ *p++;
        return h;

// Compact liveness information by coalescing identical per-call-site bitmaps.
// The merging only happens for a single function, not across the entire binary.
// There are actually two lists of bitmaps, one list for the local variables and one
// list for the function arguments. Both lists are indexed by the same PCDATA
// index, so the corresponding pairs must be considered together when
// merging duplicates. The argument bitmaps change much less often during
// function execution than the local variable bitmaps, so it is possible that
// we could introduce a separate PCDATA index for arguments vs locals and
// then compact the set of argument bitmaps separately from the set of
// local variable bitmaps. As of 2014-04-02, doing this to the godoc binary
// is actually a net loss: we save about 50k of argument bitmaps but the new
// PCDATA tables cost about 100k. So for now we keep using a single index for
// both bitmap lists.
static void
livenesscompact(Liveness *lv)
        int *table, *remap, i, j, n, tablesize, uniq;
        uint32 h;
        Bvec *local, *arg, *jlocal, *jarg;
        Prog *p;

        // Linear probing hash table of bitmaps seen so far.
        // The hash table has 4n entries to keep the linear
        // scan short. An entry of -1 indicates an empty slot.
        n = arraylength(lv->livepointers);
        tablesize = 4*n;
        table = xmalloc(tablesize*sizeof table[0]);
        memset(table, 0xff, tablesize*sizeof table[0]);
        // remap[i] = the new index of the old bit vector #i.
        remap = xmalloc(n*sizeof remap[0]);
        memset(remap, 0xff, n*sizeof remap[0]);
        uniq = 0; // unique tables found so far

        // Consider bit vectors in turn.
        // If new, assign next number using uniq,
        // record in remap, record in lv->livepointers and lv->argslivepointers
        // under the new index, and add entry to hash table.
        // If already seen, record earlier index in remap and free bitmaps.
        for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
                local = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, i);
                arg = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, i);
                h = hashbitmap(hashbitmap(H0, local), arg) % tablesize;

                for(;;) {
                        j = table[h];
                        if(j < 0)
                        jlocal = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, j);
                        jarg = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, j);
                        if(bvcmp(local, jlocal) == 0 && bvcmp(arg, jarg) == 0) {
                                remap[i] = j;
                                goto Next;
                        if(++h == tablesize)
                                h = 0;
                table[h] = uniq;
                remap[i] = uniq;
                *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, uniq) = local;
                *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, uniq) = arg;

        // We've already reordered lv->livepointers[0:uniq]
        // and lv->argslivepointers[0:uniq] and freed the bitmaps
        // we don't need anymore. Clear the pointers later in the
        // array so that we can tell where the coalesced bitmaps stop
        // and so that we don't double-free when cleaning up.
        for(j=uniq; j<n; j++) {
                *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, j) = nil;
                *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, j) = nil;
        // Rewrite PCDATA instructions to use new numbering.
        for(p=lv->ptxt; p != P; p=p->link) {
                if(p->as == APCDATA && p->from.offset == PCDATA_StackMapIndex) {
                        i = p->to.offset;
                        if(i >= 0)
                                p->to.offset = remap[i];


static int
printbitset(int printed, char *name, Array *vars, Bvec *bits)
        int i, started;
        Node *n;

        started = 0;    
        for(i=0; i<arraylength(vars); i++) {
                if(!bvget(bits, i))
                if(!started) {
                                print(" ");
                        started = 1;
                        printed = 1;
                        print("%s=", name);
                } else {
                n = *(Node**)arrayget(vars, i);
                print("%s", n->sym->name);
        return printed;

// Prints the computed liveness information and inputs, for debugging.
// This format synthesizes the information used during the multiple passes
// into a single presentation.
static void
livenessprintdebug(Liveness *lv)
        int i, j, pcdata, printed;
        BasicBlock *bb;
        Prog *p;
        Bvec *uevar, *varkill, *avarinit, *args, *locals;
        Node *n;

        print("liveness: %s\n", curfn->nname->sym->name);

        uevar = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));
        varkill = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));
        avarinit = bvalloc(arraylength(lv->vars));

        pcdata = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < arraylength(lv->cfg); i++) {
                if(i > 0)
                bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(lv->cfg, i);

                // bb#0 pred=1,2 succ=3,4
                print("bb#%d pred=", i);
                for(j = 0; j < arraylength(bb->pred); j++) {
                        if(j > 0)
                        print("%d", (*(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->pred, j))->rpo);
                print(" succ=");
                for(j = 0; j < arraylength(bb->succ); j++) {
                        if(j > 0)
                        print("%d", (*(BasicBlock**)arrayget(bb->succ, j))->rpo);
                // initial settings
                printed = 0;
                printed = printbitset(printed, "uevar", lv->vars, lv->uevar[bb->rpo]);
                printed = printbitset(printed, "livein", lv->vars, lv->livein[bb->rpo]);
                // program listing, with individual effects listed
                for(p = bb->first;; p = p->link) {
                        print("%P\n", p);
                        if(p->as == APCDATA && p->from.offset == PCDATA_StackMapIndex)
                                pcdata = p->to.offset;
                        progeffects(p, lv->vars, uevar, varkill, avarinit);
                        printed = 0;
                        printed = printbitset(printed, "uevar", lv->vars, uevar);
                        printed = printbitset(printed, "varkill", lv->vars, varkill);
                        printed = printbitset(printed, "avarinit", lv->vars, avarinit);
                        if(issafepoint(p)) {
                                args = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->argslivepointers, pcdata);
                                locals = *(Bvec**)arrayget(lv->livepointers, pcdata);
                                printed = 0;
                                for(j = 0; j < arraylength(lv->vars); j++) {
                                        n = *(Node**)arrayget(lv->vars, j);
                                        if(islive(n, args, locals)) {
                                                print("%N", n);
                        if(p == bb->last)
                // bb bitsets
                printed = printbitset(printed, "varkill", lv->vars, lv->varkill[bb->rpo]);
                printed = printbitset(printed, "liveout", lv->vars, lv->liveout[bb->rpo]);
                printed = printbitset(printed, "avarinit", lv->vars, lv->avarinit[bb->rpo]);
                printed = printbitset(printed, "avarinitany", lv->vars, lv->avarinitany[bb->rpo]);
                printed = printbitset(printed, "avarinitall", lv->vars, lv->avarinitall[bb->rpo]);


// Dumps an array of bitmaps to a symbol as a sequence of uint32 values.  The
// first word dumped is the total number of bitmaps.  The second word is the
// length of the bitmaps.  All bitmaps are assumed to be of equal length.  The
// words that are followed are the raw bitmap words.  The arr argument is an
// array of Node*s.
static void
twobitwritesymbol(Array *arr, Sym *sym)
        Bvec *bv;
        int off, i, j, len;
        uint32 word;

        len = arraylength(arr);
        off = 0;
        off += 4; // number of bitmaps, to fill in later
        bv = *(Bvec**)arrayget(arr, 0);
        off = duint32(sym, off, bv->n); // number of bits in each bitmap
        for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                // bitmap words
                bv = *(Bvec**)arrayget(arr, i);
                if(bv == nil)
                for(j = 0; j < bv->n; j += 32) {
                        word = bv->b[j/32];
                        off = duint32(sym, off, word);
        duint32(sym, 0, i); // number of bitmaps
        ggloblsym(sym, off, 0, 1);

static void
printprog(Prog *p)
        while(p != nil) {
                print("%P\n", p);
                p = p->link;

// Entry pointer for liveness analysis.  Constructs a complete CFG, solves for
// the liveness of pointer variables in the function, and emits a runtime data
// structure read by the garbage collector.
liveness(Node *fn, Prog *firstp, Sym *argssym, Sym *livesym)
        Array *cfg, *vars;
        Liveness *lv;
        int debugdelta;

        // Change name to dump debugging information only for a specific function.
        debugdelta = 0;
        if(strcmp(curfn->nname->sym->name, "!") == 0)
                debugdelta = 2;
        debuglive += debugdelta;
        if(debuglive >= 3) {
                print("liveness: %s\n", curfn->nname->sym->name);
        checkptxt(fn, firstp);

        // Construct the global liveness state.
        cfg = newcfg(firstp);
        if(debuglive >= 3)
        vars = getvariables(fn);
        lv = newliveness(fn, firstp, cfg, vars);

        // Run the dataflow framework.
        if(debuglive >= 3)
        if(debuglive >= 3)
        if(debuglive >= 3)

        if(debuglive >= 2)

        // Emit the live pointer map data structures
        twobitwritesymbol(lv->livepointers, livesym);
        twobitwritesymbol(lv->argslivepointers, argssym);

        // Free everything.
        debuglive -= debugdelta;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */