
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / BIFS codec sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef _GF_BIFS_DEV_H_
#define _GF_BIFS_DEV_H_

#include <gpac/nodes_mpeg4.h>
#include <gpac/bitstream.h>
#include <gpac/bifs.h>
#include <gpac/thread.h>
#include <gpac/internal/scenegraph_dev.h>


/*defined to support BIFS predictive MF fields*/

typedef struct {
        /*node this mask is for*/
        GF_Node *node;
        /*in case node is not defined yet*/
        u32 node_id;
        /*the rest is not needed at the current time, we only support simple sugnaling for FDP, BDP and IFS2D
        which are using pre-defs masks*/
} BIFSElementaryMask;

typedef struct
        /*v1 or v2*/
        u8 version;
        /*BIFS config - common fields*/
        u16 NodeIDBits;
        u16 RouteIDBits;
        Bool PixelMetrics;
        /*set to 0, 0 if no size is specified*/
        u16 Width, Height;

        /*BIFS-Anim - not supported */
        /*if 1 the BIFS_Anim codec is reset at each intra frame*/
        Bool BAnimRAP;
        /*list of elementary masks for BIFS anim*/
        GF_List *elementaryMasks;

        /*BIFS v2 add-on*/
        Bool Use3DMeshCoding;
        Bool UsePredictiveMFField;
        u16 ProtoIDBits;
} BIFSConfig;

/*per_stream config support*/
typedef struct
        BIFSConfig config;
        u16 ESID;
} BIFSStreamInfo;

/*per_stream config support*/
typedef struct
        GF_Node *node;
        SFCommandBuffer *cb;
} CommandBufferItem;

struct __tag_bifs_dec
        GF_Err LastError;
        /*all attached streams*/
        GF_List *streamInfo;
        /*active stream*/
        BIFSStreamInfo *info;

        Bool UseName;

        GF_SceneGraph *scenegraph;
        /*modified during conditional execution / proto parsing*/
        GF_SceneGraph *current_graph;

        /*QP stack*/
        GF_List *QPs;
        /*active QP*/
        M_QuantizationParameter *ActiveQP;

        /*QP 14 stuff: we need to store the last numb of fields in the last received Coord //field (!!!)*/

        /*number of iten in the Coord field*/
        u32 NumCoord;
        Bool coord_stored, storing_coord;

        /*only set at SceneReplace during proto parsing, NULL otherwise*/
        GF_Proto *pCurrentProto;

        /*when set the decoder works with commands rather than modifying the scene graph directly*/
        Bool dec_memory_mode;
        Bool force_keep_qp;
        /*only set in mem mode. Conditionals/InputSensors are stacked while decoding, then decoded once the AU is decoded
        to make sure all nodes potentially used by the conditional command buffer are created*/
        GF_List *command_buffers;

        Bool ignore_size;
        Bool is_com_dec;
        Double cts_offset;

        char *extraction_path;
        char *service_url;

/*decodes an GF_Node*/
GF_Node *gf_bifs_dec_node(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, u32 NDT_Tag);
/*decodes an SFField (to get a ptr to the field, use gf_node_get_field )
the FieldIndex is used for Quantzation*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_sf_field(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field, Bool is_mem_com);
/*decodes a Field (either SF or MF). The field MUST BE EMPTY*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_field(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field, Bool is_mem_com);
/*decodes a route*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_route(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, Bool is_insert);
/*get name*/
void gf_bifs_dec_name(GF_BitStream *bs, char *name);

BIFSStreamInfo *gf_bifs_dec_get_stream(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, u16 ESID);
/*decodes a BIFS command frame*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_command(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs);
/*decodes proto list - if proto_list is not NULL, protos parsed are not registered with the parent graph
and added to the list*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_proto_list(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_List *proto_list);
/*decodes field(s) of a node - exported for MultipleReplace*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_node_list(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, Bool is_proto);
GF_Err gf_bifs_dec_node_mask(GF_BifsDecoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, Bool is_proto);

/*called once a field has been modified through a command, send eventOut or propagate eventIn if needed*/
void gf_bifs_check_field_change(GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field);

GF_Err gf_bifs_flush_command_list(GF_BifsDecoder *codec);


struct __tag_bifs_enc
        GF_Err LastError;
        /*all attached streams*/
        GF_List *streamInfo;
        /*active stream*/
        BIFSStreamInfo *info;

        Bool UseName;

        /*the scene graph the codec is encoding (set htrough ReplaceScene or manually)*/
        GF_SceneGraph *scene_graph;
        /*current proto graph for DEF/USE*/
        GF_SceneGraph *current_proto_graph;

        /*QP stack*/
        GF_List *QPs;
        /*active QP*/
        M_QuantizationParameter *ActiveQP;

        u32 NumCoord;
        Bool coord_stored, storing_coord;

        GF_Proto *encoding_proto;

        /*keep track of DEF/USE*/
        GF_List *encoded_nodes;
        Bool is_encoding_command;

        char *src_url;

GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_commands(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_List *comList, GF_BitStream *bs);

GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_node(GF_BifsEncoder * codec, GF_Node *node, u32 NDT_Tag, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *parent_node);
GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_sf_field(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field);
GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_field(GF_BifsEncoder * codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field);
GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_mf_field(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field);
GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_route(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_Route *r, GF_BitStream *bs);
void gf_bifs_enc_name(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_BitStream *bs, char *name);
GF_Node *gf_bifs_enc_find_node(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, u32 nodeID);

#define GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, val, nbBits, str, com)     {\
                gf_bs_write_int(bs, val, nbBits);       \
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] %s\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%s\n", str, nbBits, val, com ? com : "") );      \
        } \
GF_Route *gf_bifs_enc_is_field_ised(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_Node *node, u32 fieldIndex);


/*get field QP and anim info*/
Bool gf_bifs_get_aq_info(GF_Node *Node, u32 FieldIndex, u8 *QType, u8 *AType, Fixed *b_min, Fixed *b_max, u32 *QT13_bits);

/*get the absolute field 0_based index (or ALL mode) given the field index in IndexMode*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_get_field_index(GF_Node *Node, u32 inField, u8 IndexMode, u32 *allField);

/*returns the opaque NodeDataType of the node "children" field if any, or 0*/
u32 gf_bifs_get_child_table(GF_Node *Node);

/*returns binary type of node in the given version of the desired NDT*/
u32 gf_bifs_get_node_type(u32 NDT_Tag, u32 NodeTag, u32 Version);

/*converts field index from all_mode to given mode*/
GF_Err gf_bifs_field_index_by_mode(GF_Node *node, u32 all_ind, u8 indexMode, u32 *outField);

/*return number of bits needed to code all nodes present in the specified NDT*/
u32 gf_bifs_get_ndt_bits(u32 NDT_Tag, u32 Version);
/*return absolute node tag given its type in the NDT and the NDT version number*/
u32 gf_bifs_ndt_get_node_type(u32 NDT_Tag, u32 NodeType, u32 Version);


#endif  //_GF_BIFS_DEV_H_

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