
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / IETF RTP/RTSP/SDP sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef _GF_IETF_DEV_H_
#define _GF_IETF_DEV_H_

#include <gpac/ietf.h>


#include <gpac/thread.h>

                        RTP intern

typedef struct
        /*version of the packet. Must be 2*/
        u8 Version;
        /*padding bits at the end of the payload*/
        u8 Padding;
        /*number of reports*/
        u8 Count;
        /*payload type of RTCP pck*/
        u8 PayloadType;
        /*The length of this RTCP packet in 32-bit words minus one including the header and any padding*/
        u16 Length;
        /*sync source identifier*/
        u32 SSRC;
} GF_RTCPHeader;

typedef struct __PRO_item
        struct __PRO_item *next;
        u32 pck_seq_num;
        void *pck;
        u32 size;
} GF_POItem;

typedef struct __PO
        struct __PRO_item *in;
        u32 head_seqnum;
        u32 Count;
        u32 MaxCount;
        u32 IsInit;
        u32 MaxDelay, LastTime;
} GF_RTPReorder;

/* creates new RTP reorderer
        @MaxCount: forces automatic packet flush. 0 means no flush
        @MaxDelay: is the max time in ms the queue will wait for a missing packet
GF_RTPReorder *gf_rtp_reorderer_new(u32 MaxCount, u32 MaxDelay);
void gf_rtp_reorderer_del(GF_RTPReorder *po);
/*reset the Queue*/
void gf_rtp_reorderer_reset(GF_RTPReorder *po);

/*Adds a packet to the queue. Packet Data is memcopied*/
GF_Err gf_rtp_reorderer_add(GF_RTPReorder *po, const void * pck, u32 pck_size, u32 pck_seqnum);
/*gets the output of the queue. Packet Data IS YOURS to delete*/
void *gf_rtp_reorderer_get(GF_RTPReorder *po, u32 *pck_size);

/*the RTP channel with both RTP and RTCP sockets and buffers
each channel is identified by a control string given in RTSP Describe
this control string is used with Darwin
struct __tag_rtp_channel
        /*global transport info for the session*/
        GF_RTSPTransport net_info;

        /*RTP CHANNEL*/
        GF_Socket *rtp;
        /*RTCP CHANNEL*/
        GF_Socket *rtcp;

        /*RTP Packet reordering. Turned on/off during initialization. The library forces a 200 ms
        max latency at the reordering queue*/
        GF_RTPReorder *po;

        /*RTCP report times*/
        u32 last_report_time;
        u32 next_report_time;

        /*NAT keep-alive*/
        u32 last_nat_keepalive_time, nat_keepalive_time_period;

        /*the seq number of the first packet as signaled by the server if any, or first
        RTP SN received (RTP multicast)*/
        u32 rtp_first_SN;
        /*the TS of the associated first packet as signaled by the server if any, or first
        RTP TS received (RTP multicast)*/
        u32 rtp_time;
        /*NPT from the rtp_time*/
        u32 CurrentTime;
        /*num loops of pck sn*/
        u32 num_sn_loops;
        /*some mapping info - we should support # payloads*/
        u8 PayloadType;
        u32 TimeScale;

        /*static buffer for RTP sending*/
        char *send_buffer;
        u32 send_buffer_size;
        u32 pck_sent_since_last_sr;
        u32 last_pck_ts;
        u32 last_pck_ntp_sec, last_pck_ntp_frac;
        u32 num_pck_sent, num_payload_bytes;
        u32 forced_ntp_sec, forced_ntp_frac;

        Bool no_auto_rtcp;
        /*RTCP info*/
        char *s_name, *s_email, *s_location, *s_phone, *s_tool, *s_note, *s_priv;
//      s8 first_rtp_pck;
        s8 first_SR;
        u32 SSRC;
        u32 SenderSSRC;

        u32 last_pck_sn;
        /*indicates if a packet loss is detected between current and previous packet*/
        Bool packet_loss;

        char *CName;

        u32 rtcp_bytes_sent;
        /*total pck rcv*/
        u32 tot_num_pck_rcv, tot_num_pck_expected;
        /*stats since last SR*/
        u32 last_num_pck_rcv, last_num_pck_expected, last_num_pck_loss;
        /*jitter compute*/
        u32 Jitter, ntp_init;
        s32 last_deviance;
        /*NTP of last SR*/
        u32 last_SR_NTP_sec, last_SR_NTP_frac;
        /*RTP time at last SR as indicated in SR*/
        u32 last_SR_rtp_time;
        /*payload info*/
        u32 total_pck, total_bytes;

/*gets UTC in the channel RTP timescale*/
u32 gf_rtp_channel_time(GF_RTPChannel *ch);
/*gets time in 1/65536 seconds (for reports)*/
u32 gf_rtp_get_report_time();
/*updates the time for the next report (SR, RR)*/
void gf_rtp_get_next_report_time(GF_RTPChannel *ch);

                        RTSP intern

#define GF_RTSP_DEFAULT_BUFFER          2048
#define GF_RTSP_VERSION         "RTSP/1.0"

/*macros for RTSP command and response formmating*/

#define RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR_WITHOUT_CHECK(buf, buf_size, pos, str)             \
        if (strlen((const char *) str)+pos >= buf_size) {       \
                buf_size += RTSP_WRITE_STEPALLOC;       \
                buf = (char *) gf_realloc(buf, buf_size);               \
        }       \
        strcpy(buf+pos, (const char *) str);            \
        pos += (u32) strlen((const char *) str); \
#define RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR(buf, buf_size, pos, str)           \
        if (str){       \
                RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR_WITHOUT_CHECK(buf, buf_size, pos, str);    \
        }       \
#define RTSP_WRITE_HEADER(buf, buf_size, pos, type, str)                \
        if( str ) {     \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR(buf, buf_size, pos, type);         \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR(buf, buf_size, pos, ": ");         \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR(buf, buf_size, pos, str);          \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR(buf, buf_size, pos, "\r\n");       \
        }       \
#define RTSP_WRITE_INT(buf, buf_size, pos, d, sig)              \
        if (sig < 0) { \
                sprintf(temp, "%d", d);         \
        } else { \
                sprintf(temp, "%d", d);         \
        }       \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR_WITHOUT_CHECK(buf, buf_size, pos, temp);

#define RTSP_WRITE_FLOAT_WITHOUT_CHECK(buf, buf_size, pos, d)           \
        sprintf(temp, "%.4f", d);               \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR_WITHOUT_CHECK(buf, buf_size, pos, temp);

#define RTSP_WRITE_FLOAT(buf, buf_size, pos, d)         \
        sprintf(temp, "%.4f", d);               \
        RTSP_WRITE_ALLOC_STR(buf, buf_size, pos, temp);

/*default packet size, but resize on the fly if needed*/
#define RTSP_PCK_SIZE                   6000
#define RTSP_TCP_BUF_SIZE               0x10000ul

typedef struct
        u8 rtpID;
        u8 rtcpID;
        void *ch_ptr;
} GF_TCPChan;

                RTSP Session
struct _tag_rtsp_session
        /*service name (extracted from URL) ex: news/latenight.mp4, vod.mp4 ...*/
        char *Service;
        /*server name (extracted from URL)*/
        char *Server;
        /*server port (extracted from URL)*/
        u16 Port;

        /*if RTSP is on UDP*/
        u8 ConnectionType;
        /*TCP interleaving ID*/
        u8 InterID;
        /*http tunnel*/
        Bool HasTunnel;
        GF_Socket *http;
        char HTTP_Cookie[30];
        u32 CookieRadLen;

        /*RTSP CHANNEL*/
        GF_Socket *connection;
        u32 SockBufferSize;
        /*needs connection*/
        u32 NeedConnection;

        /*the RTSP sequence number*/
        u32 CSeq;
        /*this is for aggregated request in order to check SeqNum*/
        u32 NbPending;

        /*RTSP sessionID, arbitrary length, alpha-numeric*/
        const char *last_session_id;

        /*RTSP STATE machine*/
        u32 RTSP_State;
        char RTSPLastRequest[40];

        /*current buffer from TCP if any*/
        char TCPBuffer[RTSP_TCP_BUF_SIZE];
        u32 CurrentSize, CurrentPos;

        /*RTSP interleaving*/
        GF_Err (*RTSP_SignalData)(GF_RTSPSession *sess, void *chan, char *buffer, u32 bufferSize, Bool IsRTCP);

        /*buffer for pck reconstruction*/
        char *rtsp_pck_buf;
        u32 rtsp_pck_size;
        u32 pck_start, payloadSize;

        /*all RTP channels in an interleaved RTP on RTSP session*/
        GF_List *TCPChannels;
        /*thread-safe, full duplex library for PLAY and RECORD*/
        GF_Mutex *mx;

        char *MobileIP;

GF_RTSPSession *gf_rtsp_session_new(char *sURL, u16 DefaultPort);

/*check connection status*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_check_connection(GF_RTSPSession *sess);
/*send data on RTSP*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_send_data(GF_RTSPSession *sess, char *buffer, u32 Size);

                        Common RTSP tools

/*locate body-start and body size in response/commands*/
void gf_rtsp_get_body_info(GF_RTSPSession *sess, u32 *body_start, u32 *body_size);
/*read TCP until a full command/response is received*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_read_reply(GF_RTSPSession *sess);
/*fill the TCP buffer*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_fill_buffer(GF_RTSPSession *sess);
/*force a fill on TCP buffer - used for de-interleaving and TCP-fragmented RTSP messages*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_refill_buffer(GF_RTSPSession *sess);
/*parses a transport string and returns a transport structure*/
GF_RTSPTransport *gf_rtsp_transport_parse(char *buffer);
/*parsing of header for com and rsp*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_parse_header(char *buffer, u32 BufferSize, u32 BodyStart, GF_RTSPCommand *com, GF_RTSPResponse *rsp);
void gf_rtsp_set_command_value(GF_RTSPCommand *com, char *Header, char *Value);
void gf_rtsp_set_response_value(GF_RTSPResponse *rsp, char *Header, char *Value);
/*deinterleave a data packet*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_set_deinterleave(GF_RTSPSession *sess);
/*start session through HTTP tunnel (QTSS)*/
GF_Err gf_rtsp_http_tunnel_start(GF_RTSPSession *sess, char *UserAgent);

/*packetization routines*/
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_mpeg4(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_h263(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_amr(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_mpeg12_video(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_mpeg12_audio(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_tx3g(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize, u32 duration, u8 descIndex);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_avc(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_qcelp(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_smv(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_latm(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize, u32 duration);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_dims(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize, u32 duration);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_ac3(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);
GF_Err gp_rtp_builder_do_hevc(GP_RTPPacketizer *builder, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 IsAUEnd, u32 FullAUSize);


#endif  /*_GF_IETF_DEV_H_*/

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