
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Stream Management sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <gpac/terminal.h>
#include <gpac/mpeg4_odf.h>

#include <gpac/modules/service.h>
#include <gpac/modules/codec.h>
#include <gpac/modules/ipmp.h>
#include <gpac/mediaobject.h>
#include <gpac/thread.h>
#include <gpac/modules/term_ext.h>

typedef struct _scene GF_Scene;
typedef struct _media_manager GF_MediaManager;
typedef struct _object_clock GF_Clock;
typedef struct _es_channel GF_Channel;
typedef struct _generic_codec GF_Codec;
typedef struct _composition_memory GF_CompositionMemory;
typedef struct _gf_addon_media GF_AddonMedia;

struct _net_service
        /*the module handling this service - must be declared first to typecast with GF_DownloadSession upon deletion*/
        GF_InputService *ifce;

        //function table of service
        void (*fn_connect_ack) (GF_ClientService *service, LPNETCHANNEL ns, GF_Err response);
        void (*fn_disconnect_ack) (GF_ClientService *service, LPNETCHANNEL ns, GF_Err response);
        void (*fn_command) (GF_ClientService *service, GF_NetworkCommand *com, GF_Err response);
        void (*fn_data_packet) (GF_ClientService *service, LPNETCHANNEL ns, char *data, u32 data_size, GF_SLHeader *hdr, GF_Err reception_status);
        void (*fn_add_media) (GF_ClientService *service, GF_Descriptor *media_desc, Bool no_scene_check);

        /*the terminal*/
        struct _tag_terminal *term;
        /*service url*/
        char *url;
        /*service mime type*/
        char *mime;
        /*od_manager owning service, NULL for services created for remote channels*/
        struct _od_manager *owner;
        /*number of attached remote channels ODM (ESD URLs)*/
        u32 nb_ch_users;
        /*number of attached remote ODM (OD URLs)*/
        u32 nb_odm_users;

        /*clock objects. Kept at service level since ESID namespace is the service one*/
        GF_List *Clocks;
        /*all downloaders objects used in this service*/
        GF_List *dnloads;
        /*cache asscoiated with service, if any*/
        GF_StreamingCache *cache;

        /*quick hack for avoiding double session creation*/
        GF_DownloadSession *pending_service_session;

        Bool is_paused;
        //used when term_set_speed is called before
        Fixed set_speed;

        /*used by DASH until we rewrite the input module API:
        if set to 1 during a disconnect() call, the root scene of the service and all sub-objects will be disconnected
        if set to 2 during a disconnect() call, the call will be skiped
        u32 subservice_disconnect;

/*opens service - performs URL concatenation if parent service specified*/
GF_ClientService *gf_term_service_new(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *owner, const char *url, const char *parent_url, GF_Err *ret_code);
/*destroy service*/
void gf_term_service_del(GF_ClientService *nets);

/*access to the module interfaces - cf net_api.h GF_InputService for details*/
GF_Err gf_term_service_command(GF_ClientService *ns, GF_NetworkCommand *com);
Bool gf_term_service_can_handle_url(GF_ClientService *ns, char *url);

GF_Err gf_term_channel_get_sl_packet(GF_ClientService *ns, LPNETCHANNEL channel, char **out_data_ptr, u32 *out_data_size, GF_SLHeader *out_sl_hdr, Bool *is_compressed, GF_Err *out_reception_status, Bool *is_new_data);
GF_Err gf_term_channel_release_sl_packet(GF_ClientService *ns, LPNETCHANNEL channel);

/*cache open/close*/
GF_Err gf_term_service_cache_load(GF_ClientService *ns);
GF_Err gf_term_service_cache_close(GF_ClientService *ns, Bool no_save);

/*forwards all clocks of the given amount of time. Can only be used when terminal is in paused mode
this is mainly designed for movie dumping in MP4Client*/
GF_Err gf_term_step_clocks(GF_Terminal * term, u32 ms_diff);

u32 gf_term_sample_clocks(GF_Terminal *term);

u32 gf_term_check_end_of_scene(GF_Terminal *term, Bool skip_interactions);

                GF_Scene object. This is the structure handling all scene management, mainly:
                        - list of resources (media objects) used
                        - scene time management
                        - reload/seek
                        - Dynamic scene (without a scene description)*
                Each scene registers itself as the private data of its associated scene graph.

                The scene object is also used by Inline nodes and all media resources of type "scene", eg <foreignObject>, <animation>
struct _scene
        /*root OD of the subscene, ALWAYS namespace of the parent scene*/
        struct _od_manager *root_od;
        /*scene codec: top level decoder decoding/generating the scene - can be BIFS, VRML parser, etc*/
        struct _generic_codec *scene_codec;
        /*OD codec - specific to MPEG-4*/
        struct _generic_codec *od_codec;

        GF_Mutex *mx_resources;
        /*all sub resources of this scene (eg, list of GF_ObjectManager), namespace of this scene. This includes
        both external resources (urls) and ODs sent in MPEG-4 systems*/
        GF_List *resources;

        /*list of GF_MediaObject - these are the links betwwen scene nodes (URL, xlink:href) and media resources.
        We need this link because of MPEG-4 Systems, where an OD (media resource) can be removed or replaced by the server
        without the scene being modified*/
        GF_List *scene_objects;

        /*list of extra scene graphs (text streams, generic OSDs, ...)*/
        GF_List *extra_scenes;
        /*scene graph*/
        GF_SceneGraph *graph;
        /*graph state - if not attached, no traversing of inline
        0: not attached
        1: attached
        2: temp graph attached. The temp graph is generated when waiting for the first scene AU to be processed
        u32 graph_attached;

        //indicates a valid object is attached to the scene
        Bool object_attached;
        /*set to 1 when single time-line presentation with only static resources (ONE OD AU is detected or no media removal/adding possible)
        This allows preventing OD/BIFS streams shutdown/startup when seeking.*/
        Bool static_media_ressources;

        /*set to 1 to force all sub-resources to share the timeline of this scene*/
        Bool force_single_timeline;

        /*set to 1 once the forced size has been sez*/
        Bool force_size_set;

        /*callback to call to dispatch SVG MediaEvent - this is a pointer to function only because of linking issues
        with static libgpac (avoids depending on SpiderMonkey and OpenGL32 if not needed)*/
        void (*on_media_event)(GF_Scene *scene, u32 type);

        /*duration of inline scene*/
        u64 duration;

        /*max timeshift of all objects*/
        u32 timeshift_depth;

        /*WorldInfo node or <title> node*/
        void *world_info;

        /*current IRI fragment if any*/
        char *fragment_uri;

        /*secondary resource scene - this is specific to SVG: a secondary resource scene is <use> or <fonturi>, and all resources
        identified in a secondary resource must be checked for existence and created in the primary resource*/
        Bool secondary_resource;

        /*needed by some apps in GPAC which manipulate the scene tree in different locations as the resources*/
        char *redirect_xml_base;

        /*FIXME - Dynamic scenes are only supported through VRML/BIFS nodes, we should add support for SVG scene graph
        generation if needed*/
        Bool is_dynamic_scene;
        /*for MPEG-2 TS, indicates the current serviceID played from mux*/
        u32 selected_service_id;
        /*clock for dynamic scene - current assumption is that all selected streams are synchronized in the dyn scene*/
        GF_Clock *dyn_ck;
        /*URLs of current video, audio and subs (we can't store objects since they may be destroyed when seeking)*/
        SFURL visual_url, audio_url, text_url, dims_url;

        Bool is_srd, is_tiled_srd;
        s32 srd_min_x, srd_max_x, srd_min_y, srd_max_y;

        Bool end_of_scene;
        /*list of externproto libraries*/
        GF_List *extern_protos;

        /*togles inline restart - needed because the restart may be triggered from inside the scene or from
        parent scene, hence 2 render passes must be used
        special value 2 means scene URL changes (for anchor navigation*/
        u32 needs_restart;

        /*URL of the current parent Inline node, only set during traversal*/
        MFURL *current_url;

        /*list of M_Storage nodes active*/
        GF_List *storages;

        /*list of M_KeyNavigator nodes*/
        GF_List *keynavigators;

        Bool disable_hitcoord_notif;

        u32 addon_position, addon_size_factor;

        GF_List *declared_addons;
        //set when content is replaced by an addon (DASH PVR mode)
        Bool main_addon_selected;
        u32 sys_clock_at_main_activation, obj_clock_at_main_activation;

        //0: no pause - 1: paused and trigger pause command to net, 2: only clocks are paused but commands not sent
        u32 first_frame_pause_type;
        u32 vr_type;

GF_Scene *gf_scene_new(GF_Scene *parentScene);
void gf_scene_del(GF_Scene *scene);
struct _od_manager *gf_scene_find_odm(GF_Scene *scene, u16 OD_ID);
void gf_scene_disconnect(GF_Scene *scene, Bool for_shutdown);
void gf_scene_remove_object(GF_Scene *scene, GF_ObjectManager *odm, u32 for_shutdown);
/*browse all (media) channels and send buffering info to the app*/
void gf_scene_buffering_info(GF_Scene *scene);
void gf_scene_attach_to_compositor(GF_Scene *scene);
struct _mediaobj *gf_scene_get_media_object(GF_Scene *scene, MFURL *url, u32 obj_type_hint, Bool lock_timelines);
struct _mediaobj *gf_scene_get_media_object_ex(GF_Scene *scene, MFURL *url, u32 obj_type_hint, Bool lock_timelines, struct _mediaobj *sync_ref, Bool force_new_if_not_attached, GF_Node *node_ptr);
void gf_scene_setup_object(GF_Scene *scene, GF_ObjectManager *odm);
/*updates scene duration based on sub objects*/
void gf_scene_set_duration(GF_Scene *scene);
/*updates scene timeshift based on sub objects*/
void gf_scene_set_timeshift_depth(GF_Scene *scene);
/*locate media object by ODID (non dynamic ODs) or URL (dynamic ODs)*/
struct _mediaobj *gf_scene_find_object(GF_Scene *scene, u16 ODID, char *url);
/*returns scene time in sec - exact meaning of time depends on standard used*/
Double gf_scene_get_time(void *_is);
/*register extra scene graph for on-screen display*/
void gf_scene_register_extra_graph(GF_Scene *scene, GF_SceneGraph *extra_scene, Bool do_remove);
/*forces scene size info (without changing pixel metrics) - this may be needed by modules using extra graphs (like timedtext)*/
void gf_scene_force_size(GF_Scene *scene, u32 width, u32 height);
/*regenerate a scene graph based on available objects - can only be called for dynamic OD streams*/
void gf_scene_regenerate(GF_Scene *scene);
/*selects given ODM for dynamic scenes*/
void gf_scene_select_object(GF_Scene *scene, GF_ObjectManager *odm);
/*restarts dynamic scene from given time: scene graph is not reseted, objects are just restarted
instead of closed and reopened. If a media control is present on inline, from_time is overriden by MC range*/
void gf_scene_restart_dynamic(GF_Scene *scene, s64 from_time, Bool restart_only, Bool disable_addon_check);

/*exported for compositor: handles filtering of "self" parameter indicating anchor only acts on container inline scene
not root one. Returns 1 if handled (cf user.h, navigate event)*/
Bool gf_scene_process_anchor(GF_Node *caller, GF_Event *evt);
void gf_scene_force_size_to_video(GF_Scene *scene, GF_MediaObject *mo);

//check clock status.
//If @check_buffering is 0, returns 1 if all clocks have seen eos, 0 otherwise
//If @check_buffering is 1, returns 1 if no clock is buffering, 0 otheriwse
Bool gf_scene_check_clocks(GF_ClientService *ns, GF_Scene *scene, Bool check_buffering);

void gf_scene_notify_event(GF_Scene *scene, u32 event_type, GF_Node *n, void *dom_evt, GF_Err code, Bool no_queueing);

void gf_scene_mpeg4_inline_restart(GF_Scene *scene);
void gf_scene_mpeg4_inline_check_restart(GF_Scene *scene);

GF_Node *gf_scene_get_subscene_root(GF_Node *inline_node);

void gf_scene_select_main_addon(GF_Scene *scene, GF_ObjectManager *odm, Bool set_on, u32 current_clock_time);
void gf_scene_reset_addons(GF_Scene *scene);


/*extern proto fetcher*/
typedef struct
        MFURL *url;
        GF_MediaObject *mo;
} GF_ProtoLink;

/*returns true if the given node DEF name is the url target view (eg blabla#myview)*/
Bool gf_inline_is_default_viewpoint(GF_Node *node);

GF_SceneGraph *gf_inline_get_proto_lib(void *_is, MFURL *lib_url);
Bool gf_inline_is_protolib_object(GF_Scene *scene, GF_ObjectManager *odm);

/*restarts inline scene - care has to be taken not to remove the scene while it is traversed*/
void gf_inline_restart(GF_Scene *scene);


/*compares object URL with another URL - ONLY USE THIS WITH DYNAMIC ODs*/
Bool gf_mo_is_same_url(GF_MediaObject *obj, MFURL *an_url, Bool *keep_fragment, u32 obj_hint_type);

void gf_mo_update_caps(GF_MediaObject *mo);

const char *gf_scene_get_fragment_uri(GF_Node *node);
void gf_scene_set_fragment_uri(GF_Node *node, const char *uri);

        /*threading up to decoder*/
        /*single thread for all decoders*/
        /*all media (image, video, audio) decoders are threaded*/

        GF_TERM_RUNNING = 1<<20,
        GF_TERM_DEAD = 1<<21,
        GF_TERM_SINGLE_THREAD = 1<<22,
        GF_TERM_MULTI_THREAD = 1<<23,
        GF_TERM_DROP_LATE_FRAMES = 1<<24,
        GF_TERM_SINGLE_CLOCK = 1<<25

/*URI relocators are used for containers like zip or ISO FF with file items. The relocator
is in charge of translating the URI, potentially extracting the associated resource and sending
back the new (local or not) URI. Only the interface is defined, URI translators are free to derive from them

relocate a URI - if NULL is returned, this relocator is not concerned with the URI
otherwise returns the translated URI

        Bool (*relocate_uri)(void *__self, const char *parent_uri, const char *uri, char *out_relocated_uri, char *out_localized_uri);          \
typedef struct __gf_uri_relocator GF_URIRelocator;

struct __gf_uri_relocator

typedef struct
        GF_Terminal *term;
        char *szAbsRelocatedPath;
} GF_TermLocales;

#define MAX_SHORTCUTS   200

typedef struct
        u8 code;
        u8 mods;
        u8 action;
} GF_Shortcut;

struct _tag_terminal
        u32 flags;

        /*callback to user application*/
        GF_User *user;
        /*scene compositor*/
        struct __tag_compositor *compositor;
        /*file downloader*/
        GF_DownloadManager *downloader;
        /*top level scene*/
        GF_Scene *root_scene;

        /*Media manager*/
        GF_List *codecs;
        /*mutex for decoder access*/
        GF_Mutex *mm_mx;
        /*decoding thread*/
        GF_Thread *mm_thread;
        /*last codec used in mm loop*/
        u32 last_codec;
        /*thread priority*/
        s32 priority;
        u32 cumulated_priority;
        /*frame duration*/
        u32 frame_duration;

        /*net services*/
        GF_List *net_services;
        /*net services to be destroyed*/
        GF_List *net_services_to_remove;
        /*connection tasks pending*/
        GF_List *connection_tasks;
        /*channels waiting for service CONNECT ack to be setup*/
        GF_List *channels_pending;
        /*media objects pending for stop/play*/
        GF_List *media_queue;
        /*media_queue lock*/
        GF_Mutex *media_queue_mx;
        /*network lock*/
        GF_Mutex *net_mx;
        /*all X3D key/mouse/string sensors*/
        GF_List *x3d_sensors;
        /*all input stream decoders*/
        GF_List *input_streams;

        /*options (cf config doc)*/
        Bool enable_cache;
        /*data timeout for network buffering in ms - if no data is received within this timeout
        the initial buffering aborts. */
        u32 net_data_timeout;

        u32 play_state;

        u32 reload_state;
        char *reload_url;

        /*special list used by nodes needing a call to RenderNode but not in the traverese scene graph (VRML/MPEG-4 protos only).
        For these nodes, the traverse effect passed will be NULL. This is only used by InputSensor node at the moment*/
        GF_List *nodes_pending;

        /*root node of the user prefs*/
        GF_SceneGraph *dcci_doc;

        GF_List *extensions;    /*list of all extensions*/
        GF_List *unthreaded_extensions; /*list of extensions to call at each frame*/
        GF_List *event_filters; /*list of extensions filtering events*/
        GF_Mutex *evt_mx;
        u32 in_event_filter;

        /*ID of the thread currently in handle_services routine, 0 if none*/
        u32 thread_id_handling_services;

        /*static URI relocator for locales*/
        GF_TermLocales locales;

        GF_List *uri_relocators;        /*list of GF_URIRelocator*/

        GF_Shortcut shortcuts[MAX_SHORTCUTS];
        Fixed speed_ratio;

        /*bench mode type: 0-none 1: regular 2- systems layers only: all decoders inputs are discarded*/
        u32 bench_mode;

        u32 prefered_audio_codec_oti;

        u32 low_latency_buffer_max;

        u32 nb_calls_in_event_proc;
        u32 disconnect_request_status;
        Bool orientation_sensors_active;
        //set when compositor uses step mode, in order to drop frames even when the clock is paused
        Bool use_step_mode;

GF_Err gf_term_init_scheduler(GF_Terminal *term, u32 threading_mode);
void gf_term_stop_scheduler(GF_Terminal *term);
void gf_term_add_codec(GF_Terminal *term, GF_Codec *codec);
void gf_term_remove_codec(GF_Terminal *term, GF_Codec *codec);
void gf_term_start_codec(GF_Codec *codec, Bool is_resume);
/*stops codec, reason if
 -0: regular stop
 -1: pause
 -2: stop codec because end of stream : doesn't reset composition memory
void gf_term_stop_codec(GF_Codec *codec, u32 reason);
void gf_term_set_threading(GF_Terminal *term, u32 mode);
void gf_term_set_priority(GF_Terminal *term, s32 Priority);

Bool gf_term_forward_event(GF_Terminal *term, GF_Event *evt, Bool consumed, Bool forward_only);

/*error report function*/
void gf_term_message(GF_Terminal *app, const char *service, const char *message, GF_Err error);
/*posts a request to connect a given object*/
void gf_term_post_connect_object(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm, char *serviceURL, char *parent_url);
/*creates service for given channel / URL*/
GF_Err gf_term_connect_remote_channel(GF_Terminal *app, GF_Channel *ch, char *URL);

/*called by media manager to perform service maintenance:
servive shutdown: this is needed because service handler may be asynchronous
object Play: this is needed to properly handle multiplexed sources (all channels must be connected before play)
service restart
void gf_term_handle_services(GF_Terminal *app);
/*close service and queue for delete*/
void gf_term_close_service(GF_Terminal *app, GF_ClientService *service);

/*locks media quaue*/
void gf_term_lock_media_queue(GF_Terminal *app, Bool LockIt);
/*locks net manager*/
void gf_term_lock_net(GF_Terminal *app, Bool LockIt);

/*checks no connection on the ODM are pending - of so, remove them*/
void gf_term_check_connections_for_delete(GF_Terminal *term, GF_ObjectManager *odm);

/*locks scene compositor*/
void gf_term_lock_compositor(GF_Terminal *app, Bool LockIt);
/*get scene compositor time - FIXME this is not flexible enough for SMIL/Multiple time containers*/
u32 gf_term_get_time(GF_Terminal *term);
/*forces scene composition*/
void gf_term_invalidate_compositor(GF_Terminal *term);

/*callbacks for scene graph library so that all related ESM nodes are properly instanciated*/
void gf_term_node_callback(void *_is, u32 type, GF_Node *node, void *param);

/*add/rem node requiring a call to render without being present in traversed graph (VRML/MPEG-4 protos).
For these nodes, the traverse effect passed will be NULL.*/
void gf_term_queue_node_traverse(GF_Terminal *term, GF_Node *node);
void gf_term_unqueue_node_traverse(GF_Terminal *term, GF_Node *node);

Bool gf_term_lock_codec(GF_Codec *codec, Bool lock, Bool try_lock);

typedef struct
        void *udta;
        /*called when an event should be filtered
        Bool (*on_event)(void *udta, GF_Event *evt, Bool consumed_by_compositor);
} GF_TermEventFilter;

GF_Err gf_term_add_event_filter(GF_Terminal *terminal, GF_TermEventFilter *ef);
GF_Err gf_term_remove_event_filter(GF_Terminal *terminal, GF_TermEventFilter *ef);

struct _object_clock
        u16 clockID;
        GF_Terminal *term;
        GF_Mutex *mx;
        /*no_time_ctrl : set if ANY stream running on this clock has no time control capabilities - this avoids applying
        mediaControl and others that would break stream dependencies*/
        Bool use_ocr, clock_init, has_seen_eos, no_time_ctrl;
        u32 init_time, StartTime, PauseTime, Paused;
        /*the number of streams buffering on this clock*/
        u32 Buffering;
        /*associated media control if any*/
        struct _media_control *mc;
        /*for MC only (no FlexTime)*/
        Fixed speed;
        u32 discontinuity_time;
        s32 drift;
        u32 data_timeout;
        Bool probe_ocr;
        Bool broken_pcr;
        u32 last_TS_rendered;
        u32 service_id;

        //media time in ms corresponding to the init tmiestamp of the clock
        u32 media_time_at_init;
        Bool has_media_time_shift;

        u16 ocr_on_esid;

        u64 ts_shift;

/*destroys clock*/
void gf_clock_del(GF_Clock *ck);
/*finds a clock by ID or by ES_ID*/
GF_Clock *gf_clock_find(GF_List *Clocks, u16 clockID, u16 ES_ID);
/*attach clock returns a new clock or the clock this stream (ES_ID) depends on (OCR_ES_ID)
hasOCR indicates whether the stream being attached carries object clock references
@clocks: list of clocks in ES namespace (service)
@is: inline scene to solve clock dependencies
GF_Clock *gf_clock_attach(GF_List *clocks, GF_Scene *scene, u16 OCR_ES_ID, u16 ES_ID, s32 hasOCR);
/*reset clock (only called by channel owning clock)*/
void gf_clock_reset(GF_Clock *ck);
/*stops clock (only called for scene clock)*/
void gf_clock_stop(GF_Clock *ck);
/*return clock time in ms*/
u32 gf_clock_time(GF_Clock *ck);
/*return media time in ms*/
u32 gf_clock_media_time(GF_Clock *ck);

/*return time in ms since clock started - may be different from clock time when seeking or live*/
u32 gf_clock_elapsed_time(GF_Clock *ck);

/*sets clock time - FIXME: drift updates for OCRs*/
void gf_clock_set_time(GF_Clock *ck, u32 TS);
/*return clock time in ms without drift adjustment - used by audio objects only*/
u32 gf_clock_real_time(GF_Clock *ck);
/*pause the clock*/
void gf_clock_pause(GF_Clock *ck);
/*resume the clock*/
void gf_clock_resume(GF_Clock *ck);
/*returns true if clock started*/
Bool gf_clock_is_started(GF_Clock *ck);
/*toggles buffering on (clock is paused at the first stream buffering) */
void gf_clock_buffer_on(GF_Clock *ck);
/*toggles buffering off (clock is paused at the last stream restarting) */
void gf_clock_buffer_off(GF_Clock *ck);
/*set clock speed scaling factor*/
void gf_clock_set_speed(GF_Clock *ck, Fixed speed);
/*set clock drift - used to resync audio*/
void gf_clock_adjust_drift(GF_Clock *ck, s32 ms_drift);

        /*channel is setup and waits for connection request*/
        GF_ESM_ES_SETUP = 0,
        /*waiting for server reply*/
        /*connection OK*/
        /*data exchange on this service/channel*/
        /*deconnection OK - a download channel can automatically disconnect when download is done*/
        /*service/channel is not (no longer) available/found and should be removed*/


/*data channel (elementary stream)*/
struct _es_channel
        /*service this channel belongs to*/
        GF_ClientService *service;
        /*stream descriptor*/
        GF_ESD *esd;
        /*parent OD for this stream*/
        struct _od_manager *odm;
        u32 es_state;
        Bool is_pulling;
        u32 media_padding_bytes;
        /*IO mutex*/
        GF_Mutex *mx;
        u32 AU_Count;
        /*decoding buffers for push mode*/
        struct _decoding_buffer * AU_buffer_first, * AU_buffer_last;
        /*static decoding buffer for pull mode*/
        struct _decoding_buffer * AU_buffer_pull;
        char *pull_reaggregated_buffer;
        /*channel buffer flag*/
        Bool BufferOn;
        /*min level to trigger buffering on, max to trigger it off for playback resume, and max amount of prefetch buffer*/
        u32 MinBuffer, MaxBuffer, MaxBufferOccupancy;
        /*amount of buffered media - this is the DTS of the last received AU minus the onject clock time, to make sure
        we always have MaxBuffer ms ready for composition when resuming the clock*/
        s32 BufferTime;
        /*last received AU time - if exceeding a certain time and buffering is on, buffering is turned off.
        This is needed for streams with very short duration (less than buffer time) and stream with only one AU (BIFS/OD)*/
        u32 last_au_time;
        /*Current reassembling buffer - currently packets are NOT reordered, only AUs are*/
        char *buffer;
        u32 len, allocSize;
        /*only for last packet of an AU*/
        u8 padingBits;
        Bool IsEndOfStream;
        /*      SL reassembler  */
        /*current AU TSs*/
        u32 DTS, CTS;
        /*special case for carousels in the past*/
        u32 CTS_past_offset;
        /*AU and Packet seq num info*/
        u32 au_sn, pck_sn;
        u32 max_au_sn, max_pck_sn;
        /*the AU length indicated in the SL Header. */
        u32 AULength;
        /*state indicator: 0 OK, 1: not tuned in, 2: has error and needs RAP*/
        u32 stream_state;
        /*the AU in reception is RAP*/
        Bool IsRap;
        /*the AU in reception is only need for seeking*/
        Bool SeekFlag;
        /*signal that next AU is an AU start*/
        Bool NextIsAUStart;
        /*if codec resilient, packet drops are not considered as fatal for AU reconstruction (eg no wait for RAP)*/
        u32 codec_resilient;
        /*when starting a channel, the first AU is ALWAYS fetched when buffering - this forces
        BIFS and OD to be decoded and first frame render, in order to detect media objects that would also need
        buffering - note this doesn't affect the clock, it is still paused if buffering*/
        Bool first_au_fetched;

        /* used in Carousel, to skip packets until the end of AU */
        u8 carousel_type;
        Bool skip_carousel_au;

        /*discard clock initialization when dispatching pending AU - this is used when TS discontinuities / MPA_TIME happen*/
        Bool skip_time_check_for_pending;

        /* TimeStamp to Media Time mapping*/
        /*TS (in TSResolution) corresponding to the SeedTime of the decoder. Delivered by net, otherwise 0*/
        u64 seed_ts;
        /*media time offset corresponding to SeedTS. This is needed when the channel doesn't own the clock*/
        u32 ts_offset;
        /*scaling factors to remap to timestamps in milliseconds*/
        u64 ts_res;
        Double ocr_scale;
        /*clock driving this stream - currently only CTS is supported (no OCR)*/
        struct _object_clock *clock;
        /*flag for clock init*/
        Bool IsClockInit;
        /*flag for clock init*/
        Bool clock_inherited;
        /*indicates that no DTS is signaled and that they should be recomputed if needed (video only)*/
        Bool recompute_dts;
        u32 min_ts_inc, min_computed_cts;

        /*duration of last received AU if any, 0 if not known (most of the time)*/
        u32 au_duration;
        /*A channel with this flag set considers each incoming packet as a complete AU and assigns timestamps
        upon reception matching the reception time, then dispatching it into the decoding buffer (only tested
        with audi video). This flag is turned on by setting esd->slconfig->predefined to 'SLPredef_SkipSL' */
        Bool skip_sl;

        /*indicates that decoding can be called directly when receiving a complete AU on this channel
        This is used by systems streams in non-seekable (eg broadcast/multicast, MPEG-2 TS multiplexes) to
        make sure resources are setup as fast as possible. If the AU is too early, it will be kept in the
        decoding buffer*/
        Bool dispatch_after_db;

        /*indicates that decoding is called directly when receiving a packet on this channel
        This is used to bypass SL defragmenting and decoding buffer for EIT internal streams*/
        Bool bypass_sl_and_db;

        GF_IPMPTool *ipmp_tool;
        Bool is_protected;

        /*indicates that AU received will be copied to the composition memory*/
        u32 is_raw_channel;

        u32 resync_drift;
        s32 prev_pcr_diff;
        u64 last_pcr;

        /*TSs as received from network - these are used for cache storage*/
        u64 net_dts, net_cts, sender_ntp;

        Bool last_au_was_seek;
        Bool no_timestamps;

        Bool pull_forced_buffer;

        u64 ts_shift;

/*creates a new channel for this stream*/
GF_Channel *gf_es_new(GF_ESD *esd);
/*destroys channel*/
void gf_es_del(GF_Channel *ch);
/*(un)locks channel*/
void gf_es_lock(GF_Channel *ch, u32 LockIt);
/*setup channel for reception of data*/
GF_Err gf_es_start(GF_Channel *ch);
/*stop channel from receiving data*/
GF_Err gf_es_stop(GF_Channel *ch);
/*handles reception of an SL PDU*/
void gf_es_receive_sl_packet(GF_ClientService *serv, GF_Channel *ch, char *StreamBuf, u32 StreamLength, GF_SLHeader *header, GF_Err reception_status);
/*signals end of stream on the channel*/
void gf_es_on_eos(GF_Channel *ch);
/*fetches first AU available for decoding on this channel*/
struct _decoding_buffer *gf_es_get_au(GF_Channel *ch);
/*drops first AU on this channel*/
void gf_es_drop_au(GF_Channel *ch);
/*performs final setup upon connection confirm*/
void gf_es_on_connect(GF_Channel *ch);
/*reconfigure SL for this channel*/
void gf_es_reconfig_sl(GF_Channel *ch, GF_SLConfig *slc, Bool use_m2ts_sections);
/*hack for streaming: whenever a time map (media time <-> TS time) event is received on the channel reset decoding buffer
this is needed because all server tested resend packets on already running channel*/
void gf_es_reset_buffers(GF_Channel *ch);
/*dummy channels are used by scene decoders which don't use ESM but load directly the scene graph themselves
these channels are ALWAYS pulling ones, and this function will init the channel clock if needed*/
void gf_es_init_dummy(GF_Channel *ch);
/*setup DRM info*/
void gf_es_config_drm(GF_Channel *ch, GF_NetComDRMConfig *isma_cryp);
/*dispatch raw media AU to the composition buffer and BLOCKS until the AU is consumed by the decoder*/
void gf_es_dispatch_raw_media_au(GF_Channel *ch, char *payload, u32 payload_size, u32 cts);
/*returns true if this stream owns its clock, false if it simply refers to it*/
Bool gf_es_owns_clock(GF_Channel *ch);
/*reset all timestamps in decoder buffer to 0*/
void gf_es_reset_timing(GF_Channel *ch, Bool reset_buffer);
/*reset all timestamps in CB to 0*/
void gf_cm_reset_timing(GF_CompositionMemory *cb);
/*reset timing of all objects associated with this clock*/
void gf_clock_discontinuity(GF_Clock *ck, GF_Scene *scene, Bool is_pcr_discontinuity);
//turns on buffering on the stream
void gf_es_buffer_on(GF_Channel *ch);
//turns off buffering on the stream
void gf_es_buffer_off(GF_Channel *ch);
//updates buffer info on the stream
void gf_es_update_buffering(GF_Channel *ch, Bool update_info);

                decoder stuff
        /*stop: the decoder is not playing*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_STOP       =       0,
        /*stop: the decoder is playing*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_PLAY       =       1,
        /*End Of Stream: when the base layer signals it's done, this triggers media-specific
        handling of the CB.
        For video, the output is kept alive, For audio, the output is reseted (don't want audio loop ;)*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_EOS        =       2,
        /*pause: the decoder is stopped but the CB is kept intact
        The decoder will be in PAUSE mode until its CB is full, and it will then move to STOP mode.
        If no CB, this is equivalent to STOP mode*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_PAUSE      =       3,
        /*Buffer: transition state: the decoder runs (fetch data/decode) but the clock
        is not running (no composition). This is used for rebuffering channels (rtp...)*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_BUFFER =   4

        /*the codec uses the interface from another codec (only used by private scene streams to handle
        any intern sprite/animation streams)*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_IS_USE = 1<<1,
        /*set for OD codec when static (ressources are declared in OD stream esd a la ISMA*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_IS_STATIC_OD = 1<<2,
        /*set when codec is identified as RAW, meaning all AU comming from the network are directly
        dispatched to the composition memory*/
        GF_ESM_CODEC_IS_RAW_MEDIA = 1<<3,

        /*set when input channels have very low buffering requirement, in which case the codec has to discard all possible late data*/

struct _generic_codec
        /*codec type (streamType and OTI from base layer)*/
        u32 type, oti;
        u32 flags;
        /*decoder module interface */
        GF_BaseDecoder *decio;

        /*base process routine*/
        GF_Err (*process)(GF_Codec *codec, u32 TimeAvailable);

        GF_List *blacklisted;

        /*composition memory for media streams*/
        struct _composition_memory *CB;
        /*input media channles*/
        GF_List *inChannels;
        /*a pointer to the OD that owns the decoder.*/
        struct _od_manager *odm;
        u32 Status;
        Bool Muted;
        struct _object_clock *ck;
        /*priority of this media object. This is ALWAYS the base layer priority
        PriorityBoost is set when the CB is under critical limit (for now only audio uses the feature)
        and results in a bigger time slice for the codec. Only on/off value for now*/
        u32 Priority, PriorityBoost;
        /*last processed DTS - sanity check for scalability*/
        u32 last_unit_dts;
        /*last processed CTS on base layer - seeking detection*/
        u32 last_unit_cts;
        /*minimum non-0 CTS(k) - CTS(j) used to reconstruct CTS timing when codec handles reordering internally...*/
        u32 min_au_duration;
        /*recomputed CTS for next dispatch*/
        u32 recomputed_cts;
        Bool first_frame_dispatched, first_frame_processed;
        /*SHA signature for the last processed unit. Only for images (Capacity==1)*/
        u8 last_unit_signature[20];
        /*in case the codec performs temporal re-ordering itself*/
        Bool is_reordering;
        /*codec will properly handle CTS adjustments*/
        Bool trusted_cts;
        u32 prev_au_size;
        u32 bytes_per_sec;
        Double fps;
        u32 nb_dispatch_skipped;
        Bool direct_vout, direct_frame_output;

        u32 last_stat_start, cur_bit_size, stat_start;
        u32 avg_bit_rate, max_bit_rate;
        u32 nb_dec_frames, nb_iframes;
        //decode times in us
        u64 total_dec_time, total_iframes_time;
        u32 max_dec_time, max_iframes_time;
        u32 first_frame_time, last_frame_time;
        Bool codec_reset;
        /*number of frames dropped at the presentation*/
        u32 nb_dropped;
        /*we detect if the same image is sent again and again to the decoder (using last_unit_signature)*/
        u32 nb_repeted_frames;
        /*min frame duration based on DTS diff*/
        u32 min_frame_dur;
        /*speed at which the avg_dec_time was computed*/
        Fixed check_speed;
        //when set, only I-frames are decoded, one out of drop_modulo if not 0.
        //If set to 2, all frames are discarded
        u32 decode_only_rap;
        u32 drop_modulo, drop_count;
        u32 consecutive_late_frames, consecutive_ontime_frames;

        /*for CTS reconstruction (channels not using SL): we cannot just update timing at each frame, not precise enough
        since we use ms and not microsec TSs*/
        u32 cur_audio_bytes, cur_video_frames;

        /*signals that CB should be resized to this value once all units in CB has been consumed (codec config change)*/
        u32 force_cb_resize;
        u32 profile_level;
        Bool hybrid_layered_coded;

GF_Codec *gf_codec_new(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_ESD *base_layer, s32 PL, GF_Err *e);
void gf_codec_del(GF_Codec *codec);
GF_Err gf_codec_add_channel(GF_Codec *codec, GF_Channel *ch);
/*returns TRUE if stream was present, false otherwise*/
Bool gf_codec_remove_channel(GF_Codec *codec, GF_Channel *ch);
GF_Err gf_codec_process(GF_Codec *codec, u32 TimeAvailable);
GF_Err gf_codec_get_capability(GF_Codec *codec, GF_CodecCapability *cap);
GF_Err gf_codec_set_capability(GF_Codec *codec, GF_CodecCapability cap);
void gf_codec_set_status(GF_Codec *codec, u32 Status);
/*returns a new codec using an existing loaded decoder - only used by private scene to handle != timelines, for
instance when loading a BT with an animation stream*/
GF_Codec *gf_codec_use_codec(GF_Codec *codec, GF_ObjectManager *odm);

GF_Err gf_codec_resize_composition_buffer(GF_Codec *dec, u32 NewSize);
GF_Err gf_codec_change_decoder(GF_Codec *codec);

/*OD manager*/

        /*flag set if object cannot be time-controloed*/
        GF_ODM_NO_TIME_CTRL = (1<<1),
        /*flag set if subscene uses parent scene timeline*/
        GF_ODM_INHERIT_TIMELINE = (1<<2),
        /*flag set if object has been redirected*/
        GF_ODM_REMOTE_OD = (1<<3),
        /*flag set if object has profile indications*/
        GF_ODM_HAS_PROFILES = (1<<4),
        /*flag set if object governs profile of inline subscenes*/
        GF_ODM_INLINE_PROFILES = (1<<5),
        /*flag set if object declared by network service, not from OD stream*/
        GF_ODM_NOT_IN_OD_STREAM = (1<<6),
        /*flag set if object is an entry point of the network service*/
        GF_ODM_SERVICE_ENTRY = (1<<7),

        /*flag set if object has been started before any start request from the scene*/
        GF_ODM_PREFETCH = (1<<8),

        /*flag set if object has been deleted*/
        GF_ODM_DESTROYED = (1<<9),
        /*dynamic flags*/

        /*flag set if associated subscene must be regenerated*/
        GF_ODM_REGENERATE_SCENE = (1<<10),

        /*flag set for first play request*/

        /*flag set until ODM is setup*/
        GF_ODM_NOT_SETUP = (1<<12),

        /*flag set when ODM is setup*/
        GF_ODM_PAUSED = (1<<13),

        /*flag set when ODM is setup*/
        GF_ODM_PAUSE_QUEUED = (1<<14),



struct _od_manager
        /*pointer to terminal*/
        struct _tag_terminal *term;
        /*the service used by this ODM. If the service private data is this ODM, then the service was created for this ODM*/
        GF_ClientService *net_service;
        /*parent scene or NULL for root scene*/
        GF_Scene *parentscene;
        /*channels associated with this object (media channels, OCR, IPMP, OCI, etc)*/
        GF_List *channels;
        /*sub scene for inline or NULL */
        GF_Scene *subscene;
        /*object codec (media or BIFS for AnimationStream) attached if any*/
        struct _generic_codec *codec;
        /*OCI codec attached if any*/
        struct _generic_codec *oci_codec;
        /*OCR codec attached if any*/
        struct _generic_codec *ocr_codec;

        /*MPEG-4 object descriptor*/
        GF_ObjectDescriptor *OD;

        /*exclusive access is required since rendering and media management don't always take place in the same thread*/
        GF_Mutex *mx;

        u32 flags;

        u8 Audio_PL, Graphics_PL, OD_PL, Scene_PL, Visual_PL;

        /*interface with scene rendering*/
        struct _mediaobj *mo;

        /*number of channels with connection not yet acknowledge*/
        u32 pending_channels;
        u32 state;
        /* during playback: timing as evaluated by the composition memory or the scene codec - this is the timestamp + media time at clock init*/
        u32 media_current_time;
        /*full object duration 0 if unknown*/
        u64 duration;
        upon start: media start time as requested by scene compositor (eg not media control)
        set to -1 upon stop to postpone stop request
        u64 media_start_time;
        s64 media_stop_time;

        /*full object timeshift depth in ms, 0 if no timeshift, (u32) -1  is infinity */
        u32 timeshift_depth;

        u32 action_type;

        Fixed set_speed;

//      u32 raw_media_frame_pending;
        GF_Semaphore *raw_frame_sema;

        /*the one and only media control currently attached to this object*/
        struct _media_control *media_ctrl;
        /*the list of media control controling the object*/
        GF_List *mc_stack;
        /*the media sensor(s) attached to this object*/
        GF_List *ms_stack;

        //only set on root OD of addon subscene, which gather all the hybrid resources
        GF_AddonMedia *addon;
        //set to true if this is a scalable addon for an existing object
        Bool scalable_addon;

        //for a regular ODM, this indicates that the current scalable_odm associated
        struct _od_manager *upper_layer_odm;
        //for a scalable ODM, this indicates the lower layer odm associated
        struct _od_manager *lower_layer_odm;

GF_ObjectManager *gf_odm_new();
void gf_odm_del(GF_ObjectManager *ODMan);
void gf_odm_lock(GF_ObjectManager *odm, u32 LockIt);

/*setup service entry point*/
void gf_odm_setup_entry_point(GF_ObjectManager *odm, const char *sub_url);
/*setup OD*/
void gf_odm_setup_object(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_ClientService *parent_serv);
/*disctonnect OD and removes it if desired (otherwise only STOP is propagated)*/
void gf_odm_disconnect(GF_ObjectManager *odman, u32 do_remove);
/*setup an ESD*/
GF_Err gf_odm_setup_es(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_ESD *esd, GF_ClientService *service, GF_MediaObject *sync_ref);
/*removes an ESD (this destroys associated channel if any)*/
void gf_odm_remove_es(GF_ObjectManager *odm, u16 ES_ID);
/*set stream duration - updates object duration accordingly*/
void gf_odm_set_duration(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_Channel *, u64 stream_duration);

/*set time shift buffer duration */
void gf_odm_set_timeshift_depth(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_Channel *, u32 time_shift_ms);

/*signals end of stream on channels*/
void gf_odm_on_eos(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_Channel *);
/*start Object streams and queue object for network PLAY
media_queue_state: 0: object was not in media queue and must be queued
                   1: object is already in media queue
                   2: object shall not be queued bu started directly
void gf_odm_start(GF_ObjectManager *odm, u32 media_queue_state);
/*stop OD streams*/
void gf_odm_stop(GF_ObjectManager *odm, Bool force_close);
/*send PLAY request to network - needed to properly handle multiplexed inputs
ONLY called by service handler (media manager thread)*/
void gf_odm_play(GF_ObjectManager *odm);

/*pause object (mediaControl use only)*/
void gf_odm_pause(GF_ObjectManager *odm);
/*resume object (mediaControl use only)*/
void gf_odm_resume(GF_ObjectManager *odm);
/*set object speed*/
void gf_odm_set_speed(GF_ObjectManager *odm, Fixed speed, Bool adjust_clock_speed);
/*returns the clock of the media stream (video, audio or bifs), NULL otherwise */
struct _object_clock *gf_odm_get_media_clock(GF_ObjectManager *odm);
/*adds segment descriptors targeted by the URL to the list and sort them - the input list must be empty*/
void gf_odm_init_segments(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_List *list, MFURL *url);
/*returns true if this OD depends on the given clock*/
Bool gf_odm_shares_clock(GF_ObjectManager *odm, struct _object_clock *ock);

GF_Segment *gf_odm_find_segment(GF_ObjectManager *odm, char *descName);
/*locks ODM with destruction check - returns 0 if object manager is not attached to object*/
Bool gf_odm_lock_mo(struct _mediaobj *mo);

void gf_odm_signal_eos(GF_ObjectManager *odm);

void gf_odm_reset_media_control(GF_ObjectManager *odm, Bool signal_reset);

/*GF_MediaObject: link between real object manager and scene. although there is a one-to-one mapping between a
MediaObject and an ObjectManager, we have to keep them separated in order to handle OD remove commands which destroy
ObjectManagers. */
struct _mediaobj
        /*type is as defined in constants.h # GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_* */
        u32 type;
        /*one of the above flags*/
        u32 flags;

        /* private to ESM*/

        /*media object manager - private to the sync engine*/
        struct _od_manager *odm;
        /*OD ID of the object*/
        u32 OD_ID;
        /*OD URL for object not using MPEG4 OD urls*/
        MFURL URLs;
        /*session join*/
        u32 num_open;
        /*shared object restart handling*/
        u32 num_to_restart, num_restart;
        Fixed speed;

        /*shared object info: if 0 a new frame will be checked, otherwise current is returned*/
        u32 nb_fetch;
        /*frame presentation time*/
        u32 timestamp;
        /*time in ms until next frame shall be presented*/
        s32 ms_until_next;
        s32 ms_until_pres;
        /*data frame size*/
        u32 framesize;
        /*pointer to data frame */
        char *frame;
        /* Objects implementing the DOM Event Target interface
           used to dispatch HTML5 Media and Media Source Events */
        GF_List *evt_targets;
        /*pointer to the node responsible for the creation of this media object
        ONLY used for scene media type (animationStreams)
        Reset upon creation of the decoder.
        void *node_ptr;

        /*currently valid properties of the object*/
        u32 width, height, stride, pixel_ar, pixelformat;
        Bool is_flipped;
        u32 sample_rate, num_channels, bits_per_sample, channel_config;
        u32 srd_x, srd_y, srd_w, srd_h, srd_full_w, srd_full_h;
        u32 quality_degradation_hint;
        u32 nb_views;
        u32 nb_layers;
        u32 view_min_x, view_max_x, view_min_y, view_max_y;
        GF_MediaDecoderFrame *media_frame;

GF_MediaObject *gf_mo_new();

/*used for delayed channel setup*/
typedef struct
        struct _generic_codec *dec;
        struct _es_channel *ch;
} GF_ChannelSetup;

/*post-poned channel connect*/
GF_Err gf_odm_post_es_setup(struct _es_channel *ch, struct _generic_codec *dec, GF_Err err);

        special entry point: specify directly a service interface for service input
void gf_term_attach_service(GF_Terminal *term, GF_InputService *service_hdl);

/*media access events */
void gf_term_service_media_event(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_EventType event_type);
void gf_term_service_media_event_with_download(GF_ObjectManager *odm, GF_EventType event_type, u64 loaded_size, u64 total_size, u32 bytes_per_sec);

/*checks the URL and returns the ODID (MPEG-4 od://) or GF_MEDIA_EXTERNAL_ID for all regular URLs*/
u32 gf_mo_get_od_id(MFURL *url);

void gf_scene_generate_views(GF_Scene *scene, char *url, char *parent_url);
//sets pos and size of addon
//      size is 1/2 height (0), 1/3 (1) or 1/4 (2)
//      pos is bottom-left(0), top-left (1) bottom-right (2) or top-right (3)
void gf_scene_set_addon_layout_info(GF_Scene *scene, u32 position, u32 size_factor);

void gf_scene_register_associated_media(GF_Scene *scene, GF_AssociatedContentLocation *addon_info);
void gf_scene_notify_associated_media_timeline(GF_Scene *scene, GF_AssociatedContentTiming *addon_time);
//returns media time in sec for the addon - timestamp_based is set to 1 if no timeline has been found (eg sync is based on direct timestamp comp)
Double gf_scene_adjust_time_for_addon(GF_AddonMedia *addon, Double clock_time, u32 *timestamp_based);
s64 gf_scene_adjust_timestamp_for_addon(GF_AddonMedia *addon, u64 orig_ts);
void gf_scene_select_scalable_addon(GF_Scene *scene, GF_ObjectManager *odm);
/*check if the associated addon has to be restarted, based on the timestamp of the main media (used for scalable addons only). Returns 1 if the addon has been restarted*/
Bool gf_scene_check_addon_restart(GF_AddonMedia *addon, u64 cts, u64 dts);

//exported for gpac.js, resumes to main content
void gf_scene_resume_live(GF_Scene *subscene);

        //addon to overlay
        //main content duplicated for PVR purposes
        //scalable decoding - reassembly before the decoder(s)
        //multiview reconstruction - reassembly after the decoder(s)

struct _gf_addon_media
        char *url;
        GF_ObjectManager *root_od;
        s32 timeline_id;
        u32 is_splicing;
        //in scene time
        Double activation_time;

        Bool enabled;
        //object(s) have been started (PLAY command sent) - used to filter out AUs in scalabmle addons
        Bool started;
        Bool timeline_ready;

        u32 media_timescale;
        u64 media_timestamp;
        u64 media_pts;

        //in case we detect a loop, we store the value of the mediatime in the loop until we actually loop the content
        u32 past_media_timescale;
        u64 past_media_timestamp;
        u64 past_media_pts, past_media_pts_scaled;
        Bool loop_detected;

        u32 addon_type;

void gf_scene_toggle_addons(GF_Scene *scene, Bool show_addons);

GF_Err gf_codec_process_private_media(GF_Codec *codec, u32 TimeAvailable);

Bool gf_codec_is_scene_or_image(GF_Codec *codec);

void gf_scene_set_service_id(GF_Scene *scene, u32 service_id);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /*_GF_TERMINAL_DEV_H_*/

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