
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. PrintUsage
  2. skip_sep
  3. GetNextToken
  4. BlankField
  5. BlankNode
  6. IsNDT
  7. CheckInTable
  8. BeginFile
  9. EndFile
  10. TranslateToken
  11. WriteNodesFile
  12. WriteNodeFields
  13. WriteNodeCode
  14. IsNodeInTable
  15. GetNDTCount
  16. WriteNDT
  17. ParseTemplateFile
  18. WriteNodeDump
  19. parse_profile
  20. main

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / X3D Scene Graph Generator sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <gpac/list.h>
#include <time.h>

#define COPYRIGHT "/*\n *                       GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK\n *\n *                       Authors: Jean Le Feuvre\n *                     Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012\n *                                   All rights reserved\n *\n *  This file is part of GPAC / X3D Scene Graph sub-project\n *\n *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by\n *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n *  any later version.\n *\n *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.   \n *\n *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to\n *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n *\n */\n"

static char *CurrentLine;

void PrintUsage()
        printf("X3DGen [skip_file]\n"
               "\nGPAC X3D Scene Graph generator\n"
               "\nskip_file: txt file with list of nodes to leave unimplemented"
               "Generated Files are directly updated in the GPAC distribution - do NOT try to change this\n\n"
               "Written by Jean Le Feuvre - (c) 2000-2005\n"

//a node field
typedef struct
        char type[50];
        //SFxxx, MFxxx
        char familly[50];
        char name[1000];
        //default value
        char def[100];
        u32 hasBounds;
        char b_min[20];
        char b_max[20];
} X3DField;


//a BIFS node
typedef struct
        char name[1000];
        //NDT info. NDT are created in alphabetical order
        GF_List *NDT;
        GF_List *Fields;
        u8 hasDefault;
        char Child_NDT_Name[1000];
        u8 skip_impl;

} X3DNode;

void skip_sep(char *sep)
        //skip separaors
        while (*CurrentLine && strchr(sep, *CurrentLine)) {
                CurrentLine = CurrentLine + 1;
                //end of line - no token
                if (*CurrentLine == '\n') return;

//note that we increment the line no matter what
u32 GetNextToken(char *token, char *sep)
        u32 i , j = 0;

        strcpy(token, "");

        //skip separaors
        while (*CurrentLine && strchr(sep, *CurrentLine)) {
                CurrentLine = CurrentLine + 1;
                j ++;
                //end of line - no token
                if (*CurrentLine == '\n') return 0;

        //copy token untill next blank
        while (1) {
                //bad line
                if (! *CurrentLine) {
                        token[i] = 0;
                        return 0;
                //end of token or end of line
                if (strchr(sep, *CurrentLine) || (*CurrentLine == '\n') ) {
                        token[i] = 0;
                        CurrentLine = CurrentLine + 1;
                        return i;
                } else {
                        token[i] = *CurrentLine;
                CurrentLine = CurrentLine + 1;
        return 1;

X3DField *BlankField()
        X3DField *n = gf_malloc(sizeof(X3DField));
        memset(n, 0, sizeof(X3DField));
        return n;

X3DNode *BlankNode()
        X3DNode *n = gf_malloc(sizeof(X3DNode));
        memset(n, 0, sizeof(X3DNode));
        n->NDT = gf_list_new();
        n->Fields = gf_list_new();
        return n;

u8 IsNDT(GF_List *NDTs, char *famName)
        u32 i;
        char *ndtName;
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(NDTs); i++) {
                ndtName = gf_list_get(NDTs, i);
                //remove SF / MF as we don't need that
                if (!strcmp(ndtName+2, famName+2)) return 1;
        return 0;

void CheckInTable(char *token, GF_List *NDTs)
        u32 i;
        char *p;
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(NDTs); i++) {
                p = gf_list_get(NDTs, i);
                if (!strcmp(p, token)) return;
        p = gf_malloc(strlen(token)+1);
        strcpy(p, token);
        gf_list_add(NDTs, p);

/*type: 0: header, 1: source*/
FILE *BeginFile(u32 type)
        FILE *f;

        char sPath[GF_MAX_PATH];

        if (!type) {
                sprintf(sPath, "..%c..%c..%cinclude%cgpac%cnodes_x3d.h", GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR);
        } else {
                sprintf(sPath, "..%c..%c..%csrc%cscenegraph%cx3d_nodes.c", GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR);

        f = gf_fopen(sPath, "wt");
        fprintf(f, "%s\n", COPYRIGHT);

                time_t rawtime;
                fprintf(f, "\n/*\n\tDO NOT MOFIFY - File generated on GMT %s\n\tBY X3DGen for GPAC Version %s\n*/\n\n", asctime(gmtime(&rawtime)), GPAC_VERSION);

        if (!type) {
                fprintf(f, "#ifndef _GF_X3D_NODES_H\n");
                fprintf(f, "#define _GF_X3D_NODES_H\n\n");
                fprintf(f, "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n");
        return f;

void EndFile(FILE *f, u32 type)
        if (!type) {
                fprintf(f, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n\n");
                fprintf(f, "\n\n#endif\t\t/*_GF_X3D_NODES_H*/\n\n");

void TranslateToken(char *token)
        if (!strcmp(token, "+I") || !strcmp(token, "I")) {
                strcpy(token, "GF_MAX_FLOAT");
        else if (!strcmp(token, "-I")) {
                strcpy(token, "GF_MIN_FLOAT");

void WriteNodesFile(GF_List *BNodes, GF_List *NDTs)
        FILE *f;
        u32 i, j;
        X3DNode *n;
        X3DField *bf;
        f = BeginFile(0);

        fprintf(f, "#include <gpac/scenegraph_vrml.h>\n\n");
        fprintf(f, "#ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_X3D\n\n");

        //write all tags
        fprintf(f, "\n\nenum {\n");

        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (i)
                        fprintf(f, ",\n\tTAG_X3D_%s", n->name);
                        fprintf(f, "\tTAG_X3D_%s = GF_NODE_RANGE_FIRST_X3D", n->name);
        fprintf(f, ",\n\tTAG_LastImplementedX3D\n};\n\n");

        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (n->skip_impl) continue;
                fprintf(f, "typedef struct _tagX3D%s\n{\n", n->name);
                fprintf(f, "\tBASE_NODE\n");

                /*write children field*/
                for (j=0; j<gf_list_count(n->Fields); j++) {
                        bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, j);
                        if (!stricmp(bf->name, "addChildren") || !strcmp(bf->name, "removeChildren")) continue;
                        if (strcmp(bf->type, "eventOut") && !strcmp(bf->name, "children")) {
                                fprintf(f, "\tVRML_CHILDREN\n");
                for (j=0; j<gf_list_count(n->Fields); j++) {
                        bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, j);

                        if (!strcmp(bf->name, "addChildren") || !strcmp(bf->name, "removeChildren")) continue;
                        if (strcmp(bf->type, "eventOut") && !strcmp(bf->name, "children")) continue;

                        if (strstr(bf->familly, "Node")) {
                                //this is a POINTER to a node
                                if (strstr(bf->familly, "SF")) {
                                        fprintf(f, "\tGF_Node *%s;\t/*%s*/\n", bf->name, bf->type);
                                } else {
                                        //this is a POINTER to a chain
                                        fprintf(f, "\tGF_ChildNodeItem *%s;\t/*%s*/\n", bf->name, bf->type);
                        } else {
                                fprintf(f, "\t%s %s;\t/*%s*/\n", bf->familly, bf->name, bf->type);
                        if (!strcmp(bf->type, "eventIn"))
                                fprintf(f, "\tvoid (*on_%s)(GF_Node *pThis, struct _route *route);\t/*eventInHandler*/\n", bf->name);
                fprintf(f, "} X_%s;\n\n\n", n->name);

        fprintf(f, "#endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_X3D*/\n\n");
        EndFile(f, 0);


void WriteNodeFields(FILE *f, X3DNode *n)
        u32 i;
        X3DField *bf;

        fprintf(f, "\nstatic u32 %s_get_field_count(GF_Node *node, u8 dummy)\n{\n\treturn %d;\n}\n\n", n->name, gf_list_count(n->Fields));
        fprintf(f, "static GF_Err %s_get_field(GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *info)\n{\n\tswitch (info->fieldIndex) {\n", n->name);
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);

                fprintf(f, "\tcase %d:\n", i);

                fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->name = \"%s\";\n", bf->name);

                //skip all eventIn
                if (!strcmp(bf->type, "eventIn")) {
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->eventType = GF_SG_EVENT_IN;\n");
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->on_event_in = ((X_%s *)node)->on_%s;\n", n->name, bf->name);
                else if (!strcmp(bf->type, "eventOut")) {
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->eventType = GF_SG_EVENT_OUT;\n");
                else if (!strcmp(bf->type, "field")) {
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->eventType = GF_SG_EVENT_FIELD;\n");
                else {
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->eventType = GF_SG_EVENT_EXPOSED_FIELD;\n");

                if (strstr(bf->familly, "Node")) {
                        if (strstr(bf->familly, "MF")) {
                                fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->fieldType = GF_SG_VRML_MFNODE;\n");
                        } else {
                                fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->fieldType = GF_SG_VRML_SFNODE;\n");
                        //always remove the SF or MF, as all NDTs are SFXXX
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->NDTtype = NDT_SF%s;\n", bf->familly+2);
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->far_ptr = & ((X_%s *)node)->%s;\n", n->name, bf->name);
                } else {
                        char szName[20];
                        strcpy(szName, bf->familly);
                        //no ext type
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->fieldType = GF_SG_VRML_%s;\n", szName);
                        fprintf(f, "\t\tinfo->far_ptr = & ((X_%s *) node)->%s;\n", n->name, bf->name);
                fprintf(f, "\t\treturn GF_OK;\n");
        fprintf(f, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn GF_BAD_PARAM;\n\t}\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(f, "\nstatic s32 %s_get_field_index_by_name(char *name)\n{\n", n->name);
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);
                fprintf(f, "\tif (!strcmp(\"%s\", name)) return %d;\n", bf->name, i);
        fprintf(f, "\treturn -1;\n\t}\n");

void WriteNodeCode(GF_List *BNodes, FILE *vrml_code)
        char token[20], tok[20];
        char *store;
        u32 i, j, k, go;
        X3DField *bf;
        X3DNode *n;

        fprintf(vrml_code, "\n#include <gpac/nodes_x3d.h>\n");
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\n#include <gpac/internal/scenegraph_dev.h>\n");
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\n/*for NDT tag definitions*/\n#include <gpac/nodes_mpeg4.h>\n");
        fprintf(vrml_code, "#ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_X3D\n\n");

        for (k=0; k<gf_list_count(BNodes); k++) {
                Bool is_parent = 0;
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, k);
                if (n->skip_impl) continue;
                fprintf(vrml_code, "\n/*\n\t%s Node deletion\n*/\n\n", n->name);
                fprintf(vrml_code, "static void %s_Del(GF_Node *node)\n{\n\tX_%s *p = (X_%s *) node;\n", n->name, n->name, n->name);

                for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                        bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);
                        //nothing on child events
                        if (!strcmp(bf->name, "addChildren")) continue;
                        if (!strcmp(bf->name, "removeChildren")) continue;

                        //delete all children node
                        if (strcmp(bf->type, "eventOut") && !strcmp(bf->name, "children")) {
                                is_parent = 1;

                        //delete ALL fields that must be deleted: this includes eventIn and out since
                        //all fields are defined in the node
                        if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFInt")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFFloat")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFDouble")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFBool")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFInt32")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFColor")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFRotation")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFString")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFTime")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec2f")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec3f")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec4f")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec2d")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec3d")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFURL")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFScript")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "SFString")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "SFURL")
                                || !strcmp(bf->familly, "SFImage")
                                        || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFColorRGBA")

                           ) {
                                char szName[500];
                                strcpy(szName, bf->familly);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_sg_%s_del(p->%s);\n", szName, bf->name);
                        } else if (strstr(bf->familly, "Node")) {
                                //this is a POINTER to a node
                                if (strstr(bf->familly, "SF")) {
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_node_unregister((GF_Node *) p->%s, node);\t\n", bf->name);
                                } else {
                                        //this is a POINTER to a chain
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_node_unregister_children(node, p->%s);\t\n", bf->name);
                if (is_parent)
                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_sg_vrml_parent_destroy(node);\t\n");
                /*avoids gcc warnings in case no field to delete*/
                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_node_free((GF_Node *)p);\n}\n\n");

                //node fields
                WriteNodeFields(vrml_code, n);

                //              Constructor

                fprintf(vrml_code, "\n\nstatic GF_Node *%s_Create()\n{\n\tX_%s *p;\n\tGF_SAFEALLOC(p, X_%s);\n", n->name, n->name, n->name);
                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tif(!p) return NULL;\n");
                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_node_setup((GF_Node *)p, TAG_X3D_%s);\n", n->name);

                for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                        bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);
                        //setup all children node
                        if (strcmp(bf->type, "eventOut") && !strcmp(bf->name, "children")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tgf_sg_vrml_parent_setup((GF_Node *) p);\n");
                        else if ( strstr(bf->familly, "Node") && strncmp(bf->type, "event", 5) ) {
                                //this is a POINTER to a node
                                if (strstr(bf->familly, "MF")) {
                                        //this is a POINTER to a chain
                                        //fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s = gf_list_new();\t\n", bf->name);
                        /*special case for SFCommandBuffer: we also create a command list*/
                        if (!stricmp(bf->familly, "SFCommandBuffer")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.commandList = gf_list_new();\t\n", bf->name);

                fprintf(vrml_code, "\n\t/*default field values*/\n");

                for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                        bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);

                        //nothing on eventIn or Out
                        if (!strcmp(bf->type, "eventIn")) continue;
                        if (!strcmp(bf->type, "eventOut")) continue;

                        if (!strcmp(bf->def, "")) continue;

                        //no default on nodes
                        if (strstr(bf->familly, "Node")) continue;
                        //extract default falue

                        //              SF Fields

                        if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFBool")) {
                                if (!strcmp(bf->def, "1") || !strcmp(bf->def, "TRUE"))
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s = 1;\n", bf->name);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFFloat")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, bf->def);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFDouble")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, bf->def);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFTime")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s = %s;\n", bf->name, bf->def);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFInt32")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s = %s;\n", bf->name, bf->def);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFColor")) {
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");

                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp-> = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp-> = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp-> = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFVec2f")) {
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.x = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.y = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFVec2d")) {
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.x = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.y = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFVec3f")) {
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.x = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.y = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.z = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFVec3d")) {
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.x = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.y = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, token);
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.z = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, token);
                        //SFVec4f & SFRotation
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFVec4f") || !strcmp(bf->familly, "SFRotation")) {
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.x = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);

                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.y = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);

                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.z = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);

                                GetNextToken(token, " ");
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.q = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFString")) {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.buffer = (char*) gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * %d);\n", bf->name, strlen(bf->def)+1);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tstrcpy(p->%s.buffer, \"%s\");\n", bf->name, bf->def);

                        //              MF Fields
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFFloat")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, " ,")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFFloat *)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFFloat)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, " ,")) go = 0;
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d] = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFDouble")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, " ,")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFFloat*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFFloat)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, " ,")) go = 0;
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d] = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, j, token);
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec2f")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFVec2f*) gf_malloc(sizeof(SFVec2f)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].x = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].y = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec2d")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFVec2f*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFVec2f)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].x = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].y = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec3f")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFVec3f*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFVec3f)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].x = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].y = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].z = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec3d")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFVec2f*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFVec3f)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].x = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].y = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].z = (SFDouble) %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        //MFVec4f & MFRotation
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFVec4f") || !strcmp(bf->familly, "MFRotation")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (GF_Vec4*)gf_malloc(sizeof(GF_Vec4)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].x = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].y = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].z = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].q = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFInt32")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFInt32*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFInt32)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d] = %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFColor")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFColor*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFColor)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].red = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].green = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " ");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d].blue = FLT2FIX(%s);\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFString")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (char**)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFString)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " \"");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d] = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * %d);\n", bf->name, j, strlen(tok)+1);
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tstrcpy(p->%s.vals[%d], \"%s\");\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "MFTime")) {
                                j = 0;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (GetNextToken(token, ",")) j++;
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals = (SFTime*)gf_malloc(sizeof(SFTime)*%d);\n", bf->name, j);
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.count = %d;\n", bf->name, j);
                                j = 0;
                                go = 1;
                                CurrentLine = bf->def;
                                while (go) {
                                        if (!GetNextToken(token, ",")) go = 0;
                                        store = CurrentLine;
                                        CurrentLine = token;
                                        GetNextToken(tok, " \"");
                                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tp->%s.vals[%d] = %s;\n", bf->name, j, tok);
                                        CurrentLine = store;

                        //other nodes
                        else if (!strcmp(bf->familly, "SFImage")) {
                                //we currently only have SFImage, with NO texture so do nothing
                        //unknown init (for debug)
                        else {
                                fprintf(vrml_code, "UNKNOWN FIELD (%s);\n", bf->familly);

                fprintf(vrml_code, "\treturn (GF_Node *)p;\n}\n\n");


        fprintf(vrml_code, "\n\n\n");

        //creator function
        fprintf(vrml_code, "GF_Node *gf_sg_x3d_node_new(u32 NodeTag)\n{\n\tswitch (NodeTag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) fprintf(vrml_code, "\tcase TAG_X3D_%s:\n\t\treturn %s_Create();\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(vrml_code, "const char *gf_sg_x3d_node_get_class_name(u32 NodeTag)\n{\n\tswitch (NodeTag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) fprintf(vrml_code, "\tcase TAG_X3D_%s:\n\t\treturn \"%s\";\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn \"Unknown Node\";\n\t}\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(vrml_code, "void gf_sg_x3d_node_del(GF_Node *node)\n{\n\tswitch (node->sgprivate->tag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) fprintf(vrml_code, "\tcase TAG_X3D_%s:\n\t\t%s_Del(node); return;\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(vrml_code, "u32 gf_sg_x3d_node_get_field_count(GF_Node *node)\n{\n\tswitch (node->sgprivate->tag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) fprintf(vrml_code, "\tcase TAG_X3D_%s:return %s_get_field_count(node, 0);\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(vrml_code, "GF_Err gf_sg_x3d_node_get_field(GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field)\n{\n\tswitch (node->sgprivate->tag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) fprintf(vrml_code, "\tcase TAG_X3D_%s: return %s_get_field(node, field);\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn GF_BAD_PARAM;\n\t}\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(vrml_code, "\nu32 gf_node_x3d_type_by_class_name(const char *node_name)\n{\n\tif(!node_name) return 0;\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) fprintf(vrml_code, "\tif (!strcmp(node_name, \"%s\")) return TAG_X3D_%s;\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\treturn 0;\n}\n\n");

        fprintf(vrml_code, "s32 gf_sg_x3d_node_get_field_index_by_name(GF_Node *node, char *name)\n{\n\tswitch (node->sgprivate->tag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(BNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, i);
                if (!n->skip_impl) {
                        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tcase TAG_X3D_%s: return %s_get_field_index_by_name(name);\n", n->name, n->name);
        fprintf(vrml_code, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n}\n\n");


static u32 IsNodeInTable(X3DNode *node, char *NDTName)
        u32 i;
        char *ndt;

        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(node->NDT); i++) {
                ndt = gf_list_get(node->NDT, i);
                if (!strcmp(ndt, NDTName)) return 1;
        return 0;

static u32 GetNDTCount(char *NDTName, GF_List *XNodes)
        u32 i, nodeCount;
        X3DNode *n;
        nodeCount = 0;
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(XNodes); i++) {
                n = gf_list_get(XNodes, i);
                if (!IsNodeInTable(n, NDTName)) continue;
        return nodeCount;

/*write NDTs*/
void WriteNDT(FILE *f, GF_List *XNodes, GF_List *NDTs)
        u32 i, j, count;
        Bool first;
        X3DNode *n;
        char *NDTName;
        fprintf(f, "\n\n/* NDT X3D */\n\n");

        //for all NDTs
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(NDTs); i++) {
                NDTName = gf_list_get(NDTs, i);
                count = GetNDTCount(NDTName, XNodes);
                if (!count) continue;

                fprintf(f, "#define %s_X3D_Count\t%d\n", NDTName, count);
                fprintf(f, "static const u32 %s_X3D_TypeToTag[%d] = {\n", NDTName, count);
                first = 1;
                //browse each node.
                for (j=0; j<gf_list_count(XNodes); j++) {
                        n = gf_list_get(XNodes, j);
                        if (!IsNodeInTable(n, NDTName)) continue;

                        if (first) {
                                fprintf(f, " TAG_X3D_%s", n->name);
                                first = 0;
                        } else {
                                fprintf(f, ", TAG_X3D_%s", n->name);
                fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n");

        //NodeTag complete translation
        fprintf(f, "\n\n\nBool gf_x3d_get_node_type(u32 NDT_Tag, u32 NodeTag)\n{\n\tconst u32 *types;\n\tu32 count, i;\n\tif (!NodeTag) return 0;\n\ttypes = NULL; count = 0;\n");

        fprintf(f, "\tswitch (NDT_Tag) {\n");
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(NDTs); i++) {
                NDTName = gf_list_get(NDTs, i);
                count = GetNDTCount(NDTName, XNodes);
                if (!count) continue;
                fprintf(f, "\tcase NDT_%s:\n\t\ttypes = %s_X3D_TypeToTag; count = %s_X3D_Count; break;\n", NDTName, NDTName, NDTName);
        fprintf(f, "\tdefault:\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n");

        fprintf(f, "\tfor(i=0; i<count; i++) { if (types[i]==NodeTag) return 1;}\n");
        fprintf(f, "\treturn 0;\n}\n");

void ParseTemplateFile(FILE *nodes, GF_List *BNodes, GF_List *NDTs)
        char sLine[2000];
        char token[100];
        char *p;
        X3DNode *n;
        X3DField *f;
        u32 j, i, k;

        //get lines one by one
        n = NULL;
        while (!feof(nodes)) {
                fgets(sLine, 2000, nodes);
                //skip comment and empty lines
                if (sLine[0] == '#') continue;
                if (sLine[0] == '\n') continue;

                CurrentLine = sLine;

                //parse the line till end of line
                while (GetNextToken(token, " \t")) {

                        //this is a new node
                        if (!strcmp(token, "PROTO") ) {
                                n = BlankNode();
                                gf_list_add(BNodes, n);

                                //get its name
                                GetNextToken(n->name, " \t[");

                                //extract the NDTs
                                GetNextToken(token, "\t[ %#=");
                                if (strcmp(token, "NDT")) {
                                        printf("Corrupted template file\n");
                                while (1) {
                                        GetNextToken(token, "=, \t");
                                        //done with NDTs
                                        if (!token[0]) break;

                                        //update the NDT list
                                        CheckInTable(token, NDTs);
                                        p = gf_malloc(strlen(token)+1);
                                        strcpy(p, token);
                                        gf_list_add(n->NDT, p);
                        //this is NOT a field
                        else if (token[0] == ']' || token[0] == '{' || token[0] == '}' ) {
                        //parse a field
                        else {
                                if (!n) {
                                        printf("Corrupted template file\n");
                                f = BlankField();
                                gf_list_add(n->Fields, f);

                                //get the field type
                                strcpy(f->type, token);
                                GetNextToken(f->familly, " \t");
                                GetNextToken(f->name, " \t");
                                //fix for our own code :(
                                if (!strcmp(f->name, "tag")) strcpy(f->name, "_tag");

                                //has default
                                skip_sep(" \t");
                                if (GetNextToken(token, "#\t")) {
                                        while (token[j] == ' ') j+=1;
                                        if (token[j] == '[') j+=1;
                                        if (token[j] == '"') j+=1;

                                        if (token[j] != '"' && token[j] != ']') {
                                                strcpy(f->def, token+j);
                                                while (j) {
                                                        switch (f->def[strlen(f->def)-1]) {
                                                        case ' ':
                                                        case '"':
                                                        case ']':
                                                                f->def[strlen(f->def)-1] = 0;
                                        } else {
                                                strcpy(f->def, "");
                                        if (!strcmp(f->familly, "SFFloat")) {
                                                if (!strcmp(f->def, "+I") || !strcmp(f->def, "I")) {
                                                        strcpy(f->def, "GF_MAX_FLOAT");
                                                } else if (!strcmp(f->def, "-I")) {
                                                        strcpy(f->def, "GF_MIN_FLOAT");
                                        } else if (!strcmp(f->familly, "SFTime")) {
                                                if (!strcmp(f->def, "+I") || !strcmp(f->def, "I")) {
                                                        strcpy(f->def, "GF_MAX_FLOAT");
                                                } else if (!strcmp(f->def, "-I")) {
                                                        strcpy(f->def, "GF_MIN_FLOAT");
                                        } else if (!strcmp(f->familly, "SFInt32")) {
                                                if (!strcmp(f->def, "+I") || !strcmp(f->def, "I")) {
                                                        strcpy(f->def, "2 << 31");
                                                } else if (!strcmp(f->def, "-I")) {
                                                        strcpy(f->def, "- (2 << 31)");
                                //has other
                                while (GetNextToken(token, " \t#%=")) {
                                        switch (token[0]) {
                                        case 'b':
                                        case 'q':
                                        case 'a':
                                                printf("Corrupted X3D template file (quantization/animation not allowed)\n");
                                                gf_list_del_item(n->Fields, f);
                                /*we ignore these*/
                                if (!stricmp(f->name, "bboxCenter") || !stricmp(f->name, "bboxSize")) {
                                        gf_list_del_item(n->Fields, f);

        for (k=0; k<gf_list_count(BNodes); k++) {
                n = gf_list_get(BNodes, k);

                for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                        f = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);
                        //nothing on events
                        if (!strcmp(f->type, "eventIn")) continue;
                        if (!strcmp(f->type, "eventOut")) continue;
                        if (!strcmp(f->def, "")) continue;
                        if (strstr(f->familly, "Node")) continue;
                        n->hasDefault = 1;

void WriteNodeDump(FILE *f, X3DNode *n)
        X3DField *bf;
        u32 i;

        fprintf(f, "static const char *%s_FieldName[] = {\n", n->name);
        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(n->Fields); i++) {
                bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, i);
                if (!i) {
                        fprintf(f, " \"%s\"", bf->name);
                } else {
                        fprintf(f, ", \"%s\"", bf->name);
        fprintf(f, "\n};\n\n");

void parse_profile(GF_List *nodes, FILE *prof)
        char sLine[2000];
        X3DNode *n;
        Bool found;
        u32 i;

        while (!feof(prof)) {
                fgets(sLine, 2000, prof);
                //skip comment and empty lines
                if (sLine[0] == '#') continue;
                if (sLine[0] == '\n') continue;
                if (strstr(sLine, "Proximity"))
                        found = 0;
                found = 1;
                while (found) {
                        switch (sLine[strlen(sLine)-1]) {
                        case '\n':
                        case '\r':
                        case ' ':
                                sLine[strlen(sLine)-1] = 0;
                                found = 0;

                if (0) {
                        printf("Warning: cannot disable node %s (required in all BIFS profiles)\n", sLine);
                } else {
                        found = 0;
                        for (i=0; i<gf_list_count(nodes); i++) {
                                n = gf_list_get(nodes, i);
                                if (!stricmp(n->name, sLine)) {
                                        n->skip_impl = 1;
                                        found = 1;
                        if (!found) printf("cannot disable %s: node not found\n", sLine);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
        FILE *nodes, *pf;
        GF_List *XNodes, *NDTs;
        X3DNode *n;
        X3DField *bf;
        u32 nb_nodes, nb_imp;

        nodes = gf_fopen("templates_X3D.txt", "rt");
        if (!nodes) {
                fprintf(stdout, "cannot open \"templates_X3D.txt\" - aborting\n");
                return 0;

        XNodes = gf_list_new();
        NDTs = gf_list_new();
        //all nodes are in the same list but we keep version info
        ParseTemplateFile(nodes, XNodes, NDTs);

        if (argc>1) {
                pf = gf_fopen(argv[1], "rt");
                if (!pf) fprintf(stdout, "Cannot open profile file %s\n", argv[1]);
                else {
                        parse_profile(XNodes, pf);

        //write the nodes def
        WriteNodesFile(XNodes, NDTs);

        nodes = BeginFile(1);

        //write all nodes init stuff
        WriteNodeCode(XNodes, nodes);

        WriteNDT(nodes, XNodes, NDTs);
        fprintf(nodes, "#endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_X3D*/\n\n");

        EndFile(nodes, 1);

        //free NDTs
        while (gf_list_count(NDTs)) {
                char *tmp = gf_list_get(NDTs, 0);
                gf_list_rem(NDTs, 0);

        nb_nodes = gf_list_count(XNodes);
        nb_imp = 0;
        //free nodes
        while (gf_list_count(XNodes)) {
                n = gf_list_get(XNodes, 0);
                if (!n->skip_impl) nb_imp++;
                gf_list_rem(XNodes, 0);
                while (gf_list_count(n->NDT)) {
                        char *tmp = gf_list_get(n->NDT, 0);
                        gf_list_rem(n->NDT, 0);
                while (gf_list_count(n->Fields)) {
                        bf = gf_list_get(n->Fields, 0);
                        gf_list_rem(n->Fields, 0);

        fprintf(stdout, "Generation done: %d nodes implemented (%d nodes total)\n", nb_imp, nb_nodes);
        return 0;

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