
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / media tools sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *      \file <gpac/rtp_streamer.h>
 *      \brief RTP streaming (packetizer and RTP socket).

 *      \ingroup media_grp
 *      \brief RTPStreamer object
 *      This section documents the RTP streamer object of the GPAC framework.
 *      @{

#include <gpac/ietf.h>
#include <gpac/isomedia.h>


typedef struct __rtp_streamer GF_RTPStreamer;

 *      \brief RTP Streamer constructor
 *      Constructs a new RTP file streamer
 *\param streamType type of the stream (GF_STREAM_* as defined in <gpac/constants.h>)
 *\param oti MPEG-4 object type indication for the stream (GPAC_OTI_* as defined in <gpac/constants.h>)
 *\param timeScale unit to express timestamps
 *\param ip_dest IP address of the destination
 *\param port port number of the destination
 *\param MTU Maximum Transmission Unit size to use
 *\param TTL Time To Leave
 *\param ifce_addr IP of the local interface to use (may be NULL)
 *\param flags
 *\param dsi MPEG-4 Decoder Specific Info for the stream
 *\param dsi_len length of the dsi parameter
 *\return new object

GF_RTPStreamer *gf_rtp_streamer_new(u32 streamType, u32 oti, u32 timeScale,
                                    const char *ip_dest, u16 port, u32 MTU, u8 TTL, const char *ifce_addr,
                                    u32 flags, char *dsi, u32 dsi_len);

 *      \brief RTP Streamer constructor with extended parameters
 *      Constructs a new RTP file streamer
 *\param streamType type of the stream (GF_STREAM_* as defined in <gpac/constants.h>)
 *\param oti MPEG-4 object type indication for the stream (GPAC_OTI_* as defined in <gpac/constants.h>)
 *\param timeScale unit to express timestamps
 *\param ip_dest IP address of the destination
 *\param port port number of the destination
 *\param MTU Maximum Transmission Unit size to use
 *\param TTL Time To Leave
 *\param ifce_addr IP of the local interface to use (may be NULL)
 *\param flags
 *\param dsi MPEG-4 Decoder Specific Info for the stream
 *\param dsi_len length of the dsi parameter
 *\param PayloadType RTP payload type
 *\param sample_rate audio sample rate
 *\param nb_ch number of channels in audio streams
 *\param is_crypted Boolean indicating if the stream is crypted
 *\param IV_length lenght of the Initialisation Vector used for encryption
 *\param KI_length length of the key index
 *\param MinSize
 *\param MaxSize
 *\param avgTS
 *\param maxDTSDelta
 *\param const_dur
 *\param bandwidth
 *\param max_ptime
 *\param au_sn_len length of the MPEG-4 SL descriptor AU sequence number field
 *\return new object
GF_RTPStreamer *gf_rtp_streamer_new_extended(u32 streamType, u32 oti, u32 timeScale,
        const char *ip_dest, u16 port, u32 MTU, u8 TTL, const char *ifce_addr,
        u32 flags, char *dsi, u32 dsi_len,
        u32 PayloadType, u32 sample_rate, u32 nb_ch,
        Bool is_crypted, u32 IV_length, u32 KI_length,
        u32 MinSize, u32 MaxSize, u32 avgTS, u32 maxDTSDelta, u32 const_dur, u32 bandwidth, u32 max_ptime,
        u32 au_sn_len);

 *      \brief RTP file streamer destructor
 *      Destructs an RTP file streamer
 *      \param streamer object to destruct
void gf_rtp_streamer_del(GF_RTPStreamer *streamer);

 *      \brief gets the SDP file
 *      Gets the SDP asscoiated with all media in the streaming session (only media parts are returned)
 *      \param rtp RTP streamer object
 *      \param ESID The MPEG-4 elementary stream id of the stream to process
 *      \param dsi The MPEG-4 decoder specific info data
 *      \param dsi_len length of The MPEG-4 decoder specific info data
 *      \param KMS_URI URI of the Key Management System
 *      \param out_sdp_buffer location to the SDP buffer to allocate and fill
GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_append_sdp(GF_RTPStreamer *rtp, u16 ESID, char *dsi, u32 dsi_len, char *KMS_URI, char **out_sdp_buffer);

GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_append_sdp_extended(GF_RTPStreamer *rtp, u16 ESID, char *dsi, u32 dsi_len, GF_ISOFile *isofile, u32 isotrack, char *KMS_URI, u32 width, u32 height, char **out_sdp_buffer) ;

GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_append_sdp_decoding_dependency(GF_ISOFile *isofile, u32 isotrack, u8 *payload_type, char **out_sdp_buffer);

GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_send_au(GF_RTPStreamer *rtp, char *data, u32 size, u64 cts, u64 dts, Bool is_rap);

GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_send_au_with_sn(GF_RTPStreamer *rtp, char *data, u32 size, u64 cts, u64 dts, Bool is_rap, u32 inc_au_sn);

GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_send_data(GF_RTPStreamer *rtp, char *data, u32 size, u32 fullsize, u64 cts, u64 dts, Bool is_rap, Bool au_start, Bool au_end, u32 au_sn, u32 sampleDuration, u32 sampleDescIndex);

char *gf_rtp_streamer_format_sdp_header(char *app_name, char *ip_dest, char *session_name, char *iod64);

void gf_rtp_streamer_disable_auto_rtcp(GF_RTPStreamer *streamer);

GF_Err gf_rtp_streamer_send_rtcp(GF_RTPStreamer *streamer, Bool force_ts, u32 rtp_ts, u32 force_ntp_type, u32 ntp_sec, u32 ntp_frac);

u8 gf_rtp_streamer_get_payload_type(GF_RTPStreamer *streamer);

/*! @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus


#endif          /*_GF_RTPSTREAMER_H_*/

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