
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                                      GPAC Multimedia Framework
 *                      Authors: Cyril Concolato - Jean le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2005-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *      \file <gpac/scene_engine.h>
 *      \brief Live scene encoding engine with RAP generation support.
 *      \addtogroup seng Scene Engine
 *      \ingroup scene_grp
 *      \brief Live scene encoding engine with RAP generation support.
 *This section documents the live scene encoding tools of GPAC.
 *      @{

#include <gpac/scene_manager.h>


typedef struct __tag_scene_engine GF_SceneEngine;

typedef void (*gf_seng_callback)(void *udta, u16 ESID, char *data, u32 size, u64 ts);

 * \param calling_object is the calling object on which call back will be called
 * \param inputContext is the name of a scene file (bt, xmt or mp4) to initialize the coding context
 * \param load_type is the prefered loader type for the content (e.g. SVG vs DIMS)
 * \param dump_path is the path where scenes are dumped
 * \param embed_resources indicates if images and scripts should be encoded inlined with the content
 * must be called only one time (by process calling the DLL) before other calls
GF_SceneEngine *gf_seng_init(void *calling_object, char *inputContext, u32 load_type, char *dump_path, Bool embed_resources);

 * \param calling_object is the calling object on which call back will be called
 * \param inputContext is an UTF-8 scene description (with or without IOD) in BT or XMT-A format
 * \param load_type is the prefered loader type for the content (e.g. SVG vs DIMS)
 * \param width width of scene if no IOD is given in the context.
 * \param height height of scene if no IOD is given in the context.
 * \param usePixelMetrics metrics system used in the scene, if no IOD is given in the context.
 * \param dump_path the path where scenes are dumped
 * must be called only one time (by process calling the DLL) before other calls
GF_SceneEngine *gf_seng_init_from_string(void *calling_object, char *inputContext, u32 load_type, u32 width, u32 height, Bool usePixelMetrics, char *dump_path);

 * \param calling_object the calling object on which call back will be called
 * \param ctx an already loaded scene manager
 * \param dump_path the path where scenes are dumped
 * must be called only one time (by process calling the DLL) before other calls
GF_SceneEngine *gf_seng_init_from_context(void *calling_object, GF_SceneManager *ctx, char *dump_path);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * must be called after gf_seng_init()
u32 gf_seng_get_stream_count(GF_SceneEngine *seng);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ESID ID of the stream
 * \param carousel_period pointer to store the carousel_period
 * \param aggregate_on_es_id pointer to store the target carousel stream ID
 * must be called after gf_seng_init()
GF_Err gf_seng_get_stream_carousel_info(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u16 ESID, u32 *carousel_period, u16 *aggregate_on_es_id);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param idx stream index
 * \param ESID pointer to the stream ID
 * \param config pointer to the encoded BIFS config (memory is not allocated)
 * \param config_len length of the buffer
 * \param streamType pointer to get stream type
 * \param objectType pointer to get object type
 * \param timeScale pointer to get time scale
 * must be called after gf_seng_init()
GF_Err gf_seng_get_stream_config(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u32 idx, u16 *ESID, char ** const config, u32 *config_len, u32 *streamType, u32 *objectType, u32 *timeScale);

 * Encodes the AU context which is not encoded when calling BENC_EncodeAUFromString/File
 * Should be called after Aggregate.
 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param callback pointer on a callback function to get the result of the coding the AU using the current context
GF_Err gf_seng_encode_context(GF_SceneEngine *seng, gf_seng_callback callback);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ESID target streams when no indication is present in the file (eg, no atES_ID )
 * \param disable_aggregation
 * \param auFile name of a file containing a description for an access unit (BT or XMT)
 * \param callback pointer on a callback function to get the result of the coding the AU using the current context
GF_Err gf_seng_encode_from_file(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u16 ESID, Bool disable_aggregation, char *auFile, gf_seng_callback callback);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ESID target streams when no indication is present in the file (eg, no atES_ID )
 * \param disable_aggregation
 * \param auString a char string to encode (must one or several complete nodes in BT
 * \param callback pointer on a callback function to get the result of the coding the AU using the current context
GF_Err gf_seng_encode_from_string(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u16 ESID, Bool disable_aggregation, char *auString, gf_seng_callback callback);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ESID indicates the stream to which these commands apply (0 if first scene stream)
 * \param disable_aggregation
 * \param time
 * \param commands the list of commands to encode
 * \param callback pointer on a callback function to get the result of the coding the AU using the current context
GF_Err gf_seng_encode_from_commands(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u16 ESID, Bool disable_aggregation, u32 time, GF_List *commands, gf_seng_callback callback);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ctxFileName name of the file to save the current state of the BIFS scene to
 * save the current context of the seng.
 * if you want to save an aggregate context, use BENC_AggregateCurrentContext before
GF_Err gf_seng_save_context(GF_SceneEngine *seng, char *ctxFileName);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ESID stream ID
 * \param onESID set stream aggragation on to the specified stream, or off if onESID is 0
 * marks the stream as carrying its own "rap" in the first AU of the stream
GF_Err gf_seng_enable_aggregation(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u16 ESID, u16 onESID);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * \param ESID stream ID
 * aggregates the current context of the seng, creates a scene replace
 * if ESID is specified, only aggregate commands for this stream
GF_Err gf_seng_aggregate_context(GF_SceneEngine *seng, u16 ESID);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * release the memory used by this seng, no more call on the seng should happen after this
void gf_seng_terminate(GF_SceneEngine *seng);

 * \param seng pointer to the GF_SceneEngine returned by gf_seng_init()
 * encodes the IOD for this BIFS Engine into Base64
char *gf_seng_get_base64_iod(GF_SceneEngine *seng);

GF_Descriptor *gf_seng_get_iod(GF_SceneEngine *seng);

GF_Err gf_seng_dump_rap_on(GF_SceneEngine *seng, Bool dump_rap);


/*! @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus

#endif  /*_GF_SCENEENGINE_H_*/

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