
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / common tools sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef _XML_PARSER_H_
#define _XML_PARSER_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <gpac/tools.h>
#include <gpac/list.h>


 *      \file <gpac/xml.h>
 *      \brief XML functions.

 *      \addtogroup xml_grp XML
 *      \ingroup utils_grp
 *      \brief XML Parsing functions
 *This section documents the XML functions of the GPAC framework.
 *      @{

typedef struct
        /*name or namespace:name*/
        char *name;
        char *value;
} GF_XMLAttribute;

/*XML node types*/
        GF_XML_NODE_TYPE = 0,

typedef struct _xml_node
        u32 type;
        For DOM nodes: name
        For other (text, css, cdata), element content
        char *name;

        /*for DOM nodes only*/
        char *ns;       /*namespace*/
        GF_List *attributes;
        GF_List *content;
} GF_XMLNode;

        SAX XML Parser

typedef struct _tag_sax_parser GF_SAXParser;
typedef void (*gf_xml_sax_node_start)(void *sax_cbck, const char *node_name, const char *name_space, const GF_XMLAttribute *attributes, u32 nb_attributes);
typedef void (*gf_xml_sax_node_end)(void *sax_cbck, const char *node_name, const char *name_space);
typedef void (*gf_xml_sax_text_content)(void *sax_cbck, const char *content, Bool is_cdata);

typedef void (*gf_xml_sax_progress)(void *cbck, u64 done, u64 tot);

/*creates new sax parser - all callbacks are optionals*/
GF_SAXParser *gf_xml_sax_new(gf_xml_sax_node_start on_node_start,
                             gf_xml_sax_node_end on_node_end,
                             gf_xml_sax_text_content on_text_content,
                             void *cbck);

/*destroys sax parser */
void gf_xml_sax_del(GF_SAXParser *parser);
/*inits parser with BOM. BOM must be 4 char string with 0 terminaison. If BOM is NULL, parsing will
assume UTF-8 compatible coding*/
GF_Err gf_xml_sax_init(GF_SAXParser *parser, unsigned char *BOM);
/*parses input string data. string data MUST be terminated by the 0 character (eg 2 0s for UTF-16)*/
GF_Err gf_xml_sax_parse(GF_SAXParser *parser, const void *string_bytes);
/*suspends/resume sax parsing.
        When resuming on file, the function will run until suspended/end of file/error
        When resuming on steram, the function will simply return
GF_Err gf_xml_sax_suspend(GF_SAXParser *parser, Bool do_suspend);
/*parses file (potentially gzipped). OnProgress is optional, used to get progress callback*/
GF_Err gf_xml_sax_parse_file(GF_SAXParser *parser, const char *fileName, gf_xml_sax_progress OnProgress);
/*get current line number*/
u32 gf_xml_sax_get_line(GF_SAXParser *parser);
/*get file size - may be inaccurate if gzipped (only compressed file size is known)*/
u32 gf_xml_sax_get_file_size(GF_SAXParser *parser);
/*get current file position*/
u32 gf_xml_sax_get_file_pos(GF_SAXParser *parser);

/*peeks a node forward in the file. May be used to pick the attribute of the first node found matching a given (attributeName, attributeValue) couple*/
char *gf_xml_sax_peek_node(GF_SAXParser *parser, char *att_name, char *att_value, char *substitute, char *get_attr, char *end_pattern, Bool *is_substitute);

/*file mode only, returns 1 if file is compressed, 0 otherwise*/
Bool gf_xml_sax_binary_file(GF_SAXParser *parser);

const char *gf_xml_sax_get_error(GF_SAXParser *parser);

char *gf_xml_get_root_type(const char *file, GF_Err *ret_code);

u32 gf_xml_sax_get_node_start_pos(GF_SAXParser *parser);
u32 gf_xml_sax_get_node_end_pos(GF_SAXParser *parser);

typedef struct _tag_dom_parser GF_DOMParser;
GF_DOMParser *gf_xml_dom_new();
void gf_xml_dom_del(GF_DOMParser *parser);
GF_Err gf_xml_dom_parse(GF_DOMParser *parser, const char *file, gf_xml_sax_progress OnProgress, void *cbk);
GF_Err gf_xml_dom_parse_string(GF_DOMParser *dom, char *string);
const char *gf_xml_dom_get_error(GF_DOMParser *parser);
u32 gf_xml_dom_get_line(GF_DOMParser *parser);

u32 gf_xml_dom_get_root_nodes_count(GF_DOMParser *parser);
GF_XMLNode *gf_xml_dom_get_root_idx(GF_DOMParser *parser, u32 idx);

 *\brief Serialize a node
 * Flush a node in a char
 *\param node the node to flush
 *\param content_only Whether to include or not the parent node
 *\return The resulting serialization
char *gf_xml_dom_serialize(GF_XMLNode *node, Bool content_only);

 *\brief Create the root element of the DOM
 * Create the root element -- the only top level element -- of the document.
 *\param parser the DOM structure
 *\return The created node if creation occurs properly, otherwise NULL;
GF_XMLNode *gf_xml_dom_create_root(GF_DOMParser *parser, const char* name);

 *\brief Get the root element of the DOM
 * Get the root element -- the only top level element -- of the document.
 *\param parser the DOM structure
 *\return The corresponding node if exists, otherwise NULL;
GF_XMLNode *gf_xml_dom_get_root(GF_DOMParser *parser);

 *\brief Return and detach the root element of the DOM
 * Return and detach the root element of the DOM
 *\param parser the DOM structure
 *\return The corresponding node if exists, otherwise NULL;
GF_XMLNode *gf_xml_dom_detach_root(GF_DOMParser *parser);

 *\brief Sets an attribute value for this element.
 * Sets an attribute value for this element
 *\param node the GF_XMLNode node
 *\param name the name of the attribute
 *\param value the value of the attribute
 *\return The created attribute if setting occurs properly, otherwise NULL;
GF_XMLAttribute *gf_xml_dom_set_attribute(GF_XMLNode *node, const char* name, const char* value);

 *\brief Gets the attribute for this element with the given name.
 * Gets the attribute for this element with the given name.
 *\param node the GF_XMLNode node
 *\param name the attribute name
 *\return The corresponding attribute if exists, otherwise NULL;
GF_XMLAttribute *gf_xml_dom_get_attribute(GF_XMLNode *node, const char* name);

 *\brief Adds the node to the end of the list of children of this node.
 * Adds the node to the end of the list of children of this node.
 *\param node the GF_XMLNode node
 *\param child the GF_XMLNode child to append
 *\return GF_OK if append occurs properly, otherwise a GF_Err
GF_Err gf_xml_dom_append_child(GF_XMLNode *node, GF_XMLNode *child);

 *\brief Removes the node to the list of children of this node.
 * Removes the node to the list of children of this node.
 * Doesn't free the memory of the removed children.
 *\param node the GF_XMLNode node
 *\param child the GF_XMLNode child to remove
 *\return GF_OK if removal occurs properly, otherwise a GF_Err
GF_Err gf_xml_dom_rem_child(GF_XMLNode *node, GF_XMLNode *child);

 *\brief Node constructor.
 * Creates a node with the given name and namespace URI.
 *\param ns the node namespace
 *\param name the name namespace
 *\return The created GF_XMLNode if creation occurs properly, otherwise NULL;
GF_XMLNode* gf_xml_dom_node_new(const char* ns, const char* name);

 *\brief Node destructor.
 * Free a node, its attributes and its childs.
 *\param node the node to free
void gf_xml_dom_node_del(GF_XMLNode *node);

 *\brief bitsequence parser.
 * inspects all child elements of the node and converts <BS> children into bits. BS take the following attributes:.
 *bits: value gives the number of bits used to code a value or a length
 *value: value is a 32 bit signed value
 *dataOffset: value gives an offset into a file
 *dataLength: value gives the number of bits bytes to copy in a file
 *dataFile: value gives the name of the source file
 *textmode: indicates whether the file shall be opened in text or binary mode before reading
 *text: or string: value gives a string (length is first coded on number of bits in bits attribute)
 *fcc: value gives a four character code, coded on 32 bits
 *ID128: value gives a 128 bit vlue in hexadecimal
 *data64: value gives data coded as base64
 *data: value gives data coded in hexa
 *\param node the root node of the bitstream to create
 *\param out_data pointer to output buffer allocated by the function to store the result
 *\param out_data_size pointer to output buffer size allocated by the function to store the result
 *\return error code or GF_OK
GF_Err gf_xml_parse_bit_sequence(GF_XMLNode *bsroot, char **out_data, u32 *out_data_size);

 *\brief get the element and check that the namespace is known ('xmlns'-only supported for now)
 *\param n                  the node to process
 *\param expected_node_name optional expected name for node n
 *\param expected_ns_prefix optional expected namespace prefix for node n
 *\return error code or GF_OK
GF_Err gf_xml_get_element_check_namespace(const GF_XMLNode *n, const char *expected_node_name, const char *expected_ns_prefix);

/*! @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus


#endif          /*_XML_PARSER_H_*/

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