
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. isor_reset_reader
  2. isor_check_producer_ref_time
  3. isor_segment_switch_or_refresh
  4. init_reader
  5. isor_reader_get_sample
  6. isor_reader_release_sample
  7. isor_flush_data

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / MP4 reader module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "isom_in.h"
#include <gpac/network.h>
#include <time.h>


void isor_reset_reader(ISOMChannel *ch)
        ch->last_state = GF_OK;

        ch->sample = NULL;
        ch->sample_num = 0;
        ch->speed = 1.0;
        ch->start = ch->end = 0;
        ch->to_init = 1;
        ch->is_playing = 0;
        memset(&ch->current_slh, 0, sizeof(GF_SLHeader));

void isor_check_producer_ref_time(ISOMReader *read)
        u32 trackID;
        u64 ntp;
        u64 timestamp;

        if (gf_isom_get_last_producer_time_box(read->mov, &trackID, &ntp, &timestamp, GF_TRUE)) {
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_LOG)

                if (gf_log_tool_level_on(GF_LOG_DASH, GF_LOG_DEBUG)) {
                        time_t secs;
                        struct tm t;

                        s32 diff = gf_net_get_ntp_diff_ms(ntp);

                        if (read->input->query_proxy) {
                                GF_NetworkCommand param;
                                GF_Err e;
                                memset(&param, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
                                param.command_type = GF_NET_SERVICE_QUERY_UTC_DELAY;
                                e = read->input->query_proxy(read->input, &param);
                                if (e == GF_OK) {
                                        diff -= param.utc_delay.delay;

                        secs = (ntp>>32) - GF_NTP_SEC_1900_TO_1970;
                        t = *gmtime(&secs);

                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] TrackID %d: Timestamp "LLU" matches sender NTP time %d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ - NTP clock diff (local - remote): %d ms\n", trackID, timestamp, 1900+t.tm_year, t.tm_mon+1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec, diff));

                read->last_sender_ntp = ntp;
                read->cts_for_last_sender_ntp = timestamp;

        refresh type:
                0: not progressive
                1: progressive
                2: not progressive and don't check current download
void isor_segment_switch_or_refresh(ISOMReader *read, Bool do_refresh)
        GF_NetworkCommand param;
        u32 i, count;
        Bool scalable_segment = GF_FALSE;
        GF_Err e;

        /*access to the segment switching must be protected in case several decoders are threaded on the file using GetSLPacket */

        if (!read->frag_type || !read->input->query_proxy ) {

        memset(&param, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
        param.command_type = GF_NET_SERVICE_QUERY_NEXT;
        //always check current download - this might be ignored by the dash client depending on lowLatency settings
        param.url_query.current_download = 1;

        count = gf_list_count(read->channels);

        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Refresh seg: do_refresh %d - seg opened %d\n", do_refresh, read->seg_opened));

        if (do_refresh && !read->seg_opened)
                do_refresh = 0;

        if ((read->seg_opened==1) && !do_refresh) {

        if (read->drop_next_segment) {
                read->drop_next_segment = 0;
                param.url_query.drop_first_segment = 1;

        //if first time trying to fetch next segment, check if we have to discard it
        if (!do_refresh && (read->seg_opened==2) && !read->pending_scalable_enhancement_segment_index) {
                for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                        ISOMChannel *ch = gf_list_get(read->channels, i);
                        /*check all playing channels are waiting for next segment*/
                        if (ch->is_playing && !ch->wait_for_segment_switch) {

                /*close current segment*/
                gf_isom_release_segment(read->mov, 1);
                read->seg_opened = 0;
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Done playing segment - querying new one\n"));

                /*drop this segment*/
                param.url_query.drop_first_segment = 1;

        if (read->pending_scalable_enhancement_segment_index) {
                do_refresh = 0;
                param.url_query.drop_first_segment = 0;
                param.url_query.dependent_representation_index = read->pending_scalable_enhancement_segment_index;
                scalable_segment = 1;
                read->pending_scalable_enhancement_segment_index = 0;

        /*update current fragment if any*/
        e = read->input->query_proxy(read->input, &param);
        if (e == GF_OK) {
                u32 trackID = 0;
                if (param.url_query.next_url) {
                        u32 flags;

                        //previously loaded file has been aborted, reload segment !
                        if (do_refresh && param.url_query.discontinuity_type) {
                                gf_isom_release_segment(read->mov, 1);
                                gf_isom_reset_fragment_info(read->mov, 1);
                                do_refresh = 0;

                        if (read->reset_frag_state) {
                                read->reset_frag_state = 0;
                                gf_isom_reset_fragment_info(read->mov, 0);

                        //refresh file
                        if (do_refresh) {
                                //the url is the current download or we just finished downloaded it, refresh the parsing.
                                if ((param.url_query.current_download || (read->seg_opened==1)) && param.url_query.has_new_data) {
                                        u64 bytesMissing=0;
                                        e = gf_isom_refresh_fragmented(read->mov, &bytesMissing, read->use_memory ? param.url_query.next_url : NULL);

                                        if (e) {
                                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Failed to reparse segment %s: %s\n", param.url_query.next_url, gf_error_to_string(e) ));
                                        } else {
                                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] LowLatency mode: Reparsing segment %s boxes at UTC "LLU" - "LLU" bytes still missing\n", param.url_query.next_url, gf_net_get_utc(), bytesMissing ));
                                        if (gf_log_tool_level_on(GF_LOG_DASH, GF_LOG_DEBUG)) {
                                                for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                                                        ISOMChannel *ch = gf_list_get(read->channels, i);
                                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] refresh track %d fragment - cur sample %d - new sample count %d\n", ch->track, ch->sample_num, gf_isom_get_sample_count(ch->owner->mov, ch->track) ));
                                //we did the last refresh and the segment is downloaded, move to fully parsed mode
                                if (! param.url_query.current_download) {
                                        read->seg_opened = 2;
                                        read->waiting_for_data = GF_FALSE;

                        //we have to open the file

                        if (param.url_query.discontinuity_type==2) {
                                gf_isom_reset_fragment_info(read->mov, 0);
                                read->clock_discontinuity = 1;
                        e = GF_OK;
                        if (param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment) {
                                u64 tfdt = gf_isom_get_current_tfdt(read->mov, 1);
                                char *tfdt_val = strstr(param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment, "tfdt=");
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Switching between files - opening new init segment %s (time offset="LLU")\n", param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment, tfdt));
                                if (tfdt_val) {
                                        sprintf(tfdt_val+5, LLU, tfdt);
                                } else {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Error finding init time for init segment %s at UTC "LLU"\n", param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment, gf_net_get_utc() ));
                                if (read->mov) gf_isom_close(read->mov);
                                e = gf_isom_open_progressive(param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment, param.url_query.switch_start_range, param.url_query.switch_end_range, &read->mov, &read->missing_bytes);
                                if (e < 0) {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Error opening init segment %s at UTC "LLU": %s\n", param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment, gf_net_get_utc(), gf_error_to_string(e) ));
                        if (!e) {
                                flags = 0;
                                if (read->no_order_check) flags |= GF_ISOM_SEGMENT_NO_ORDER_FLAG;
                                if (scalable_segment) flags |= GF_ISOM_SEGMENT_SCALABLE_FLAG;
                                e = gf_isom_open_segment(read->mov, param.url_query.next_url, param.url_query.start_range, param.url_query.end_range, flags);

                                if (param.url_query.current_download  && (e==GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE)) {
                                        e = GF_OK;

                                if (e<0) {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Error opening new segment %s at UTC "LLU": %s\n", param.url_query.next_url, gf_net_get_utc(), gf_error_to_string(e) ));
                                } else if (param.url_query.end_range) {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Playing new range in %s: "LLU"-"LLU"\n", param.url_query.next_url, param.url_query.start_range, param.url_query.end_range ));
                                } else {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] playing new segment %s (has next dep %d)\n", param.url_query.next_url, param.url_query.has_next));

                        if (e<0) {
                                gf_isom_release_segment(read->mov, 1);
                                //gf_isom_reset_fragment_info(read->mov, 1);
                                read->drop_next_segment = 1;
                                //error opening the segment, reset everything ...
                                gf_isom_reset_fragment_info(read->mov, 0);
                                for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                                        ISOMChannel *ch = gf_list_get(read->channels, i);
                                        if (ch)
                                                ch->sample_num = 0;

                                //cannot open file, don't change our state

                        //segment is the first in our cache, we may need a refresh
                        if (param.url_query.current_download ) {
                                read->seg_opened = 1;
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Opening current segment in progressive mode (download in progress)\n"));
                        } else {
                                read->seg_opened = 2;
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Opening current segment in non-progressive mode (completely downloaded)\n"));


                        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                                ISOMChannel *ch = gf_list_get(read->channels, i);
                                ch->wait_for_segment_switch = 0;

                                if (ch->base_track) {
                                        if (scalable_segment) {
                                                trackID = gf_isom_get_highest_track_in_scalable_segment(read->mov, ch->base_track);
                                                if (trackID) {
                                                        ch->track_id = trackID;
                                                        ch->track = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(read->mov, ch->track_id);
                                        } else {
                                                ch->track = ch->base_track;
                                                ch->track_id = gf_isom_get_track_id(read->mov, ch->track);

                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Track %d - cur sample %d - new sample count %d\n", ch->track, ch->sample_num, gf_isom_get_sample_count(ch->owner->mov, ch->track) ));
                                if (param.url_query.next_url_init_or_switch_segment) {
                                        ch->track = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(read->mov, ch->track_id);
                                        if (!ch->track) {
                                                if (gf_isom_get_track_count(read->mov)==1) {
                                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Mismatch between track IDs of different representations\n"));
                                                        ch->track = 1;
                                                } else {
                                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Mismatch between track IDs of different representations\n"));

                                        /*we changed our moov structure, sample_num now starts from 0*/
                                        ch->sample_num = 0;
                                //a loop was detected, our timing is no longer reliable if we use edit lists - just reset the sample time to tfdt ...
                                else if (param.url_query.discontinuity_type==2) {
                                        ch->sample_num = 0;
                                        if (ch->has_edit_list) {
                                                ch->sample_time = gf_isom_get_current_tfdt(read->mov, ch->track);
                                                //next read will query sample for ch->sample_time + 1
                                                if (ch->sample_time) ch->sample_time--;
                                /*rewrite all upcoming SPS/PPS into the samples*/
                                gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(read->mov, ch->track, ch->nalu_extract_mode);
                                ch->last_state = GF_OK;

                                if (ch->is_cenc) {


                        read->use_memory = !strncmp(param.url_query.next_url, "gmem://", 7) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;
                if (param.url_query.has_next) {
                        param.url_query.drop_first_segment = GF_FALSE;
                        scalable_segment = 1;
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Enhancement layer available in cache - refreshing it\n"));
                        goto next_segment;
                read->waiting_for_data = GF_FALSE;
        } else if (e==GF_EOS) {
                /*consider we are done*/
                read->frag_type = 2;
                read->waiting_for_data = GF_FALSE;
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] No more segments - done playing file\n"));
        } else if (e==GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Next segment is not yet available\n"));
                read->waiting_for_data = GF_TRUE;
                read->pending_scalable_enhancement_segment_index = param.url_query.dependent_representation_index;
        } else {
                /*consider we are done*/
                read->frag_type = 2;
                read->waiting_for_data = GF_FALSE;
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Error fetching next DASH segment: no more segments\n"));

static void init_reader(ISOMChannel *ch)
        u32 sample_desc_index=0;
        if (ch->is_pulling && ch->wait_for_segment_switch) {
                isor_segment_switch_or_refresh(ch->owner, 0);
                if (ch->wait_for_segment_switch)

        ch->current_slh.accessUnitEndFlag = 1;
        ch->current_slh.accessUnitStartFlag = 1;
        ch->current_slh.AU_sequenceNumber = 1;
        ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStampFlag = 1;
        ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStampFlag = 1;
        ch->current_slh.packetSequenceNumber = 1;
        ch->current_slh.randomAccessPointFlag = 0;


        if (ch->streamType==GF_STREAM_OCR) {
                ch->sample = gf_isom_sample_new();
                ch->sample->IsRAP = RAP;
                ch->sample->DTS = ch->start;
        } else {
                //if seek is disabled, get the next closest sample for this time; otherwose, get the previous RAP sample for this time
                u32 mode = ch->disable_seek ? GF_ISOM_SEARCH_BACKWARD : GF_ISOM_SEARCH_SYNC_BACKWARD;

                /*take care of seeking out of the track range*/
                if (!ch->owner->frag_type && (ch->duration<ch->start)) {
                        ch->last_state = gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->duration, &sample_desc_index, mode, &ch->sample, &ch->sample_num);
                } else {
                        ch->last_state = gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->start, &sample_desc_index, mode, &ch->sample, &ch->sample_num);
                ch->last_state = GF_OK;

                if (ch->has_rap && ch->has_edit_list) {
                        ch->edit_sync_frame = ch->sample_num;

        /*no sample means we're not in the track range - stop*/
        if (!ch->sample) {
                /*incomplete file - check if we're still downloading or not*/
                if (gf_isom_get_missing_bytes(ch->owner->mov, ch->track)) {
                        GF_NetIOStatus net_status;
                        gf_dm_sess_get_stats(ch->owner->dnload, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &net_status);
                        if (net_status == GF_NETIO_DATA_EXCHANGE) {
                                ch->last_state = GF_OK;
                        ch->last_state = GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE;
                } else if (ch->sample_num) {
                        ch->last_state = (ch->owner->frag_type==1) ? GF_OK : GF_EOS;
                        ch->to_init = 0;

        if (ch->has_edit_list) {
                ch->sample_time = ch->sample->DTS;
        } else {
                //store movie time in media timescale in the sample time, eg no edit list is used but we may have a shift (dts_offset) between
                //movie and media timelines

                if ((ch->dts_offset<0) && (ch->sample->DTS  < (u64) -ch->dts_offset)) {
                        ch->sample_time = 0;
                        ch->do_dts_shift_test = GF_TRUE;
                } else {
                        ch->sample_time = ch->sample->DTS + ch->dts_offset;
        ch->to_init = GF_FALSE;

        ch->current_slh.seekFlag = 0;
        if (ch->disable_seek) {
                ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStamp = ch->sample->DTS;
                ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp = ch->sample->DTS + ch->sample->CTS_Offset;
                ch->start = 0;
        } else {
                ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStamp = ch->start;
                ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp = ch->start;
                //TODO - we need to notify scene decoder how many secs elapsed between RAP and seek point
                if (ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp != ch->sample->DTS + ch->sample->CTS_Offset) {
                        ch->current_slh.seekFlag = 1;
        ch->current_slh.randomAccessPointFlag = ch->sample ? ch->sample->IsRAP : 0;
        if (!sample_desc_index) sample_desc_index = 1;
        ch->last_sample_desc_index = sample_desc_index;
        ch->owner->no_order_check = ch->speed < 0 ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;

void isor_reader_get_sample(ISOMChannel *ch)
        GF_Err e;
        u32 sample_desc_index;
        if (ch->sample) return;

        if (ch->next_track) {
                ch->track = ch->next_track;
                ch->next_track = 0;

        if ((ch->owner->seg_opened==1) && ch->is_pulling) {
                isor_segment_switch_or_refresh(ch->owner, GF_TRUE);

        if (ch->to_init) {
                sample_desc_index = ch->last_sample_desc_index;
        } else if (ch->speed < 0) {
                if (!ch->sample_time) {
                        ch->last_state = GF_EOS;
                } else {
                        e = gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_time - 1, &sample_desc_index, GF_ISOM_SEARCH_SYNC_BACKWARD, &ch->sample, &ch->sample_num);
                        if (e) {
                                if ((e==GF_EOS) && !ch->owner->frag_type) {
                                        ch->last_state = GF_EOS;
                if (ch->sample->DTS + ch->dts_offset == ch->sample_time) {
                        if (!ch->owner->frag_type) {
                                ch->last_state = GF_EOS;
                        } else {
                                if (ch->sample)
                if (ch->sample) {
                        if ((ch->dts_offset<0) && (ch->sample->DTS < (u64) -ch->dts_offset))    //should not happen
                                ch->sample_time = 0;
                                ch->sample_time = ch->sample->DTS + ch->dts_offset;

        } else if (ch->has_edit_list) {
                u32 prev_sample = ch->sample_num;
                e = gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_time + 1, &sample_desc_index, GF_ISOM_SEARCH_FORWARD, &ch->sample, &ch->sample_num);

                if (e == GF_OK) {

                        /*we are in forced seek mode: fetch all samples before the one matching the sample time*/
                        if (ch->edit_sync_frame) {
                                if (ch->edit_sync_frame < ch->sample_num) {
                                        ch->sample = gf_isom_get_sample(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->edit_sync_frame, &sample_desc_index);
                                        ch->sample->DTS = ch->sample_time;
                                        ch->sample->CTS_Offset = 0;
                                } else {
                                        ch->edit_sync_frame = 0;
                                        if (ch->sample) ch->sample_time = ch->sample->DTS;
                        } else {
                                /*if we get the same sample, figure out next interesting time (current sample + DTS gap to next sample should be a good bet)*/
                                if (prev_sample == ch->sample_num) {
                                        if (ch->owner->frag_type && (ch->sample_num==gf_isom_get_sample_count(ch->owner->mov, ch->track))) {
                                                if (ch->sample)
                                        } else {
                                                u32 time_diff = 2;
                                                u32 sample_num = ch->sample_num ? ch->sample_num : 1;
                                                GF_ISOSample *s1 = gf_isom_get_sample(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, sample_num, NULL);
                                                GF_ISOSample *s2 = gf_isom_get_sample(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, sample_num+1, NULL);


                                                if (s2 && s1) {
                                                        assert(s2->DTS >= s1->DTS);
                                                        time_diff = (u32) (s2->DTS - s1->DTS);
                                                        /*e = */gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_time + time_diff, &sample_desc_index, GF_ISOM_SEARCH_FORWARD, &ch->sample, &ch->sample_num);
                                                } else if (s1 && !s2) {
                                                        /*e = GF_EOS;*/


                                /*we jumped to another segment - if RAP is needed look for closest rap in decoding order and
                                force seek mode*/
                                if (ch->sample && !ch->sample->IsRAP && ch->has_rap && (ch->sample_num != prev_sample+1)) {
                                        GF_ISOSample *found = ch->sample;
                                        u32 samp_num = ch->sample_num;
                                        ch->sample = NULL;
                                        e = gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_time + 1, &sample_desc_index, GF_ISOM_SEARCH_SYNC_BACKWARD, &ch->sample, &ch->sample_num);
                                        assert (e == GF_OK);
                                        /*if no sync point in the past, use the first non-sync for the given time*/
                                        if (!ch->sample || !ch->sample->data) {
                                                ch->sample = found;
                                                ch->sample_time = ch->sample->DTS;
                                                ch->sample_num = samp_num;
                                        } else {
                                                ch->edit_sync_frame = ch->sample_num;
                                                ch->sample->DTS = ch->sample_time;
                                                ch->sample->CTS_Offset = 0;
                                } else {
                                        if (ch->sample) ch->sample_time = ch->sample->DTS;
        } else {

                ch->sample = gf_isom_get_sample(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_num, &sample_desc_index);
                /*if sync shadow / carousel RAP skip*/
                if (ch->sample && (ch->sample->IsRAP==RAP_REDUNDANT)) {

        //check scalable track change
        if (ch->sample && ch->sample->IsRAP && ch->next_track) {
                ch->track = ch->next_track;
                ch->next_track = 0;

        if (!ch->sample) {
                /*incomplete file - check if we're still downloading or not*/
                if (gf_isom_get_missing_bytes(ch->owner->mov, ch->track)) {
                        ch->last_state = GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE;
                        if (ch->owner->dnload) {
                                GF_NetIOStatus net_status;
                                gf_dm_sess_get_stats(ch->owner->dnload, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &net_status);
                                if (net_status == GF_NETIO_DATA_EXCHANGE) {
                                        ch->last_state = GF_OK;
                                        if (!ch->has_edit_list)
                        else if (ch->owner->input->query_proxy) {
                                ch->last_state = GF_OK;
                                if (!ch->has_edit_list && ch->sample_num)
                else if (!ch->sample_num
                         || ((ch->speed >= 0) && (ch->sample_num >= gf_isom_get_sample_count(ch->owner->mov, ch->track)))
                         || ((ch->speed < 0) && (ch->sample_time == gf_isom_get_current_tfdt(ch->owner->mov, ch->track) + ch->dts_offset))
                        ) {

                        if (ch->owner->frag_type==1) {
                                //if segment is fully opened and no more data, this track is done, wait for next segment
                                if (!ch->wait_for_segment_switch && ch->owner->input->query_proxy && (ch->owner->seg_opened==2) ) {
                                        ch->wait_for_segment_switch = GF_TRUE;
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Track #%d end of segment reached - waiting for sample %d - current count %d\n", ch->track, ch->sample_num, gf_isom_get_sample_count(ch->owner->mov, ch->track) ));
                                /*if sample cannot be found and file is fragmented, rewind sample*/
                                if (ch->sample_num) ch->sample_num--;
                                ch->last_state = GF_OK;
                        } else {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Track #%d end of stream reached\n", ch->track));
                                ch->last_state = GF_EOS;
                } else {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Track #%d fail to fetch sample %d / %d: %s\n", ch->track, ch->sample_num, gf_isom_get_sample_count(ch->owner->mov, ch->track), gf_error_to_string(gf_isom_last_error(ch->owner->mov)) ));
                if (ch->wait_for_segment_switch && ch->is_pulling) {
                        isor_segment_switch_or_refresh(ch->owner, 0);
                        if (ch->owner->seg_opened) {

        if (sample_desc_index != ch->last_sample_desc_index) {
                u32 mtype = gf_isom_get_media_type(ch->owner->mov, ch->track);
                switch (mtype) {
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL:
                        //code is here as a reminder, but by default we use inband param set extraction so no need for it
#if 0
                        if ( ! (ch->nalu_extract_mode & GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_INBAND_PS_FLAG) ) {
                                u32 extract_mode = ch->nalu_extract_mode | GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_INBAND_PS_FLAG;

                                ch->sample = NULL;
                                gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, extract_mode);
                                ch->sample = gf_isom_get_sample(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_num, &ch->last_sample_desc_index);

                                gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->nalu_extract_mode);
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBPIC:
                case GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEG_SUBT:
                        //TODO: do we want to support codec changes ?
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[IsoMedia] Change of sample description (%d->%d) for media type %s not supported\n", ch->last_sample_desc_index, sample_desc_index, gf_4cc_to_str(mtype) ));
                        ch->sample = NULL;
                        ch->last_state = GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        ch->last_state = GF_OK;
        ch->current_slh.accessUnitEndFlag = ch->current_slh.accessUnitStartFlag = 1;
        ch->current_slh.accessUnitLength = ch->sample->dataLength;
        ch->current_slh.au_duration = gf_isom_get_sample_duration(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_num);

        //update timestamp when single edit
        if (ch->sample && ch->dts_offset) {
                if (ch->do_dts_shift_test) {
                        s64 DTS, CTS;
                        DTS = (s64) ch->sample->DTS + ch->dts_offset;
                        CTS = (s64) ch->sample->DTS + ch->dts_offset + (s32) ch->sample->CTS_Offset;
                        if (DTS<0)
                                ch->do_dts_shift_test = GF_FALSE;

                        if (CTS<0) CTS=0;
                        ch->sample->DTS = (u64) DTS;
                        ch->sample->CTS_Offset = (s32) (CTS - DTS);
                } else {
                        ch->sample->DTS = ch->sample->DTS + ch->dts_offset;

        /*still seeking or not ?
         1- when speed is negative, the RAP found is "after" the seek point in playback order since we used backward RAP search: nothing to do
         2- otherwise set DTS+CTS to start value
        if ((ch->speed < 0) || (ch->start <= ch->sample->DTS + ch->sample->CTS_Offset)) {
                ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStamp = ch->sample->DTS;
                ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp = ch->sample->DTS + ch->sample->CTS_Offset;
                ch->current_slh.seekFlag = 0;
        } else {
                ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp = ch->start;
                ch->current_slh.seekFlag = 1;
                ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStamp = ch->start;
        ch->current_slh.randomAccessPointFlag = ch->sample->IsRAP;
        ch->current_slh.OCRflag = ch->owner->clock_discontinuity ? 2 : 0;
        ch->owner->clock_discontinuity = 0;

        //handle negative ctts
        if (ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStamp > ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp)
                ch->current_slh.decodingTimeStamp = ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp;

        if (ch->end && (ch->end < ch->sample->DTS + ch->sample->CTS_Offset)) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] End of Channel "LLD" (CTS "LLD")\n", ch->end, ch->sample->DTS + ch->sample->CTS_Offset));
                ch->last_state = GF_EOS;
        if (ch->owner->last_sender_ntp && ch->current_slh.compositionTimeStamp==ch->owner->cts_for_last_sender_ntp) {
                ch->current_slh.sender_ntp = ch->owner->last_sender_ntp;
        } else {
                ch->current_slh.sender_ntp = 0;

        if (ch->is_encrypted) {
                GF_ISMASample *ismasamp = gf_isom_get_ismacryp_sample(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample, 1);
                if (ismasamp) {
                        ch->sample->data = ismasamp->data;
                        ch->sample->dataLength = ismasamp->dataLength;
                        ismasamp->data = NULL;
                        ismasamp->dataLength = 0;
                        ch->current_slh.isma_encrypted = (ismasamp->flags & GF_ISOM_ISMA_IS_ENCRYPTED) ? 1 : 0;
                        ch->current_slh.isma_BSO = ismasamp->IV;
                } else {
                        ch->current_slh.isma_encrypted = 0;
                        /*in case of CENC: we write sample auxiliary information to slh->sai; its size is in saiz*/
                        if (gf_isom_is_cenc_media(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, 1)) {
                                GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo *sai;
                                u32 Is_Encrypted;
                                u8 IV_size;
                                bin128 KID;
                                u8 crypt_bytr_block, skip_byte_block;
                                u8 constant_IV_size;
                                bin128 constant_IV;

                                gf_isom_get_sample_cenc_info(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_num, &Is_Encrypted, &IV_size, &KID, &crypt_bytr_block, &skip_byte_block, &constant_IV_size, &constant_IV);
                                ch->current_slh.IV_size = IV_size;
                                ch->current_slh.crypt_byte_block = crypt_bytr_block;
                                ch->current_slh.skip_byte_block = skip_byte_block;
                                if (Is_Encrypted && !ch->current_slh.IV_size) {
                                        ch->current_slh.constant_IV_size = constant_IV_size;
                                        memmove(ch->current_slh.constant_IV, constant_IV, ch->current_slh.constant_IV_size);
                                if (Is_Encrypted) {
                                        ch->current_slh.cenc_encrypted = 1;
                                        sai = NULL;
                                        gf_isom_cenc_get_sample_aux_info(ch->owner->mov, ch->track, ch->sample_num, &sai, NULL);
                                        if (sai) {
                                                u32 i;
                                                GF_BitStream *bs;
                                                bs = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                                                /*write sample auxiliary information*/
                                                gf_bs_write_data(bs, (char *)KID, 16);
                                                gf_bs_write_data(bs, (char *)sai->IV, IV_size);
                                                gf_bs_write_u16(bs, sai->subsample_count);
                                                for (i = 0; i < sai->subsample_count; i++) {
                                                        gf_bs_write_u16(bs, sai->subsamples[i].bytes_clear_data);
                                                        gf_bs_write_u32(bs, sai->subsamples[i].bytes_encrypted_data);
                                                gf_bs_get_content(bs, &ch->current_slh.sai, &ch->current_slh.saiz);
                                                sai = NULL;
                                        ch->current_slh.cenc_encrypted = 0;

void isor_reader_release_sample(ISOMChannel *ch)
        if (ch->current_slh.sai) {
                ch->current_slh.sai = NULL;
        if (ch->sample) gf_isom_sample_del(&ch->sample);
        ch->sample = NULL;

void isor_flush_data(ISOMReader *read, Bool check_buffer_level, Bool is_chunk_flush)
        u32 i, count;
        GF_Err e = GF_OK;
        Bool do_refresh;
        GF_NetworkCommand com;
        ISOMChannel *ch;

        if (read->in_data_flush) {
                if (check_buffer_level && !is_chunk_flush) read->has_pending_segments++;

        //if another thread grabs the mutex at the same time, just return
        if (!gf_mx_try_lock(read->segment_mutex)) {
                if (check_buffer_level && !is_chunk_flush) read->has_pending_segments++;
        read->in_data_flush = 1;
        count = gf_list_count(read->channels);

        do_refresh = (read->seg_opened==1) ? 1 : 0;

        if (do_refresh) {
                //query from terminal - do nothing if we are not done downloading the segment - otherwise we could access media data while it is reallocated by the downloader
                if (!check_buffer_level) {
                        read->in_data_flush = 0;
                //otherwise this is new chunk or end of chunk, process
        //this is a new file, check buffer level
        else if (/*!is_chunk_flush && */ check_buffer_level) {
                Bool buffer_full = 1;
                for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                        ch = (ISOMChannel *)gf_list_get(read->channels, i);
                        /*query buffer level on each channel, don't sleep if too low*/
                        memset(&com, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
                        com.command_type = GF_NET_BUFFER_QUERY;
                        com.base.on_channel = ch->channel;
                        gf_service_command(read->service, &com, GF_OK);
                        if ((com.buffer.occupancy < MAX(com.buffer.max, 1000) )) {
                                buffer_full = 0;
                if (buffer_full) {
                        read->in_data_flush = 0;
                        if (count) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Buffer level %d ms higher than max allowed %d ms - skipping dispatch\n", com.buffer.occupancy,  com.buffer.max));
        //flush request from terminal: only process if nothing is opened and we have pending segments
        //we have to keep the polling event when no segments are pending, in order to detect period switch - we therefore tolerate a couble of requests even though no segments are pending
        if (!check_buffer_level && read->seg_opened && (!read->has_pending_segments || (read->nb_force_flush > 2)) && !read->drop_next_segment) {
                read->in_data_flush = 0;

        //if this is a request from terminal to flush pending segments, try to refresh
        if (!check_buffer_level && !do_refresh)
                do_refresh = 1;

        //update data
        isor_segment_switch_or_refresh(read, do_refresh);

        //segment not ready
        if ( read->pending_scalable_enhancement_segment_index) {
                read->in_data_flush = 0;

        //for all channels, fetch and send ...
        count = gf_list_count(read->channels);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                ch = (ISOMChannel *)gf_list_get(read->channels, i);

                while (!ch->sample) {
                        if (!ch->sample) break;
                        if (ch->is_playing)
                                gf_service_send_packet(read->service, ch->channel, ch->sample->data, ch->sample->dataLength, &ch->current_slh, GF_OK);
                if (!ch->sample && (ch->last_state==GF_EOS)) {
                        gf_service_send_packet(read->service, ch->channel, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);

        //done playing the file after notification from DASH client:
        if (read->seg_opened==2) {
                GF_NetworkCommand param;
                //drop this segment
                memset(&param, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
                param.command_type = GF_NET_SERVICE_QUERY_NEXT;
                param.url_query.dependent_representation_index = 0;
                param.url_query.drop_first_segment = 1;
                e = read->input->query_proxy(read->input, &param);

                read->nb_force_flush = 0;
                if (read->has_pending_segments) {

                if (e==GF_EOS) {
                        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                                ch = (ISOMChannel *)gf_list_get(read->channels, i);
                                gf_service_send_packet(read->service, ch->channel, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);
                //not enough data
                else if (param.url_query.in_end_of_period) {
                        //act as if we have a pending segment to process at next call until we get to the next period
                        if (!read->has_pending_segments)

                /*close current segment*/
                gf_isom_release_segment(read->mov, 1);
                read->seg_opened = 0;
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_DASH, ("[IsoMedia] Done playing segment - closing it\n"));
        read->in_data_flush = 0;

        if (!read->has_pending_segments) {
                read->nb_force_flush ++;


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