
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. OGG_EndOfFile
  2. OGG_ReadPage
  3. OGG_FindStreamForPage
  4. OGG_GetOD
  5. OGG_GranuleToTime
  6. OGG_GranuleToMediaTime
  7. OGG_GetStreamInfo
  8. OGG_ResetupStream
  9. OGG_NewStream
  10. OGG_SignalEndOfStream
  11. OGG_SendPackets
  12. OGG_Process
  13. OggDemux
  14. OGG_CheckFile
  15. OGG_RegisterMimeTypes
  16. OGG_CanHandleURL
  17. ogg_is_local
  18. OGG_NetIO
  19. OGG_DownloadFile
  20. OGG_ConnectService
  21. OGG_CloseService
  22. OGG_GetServiceDesc
  23. OGG_ConnectChannel
  24. OGG_DisconnectChannel
  25. OGG_ServiceCommand
  26. OGG_CanHandleURLInService
  27. OGG_LoadDemux
  28. OGG_DeleteDemux

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "ogg_in.h"
#include <ogg/ogg.h>


typedef struct
        u32 streamType; /*MPEG-4 streamType*/
        u32 num_init_headers;
        u32 sample_rate, bitrate;

        u32 theora_kgs;
        Float frame_rate;
        u32 frame_rate_base;

        u32 type;
} OGGInfo;

typedef struct
        ogg_stream_state os;
        u32 serial_no;
        /*DSI for ogg in mp4 - cf constants.h*/
        char *dsi;
        u32 dsi_len;

        OGGInfo info;
        Bool got_headers;
        s64 seek_granule, last_granule;

        Bool is_running;
        u32 parse_headers;
        LPNETCHANNEL ch;
        u16 ESID;
        Bool eos_detected, map_time;

        u32 ogg_ts;

        GF_VorbisParser vp;
} OGGStream;

typedef struct
        GF_ClientService *service;
        GF_Thread *demuxer;

        GF_List *streams;

        FILE *ogfile;
        u64 file_size;
        Bool is_remote, is_inline;
        u32 nb_playing, kill_demux, do_seek, service_type, init_remain, bos_done;

        /*ogg ogfile state*/
        ogg_sync_state oy;

        OGGStream *resync_stream;

        Bool has_video, has_audio, is_single_media;

        Double dur;
        u32 data_buffer_ms;

        Bool needs_connection;
        Double start_range, end_range;
        /*file downloader*/
        GF_DownloadSession * dnload;
        Bool is_live;
        u32 tune_in_time;
} OGGReader;

void OGG_EndOfFile(OGGReader *read)
        OGGStream *st;
        u32 i=0;
        while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                gf_service_send_packet(read->service, st->ch, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);

#define OGG_BUFFER_SIZE 4096

static Bool OGG_ReadPage(OGGReader *read, ogg_page *oggpage)
        char buf[OGG_BUFFER_SIZE];
        GF_Err e;

        /*remote file, check if we use cache*/
        if (read->is_remote) {
                u32 total_size;
                GF_NetIOStatus status;
                e = gf_dm_sess_get_stats(read->dnload, NULL, NULL, &total_size, NULL, NULL, &status);
                /*not ready*/
                if ((e<GF_OK) || (status > GF_NETIO_DATA_EXCHANGE)) return GF_FALSE;
                if (status == GF_NETIO_DATA_EXCHANGE) {
                        if (!total_size && !read->is_live) {
                                read->is_live = GF_TRUE;
                                read->tune_in_time = gf_sys_clock();
                        else if (!read->is_live  && !read->ogfile) {
                                const char *szCache = gf_dm_sess_get_cache_name(read->dnload);
                                if (!szCache) return GF_FALSE;
                                read->ogfile = gf_fopen((char *) szCache, "rb");
                                if (!read->ogfile) return GF_FALSE;

        while (ogg_sync_pageout(&read->oy, oggpage ) != 1 ) {
                char *buffer;
                u32 bytes;

                if (read->ogfile) {
                        if (feof(read->ogfile)) {
                                return GF_FALSE;
                        bytes = (u32) fread(buf, 1, OGG_BUFFER_SIZE, read->ogfile);
                } else {
                        e = gf_dm_sess_fetch_data(read->dnload, buf, OGG_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytes);
                        if (e) return GF_FALSE;
                if (!bytes) return GF_FALSE;
                buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(&read->oy, bytes);
                memcpy(buffer, buf, bytes);
                ogg_sync_wrote(&read->oy, bytes);
        return GF_TRUE;

static OGGStream *OGG_FindStreamForPage(OGGReader *read, ogg_page *oggpage)
        u32 i, count;
        count = gf_list_count(read->streams);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                OGGStream *st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_get(read->streams, i);
                if (ogg_stream_pagein(&st->os, oggpage) == 0) return st;
        return NULL;

static GF_ObjectDescriptor *OGG_GetOD(OGGStream *st)
        GF_ObjectDescriptor *od;
        GF_ESD *esd;

        od = (GF_ObjectDescriptor *) gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_OD_TAG);
        od->objectDescriptorID = (st->info.streamType==GF_STREAM_AUDIO) ? 3 : 2;
        esd = gf_odf_desc_esd_new(0);
        esd->decoderConfig->streamType = st->info.streamType;
        esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_MEDIA_OGG;
        esd->decoderConfig->avgBitrate = st->info.bitrate;
        esd->ESID = st->ESID;

        esd->slConfig->useTimestampsFlag = 1;
        esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitEndFlag = esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitStartFlag = 1;
        esd->slConfig->timestampResolution = st->info.sample_rate ? st->info.sample_rate : (u32) (1000*st->info.frame_rate);
        if (st->info.sample_rate) esd->slConfig->hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag = 1;
        else esd->slConfig->useRandomAccessPointFlag = 1;

        esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength = st->dsi_len;
        esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data = (char *) gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * st->dsi_len);
        memcpy(esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, st->dsi, sizeof(char) * st->dsi_len);
        gf_list_add(od->ESDescriptors, esd);
        return od;

u64 OGG_GranuleToTime(OGGInfo *cfg, s64 granule)
        if (cfg->sample_rate) {
                return granule;
        if (cfg->frame_rate) {
                s64 iframe = granule>>cfg->theora_kgs;
                s64 pframe = granule - (iframe<<cfg->theora_kgs);
                pframe += iframe;
                pframe *= cfg->frame_rate_base;
                return (u64) (pframe / cfg->frame_rate);
        return 0;

Double OGG_GranuleToMediaTime(OGGInfo *cfg, s64 granule)
        Double t = (Double) (s64) OGG_GranuleToTime(cfg, granule);
        if (cfg->sample_rate) t /= cfg->sample_rate;
        else t /= cfg->frame_rate_base;
        return t;

static void OGG_GetStreamInfo(ogg_packet *oggpacket, OGGInfo *info)
        oggpack_buffer opb;

        memset(info, 0, sizeof(OGGInfo));

        if ((oggpacket->bytes >= 7) && !strncmp((char *) &oggpacket->packet[1], "vorbis", 6)) {
                info->streamType = GF_STREAM_AUDIO;
                oggpack_readinit(&opb, oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes);
                oggpack_adv( &opb, 88);
                oggpack_adv( &opb, 8);  /*nb chan*/
                info->sample_rate = oggpack_read(&opb, 32);
                oggpack_adv( &opb, 32); /*max rate*/
                info->bitrate = oggpack_read(&opb, 32);
                info->num_init_headers = 3;
                info->type = OGG_VORBIS;
        else if ((oggpacket->bytes >= 7) && !strncmp((char *) &oggpacket->packet[0], "Speex", 5)) {
                info->streamType = GF_STREAM_AUDIO;
                oggpack_readinit(&opb, oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes);
                oggpack_adv(&opb, 224);
                oggpack_adv(&opb, 32);
                oggpack_adv( &opb, 32);
                info->sample_rate = oggpack_read(&opb, 32);
                info->type = OGG_SPEEX;
                info->num_init_headers = 1;
        else if ((oggpacket->bytes >= 4) && !strncmp((char *) &oggpacket->packet[0], "fLaC", 4)) {
                info->streamType = GF_STREAM_AUDIO;
                info->type = 3;
                info->num_init_headers = OGG_FLAC;
        else if ((oggpacket->bytes >= 7) && !strncmp((char *) &oggpacket->packet[1], "theora", 6)) {
                GF_BitStream *bs;
                u32 fps_numerator, fps_denominator, keyframe_freq_force;

                info->streamType = GF_STREAM_VISUAL;
                info->type = OGG_THEORA;
                bs = gf_bs_new((char *) oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes, GF_BITSTREAM_READ);
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 56);
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 8); /* major version num */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 8); /* minor version num */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 8); /* subminor version num */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 16) /*<< 4*/; /* width */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 16) /*<< 4*/; /* height */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 24); /* frame width */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 24); /* frame height */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 8); /* x offset */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 8); /* y offset */
                fps_numerator = gf_bs_read_u32(bs);
                fps_denominator = gf_bs_read_u32(bs);
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 24); /* aspect_numerator */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 24); /* aspect_denominator */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 8); /* colorspace */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 24);/* bitrate */
                gf_bs_read_int(bs, 6); /* quality */

                keyframe_freq_force = 1 << gf_bs_read_int(bs, 5);
                info->theora_kgs = 0;
                while (keyframe_freq_force) {
                        info->theora_kgs ++;
                        keyframe_freq_force >>= 1;
                info->frame_rate = ((Float)fps_numerator) / fps_denominator;
                info->num_init_headers = 3;
                info->frame_rate_base = fps_denominator;

static void OGG_ResetupStream(OGGReader *read, OGGStream *st, ogg_page *oggpage)
        ogg_stream_init(&st->os, st->serial_no);
        ogg_stream_pagein(&st->os, oggpage);
        st->parse_headers = st->info.num_init_headers;

        if (st->info.sample_rate) {
                st->seek_granule = (s64) (read->start_range * st->info.sample_rate);
        } else if (st->info.frame_rate) {
                s64 seek = (s64) (read->start_range * st->info.frame_rate) - 1;
                if (seek<0) seek=0;
                st->seek_granule = (seek)<<st->info.theora_kgs;
        st->last_granule = -1;

static void OGG_NewStream(OGGReader *read, ogg_page *oggpage)
        ogg_packet oggpacket;
        u32 serial_no, i;
        OGGStream *st;

        /*reannounce of stream (caroussel in live streams) - until now I don't think icecast uses this*/
        serial_no = ogg_page_serialno(oggpage);
        while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                if (st->serial_no==serial_no) {
                        OGG_ResetupStream(read, st, oggpage);

        /*look if we have the same stream defined (eg, reuse first stream dead with same header page)*/
        while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                if (st->eos_detected) {
                        ogg_stream_state os;
                        ogg_stream_init(&os, serial_no);
                        ogg_stream_pagein(&os, oggpage);
                        ogg_stream_packetpeek(&os, &oggpacket);
                        if (st->dsi && !memcmp(st->dsi, oggpacket.packet, oggpacket.bytes)) {
                                st->serial_no = serial_no;
                                OGG_ResetupStream(read, st, oggpage);
                        /*nope streams are different, signal eos on this one*/
                        gf_service_send_packet(read->service, st->ch, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);

        GF_SAFEALLOC(st, OGGStream);
        if (!st) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[OGG] Failed to allocate stream for demux\n"));
        st->serial_no = serial_no;
        ogg_stream_init(&st->os, st->serial_no);
        ogg_stream_pagein(&st->os, oggpage);

        ogg_stream_packetpeek(&st->os, &oggpacket);
        OGG_GetStreamInfo(&oggpacket, &st->info);

        /*check we don't discard audio or visual streams*/
        if ( ((read->service_type==1) && (st->info.streamType==GF_STREAM_AUDIO))
                || ((read->service_type==2) && (st->info.streamType==GF_STREAM_VISUAL)) )

        gf_list_add(read->streams, st);
        st->ESID = 2 + gf_list_count(read->streams);
        st->parse_headers = st->info.num_init_headers;
        if (st->parse_headers) read->init_remain++;

        if (st->info.sample_rate) {
                st->seek_granule = (s64) (read->start_range * st->info.sample_rate);
        } else if (st->info.frame_rate) {
                s64 seek = (s64) (read->start_range * st->info.frame_rate) - 1;
                if (seek<0) seek=0;
                st->seek_granule = (seek)<<st->info.theora_kgs;
        st->last_granule = -1;

        if (st->info.streamType==GF_STREAM_VISUAL) {
                read->has_video = GF_TRUE;
        } else {
                read->has_audio = GF_TRUE;
        if (st->got_headers && read->is_inline) gf_service_declare_media(read->service, (GF_Descriptor*) OGG_GetOD(st), GF_FALSE);

void OGG_SignalEndOfStream(OGGReader *read, OGGStream *st)
        if (st->eos_detected) {
                gf_service_send_packet(read->service, st->ch, NULL, 0, NULL, GF_EOS);

void OGG_SendPackets(OGGReader *read, OGGStream *st, ogg_packet *oggpacket)
        GF_SLHeader slh;
        memset(&slh, 0, sizeof(GF_SLHeader));
        if (st->info.type==OGG_VORBIS) {
                slh.accessUnitEndFlag = slh.accessUnitStartFlag = 1;
                slh.randomAccessPointFlag = 1;
                slh.compositionTimeStampFlag = 1;
                slh.compositionTimeStamp = st->ogg_ts;
                gf_service_send_packet(read->service, st->ch, (char *) oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes, &slh, GF_OK);
                st->ogg_ts += gf_vorbis_check_frame(&st->vp, (char *) oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes);
        else if (st->info.type==OGG_THEORA) {
                oggpack_buffer opb;
                oggpackB_readinit(&opb, oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes);
                /*new frame*/
                if (oggpackB_read(&opb, 1) == 0) {
                        slh.accessUnitStartFlag = slh.accessUnitEndFlag = 1;
                        /*add packet*/
                        slh.randomAccessPointFlag = oggpackB_read(&opb, 1) ? 0 : 1;
                        slh.compositionTimeStampFlag = 1;
                        slh.compositionTimeStamp = st->ogg_ts;
                        gf_service_send_packet(read->service, st->ch, (char *) oggpacket->packet, oggpacket->bytes, &slh, GF_OK);
                        st->ogg_ts += 1000;

void OGG_Process(OGGReader *read)
        OGGStream *st;
        ogg_packet oggpacket;
        ogg_page oggpage;

        if (read->resync_stream) {
                st = read->resync_stream;
                read->resync_stream = NULL;
                goto process_stream;

        if (!OGG_ReadPage(read, &oggpage)) {

        if (ogg_page_bos(&oggpage)) {
                OGG_NewStream(read, &oggpage);

        st = OGG_FindStreamForPage(read, &oggpage);
        if (!st) {
                if (!read->bos_done && read->is_live) {
                        u32 now = gf_sys_clock();
                        if (now-read->tune_in_time > 1000) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[OGG]: Waiting for tune in...\n"));
                                read->tune_in_time = now;

        if (ogg_page_eos(&oggpage))
                st->eos_detected = GF_TRUE;

        if (st->parse_headers && !st->got_headers) {
                while (ogg_stream_packetout(&st->os, &oggpacket ) > 0 ) {
                        GF_BitStream *bs;
                        if (st->info.type==OGG_VORBIS)
                                gf_vorbis_parse_header(&st->vp, (char *) oggpacket.packet, oggpacket.bytes);

                        bs = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                        if (st->dsi) {
                                gf_bs_write_data(bs, st->dsi, st->dsi_len);
                                st->dsi = NULL;
                        gf_bs_write_u16(bs, oggpacket.bytes);
                        gf_bs_write_data(bs, (char *) oggpacket.packet, oggpacket.bytes);
                        gf_bs_get_content(bs, (char **)&st->dsi, &st->dsi_len);
                        if (!st->parse_headers) {
                                st->got_headers = GF_TRUE;
                                if (read->is_inline)
                                        gf_service_declare_media(read->service, (GF_Descriptor*) OGG_GetOD(st), GF_FALSE);
                if (!st->got_headers) return;
                if (!read->init_remain) read->bos_done = 1;
        /*from here we should have passed all headers*/
        if (read->init_remain) return;

        /*live insertion (not supported yet, just a reminder)*/
        if (!st->ch) {
                read->resync_stream = st;

        while (ogg_stream_packetout(&st->os, &oggpacket ) > 0 ) {
                if (oggpacket.granulepos != -1) {
                        st->last_granule = oggpacket.granulepos;
                /*stream reinit, don't resend headers*/
                if (st->parse_headers) st->parse_headers--;
                else if (st->map_time) {
                        Double t;
                        if (read->start_range && (oggpacket.granulepos==-1)) continue;
                        t = OGG_GranuleToMediaTime(&st->info, st->last_granule);
                        if (t>=read->start_range) {
                                GF_NetworkCommand map;
                                map.command_type = GF_NET_CHAN_MAP_TIME;
                                map.map_time.on_channel = st->ch;
                                map.map_time.reset_buffers = (read->start_range>0.2) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;
                                map.map_time.timestamp = st->ogg_ts = 0;
                                map.map_time.media_time = t;
                                gf_service_command(read->service, &map, GF_OK);
                                st->map_time = GF_FALSE;
                                OGG_SendPackets(read, st, &oggpacket);
                else {
                        OGG_SendPackets(read, st, &oggpacket);

static u32 OggDemux(void *par)
        GF_NetworkCommand com;
        Bool go;
        u32 i, count;
        OGGStream *st;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader *) par;

        read->bos_done = 0;
        memset(&com, 0, sizeof(GF_NetworkCommand));
        com.command_type = GF_NET_CHAN_BUFFER_QUERY;

        if (read->needs_connection) {
                read->needs_connection = GF_FALSE;
                gf_service_connect_ack(read->service, NULL, GF_OK);


        while (!read->kill_demux) {

                if (!read->bos_done) continue;

                /*wait for stream connection*/
                while (!read->kill_demux && !read->nb_playing) {

                /*(re)starting, seek*/
                if (read->do_seek) {
                        read->do_seek = 0;
//                      OGG_SendStreams(read);

                        if (read->ogfile) {
                                u32 seek_to = 0;
                                read->resync_stream = NULL;
                                if (read->dur) seek_to = (u32) (read->file_size * (read->start_range/read->dur) * 0.6f);
                                if ((s32) seek_to > gf_ftell(read->ogfile) ) {
                                        gf_fseek(read->ogfile, seek_to, SEEK_SET);
                                } else {
                                        gf_fseek(read->ogfile, 0, SEEK_SET);

                /*sleep untill the buffer occupancy is too low - note that this work because all streams in this
                demuxer are synchronized*/
                go = read->nb_playing;
                while (go && !read->kill_demux) {
                        count = gf_list_count(read->streams);
                        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                                st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_get(read->streams, i);
                                if (!st->ch) continue;
                                com.base.on_channel = st->ch;
                                gf_service_command(read->service, &com, GF_OK);
                                if (com.buffer.occupancy < read->data_buffer_ms) {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[OGG] channel %d needs fill (%d ms data, %d max buffer)\n", st->ESID, com.buffer.occupancy, read->data_buffer_ms));
                                        go = GF_FALSE;
                        if (!i || !read->nb_playing) break;
        return 0;

/*get streams & duration*/
Bool OGG_CheckFile(OGGReader *read)
        OGGInfo info, the_info;
        ogg_page oggpage;
        ogg_packet oggpacket;
        ogg_stream_state os, the_os;
        u64 max_gran;
        Bool has_stream = GF_FALSE;
        gf_fseek(read->ogfile, 0, SEEK_SET);

        memset(&the_info, 0, sizeof(OGGInfo));
        max_gran = 0;
        while (1) {
                if (!OGG_ReadPage(read, &oggpage)) break;

                if (ogg_page_bos(&oggpage)) {
                        ogg_stream_init(&os, ogg_page_serialno(&oggpage));
                        if (ogg_stream_pagein(&os, &oggpage) >= 0 ) {
                                ogg_stream_packetpeek(&os, &oggpacket);
                                if (ogg_stream_pagein(&os, &oggpage) >= 0 ) {
                                        ogg_stream_packetpeek(&os, &oggpacket);
                                        OGG_GetStreamInfo(&oggpacket, &info);
                                if (!has_stream) {
                                        has_stream = GF_TRUE;
                                        ogg_stream_init(&the_os, ogg_page_serialno(&oggpage));
                                        the_info = info;
                if (has_stream && (ogg_stream_pagein(&the_os, &oggpage) >= 0) ) {
                        while (ogg_stream_packetout(&the_os, &oggpacket ) > 0 ) {
                                if ((oggpacket.granulepos>=0) && ((u64) oggpacket.granulepos>max_gran) ) {
                                        max_gran = oggpacket.granulepos;
        read->file_size = gf_ftell(read->ogfile);
        gf_fseek(read->ogfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
        read->dur = 0;
        if (has_stream) {
                read->dur = (Double) (s64) OGG_GranuleToTime(&the_info, max_gran);
                if (the_info.sample_rate) read->dur /= the_info.sample_rate;
                else read->dur /= the_info.frame_rate_base;
        return has_stream;

static const char * OGG_MIMES_AUDIO[] = {
        "audio/ogg", "audio/x-ogg", "audio/x-vorbis+ogg", NULL

static const char * OGG_MIMES_AUDIO_EXT = "oga spx";

static const char * OGG_MIMES_AUDIO_DESC = " OGG Music";

static const char * OGG_MIMES_VIDEO[] = {
        "application/ogg", "application/x-ogg", "video/ogg", "video/x-ogg", "video/x-ogm+ogg", NULL

static const char * OGG_MIMES_VIDEO_DESC = " OGG Movie";

static const char * OGG_MIMES_VIDEO_EXT = "ogg ogv oggm";

static u32 OGG_RegisterMimeTypes(const GF_InputService *plug) {
        u32 i, c;
        for (i = 0 ; OGG_MIMES_AUDIO[i]; i++)
                gf_service_register_mime(plug, OGG_MIMES_AUDIO[i], OGG_MIMES_AUDIO_EXT, OGG_MIMES_AUDIO_DESC);
        c = i;
        for (i = 0 ; OGG_MIMES_VIDEO[i]; i++)
                gf_service_register_mime(plug, OGG_MIMES_VIDEO[i], OGG_MIMES_VIDEO_EXT, OGG_MIMES_VIDEO_DESC);
        return c+i;

static Bool OGG_CanHandleURL(GF_InputService *plug, const char *url)
        char *sExt;
        u32 i;
        sExt = strrchr(url, '.');
        for (i = 0 ; OGG_MIMES_AUDIO[i]; i++) {
                if (gf_service_check_mime_register(plug, OGG_MIMES_AUDIO[i], OGG_MIMES_AUDIO_EXT, OGG_MIMES_AUDIO_DESC, sExt))
                        return GF_TRUE;
        for (i = 0 ; OGG_MIMES_VIDEO[i]; i++) {
                if (gf_service_check_mime_register(plug, OGG_MIMES_VIDEO[i], OGG_MIMES_VIDEO_EXT, OGG_MIMES_VIDEO_DESC, sExt))
                        return GF_TRUE;
        return GF_FALSE;

static Bool ogg_is_local(const char *url)
        if (!strnicmp(url, "file://", 7)) return GF_TRUE;
        if (strstr(url, "://")) return GF_FALSE;
        return GF_TRUE;

void OGG_NetIO(void *cbk, GF_NETIO_Parameter *param)
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader *) cbk;


        if ((param->msg_type==GF_NETIO_DATA_TRANSFERED) && read->ogfile) {
                read->is_remote = GF_FALSE;
                /*reload file*/
        if (param->error && read->needs_connection) {
                read->needs_connection = GF_FALSE;
                read->kill_demux = 2;
                gf_service_connect_ack(read->service, NULL, param->error);
        /*we never receive data from here since the downloader is not threaded*/

void OGG_DownloadFile(GF_InputService *plug, char *url)
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*) plug->priv;

        read->dnload = gf_service_download_new(read->service, url, GF_NETIO_SESSION_NOT_THREADED, OGG_NetIO, read);
        if (!read->dnload) {
                read->needs_connection = GF_FALSE;
                gf_service_connect_ack(read->service, NULL, GF_NOT_SUPPORTED);
        /*service confirm is done once fetched, but start the demuxer thread*/
        gf_th_run(read->demuxer, OggDemux, read);

static GF_Err OGG_ConnectService(GF_InputService *plug, GF_ClientService *serv, const char *url)
        char szURL[2048];
        char *ext;
        GF_Err reply=GF_OK;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;
        read->service = serv;

        if (read->dnload) gf_service_download_del(read->dnload);
        read->dnload = NULL;

        read->service_type = 0;
        strcpy(szURL, url);
        ext = strrchr(szURL, '#');
        if (ext) {
                if (!strcmp(ext, "#video")) read->service_type = 1;
                else if (!strcmp(ext, "#audio")) read->service_type = 2;
                ext[0] = 0;

        /*remote fetch*/
        read->is_remote = !ogg_is_local(szURL);
        if (read->is_remote) {
                read->needs_connection = GF_TRUE;
                OGG_DownloadFile(plug, szURL);
                return GF_OK;
        } else {
                read->ogfile = gf_fopen(szURL, "rb");
                if (!read->ogfile) {
                        reply = GF_URL_ERROR;
                } else {
                        /*init ogg file in local mode*/
                        if (!OGG_CheckFile(read)) {
                                reply = GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM;
                        } else {
                                read->needs_connection = GF_TRUE;
                                /*start the demuxer thread*/
                                gf_th_run(read->demuxer, OggDemux, read);
                                return GF_OK;
        gf_service_connect_ack(serv, NULL, reply);
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Err OGG_CloseService(GF_InputService *plug)
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;
        if (!read->kill_demux) {
                read->kill_demux = 1;
                while (read->kill_demux!=2) gf_sleep(2);

        if (read->ogfile) gf_fclose(read->ogfile);
        read->ogfile = NULL;
        if (read->dnload) gf_service_download_del(read->dnload);
        read->dnload = NULL;
        gf_service_disconnect_ack(read->service, NULL, GF_OK);
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Descriptor *OGG_GetServiceDesc(GF_InputService *plug, u32 expect_type, const char *sub_url)
        u32 i;
        GF_ObjectDescriptor *od;
        OGGStream *st;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;
        /*since we don't handle multitrack in ogg yes, we don't need to check sub_url, only use expected type*/

        /*single object*/
        if ((expect_type==GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_AUDIO) || (expect_type==GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_VIDEO)) {
                if ((expect_type==GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_AUDIO) && !read->has_audio) return NULL;
                if ((expect_type==GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_VIDEO) && !read->has_video) return NULL;
                while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                        if ((expect_type==GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_AUDIO) && (st->info.streamType!=GF_STREAM_AUDIO)) continue;
                        if ((expect_type==GF_MEDIA_OBJECT_VIDEO) && (st->info.streamType!=GF_STREAM_VISUAL)) continue;

                        od = OGG_GetOD(st);
                        read->is_single_media = GF_TRUE;
                        return (GF_Descriptor *) od;
                /*not supported yet - we need to know what's in the ogg stream for that*/
        read->is_inline = GF_TRUE;
        return NULL;

static GF_Err OGG_ConnectChannel(GF_InputService *plug, LPNETCHANNEL channel, const char *url, Bool upstream)
        u32 ES_ID, i;
        GF_Err e;
        OGGStream *st;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;

        e = GF_STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
        if (strstr(url, "ES_ID")) {
                sscanf(url, "ES_ID=%u", &ES_ID);
        /*URL setup*/
//      else if (!read->es_ch && OGG_CanHandleURL(plug, url)) ES_ID = 3;

        while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                if (st->ESID==ES_ID) {
                        st->ch = channel;
                        e = GF_OK;
        gf_service_connect_ack(read->service, channel, e);
        return e;

static GF_Err OGG_DisconnectChannel(GF_InputService *plug, LPNETCHANNEL channel)
        GF_Err e;
        OGGStream *st;
        u32 i=0;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;

        e = GF_STREAM_NOT_FOUND;
        while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                if (st->ch==channel) {
                        st->ch = NULL;
                        e = GF_OK;
        gf_service_disconnect_ack(read->service, channel, e);
        return GF_OK;

static GF_Err OGG_ServiceCommand(GF_InputService *plug, GF_NetworkCommand *com)
        OGGStream *st;
        u32 i;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;

        if (!com->base.on_channel) {
                /*if live session we may cache*/
                if (read->is_live && (com->command_type==GF_NET_IS_CACHABLE)) return GF_OK;
                return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        switch (com->command_type) {
        case GF_NET_CHAN_SET_PULL:
                /*no way to demux streams independently, and we keep OD as dynamic ogfile to handle
                chained streams*/
                return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                //live: return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                return GF_OK;
        case GF_NET_CHAN_BUFFER:
                com->buffer.min = com->buffer.max = 0;
                if (read->is_live) com->buffer.max = read->data_buffer_ms;
                return GF_OK;
                return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED;

        case GF_NET_CHAN_DURATION:
                com->duration.duration = read->dur;
                return GF_OK;
        case GF_NET_CHAN_PLAY:
                read->start_range = com->play.start_range;
                read->end_range = com->play.end_range;
                while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                        if (st->ch == com->base.on_channel) {
                                st->is_running = GF_TRUE;
                                st->map_time = read->dur ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE;
                                if (!read->nb_playing) read->do_seek = 1;
                                read->nb_playing ++;
                /*recfg duration in case*/
                if (!read->is_remote && read->dur) {
                        GF_NetworkCommand rcfg;
                        rcfg.base.on_channel = NULL;
                        rcfg.base.command_type = GF_NET_CHAN_DURATION;
                        rcfg.duration.duration = read->dur;
                        gf_service_command(read->service, &rcfg, GF_OK);
                return GF_OK;
        case GF_NET_CHAN_STOP:
                while ((st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_enum(read->streams, &i))) {
                        if (st->ch == com->base.on_channel) {
                                st->is_running = GF_FALSE;
                                read->nb_playing --;
                return GF_OK;
                return GF_OK;

static Bool OGG_CanHandleURLInService(GF_InputService *plug, const char *url)
        char szURL[2048], *sep;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader *)plug->priv;
        const char *this_url = gf_service_get_url(read->service);
        if (!this_url || !url) return GF_FALSE;

        strcpy(szURL, this_url);
        sep = strrchr(szURL, '#');
        if (sep) sep[0] = 0;

        if ((url[0] != '#') && strnicmp(szURL, url, sizeof(char)*strlen(szURL))) return GF_FALSE;
        sep = strrchr(url, '#');
        if (!stricmp(sep, "#video") && (read->has_video)) return GF_TRUE;
        if (!stricmp(sep, "#audio") && (read->has_audio)) return GF_TRUE;
        return GF_FALSE;

GF_InputService *OGG_LoadDemux()
        OGGReader *reader;
        GF_InputService *plug = (GF_InputService*)gf_malloc(sizeof(GF_InputService));
        memset(plug, 0, sizeof(GF_InputService));
        GF_REGISTER_MODULE_INTERFACE(plug, GF_NET_CLIENT_INTERFACE, "GPAC OGG Reader", "gpac distribution")
        plug->RegisterMimeTypes = OGG_RegisterMimeTypes;
        plug->CanHandleURL = OGG_CanHandleURL;
        plug->ConnectService = OGG_ConnectService;
        plug->CloseService = OGG_CloseService;
        plug->GetServiceDescriptor = OGG_GetServiceDesc;
        plug->ConnectChannel = OGG_ConnectChannel;
        plug->DisconnectChannel = OGG_DisconnectChannel;
        plug->ServiceCommand = OGG_ServiceCommand;
        plug->CanHandleURLInService = OGG_CanHandleURLInService;

        reader = (OGGReader*)gf_malloc(sizeof(OGGReader));
        memset(reader, 0, sizeof(OGGReader));
        reader->streams = gf_list_new();
        reader->demuxer = gf_th_new("OGGDemux");
        reader->data_buffer_ms = 1000;

        plug->priv = reader;
        return plug;

void OGG_DeleteDemux(void *ifce)
        GF_InputService *plug = (GF_InputService *) ifce;
        OGGReader *read = (OGGReader*)plug->priv;

        /*just in case something went wrong*/
        while (gf_list_count(read->streams)) {
                OGGStream *st = (OGGStream*)gf_list_get(read->streams, 0);
                gf_list_rem(read->streams, 0);
                if (st->dsi) gf_free(st->dsi);

#endif /* !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_AV_PARSERS) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_OGG)*/

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