
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. mul255
  2. overmask_rgb
  3. overmask_rgb_const_run
  4. evg_rgb_fill_const
  5. evg_rgb_fill_const_a
  6. evg_rgb_fill_var
  7. evg_surface_clear_rgb
  8. overmask_bgr
  9. overmask_bgr_const_run
  10. evg_bgr_fill_const
  11. evg_bgr_fill_const_a
  12. evg_bgr_fill_var
  13. evg_surface_clear_bgr
  14. evg_user_fill_const
  15. evg_user_fill_const_a
  16. evg_user_fill_var

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / software 2D rasterizer module
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "rast_soft.h"

static s32
mul255(s32 a, s32 b)
        return ((a + 1) * b) >> 8;

                        RGB part

static void overmask_rgb(u32 src, char *dst, u32 alpha)
        s32 srca = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
        u32 srcr = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
        s32 srcg = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
        s32 srcb = (src) & 0xff;

        s32 dstr = (*dst) & 0xFF;
        s32 dstg = *(dst+1) & 0xFF;
        s32 dstb = *(dst+2) & 0xFF;

        srca = mul255(srca, alpha);
        *dst = mul255(srca, srcr - dstr) + dstr;
        *(dst+1) = mul255(srca, srcg - dstg) + dstg;
        *(dst+2) = mul255(srca, srcb - dstb) + dstb;

static void overmask_rgb_const_run(u32 src, char *dst, s32 dst_pitch_x, u32 count)
        u8 srca = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
        u8 srcr = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
        u8 srcg = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
        u8 srcb = (src) & 0xff;

        while (count) {
                u8 dstr = *(dst);
                u8 dstg = *(dst+1);
                u8 dstb = *(dst+2);
                *dst = (u8) mul255(srca, srcr - dstr) + dstr;
                *(dst+1) = (u8) mul255(srca, srcg - dstg) + dstg;
                *(dst+2) = (u8) mul255(srca, srcb - dstb) + dstb;
                dst += dst_pitch_x;

void evg_rgb_fill_const(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        u32 col = surf->fill_col;
        u32 a, fin, col_no_a;
        char *dst = surf->pixels + y * surf->pitch_y;
        char *p;
        s32 i;
        u32 len, r, g, b;

        r = GF_COL_R(col);
        g = GF_COL_G(col);
        b = GF_COL_B(col);

        col_no_a = col & 0x00FFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                len = spans[i].len;
                p = dst + spans[i].x * surf->pitch_x;

                if (spans[i].coverage != 0xFF) {
                        a = mul255(0xFF, spans[i].coverage);
                        fin = (a<<24) | col_no_a;
                        overmask_rgb_const_run(fin, p, surf->pitch_x, len);
                } else {
                        while (len--) {
                                *(p) = r;
                                *(p + 1) = g;
                                *(p + 2) = b;
                                p += surf->pitch_x;

void evg_rgb_fill_const_a(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        char *dst = surf->pixels + y * surf->pitch_y;
        u32 col = surf->fill_col;
        u32 a, fin;
        s32 i;

        a = (col>>24)&0xFF;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                fin = mul255(a, spans[i].coverage);
                fin = (fin<<24) | (col&0x00FFFFFF);
                overmask_rgb_const_run(fin, dst + surf->pitch_x * spans[i].x, surf->pitch_x, spans[i].len);

void evg_rgb_fill_var(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        char *dst = surf->pixels + y * surf->pitch_y;
        u8 spanalpha, col_a;
        s32 i;
        s32 x;
        u32 len;
        u32 *col;

        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                len = spans[i].len;
                spanalpha = spans[i].coverage;
                surf->sten->fill_run(surf->sten, surf, spans[i].x, y, len);
                col = surf->stencil_pix_run;
                x = surf->pitch_x * spans[i].x;
                while (len--) {
                        col_a = GF_COL_A(*col);
                        if (col_a) {
                                if ((spanalpha!=0xFF) || (col_a != 0xFF)) {
                                        overmask_rgb(*col, dst + x, spanalpha);
                                } else {
                                        *(dst + x) = GF_COL_R(*col);
                                        *(dst + x + 1) = GF_COL_G(*col);
                                        *(dst + x + 2) = GF_COL_B(*col);
                        x += surf->pitch_x;

GF_Err evg_surface_clear_rgb(GF_SURFACE surf, GF_IRect rc, GF_Color col)
        u32 x, y, w, h, sx, sy;
        s32 st;
        u8 r, g, b;
        EVGSurface *_this = (EVGSurface *)surf;
        st = _this->pitch_y;

        h = rc.height;
        w = rc.width;
        sx = rc.x;
        sy = rc.y;

        r = GF_COL_R(col);
        g = GF_COL_G(col);
        b = GF_COL_B(col);

        for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
                char *data = _this ->pixels + (y + sy) * st + _this->pitch_x*sx;
                for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
                        *(data) = r;
                        *(data+1) = g;
                        *(data+2) = b;
                        data += _this->pitch_x;
        return GF_OK;


                        BGR part

static void overmask_bgr(u32 src, char *dst, u32 alpha)
        s32 srca = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
        s32 srcr = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
        s32 srcg = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
        s32 srcb = (src) & 0xff;

        s32 dstb = *dst & 0xFF;
        s32 dstg = *(dst+1) & 0xFF;
        s32 dstr = *(dst+2) & 0xFF;

        srca = mul255(srca, alpha);
        *(dst) = mul255(srca, srcb - dstb) + dstb;
        *(dst+1) = mul255(srca, srcg - dstg) + dstg;
        *(dst+2) = mul255(srca, srcr - dstr) + dstr;

static void overmask_bgr_const_run(u32 src, char *dst, s32 dst_pitch_x, u32 count)
        u8 srca = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
        u8 srcr = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
        u8 srcg = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
        u8 srcb = (src) & 0xff;

        while (count) {
                u8 dstb = *(dst);
                u8 dstg = *(dst+1);
                u8 dstr = *(dst+2);
                *dst = (u8) mul255(srca, srcb - dstb) + dstb;
                *(dst+1) = (u8) mul255(srca, srcg - dstg) + dstg;
                *(dst+2) = (u8) mul255(srca, srcr - dstr) + dstr;
                dst += dst_pitch_x;

void evg_bgr_fill_const(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        u32 col = surf->fill_col;
        u32 a, fin, col_no_a;
        char *dst = surf->pixels + y * surf->pitch_y;
        char *p;
        s32 i;
        u32 len, r, g, b;

        r = GF_COL_R(col);
        g = GF_COL_G(col);
        b = GF_COL_B(col);

        col_no_a = col & 0x00FFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                len = spans[i].len;
                p = dst + spans[i].x * surf->pitch_x;

                if (spans[i].coverage != 0xFF) {
                        a = mul255(0xFF, spans[i].coverage);
                        fin = (a<<24) | col_no_a;
                        overmask_bgr_const_run(fin, p, surf->pitch_x, len);
                } else {
                        while (len--) {
                                *(p) = b;
                                *(p + 1) = g;
                                *(p + 2) = r;
                                p += surf->pitch_x;

void evg_bgr_fill_const_a(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        char *dst = surf->pixels + y * surf->pitch_y;
        u32 col = surf->fill_col;
        u32 a, fin, col_no_a;
        s32 i;

        a = (col>>24)&0xFF;
        col_no_a = col & 0x00FFFFFF;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                fin = mul255(a, spans[i].coverage);
                fin = (fin<<24) | col_no_a;
                overmask_bgr_const_run(fin, dst + surf->pitch_x * spans[i].x, surf->pitch_x, spans[i].len);

void evg_bgr_fill_var(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        char *dst = surf->pixels + y * surf->pitch_y;
        u8 spanalpha, col_a;
        s32 i, x;
        u32 len;
        u32 *col, _col;

        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                x = spans[i].x;
                len = spans[i].len;
                spanalpha = spans[i].coverage;
                surf->sten->fill_run(surf->sten, surf, x, y, len);
                x *= surf->pitch_x;
                col = surf->stencil_pix_run;
                while (len--) {
                        _col = *col;
                        col_a = GF_COL_A(_col);
                        if (col_a) {
                                if ((spanalpha!=0xFF) || (col_a != 0xFF)) {
                                        overmask_bgr(_col, dst + x, spanalpha);
                                } else {
                                        *(dst + x) = GF_COL_B(_col);
                                        *(dst + x + 1) = GF_COL_G(_col);
                                        *(dst + x + 2) = GF_COL_R(_col);
                        x += surf->pitch_x;

GF_Err evg_surface_clear_bgr(GF_SURFACE surf, GF_IRect rc, GF_Color col)
        u32 x, y, w, h, sx, sy;
        s32 st;
        u8 r, g, b;
        EVGSurface *_this = (EVGSurface *)surf;
        st = _this->pitch_y;

        h = rc.height;
        w = rc.width;
        sx = rc.x;
        sy = rc.y;

        r = GF_COL_R(col);
        g = GF_COL_G(col);
        b = GF_COL_B(col);

        for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
                char *data = _this ->pixels + (y+sy) * st + _this->pitch_x*sx;
                for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
                        *(data) = b;
                        *(data+1) = g;
                        *(data+2) = r;
                        data += 3;
        return GF_OK;

        user-defined callbacks

void evg_user_fill_const(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        u32 col_no_a;
        s32 i;

        col_no_a = surf->fill_col;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                if (spans[i].coverage != 0xFF) {
                        u32 a = mul255(0xFF, spans[i].coverage);
                        surf->raster_fill_run_alpha(surf->raster_cbk, spans[i].x, y, spans[i].len, col_no_a, a);
                } else {
                        surf->raster_fill_run_no_alpha(surf->raster_cbk, spans[i].x, y, spans[i].len, col_no_a);

void evg_user_fill_const_a(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        u32 col, a, col_no_a;
        s32 i;
        a = (surf->fill_col>>24)&0xFF;
        col_no_a = surf->fill_col | 0xFF000000;
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                col = mul255(a, spans[i].coverage);
                surf->raster_fill_run_alpha(surf->raster_cbk, spans[i].x, y, spans[i].len, col_no_a, col);

void evg_user_fill_var(s32 y, s32 count, EVG_Span *spans, EVGSurface *surf)
        u8 spanalpha, col_a, a;
        s32 i;
        u32 x, len;
        u32 *col;

        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                len = spans[i].len;
                x = spans[i].x;
                spanalpha = spans[i].coverage;
                surf->sten->fill_run(surf->sten, surf, x, y, len);
                col = surf->stencil_pix_run;
                while (len--) {
                        col_a = GF_COL_A(*col);
                        if (col_a) {
                                if ((spanalpha!=0xFF) || (col_a != 0xFF)) {
                                        a = mul255(col_a, spans[i].coverage);
                                        surf->raster_fill_run_alpha(surf->raster_cbk, x, y, 1, *col, a);
                                } else {
                                        surf->raster_fill_run_no_alpha(surf->raster_cbk, x, y, 1, *col);
                        x ++;

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