
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Divide
  2. rescale
  3. predict_acdc
  4. add_acdc
  5. get_pmv2

 *  - Prediction module -
 *  Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Michael Militzer <>
 *                2001-2003 Peter Ross <>
 *  This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
 * $Id: mbprediction.cpp,v 2005-07-13 14:36:15 jeanlf Exp $

#include "global.h"
#include "mbprediction.h"


#if 0

#define Divide(a,b)    (((a)>0) ? ((a)+((b)>>1))/(b) : ((a)-((b)>>1))/(b))


#define RET_DIV(a, N) return (a*N+32768) >> 16;
#define RET_SHR(a, N, S) return (a+N) >> S;

static int Divide(int a, int b) {
        switch(b) {
        case 1:
                return a;
        case 2:
                return a >> 1;
        case 4:
                RET_SHR(a, 2, 2);
        case 8:
                RET_SHR(a, 4, 3);
        case 16:
                RET_SHR(a, 8, 4);
        case 32:
                RET_SHR(a, 16, 5);
        case 3:
                RET_DIV(a, 21845);
        case 5:
                RET_DIV(a, 13107);
        case 6:
                RET_DIV(a, 10923);
        case 7:
                RET_DIV(a, 9362);
        case 9:
                RET_DIV(a, 7282);
        case 10:
                RET_DIV(a, 6554);
        case 11:
                RET_DIV(a, 5958);
        case 12:
                RET_DIV(a, 5461);
        case 13:
                RET_DIV(a, 5041);
        case 14:
                RET_DIV(a, 4681);
        case 15:
                RET_DIV(a, 4369);
        case 17:
                RET_DIV(a, 3855);
        case 18:
                RET_DIV(a, 3641);
        case 19:
                RET_DIV(a, 3449);
        case 20:
                RET_DIV(a, 3277);
        case 21:
                RET_DIV(a, 3121);
        case 22:
                RET_DIV(a, 2979);
        case 23:
                RET_DIV(a, 2849);
        case 24:
                RET_DIV(a, 2731);
        case 25:
                RET_DIV(a, 2621);
        case 26:
                RET_DIV(a, 2521);
        case 27:
                RET_DIV(a, 2427);
        case 28:
                RET_DIV(a, 2341);
        case 29:
                RET_DIV(a, 2260);
        case 30:
                RET_DIV(a, 2185);
        case 31:
                RET_DIV(a, 2114);
        return ((a>0) ? (a+(b>>1))/b : (a-(b>>1))/b);


inline int rescale(int predict_quant, int current_quant, int coeff) {

                return 0;
        return Divide(coeff * predict_quant, current_quant);


static const int default_acdc_values[15] = {
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

/* get dc/ac prediction direction for a single block and place
   predictor values into MB->pred_values[j][..]
void predict_acdc(MACROBLOCK *pMBs, dword x, dword y, dword mb_width, dword block, int qcoeff[64], dword current_quant, int iDcScaler, int predictors[8], int bound) {

        const int mbpos = (y * mb_width) + x;
        int *left, *top, *diag, *current;

        int left_quant = current_quant;
        int top_quant = current_quant;

        const int *pLeft = default_acdc_values;
        const int *pTop = default_acdc_values;
        const int *pDiag = default_acdc_values;

        dword index = x + y * mb_width;  /* current macroblock */
        int *acpred_direction = &pMBs[index].acpred_directions[block];
        dword i;

        left = top = diag = current = 0;

        /* grab left,top and diag macroblocks */

        /* left macroblock */

        if (x && mbpos >= bound + 1  &&
                (pMBs[index - 1].mode == MODE_INTRA ||
                 pMBs[index - 1].mode == MODE_INTRA_Q)) {

                left = pMBs[index - 1].pred_values[0];
                left_quant = pMBs[index - 1].quant;
        /* top macroblock */

        if (mbpos >= bound + (int)mb_width &&
                (pMBs[index - mb_width].mode == MODE_INTRA ||
                 pMBs[index - mb_width].mode == MODE_INTRA_Q)) {

                top = pMBs[index - mb_width].pred_values[0];
                top_quant = pMBs[index - mb_width].quant;
        /* diag macroblock */

        if (x && mbpos >= bound + (int)mb_width + 1 &&
                (pMBs[index - 1 - mb_width].mode == MODE_INTRA ||
                 pMBs[index - 1 - mb_width].mode == MODE_INTRA_Q)) {

                diag = pMBs[index - 1 - mb_width].pred_values[0];

        current = pMBs[index].pred_values[0];

        /* now grab pLeft, pTop, pDiag _blocks_ */

        switch(block) {
        case 0:
                        pLeft = left + MBPRED_SIZE;
                        pTop = top + (MBPRED_SIZE << 1);
                        pDiag = diag + 3 * MBPRED_SIZE;

        case 1:
                pLeft = current;
                left_quant = current_quant;
                if(top) {
                        pTop = top + 3 * MBPRED_SIZE;
                        pDiag = top + (MBPRED_SIZE << 1);

        case 2:
                if(left) {
                        pLeft = left + 3 * MBPRED_SIZE;
                        pDiag = left + MBPRED_SIZE;
                pTop = current;
                top_quant = current_quant;

        case 3:
                pLeft = current + (MBPRED_SIZE << 1);
                left_quant = current_quant;
                pTop = current + MBPRED_SIZE;
                top_quant = current_quant;
                pDiag = current;

        case 4:
                        pLeft = left + (MBPRED_SIZE << 2);
                        pTop = top + (MBPRED_SIZE << 2);
                        pDiag = diag + (MBPRED_SIZE << 2);

        case 5:
                        pLeft = left + 5 * MBPRED_SIZE;
                        pTop = top + 5 * MBPRED_SIZE;
                        pDiag = diag + 5 * MBPRED_SIZE;

         * determine ac prediction direction & ac/dc predictor place rescaled ac/dc
         * predictions into predictors[] for later use

        if(ABS(pLeft[0] - pDiag[0]) < ABS(pDiag[0] - pTop[0])) {
                *acpred_direction = 1;
                predictors[0] = Divide(pTop[0], iDcScaler);
                for(i = 1; i < 8; i++)
                        predictors[i] = rescale(top_quant, current_quant, pTop[i]);
        } else {
                *acpred_direction = 2;
                predictors[0] = Divide(pLeft[0], iDcScaler);
                for(i = 1; i < 8; i++)
                        predictors[i] = rescale(left_quant, current_quant, pLeft[i + 7]);

/* decoder: add predictors to dct_codes[] and
   store current coeffs to pred_values[] for future prediction
void add_acdc(MACROBLOCK *pMB, dword block, int dct_codes[64], dword iDcScaler, int predictors[8]) {

        byte acpred_direction = pMB->acpred_directions[block];
        int *pCurrent = pMB->pred_values[block];

        DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_COEFF,"predictor[0] %i\n", predictors[0]);

        dct_codes[0] += predictors[0];   /* dc prediction */
        pCurrent[0] = dct_codes[0] * iDcScaler;

        if(acpred_direction == 1) {
                for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                        int level = dct_codes[i] + predictors[i];
                        //DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_COEFF,"predictor[%i] %i\n",i, predictors[i]);
                        dct_codes[i] = level;
                        pCurrent[i] = level;
                        pCurrent[i + 7] = dct_codes[i * 8];
        } else if(acpred_direction == 2) {
                for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                        int level = dct_codes[i * 8] + predictors[i];
                        //DPRINTF(XVID_DEBUG_COEFF,"predictor[%i] %i\n",i*8, predictors[i]);
                        dct_codes[i * 8] = level;
                        pCurrent[i + 7] = level;
                        pCurrent[i] = dct_codes[i];
        } else {
                for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
                        pCurrent[i] = dct_codes[i];
                        pCurrent[i + 7] = dct_codes[i * 8];


static const VECTOR zeroMV = { 0, 0 };

VECTOR get_pmv2(const MACROBLOCK * const mbs, const int mb_width, const int bound, const int x, const int y, const int block) {

        int lx, ly, lz;      /* left */
        int tx, ty, tz;      /* top */
        int rx, ry, rz;      /* top-right */
        int lpos, tpos, rpos;
        int num_cand = 0, last_cand = 1;

        VECTOR pmv[4]; /* left neighbour, top neighbour, top-right neighbour */

        switch(block) {
        case 0:
                lx = x - 1;
                ly = y;
                lz = 1;
                tx = x;
                ty = y - 1;
                tz = 2;
                rx = x + 1;
                ry = y - 1;
                rz = 2;
        case 1:
                lx = x;
                ly = y;
                lz = 0;
                tx = x;
                ty = y - 1;
                tz = 3;
                rx = x + 1;
                ry = y - 1;
                rz = 2;
        case 2:
                lx = x - 1;
                ly = y;
                lz = 3;
                tx = x;
                ty = y;
                tz = 0;
                rx = x;
                ry = y;
                rz = 1;
                lx = x;
                ly = y;
                lz = 2;
                tx = x;
                ty = y;
                tz = 0;
                rx = x;
                ry = y;
                rz = 1;

        lpos = lx + ly * mb_width;
        rpos = rx + ry * mb_width;
        tpos = tx + ty * mb_width;

        if(lpos >= bound && lx >= 0) {
                pmv[1] = mbs[lpos].mvs[lz];
        } else
                pmv[1] = zeroMV;

        if(tpos >= bound) {
                last_cand = 2;
                pmv[2] = mbs[tpos].mvs[tz];
        } else
                pmv[2] = zeroMV;

        if(rpos >= bound && rx < mb_width) {
                last_cand = 3;
                pmv[3] = mbs[rpos].mvs[rz];
        } else
                pmv[3] = zeroMV;

        //if there're more than one candidate, we return the median vector
        if(num_cand > 1) {
                //set median
                pmv[0].x =
                    MIN(MAX(pmv[1].x, pmv[2].x),
                        MIN(MAX(pmv[2].x, pmv[3].x), MAX(pmv[1].x, pmv[3].x)));
                pmv[0].y =
                    MIN(MAX(pmv[1].y, pmv[2].y),
                        MIN(MAX(pmv[2].y, pmv[3].y), MAX(pmv[1].y, pmv[3].y)));
                return pmv[0];

        return pmv[last_cand];  //no point calculating median mv


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