
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. gf_odf_get_field_type
  2. gf_odf_get_tag_by_name
  3. OD_ParseBinData
  4. OD_ParseFileData
  5. OD_ParseBin128
  6. gf_odf_set_field
  7. OD_ParseUIConfig

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / MPEG-4 ObjectDescriptor sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/internal/odf_dev.h>
#include <gpac/token.h>
#include <gpac/constants.h>
/*for import flags*/
#include <gpac/media_tools.h>

/* to complete...*/

u32 gf_odf_get_field_type(GF_Descriptor *desc, char *fieldName)
        switch (desc->tag) {
        case GF_ODF_IOD_TAG:
        case GF_ODF_OD_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "esDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ociDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ipmpDescrPtr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ipmpDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "extDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "toolListDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_DCD_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "decSpecificInfo")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "profileLevelIndicationIndexDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_ESD_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "decConfigDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "muxInfo")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "StreamSource")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "slConfigDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ipiPtr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "qosDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "regDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "langDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ipIDS")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ipmpDescrPtr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "extDescr")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_TEXT_CFG_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "SampleDescriptions")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_IPMP_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMPX_Data")) return GF_ODF_FT_IPMPX_LIST;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_IPMP_TL_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ipmpTool")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_IPMP_TOOL_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "toolParamDesc")) return GF_ODF_FT_IPMPX;
                return 0;
        case GF_ODF_BIFS_CFG_TAG:
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "elementaryMask")) return GF_ODF_FT_OD_LIST;
                return 0;
        return 0;

u32 gf_odf_get_tag_by_name(char *descName)
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ObjectDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_OD_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "InitialObjectDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_IOD_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ES_Descriptor")) return GF_ODF_ESD_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "DecoderConfigDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_DCD_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "DecoderSpecificInfo")) return GF_ODF_DSI_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "DecoderSpecificInfoString")) return GF_ODF_DSI_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "SLConfigDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_SLC_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "SegmentDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_SEGMENT_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "MediaTimeDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_MEDIATIME_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "MuxInfo")) return GF_ODF_MUXINFO_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "StreamSource")) return GF_ODF_MUXINFO_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "BIFSConfig") || !stricmp(descName, "BIFSv2Config")) return GF_ODF_BIFS_CFG_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ElementaryMask")) return GF_ODF_ELEM_MASK_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "TextConfig")) return GF_ODF_TEXT_CFG_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "TextSampleDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_TX3G_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "UIConfig")) return GF_ODF_UI_CFG_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ES_ID_Ref")) return GF_ODF_ESD_REF_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ES_ID_Inc")) return GF_ODF_ESD_INC_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "AuxiliaryVideoData")) return GF_ODF_AUX_VIDEO_DATA;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "DefaultDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_DSI_TAG;

        if (!stricmp(descName, "ContentIdentification")) return GF_ODF_CI_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "SuppContentIdentification")) return GF_ODF_SCI_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "IPIPtr")) return GF_ODF_IPI_PTR_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "IPMP_DescriptorPointer")) return GF_ODF_IPMP_PTR_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "IPMP_Descriptor")) return GF_ODF_IPMP_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "IPMP_ToolListDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_IPMP_TL_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "IPMP_Tool")) return GF_ODF_IPMP_TOOL_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "QoS")) return GF_ODF_QOS_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "RegistrationDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_REG_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ExtensionPL")) return GF_ODF_EXT_PL_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "PL_IndicationIndex")) return GF_ODF_PL_IDX_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ContentClassification")) return GF_ODF_CC_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "KeyWordDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_KW_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "RatingDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_RATING_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "LanguageDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_LANG_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ShortTextualDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_SHORT_TEXT_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ExpandedTextualDescriptor")) return GF_ODF_TEXT_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ContentCreatorName")) return GF_ODF_CC_NAME_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "ContentCreationDate")) return GF_ODF_CC_DATE_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "OCI_CreatorName")) return GF_ODF_OCI_NAME_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "OCI_CreationDate")) return GF_ODF_OCI_DATE_TAG;
        if (!stricmp(descName, "SmpteCameraPosition")) return GF_ODF_SMPTE_TAG;
        return 0;

#include <gpac/internal/odf_parse_common.h>

void OD_ParseBinData(char *val, char **out_data, u32 *out_data_size)
        u32 i, c;
        char s[3];
        u32 len = (u32) strlen(val) / 3;
        if (*out_data) gf_free(*out_data);
        *out_data_size = len;
        *out_data = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
        s[2] = 0;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                s[0] = val[3*i+1];
                s[1] = val[3*i+2];
                sscanf(s, "%02X", &c);
                (*out_data)[i] = (unsigned char) c;

void OD_ParseFileData(char *fileName, char **out_data, u32 *out_data_size)
        FILE *f;
        u32 size;
        size_t readen;
        if (*out_data) gf_free(*out_data);
        *out_data = NULL;
        *out_data_size = 0;
        f = gf_fopen(fileName, "rb");
        if (!f) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_PARSER, ("[ODF Parse] cannot open data file %s - skipping\n", fileName));
        gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
        assert(gf_ftell(f) < 1<<31);
        size = (u32) gf_ftell(f);
        gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
        *out_data_size = size;
        *out_data = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (size_t)size);
        readen = fread(*out_data, sizeof(char), (size_t)size, f);
        if (readen != size) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_PARSER, ("[ODF Parse] readen size=%d does not match size=%d in %s\n", readen, size, fileName));

void OD_ParseBin128(char *val, bin128 *data)
        if (!strnicmp(val, "0x", 2)) val+=2;

        if (strlen(val)<16) {
                GF_BitStream *bs;
                u32 int_val = atoi(val);
                bs = gf_bs_new((char*) (*data), 16, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 32);
                gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 32);
                gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 32);
                gf_bs_write_int(bs, int_val, 32);
        } else {
                u32 i, b;
                char szB[3];
                szB[2] = 0;
                for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
                        szB[0] = val[2*i];
                        szB[1] = val[2*i+1];
                        sscanf(szB, "%x", &b);
                        ((char *)data)[i] = (u8) b;

GF_Err gf_odf_set_field(GF_Descriptor *desc, char *fieldName, char *val)
        Bool OD_ParseUIConfig(char *val, char **out_data, u32 *out_data_size);
        u32 ret = 0;

        if (!stricmp(val, "auto")) return GF_OK;
        else if (!stricmp(val, "unspecified")) return GF_OK;

        switch (desc->tag) {
        case GF_ODF_IOD_TAG:
                GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *iod = (GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "objectDescriptorID") || !stricmp(fieldName, "binaryID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &iod->objectDescriptorID);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "URLString")) {
                        iod->URLString = gf_strdup(val);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "includeInlineProfileLevelFlag")) {
                        if (!ret) {
                                iod->inlineProfileFlag = 0;
                                ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ODProfileLevelIndication")) {
                        if (!ret) {
                                iod->OD_profileAndLevel = 0xFE;
                                ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "sceneProfileLevelIndication")) {
                        if (!ret) {
                                iod->scene_profileAndLevel = 0xFE;
                                ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "audioProfileLevelIndication")) {
                        if (!ret) {
                                iod->audio_profileAndLevel = 0xFE;
                                ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "visualProfileLevelIndication")) {
                        if (!ret) {
                                iod->visual_profileAndLevel = 0xFE;
                                ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "graphicsProfileLevelIndication")) {
                        if (!ret) {
                                iod->graphics_profileAndLevel = 0xFE;
                                ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_OD_TAG:
                GF_ObjectDescriptor *od = (GF_ObjectDescriptor *) desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "objectDescriptorID") || !stricmp(fieldName, "binaryID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &od->objectDescriptorID);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "URLString")) {
                        od->URLString = gf_strdup(val);
                        ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_DCD_TAG:
                GF_DecoderConfig *dcd = (GF_DecoderConfig *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "objectTypeIndication")) {
                        /*XMT may use string*/
                        if (!ret) {
                                if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG4Systems1")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_OD_V1;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG4Systems2")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_SCENE_BIFS_V2;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG4Visual")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG4_PART2;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG4Audio")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG4;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2VisualSimple")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG2_SIMPLE;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2VisualMain")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG2_MAIN;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2VisualSNR")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG2_SNR;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2VisualSpatial")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG2_SPATIAL;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2VisualHigh")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG2_HIGH;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2Visual422")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG2_422;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2AudioMain")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG2_MP;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2AudioLowComplexity")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG2_LCP;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2AudioScaleableSamplingRate")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_AAC_MPEG2_SSRP;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG2AudioPart3")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_MPEG2_PART3;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG1Visual")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_VIDEO_MPEG1;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG1Audio")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_AUDIO_MPEG1;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "JPEG")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_IMAGE_JPEG;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "PNG")) {
                                        dcd->objectTypeIndication = GPAC_OTI_IMAGE_PNG;
                                        ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "streamType")) {
                        /*XMT may use string*/
                        if (!ret) {
                                if (!stricmp(val, "ObjectDescriptor")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_OD;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "ClockReference")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_OCR;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "SceneDescription")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_SCENE;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "Visual")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_VISUAL;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "Audio")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_AUDIO;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEG7")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_MPEG7;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "IPMP")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_IPMP;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "OCI")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_OCI;
                                        ret = 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(val, "MPEGJ")) {
                                        dcd->streamType = GF_STREAM_MPEGJ;
                                        ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "upStream")) GET_BOOL(dcd->upstream)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "bufferSizeDB")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &dcd->bufferSizeDB);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "maxBitRate")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &dcd->maxBitrate);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "avgBitRate")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &dcd->avgBitrate);
        case GF_ODF_ESD_TAG:
                GF_ESD *esd = (GF_ESD *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ES_ID") || !stricmp(fieldName, "binaryID")) {
                        ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &esd->ESID);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "streamPriority")) GET_U8(esd->streamPriority)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "dependsOn_ES_ID") || !stricmp(fieldName, "dependsOnESID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &esd->dependsOnESID);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "OCR_ES_ID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &esd->OCRESID);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "URLstring")) {
                                esd->URLString = gf_strdup(val);
                                ret = 1;
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "streamDependenceFlag")
                                 || !stricmp(fieldName, "URL_Flag")
                                 || !stricmp(fieldName, "OCRstreamFlag")
                                ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_SLC_TAG:
                u32 ts;
                GF_SLConfig *slc = (GF_SLConfig*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "predefined")) GET_U8(slc->predefined)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useAccessUnitStartFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->useAccessUnitStartFlag)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useAccessUnitEndFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->useAccessUnitEndFlag)
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useRandomAccessPointFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->useRandomAccessPointFlag)
                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag") || !stricmp(fieldName, "useRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag)
                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "usePaddingFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->usePaddingFlag)
                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useTimeStampsFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->useTimestampsFlag)
                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useIdleFlag")) GET_BOOL(slc->useIdleFlag)
                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "timeStampResolution")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &slc->timestampResolution);
                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "OCRResolution")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &slc->OCRResolution);
                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "timeStampLength")) GET_U8(slc->timestampLength)
                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "OCRLength")) GET_U8(slc->OCRLength)
                                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "AU_Length")) GET_U8(slc->AULength)
                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "instantBitrateLength")) GET_U8(slc->instantBitrateLength)
                                                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "degradationPriorityLength")) GET_U8(slc->degradationPriorityLength)
                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "AU_seqNumLength")) GET_U8(slc->AUSeqNumLength)
                                                                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "packetSeqNumLength")) GET_U8(slc->packetSeqNumLength)
                                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "timeScale")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &slc->timeScale);
                                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "accessUnitDuration")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &slc->AUDuration);
                                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "compositionUnitDuration")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &slc->CUDuration);
                                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "startDecodingTimeStamp")) {
                                                                                                                                                ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &ts);
                                                                                                                                                slc->startDTS = ts;
                                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "startCompositionTimeStamp")) {
                                                                                                                                                ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &ts);
                                                                                                                                                slc->startCTS = ts;
                                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "durationFlag")) ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_ELEM_MASK_TAG:
                GF_ElementaryMask* em = (GF_ElementaryMask*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "atNode")) {
                        if (!ret || !em->node_id) em->node_name = gf_strdup(val);
                        ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "numDynFields")) ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_BIFS_CFG_TAG:
                GF_BIFSConfig *bcd = (GF_BIFSConfig*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(val, "auto")) return GF_OK;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "nodeIDbits")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &bcd->nodeIDbits);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "routeIDbits")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &bcd->routeIDbits);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "protoIDbits")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &bcd->protoIDbits);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "isCommandStream")) {
                        /*GET_BOOL(bcd->isCommandStream)*/ ret = 1;
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "pixelMetric") || !stricmp(fieldName, "pixelMetrics")) GET_BOOL(bcd->pixelMetrics)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "pixelWidth")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &bcd->pixelWidth);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "pixelHeight")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &bcd->pixelHeight);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "use3DMeshCoding")) ret = 1;
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "usePredictiveMFField")) ret = 1;
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "randomAccess")) GET_BOOL(bcd->randomAccess)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useNames")) GET_BOOL(bcd->useNames)
        case GF_ODF_MUXINFO_TAG:
                GF_MuxInfo *mi = (GF_MuxInfo *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fileName") || !stricmp(fieldName, "url")) GET_STRING(mi->file_name)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "streamFormat")) GET_STRING(mi->streamFormat)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "GroupID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &mi->GroupID);
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "startTime")) ret += sscanf(val, "%d", &mi->startTime);
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "duration")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &mi->duration);
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "carouselPeriod")) {
                                        ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &mi->carousel_period_plus_one);
                                        mi->carousel_period_plus_one += 1;
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "aggregateOnESID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &mi->aggregate_on_esid);

                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "compactSize"))
                                        ret = 1;
                                        if (!stricmp(val, "true") || !stricmp(val, "1")) mi->import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_USE_COMPACT_SIZE;
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "useDataReference"))
                                        ret = 1;
                                        if (!stricmp(val, "true") || !stricmp(val, "1")) mi->import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_USE_DATAREF;
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "noFrameDrop"))
                                        ret = 1;
                                        if (!stricmp(val, "true") || !stricmp(val, "1")) mi->import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_NO_FRAME_DROP;
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "SBR_Type")) {
                                        ret = 1;
                                        if (!stricmp(val, "implicit") || !stricmp(val, "1")) mi->import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_SBR_IMPLICIT;
                                        else if (!stricmp(val, "explicit") || !stricmp(val, "2")) mi->import_flags |= GF_IMPORT_SBR_EXPLICIT;

                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "textNode")) GET_STRING(mi->textNode)
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fontNode")) GET_STRING(mi->fontNode)
                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "frameRate")) {
                                                        ret = 1;
                                                        mi->frame_rate = atof(val);
        case GF_ODF_DSI_TAG:
                GF_DefaultDescriptor *dsi = (GF_DefaultDescriptor*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "info")) {
                        /*only parse true hexa strings*/
                        if (val[0] == '%') {
                                OD_ParseBinData(val, &dsi->data, &dsi->dataLength);
                                ret = 1;
                        } else if (!strnicmp(val, "file:", 5)) {
                                OD_ParseFileData(val+5, &dsi->data, &dsi->dataLength);
                                ret = 1;
                        } else if (!strlen(val)) ret = 1;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "src")) {
                        u32 len = (u32) strlen("data:application/octet-string,");
                        if (strnicmp(val, "data:application/octet-string,", len)) break;
                        val += len;
                        /*only parse true hexa strings*/
                        if (val[0] == '%') {
                                OD_ParseBinData(val, &dsi->data, &dsi->dataLength);
                                ret = 1;
                        } else if (!strnicmp(val, "file:", 5)) {
                                OD_ParseFileData(val+5, &dsi->data, &dsi->dataLength);
                                ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_SEGMENT_TAG:
                GF_Segment *sd = (GF_Segment*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "start") || !stricmp(fieldName, "startTime")) GET_DOUBLE(sd->startTime)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "duration")) GET_DOUBLE(sd->Duration)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "name") || !stricmp(fieldName, "segmentName")) GET_STRING(sd->SegmentName)
        case GF_ODF_UI_CFG_TAG:
                GF_UIConfig *uic = (GF_UIConfig*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "deviceName")) GET_STRING(uic->deviceName)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "termChar")) GET_U8(uic->termChar)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "delChar")) GET_U8(uic->delChar)
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "uiData")) {
                                                /*only parse true hexa strings*/
                                                if (val[0] == '%') {
                                                        OD_ParseBinData(val, &uic->ui_data, &uic->ui_data_length);
                                                        ret = 1;
                                                } else if (!strnicmp(val, "file:", 5)) {
                                                        OD_ParseFileData(val+5, &uic->ui_data, &uic->ui_data_length);
                                                        ret = 1;
                                                } else {
                                                        ret = OD_ParseUIConfig(val, &uic->ui_data, &uic->ui_data_length);
        case GF_ODF_ESD_INC_TAG:
                GF_ES_ID_Inc *inc = (GF_ES_ID_Inc *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "trackID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%u", &inc->trackID);
        case GF_ODF_ESD_REF_TAG:
                GF_ES_ID_Ref *inc = (GF_ES_ID_Ref *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "trackID")) ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &inc->trackRef);
        case GF_ODF_TEXT_CFG_TAG:
                GF_TextConfig *txt = (GF_TextConfig*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "3GPPBaseFormat")) GET_U8(txt->Base3GPPFormat)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "MPEGExtendedFormat")) GET_U8(txt->MPEGExtendedFormat)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "profileLevel")) GET_U8(txt->profileLevel)
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "durationClock") || !stricmp(fieldName, "timescale") ) GET_U32(txt->timescale)
                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "layer")) GET_U32(txt->layer)
                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "text_width")) GET_U32(txt->text_width)
                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "text_height")) GET_U32(txt->text_height)
                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "video_width")) {
                                                                                txt->has_vid_info = GF_TRUE;
                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "video_height")) {
                                                                                txt->has_vid_info = GF_TRUE;
                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "horizontal_offset")) {
                                                                                txt->has_vid_info = GF_TRUE;
                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "vertical_offset")) {
                                                                                txt->has_vid_info = GF_TRUE;
        case GF_ODF_TX3G_TAG:
                GF_TextSampleDescriptor *sd = (GF_TextSampleDescriptor*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "displayFlags")) GET_U32(sd->displayFlags)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "horiz_justif")) GET_S32(sd->horiz_justif)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "vert_justif")) GET_S32(sd->vert_justif)
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "back_color")) GET_S32(sd->back_color)
                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "top")) GET_S32(sd->
                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "bottom")) GET_S32(sd->default_pos.bottom)
                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "left")) GET_S32(sd->default_pos.left)
                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "right")) GET_S32(sd->default_pos.right)
                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "style_font_ID")) GET_S32(sd->default_style.fontID)
                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "style_font_size")) GET_S32(sd->default_style.font_size)
                                                                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "style_text_color")) GET_U32(sd->default_style.text_color)
                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "style_flags")) {
                                                                                                                char szStyles[1024];
                                                                                                                strcpy(szStyles, val);
                                                                                                                if (strstr(szStyles, "bold")) sd->default_style.style_flags |= GF_TXT_STYLE_BOLD;
                                                                                                                if (strstr(szStyles, "italic")) sd->default_style.style_flags |= GF_TXT_STYLE_ITALIC;
                                                                                                                if (strstr(szStyles, "underlined")) sd->default_style.style_flags |= GF_TXT_STYLE_UNDERLINED;
                                                                                                                ret = 1;
                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fontID") || !stricmp(fieldName, "fontName")) {
                                                                                                                /*check if we need a new entry*/
                                                                                                                if (!sd->font_count) {
                                                                                                                        sd->fonts = (GF_FontRecord*)gf_malloc(sizeof(GF_FontRecord));
                                                                                                                        sd->font_count = 1;
                                                                                                                        sd->fonts[0].fontID = 0;
                                                                                                                        sd->fonts[0].fontName = NULL;
                                                                                                                } else {
                                                                                                                        Bool realloc_fonts = GF_FALSE;
                                                                                                                        if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fontID") && sd->fonts[sd->font_count-1].fontID) realloc_fonts = GF_TRUE;
                                                                                                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fontName") && sd->fonts[sd->font_count-1].fontName) realloc_fonts = GF_TRUE;
                                                                                                                        if (realloc_fonts) {
                                                                                                                                sd->font_count += 1;
                                                                                                                                sd->fonts = (GF_FontRecord*)gf_realloc(sd->fonts, sizeof(GF_FontRecord)*sd->font_count);
                                                                                                                                sd->fonts[sd->font_count-1].fontID = 0;
                                                                                                                                sd->fonts[sd->font_count-1].fontName = NULL;
                                                                                                                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fontID")) GET_U32(sd->fonts[sd->font_count-1].fontID)
                                                                                                                        if (!stricmp(fieldName, "fontName")) GET_STRING(sd->fonts[sd->font_count-1].fontName)
                                                                                                                                ret = 1;
        case GF_ODF_IPMP_TAG:
                GF_IPMP_Descriptor *ipmp = (GF_IPMP_Descriptor*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_DescriptorID")) GET_U8(ipmp->IPMP_DescriptorID)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMPS_Type")) GET_U16(ipmp->IPMPS_Type)
                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_DescriptorIDEx")) GET_U16(ipmp->IPMP_DescriptorIDEx)
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_ToolID")) {
                                                ret = 1;
                                                OD_ParseBin128(val, &ipmp->IPMP_ToolID);
                                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "controlPointCode")) GET_U8(ipmp->control_point)
                                                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "sequenceCode")) GET_U8(ipmp->cp_sequence_code)
        case GF_ODF_IPMP_PTR_TAG:
                GF_IPMPPtr *ipmpd = (GF_IPMPPtr*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_DescriptorID")) GET_U8(ipmpd->IPMP_DescriptorID)
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_DescriptorIDEx"))  ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &ipmpd->IPMP_DescriptorIDEx);
                        else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_ES_ID"))  ret += sscanf(val, "%hu", &ipmpd->IPMP_ES_ID);
        case GF_ODF_LANG_TAG:
                GF_Language *ld = (GF_Language *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "languageCode")) {
                        u32 li, l = (u32) strlen(val);
                        ld->langCode = 0;
                        for (li = 0; li < l; li++) {
                                /* Warning: sensitive to big endian, little endian */
                                ld->langCode |= (val[li] << (l-li-1)*8);
        case GF_ODF_AUX_VIDEO_DATA:
                GF_AuxVideoDescriptor *avd = (GF_AuxVideoDescriptor *)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "aux_video_type"))  GET_U8(avd->aux_video_type)
                        if (!stricmp(fieldName, "position_offset_h"))  GET_U8(avd->aux_video_type)
                                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "position_offset_v"))  GET_U8(avd->aux_video_type)
                                        if (!stricmp(fieldName, "knear"))  GET_U8(avd->aux_video_type)
                                                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "kfar"))  GET_U8(avd->aux_video_type)
                                                        if (!stricmp(fieldName, "parallax_zero"))  GET_U16(avd->aux_video_type)
                                                                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "parallax_scale"))  GET_U16(avd->aux_video_type)
                                                                        if (!stricmp(fieldName, "dref"))  GET_U16(avd->aux_video_type)
                                                                                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "wref"))  GET_U16(avd->aux_video_type)
        case GF_ODF_IPMP_TOOL_TAG:
                GF_IPMP_Tool *it = (GF_IPMP_Tool*)desc;
                if (!stricmp(fieldName, "IPMP_ToolID")) {
                        ret = 1;
                        OD_ParseBin128(val, &it->IPMP_ToolID);
                else if (!stricmp(fieldName, "ToolURL"))  GET_STRING(it->tool_url)

        return ret ? GF_OK : GF_BAD_PARAM;

Bool OD_ParseUIConfig(char *val, char **out_data, u32 *out_data_size)
        GF_BitStream *bs;
        if (!strnicmp(val, "HTK:", 4)) {
                char szItem[100];
                s64 pos, bs_start, bs_cur;
                Bool has_word;
                u32 nb_phonems, nbWords = 0;
                bs_start = 0;
                nb_phonems = 0;
                bs = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE);
                /*we'll write the nb of words later on*/
                gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 8);
                has_word = GF_FALSE;
                /*parse all words*/
                val += 4;
                while (1) {
                        pos = gf_token_get(val, 0, " ;", szItem, 100);
                        if (pos>0) val += pos;
                        if (!has_word) {
                                has_word = GF_TRUE;
                                nb_phonems = 0;
                                bs_start = gf_bs_get_position(bs);
                                /*nb phonems*/
                                gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 8);
                                gf_bs_write_data(bs, szItem, (u32) strlen(szItem));
                                gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 8);
                        if (pos>0) {

                                nb_phonems ++;
                                /*would be nicer with a phone book & use indexes*/
                                if (!stricmp(szItem, "vcl")) {
                                        gf_bs_write_data(bs, "vc", 2);
                                } else {
                                        gf_bs_write_data(bs, szItem, 2);

                                while (val[0] && (val[0]==' ')) val += 1;

                        if ((pos<0) || !val[0] || val[0]==';') {
                                if (has_word) {
                                        has_word = GF_FALSE;
                                        bs_cur = gf_bs_get_position(bs);
                                        gf_bs_seek(bs, bs_start);
                                        gf_bs_write_int(bs, nb_phonems, 8);
                                        gf_bs_seek(bs, bs_cur);
                                if ((pos<0) || !val[0]) break;
                                val += 1;
                                while (val[0] && (val[0]==' ')) val += 1;
                if (nbWords) {
                        bs_cur = gf_bs_get_position(bs);
                        gf_bs_seek(bs, 0);
                        gf_bs_write_int(bs, nbWords, 8);
                        gf_bs_seek(bs, bs_cur);
                        gf_bs_get_content(bs, out_data, out_data_size);
                return GF_TRUE;
        return GF_FALSE;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */