
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. delete_cache_files
  2. gf_cache_delete_all_cached_files
  3. gf_cache_entry_set_delete_files_when_deleted
  4. gf_cache_entry_is_delete_files_when_deleted
  5. gf_cache_get_etag_on_server
  6. gf_cache_get_etag_on_disk
  7. gf_cache_get_mime_type
  8. gf_cache_set_headers_processed
  9. gf_cache_are_headers_processed
  10. gf_cache_set_etag_on_server
  11. gf_cache_set_etag_on_disk
  12. gf_cache_set_mime_type
  13. gf_cache_is_cached_on_disk
  14. gf_cache_get_start_range
  15. gf_cache_get_end_range
  16. gf_cache_get_url
  17. gf_cache_get_hash
  18. gf_cache_get_last_modified_on_server
  19. gf_cache_get_last_modified_on_disk
  20. gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_server
  21. gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_disk
  22. gf_cache_flush_disk_cache
  23. gf_cache_get_cache_filesize
  24. gf_cache_get_cache_filename
  25. gf_cache_append_http_headers
  26. gf_cache_create_entry
  27. gf_cache_set_content_length
  28. gf_cache_get_content_length
  29. gf_cache_close_write_cache
  30. gf_cache_open_write_cache
  31. gf_cache_write_to_cache
  32. gf_cache_reader_new
  33. gf_cache_reader_del
  34. gf_cache_reader_seek_at
  35. gf_cache_reader_get_position
  36. gf_cache_reader_read
  37. gf_cache_delete_entry
  38. gf_cache_check_if_cache_file_is_corrupted
  39. gf_cache_remove_session_from_cache_entry
  40. gf_cache_get_sessions_count_for_cache_entry
  41. gf_cache_add_session_to_cache_entry
  42. gf_cache_get_file_pointer
  43. gf_cache_set_end_range
  44. gf_cache_is_in_progress

 *                                      GPAC Multimedia Framework
 *                      Authors: Pierre Souchay, Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2010-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *   This file is part of GPAC / common tools sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


#include <gpac/cache.h>
#include <gpac/network.h>
#include <gpac/download.h>
#include <gpac/token.h>
#include <gpac/thread.h>
#include <gpac/list.h>
#include <gpac/base_coding.h>
#include <gpac/tools.h>
#include <gpac/config_file.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#if defined(_BSD_SOURCE) || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500
#include <unistd.h>

static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME = "cache";
static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME_URL = "url";
static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME_RANGE = "range";
static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME_ETAG = "ETag";
static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME_MIME_TYPE = "Content-Type";
static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME_CONTENT_SIZE = "Content-Length";
static const char * CACHE_SECTION_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified";

enum CacheValid
        NO_VALIDATION = 0,
        MUST_REVALIDATE = 1,
        IS_HTTPS = 2,
        CORRUPTED = 4,
        NO_CACHE = 8

struct __CacheReaderStruct {
        FILE * readPtr;
        s64 readPosition;

typedef struct __DownloadedRangeStruc {
        u32 start;
        u32 end;
        const char * filename;
} * DownloadedRange;


* This opaque structure handles the data from the cache
struct __DownloadedCacheEntryStruct
        * URL of the cache (never NULL)
        char * url;
        * Hash of the cache (never NULL)
        char * hash;
        * Name of the cache filename, (can be NULL)
        char * cache_filename;
        * Name of the cached properties filename , (can be NULL)
        GF_Config * properties;
        * Theorical size of cache if any
        u32          contentLength;
        * Real size of cache
        u32          cacheSize;
        * GMT timestamp for revalidation
        u32          validity;
        * The last modification time on the server
        char *       serverLastModified;
        * The last modification time of the cache if any
        char *       diskLastModified;
        * ETag if any
        char * serverETag;
        * ETag if any
        char * diskETag;
        * Mime-type (never NULL)
        char * mimeType;
        * Write pointer for the cache
        FILE * writeFilePtr;
        * Bytes written during this cache session
        u32 written_in_cache;
        * Flag indicating whether we have to revalidate
        enum CacheValid   flags;

        const GF_DownloadSession * write_session;

        GF_Mutex * write_mutex;

        GF_List * sessions;

        Bool deletableFilesOnDelete;

        GF_DownloadManager * dm;

        /*start and end range of the cache*/
        u64 range_start, range_end;

        Bool continue_file;
        Bool file_exists;

        u32 previousRangeContentLength;
        /*set once headers have been processed*/
        Bool headers_done;
        * Set to 1 if file is not stored on disk
        Bool memory_stored;
        u32 mem_allocated;
        u8 *mem_storage;

Bool delete_cache_files(void *cbck, char *item_name, char *item_path, GF_FileEnumInfo *file_info) {
        const char * startPattern;
        int sz;
        assert( cbck );
        assert( item_name );
        assert( item_path);
        startPattern = (const char *) cbck;
        sz = (u32) strlen( startPattern );
        if (!strncmp(startPattern, item_name, sz)) {
                if (GF_OK != gf_delete_file(item_path))
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] : failed to cleanup file %s\n", item_path));
        return GF_FALSE;

static const char * cache_file_prefix = "gpac_cache_";

GF_Err gf_cache_delete_all_cached_files(const char * directory) {
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("Deleting cached files in %s...\n", directory));
        return gf_enum_directory( directory, GF_FALSE, delete_cache_files, (void*)cache_file_prefix, NULL);

void gf_cache_entry_set_delete_files_when_deleted(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry) {
        if (entry)
                entry->deletableFilesOnDelete = GF_TRUE;

Bool gf_cache_entry_is_delete_files_when_deleted(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        if (!entry)
                return GF_FALSE;
        return entry->deletableFilesOnDelete;

#define CHECK_ENTRY if (!entry) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] entry is null at " __FILE__ ":%d\n", __LINE__)); return GF_BAD_PARAM; }

* Getters functions

const char * gf_cache_get_etag_on_server ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->serverETag : NULL;

const char * gf_cache_get_etag_on_disk ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->serverETag : NULL;

const char * gf_cache_get_mime_type ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->mimeType : NULL;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_headers_processed(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        if (!entry) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        entry->headers_done = GF_TRUE;
        return GF_OK;

Bool gf_cache_are_headers_processed(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        if (!entry) return GF_FALSE;
        return entry->headers_done;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_etag_on_server(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const char * eTag ) {
        if (!entry)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (entry->serverETag)
        entry->serverETag = eTag ? gf_strdup(eTag) : NULL;
        return GF_OK;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_etag_on_disk(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const char * eTag ) {
        if (!entry)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (entry->diskETag)
        entry->diskETag = eTag ? gf_strdup(eTag) : NULL;
        return GF_OK;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_mime_type(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const char * mime_type ) {
        if (!entry)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (entry->mimeType)
        entry->mimeType = mime_type? gf_strdup( mime_type) : NULL;
        return GF_OK;

Bool gf_cache_is_cached_on_disk(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry ) {
        if (entry == NULL)
                return GF_FALSE;
        return entry->flags & NO_CACHE;

u64 gf_cache_get_start_range( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->range_start : 0;

u64 gf_cache_get_end_range( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->range_end : 0;

const char * gf_cache_get_url ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->url : NULL;

const char * gf_cache_get_hash ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->hash : NULL;

const char * gf_cache_get_last_modified_on_server ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->serverLastModified : NULL;

const char * gf_cache_get_last_modified_on_disk ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->diskLastModified : NULL;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_server ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const char * newLastModified )
        if (!entry)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (entry->serverLastModified)
        entry->serverLastModified = newLastModified ? gf_strdup(newLastModified) : NULL;
        return GF_OK;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_disk ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const char * newLastModified )
        if (!entry)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (entry->diskLastModified)
        entry->diskLastModified = newLastModified ? gf_strdup(newLastModified) : NULL;
        return GF_OK;

#define _CACHE_TMP_SIZE 4096

GF_Err gf_cache_flush_disk_cache ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        char buff[100];
        if ( !entry->properties)
                return GF_OK;
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_flush_disk_cache:%d for entry=%p\n", __LINE__, entry));
        gf_cfg_set_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_URL, entry->url);

        sprintf(buff, LLD"-"LLD, entry->range_start, entry->range_end);
        gf_cfg_set_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_RANGE, buff);

        if (entry->mimeType)
                gf_cfg_set_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_MIME_TYPE, entry->mimeType);
        if (entry->diskETag)
                gf_cfg_set_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_ETAG, entry->diskETag);
        if (entry->diskLastModified)
                gf_cfg_set_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED, entry->diskLastModified);
                snprintf(buff, 16, "%d", entry->contentLength);
                gf_cfg_set_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_CONTENT_SIZE, buff);
        return gf_cfg_save ( entry->properties );

u32 gf_cache_get_cache_filesize ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->cacheSize : -1;

const char * gf_cache_get_cache_filename( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        return entry ? entry->cache_filename : NULL;

GF_Err gf_cache_append_http_headers(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, char * httpRequest) {
        if (!entry || !httpRequest)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (entry->flags)
                return GF_OK;
        if (gf_cache_check_if_cache_file_is_corrupted(entry))
                return GF_OK;
        /* OK, this is potentially bad if httpRequest is not big enough */
        if (entry->diskETag) {
                strcat(httpRequest, "If-None-Match: ");
                strcat(httpRequest, entry->diskETag);
                strcat(httpRequest, "\r\n");
        if (entry->diskLastModified) {
                strcat(httpRequest, "If-Modified-Since: ");
                strcat(httpRequest, entry->diskLastModified);
                strcat(httpRequest, "\r\n");
        return GF_OK;

#define _CACHE_HASH_SIZE 20
static const char * default_cache_file_suffix = ".dat";
static const char * cache_file_info_suffix = ".txt";

DownloadedCacheEntry gf_cache_create_entry ( GF_DownloadManager * dm, const char * cache_directory, const char * url , u64 start_range, u64 end_range, Bool mem_storage)
        char tmp[_CACHE_TMP_SIZE];
        u8 hash[_CACHE_HASH_SIZE];
        int sz;
        char ext[_CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE];
        DownloadedCacheEntry entry = NULL;
        if ( !dm || !url || !cache_directory) {
                       ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry :%d, dm=%p, url=%s cache_directory=%s, aborting.\n", __LINE__, dm, url, cache_directory));
                return entry;
        sz = (u32) strlen ( url );
        if ( sz > _CACHE_TMP_SIZE )
                       ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d : ERROR, URL is too long (%d chars), more than %d chars.\n", __LINE__, sz, _CACHE_TMP_SIZE ));
                return entry;
        tmp[0] = '\0';
        /*generate hash of the full url*/
        if (start_range && end_range) {
                sprintf(tmp, "%s_"LLD"-"LLD, url, start_range, end_range );
        } else {
                strcpy ( tmp, url );
        gf_sha1_csum ((u8*) tmp, (u32) strlen ( tmp ), hash );
        tmp[0] = 0;
                int i;
                for ( i=0; i<20; i++ )
                        char t[3];
                        t[2] = 0;
                        sprintf ( t, "%02X", hash[i] );
                        strcat ( tmp, t );
        assert ( strlen ( tmp ) == (_CACHE_HASH_SIZE * 2) );

        GF_SAFEALLOC(entry, struct __DownloadedCacheEntryStruct);

        if ( !entry ) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("gf_cache_create_entry:%d : OUT of memory !\n", __LINE__));
                return NULL;
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, entry=%p\n", __LINE__, entry));

        entry->url = gf_strdup ( url );
        entry->hash = gf_strdup ( tmp );

        entry->memory_stored = mem_storage;

        entry->cacheSize = 0;
        entry->contentLength = 0;
        entry->serverETag = NULL;
        entry->diskETag = NULL;
        entry->flags = NO_VALIDATION;
        entry->validity = 0;
        entry->diskLastModified = NULL;
        entry->serverLastModified = NULL;
        entry->dm = dm;
        entry->range_start = start_range;
        entry->range_end = end_range;

                char name[1024];
                snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "CachedEntryWriteMx=%p, url=%s", (void*) entry, url);
                entry->write_mutex = gf_mx_new(name);

        entry->deletableFilesOnDelete = GF_FALSE;
        entry->write_session = NULL;
        entry->sessions = gf_list_new();

        if (entry->memory_stored) {
                entry->cache_filename = (char*)gf_malloc ( strlen ("gmem://") + 8 + strlen("@") + 16 + 1);
        } else {
                /* Sizeof cache directory + hash + possible extension */
                entry->cache_filename = (char*)gf_malloc ( strlen ( cache_directory ) + strlen(cache_file_prefix) + strlen(tmp) + _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE + 1);

        if ( !entry->hash || !entry->url || !entry->cache_filename || !entry->sessions)
                GF_Err err;
                /* Probably out of memory */
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, aborting due to OUT of MEMORY !\n", __LINE__));
                err = gf_cache_delete_entry ( entry );
                if ( err != GF_OK ) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, failed to delete cache entry!\n", __LINE__));
                return NULL;

        if (entry->memory_stored) {
                sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->contentLength, entry->mem_storage);
                return entry;

        tmp[0] = '\0';
        strcpy ( entry->cache_filename, cache_directory );
        strcat( entry->cache_filename, cache_file_prefix );
        strcat ( entry->cache_filename, entry->hash );
        strcpy ( tmp, url );

                char * parser;
                parser = strrchr ( tmp, '?' );
                if ( parser )
                        parser[0] = '\0';
                parser = strrchr ( tmp, '#' );
                if ( parser )
                        parser[0] = '\0';
                parser = strrchr ( tmp, '.' );
                if ( parser && ( strlen ( parser ) < _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE ) )
                        strncpy(ext, parser, _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE);
                        strncpy(ext, default_cache_file_suffix, _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE);
                assert (strlen(ext));
                strcat( entry->cache_filename, ext);
        tmp[0] = '\0';
        strcpy( tmp, cache_file_prefix);
        strcat( tmp, entry->hash );
        strcat( tmp , ext);
        strcat ( tmp, cache_file_info_suffix );
        entry->properties = gf_cfg_force_new ( cache_directory, tmp );
        if ( !entry->properties )
                GF_Err err;
                /* OUT of memory ? */
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, aborting due to OUT of MEMORY !\n", __LINE__));
                err = gf_cache_delete_entry ( entry );
                if ( err != GF_OK ) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, failed to delete cache entry!\n", __LINE__));
                return NULL;
        gf_cache_set_etag_on_disk(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_ETAG));
        gf_cache_set_etag_on_server(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_ETAG));
        gf_cache_set_mime_type(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_MIME_TYPE));
        gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_disk(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED));
        gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_server(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED));
                const char * keyValue = gf_cfg_get_key ( entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_URL );
                if ( keyValue == NULL || stricmp ( url, keyValue ) )
                        entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;

                keyValue = gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_RANGE);
                if (keyValue) {
                        u64 s, e;
                        sscanf(keyValue, LLD"-"LLD, &s, &e);
                        /*mark as corrupted if not same range (we don't support this for the time being ...*/
                        if ((s!=entry->range_start) || (e!=entry->range_end))
                                entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;

        return entry;

GF_Err gf_cache_set_content_length( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, u32 length )
        if (entry->continue_file) {
                entry->contentLength = entry->previousRangeContentLength + length;
        } else {
                entry->contentLength = length;
        return GF_OK;

u32 gf_cache_get_content_length( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        return entry ? entry->contentLength : 0;

GF_Err gf_cache_close_write_cache( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const GF_DownloadSession * sess, Bool success )
        GF_Err e = GF_OK;
        if (!sess || !entry->write_session || entry->write_session != sess)
                return GF_OK;
        assert( sess == entry->write_session );
        if (entry->writeFilePtr) {
                       ("[CACHE] Closing file %s, %d bytes written.\n", entry->cache_filename, entry->written_in_cache));

                if (fflush( entry->writeFilePtr ) || gf_fclose( entry->writeFilePtr )) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to flush/close file on disk\n"));
                        e = GF_IO_ERR;
                if (!e) {
                        e = gf_cache_flush_disk_cache(entry);
                        if (e) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to flush cache entry on disk\n"));
                if (!e && success) {
                        e = gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_disk( entry, gf_cache_get_last_modified_on_server(entry));
                        if (e) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to set last-modified\n"));
                        } else {
                                e = gf_cache_set_etag_on_disk( entry, gf_cache_get_etag_on_server(entry));
                                if (e) {
                                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to set etag\n"));
                if (!e) {
                        e = gf_cache_flush_disk_cache(entry);
                        if (e) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to flush cache entry on disk after etag/last-modified\n"));

#if defined(_BSD_SOURCE) || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500
                /* On  UNIX, be sure to flush all the data */
                entry->writeFilePtr = NULL;
                if (GF_OK != e) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to fully write file on cache, e=%d\n", e));
        entry->write_session = NULL;
        return e;

GF_Err gf_cache_open_write_cache( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const GF_DownloadSession * sess )
        if (!sess)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK,("[CACHE] Locking write mutex %p for entry=%s\n", (void*) (entry->write_mutex), entry->url) );
        entry->write_session = sess;
        if (!entry->continue_file) {
                assert( ! entry->writeFilePtr);

                entry->written_in_cache = 0;
        entry->flags &= ~CORRUPTED;

        if (entry->memory_stored) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Opening cache file %s for write (%s)...\n", entry->cache_filename, entry->url));
                if (!entry->mem_allocated || (entry->mem_allocated < entry->contentLength)) {
                        if (entry->contentLength) entry->mem_allocated = entry->contentLength;
                        else if (!entry->mem_allocated) entry->mem_allocated = 81920;
                        entry->mem_storage = (u8*)gf_realloc(entry->mem_storage, sizeof(char)* (entry->mem_allocated + 2) );
                if (!entry->mem_allocated) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Failed to create memory storage for file %s\n", entry->url));
                        return GF_OUT_OF_MEM;
                sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->contentLength, entry->mem_storage);
                return GF_OK;

        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Opening cache file %s for write (%s)...\n", entry->cache_filename, entry->url));
        entry->writeFilePtr = gf_fopen(entry->cache_filename, entry->continue_file ? "a+b" : "wb");
        if (!entry->writeFilePtr) {
                       ("[CACHE] Error while opening cache file %s for writting.\n", entry->cache_filename));
                entry->write_session = NULL;
                return GF_IO_ERR;
        entry->file_exists = GF_TRUE;
        if (entry->continue_file )
                gf_fseek(entry->writeFilePtr, 0, SEEK_END);
        return GF_OK;

GF_Err gf_cache_write_to_cache( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const GF_DownloadSession * sess, const char * data, const u32 size) {
        u32 read;

        if (!data || (!entry->writeFilePtr && !entry->mem_storage) || sess != entry->write_session) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("Incorrect parameter : data=%p, writeFilePtr=%p mem_storage=%p at "__FILE__"\n", data, entry->writeFilePtr, entry->mem_storage));
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;

        if (entry->memory_stored) {
                if (entry->written_in_cache + size > entry->mem_allocated) {
                        u32 new_size = MAX(entry->mem_allocated*2, entry->written_in_cache + size);
                        entry->mem_storage = (u8*)gf_realloc(entry->mem_storage, (new_size+2));
                        entry->mem_allocated = new_size;
                        sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->contentLength, entry->mem_storage);
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Reallocating memory cache to %d bytes\n", new_size));
                memcpy(entry->mem_storage + entry->written_in_cache, data, size);
                entry->written_in_cache += size;
                memset(entry->mem_storage + entry->written_in_cache, 0, 2);
                sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->written_in_cache, entry->mem_storage);

                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Storing %d bytes to memory\n", size));
                return GF_OK;

        read = (u32) gf_fwrite(data, sizeof(char), size, entry->writeFilePtr);
        if (read > 0)
                entry->written_in_cache+= read;
        if (read != size) {
                /* Something bad happened */
                       ("[CACHE] Error while writting %d bytes of data to cache : has written only %d bytes.", size, read));
                gf_cache_close_write_cache(entry, sess, GF_FALSE);
                return GF_IO_ERR;
        if (fflush(entry->writeFilePtr)) {
                       ("[CACHE] Error while flushing data bytes to cache file : %s.", entry->cache_filename));
                gf_cache_close_write_cache(entry, sess, GF_FALSE);
                return GF_IO_ERR;
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Writing %d bytes to cache\n", size));
        return GF_OK;

GF_CacheReader gf_cache_reader_new(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry) {
        GF_CacheReader reader;
        if (entry == NULL)
                return NULL;
        reader = (GF_CacheReader)gf_malloc(sizeof(struct __CacheReaderStruct));
        if (reader == NULL)
                return NULL;
        reader->readPtr = gf_fopen( entry->cache_filename, "rb" );
        reader->readPosition = 0;
        if (!reader->readPtr) {
                return NULL;
        return reader;

GF_Err gf_cache_reader_del( GF_CacheReader handle ) {
        if (!handle)
                return GF_BAD_PARAM;
        if (handle->readPtr)
        handle->readPtr = NULL;
        handle->readPosition = -1;
        return GF_OK;

s64 gf_cache_reader_seek_at( GF_CacheReader reader, u64 seekPosition) {
        if (!reader)
                return -1;
        reader->readPosition = gf_fseek(reader->readPtr, seekPosition, SEEK_SET);
        return reader->readPosition;

s64 gf_cache_reader_get_position( const GF_CacheReader reader) {
        if (!reader)
                return -1;
        return reader->readPosition;

s64 gf_cache_reader_get_currentSize( GF_CacheReader reader );

s64 gf_cache_reader_full_size( GF_CacheReader reader );

s32 gf_cache_reader_read( GF_CacheReader reader, char * buff, s32 length) {
        s32 read;
        if (!reader || !buff || length < 0 || !reader->readPtr)
                return -1;
        read = (s32) fread(buff, sizeof(char), length, reader->readPtr);
        if (read > 0)
                reader->readPosition+= read;
        return read;

GF_Err gf_cache_delete_entry ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry )
        if ( !entry )
                return GF_OK;
        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, entry=%p\n", __LINE__, entry));
        if (entry->writeFilePtr) {
                /** Cache should have been close before, abornormal situation */
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, entry=%p, cache has not been closed properly\n", __LINE__, entry));
        if (entry->write_mutex) {
        if (entry->file_exists && entry->deletableFilesOnDelete) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] url %s cleanup, deleting %s...\n", entry->url, entry->cache_filename));
                if (GF_OK != gf_delete_file(entry->cache_filename))
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, failed to delete file %s\n", __LINE__, entry->cache_filename));
        entry->write_mutex = NULL;
        entry->write_session = NULL;
        entry->writeFilePtr = NULL;
        if (entry->serverETag)
        entry->serverETag = NULL;

        if (entry->diskETag)
        entry->diskETag = NULL;

        if (entry->serverLastModified)
        entry->serverLastModified = NULL;

        if (entry->diskLastModified)
        entry->diskLastModified = NULL;

        if ( entry->hash ) {
                gf_free ( entry->hash );
                entry->hash = NULL;
        if ( entry->url ) {
                gf_free ( entry->url );
                entry->url = NULL;
        if ( entry->mimeType ) {
                gf_free ( entry->mimeType );
                entry->mimeType = NULL;
        if (entry->mem_storage) {

        if ( entry->cache_filename ) {
                gf_free ( entry->cache_filename );
                entry->cache_filename = NULL;
        if ( entry->properties ) {
                char * propfile;
                if (entry->deletableFilesOnDelete)
                        propfile = gf_cfg_get_filename(entry->properties);
                        propfile = NULL;
                gf_cfg_del ( entry->properties );
                entry->properties = NULL;
                if (propfile) {
                        //this may fail because the prop file is not yet flushed to disk
                        gf_delete_file( propfile );
                        gf_free ( propfile );
        entry->dm = NULL;
        if (entry->sessions) {
                assert( gf_list_count(entry->sessions) == 0);
                entry->sessions = NULL;

        gf_free (entry);
        return GF_OK;

Bool gf_cache_check_if_cache_file_is_corrupted(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        FILE *the_cache = gf_fopen ( entry->cache_filename, "rb" );
        if ( the_cache ) {
                char * endPtr;
                const char * keyValue = gf_cfg_get_key ( entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_CONTENT_SIZE );

                gf_fseek ( the_cache, 0, SEEK_END );
                entry->cacheSize = ( u32 ) gf_ftell ( the_cache );
                gf_fclose ( the_cache );
                if (keyValue) {
                        entry->contentLength = (u32) strtoul( keyValue, &endPtr, 10);
                        if (*endPtr!='\0' || entry->contentLength != entry->cacheSize) {
                                entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, Cache corrupted: file and cache info size mismatch.\n", __LINE__));
                } else {
                        entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, CACHE is corrupted !\n", __LINE__));
        } else {
                entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;
        return entry->flags & CORRUPTED;

s32 gf_cache_remove_session_from_cache_entry(DownloadedCacheEntry entry, GF_DownloadSession * sess) {
        u32 i;
        s32 count;
        if (!entry || !sess || !entry->sessions)
                return -1;
        count = gf_list_count(entry->sessions);
        for (i = 0 ; i < (u32)count; i++) {
                GF_DownloadSession *s = (GF_DownloadSession*)gf_list_get(entry->sessions, i);
                if (s == sess) {
                        gf_list_rem(entry->sessions, i);
                        count --;
        if (entry->write_session == sess) {
                /* OK, this is not optimal to close it since we are in a mutex,
                * but we don't want to risk to have another session opening
                * a not fully closed cache entry */
                if (entry->writeFilePtr) {
                        if (gf_fclose(entry->writeFilePtr)) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_remove_session_from_cache_entry:%d, Failed to properly close cache file '%s' of url '%s', cache may be corrupted !\n", __LINE__, entry->cache_filename, entry->url));
                entry->writeFilePtr = NULL;
                entry->write_session = NULL;
        return count;

u32 gf_cache_get_sessions_count_for_cache_entry(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        if (!entry)
                return 0;
        return gf_list_count(entry->sessions);

s32 gf_cache_add_session_to_cache_entry(DownloadedCacheEntry entry, GF_DownloadSession * sess) {
        u32 i;
        s32 count;
        if (!entry || !sess || !entry->sessions)
                return -1;
        count = gf_list_count(entry->sessions);
        for (i = 0 ; i < (u32)count; i++) {
                GF_DownloadSession *s = (GF_DownloadSession*)gf_list_get(entry->sessions, i);
                if (s == sess) {
                        return count;
        gf_list_add(entry->sessions, sess);
        return count + 1;

FILE *gf_cache_get_file_pointer(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        if (entry) return entry->writeFilePtr;
        return NULL;

void gf_cache_set_end_range(DownloadedCacheEntry entry, u64 range_end)
        entry->previousRangeContentLength = entry->contentLength;
        entry->range_end = range_end;
        entry->continue_file = GF_TRUE;

Bool gf_cache_is_in_progress(const DownloadedCacheEntry entry)
        if (!entry) return GF_FALSE;
        if (entry->writeFilePtr) return GF_TRUE;
        if (entry->mem_storage && entry->written_in_cache && entry->contentLength && (entry->written_in_cache<entry->contentLength))
                return GF_TRUE;
        return GF_FALSE;


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