
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 * (c) 2005, 2008 Nico Pranke <>, Robin Luedtke <> 
 * This file is part of avcap.
 * avcap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * avcap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with avcap.  If not, see <>.

/* avcap is free for non-commercial use.
 * To use it in commercial endeavors, please contact Nico Pranke <>


#include <list>

#include "Connector.h"
#include "Manager.h"
#include "avcap-export.h"

namespace avcap
class DeviceCollector;

        //! This class is the interface to query and select the available video/audio inputs/outputs.
        /*! This class manages STL-lists of objects of class Connector which describe 
         * an input or output of a capture device. Applications can get these lists and get/set
         * the currently used connector of a special type. The methods to deal
         * with outputs are only of partial interest for capturing but have been added
         * for completeness.
         * Application must use the API-dependent CaptureDevice-object to get an ConnectorManager.
         * The default implementations of the mehtods in this class are a noop.

        class AVCAP_Export ConnectorManager: public Manager<Connector>
                // Connector Lists
                ListType                mVideoInputs;
                ListType                mAudioInputs;
                ListType                mVideoOutputs;
                ListType                mAudioOutputs;
                //! Construct the manager and query for available inputs and outputs for audio and video.
                /*! The manager is usualy created by an CaptureDevice object.
                 * \param dd The DeviceDescriptor to acces the device. */
                ConnectorManager(DeviceDescriptor *dd);

                //! The destructor. */
                virtual ~ConnectorManager() = 0;
                //! Returns the Connector describing the currently used video input.
                /*! The default-implementation returns 0. 
                 * \return video input connector.*/
                virtual inline Connector* getVideoInput()
                        { return 0; }

                //! Sets the currently used video input.
                /*! The default-implementation is a noop and returns -1. 
                 * \param c The connector to use for the video input.
                 * \return 0, if succesful, -1 else*/
                virtual inline int setVideoInput(Connector* c)
                        { return -1; }
                //! Returns the Connector describing the currently used audio input. 
                /*! The default-implementation returns 0. 
                 * \return audio input connector.*/
                virtual inline Connector* getAudioInput()
                        { return 0; }

                //! Sets the currently used audio input.
                /*! The default-implementation is a noop and returns -1. 
                 * \param c The connector to use for the audio input.
                 * \return 0, if succesful, -1 else*/
                virtual inline int setAudioInput(Connector* c)
                        { return -1; }
                //! Returns the Connector describing the currently used video output.
                /*! The default-implementation returns 0. 
                 * \return video output connector.*/
                virtual inline Connector* getVideoOutput()
                        { return 0; }
                //! Sets the currently used video output.
                /*! The default-implementation is a noop and returns -1. 
                 * \param c The connector to use for the video input.
                 * \return 0, if succesful, -1 else*/
                virtual inline int setVideoOutput(Connector* c)
                        { return -1; }
                //! Returns the Connector describing the currently used audio output. 
                /*! The default-implementation returns 0. 
                 * \return audio output connector.*/            
                virtual inline Connector* getAudioOutput()
                        { return 0; }

                //! Sets the currently used audio output.
                /*! The default-implementation is a noop and returns -1. 
                 * \param c The connector to use for the audio output.
                 * \return 0, if succesful, -1 else*/
                virtual inline int setAudioOutput(Connector* c)
                        { return -1; }

                //! Get the list of available video inputs of the device.
                /*! \return STL-list of pointers to objects of type 
                 * Connector describing the available video inputs. */
                inline const ListType& getVideoInputList() const 
                        { return mVideoInputs; }
                //! Get the list of available audio inputs of the device.
                /*! \return STL-list of pointers to objects of type 
                 * Connector describing the available audio inputs. */          
                inline const ListType& getAudioInputList() const 
                        { return mAudioInputs; }        

                //! Get the list of available video outputs of the device.
                /*! \return STL-list of pointers to objects of type 
                 * Connector describing the available video outputs. */
                inline const ListType& getVideoOutputList() const 
                        { return mVideoOutputs; }       

                //! Get the list of available audio outputs of the device.
                /*! \return STL-list of pointers to objects of type 
                 * Connector describing the available audio outputs. */
                inline const ListType& getAudioOutputList() const 
                        { return mAudioOutputs; }

                //! This method is called after creation to query for video/audio in- and outputs.
                virtual void query() = 0;

                void clearList(ConnectorManager::ListType& list);


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