/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- emit_preamble
- push_item
- add_alt
- add_icon
- add_desc
- add_ignore
- add_header
- add_readme
- add_opts
- set_default_order
- create_autoindex_config
- merge_autoindex_configs
- find_item
- find_default_item
- find_desc
- ignore_entry
- do_emit_plain
- emit_head
- emit_tail
- find_title
- make_parent_entry
- make_autoindex_entry
- terminate_description
- emit_link
- output_directories
- dsortf
- index_directory
- handle_autoindex
- register_hooks
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* mod_autoindex.c: Handles the on-the-fly html index generation
* Rob McCool
* 3/23/93
* Adapted to Apache by rst.
* Version sort added by Martin Pool <mbp@humbug.org.au>.
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_fnmatch.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_lib.h"
#include "apr_want.h"
#include "ap_config.h"
#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "http_core.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "http_protocol.h"
#include "http_log.h"
#include "http_main.h"
#include "util_script.h"
#include "mod_core.h"
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA autoindex_module;
* Handling configuration directives...
#define NO_OPTIONS (1 << 0) /* Indexing options */
#define ICONS_ARE_LINKS (1 << 1)
#define SCAN_HTML_TITLES (1 << 2)
#define SUPPRESS_ICON (1 << 3)
#define SUPPRESS_LAST_MOD (1 << 4)
#define SUPPRESS_SIZE (1 << 5)
#define SUPPRESS_DESC (1 << 6)
#define SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE (1 << 7)
#define SUPPRESS_COLSORT (1 << 8)
#define SUPPRESS_RULES (1 << 9)
#define FOLDERS_FIRST (1 << 10)
#define VERSION_SORT (1 << 11)
#define TRACK_MODIFIED (1 << 12)
#define FANCY_INDEXING (1 << 13)
#define TABLE_INDEXING (1 << 14)
#define IGNORE_CLIENT (1 << 15)
#define IGNORE_CASE (1 << 16)
#define EMIT_XHTML (1 << 17)
#define SHOW_FORBIDDEN (1 << 18)
#define K_NOADJUST 0
#define K_ADJUST 1
#define K_UNSET 2
* Define keys for sorting.
#define K_NAME 'N' /* Sort by file name (default) */
#define K_LAST_MOD 'M' /* Last modification date */
#define K_SIZE 'S' /* Size (absolute, not as displayed) */
#define K_DESC 'D' /* Description */
#define K_VALID "NMSD" /* String containing _all_ valid K_ opts */
#define D_ASCENDING 'A'
#define D_DESCENDING 'D'
#define D_VALID "AD" /* String containing _all_ valid D_ opts */
* These are the dimensions of the default icons supplied with Apache.
* Other default dimensions.
struct item {
char *type;
char *apply_to;
char *apply_path;
char *data;
typedef struct ai_desc_t {
char *pattern;
char *description;
int full_path;
int wildcards;
} ai_desc_t;
typedef struct autoindex_config_struct {
char *default_icon;
char *style_sheet;
apr_int32_t opts;
apr_int32_t incremented_opts;
apr_int32_t decremented_opts;
int name_width;
int name_adjust;
int desc_width;
int desc_adjust;
int icon_width;
int icon_height;
char default_keyid;
char default_direction;
apr_array_header_t *icon_list;
apr_array_header_t *alt_list;
apr_array_header_t *desc_list;
apr_array_header_t *ign_list;
apr_array_header_t *hdr_list;
apr_array_header_t *rdme_list;
char *ctype;
char *charset;
} autoindex_config_rec;
static char c_by_encoding, c_by_type, c_by_path;
#define BY_ENCODING &c_by_encoding
#define BY_TYPE &c_by_type
#define BY_PATH &c_by_path
* This routine puts the standard HTML header at the top of the index page.
* We include the DOCTYPE because we may be using features therefrom (i.e.,
* HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes on the icons if we're FancyIndexing).
static void emit_preamble(request_rec *r, int xhtml, const char *title)
autoindex_config_rec *d;
d = (autoindex_config_rec *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,
if (xhtml) {
ap_rvputs(r, DOCTYPE_XHTML_1_0T,
"<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n"
" <head>\n <title>Index of ", title,
"</title>\n", NULL);
} else {
ap_rvputs(r, DOCTYPE_HTML_3_2,
"<html>\n <head>\n"
" <title>Index of ", title,
"</title>\n", NULL);
if (d->style_sheet != NULL) {
ap_rvputs(r, " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"", d->style_sheet,
"\" type=\"text/css\"", xhtml ? " />\n" : ">\n", NULL);
ap_rvputs(r, " </head>\n <body>\n", NULL);
static void push_item(apr_array_header_t *arr, char *type, const char *to,
const char *path, const char *data)
struct item *p = (struct item *) apr_array_push(arr);
if (!to) {
to = "";
if (!path) {
path = "";
p->type = type;
p->data = data ? apr_pstrdup(arr->pool, data) : NULL;
p->apply_path = apr_pstrcat(arr->pool, path, "*", NULL);
if ((type == BY_PATH) && (!ap_is_matchexp(to))) {
p->apply_to = apr_pstrcat(arr->pool, "*", to, NULL);
else if (to) {
p->apply_to = apr_pstrdup(arr->pool, to);
else {
p->apply_to = NULL;
static const char *add_alt(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, const char *alt,
const char *to)
if (cmd->info == BY_PATH) {
if (!strcmp(to, "**DIRECTORY**")) {
to = "^^DIRECTORY^^";
if (cmd->info == BY_ENCODING) {
char *tmp = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, to);
to = tmp;
push_item(((autoindex_config_rec *) d)->alt_list, cmd->info, to,
cmd->path, alt);
return NULL;
static const char *add_icon(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, const char *icon,
const char *to)
char *iconbak = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, icon);
if (icon[0] == '(') {
char *alt;
char *cl = strchr(iconbak, ')');
if (cl == NULL) {
return "missing closing paren";
alt = ap_getword_nc(cmd->pool, &iconbak, ',');
*cl = '\0'; /* Lose closing paren */
add_alt(cmd, d, &alt[1], to);
if (cmd->info == BY_PATH) {
if (!strcmp(to, "**DIRECTORY**")) {
to = "^^DIRECTORY^^";
if (cmd->info == BY_ENCODING) {
char *tmp = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, to);
to = tmp;
push_item(((autoindex_config_rec *) d)->icon_list, cmd->info, to,
cmd->path, iconbak);
return NULL;
* Add description text for a filename pattern. If the pattern has
* wildcards already (or we need to add them), add leading and
* trailing wildcards to it to ensure substring processing. If the
* pattern contains a '/' anywhere, force wildcard matching mode,
* add a slash to the prefix so that "bar/bletch" won't be matched
* by "foobar/bletch", and make a note that there's a delimiter;
* the matching routine simplifies to just the actual filename
* whenever it can. This allows definitions in parent directories
* to be made for files in subordinate ones using relative paths.
* Absent a strcasestr() function, we have to force wildcards on
* systems for which "AAA" and "aaa" mean the same file.
static const char *add_desc(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, const char *desc,
const char *to)
autoindex_config_rec *dcfg = (autoindex_config_rec *) d;
ai_desc_t *desc_entry;
char *prefix = "";
desc_entry = (ai_desc_t *) apr_array_push(dcfg->desc_list);
desc_entry->full_path = (ap_strchr_c(to, '/') == NULL) ? 0 : 1;
desc_entry->wildcards = (WILDCARDS_REQUIRED
|| desc_entry->full_path
|| apr_fnmatch_test(to));
if (desc_entry->wildcards) {
prefix = desc_entry->full_path ? "*/" : "*";
desc_entry->pattern = apr_pstrcat(dcfg->desc_list->pool,
prefix, to, "*", NULL);
else {
desc_entry->pattern = apr_pstrdup(dcfg->desc_list->pool, to);
desc_entry->description = apr_pstrdup(dcfg->desc_list->pool, desc);
return NULL;
static const char *add_ignore(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, const char *ext)
push_item(((autoindex_config_rec *) d)->ign_list, 0, ext, cmd->path, NULL);
return NULL;
static const char *add_header(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, const char *name)
push_item(((autoindex_config_rec *) d)->hdr_list, 0, NULL, cmd->path,
return NULL;
static const char *add_readme(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, const char *name)
push_item(((autoindex_config_rec *) d)->rdme_list, 0, NULL, cmd->path,
return NULL;
static const char *add_opts(cmd_parms *cmd, void *d, int argc, char *const argv[])
int i;
char *w;
apr_int32_t opts;
apr_int32_t opts_add;
apr_int32_t opts_remove;
char action;
autoindex_config_rec *d_cfg = (autoindex_config_rec *) d;
opts = d_cfg->opts;
opts_add = d_cfg->incremented_opts;
opts_remove = d_cfg->decremented_opts;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
int option = 0;
w = argv[i];
if ((*w == '+') || (*w == '-')) {
action = *(w++);
else {
action = '\0';
if (!strcasecmp(w, "FancyIndexing")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "FoldersFirst")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "HTMLTable")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "IconsAreLinks")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "IgnoreCase")) {
option = IGNORE_CASE;
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "IgnoreClient")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "ScanHTMLTitles")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressColumnSorting")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressDescription")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressHTMLPreamble")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressIcon")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressLastModified")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressSize")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "SuppressRules")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "TrackModified")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "VersionSort")) {
option = VERSION_SORT;
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "XHTML")) {
option = EMIT_XHTML;
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "ShowForbidden")) {
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "None")) {
if (action != '\0') {
return "Cannot combine '+' or '-' with 'None' keyword";
opts = NO_OPTIONS;
opts_add = 0;
opts_remove = 0;
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "IconWidth")) {
if (action != '-') {
d_cfg->icon_width = DEFAULT_ICON_WIDTH;
else {
d_cfg->icon_width = 0;
else if (!strncasecmp(w, "IconWidth=", 10)) {
if (action == '-') {
return "Cannot combine '-' with IconWidth=n";
d_cfg->icon_width = atoi(&w[10]);
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "IconHeight")) {
if (action != '-') {
d_cfg->icon_height = DEFAULT_ICON_HEIGHT;
else {
d_cfg->icon_height = 0;
else if (!strncasecmp(w, "IconHeight=", 11)) {
if (action == '-') {
return "Cannot combine '-' with IconHeight=n";
d_cfg->icon_height = atoi(&w[11]);
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "NameWidth")) {
if (action != '-') {
return "NameWidth with no value may only appear as "
d_cfg->name_width = DEFAULT_NAME_WIDTH;
d_cfg->name_adjust = K_NOADJUST;
else if (!strncasecmp(w, "NameWidth=", 10)) {
if (action == '-') {
return "Cannot combine '-' with NameWidth=n";
if (w[10] == '*') {
d_cfg->name_adjust = K_ADJUST;
else {
int width = atoi(&w[10]);
if (width && (width < 5)) {
return "NameWidth value must be greater than 5";
d_cfg->name_width = width;
d_cfg->name_adjust = K_NOADJUST;
else if (!strcasecmp(w, "DescriptionWidth")) {
if (action != '-') {
return "DescriptionWidth with no value may only appear as "
d_cfg->desc_width = DEFAULT_DESC_WIDTH;
d_cfg->desc_adjust = K_NOADJUST;
else if (!strncasecmp(w, "DescriptionWidth=", 17)) {
if (action == '-') {
return "Cannot combine '-' with DescriptionWidth=n";
if (w[17] == '*') {
d_cfg->desc_adjust = K_ADJUST;
else {
int width = atoi(&w[17]);
if (width && (width < 12)) {
return "DescriptionWidth value must be greater than 12";
d_cfg->desc_width = width;
d_cfg->desc_adjust = K_NOADJUST;
else if (!strncasecmp(w, "Type=", 5)) {
d_cfg->ctype = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, &w[5]);
else if (!strncasecmp(w, "Charset=", 8)) {
d_cfg->charset = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, &w[8]);
else {
return "Invalid directory indexing option";
if (action == '\0') {
opts |= option;
opts_add = 0;
opts_remove = 0;
else if (action == '+') {
opts_add |= option;
opts_remove &= ~option;
else {
opts_remove |= option;
opts_add &= ~option;
if ((opts & NO_OPTIONS) && (opts & ~NO_OPTIONS)) {
return "Cannot combine other IndexOptions keywords with 'None'";
d_cfg->incremented_opts = opts_add;
d_cfg->decremented_opts = opts_remove;
d_cfg->opts = opts;
return NULL;
static const char *set_default_order(cmd_parms *cmd, void *m,
const char *direction, const char *key)
autoindex_config_rec *d_cfg = (autoindex_config_rec *) m;
if (!strcasecmp(direction, "Ascending")) {
d_cfg->default_direction = D_ASCENDING;
else if (!strcasecmp(direction, "Descending")) {
d_cfg->default_direction = D_DESCENDING;
else {
return "First keyword must be 'Ascending' or 'Descending'";
if (!strcasecmp(key, "Name")) {
d_cfg->default_keyid = K_NAME;
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Date")) {
d_cfg->default_keyid = K_LAST_MOD;
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Size")) {
d_cfg->default_keyid = K_SIZE;
else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Description")) {
d_cfg->default_keyid = K_DESC;
else {
return "Second keyword must be 'Name', 'Date', 'Size', or "
return NULL;
static const command_rec autoindex_cmds[] =
"an icon URL followed by one or more filenames"),
"an icon URL followed by one or more MIME types"),
"an icon URL followed by one or more content encodings"),
"alternate descriptive text followed by one or more "
"alternate descriptive text followed by one or more MIME "
"alternate descriptive text followed by one or more "
"content encodings"),
AP_INIT_TAKE_ARGV("IndexOptions", add_opts, NULL, DIR_CMD_PERMS,
"one or more index options [+|-][]"),
AP_INIT_TAKE2("IndexOrderDefault", set_default_order, NULL, DIR_CMD_PERMS,
"{Ascending,Descending} {Name,Size,Description,Date}"),
AP_INIT_ITERATE("IndexIgnore", add_ignore, NULL, DIR_CMD_PERMS,
"one or more file extensions"),
AP_INIT_ITERATE2("AddDescription", add_desc, BY_PATH, DIR_CMD_PERMS,
"Descriptive text followed by one or more filenames"),
AP_INIT_TAKE1("HeaderName", add_header, NULL, DIR_CMD_PERMS,
"a filename"),
AP_INIT_TAKE1("ReadmeName", add_readme, NULL, DIR_CMD_PERMS,
"a filename"),
AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("FancyIndexing", ap_set_deprecated, NULL, OR_ALL,
"The FancyIndexing directive is no longer supported. "
"Use IndexOptions FancyIndexing."),
AP_INIT_TAKE1("DefaultIcon", ap_set_string_slot,
(void *)APR_OFFSETOF(autoindex_config_rec, default_icon),
DIR_CMD_PERMS, "an icon URL"),
AP_INIT_TAKE1("IndexStyleSheet", ap_set_string_slot,
(void *)APR_OFFSETOF(autoindex_config_rec, style_sheet),
DIR_CMD_PERMS, "URL to style sheet"),
static void *create_autoindex_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *dummy)
autoindex_config_rec *new =
(autoindex_config_rec *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(autoindex_config_rec));
new->icon_width = 0;
new->icon_height = 0;
new->name_width = DEFAULT_NAME_WIDTH;
new->name_adjust = K_UNSET;
new->desc_width = DEFAULT_DESC_WIDTH;
new->desc_adjust = K_UNSET;
new->icon_list = apr_array_make(p, 4, sizeof(struct item));
new->alt_list = apr_array_make(p, 4, sizeof(struct item));
new->desc_list = apr_array_make(p, 4, sizeof(ai_desc_t));
new->ign_list = apr_array_make(p, 4, sizeof(struct item));
new->hdr_list = apr_array_make(p, 4, sizeof(struct item));
new->rdme_list = apr_array_make(p, 4, sizeof(struct item));
new->opts = 0;
new->incremented_opts = 0;
new->decremented_opts = 0;
new->default_keyid = '\0';
new->default_direction = '\0';
return (void *) new;
static void *merge_autoindex_configs(apr_pool_t *p, void *basev, void *addv)
autoindex_config_rec *new;
autoindex_config_rec *base = (autoindex_config_rec *) basev;
autoindex_config_rec *add = (autoindex_config_rec *) addv;
new = (autoindex_config_rec *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(autoindex_config_rec));
new->default_icon = add->default_icon ? add->default_icon
: base->default_icon;
new->style_sheet = add->style_sheet ? add->style_sheet
: base->style_sheet;
new->icon_height = add->icon_height ? add->icon_height : base->icon_height;
new->icon_width = add->icon_width ? add->icon_width : base->icon_width;
new->ctype = add->ctype ? add->ctype : base->ctype;
new->charset = add->charset ? add->charset : base->charset;
new->alt_list = apr_array_append(p, add->alt_list, base->alt_list);
new->ign_list = apr_array_append(p, add->ign_list, base->ign_list);
new->hdr_list = apr_array_append(p, add->hdr_list, base->hdr_list);
new->desc_list = apr_array_append(p, add->desc_list, base->desc_list);
new->icon_list = apr_array_append(p, add->icon_list, base->icon_list);
new->rdme_list = apr_array_append(p, add->rdme_list, base->rdme_list);
if (add->opts & NO_OPTIONS) {
* If the current directory says 'no options' then we also
* clear any incremental mods from being inheritable further down.
new->opts = NO_OPTIONS;
new->incremented_opts = 0;
new->decremented_opts = 0;
else {
* If there were any nonincremental options selected for
* this directory, they dominate and we don't inherit *anything.*
* Contrariwise, we *do* inherit if the only settings here are
* incremental ones.
if (add->opts == 0) {
new->incremented_opts = (base->incremented_opts
| add->incremented_opts)
& ~add->decremented_opts;
new->decremented_opts = (base->decremented_opts
| add->decremented_opts);
* We may have incremental settings, so make sure we don't
* inadvertently inherit an IndexOptions None from above.
new->opts = (base->opts & ~NO_OPTIONS);
else {
* There are local nonincremental settings, which clear
* all inheritance from above. They *are* the new base settings.
new->opts = add->opts;;
* We're guaranteed that there'll be no overlap between
* the add-options and the remove-options.
new->opts |= new->incremented_opts;
new->opts &= ~new->decremented_opts;
* Inherit the NameWidth settings if there aren't any specific to
* the new location; otherwise we'll end up using the defaults set in the
* config-rec creation routine.
if (add->name_adjust == K_UNSET) {
new->name_width = base->name_width;
new->name_adjust = base->name_adjust;
else {
new->name_width = add->name_width;
new->name_adjust = add->name_adjust;
* Likewise for DescriptionWidth.
if (add->desc_adjust == K_UNSET) {
new->desc_width = base->desc_width;
new->desc_adjust = base->desc_adjust;
else {
new->desc_width = add->desc_width;
new->desc_adjust = add->desc_adjust;
new->default_keyid = add->default_keyid ? add->default_keyid
: base->default_keyid;
new->default_direction = add->default_direction ? add->default_direction
: base->default_direction;
return new;
* Looking things up in config entries...
/* Structure used to hold entries when we're actually building an index */
struct ent {
char *name;
char *icon;
char *alt;
char *desc;
apr_off_t size;
apr_time_t lm;
struct ent *next;
int ascending, ignore_case, version_sort;
char key;
int isdir;
static char *find_item(request_rec *r, apr_array_header_t *list, int path_only)
const char *content_type = ap_field_noparam(r->pool, r->content_type);
const char *content_encoding = r->content_encoding;
char *path = r->filename;
struct item *items = (struct item *) list->elts;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < list->nelts; ++i) {
struct item *p = &items[i];
/* Special cased for ^^DIRECTORY^^ and ^^BLANKICON^^ */
if ((path[0] == '^') || (!ap_strcmp_match(path, p->apply_path))) {
if (!*(p->apply_to)) {
return p->data;
else if (p->type == BY_PATH || path[0] == '^') {
if (!ap_strcmp_match(path, p->apply_to)) {
return p->data;
else if (!path_only) {
if (!content_encoding) {
if (p->type == BY_TYPE) {
if (content_type
&& !ap_strcasecmp_match(content_type,
p->apply_to)) {
return p->data;
else {
if (p->type == BY_ENCODING) {
if (!ap_strcasecmp_match(content_encoding,
p->apply_to)) {
return p->data;
return NULL;
#define find_icon(d,p,t) find_item(p,d->icon_list,t)
#define find_alt(d,p,t) find_item(p,d->alt_list,t)
#define find_header(d,p) find_item(p,d->hdr_list,0)
#define find_readme(d,p) find_item(p,d->rdme_list,0)
static char *find_default_item(char *bogus_name, apr_array_header_t *list)
request_rec r;
/* Bleah. I tried to clean up find_item, and it lead to this bit
* of ugliness. Note that the fields initialized are precisely
* those that find_item looks at...
r.filename = bogus_name;
r.content_type = r.content_encoding = NULL;
return find_item(&r, list, 1);
#define find_default_icon(d,n) find_default_item(n, d->icon_list)
#define find_default_alt(d,n) find_default_item(n, d->alt_list)
* Look through the list of pattern/description pairs and return the first one
* if any) that matches the filename in the request. If multiple patterns
* match, only the first one is used; since the order in the array is the
* same as the order in which directives were processed, earlier matching
* directives will dominate.
#define MATCH_FLAGS 0
static char *find_desc(autoindex_config_rec *dcfg, const char *filename_full)
int i;
ai_desc_t *list = (ai_desc_t *) dcfg->desc_list->elts;
const char *filename_only;
const char *filename;
* If the filename includes a path, extract just the name itself
* for the simple matches.
if ((filename_only = ap_strrchr_c(filename_full, '/')) == NULL) {
filename_only = filename_full;
else {
for (i = 0; i < dcfg->desc_list->nelts; ++i) {
ai_desc_t *tuple = &list[i];
int found;
* Only use the full-path filename if the pattern contains '/'s.
filename = (tuple->full_path) ? filename_full : filename_only;
* Make the comparison using the cheapest method; only do
* wildcard checking if we must.
if (tuple->wildcards) {
found = (apr_fnmatch(tuple->pattern, filename, MATCH_FLAGS) == 0);
else {
found = (ap_strstr_c(filename, tuple->pattern) != NULL);
if (found) {
return tuple->description;
return NULL;
static int ignore_entry(autoindex_config_rec *d, char *path)
apr_array_header_t *list = d->ign_list;
struct item *items = (struct item *) list->elts;
char *tt;
int i;
if ((tt = strrchr(path, '/')) == NULL) {
tt = path;
else {
for (i = 0; i < list->nelts; ++i) {
struct item *p = &items[i];
char *ap;
if ((ap = strrchr(p->apply_to, '/')) == NULL) {
ap = p->apply_to;
else {
if (!ap_strcmp_match(path, p->apply_path)
&& !ap_strcmp_match(tt, ap)) {
return 1;
* On some platforms, the match must be case-blind. This is really
* a factor of the filesystem involved, but we can't detect that
* reliably - so we have to granularise at the OS level.
if (!ap_strcasecmp_match(path, p->apply_path)
&& !ap_strcasecmp_match(tt, ap)) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Actually generating output
* Elements of the emitted document:
* Preamble
* Emitted unless SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE is set AND ap_run_sub_req
* succeeds for the (content_type == text/html) header file.
* Header file
* Emitted if found (and able).
* H1 tag line
* Emitted if a header file is NOT emitted.
* Directory stuff
* Always emitted.
* HR
* Emitted if FANCY_INDEXING is set.
* Readme file
* Emitted if found (and able).
* ServerSig
* Emitted if ServerSignature is not Off AND a readme file
* is NOT emitted.
* Postamble
* Emitted unless SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE is set AND ap_run_sub_req
* succeeds for the (content_type == text/html) readme file.
* emit a plain text file
static void do_emit_plain(request_rec *r, apr_file_t *f)
char buf[AP_IOBUFSIZE + 1];
int ch;
apr_size_t i, c, n;
apr_status_t rv;
ap_rputs("<pre>\n", r);
while (!apr_file_eof(f)) {
do {
n = sizeof(char) * AP_IOBUFSIZE;
rv = apr_file_read(f, buf, &n);
} while (APR_STATUS_IS_EINTR(rv));
if (n == 0 || rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* ###: better error here? */
buf[n] = '\0';
c = 0;
while (c < n) {
for (i = c; i < n; i++) {
if (buf[i] == '<' || buf[i] == '>' || buf[i] == '&') {
ch = buf[i];
buf[i] = '\0';
ap_rputs(&buf[c], r);
if (ch == '<') {
ap_rputs("<", r);
else if (ch == '>') {
ap_rputs(">", r);
else if (ch == '&') {
ap_rputs("&", r);
c = i + 1;
ap_rputs("</pre>\n", r);
* Handle the preamble through the H1 tag line, inclusive. Locate
* the file with a subrequests. Process text/html documents by actually
* running the subrequest; text/xxx documents get copied verbatim,
* and any other content type is ignored. This means that a non-text
* document (such as HEADER.gif) might get multiviewed as the result
* instead of a text document, meaning nothing will be displayed, but
* oh well.
static void emit_head(request_rec *r, char *header_fname, int suppress_amble,
int emit_xhtml, char *title)
apr_table_t *hdrs = r->headers_in;
apr_file_t *f = NULL;
request_rec *rr = NULL;
int emit_amble = 1;
int emit_H1 = 1;
const char *r_accept;
const char *r_accept_enc;
* If there's a header file, send a subrequest to look for it. If it's
* found and html do the subrequest, otherwise handle it
r_accept = apr_table_get(hdrs, "Accept");
r_accept_enc = apr_table_get(hdrs, "Accept-Encoding");
apr_table_setn(hdrs, "Accept", "text/html, text/plain");
apr_table_unset(hdrs, "Accept-Encoding");
if ((header_fname != NULL) && r->args) {
header_fname = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, header_fname, "?", r->args, NULL);
if ((header_fname != NULL)
&& (rr = ap_sub_req_lookup_uri(header_fname, r, r->output_filters))
&& (rr->status == HTTP_OK)
&& (rr->filename != NULL)
&& (rr->finfo.filetype == APR_REG)) {
* Check for the two specific cases we allow: text/html and
* text/anything-else. The former is allowed to be processed for
* SSIs.
if (rr->content_type != NULL) {
if (!strcasecmp(ap_field_noparam(r->pool, rr->content_type),
"text/html")) {
ap_filter_t *f;
/* Hope everything will work... */
emit_amble = 0;
emit_H1 = 0;
if (! suppress_amble) {
emit_preamble(r, emit_xhtml, title);
/* This is a hack, but I can't find any better way to do this.
* The problem is that we have already created the sub-request,
* but we just inserted the OLD_WRITE filter, and the
* sub-request needs to pass its data through the OLD_WRITE
* filter, or things go horribly wrong (missing data, data in
* the wrong order, etc). To fix it, if you create a
* sub-request and then insert the OLD_WRITE filter before you
* run the request, you need to make sure that the sub-request
* data goes through the OLD_WRITE filter. Just steal this
* code. The long-term solution is to remove the ap_r*
* functions.
for (f=rr->output_filters;
f->frec != ap_subreq_core_filter_handle; f = f->next);
f->next = r->output_filters;
* If there's a problem running the subrequest, display the
* preamble if we didn't do it before -- the header file
* didn't get displayed.
if (ap_run_sub_req(rr) != OK) {
/* It didn't work */
emit_amble = suppress_amble;
emit_H1 = 1;
else if (!strncasecmp("text/", rr->content_type, 5)) {
* If we can open the file, prefix it with the preamble
* regardless; since we'll be sending a <pre> block around
* the file's contents, any HTML header it had won't end up
* where it belongs.
if (apr_file_open(&f, rr->filename, APR_READ,
emit_preamble(r, emit_xhtml, title);
emit_amble = 0;
do_emit_plain(r, f);
emit_H1 = 0;
if (r_accept) {
apr_table_setn(hdrs, "Accept", r_accept);
else {
apr_table_unset(hdrs, "Accept");
if (r_accept_enc) {
apr_table_setn(hdrs, "Accept-Encoding", r_accept_enc);
if (emit_amble) {
emit_preamble(r, emit_xhtml, title);
if (emit_H1) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<h1>Index of ", title, "</h1>\n", NULL);
if (rr != NULL) {
* Handle the Readme file through the postamble, inclusive. Locate
* the file with a subrequests. Process text/html documents by actually
* running the subrequest; text/xxx documents get copied verbatim,
* and any other content type is ignored. This means that a non-text
* document (such as FOOTER.gif) might get multiviewed as the result
* instead of a text document, meaning nothing will be displayed, but
* oh well.
static void emit_tail(request_rec *r, char *readme_fname, int suppress_amble)
apr_file_t *f = NULL;
request_rec *rr = NULL;
int suppress_post = 0;
int suppress_sig = 0;
* If there's a readme file, send a subrequest to look for it. If it's
* found and a text file, handle it -- otherwise fall through and
* pretend there's nothing there.
if ((readme_fname != NULL)
&& (rr = ap_sub_req_lookup_uri(readme_fname, r, r->output_filters))
&& (rr->status == HTTP_OK)
&& (rr->filename != NULL)
&& rr->finfo.filetype == APR_REG) {
* Check for the two specific cases we allow: text/html and
* text/anything-else. The former is allowed to be processed for
* SSIs.
if (rr->content_type != NULL) {
if (!strcasecmp(ap_field_noparam(r->pool, rr->content_type),
"text/html")) {
ap_filter_t *f;
for (f=rr->output_filters;
f->frec != ap_subreq_core_filter_handle; f = f->next);
f->next = r->output_filters;
if (ap_run_sub_req(rr) == OK) {
/* worked... */
suppress_sig = 1;
suppress_post = suppress_amble;
else if (!strncasecmp("text/", rr->content_type, 5)) {
* If we can open the file, suppress the signature.
if (apr_file_open(&f, rr->filename, APR_READ,
do_emit_plain(r, f);
suppress_sig = 1;
if (!suppress_sig) {
ap_rputs(ap_psignature("", r), r);
if (!suppress_post) {
ap_rputs("</body></html>\n", r);
if (rr != NULL) {
static char *find_title(request_rec *r)
char titlebuf[MAX_STRING_LEN], *find = "<title>";
apr_file_t *thefile = NULL;
int x, y, p;
apr_size_t n;
if (r->status != HTTP_OK) {
return NULL;
if ((r->content_type != NULL)
&& (!strcasecmp(ap_field_noparam(r->pool, r->content_type),
|| !strcmp(r->content_type, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE))
&& !r->content_encoding) {
if (apr_file_open(&thefile, r->filename, APR_READ,
return NULL;
n = sizeof(char) * (MAX_STRING_LEN - 1);
apr_file_read(thefile, titlebuf, &n);
if (n <= 0) {
return NULL;
titlebuf[n] = '\0';
for (x = 0, p = 0; titlebuf[x]; x++) {
if (apr_tolower(titlebuf[x]) == find[p]) {
if (!find[++p]) {
if ((p = ap_ind(&titlebuf[++x], '<')) != -1) {
titlebuf[x + p] = '\0';
/* Scan for line breaks for Tanmoy's secretary */
for (y = x; titlebuf[y]; y++) {
if ((titlebuf[y] == CR) || (titlebuf[y] == LF)) {
if (y == x) {
else {
titlebuf[y] = ' ';
return apr_pstrdup(r->pool, &titlebuf[x]);
else {
p = 0;
return NULL;
static struct ent *make_parent_entry(apr_int32_t autoindex_opts,
autoindex_config_rec *d,
request_rec *r, char keyid,
char direction)
struct ent *p = (struct ent *) apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(struct ent));
char *testpath;
* p->name is now the true parent URI.
* testpath is a crafted lie, so that the syntax '/some/..'
* (or simply '..')be used to describe 'up' from '/some/'
* when processeing IndexIgnore, and Icon|Alt|Desc configs.
/* The output has always been to the parent. Don't make ourself
* our own parent (worthless cyclical reference).
if (!(p->name = ap_make_full_path(r->pool, r->uri, "../"))) {
return (NULL);
if (!*p->name) {
return (NULL);
/* IndexIgnore has always compared "/thispath/.." */
testpath = ap_make_full_path(r->pool, r->filename, "..");
if (ignore_entry(d, testpath)) {
return (NULL);
p->size = -1;
p->lm = -1;
p->key = apr_toupper(keyid);
p->ascending = (apr_toupper(direction) == D_ASCENDING);
p->version_sort = autoindex_opts & VERSION_SORT;
if (autoindex_opts & FANCY_INDEXING) {
if (!(p->icon = find_default_icon(d, testpath))) {
p->icon = find_default_icon(d, "^^DIRECTORY^^");
if (!(p->alt = find_default_alt(d, testpath))) {
if (!(p->alt = find_default_alt(d, "^^DIRECTORY^^"))) {
p->alt = "DIR";
p->desc = find_desc(d, testpath);
return p;
static struct ent *make_autoindex_entry(const apr_finfo_t *dirent,
int autoindex_opts,
autoindex_config_rec *d,
request_rec *r, char keyid,
char direction,
const char *pattern)
request_rec *rr;
struct ent *p;
int show_forbidden = 0;
/* Dot is ignored, Parent is handled by make_parent_entry() */
if ((dirent->name[0] == '.') && (!dirent->name[1]
|| ((dirent->name[1] == '.') && !dirent->name[2])))
return (NULL);
* On some platforms, the match must be case-blind. This is really
* a factor of the filesystem involved, but we can't detect that
* reliably - so we have to granularise at the OS level.
if (pattern && (apr_fnmatch(pattern, dirent->name,
return (NULL);
if (ignore_entry(d, ap_make_full_path(r->pool,
r->filename, dirent->name))) {
return (NULL);
if (!(rr = ap_sub_req_lookup_dirent(dirent, r, AP_SUBREQ_NO_ARGS, NULL))) {
return (NULL);
if((autoindex_opts & SHOW_FORBIDDEN)
&& (rr->status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || rr->status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN)) {
show_forbidden = 1;
if ((rr->finfo.filetype != APR_DIR && rr->finfo.filetype != APR_REG)
|| !(rr->status == OK || ap_is_HTTP_SUCCESS(rr->status)
|| ap_is_HTTP_REDIRECT(rr->status)
|| show_forbidden == 1)) {
return (NULL);
p = (struct ent *) apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(struct ent));
if (dirent->filetype == APR_DIR) {
p->name = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, dirent->name, "/", NULL);
else {
p->name = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, dirent->name);
p->size = -1;
p->icon = NULL;
p->alt = NULL;
p->desc = NULL;
p->lm = -1;
p->isdir = 0;
p->key = apr_toupper(keyid);
p->ascending = (apr_toupper(direction) == D_ASCENDING);
p->version_sort = !!(autoindex_opts & VERSION_SORT);
p->ignore_case = !!(autoindex_opts & IGNORE_CASE);
if (autoindex_opts & (FANCY_INDEXING | TABLE_INDEXING)) {
p->lm = rr->finfo.mtime;
if (dirent->filetype == APR_DIR) {
if (autoindex_opts & FOLDERS_FIRST) {
p->isdir = 1;
rr->filename = ap_make_dirstr_parent (rr->pool, rr->filename);
/* omit the trailing slash (1.3 compat) */
rr->filename[strlen(rr->filename) - 1] = '\0';
if (!(p->icon = find_icon(d, rr, 1))) {
p->icon = find_default_icon(d, "^^DIRECTORY^^");
if (!(p->alt = find_alt(d, rr, 1))) {
if (!(p->alt = find_default_alt(d, "^^DIRECTORY^^"))) {
p->alt = "DIR";
else {
p->icon = find_icon(d, rr, 0);
p->alt = find_alt(d, rr, 0);
p->size = rr->finfo.size;
p->desc = find_desc(d, rr->filename);
if ((!p->desc) && (autoindex_opts & SCAN_HTML_TITLES)) {
p->desc = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, find_title(rr));
* We don't need to take any special action for the file size key.
* If we did, it would go here.
if (keyid == K_LAST_MOD) {
if (p->lm < 0) {
p->lm = 0;
return (p);
static char *terminate_description(autoindex_config_rec *d, char *desc,
apr_int32_t autoindex_opts, int desc_width)
int maxsize = desc_width;
register int x;
* If there's no DescriptionWidth in effect, default to the old
* behaviour of adjusting the description size depending upon
* what else is being displayed. Otherwise, stick with the
* setting.
if (d->desc_adjust == K_UNSET) {
if (autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_ICON) {
maxsize += 6;
if (autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_LAST_MOD) {
maxsize += 19;
if (autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_SIZE) {
maxsize += 7;
for (x = 0; desc[x] && ((maxsize > 0) || (desc[x] == '<')); x++) {
if (desc[x] == '<') {
while (desc[x] != '>') {
if (!desc[x]) {
maxsize = 0;
else if (desc[x] == '&') {
/* entities like ä count as one character */
for ( ; desc[x] != ';'; ++x) {
if (desc[x] == '\0') {
maxsize = 0;
else {
if (!maxsize && desc[x] != '\0') {
desc[x - 1] = '>'; /* Grump. */
desc[x] = '\0'; /* Double Grump! */
return desc;
* Emit the anchor for the specified field. If a field is the key for the
* current request, the link changes its meaning to reverse the order when
* selected again. Non-active fields always start in ascending order.
static void emit_link(request_rec *r, const char *anchor, char column,
char curkey, char curdirection,
const char *colargs, int nosort)
if (!nosort) {
char qvalue[9];
qvalue[0] = '?';
qvalue[1] = 'C';
qvalue[2] = '=';
qvalue[3] = column;
qvalue[4] = ';';
qvalue[5] = 'O';
qvalue[6] = '=';
/* reverse? */
qvalue[7] = ((curkey == column) && (curdirection == D_ASCENDING))
qvalue[8] = '\0';
ap_rvputs(r, "<a href=\"", qvalue, colargs ? colargs : "",
"\">", anchor, "</a>", NULL);
else {
ap_rputs(anchor, r);
static void output_directories(struct ent **ar, int n,
autoindex_config_rec *d, request_rec *r,
apr_int32_t autoindex_opts, char keyid,
char direction, const char *colargs)
int x;
apr_size_t rv;
char *name = r->uri;
char *tp;
int static_columns = !!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_COLSORT);
apr_pool_t *scratch;
int name_width;
int desc_width;
char *name_scratch;
char *pad_scratch;
char *breakrow = "";
apr_pool_create(&scratch, r->pool);
if (name[0] == '\0') {
name = "/";
name_width = d->name_width;
desc_width = d->desc_width;
if ((autoindex_opts & (FANCY_INDEXING | TABLE_INDEXING))
if (d->name_adjust == K_ADJUST) {
for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
int t = strlen(ar[x]->name);
if (t > name_width) {
name_width = t;
if (d->desc_adjust == K_ADJUST) {
for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
if (ar[x]->desc != NULL) {
int t = strlen(ar[x]->desc);
if (t > desc_width) {
desc_width = t;
name_scratch = apr_palloc(r->pool, name_width + 1);
pad_scratch = apr_palloc(r->pool, name_width + 1);
memset(pad_scratch, ' ', name_width);
pad_scratch[name_width] = '\0';
if (autoindex_opts & TABLE_INDEXING) {
int cols = 1;
ap_rputs("<table><tr>", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_ICON)) {
ap_rputs("<th>", r);
if ((tp = find_default_icon(d, "^^BLANKICON^^"))) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<img src=\"", ap_escape_html(scratch, tp),
"\" alt=\"[ICO]\"", NULL);
if (d->icon_width) {
ap_rprintf(r, " width=\"%d\"", d->icon_width);
if (d->icon_height) {
ap_rprintf(r, " height=\"%d\"", d->icon_height);
if (autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) {
ap_rputs(" /", r);
ap_rputs("></th>", r);
else {
ap_rputs(" </th>", r);
ap_rputs("<th>", r);
emit_link(r, "Name", K_NAME, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_LAST_MOD)) {
ap_rputs("</th><th>", r);
emit_link(r, "Last modified", K_LAST_MOD, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_SIZE)) {
ap_rputs("</th><th>", r);
emit_link(r, "Size", K_SIZE, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_DESC)) {
ap_rputs("</th><th>", r);
emit_link(r, "Description", K_DESC, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_RULES)) {
breakrow = apr_psprintf(r->pool,
"<tr><th colspan=\"%d\">"
"<hr%s></th></tr>\n", cols,
(autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) ? " /" : "");
ap_rvputs(r, "</th></tr>", breakrow, NULL);
else if (autoindex_opts & FANCY_INDEXING) {
ap_rputs("<pre>", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_ICON)) {
if ((tp = find_default_icon(d, "^^BLANKICON^^"))) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<img src=\"", ap_escape_html(scratch, tp),
"\" alt=\"Icon \"", NULL);
if (d->icon_width) {
ap_rprintf(r, " width=\"%d\"", d->icon_width);
if (d->icon_height) {
ap_rprintf(r, " height=\"%d\"", d->icon_height);
if (autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) {
ap_rputs(" /", r);
ap_rputs("> ", r);
else {
ap_rputs(" ", r);
emit_link(r, "Name", K_NAME, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
ap_rputs(pad_scratch + 4, r);
* Emit the guaranteed-at-least-one-space-between-columns byte.
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_LAST_MOD)) {
emit_link(r, "Last modified", K_LAST_MOD, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_SIZE)) {
emit_link(r, "Size", K_SIZE, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_DESC)) {
emit_link(r, "Description", K_DESC, keyid, direction,
colargs, static_columns);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_RULES)) {
ap_rputs("<hr", r);
if (autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) {
ap_rputs(" /", r);
ap_rputs(">", r);
else {
ap_rputc('\n', r);
else {
ap_rputs("<ul>", r);
for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
char *anchor, *t, *t2;
int nwidth;
t = ar[x]->name;
anchor = ap_escape_html(scratch, ap_os_escape_path(scratch, t, 0));
if (!x && t[0] == '/') {
t2 = "Parent Directory";
else {
t2 = t;
if (autoindex_opts & TABLE_INDEXING) {
ap_rputs("<tr>", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_ICON)) {
ap_rputs("<td valign=\"top\">", r);
if (autoindex_opts & ICONS_ARE_LINKS) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<a href=\"", anchor, "\">", NULL);
if ((ar[x]->icon) || d->default_icon) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<img src=\"",
ar[x]->icon ? ar[x]->icon
: d->default_icon),
"\" alt=\"[", (ar[x]->alt ? ar[x]->alt : " "),
"]\"", NULL);
if (d->icon_width) {
ap_rprintf(r, " width=\"%d\"", d->icon_width);
if (d->icon_height) {
ap_rprintf(r, " height=\"%d\"", d->icon_height);
if (autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) {
ap_rputs(" /", r);
ap_rputs(">", r);
else {
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (autoindex_opts & ICONS_ARE_LINKS) {
ap_rputs("</a></td>", r);
else {
ap_rputs("</td>", r);
if (d->name_adjust == K_ADJUST) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<td><a href=\"", anchor, "\">",
ap_escape_html(scratch, t2), "</a>", NULL);
else {
nwidth = strlen(t2);
if (nwidth > name_width) {
memcpy(name_scratch, t2, name_width - 3);
name_scratch[name_width - 3] = '.';
name_scratch[name_width - 2] = '.';
name_scratch[name_width - 1] = '>';
name_scratch[name_width] = 0;
t2 = name_scratch;
nwidth = name_width;
ap_rvputs(r, "<td><a href=\"", anchor, "\">",
ap_escape_html(scratch, t2),
"</a>", pad_scratch + nwidth, NULL);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_LAST_MOD)) {
if (ar[x]->lm != -1) {
char time_str[MAX_STRING_LEN];
apr_time_exp_t ts;
apr_time_exp_lt(&ts, ar[x]->lm);
apr_strftime(time_str, &rv, MAX_STRING_LEN,
"</td><td align=\"right\">%d-%b-%Y %H:%M ",
ap_rputs(time_str, r);
else {
ap_rputs("</td><td> ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_SIZE)) {
char buf[5];
ap_rvputs(r, "</td><td align=\"right\">",
apr_strfsize(ar[x]->size, buf), NULL);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_DESC)) {
if (ar[x]->desc) {
if (d->desc_adjust == K_ADJUST) {
ap_rvputs(r, "</td><td>", ar[x]->desc, NULL);
else {
ap_rvputs(r, "</td><td>",
terminate_description(d, ar[x]->desc,
desc_width), NULL);
else {
ap_rputs("</td><td> ", r);
ap_rputs("</td></tr>\n", r);
else if (autoindex_opts & FANCY_INDEXING) {
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_ICON)) {
if (autoindex_opts & ICONS_ARE_LINKS) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<a href=\"", anchor, "\">", NULL);
if ((ar[x]->icon) || d->default_icon) {
ap_rvputs(r, "<img src=\"",
ar[x]->icon ? ar[x]->icon
: d->default_icon),
"\" alt=\"[", (ar[x]->alt ? ar[x]->alt : " "),
"]\"", NULL);
if (d->icon_width) {
ap_rprintf(r, " width=\"%d\"", d->icon_width);
if (d->icon_height) {
ap_rprintf(r, " height=\"%d\"", d->icon_height);
if (autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) {
ap_rputs(" /", r);
ap_rputs(">", r);
else {
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (autoindex_opts & ICONS_ARE_LINKS) {
ap_rputs("</a> ", r);
else {
ap_rputc(' ', r);
nwidth = strlen(t2);
if (nwidth > name_width) {
memcpy(name_scratch, t2, name_width - 3);
name_scratch[name_width - 3] = '.';
name_scratch[name_width - 2] = '.';
name_scratch[name_width - 1] = '>';
name_scratch[name_width] = 0;
t2 = name_scratch;
nwidth = name_width;
ap_rvputs(r, "<a href=\"", anchor, "\">",
ap_escape_html(scratch, t2),
"</a>", pad_scratch + nwidth, NULL);
* The blank before the storm.. er, before the next field.
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_LAST_MOD)) {
if (ar[x]->lm != -1) {
char time_str[MAX_STRING_LEN];
apr_time_exp_t ts;
apr_time_exp_lt(&ts, ar[x]->lm);
apr_strftime(time_str, &rv, MAX_STRING_LEN,
"%d-%b-%Y %H:%M ", &ts);
ap_rputs(time_str, r);
else {
/*Length="22-Feb-1998 23:42 " (see 4 lines above) */
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_SIZE)) {
char buf[5];
ap_rputs(apr_strfsize(ar[x]->size, buf), r);
ap_rputs(" ", r);
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_DESC)) {
if (ar[x]->desc) {
ap_rputs(terminate_description(d, ar[x]->desc,
desc_width), r);
ap_rputc('\n', r);
else {
ap_rvputs(r, "<li><a href=\"", anchor, "\"> ",
ap_escape_html(scratch, t2),
"</a></li>\n", NULL);
if (autoindex_opts & TABLE_INDEXING) {
ap_rvputs(r, breakrow, "</table>\n", NULL);
else if (autoindex_opts & FANCY_INDEXING) {
if (!(autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_RULES)) {
ap_rputs("<hr", r);
if (autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML) {
ap_rputs(" /", r);
ap_rputs("></pre>\n", r);
else {
ap_rputs("</pre>\n", r);
else {
ap_rputs("</ul>\n", r);
* Compare two file entries according to the sort criteria. The return
* is essentially a signum function value.
static int dsortf(struct ent **e1, struct ent **e2)
struct ent *c1;
struct ent *c2;
int result = 0;
* First, see if either of the entries is for the parent directory.
* If so, that *always* sorts lower than anything else.
if ((*e1)->name[0] == '/') {
return -1;
if ((*e2)->name[0] == '/') {
return 1;
* Now see if one's a directory and one isn't, if we're set
* isdir for FOLDERS_FIRST.
if ((*e1)->isdir != (*e2)->isdir) {
return (*e1)->isdir ? -1 : 1;
* All of our comparisons will be of the c1 entry against the c2 one,
* so assign them appropriately to take care of the ordering.
if ((*e1)->ascending) {
c1 = *e1;
c2 = *e2;
else {
c1 = *e2;
c2 = *e1;
switch (c1->key) {
case K_LAST_MOD:
if (c1->lm > c2->lm) {
return 1;
else if (c1->lm < c2->lm) {
return -1;
case K_SIZE:
if (c1->size > c2->size) {
return 1;
else if (c1->size < c2->size) {
return -1;
case K_DESC:
if (c1->version_sort) {
result = apr_strnatcmp(c1->desc ? c1->desc : "",
c2->desc ? c2->desc : "");
else {
result = strcmp(c1->desc ? c1->desc : "",
c2->desc ? c2->desc : "");
if (result) {
return result;
/* names may identical when treated case-insensitively,
* so always fall back on strcmp() flavors to put entries
* in deterministic order. This means that 'ABC' and 'abc'
* will always appear in the same order, rather than
* variably between 'ABC abc' and 'abc ABC' order.
if (c1->version_sort) {
if (c1->ignore_case) {
result = apr_strnatcasecmp (c1->name, c2->name);
if (!result) {
result = apr_strnatcmp(c1->name, c2->name);
/* The names may be identical in respects other other than
* filename case when strnatcmp is used above, so fall back
* to strcmp on conflicts so that fn1.01.zzz and fn1.1.zzz
* are also sorted in a deterministic order.
if (!result && c1->ignore_case) {
result = strcasecmp (c1->name, c2->name);
if (!result) {
result = strcmp (c1->name, c2->name);
return result;
static int index_directory(request_rec *r,
autoindex_config_rec *autoindex_conf)
char *title_name = ap_escape_html(r->pool, r->uri);
char *title_endp;
char *name = r->filename;
char *pstring = NULL;
apr_finfo_t dirent;
apr_dir_t *thedir;
apr_status_t status;
int num_ent = 0, x;
struct ent *head, *p;
struct ent **ar = NULL;
const char *qstring;
apr_int32_t autoindex_opts = autoindex_conf->opts;
char keyid;
char direction;
char *colargs;
char *fullpath;
apr_size_t dirpathlen;
char *ctype = "text/html";
char *charset;
if ((status = apr_dir_open(&thedir, name, r->pool)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r,
"Can't open directory for index: %s", r->filename);
if (autoindex_conf->ctype) {
ctype = autoindex_conf->ctype;
if (autoindex_conf->charset) {
charset = autoindex_conf->charset;
else {
charset = "UTF-8";
charset = "ISO-8859-1";
if (*charset) {
ap_set_content_type(r, apr_pstrcat(r->pool, ctype, ";charset=",
charset, NULL));
else {
ap_set_content_type(r, ctype);
if (autoindex_opts & TRACK_MODIFIED) {
ap_update_mtime(r, r->finfo.mtime);
if (r->header_only) {
return 0;
* If there is no specific ordering defined for this directory,
* default to ascending by filename.
keyid = autoindex_conf->default_keyid
? autoindex_conf->default_keyid : K_NAME;
direction = autoindex_conf->default_direction
? autoindex_conf->default_direction : D_ASCENDING;
* Figure out what sort of indexing (if any) we're supposed to use.
* If no QUERY_STRING was specified or client query strings have been
* explicitly disabled.
* If we are ignoring the client, suppress column sorting as well.
if (autoindex_opts & IGNORE_CLIENT) {
qstring = NULL;
autoindex_opts |= SUPPRESS_COLSORT;
colargs = "";
else {
char fval[5], vval[5], *ppre = "", *epattern = "";
fval[0] = '\0'; vval[0] = '\0';
qstring = r->args;
while (qstring && *qstring) {
/* C= First Sort key Column (N, M, S, D) */
if ( qstring[0] == 'C' && qstring[1] == '='
&& qstring[2] && strchr(K_VALID, qstring[2])
&& ( qstring[3] == '&' || qstring[3] == ';'
|| !qstring[3])) {
keyid = qstring[2];
qstring += qstring[3] ? 4 : 3;
/* O= Sort order (A, D) */
else if ( qstring[0] == 'O' && qstring[1] == '='
&& ( (qstring[2] == D_ASCENDING)
|| (qstring[2] == D_DESCENDING))
&& ( qstring[3] == '&' || qstring[3] == ';'
|| !qstring[3])) {
direction = qstring[2];
qstring += qstring[3] ? 4 : 3;
/* F= Output Format (0 plain, 1 fancy (pre), 2 table) */
else if ( qstring[0] == 'F' && qstring[1] == '='
&& qstring[2] && strchr("012", qstring[2])
&& ( qstring[3] == '&' || qstring[3] == ';'
|| !qstring[3])) {
if (qstring[2] == '0') {
autoindex_opts &= ~(FANCY_INDEXING | TABLE_INDEXING);
else if (qstring[2] == '1') {
autoindex_opts = (autoindex_opts | FANCY_INDEXING)
else if (qstring[2] == '2') {
strcpy(fval, ";F= ");
fval[3] = qstring[2];
qstring += qstring[3] ? 4 : 3;
/* V= Version sort (0, 1) */
else if ( qstring[0] == 'V' && qstring[1] == '='
&& (qstring[2] == '0' || qstring[2] == '1')
&& ( qstring[3] == '&' || qstring[3] == ';'
|| !qstring[3])) {
if (qstring[2] == '0') {
autoindex_opts &= ~VERSION_SORT;
else if (qstring[2] == '1') {
autoindex_opts |= VERSION_SORT;
strcpy(vval, ";V= ");
vval[3] = qstring[2];
qstring += qstring[3] ? 4 : 3;
/* P= wildcard pattern (*.foo) */
else if (qstring[0] == 'P' && qstring[1] == '=') {
const char *eos = qstring += 2; /* for efficiency */
while (*eos && *eos != '&' && *eos != ';') {
if (eos == qstring) {
pstring = NULL;
else {
pstring = apr_pstrndup(r->pool, qstring, eos - qstring);
if (ap_unescape_url(pstring) != OK) {
/* ignore the pattern, if it's bad. */
pstring = NULL;
else {
ppre = ";P=";
/* be correct */
epattern = ap_escape_uri(r->pool, pstring);
if (*eos && *++eos) {
qstring = eos;
else {
qstring = NULL;
/* Syntax error? Ignore the remainder! */
else {
qstring = NULL;
colargs = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, fval, vval, ppre, epattern, NULL);
/* Spew HTML preamble */
title_endp = title_name + strlen(title_name) - 1;
while (title_endp > title_name && *title_endp == '/') {
*title_endp-- = '\0';
emit_head(r, find_header(autoindex_conf, r),
autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE,
autoindex_opts & EMIT_XHTML, title_name);
* Since we don't know how many dir. entries there are, put them into a
* linked list and then arrayificate them so qsort can use them.
head = NULL;
p = make_parent_entry(autoindex_opts, autoindex_conf, r, keyid, direction);
if (p != NULL) {
p->next = head;
head = p;
fullpath = apr_palloc(r->pool, APR_PATH_MAX);
dirpathlen = strlen(name);
memcpy(fullpath, name, dirpathlen);
do {
status = apr_dir_read(&dirent, APR_FINFO_MIN | APR_FINFO_NAME, thedir);
continue; /* ignore un-stat()able files */
else if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* We want to explode symlinks here. */
if (dirent.filetype == APR_LNK) {
const char *savename;
apr_finfo_t fi;
/* We *must* have FNAME. */
savename = dirent.name;
apr_cpystrn(fullpath + dirpathlen, dirent.name,
APR_PATH_MAX - dirpathlen);
status = apr_stat(&fi, fullpath,
dirent.valid & ~(APR_FINFO_NAME), r->pool);
if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
/* Something bad happened, skip this file. */
memcpy(&dirent, &fi, sizeof(fi));
dirent.name = savename;
dirent.valid |= APR_FINFO_NAME;
p = make_autoindex_entry(&dirent, autoindex_opts, autoindex_conf, r,
keyid, direction, pstring);
if (p != NULL) {
p->next = head;
head = p;
} while (1);
if (num_ent > 0) {
ar = (struct ent **) apr_palloc(r->pool,
num_ent * sizeof(struct ent *));
p = head;
x = 0;
while (p) {
ar[x++] = p;
p = p->next;
qsort((void *) ar, num_ent, sizeof(struct ent *),
(int (*)(const void *, const void *)) dsortf);
output_directories(ar, num_ent, autoindex_conf, r, autoindex_opts,
keyid, direction, colargs);
emit_tail(r, find_readme(autoindex_conf, r),
autoindex_opts & SUPPRESS_PREAMBLE);
return 0;
/* The formal handler... */
static int handle_autoindex(request_rec *r)
autoindex_config_rec *d;
int allow_opts;
if(strcmp(r->handler,DIR_MAGIC_TYPE)) {
return DECLINED;
allow_opts = ap_allow_options(r);
d = (autoindex_config_rec *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,
r->allowed |= (AP_METHOD_BIT << M_GET);
if (r->method_number != M_GET) {
return DECLINED;
/* OK, nothing easy. Trot out the heavy artillery... */
if (allow_opts & OPT_INDEXES) {
int errstatus;
if ((errstatus = ap_discard_request_body(r)) != OK) {
return errstatus;
/* KLUDGE --- make the sub_req lookups happen in the right directory.
* Fixing this in the sub_req_lookup functions themselves is difficult,
* and would probably break virtual includes...
if (r->filename[strlen(r->filename) - 1] != '/') {
r->filename = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, r->filename, "/", NULL);
return index_directory(r, d);
else {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
"Directory index forbidden by "
"Options directive: %s", r->filename);
static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA autoindex_module =
create_autoindex_config, /* dir config creater */
merge_autoindex_configs, /* dir merger --- default is to override */
NULL, /* server config */
NULL, /* merge server config */
autoindex_cmds, /* command apr_table_t */
register_hooks /* register hooks */