
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


#ifndef __RGBADRAW
#define __RGBADRAW 1

#define IN_SEGMENT(x, sx, sw) \
((unsigned)((x) - (sx)) < (sw))

#define IN_RANGE(x, y, w, h) \
( ((unsigned)(x) < (w)) && ((unsigned)(y) < (h)) )

#define IN_RECT(x, y, rx, ry, rw, rh) \
( ((unsigned)((x) - (rx)) < (rw)) && ((unsigned)((y) - (ry)) < (rh)) )

#define CLIP_RECT_TO_RECT(x, y, w, h, rx, ry, rw, rh) \
{                                                               \
  int   _t0, _t1;                                               \
  _t0 = MAX(x, (rx));                                           \
  _t1 = MIN(x + w, (rx) + (rw));                                \
  x = _t0;                                                      \
  w = _t1 - _t0;                                                \
  _t0 = MAX(y, (ry));                                           \
  _t1 = MIN(y + h, (ry) + (rh));                                \
  y = _t0;                                                      \
  h = _t1 - _t0;                                                \

#define DIV_255(a, x, tmp) \
do {                           \
 tmp = (x) + 0x80;             \
 a = (tmp + (tmp >> 8)) >> 8;  \
} while (0)

#define MULT(na, a0, a1, tmp) \
  DIV_255(na, (a0) * (a1), tmp)

typedef struct _imlib_point ImlibPoint;

struct _imlib_point
   int x, y;

typedef struct _imlib_rectangle Imlib_Rectangle;

struct _imlib_rectangle
   int x, y, w, h;

typedef struct _imlib_polygon _ImlibPoly;
typedef _ImlibPoly *ImlibPoly;

struct _imlib_polygon
   ImlibPoint *points;
   int pointcount;
   int  lx, rx;
   int  ty, by;

/* image related operations: in rgbadraw.c */

__hidden void __imlib_FlipImageHoriz(ImlibImage * im);
__hidden void __imlib_FlipImageVert(ImlibImage * im);
__hidden void __imlib_FlipImageBoth(ImlibImage * im);
__hidden void __imlib_FlipImageDiagonal(ImlibImage * im, int direction);
__hidden void __imlib_BlurImage(ImlibImage * im, int rad);
__hidden void __imlib_SharpenImage(ImlibImage * im, int rad);
__hidden void __imlib_TileImageHoriz(ImlibImage * im);
__hidden void __imlib_TileImageVert(ImlibImage * im);

__hidden void __imlib_copy_alpha_data(ImlibImage * src, ImlibImage * dst, int x, int y,
                             int w, int h, int nx, int ny);

__hidden void __imlib_copy_image_data(ImlibImage * im, int x, int y, int w, int h,
                             int nx, int ny);

/* point and line drawing: in line.c */

__hidden ImlibUpdate *
__imlib_Point_DrawToImage(int x, int y, DATA32 color,
                          ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                          ImlibOp op, char blend, char make_updates);

__hidden ImlibUpdate *
__imlib_Line_DrawToImage(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, DATA32 color,
                         ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                         ImlibOp op, char blend, char anti_alias,
                         char make_updates);

/* rectangle drawing and filling: in rectangle.c */

__hidden void
__imlib_Rectangle_DrawToImage(int xc, int yc, int w, int h, DATA32 color, 
                              ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                              ImlibOp op, char blend);

__hidden void
__imlib_Rectangle_FillToImage(int xc, int yc, int w, int h, DATA32 color, 
                              ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                              ImlibOp op, char blend);

/* ellipse drawing and filling: in ellipse.c */

__hidden void
__imlib_Ellipse_DrawToImage(int xc, int yc, int a, int b, DATA32 color, 
                            ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                            ImlibOp op, char blend, char anti_alias);

__hidden void
__imlib_Ellipse_FillToImage(int xc, int yc, int a, int b, DATA32 color, 
                            ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                            ImlibOp op, char blend, char anti_alias);

/* polygon handling functions: in polygon.c */

__hidden ImlibPoly __imlib_polygon_new(void);
__hidden void __imlib_polygon_free(ImlibPoly poly);
__hidden void __imlib_polygon_add_point(ImlibPoly poly, int x, int y);
__hidden unsigned char __imlib_polygon_contains_point(ImlibPoly poly, int x, int y);
__hidden void __imlib_polygon_get_bounds(ImlibPoly poly, int *px1, int *py1, int *px2, int *py2);

/* polygon drawing and filling: in polygon.c */

__hidden void
__imlib_Polygon_DrawToImage(ImlibPoly poly, char closed, DATA32 color,
                            ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                            ImlibOp op, char blend, char anti_alias);
__hidden void
__imlib_Polygon_FillToImage(ImlibPoly poly, DATA32 color,
                            ImlibImage *im, int clx, int cly, int clw, int clh,
                            ImlibOp op, char blend, char anti_alias);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */