
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. freeilbm
  2. loadchunks
  3. bodyrow
  4. scalegun
  5. scalecmap
  6. deplane
  7. load
  8. save
  9. formats

 * Reads regular Amiga IFF ILBM files.
 * Supports IMLIB2_LBM_NOMASK environment variable. If this is set to "1", then
 * a transparency mask in an image will be ignored. On the Amiga a mask is often
 * applied only when loading a brush rather than a picture, but this loader has
 * no way to tell when the user wants this behaviour from the picture alone.
 * Author:  John Bickers <>
 * Since:   2004-08-21
 * Version: 2004-08-28

#include "loader_common.h"

#define L2RLONG(a) ((((long)((a)[0]) & 0xff) << 24) + (((long)((a)[1]) & 0xff) << 16) + (((long)((a)[2]) & 0xff) << 8) + ((long)((a)[3]) & 0xff))
#define L2RWORD(a) ((((long)((a)[0]) & 0xff) << 8) + ((long)((a)[1]) & 0xff))

typedef struct CHUNK {
   long                size;
   unsigned char      *data;

typedef struct ILBM {
   CHUNK               bmhd;
   CHUNK               camg;
   CHUNK               cmap;
   CHUNK               ctbl;
   CHUNK               sham;
   CHUNK               body;

   int                 depth;
   int                 mask;
   int                 ham;
   int                 hbrite;

   int                 row;

   int                 offset;
   int                 count;
   int                 rle;

 * Frees memory allocated as part of an ILBM structure.
static void
freeilbm(ILBM * ilbm)
   if (ilbm->
   if (ilbm->
   if (ilbm->
   if (ilbm->
   if (ilbm->
   if (ilbm->

   memset(ilbm, 0, sizeof(*ilbm));

 * Reads the given chunks out of a file, returns 0 if the file had a problem.
 * Format FORMsizeILBMtag.size....tag.size....tag.size....
static int
loadchunks(char *name, ILBM * ilbm, int full)
   CHUNK              *c;
   FILE               *f;
   size_t              s;
   long                formsize, pos, z;
   int                 ok, seek;
   char                buf[12];

   ok = 0;

   f = fopen(name, "rb");
   if (f)
        s = fread(buf, 1, 12, f);
        if (s == 12 && !memcmp(buf, "FORM", 4) && !memcmp(buf + 8, "ILBM", 4))
             memset(ilbm, 0, sizeof(*ilbm));
             formsize = L2RLONG(buf + 4);

             while (1)
                  pos = ftell(f);
                  if (pos < 0 || pos >= formsize + 8)
                     break;     /* Error or FORM data is finished. */
                  seek = 1;

                  s = fread(buf, 1, 8, f);
                  if (s != 8)
                     break;     /* Error or short file. */

                  z = L2RLONG(buf + 4);
                  if (z < 0)
                     break;     /* Corrupt file. */

                  c = NULL;
                  if (!memcmp(buf, "BMHD", 4))
                     c = &(ilbm->bmhd);
                  else if (full)
                       if (!memcmp(buf, "CAMG", 4))
                          c = &(ilbm->camg);
                       else if (!memcmp(buf, "CMAP", 4))
                          c = &(ilbm->cmap);
                       else if (!memcmp(buf, "CTBL", 4))
                          c = &(ilbm->ctbl);
                       else if (!memcmp(buf, "SHAM", 4))
                          c = &(ilbm->sham);
                       else if (!memcmp(buf, "BODY", 4))
                          c = &(ilbm->body);

                  if (c && !c->data)
                       c->size = z;
                       c->data = malloc(c->size);
                       if (!c->data)
                          break;        /* Out of memory. */

                       s = fread(c->data, 1, c->size, f);
                       if (s != c->size)
                          break;        /* Error or short file. */

                       seek = 0;
                       if (!full)
                         {      /* Only BMHD required. */
                            ok = 1;

                  if (pos + 8 + z >= formsize + 8)
                     break;     /* This was last chunk. */

                  if (seek && fseek(f, z, SEEK_CUR) != 0)

             /* File may end strangely, especially if body size is uneven, but it's
              * ok if we have the chunks we want. !full check is already done. */
             if (ilbm-> && ilbm->
                ok = 1;
             if (!ok)

   return ok;

 * Unpacks a row of possibly RLE data at a time.
 * RLE compression depends on a count byte, followed by data bytes.
 * 0x80 means skip.
 * 0xff to 0x81 means repeat one data byte (256 - count) + 1 times.
 * 0x00 to 0x7f means copy count + 1 data bytes.
 * In theory RLE compression is not supposed to create runs across scanlines.
static void
bodyrow(unsigned char *p, int z, ILBM * ilbm)
   int                 i, x, w;
   unsigned char       b;

   if (ilbm->offset >= ilbm->body.size)
        memset(p, 0, z);

   if (!ilbm->rle)
        w = ilbm->body.size - ilbm->offset;
        if (w > z)
           w = z;
        memcpy(p, ilbm-> + ilbm->offset, w);
        if (w < z)
           memset(p + w, 0, z - w);
        ilbm->offset += w;

   for (i = 0; i < z;)
        b = ilbm->[ilbm->offset++];
        while (b == 0x80 && ilbm->offset < ilbm->body.size)
           b = ilbm->[ilbm->offset++];
        if (ilbm->offset >= ilbm->body.size)

        if (b & 0x80)
             w = (0x100 - b) + 1;
             if (w > z - i)
                w = z - i;

             b = ilbm->[ilbm->offset++];
             memset(p + i, b, w);
             i += w;
             w = (b & 0x7f) + 1;
             if (w > ilbm->body.size - ilbm->offset)
                w = ilbm->body.size - ilbm->offset;
             x = (w <= z - i) ? w : z - i;
             memcpy(p + i, ilbm-> + ilbm->offset, x);
             i += x;
             ilbm->offset += w;

   if (i < z)
      memset(p, 0, z - i);

 * Shifts a value to produce an 8-bit colour gun, and fills in the lower bits
 * from the high bits of the value so that, for example, 4-bit 0x0f scales to
 * 0xff, or 1-bit 0x01 scales to 0xff.
static unsigned char
scalegun(unsigned char v, int sl)
   int                 sr;

   switch (sl)
     case 1:
     case 2:
     case 3:
        sr = 8 - sl;
        return (v << sl) | (v >> sr);

     case 4:
        return (v << 4) | v;

     case 5:
        return v * 0x24;

     case 6:
        return v * 0x55;

     case 7:
        return v * 0xff;
   return v;

 * Scales the colours in a CMAP chunk if they all look like 4-bit colour, so
 * that they use all 8-bits. This is done by copying the high nybble into the
 * low nybble, so for example 0xf0 becomes 0xff.
static void
scalecmap(ILBM * ilbm)
   int                 i;

   if (!ilbm->

   for (i = 0; i < ilbm->cmap.size; i++)
      if (ilbm->[i] & 0x0f)

   for (i = 0; i < ilbm->cmap.size; i++)
      ilbm->[i] |= ilbm->[i] >> 4;

 * Deplanes and converts an array of bitplanes to a single scanline of DATA32
 * (unsigned int) values. DATA32 is ARGB.
static void
deplane(DATA32 * row, int w, ILBM * ilbm, unsigned char *plane[])
   unsigned long       l;
   int                 i, o, x;
   unsigned char       bit, r, g, b, a, v, h, *pal;

   pal = NULL;
   if (ilbm-> && ilbm->sham.size >= 2 + (ilbm->row + 1) * 2 * 16)
      pal = ilbm-> + 2 + ilbm->row * 2 * 16;
   if (ilbm-> && ilbm->ctbl.size >= (ilbm->row + 1) * 2 * 16)
      pal = ilbm-> + ilbm->row * 2 * 16;

   if (ilbm->ham)
      r = g = b = 0;

   bit = 0x80;
   o = 0;
   for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
        l = 0;
        for (i = ilbm->depth - 1; i >= 0; i--)
             l = l << 1;
             if (plane[i][o] & bit)
                l = l | 1;
        a = (ilbm->mask == 0
             || (ilbm->mask == 1 && (plane[ilbm->depth][o] & bit))
             || ilbm->mask == 2) ? 0xff : 0x00;

        if (ilbm->depth == 32)
             a = (l >> 24) & 0xff;
             b = (l >> 16) & 0xff;
             g = (l >> 8) & 0xff;
             r = l & 0xff;
        else if (ilbm->depth == 24)
             b = (l >> 16) & 0xff;
             g = (l >> 8) & 0xff;
             r = l & 0xff;
        else if (ilbm->ham)
             v = l & ((1 << (ilbm->depth - 2)) - 1);
             h = (l & ~v) >> (ilbm->depth - 2);

             if (h == 0x00)
                  if (!pal)
                       if ((v + 1) * 3 <= ilbm->cmap.size)
                            r = ilbm->[v * 3];
                            g = ilbm->[v * 3 + 1];
                            b = ilbm->[v * 3 + 2];
                          r = g = b = 0;
                       r = scalegun(pal[v * 2] & 0x0f, 4);
                       g = scalegun((pal[v * 2 + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4, 4);
                       b = scalegun((pal[v * 2 + 1] & 0x0f), 4);
             else if (h == 0x01)
                b = scalegun(v, 8 - (ilbm->depth - 2));
             else if (h == 0x02)
                r = scalegun(v, 8 - (ilbm->depth - 2));
                g = scalegun(v, 8 - (ilbm->depth - 2));
        else if (ilbm->hbrite)
             v = l & ((1 << (ilbm->depth - 1)) - 1);
             h = (l & ~v) >> (ilbm->depth - 1);

             if (!pal)
                  if ((v + 1) * 3 <= ilbm->cmap.size)
                       r = ilbm->[v * 3];
                       g = ilbm->[v * 3 + 1];
                       b = ilbm->[v * 3 + 2];
                     r = g = b = 0;
                  r = scalegun(pal[v * 2] & 0x0f, 4);
                  g = scalegun((pal[v * 2 + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4, 4);
                  b = scalegun((pal[v * 2 + 1] & 0x0f), 4);

             if (h)
                  r = r >> 1;
                  g = g >> 1;
                  b = b >> 1;

             if (ilbm->mask == 2 && v == L2RWORD(ilbm-> + 12))
                a = 0x00;
        else if (ilbm->cmap.size == 0 && !pal)
             v = l & ((1 << ilbm->depth) - 1);
             r = scalegun(v, ilbm->depth);
             g = r;
             b = r;
             v = l & 0xff;
             if (!pal)
                  if ((v + 1) * 3 <= ilbm->cmap.size)
                       r = ilbm->[v * 3];
                       g = ilbm->[v * 3 + 1];
                       b = ilbm->[v * 3 + 2];
                     r = g = b = 0;
                  r = scalegun(pal[v * 2] & 0x0f, 4);
                  g = scalegun((pal[v * 2 + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4, 4);
                  b = scalegun((pal[v * 2 + 1] & 0x0f), 4);

             if (ilbm->mask == 2 && v == L2RWORD(ilbm-> + 12))
                a = 0x00;

        row[x] =
           ((unsigned long)a << 24) | ((unsigned long)r << 16) |
           ((unsigned long)g << 8) | (unsigned long)b;

        bit = bit >> 1;
        if (bit == 0)
             bit = 0x80;

 * Loads an image. If im->loader is non-zero, or immediate_load is non-zero, or
 * progress is non-zero, then the file is fully loaded, otherwise only the width
 * and height are read.
 * Imlib2 doesn't support reading comment chunks like ANNO.
load(ImlibImage * im, ImlibProgressFunction progress, char progress_granularity,
     char immediate_load)
   char               *env;
   int                 cancel, full, i, n, ok, y, z, gran, nexty, prevy;
   unsigned char      *plane[40];
   ILBM                ilbm;

   * Do nothing if the data is already loaded.
   if (im->data)
      return 0;

   * Load the chunk(s) we're interested in. If full is not true, then we only
   * want the image size and format.
   full = (im->loader || immediate_load || progress);
   ok = loadchunks(im->real_file, &ilbm, full);
   if (!ok)
      return 0;

   * Use and check header.
   ok = 0;
   if (ilbm.bmhd.size >= 20)
        ok = 1;

        im->w = L2RWORD(;
        im->h = L2RWORD( + 2);
        if (!IMAGE_DIMENSIONS_OK(im->w, im->h))
             ok = 0;

        ilbm.depth =[8];
        if (ilbm.depth < 1
            || (ilbm.depth > 8 && ilbm.depth != 24 && ilbm.depth != 32))
           ok = 0;              /* Only 1 to 8, 24, or 32 planes. */

        ilbm.rle =[10];
        if (ilbm.rle < 0 || ilbm.rle > 1)
           ok = 0;              /* Only NONE or RLE compression. */

        ilbm.mask =[9];

        if (ilbm.mask || ilbm.depth == 32)
           SET_FLAG(im->flags, F_HAS_ALPHA);
           UNSET_FLAG(im->flags, F_HAS_ALPHA);

        env = getenv("IMLIB2_LBM_NOMASK");
        if (env
            && (!strcmp(env, "true") || !strcmp(env, "1") || !strcmp(env, "yes")
                || !strcmp(env, "on")))
           UNSET_FLAG(im->flags, F_HAS_ALPHA);

        if (!im->format)
           im->format = strdup("lbm");

        ilbm.ham = 0;
        ilbm.hbrite = 0;
        if (ilbm.depth <= 8)
             if (ilbm.camg.size == 4)
                  if ([2] & 0x08)
                     ilbm.ham = 1;
                  if ([3] & 0x80)
                     ilbm.hbrite = 1;
               {                /* Only guess at ham and hbrite if CMAP is present. */
                  if (ilbm.depth == 6 && full && ilbm.cmap.size >= 3 * 16)
                     ilbm.ham = 1;
                  if (full && !ilbm.ham && ilbm.depth > 1
                      && ilbm.cmap.size == 3 * (1 << (ilbm.depth - 1)))
                     ilbm.hbrite = 1;
   if (!full || !ok)
        im->w = im->h = 0;
        return ok;

   * The source data is planar. Each plane is an even number of bytes wide. If
   * masking type is 1, there is an extra plane that defines the mask. Scanlines
   * from each plane are interleaved, from top to bottom. The first plane is the
   * 0 bit.
   ok = 0;
   cancel = 0;
   plane[0] = NULL;

   im->data = malloc(im->w * im->h * sizeof(DATA32));
   n = ilbm.depth;
   if (ilbm.mask == 1)
   plane[0] = malloc(((im->w + 15) / 16) * 2 * n);
   if (im->data && plane[0])
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
           plane[i] = plane[i - 1] + ((im->w + 15) / 16) * 2;

        z = ((im->w + 15) / 16) * 2 * n;

        if (progress)
             prevy = 0;
             if (progress_granularity <= 0)
                progress_granularity = 1;
             gran = progress_granularity;
             nexty = ((im->h * gran) / 100);


        for (y = 0; y < im->h; y++)
             bodyrow(plane[0], z, &ilbm);

             deplane(im->data + im->w * y, im->w, &ilbm, plane);

             if (progress && (y >= nexty || y == im->h - 1))
                  if (!progress
                      (im, (char)((100 * (y + 1)) / im->h), 0, prevy, im->w,
                       y + 1))
                       cancel = 1;
                  prevy = y;
                  gran += progress_granularity;
                  nexty = ((im->h * gran) / 100);

        ok = !cancel;

   * We either had a successful decode, the user cancelled, or we couldn't get
   * the memory for im->data or plane[0].
   if (!ok)
        im->w = im->h = 0;
        if (im->data)
        im->data = NULL;

   if (plane[0])


   return (cancel) ? 2 : ok;

 * Perhaps save only in 32-bit format? The IFF ILBM format has pretty much gone
 * the way of the Amiga, who saves in this format any more?
#if 0
save(ImlibImage * im, ImlibProgressFunction progress, char progress_granularity)
   return 0;

 * Identifies the file extensions this loader handles. Standard code from other
 * loaders.
formats(ImlibLoader * l)
   char               *list_formats[] = { "iff", "ilbm", "lbm" };
   int                 i;

   l->num_formats = sizeof(list_formats) / sizeof(list_formats[0]);
   l->formats = malloc(l->num_formats * sizeof(list_formats[0]));
   for (i = 0; i < l->num_formats; i++)
      l->formats[i] = strdup(list_formats[i]);

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