
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. id3_tag_get_frame
  2. id3_tag_get_numframes
  3. id3_frame_id
  4. context_create
  5. context_destroy
  6. context_addref
  7. context_get
  8. context_get_by_name
  9. context_delref
  10. str2int
  11. str2uint
  12. destructor_data
  13. destructor_context
  14. get_options
  15. extract_pic
  16. get_loader
  17. write_tags
  18. load
  19. formats

#include "loader_common.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <id3tag.h>

#if ! defined (__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
#if __GNUC__ >= 2
#define inline __inline__
#define inline

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define UNLIKELY(exp) __builtin_expect ((exp), 0)
#define UNLIKELY(exp) (exp)

typedef struct context {
   int                 id;
   char               *filename;
   struct id3_tag     *tag;
   int                 refcount;
   struct context     *next;
} context;

static context     *id3_ctxs = NULL;

static inline struct id3_frame *
id3_tag_get_frame(struct id3_tag *tag, size_t index)
   return tag->frames[index];

static inline       size_t
id3_tag_get_numframes(struct id3_tag *tag)
   return tag->nframes;

static inline char const *
id3_frame_id(struct id3_frame *frame)
   return frame->id;

static context     *
context_create(const char *filename)
   context            *node = (context *) malloc(sizeof(context));
   context            *ptr, *last;
   int                 last_id = INT_MAX;

   node->refcount = 1;
      struct id3_file    *file;
      struct id3_tag     *tag;
      unsigned int        i;

      file = id3_file_open(filename, ID3_FILE_MODE_READONLY);
      if (!file)
           fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open tagged file %s: %s\n",
                   filename, strerror(errno));
           goto fail_free;
      tag = id3_file_tag(file);
      if (!tag)
           fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find ID3v2 tags in file %s\n", filename);
           goto fail_free;
      node->tag = id3_tag_new();
      for (i = 0; i < id3_tag_get_numframes(tag); i++)
         if (!strcmp(id3_frame_id(id3_tag_get_frame(tag, i)), "APIC"))
            id3_tag_attachframe(node->tag, id3_tag_get_frame(tag, i));
   node->filename = strdup(filename);
   if (!id3_ctxs)
        node->id = 1;
        node->next = NULL;
        id3_ctxs = node;
        return node;
   ptr = id3_ctxs;
   last = NULL;
   while (UNLIKELY(ptr && (ptr->id + 1) >= last_id))
        last_id = ptr->id;
        last = ptr;
        ptr = ptr->next;
   /* Paranoid! this can occur only if there are INT_MAX contexts :) */
   if (UNLIKELY(!ptr))
        fprintf(stderr, "Too many open ID3 contexts\n");
        goto fail_close;
   node->id = ptr->id + 1;
   if (UNLIKELY(! !last))
        node->next = last->next;
        last->next = node;
        node->next = id3_ctxs;
        id3_ctxs = node;
   return node;

   return NULL;

static void
context_destroy(context * ctx)

static inline void
context_addref(context * ctx)

static context     *
context_get(int id)
   context            *ptr = id3_ctxs;

   while (ptr)
        if (ptr->id == id)
             return ptr;
        ptr = ptr->next;
   fprintf(stderr, "No context by handle %d found\n", id);
   return NULL;

static context     *
context_get_by_name(const char *name)
   context            *ptr = id3_ctxs;

   while (ptr)
        if (!strcmp(name, ptr->filename))
             return ptr;
        ptr = ptr->next;
   return NULL;

static void
context_delref(context * ctx)
   if (ctx->refcount <= 0)
        context            *last = NULL, *ptr = id3_ctxs;

        while (ptr)
             if (ptr == ctx)
                  if (last)
                     last->next = ctx->next;
                     id3_ctxs = ctx->next;
             last = ptr;
             ptr = ptr->next;

static int
str2int(char *str, int old)
   long                index;

   errno = 0;
   index = strtol(str, NULL, 10);
   return ((errno || index > INT_MAX) ? old : (int)index);

static              size_t
str2uint(char *str, size_t old)
   unsigned long       index;

   errno = 0;
   index = strtoul(str, NULL, 10);
   return ((errno || index > UINT_MAX) ? old : (size_t) index);

static void
destructor_data(ImlibImage * im, void *data)

static void
destructor_context(ImlibImage * im, void *data)
   context_delref((context *) data);

typedef struct lopt {
   context            *ctx;
   size_t              index;
   int                 traverse;
   char                cache_level;
} lopt;

static char
get_options(lopt * opt, ImlibImage * im)
   size_t              handle = 0, index = 0, traverse = 0;
   context            *ctx;

   if (im->key)
        char               *key = strdup(im->key);
        char               *tok = strtok(key, ",");

        traverse = 0;
        while (tok)
             char               *value = strchr(tok, '=');

             if (!value)
                  value = tok;
                  tok = "index";
                  *value = '\0';
             if (!strcasecmp(tok, "index"))
                index = str2uint(value, index);
             else if (!strcasecmp(tok, "context"))
                handle = str2uint(value, handle);
             else if (!strcasecmp(tok, "traverse"))
                traverse = str2int(value, traverse);
             tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
      traverse = 1;

   if (!handle)
        ImlibImageTag      *htag = __imlib_GetTag(im, "context");

        if (htag && htag->val)
           handle = htag->val;
   if (handle)
      ctx = context_get(handle);
   else if (!(ctx = context_get_by_name(im->real_file)) &&
            !(ctx = context_create(im->real_file)))
      return 0;

   if (!index)
        ImlibImageTag      *htag = __imlib_GetTag(im, "index");

        if (htag && htag->val)
           index = htag->val;
   if (index < 0 || index > id3_tag_get_numframes(ctx->tag) ||
       (index == 0 && id3_tag_get_numframes(ctx->tag) < 1))
        if (index)
           fprintf(stderr, "No picture frame # %d found\n", index);
        return 0;
   if (!index)
      index = 1;

   opt->ctx = ctx;
   opt->index = index;
   opt->traverse = traverse;
   opt->cache_level = (id3_tag_get_numframes(ctx->tag) > 1 ? 1 : 0);
   return 1;

static int
extract_pic(struct id3_frame *frame, int dest)
   union id3_field    *field;
   unsigned char const *data;
   id3_length_t        length;
   int                 done = 0;

   field = id3_frame_field(frame, 4);
   data = id3_field_getbinarydata(field, &length);
   if (!data)
        fprintf(stderr, "No image data found for frame\n");
        return 0;
   while (length > 0)
        ssize_t             res;

        if ((res = write(dest, data + done, length)) < 0)
             if (errno == EINTR)
             perror("Unable to write to file");
             return 0;
        length -= res;
        done += res;
   return 1;

#define EXT_LEN 14

static char
get_loader(lopt * opt, ImlibLoader ** loader)
   union id3_field    *field;
   char const         *data;
   char                ext[EXT_LEN + 2];

   ext[EXT_LEN + 1] = '\0';
   ext[0] = '.';

   field = id3_frame_field(id3_tag_get_frame(opt->ctx->tag, opt->index - 1), 1);
   data = (char const *)id3_field_getlatin1(field);
   if (!data)
        fprintf(stderr, "No mime type data found for image frame\n");
        return 0;
   if (strncasecmp(data, "image/", 6))
        if (!strcmp(data, "-->"))
             *loader = NULL;
             return 1;
                "Picture frame with unknown mime-type \'%s\' found\n", data);
        return 0;
   strncpy(ext + 1, data + 6, EXT_LEN);
   if (!(*loader = __imlib_FindBestLoaderForFile(ext, 0)))
        fprintf(stderr, "No loader found for extension %s\n", ext);
        return 0;
   return 1;

static char        *id3_pic_types[] = {
   /* $00 */ "Other",
   /* $01 */ "32x32 pixels file icon",
   /* $02 */ "Other file icon",
   /* $03 */ "Cover (front)",
   /* $04 */ "Cover (back)",
   /* $05 */ "Leaflet page",
   /* $06 */ "Media",
   /* $07 */ "Lead artist/lead performer/soloist",
   /* $08 */ "Artist/performer",
   /* $09 */ "Conductor",
   /* $0A */ "Band/Orchestra",
   /* $0B */ "Composer",
   /* $0C */ "Lyricist/text writer",
   /* $0D */ "Recording Location",
   /* $0E */ "During recording",
   /* $0F */ "During performance",
   /* $10 */ "Movie/video screen capture",
   /* $11 */ "A bright coloured fish",
   /* $12 */ "Illustration",
   /* $13 */ "Band/artist logotype",
   /* $14 */ "Publisher/Studio logotype"

#define NUM_OF_ID3_PIC_TYPES \
    (sizeof(id3_pic_types) / sizeof(id3_pic_types[0]))

static char        *id3_text_encodings[] = {
   /* $00 */ "ISO-8859-1",
   /* $01 */ "UTF-16 encoded Unicode with BOM",
   /* $02 */ "UTF-16BE encoded Unicode without BOM",
   /* $03 */ "UTF-8 encoded Unicode"

    (sizeof(id3_text_encodings) / sizeof(id3_text_encodings[0]))

static void
write_tags(ImlibImage * im, lopt * opt)
   struct id3_frame   *frame = id3_tag_get_frame(opt->ctx->tag, opt->index - 1);
   union id3_field    *field;
   int                 num_data;
   char               *data;

   if ((field = id3_frame_field(frame, 1)) &&
       (data = (char *)id3_field_getlatin1(field)))
      __imlib_AttachTag(im, "mime-type", 0, strdup(data), destructor_data);
   if ((field = id3_frame_field(frame, 3)) &&
       (data = (char *)id3_field_getstring(field)))
        size_t              length;
        char               *dup;
        id3_ucs4_t         *ptr = (id3_ucs4_t *) data;

        while (*ptr)
        length = (ptr - (id3_ucs4_t *) data + 1) * sizeof(id3_ucs4_t);
        dup = (char *)malloc(length);
        memcpy(dup, data, length);
        __imlib_AttachTag(im, "id3-description", 0, dup, destructor_data);
   if (field = id3_frame_field(frame, 0))
      __imlib_AttachTag(im, "id3-description-text-encoding",
                        (num_data = (int)id3_field_gettextencoding(field)),
                        num_data < NUM_OF_ID3_TEXT_ENCODINGS ?
                        id3_text_encodings[num_data] : NULL, NULL);
   if (field = id3_frame_field(frame, 2))
      __imlib_AttachTag(im, "id3-picture-type",
                        (num_data = id3_field_getint(field)),
                        num_data < NUM_OF_ID3_PIC_TYPES ?
                        id3_pic_types[num_data] : NULL, NULL);
   __imlib_AttachTag(im, "count", id3_tag_get_numframes(opt->ctx->tag),
                     NULL, NULL);
   if (opt->cache_level)
        __imlib_AttachTag(im, "context", opt->ctx->id,
                          opt->ctx, destructor_context);
   __imlib_AttachTag(im, "index", opt->index, NULL, NULL);
   if (opt->traverse)
        char               *buf = NULL;

        if ((opt->index + opt->traverse)
            <= id3_tag_get_numframes(opt->ctx->tag)
            && (opt->index + opt->traverse) > 0)
             buf = (char *)malloc((strlen(im->real_file) + 50) * sizeof(char));
             sprintf(buf, "%s:index=%d,traverse=%d", im->real_file,
                     opt->index + opt->traverse, opt->traverse);
        __imlib_AttachTag(im, "next", 0, buf, destructor_data);

load(ImlibImage * im, ImlibProgressFunction progress,
     char progress_granularity, char immediate_load)
   ImlibLoader        *loader;
   lopt                opt;
   int                 res;
   struct stat         st;

   if (stat(im->real_file, &st) < 0)
      return 0;
   if (!get_options(&opt, im))
      return 0;

   if (!get_loader(&opt, &loader))
      goto fail_context;

   if (loader)
        char               *ofile, tmp[] = "/tmp/imlib2_loader_id3-XXXXXX";
        int                 dest;

        if ((dest = mkstemp(tmp)) < 0)
             fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create a temporary file\n");
             goto fail_context;
        res = extract_pic(id3_tag_get_frame(opt.ctx->tag, opt.index - 1), dest);

        if (!res)
             goto fail_context;

        ofile = im->real_file;
        im->real_file = strdup(tmp);
        res = loader->load(im, progress, progress_granularity, immediate_load);
        im->real_file = ofile;

        /* The tag actually provides a image url rather than image data.
         * Practically, dunno if such a tag exists on earth :)
         * Here's the code anyway...
        union id3_field    *field;
        id3_length_t        length;
        char const         *data;
        char               *url, *file, *ofile;

        field = id3_frame_field
           (id3_tag_get_frame(opt.ctx->tag, opt.index - 1), 4);
        data = (char const *)id3_field_getbinarydata(field, &length);
        if (!data || !length)
             fprintf(stderr, "No link image URL present\n");
             goto fail_context;
        url = (char *)malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(char));
        strncpy(url, data, length);
        url[length] = '\0';
        file = (strncmp(url, "file://", 7) ? url : url + 7);
        if (!(loader = __imlib_FindBestLoaderForFile(file, 0)))
             fprintf(stderr, "No loader found for file %s\n", file);
             goto fail_context;
        ofile = im->real_file;
        im->real_file = file;
        res = loader->load(im, progress, progress_granularity, immediate_load);
        if (!im->loader)
           __imlib_AttachTag(im, "id3-link-url", 0, url, destructor_data);
        im->real_file = ofile;

   if (!im->loader)
      write_tags(im, &opt);

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (!im->loader)
        ImlibImageTag      *cur = im->tags;

        fprintf(stderr, "Tags for file %s:\n", im->file);
        while (cur)
             fprintf(stderr, "\t%s: (%d) %s\n", cur->key,
                     cur->val, (char *)cur->data);
             cur = cur->next;

   return res;

   return 0;

formats(ImlibLoader * l)
   /* this is the only bit you have to change... */
   char               *list_formats[] = { "mp3" };
   int                 i;

   /* don't bother changing any of this - it just reads this in
    * and sets the struct values and makes copies
   l->num_formats = sizeof(list_formats) / sizeof(char *);
   l->formats = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * l->num_formats);

   for (i = 0; i < l->num_formats; i++)
      l->formats[i] = strdup(list_formats[i]);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */