
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. _RemoveElement
  2. _Remove1Op
  3. _Remove2Op
  4. CloseEnoughFloat
  5. isFloatMatrixIdentity
  6. _MultiplyMatrix
  7. PreOptimize
  8. Eval16nop1D
  9. PrelinEval16
  10. PrelinOpt16free
  11. Prelin16dup
  12. PrelinOpt16alloc
  13. XFormSampler16
  14. AllCurvesAreLinear
  15. PatchLUT
  16. WhitesAreEqual
  17. FixWhiteMisalignment
  18. OptimizeByResampling
  19. SlopeLimiting
  20. PrelinOpt8alloc
  21. Prelin8free
  22. Prelin8dup
  23. PrelinEval8
  24. IsDegenerated
  25. OptimizeByComputingLinearization
  26. CurvesFree
  27. CurvesDup
  28. CurvesAlloc
  29. FastEvaluateCurves8
  30. FastEvaluateCurves16
  31. FastIdentity16
  32. OptimizeByJoiningCurves
  33. FreeMatShaper
  34. DupMatShaper
  35. MatShaperEval16
  36. FillFirstShaper
  37. FillSecondShaper
  38. SetMatShaper
  39. OptimizeMatrixShaper
  40. DupPluginOptimizationList
  41. _cmsAllocOptimizationPluginChunk
  42. _cmsRegisterOptimizationPlugin
  43. _cmsOptimizePipeline

//  Little Color Management System
//  Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Marti Maria Saguer
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
// is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#include "lcms2_internal.h"


// Optimization for 8 bits, Shaper-CLUT (3 inputs only)
typedef struct {

    cmsContext ContextID;

    const cmsInterpParams* p;   // Tetrahedrical interpolation parameters. This is a not-owned pointer.

    cmsUInt16Number rx[256], ry[256], rz[256];
    cmsUInt32Number X0[256], Y0[256], Z0[256];  // Precomputed nodes and offsets for 8-bit input data

} Prelin8Data;

// Generic optimization for 16 bits Shaper-CLUT-Shaper (any inputs)
typedef struct {

    cmsContext ContextID;

    // Number of channels
    int nInputs;
    int nOutputs;

    _cmsInterpFn16 EvalCurveIn16[MAX_INPUT_DIMENSIONS];       // The maximum number of input channels is known in advance
    cmsInterpParams*  ParamsCurveIn16[MAX_INPUT_DIMENSIONS];

    _cmsInterpFn16 EvalCLUT;            // The evaluator for 3D grid
    const cmsInterpParams* CLUTparams;  // (not-owned pointer)

    _cmsInterpFn16* EvalCurveOut16;       // Points to an array of curve evaluators in 16 bits (not-owned pointer)
    cmsInterpParams**  ParamsCurveOut16;  // Points to an array of references to interpolation params (not-owned pointer)

} Prelin16Data;

// Optimization for matrix-shaper in 8 bits. Numbers are operated in n.14 signed, tables are stored in 1.14 fixed

typedef cmsInt32Number cmsS1Fixed14Number;   // Note that this may hold more than 16 bits!

#define DOUBLE_TO_1FIXED14(x) ((cmsS1Fixed14Number) floor((x) * 16384.0 + 0.5))

typedef struct {

    cmsContext ContextID;

    cmsS1Fixed14Number Shaper1R[256];  // from 0..255 to 1.14  (0.0...1.0)
    cmsS1Fixed14Number Shaper1G[256];
    cmsS1Fixed14Number Shaper1B[256];

    cmsS1Fixed14Number Mat[3][3];     // n.14 to n.14 (needs a saturation after that)
    cmsS1Fixed14Number Off[3];

    cmsUInt16Number Shaper2R[16385];    // 1.14 to 0..255
    cmsUInt16Number Shaper2G[16385];
    cmsUInt16Number Shaper2B[16385];

} MatShaper8Data;

// Curves, optimization is shared between 8 and 16 bits
typedef struct {

    cmsContext ContextID;

    int nCurves;                  // Number of curves
    int nElements;                // Elements in curves
    cmsUInt16Number** Curves;     // Points to a dynamically  allocated array

} Curves16Data;

// Simple optimizations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Remove an element in linked chain
void _RemoveElement(cmsStage** head)
    cmsStage* mpe = *head;
    cmsStage* next = mpe ->Next;
    *head = next;

// Remove all identities in chain. Note that pt actually is a double pointer to the element that holds the pointer.
cmsBool _Remove1Op(cmsPipeline* Lut, cmsStageSignature UnaryOp)
    cmsStage** pt = &Lut ->Elements;
    cmsBool AnyOpt = FALSE;

    while (*pt != NULL) {

        if ((*pt) ->Implements == UnaryOp) {
            AnyOpt = TRUE;
            pt = &((*pt) -> Next);

    return AnyOpt;

// Same, but only if two adjacent elements are found
cmsBool _Remove2Op(cmsPipeline* Lut, cmsStageSignature Op1, cmsStageSignature Op2)
    cmsStage** pt1;
    cmsStage** pt2;
    cmsBool AnyOpt = FALSE;

    pt1 = &Lut ->Elements;
    if (*pt1 == NULL) return AnyOpt;

    while (*pt1 != NULL) {

        pt2 = &((*pt1) -> Next);
        if (*pt2 == NULL) return AnyOpt;

        if ((*pt1) ->Implements == Op1 && (*pt2) ->Implements == Op2) {
            AnyOpt = TRUE;
            pt1 = &((*pt1) -> Next);

    return AnyOpt;

cmsBool CloseEnoughFloat(cmsFloat64Number a, cmsFloat64Number b)
       return fabs(b - a) < 0.00001f;

cmsBool  isFloatMatrixIdentity(const cmsMAT3* a)
       cmsMAT3 Identity;
       int i, j;


       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                     if (!CloseEnoughFloat(a->v[i].n[j], Identity.v[i].n[j])) return FALSE;

       return TRUE;
// if two adjacent matrices are found, multiply them. 
cmsBool _MultiplyMatrix(cmsPipeline* Lut)
       cmsStage** pt1;
       cmsStage** pt2;
       cmsStage*  chain;
       cmsBool AnyOpt = FALSE;

       pt1 = &Lut->Elements;
       if (*pt1 == NULL) return AnyOpt;

       while (*pt1 != NULL) {

              pt2 = &((*pt1)->Next);
              if (*pt2 == NULL) return AnyOpt;

              if ((*pt1)->Implements == cmsSigMatrixElemType && (*pt2)->Implements == cmsSigMatrixElemType) {

                     // Get both matrices
                     _cmsStageMatrixData* m1 = (_cmsStageMatrixData*) cmsStageData(*pt1);
                     _cmsStageMatrixData* m2 = (_cmsStageMatrixData*) cmsStageData(*pt2);
                     cmsMAT3 res;
                     // Input offset and output offset should be zero to use this optimization
                     if (m1->Offset != NULL || m2 ->Offset != NULL || 
                            cmsStageInputChannels(*pt1) != 3 || cmsStageOutputChannels(*pt1) != 3 ||                            
                            cmsStageInputChannels(*pt2) != 3 || cmsStageOutputChannels(*pt2) != 3)
                            return FALSE;

                     // Multiply both matrices to get the result
                     _cmsMAT3per(&res, (cmsMAT3*)m2->Double, (cmsMAT3*)m1->Double);

                     // Get the next in chain afer the matrices
                     chain = (*pt2)->Next;

                     // Remove both matrices

                     // Now what if the result is a plain identity?                     
                     if (!isFloatMatrixIdentity(&res)) {

                            // We can not get rid of full matrix                            
                            cmsStage* Multmat = cmsStageAllocMatrix(Lut->ContextID, 3, 3, (const cmsFloat64Number*) &res, NULL);

                            // Recover the chain
                            Multmat->Next = chain;
                            *pt1 = Multmat;

                     AnyOpt = TRUE;
                     pt1 = &((*pt1)->Next);

       return AnyOpt;

// Preoptimize just gets rif of no-ops coming paired. Conversion from v2 to v4 followed
// by a v4 to v2 and vice-versa. The elements are then discarded.
cmsBool PreOptimize(cmsPipeline* Lut)
    cmsBool AnyOpt = FALSE, Opt;

    do {

        Opt = FALSE;

        // Remove all identities
        Opt |= _Remove1Op(Lut, cmsSigIdentityElemType);

        // Remove XYZ2Lab followed by Lab2XYZ
        Opt |= _Remove2Op(Lut, cmsSigXYZ2LabElemType, cmsSigLab2XYZElemType);

        // Remove Lab2XYZ followed by XYZ2Lab
        Opt |= _Remove2Op(Lut, cmsSigLab2XYZElemType, cmsSigXYZ2LabElemType);

        // Remove V4 to V2 followed by V2 to V4
        Opt |= _Remove2Op(Lut, cmsSigLabV4toV2, cmsSigLabV2toV4);

        // Remove V2 to V4 followed by V4 to V2
        Opt |= _Remove2Op(Lut, cmsSigLabV2toV4, cmsSigLabV4toV2);

        // Remove float pcs Lab conversions
        Opt |= _Remove2Op(Lut, cmsSigLab2FloatPCS, cmsSigFloatPCS2Lab);

        // Remove float pcs Lab conversions
        Opt |= _Remove2Op(Lut, cmsSigXYZ2FloatPCS, cmsSigFloatPCS2XYZ);

        // Simplify matrix. 
        Opt |= _MultiplyMatrix(Lut);

        if (Opt) AnyOpt = TRUE;

    } while (Opt);

    return AnyOpt;

void Eval16nop1D(register const cmsUInt16Number Input[],
                 register cmsUInt16Number Output[],
                 register const struct _cms_interp_struc* p)
    Output[0] = Input[0];


void PrelinEval16(register const cmsUInt16Number Input[],
                  register cmsUInt16Number Output[],
                  register const void* D)
    Prelin16Data* p16 = (Prelin16Data*) D;
    cmsUInt16Number  StageABC[MAX_INPUT_DIMENSIONS];
    cmsUInt16Number  StageDEF[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < p16 ->nInputs; i++) {

        p16 ->EvalCurveIn16[i](&Input[i], &StageABC[i], p16 ->ParamsCurveIn16[i]);

    p16 ->EvalCLUT(StageABC, StageDEF, p16 ->CLUTparams);

    for (i=0; i < p16 ->nOutputs; i++) {

        p16 ->EvalCurveOut16[i](&StageDEF[i], &Output[i], p16 ->ParamsCurveOut16[i]);

void PrelinOpt16free(cmsContext ContextID, void* ptr)
    Prelin16Data* p16 = (Prelin16Data*) ptr;

    _cmsFree(ContextID, p16 ->EvalCurveOut16);
    _cmsFree(ContextID, p16 ->ParamsCurveOut16);

    _cmsFree(ContextID, p16);

void* Prelin16dup(cmsContext ContextID, const void* ptr)
    Prelin16Data* p16 = (Prelin16Data*) ptr;
    Prelin16Data* Duped = (Prelin16Data*) _cmsDupMem(ContextID, p16, sizeof(Prelin16Data));

    if (Duped == NULL) return NULL;

    Duped->EvalCurveOut16 = (_cmsInterpFn16*) _cmsDupMem(ContextID, p16->EvalCurveOut16, p16->nOutputs * sizeof(_cmsInterpFn16));
    Duped->ParamsCurveOut16 = (cmsInterpParams**)_cmsDupMem(ContextID, p16->ParamsCurveOut16, p16->nOutputs * sizeof(cmsInterpParams*));

    return Duped;

Prelin16Data* PrelinOpt16alloc(cmsContext ContextID,
                               const cmsInterpParams* ColorMap,
                               int nInputs, cmsToneCurve** In,
                               int nOutputs, cmsToneCurve** Out )
    int i;
    Prelin16Data* p16 = (Prelin16Data*)_cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(Prelin16Data));
    if (p16 == NULL) return NULL;

    p16 ->nInputs = nInputs;
    p16 -> nOutputs = nOutputs;

    for (i=0; i < nInputs; i++) {

        if (In == NULL) {
            p16 -> ParamsCurveIn16[i] = NULL;
            p16 -> EvalCurveIn16[i] = Eval16nop1D;

        else {
            p16 -> ParamsCurveIn16[i] = In[i] ->InterpParams;
            p16 -> EvalCurveIn16[i] = p16 ->ParamsCurveIn16[i]->Interpolation.Lerp16;

    p16 ->CLUTparams = ColorMap;
    p16 ->EvalCLUT   = ColorMap ->Interpolation.Lerp16;

    p16 -> EvalCurveOut16 = (_cmsInterpFn16*) _cmsCalloc(ContextID, nOutputs, sizeof(_cmsInterpFn16));
    p16 -> ParamsCurveOut16 = (cmsInterpParams**) _cmsCalloc(ContextID, nOutputs, sizeof(cmsInterpParams* ));

    for (i=0; i < nOutputs; i++) {

        if (Out == NULL) {
            p16 ->ParamsCurveOut16[i] = NULL;
            p16 -> EvalCurveOut16[i] = Eval16nop1D;
        else {

            p16 ->ParamsCurveOut16[i] = Out[i] ->InterpParams;
            p16 -> EvalCurveOut16[i] = p16 ->ParamsCurveOut16[i]->Interpolation.Lerp16;

    return p16;

// Resampling ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


// Sampler implemented by another LUT. This is a clean way to precalculate the devicelink 3D CLUT for
// almost any transform. We use floating point precision and then convert from floating point to 16 bits.
int XFormSampler16(register const cmsUInt16Number In[], register cmsUInt16Number Out[], register void* Cargo)
    cmsPipeline* Lut = (cmsPipeline*) Cargo;
    cmsFloat32Number InFloat[cmsMAXCHANNELS], OutFloat[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
    cmsUInt32Number i;

    _cmsAssert(Lut -> InputChannels < cmsMAXCHANNELS);
    _cmsAssert(Lut -> OutputChannels < cmsMAXCHANNELS);

    // From 16 bit to floating point
    for (i=0; i < Lut ->InputChannels; i++)
        InFloat[i] = (cmsFloat32Number) (In[i] / 65535.0);

    // Evaluate in floating point
    cmsPipelineEvalFloat(InFloat, OutFloat, Lut);

    // Back to 16 bits representation
    for (i=0; i < Lut ->OutputChannels; i++)
        Out[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(OutFloat[i] * 65535.0);

    // Always succeed
    return TRUE;

// Try to see if the curves of a given MPE are linear
cmsBool AllCurvesAreLinear(cmsStage* mpe)
    cmsToneCurve** Curves;
    cmsUInt32Number i, n;

    Curves = _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(mpe);
    if (Curves == NULL) return FALSE;

    n = cmsStageOutputChannels(mpe);

    for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
        if (!cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Curves[i])) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

// This function replaces a specific node placed in "At" by the "Value" numbers. Its purpose
// is to fix scum dot on broken profiles/transforms. Works on 1, 3 and 4 channels
cmsBool  PatchLUT(cmsStage* CLUT, cmsUInt16Number At[], cmsUInt16Number Value[],
                  int nChannelsOut, int nChannelsIn)
    _cmsStageCLutData* Grid = (_cmsStageCLutData*) CLUT ->Data;
    cmsInterpParams* p16  = Grid ->Params;
    cmsFloat64Number px, py, pz, pw;
    int        x0, y0, z0, w0;
    int        i, index;

    if (CLUT -> Type != cmsSigCLutElemType) {
        cmsSignalError(CLUT->ContextID, cmsERROR_INTERNAL, "(internal) Attempt to PatchLUT on non-lut stage");
        return FALSE;

    if (nChannelsIn == 4) {

        px = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[0] * (p16->Domain[0])) / 65535.0;
        py = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[1] * (p16->Domain[1])) / 65535.0;
        pz = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[2] * (p16->Domain[2])) / 65535.0;
        pw = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[3] * (p16->Domain[3])) / 65535.0;

        x0 = (int) floor(px);
        y0 = (int) floor(py);
        z0 = (int) floor(pz);
        w0 = (int) floor(pw);

        if (((px - x0) != 0) ||
            ((py - y0) != 0) ||
            ((pz - z0) != 0) ||
            ((pw - w0) != 0)) return FALSE; // Not on exact node

        index = p16 -> opta[3] * x0 +
                p16 -> opta[2] * y0 +
                p16 -> opta[1] * z0 +
                p16 -> opta[0] * w0;
        if (nChannelsIn == 3) {

            px = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[0] * (p16->Domain[0])) / 65535.0;
            py = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[1] * (p16->Domain[1])) / 65535.0;
            pz = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[2] * (p16->Domain[2])) / 65535.0;
            x0 = (int) floor(px);
            y0 = (int) floor(py);
            z0 = (int) floor(pz);
            if (((px - x0) != 0) ||
                ((py - y0) != 0) ||
                ((pz - z0) != 0)) return FALSE;  // Not on exact node

            index = p16 -> opta[2] * x0 +
                    p16 -> opta[1] * y0 +
                    p16 -> opta[0] * z0;
            if (nChannelsIn == 1) {

                px = ((cmsFloat64Number) At[0] * (p16->Domain[0])) / 65535.0;
                x0 = (int) floor(px);
                if (((px - x0) != 0)) return FALSE; // Not on exact node

                index = p16 -> opta[0] * x0;
            else {
                cmsSignalError(CLUT->ContextID, cmsERROR_INTERNAL, "(internal) %d Channels are not supported on PatchLUT", nChannelsIn);
                return FALSE;

            for (i=0; i < nChannelsOut; i++)
                Grid -> Tab.T[index + i] = Value[i];

            return TRUE;

// Auxiliar, to see if two values are equal or very different
cmsBool WhitesAreEqual(int n, cmsUInt16Number White1[], cmsUInt16Number White2[] )
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < n; i++) {

        if (abs(White1[i] - White2[i]) > 0xf000) return TRUE;  // Values are so extremly different that the fixup should be avoided
        if (White1[i] != White2[i]) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

// Locate the node for the white point and fix it to pure white in order to avoid scum dot.
cmsBool FixWhiteMisalignment(cmsPipeline* Lut, cmsColorSpaceSignature EntryColorSpace, cmsColorSpaceSignature ExitColorSpace)
    cmsUInt16Number *WhitePointIn, *WhitePointOut;
    cmsUInt16Number  WhiteIn[cmsMAXCHANNELS], WhiteOut[cmsMAXCHANNELS], ObtainedOut[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
    cmsUInt32Number i, nOuts, nIns;
    cmsStage *PreLin = NULL, *CLUT = NULL, *PostLin = NULL;

    if (!_cmsEndPointsBySpace(EntryColorSpace,
        &WhitePointIn, NULL, &nIns)) return FALSE;

    if (!_cmsEndPointsBySpace(ExitColorSpace,
        &WhitePointOut, NULL, &nOuts)) return FALSE;

    // It needs to be fixed?
    if (Lut ->InputChannels != nIns) return FALSE;
    if (Lut ->OutputChannels != nOuts) return FALSE;

    cmsPipelineEval16(WhitePointIn, ObtainedOut, Lut);

    if (WhitesAreEqual(nOuts, WhitePointOut, ObtainedOut)) return TRUE; // whites already match

    // Check if the LUT comes as Prelin, CLUT or Postlin. We allow all combinations
    if (!cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Lut, 3, cmsSigCurveSetElemType, cmsSigCLutElemType, cmsSigCurveSetElemType, &PreLin, &CLUT, &PostLin))
        if (!cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Lut, 2, cmsSigCurveSetElemType, cmsSigCLutElemType, &PreLin, &CLUT))
            if (!cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Lut, 2, cmsSigCLutElemType, cmsSigCurveSetElemType, &CLUT, &PostLin))
                if (!cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Lut, 1, cmsSigCLutElemType, &CLUT))
                    return FALSE;

    // We need to interpolate white points of both, pre and post curves
    if (PreLin) {

        cmsToneCurve** Curves = _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(PreLin);

        for (i=0; i < nIns; i++) {
            WhiteIn[i] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(Curves[i], WhitePointIn[i]);
    else {
        for (i=0; i < nIns; i++)
            WhiteIn[i] = WhitePointIn[i];

    // If any post-linearization, we need to find how is represented white before the curve, do
    // a reverse interpolation in this case.
    if (PostLin) {

        cmsToneCurve** Curves = _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(PostLin);

        for (i=0; i < nOuts; i++) {

            cmsToneCurve* InversePostLin = cmsReverseToneCurve(Curves[i]);
            if (InversePostLin == NULL) {
                WhiteOut[i] = WhitePointOut[i];    

            } else {

                WhiteOut[i] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(InversePostLin, WhitePointOut[i]);
    else {
        for (i=0; i < nOuts; i++)
            WhiteOut[i] = WhitePointOut[i];

    // Ok, proceed with patching. May fail and we don't care if it fails
    PatchLUT(CLUT, WhiteIn, WhiteOut, nOuts, nIns);

    return TRUE;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function creates simple LUT from complex ones. The generated LUT has an optional set of
// prelinearization curves, a CLUT of nGridPoints and optional postlinearization tables.
// These curves have to exist in the original LUT in order to be used in the simplified output.
// Caller may also use the flags to allow this feature.
// LUTS with all curves will be simplified to a single curve. Parametric curves are lost.
// This function should be used on 16-bits LUTS only, as floating point losses precision when simplified
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

cmsBool OptimizeByResampling(cmsPipeline** Lut, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number* InputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* OutputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* dwFlags)
    cmsPipeline* Src = NULL;
    cmsPipeline* Dest = NULL;
    cmsStage* mpe;
    cmsStage* CLUT;
    cmsStage *KeepPreLin = NULL, *KeepPostLin = NULL;
    int nGridPoints;
    cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace, OutputColorSpace;
    cmsStage *NewPreLin = NULL;
    cmsStage *NewPostLin = NULL;
    _cmsStageCLutData* DataCLUT;
    cmsToneCurve** DataSetIn;
    cmsToneCurve** DataSetOut;
    Prelin16Data* p16;

    // This is a loosy optimization! does not apply in floating-point cases
    if (_cmsFormatterIsFloat(*InputFormat) || _cmsFormatterIsFloat(*OutputFormat)) return FALSE;

    ColorSpace       = _cmsICCcolorSpace(T_COLORSPACE(*InputFormat));
    OutputColorSpace = _cmsICCcolorSpace(T_COLORSPACE(*OutputFormat));
    nGridPoints      = _cmsReasonableGridpointsByColorspace(ColorSpace, *dwFlags);

    // For empty LUTs, 2 points are enough
    if (cmsPipelineStageCount(*Lut) == 0)
        nGridPoints = 2;

    Src = *Lut;

    // Named color pipelines cannot be optimized either
    for (mpe = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(Src);
        mpe != NULL;
        mpe = cmsStageNext(mpe)) {
            if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigNamedColorElemType) return FALSE;

    // Allocate an empty LUT
    Dest =  cmsPipelineAlloc(Src ->ContextID, Src ->InputChannels, Src ->OutputChannels);
    if (!Dest) return FALSE;

    // Prelinearization tables are kept unless indicated by flags
    if (*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_CLUT_PRE_LINEARIZATION) {

        // Get a pointer to the prelinearization element
        cmsStage* PreLin = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(Src);

        // Check if suitable
        if (PreLin ->Type == cmsSigCurveSetElemType) {

            // Maybe this is a linear tram, so we can avoid the whole stuff
            if (!AllCurvesAreLinear(PreLin)) {

                // All seems ok, proceed.
                NewPreLin = cmsStageDup(PreLin);
                if(!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_BEGIN, NewPreLin))
                    goto Error;

                // Remove prelinearization. Since we have duplicated the curve
                // in destination LUT, the sampling shoud be applied after this stage.
                cmsPipelineUnlinkStage(Src, cmsAT_BEGIN, &KeepPreLin);

    // Allocate the CLUT
    CLUT = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(Src ->ContextID, nGridPoints, Src ->InputChannels, Src->OutputChannels, NULL);
    if (CLUT == NULL) return FALSE;

    // Add the CLUT to the destination LUT
    if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_END, CLUT)) {
        goto Error;

    // Postlinearization tables are kept unless indicated by flags
    if (*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_CLUT_POST_LINEARIZATION) {

        // Get a pointer to the postlinearization if present
        cmsStage* PostLin = cmsPipelineGetPtrToLastStage(Src);

        // Check if suitable
        if (cmsStageType(PostLin) == cmsSigCurveSetElemType) {

            // Maybe this is a linear tram, so we can avoid the whole stuff
            if (!AllCurvesAreLinear(PostLin)) {

                // All seems ok, proceed.
                NewPostLin = cmsStageDup(PostLin);
                if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_END, NewPostLin))
                    goto Error;

                // In destination LUT, the sampling shoud be applied after this stage.
                cmsPipelineUnlinkStage(Src, cmsAT_END, &KeepPostLin);

    // Now its time to do the sampling. We have to ignore pre/post linearization
    // The source LUT whithout pre/post curves is passed as parameter.
    if (!cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(CLUT, XFormSampler16, (void*) Src, 0)) {
        // Ops, something went wrong, Restore stages
        if (KeepPreLin != NULL) {
            if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Src, cmsAT_BEGIN, KeepPreLin)) {
                _cmsAssert(0); // This never happens
        if (KeepPostLin != NULL) {
            if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Src, cmsAT_END,   KeepPostLin)) {
                _cmsAssert(0); // This never happens
        return FALSE;

    // Done.

    if (KeepPreLin != NULL) cmsStageFree(KeepPreLin);
    if (KeepPostLin != NULL) cmsStageFree(KeepPostLin);

    DataCLUT = (_cmsStageCLutData*) CLUT ->Data;

    if (NewPreLin == NULL) DataSetIn = NULL;
    else DataSetIn = ((_cmsStageToneCurvesData*) NewPreLin ->Data) ->TheCurves;

    if (NewPostLin == NULL) DataSetOut = NULL;
    else  DataSetOut = ((_cmsStageToneCurvesData*) NewPostLin ->Data) ->TheCurves;

    if (DataSetIn == NULL && DataSetOut == NULL) {

        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(Dest, (_cmsOPTeval16Fn) DataCLUT->Params->Interpolation.Lerp16, DataCLUT->Params, NULL, NULL);
    else {

        p16 = PrelinOpt16alloc(Dest ->ContextID,
            DataCLUT ->Params,
            Dest ->InputChannels,
            Dest ->OutputChannels,

        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(Dest, PrelinEval16, (void*) p16, PrelinOpt16free, Prelin16dup);

    // Don't fix white on absolute colorimetric

    if (!(*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NOWHITEONWHITEFIXUP)) {

        FixWhiteMisalignment(Dest, ColorSpace, OutputColorSpace);

    *Lut = Dest;
    return TRUE;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fixes the gamma balancing of transform. This is described in my paper "Prelinearization Stages on
// Color-Management Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)" presented at NIP24. It only works
// for RGB transforms. See the paper for more details
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Normalize endpoints by slope limiting max and min. This assures endpoints as well.
// Descending curves are handled as well.
void SlopeLimiting(cmsToneCurve* g)
    int BeginVal, EndVal;
    int AtBegin = (int) floor((cmsFloat64Number) g ->nEntries * 0.02 + 0.5);   // Cutoff at 2%
    int AtEnd   = g ->nEntries - AtBegin - 1;                                  // And 98%
    cmsFloat64Number Val, Slope, beta;
    int i;

    if (cmsIsToneCurveDescending(g)) {
        BeginVal = 0xffff; EndVal = 0;
    else {
        BeginVal = 0; EndVal = 0xffff;

    // Compute slope and offset for begin of curve
    Val   = g ->Table16[AtBegin];
    Slope = (Val - BeginVal) / AtBegin;
    beta  = Val - Slope * AtBegin;

    for (i=0; i < AtBegin; i++)
        g ->Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(i * Slope + beta);

    // Compute slope and offset for the end
    Val   = g ->Table16[AtEnd];
    Slope = (EndVal - Val) / AtBegin;   // AtBegin holds the X interval, which is same in both cases
    beta  = Val - Slope * AtEnd;

    for (i = AtEnd; i < (int) g ->nEntries; i++)
        g ->Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(i * Slope + beta);

// Precomputes tables for 8-bit on input devicelink.
Prelin8Data* PrelinOpt8alloc(cmsContext ContextID, const cmsInterpParams* p, cmsToneCurve* G[3])
    int i;
    cmsUInt16Number Input[3];
    cmsS15Fixed16Number v1, v2, v3;
    Prelin8Data* p8;

    p8 = (Prelin8Data*)_cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(Prelin8Data));
    if (p8 == NULL) return NULL;

    // Since this only works for 8 bit input, values comes always as x * 257,
    // we can safely take msb byte (x << 8 + x)

    for (i=0; i < 256; i++) {

        if (G != NULL) {

            // Get 16-bit representation
            Input[0] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(G[0], FROM_8_TO_16(i));
            Input[1] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(G[1], FROM_8_TO_16(i));
            Input[2] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(G[2], FROM_8_TO_16(i));
        else {
            Input[0] = FROM_8_TO_16(i);
            Input[1] = FROM_8_TO_16(i);
            Input[2] = FROM_8_TO_16(i);

        // Move to 0..1.0 in fixed domain
        v1 = _cmsToFixedDomain(Input[0] * p -> Domain[0]);
        v2 = _cmsToFixedDomain(Input[1] * p -> Domain[1]);
        v3 = _cmsToFixedDomain(Input[2] * p -> Domain[2]);

        // Store the precalculated table of nodes
        p8 ->X0[i] = (p->opta[2] * FIXED_TO_INT(v1));
        p8 ->Y0[i] = (p->opta[1] * FIXED_TO_INT(v2));
        p8 ->Z0[i] = (p->opta[0] * FIXED_TO_INT(v3));

        // Store the precalculated table of offsets
        p8 ->rx[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) FIXED_REST_TO_INT(v1);
        p8 ->ry[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) FIXED_REST_TO_INT(v2);
        p8 ->rz[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) FIXED_REST_TO_INT(v3);

    p8 ->ContextID = ContextID;
    p8 ->p = p;

    return p8;

void Prelin8free(cmsContext ContextID, void* ptr)
    _cmsFree(ContextID, ptr);

void* Prelin8dup(cmsContext ContextID, const void* ptr)
    return _cmsDupMem(ContextID, ptr, sizeof(Prelin8Data));

// A optimized interpolation for 8-bit input.
#define DENS(i,j,k) (LutTable[(i)+(j)+(k)+OutChan])
void PrelinEval8(register const cmsUInt16Number Input[],
                  register cmsUInt16Number Output[],
                  register const void* D)

    cmsUInt8Number         r, g, b;
    cmsS15Fixed16Number    rx, ry, rz;
    cmsS15Fixed16Number    c0, c1, c2, c3, Rest;
    int                    OutChan;
    register cmsS15Fixed16Number    X0, X1, Y0, Y1, Z0, Z1;
    Prelin8Data* p8 = (Prelin8Data*) D;
    register const cmsInterpParams* p = p8 ->p;
    int                    TotalOut = p -> nOutputs;
    const cmsUInt16Number* LutTable = (const cmsUInt16Number*) p->Table;

    r = Input[0] >> 8;
    g = Input[1] >> 8;
    b = Input[2] >> 8;

    X0 = X1 = p8->X0[r];
    Y0 = Y1 = p8->Y0[g];
    Z0 = Z1 = p8->Z0[b];

    rx = p8 ->rx[r];
    ry = p8 ->ry[g];
    rz = p8 ->rz[b];

    X1 = X0 + ((rx == 0) ? 0 : p ->opta[2]);
    Y1 = Y0 + ((ry == 0) ? 0 : p ->opta[1]);
    Z1 = Z0 + ((rz == 0) ? 0 : p ->opta[0]);

    // These are the 6 Tetrahedral
    for (OutChan=0; OutChan < TotalOut; OutChan++) {

        c0 = DENS(X0, Y0, Z0);

        if (rx >= ry && ry >= rz)
            c1 = DENS(X1, Y0, Z0) - c0;
            c2 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z0) - DENS(X1, Y0, Z0);
            c3 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X1, Y1, Z0);
            if (rx >= rz && rz >= ry)
                c1 = DENS(X1, Y0, Z0) - c0;
                c2 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X1, Y0, Z1);
                c3 = DENS(X1, Y0, Z1) - DENS(X1, Y0, Z0);
                if (rz >= rx && rx >= ry)
                    c1 = DENS(X1, Y0, Z1) - DENS(X0, Y0, Z1);
                    c2 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X1, Y0, Z1);
                    c3 = DENS(X0, Y0, Z1) - c0;
                    if (ry >= rx && rx >= rz)
                        c1 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z0) - DENS(X0, Y1, Z0);
                        c2 = DENS(X0, Y1, Z0) - c0;
                        c3 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X1, Y1, Z0);
                        if (ry >= rz && rz >= rx)
                            c1 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X0, Y1, Z1);
                            c2 = DENS(X0, Y1, Z0) - c0;
                            c3 = DENS(X0, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X0, Y1, Z0);
                            if (rz >= ry && ry >= rx)
                                c1 = DENS(X1, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X0, Y1, Z1);
                                c2 = DENS(X0, Y1, Z1) - DENS(X0, Y0, Z1);
                                c3 = DENS(X0, Y0, Z1) - c0;
                            else  {
                                c1 = c2 = c3 = 0;

                            Rest = c1 * rx + c2 * ry + c3 * rz + 0x8001;
                            Output[OutChan] = (cmsUInt16Number)c0 + ((Rest + (Rest>>16))>>16);


#undef DENS

// Curves that contain wide empty areas are not optimizeable
cmsBool IsDegenerated(const cmsToneCurve* g)
    int i, Zeros = 0, Poles = 0;
    int nEntries = g ->nEntries;

    for (i=0; i < nEntries; i++) {

        if (g ->Table16[i] == 0x0000) Zeros++;
        if (g ->Table16[i] == 0xffff) Poles++;

    if (Zeros == 1 && Poles == 1) return FALSE;  // For linear tables
    if (Zeros > (nEntries / 4)) return TRUE;  // Degenerated, mostly zeros
    if (Poles > (nEntries / 4)) return TRUE;  // Degenerated, mostly poles

    return FALSE;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We need xput over here

cmsBool OptimizeByComputingLinearization(cmsPipeline** Lut, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number* InputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* OutputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* dwFlags)
    cmsPipeline* OriginalLut;
    int nGridPoints;
    cmsToneCurve *Trans[cmsMAXCHANNELS], *TransReverse[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
    cmsUInt32Number t, i;
    cmsFloat32Number v, In[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Out[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
    cmsBool lIsSuitable, lIsLinear;
    cmsPipeline* OptimizedLUT = NULL, *LutPlusCurves = NULL;
    cmsStage* OptimizedCLUTmpe;
    cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace, OutputColorSpace;
    cmsStage* OptimizedPrelinMpe;
    cmsStage* mpe;
    cmsToneCurve**   OptimizedPrelinCurves;
    _cmsStageCLutData*     OptimizedPrelinCLUT;

    // This is a loosy optimization! does not apply in floating-point cases
    if (_cmsFormatterIsFloat(*InputFormat) || _cmsFormatterIsFloat(*OutputFormat)) return FALSE;

    // Only on RGB
    if (T_COLORSPACE(*InputFormat)  != PT_RGB) return FALSE;
    if (T_COLORSPACE(*OutputFormat) != PT_RGB) return FALSE;

    // On 16 bits, user has to specify the feature
    if (!_cmsFormatterIs8bit(*InputFormat)) {
        if (!(*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_CLUT_PRE_LINEARIZATION)) return FALSE;

    OriginalLut = *Lut;

   // Named color pipelines cannot be optimized either
   for (mpe = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(OriginalLut);
         mpe != NULL;
         mpe = cmsStageNext(mpe)) {
            if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigNamedColorElemType) return FALSE;

    ColorSpace       = _cmsICCcolorSpace(T_COLORSPACE(*InputFormat));
    OutputColorSpace = _cmsICCcolorSpace(T_COLORSPACE(*OutputFormat));
    nGridPoints      = _cmsReasonableGridpointsByColorspace(ColorSpace, *dwFlags);

    // Empty gamma containers
    memset(Trans, 0, sizeof(Trans));
    memset(TransReverse, 0, sizeof(TransReverse));

    for (t = 0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++) {
        Trans[t] = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(OriginalLut ->ContextID, PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS, NULL);
        if (Trans[t] == NULL) goto Error;

    // Populate the curves
    for (i=0; i < PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS; i++) {

        v = (cmsFloat32Number) ((cmsFloat64Number) i / (PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS - 1));

        // Feed input with a gray ramp
        for (t=0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++)
            In[t] = v;

        // Evaluate the gray value
        cmsPipelineEvalFloat(In, Out, OriginalLut);

        // Store result in curve
        for (t=0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++)
            Trans[t] ->Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Out[t] * 65535.0);

    // Slope-limit the obtained curves
    for (t = 0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++)

    // Check for validity
    lIsSuitable = TRUE;
    lIsLinear   = TRUE;
    for (t=0; (lIsSuitable && (t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels)); t++) {

        // Exclude if already linear
        if (!cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Trans[t]))
            lIsLinear = FALSE;

        // Exclude if non-monotonic
        if (!cmsIsToneCurveMonotonic(Trans[t]))
            lIsSuitable = FALSE;

        if (IsDegenerated(Trans[t]))
            lIsSuitable = FALSE;

    // If it is not suitable, just quit
    if (!lIsSuitable) goto Error;

    // Invert curves if possible
    for (t = 0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++) {
        TransReverse[t] = cmsReverseToneCurveEx(PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS, Trans[t]);
        if (TransReverse[t] == NULL) goto Error;

    // Now inset the reversed curves at the begin of transform
    LutPlusCurves = cmsPipelineDup(OriginalLut);
    if (LutPlusCurves == NULL) goto Error;

    if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(LutPlusCurves, cmsAT_BEGIN, cmsStageAllocToneCurves(OriginalLut ->ContextID, OriginalLut ->InputChannels, TransReverse)))
        goto Error;

    // Create the result LUT
    OptimizedLUT = cmsPipelineAlloc(OriginalLut ->ContextID, OriginalLut ->InputChannels, OriginalLut ->OutputChannels);
    if (OptimizedLUT == NULL) goto Error;

    OptimizedPrelinMpe = cmsStageAllocToneCurves(OriginalLut ->ContextID, OriginalLut ->InputChannels, Trans);

    // Create and insert the curves at the beginning
    if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(OptimizedLUT, cmsAT_BEGIN, OptimizedPrelinMpe))
        goto Error;

    // Allocate the CLUT for result
    OptimizedCLUTmpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(OriginalLut ->ContextID, nGridPoints, OriginalLut ->InputChannels, OriginalLut ->OutputChannels, NULL);

    // Add the CLUT to the destination LUT
    if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(OptimizedLUT, cmsAT_END, OptimizedCLUTmpe))
        goto Error;

    // Resample the LUT
    if (!cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(OptimizedCLUTmpe, XFormSampler16, (void*) LutPlusCurves, 0)) goto Error;

    // Free resources
    for (t = 0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++) {

        if (Trans[t]) cmsFreeToneCurve(Trans[t]);
        if (TransReverse[t]) cmsFreeToneCurve(TransReverse[t]);


    OptimizedPrelinCurves = _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(OptimizedPrelinMpe);
    OptimizedPrelinCLUT   = (_cmsStageCLutData*) OptimizedCLUTmpe ->Data;

    // Set the evaluator if 8-bit
    if (_cmsFormatterIs8bit(*InputFormat)) {

        Prelin8Data* p8 = PrelinOpt8alloc(OptimizedLUT ->ContextID,
                                                OptimizedPrelinCLUT ->Params,
        if (p8 == NULL) return FALSE;

        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(OptimizedLUT, PrelinEval8, (void*) p8, Prelin8free, Prelin8dup);

        Prelin16Data* p16 = PrelinOpt16alloc(OptimizedLUT ->ContextID,
            OptimizedPrelinCLUT ->Params,
            3, OptimizedPrelinCurves, 3, NULL);
        if (p16 == NULL) return FALSE;

        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(OptimizedLUT, PrelinEval16, (void*) p16, PrelinOpt16free, Prelin16dup);


    // Don't fix white on absolute colorimetric

    if (!(*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NOWHITEONWHITEFIXUP)) {

        if (!FixWhiteMisalignment(OptimizedLUT, ColorSpace, OutputColorSpace)) {

            return FALSE;

    // And return the obtained LUT

    *Lut = OptimizedLUT;
    return TRUE;


    for (t = 0; t < OriginalLut ->InputChannels; t++) {

        if (Trans[t]) cmsFreeToneCurve(Trans[t]);
        if (TransReverse[t]) cmsFreeToneCurve(TransReverse[t]);

    if (LutPlusCurves != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(LutPlusCurves);
    if (OptimizedLUT != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(OptimizedLUT);

    return FALSE;


// Curves optimizer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CurvesFree(cmsContext ContextID, void* ptr)
     Curves16Data* Data = (Curves16Data*) ptr;
     int i;

     for (i=0; i < Data -> nCurves; i++) {

         _cmsFree(ContextID, Data ->Curves[i]);

     _cmsFree(ContextID, Data ->Curves);
     _cmsFree(ContextID, ptr);

void* CurvesDup(cmsContext ContextID, const void* ptr)
    Curves16Data* Data = (Curves16Data*)_cmsDupMem(ContextID, ptr, sizeof(Curves16Data));
    int i;

    if (Data == NULL) return NULL;

    Data->Curves = (cmsUInt16Number**) _cmsDupMem(ContextID, Data->Curves, Data->nCurves * sizeof(cmsUInt16Number*));

    for (i=0; i < Data -> nCurves; i++) {
        Data->Curves[i] = (cmsUInt16Number*) _cmsDupMem(ContextID, Data->Curves[i], Data->nElements * sizeof(cmsUInt16Number));

    return (void*) Data;

// Precomputes tables for 8-bit on input devicelink.
Curves16Data* CurvesAlloc(cmsContext ContextID, int nCurves, int nElements, cmsToneCurve** G)
    int i, j;
    Curves16Data* c16;

    c16 = (Curves16Data*)_cmsMallocZero(ContextID, sizeof(Curves16Data));
    if (c16 == NULL) return NULL;

    c16 ->nCurves = nCurves;
    c16 ->nElements = nElements;

    c16->Curves = (cmsUInt16Number**) _cmsCalloc(ContextID, nCurves, sizeof(cmsUInt16Number*));
    if (c16 ->Curves == NULL) return NULL;

    for (i=0; i < nCurves; i++) {

        c16->Curves[i] = (cmsUInt16Number*) _cmsCalloc(ContextID, nElements, sizeof(cmsUInt16Number));

        if (c16->Curves[i] == NULL) {

            for (j=0; j < i; j++) {
                _cmsFree(ContextID, c16->Curves[j]);
            _cmsFree(ContextID, c16->Curves);
            _cmsFree(ContextID, c16);
            return NULL;

        if (nElements == 256) {

            for (j=0; j < nElements; j++) {

                c16 ->Curves[i][j] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(G[i], FROM_8_TO_16(j));
        else {

            for (j=0; j < nElements; j++) {
                c16 ->Curves[i][j] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(G[i], (cmsUInt16Number) j);

    return c16;

void FastEvaluateCurves8(register const cmsUInt16Number In[],
                          register cmsUInt16Number Out[],
                          register const void* D)
    Curves16Data* Data = (Curves16Data*) D;
    cmsUInt8Number x;
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < Data ->nCurves; i++) {

         x = (In[i] >> 8);
         Out[i] = Data -> Curves[i][x];

void FastEvaluateCurves16(register const cmsUInt16Number In[],
                          register cmsUInt16Number Out[],
                          register const void* D)
    Curves16Data* Data = (Curves16Data*) D;
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < Data ->nCurves; i++) {
         Out[i] = Data -> Curves[i][In[i]];

void FastIdentity16(register const cmsUInt16Number In[],
                    register cmsUInt16Number Out[],
                    register const void* D)
    cmsPipeline* Lut = (cmsPipeline*) D;
    cmsUInt32Number i;

    for (i=0; i < Lut ->InputChannels; i++) {
         Out[i] = In[i];

// If the target LUT holds only curves, the optimization procedure is to join all those
// curves together. That only works on curves and does not work on matrices.
cmsBool OptimizeByJoiningCurves(cmsPipeline** Lut, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number* InputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* OutputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* dwFlags)
    cmsToneCurve** GammaTables = NULL;
    cmsFloat32Number InFloat[cmsMAXCHANNELS], OutFloat[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
    cmsUInt32Number i, j;
    cmsPipeline* Src = *Lut;
    cmsPipeline* Dest = NULL;
    cmsStage* mpe;
    cmsStage* ObtainedCurves = NULL;

    // This is a loosy optimization! does not apply in floating-point cases
    if (_cmsFormatterIsFloat(*InputFormat) || _cmsFormatterIsFloat(*OutputFormat)) return FALSE;

    //  Only curves in this LUT?
    for (mpe = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(Src);
         mpe != NULL;
         mpe = cmsStageNext(mpe)) {
            if (cmsStageType(mpe) != cmsSigCurveSetElemType) return FALSE;

    // Allocate an empty LUT
    Dest =  cmsPipelineAlloc(Src ->ContextID, Src ->InputChannels, Src ->OutputChannels);
    if (Dest == NULL) return FALSE;

    // Create target curves
    GammaTables = (cmsToneCurve**) _cmsCalloc(Src ->ContextID, Src ->InputChannels, sizeof(cmsToneCurve*));
    if (GammaTables == NULL) goto Error;

    for (i=0; i < Src ->InputChannels; i++) {
        GammaTables[i] = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(Src ->ContextID, PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS, NULL);
        if (GammaTables[i] == NULL) goto Error;

    // Compute 16 bit result by using floating point
    for (i=0; i < PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS; i++) {

        for (j=0; j < Src ->InputChannels; j++)
            InFloat[j] = (cmsFloat32Number) ((cmsFloat64Number) i / (PRELINEARIZATION_POINTS - 1));

        cmsPipelineEvalFloat(InFloat, OutFloat, Src);

        for (j=0; j < Src ->InputChannels; j++)
            GammaTables[j] -> Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(OutFloat[j] * 65535.0);

    ObtainedCurves = cmsStageAllocToneCurves(Src ->ContextID, Src ->InputChannels, GammaTables);
    if (ObtainedCurves == NULL) goto Error;

    for (i=0; i < Src ->InputChannels; i++) {
        GammaTables[i] = NULL;

    if (GammaTables != NULL) _cmsFree(Src ->ContextID, GammaTables);

    // Maybe the curves are linear at the end
    if (!AllCurvesAreLinear(ObtainedCurves)) {

        if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_BEGIN, ObtainedCurves))
            goto Error;

        // If the curves are to be applied in 8 bits, we can save memory
        if (_cmsFormatterIs8bit(*InputFormat)) {

            _cmsStageToneCurvesData* Data = (_cmsStageToneCurvesData*) ObtainedCurves ->Data;
             Curves16Data* c16 = CurvesAlloc(Dest ->ContextID, Data ->nCurves, 256, Data ->TheCurves);

             if (c16 == NULL) goto Error; 
             *dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE;
            _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(Dest, FastEvaluateCurves8, c16, CurvesFree, CurvesDup);

        else {

            _cmsStageToneCurvesData* Data = (_cmsStageToneCurvesData*) cmsStageData(ObtainedCurves);
             Curves16Data* c16 = CurvesAlloc(Dest ->ContextID, Data ->nCurves, 65536, Data ->TheCurves);

             if (c16 == NULL) goto Error; 
             *dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE;
            _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(Dest, FastEvaluateCurves16, c16, CurvesFree, CurvesDup);
    else {

        // LUT optimizes to nothing. Set the identity LUT

        if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_BEGIN, cmsStageAllocIdentity(Dest ->ContextID, Src ->InputChannels)))
            goto Error;

        *dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE;
        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(Dest, FastIdentity16, (void*) Dest, NULL, NULL);

    // We are done.
    *Lut = Dest;
    return TRUE;


    if (ObtainedCurves != NULL) cmsStageFree(ObtainedCurves);
    if (GammaTables != NULL) {
        for (i=0; i < Src ->InputChannels; i++) {
            if (GammaTables[i] != NULL) cmsFreeToneCurve(GammaTables[i]);

        _cmsFree(Src ->ContextID, GammaTables);

    if (Dest != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(Dest);
    return FALSE;


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LUT is Shaper - Matrix - Matrix - Shaper, which is very frequent when combining two matrix-shaper profiles

void  FreeMatShaper(cmsContext ContextID, void* Data)
    if (Data != NULL) _cmsFree(ContextID, Data);

void* DupMatShaper(cmsContext ContextID, const void* Data)
    return _cmsDupMem(ContextID, Data, sizeof(MatShaper8Data));

// A fast matrix-shaper evaluator for 8 bits. This is a bit ticky since I'm using 1.14 signed fixed point
// to accomplish some performance. Actually it takes 256x3 16 bits tables and 16385 x 3 tables of 8 bits,
// in total about 50K, and the performance boost is huge!
void MatShaperEval16(register const cmsUInt16Number In[],
                     register cmsUInt16Number Out[],
                     register const void* D)
    MatShaper8Data* p = (MatShaper8Data*) D;
    cmsS1Fixed14Number l1, l2, l3, r, g, b;
    cmsUInt32Number ri, gi, bi;

    // In this case (and only in this case!) we can use this simplification since
    // In[] is assured to come from a 8 bit number. (a << 8 | a)
    ri = In[0] & 0xFF;
    gi = In[1] & 0xFF;
    bi = In[2] & 0xFF;

    // Across first shaper, which also converts to 1.14 fixed point
    r = p->Shaper1R[ri];
    g = p->Shaper1G[gi];
    b = p->Shaper1B[bi];

    // Evaluate the matrix in 1.14 fixed point
    l1 =  (p->Mat[0][0] * r + p->Mat[0][1] * g + p->Mat[0][2] * b + p->Off[0] + 0x2000) >> 14;
    l2 =  (p->Mat[1][0] * r + p->Mat[1][1] * g + p->Mat[1][2] * b + p->Off[1] + 0x2000) >> 14;
    l3 =  (p->Mat[2][0] * r + p->Mat[2][1] * g + p->Mat[2][2] * b + p->Off[2] + 0x2000) >> 14;

    // Now we have to clip to 0..1.0 range
    ri = (l1 < 0) ? 0 : ((l1 > 16384) ? 16384 : l1);
    gi = (l2 < 0) ? 0 : ((l2 > 16384) ? 16384 : l2);
    bi = (l3 < 0) ? 0 : ((l3 > 16384) ? 16384 : l3);

    // And across second shaper,
    Out[0] = p->Shaper2R[ri];
    Out[1] = p->Shaper2G[gi];
    Out[2] = p->Shaper2B[bi];


// This table converts from 8 bits to 1.14 after applying the curve
void FillFirstShaper(cmsS1Fixed14Number* Table, cmsToneCurve* Curve)
    int i;
    cmsFloat32Number R, y;

    for (i=0; i < 256; i++) {

        R   = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 255.0);
        y   = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(Curve, R);

        Table[i] = DOUBLE_TO_1FIXED14(y);

// This table converts form 1.14 (being 0x4000 the last entry) to 8 bits after applying the curve
void FillSecondShaper(cmsUInt16Number* Table, cmsToneCurve* Curve, cmsBool Is8BitsOutput)
    int i;
    cmsFloat32Number R, Val;

    for (i=0; i < 16385; i++) {

        R   = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 16384.0);
        Val = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(Curve, R);    // Val comes 0..1.0

        if (Is8BitsOutput) {

            // If 8 bits output, we can optimize further by computing the / 257 part.
            // first we compute the resulting byte and then we store the byte times
            // 257. This quantization allows to round very quick by doing a >> 8, but
            // since the low byte is always equal to msb, we can do a & 0xff and this works!
            cmsUInt16Number w = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Val * 65535.0);
            cmsUInt8Number  b = FROM_16_TO_8(w);

            Table[i] = FROM_8_TO_16(b);
        else Table[i]  = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Val * 65535.0);

// Compute the matrix-shaper structure
cmsBool SetMatShaper(cmsPipeline* Dest, cmsToneCurve* Curve1[3], cmsMAT3* Mat, cmsVEC3* Off, cmsToneCurve* Curve2[3], cmsUInt32Number* OutputFormat)
    MatShaper8Data* p;
    int i, j;
    cmsBool Is8Bits = _cmsFormatterIs8bit(*OutputFormat);

    // Allocate a big chuck of memory to store precomputed tables
    p = (MatShaper8Data*) _cmsMalloc(Dest ->ContextID, sizeof(MatShaper8Data));
    if (p == NULL) return FALSE;

    p -> ContextID = Dest -> ContextID;

    // Precompute tables
    FillFirstShaper(p ->Shaper1R, Curve1[0]);
    FillFirstShaper(p ->Shaper1G, Curve1[1]);
    FillFirstShaper(p ->Shaper1B, Curve1[2]);

    FillSecondShaper(p ->Shaper2R, Curve2[0], Is8Bits);
    FillSecondShaper(p ->Shaper2G, Curve2[1], Is8Bits);
    FillSecondShaper(p ->Shaper2B, Curve2[2], Is8Bits);

    // Convert matrix to nFixed14. Note that those values may take more than 16 bits as
    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (j=0; j < 3; j++) {
            p ->Mat[i][j] = DOUBLE_TO_1FIXED14(Mat->v[i].n[j]);

    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {

        if (Off == NULL) {
            p ->Off[i] = 0;
        else {
            p ->Off[i] = DOUBLE_TO_1FIXED14(Off->n[i]);

    // Mark as optimized for faster formatter
    if (Is8Bits)
        *OutputFormat |= OPTIMIZED_SH(1);

    // Fill function pointers
    _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(Dest, MatShaperEval16, (void*) p, FreeMatShaper, DupMatShaper);
    return TRUE;

//  8 bits on input allows matrix-shaper boot up to 25 Mpixels per second on RGB. That's fast!
cmsBool OptimizeMatrixShaper(cmsPipeline** Lut, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number* InputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* OutputFormat, cmsUInt32Number* dwFlags)
       cmsStage* Curve1, *Curve2;
       cmsStage* Matrix1, *Matrix2;
       cmsMAT3 res;
       cmsBool IdentityMat;
       cmsPipeline* Dest, *Src;
       cmsFloat64Number* Offset;

       // Only works on RGB to RGB
       if (T_CHANNELS(*InputFormat) != 3 || T_CHANNELS(*OutputFormat) != 3) return FALSE;

       // Only works on 8 bit input
       if (!_cmsFormatterIs8bit(*InputFormat)) return FALSE;

       // Seems suitable, proceed
       Src = *Lut;

       // Check for:
       //    shaper-matrix-matrix-shaper 
       //    shaper-matrix-shaper
       // Both of those constructs are possible (first because abs. colorimetric). 
       // additionally, In the first case, the input matrix offset should be zero.

       IdentityMat = FALSE;
       if (cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Src, 4,
              cmsSigCurveSetElemType, cmsSigMatrixElemType, cmsSigMatrixElemType, cmsSigCurveSetElemType,
              &Curve1, &Matrix1, &Matrix2, &Curve2)) {

              // Get both matrices
              _cmsStageMatrixData* Data1 = (_cmsStageMatrixData*)cmsStageData(Matrix1);
              _cmsStageMatrixData* Data2 = (_cmsStageMatrixData*)cmsStageData(Matrix2);

              // Input offset should be zero
              if (Data1->Offset != NULL) return FALSE;

              // Multiply both matrices to get the result
              _cmsMAT3per(&res, (cmsMAT3*)Data2->Double, (cmsMAT3*)Data1->Double);

              // Only 2nd matrix has offset, or it is zero 
              Offset = Data2->Offset;

              // Now the result is in res + Data2 -> Offset. Maybe is a plain identity?
              if (_cmsMAT3isIdentity(&res) && Offset == NULL) {

                     // We can get rid of full matrix
                     IdentityMat = TRUE;

       else {

              if (cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(Src, 3,
                     cmsSigCurveSetElemType, cmsSigMatrixElemType, cmsSigCurveSetElemType,
                     &Curve1, &Matrix1, &Curve2)) {

                     _cmsStageMatrixData* Data = (_cmsStageMatrixData*)cmsStageData(Matrix1);

                     // Copy the matrix to our result
                     memcpy(&res, Data->Double, sizeof(res));

                     // Preserve the Odffset (may be NULL as a zero offset)
                     Offset = Data->Offset;

                     if (_cmsMAT3isIdentity(&res) && Offset == NULL) {

                            // We can get rid of full matrix
                            IdentityMat = TRUE;
                     return FALSE; // Not optimizeable this time


      // Allocate an empty LUT
    Dest =  cmsPipelineAlloc(Src ->ContextID, Src ->InputChannels, Src ->OutputChannels);
    if (!Dest) return FALSE;

    // Assamble the new LUT
    if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_BEGIN, cmsStageDup(Curve1)))
        goto Error;

    if (!IdentityMat) {

           if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocMatrix(Dest->ContextID, 3, 3, (const cmsFloat64Number*)&res, Offset)))
                  goto Error;

    if (!cmsPipelineInsertStage(Dest, cmsAT_END, cmsStageDup(Curve2)))
        goto Error;

    // If identity on matrix, we can further optimize the curves, so call the join curves routine
    if (IdentityMat) {

        OptimizeByJoiningCurves(&Dest, Intent, InputFormat, OutputFormat, dwFlags);
    else {
        _cmsStageToneCurvesData* mpeC1 = (_cmsStageToneCurvesData*) cmsStageData(Curve1);
        _cmsStageToneCurvesData* mpeC2 = (_cmsStageToneCurvesData*) cmsStageData(Curve2);

        // In this particular optimization, caché does not help as it takes more time to deal with
        // the caché that with the pixel handling
        *dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE;

        // Setup the optimizarion routines
        SetMatShaper(Dest, mpeC1 ->TheCurves, &res, (cmsVEC3*) Offset, mpeC2->TheCurves, OutputFormat);

    *Lut = Dest;
    return TRUE;
    // Leave Src unchanged
    return FALSE;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optimization plug-ins

// List of optimizations
typedef struct _cmsOptimizationCollection_st {

    _cmsOPToptimizeFn  OptimizePtr;

    struct _cmsOptimizationCollection_st *Next;

} _cmsOptimizationCollection;

// The built-in list. We currently implement 4 types of optimizations. Joining of curves, matrix-shaper, linearization and resampling
static _cmsOptimizationCollection DefaultOptimization[] = {

    { OptimizeByJoiningCurves,            &DefaultOptimization[1] },
    { OptimizeMatrixShaper,               &DefaultOptimization[2] },
    { OptimizeByComputingLinearization,   &DefaultOptimization[3] },
    { OptimizeByResampling,               NULL }

// The linked list head
_cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType _cmsOptimizationPluginChunk = { NULL };

// Duplicates the zone of memory used by the plug-in in the new context
void DupPluginOptimizationList(struct _cmsContext_struct* ctx, 
                               const struct _cmsContext_struct* src)
   _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType newHead = { NULL };
   _cmsOptimizationCollection*  entry;
   _cmsOptimizationCollection*  Anterior = NULL;
   _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType* head = (_cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType*) src->chunks[OptimizationPlugin];

    _cmsAssert(ctx != NULL);
    _cmsAssert(head != NULL);

    // Walk the list copying all nodes
   for (entry = head->OptimizationCollection;
        entry != NULL;
        entry = entry ->Next) {

            _cmsOptimizationCollection *newEntry = ( _cmsOptimizationCollection *) _cmsSubAllocDup(ctx ->MemPool, entry, sizeof(_cmsOptimizationCollection));
            if (newEntry == NULL) 

            // We want to keep the linked list order, so this is a little bit tricky
            newEntry -> Next = NULL;
            if (Anterior)
                Anterior -> Next = newEntry;
            Anterior = newEntry;

            if (newHead.OptimizationCollection == NULL)
                newHead.OptimizationCollection = newEntry;

  ctx ->chunks[OptimizationPlugin] = _cmsSubAllocDup(ctx->MemPool, &newHead, sizeof(_cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType));

void  _cmsAllocOptimizationPluginChunk(struct _cmsContext_struct* ctx, 
                                         const struct _cmsContext_struct* src)
  if (src != NULL) {

        // Copy all linked list
       DupPluginOptimizationList(ctx, src);
    else {
        static _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType OptimizationPluginChunkType = { NULL };
        ctx ->chunks[OptimizationPlugin] = _cmsSubAllocDup(ctx ->MemPool, &OptimizationPluginChunkType, sizeof(_cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType));

// Register new ways to optimize
cmsBool  _cmsRegisterOptimizationPlugin(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPluginBase* Data)
    cmsPluginOptimization* Plugin = (cmsPluginOptimization*) Data;
    _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType* ctx = ( _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, OptimizationPlugin);
    _cmsOptimizationCollection* fl;

    if (Data == NULL) {

        ctx->OptimizationCollection = NULL;
        return TRUE;

    // Optimizer callback is required
    if (Plugin ->OptimizePtr == NULL) return FALSE;

    fl = (_cmsOptimizationCollection*) _cmsPluginMalloc(ContextID, sizeof(_cmsOptimizationCollection));
    if (fl == NULL) return FALSE;

    // Copy the parameters
    fl ->OptimizePtr = Plugin ->OptimizePtr;

    // Keep linked list
    fl ->Next = ctx->OptimizationCollection;

    // Set the head
    ctx ->OptimizationCollection = fl;

    // All is ok
    return TRUE;

// The entry point for LUT optimization
cmsBool _cmsOptimizePipeline(cmsContext ContextID,
                             cmsPipeline**    PtrLut,
                             int              Intent,
                             cmsUInt32Number* InputFormat,
                             cmsUInt32Number* OutputFormat,
                             cmsUInt32Number* dwFlags)
    _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType* ctx = ( _cmsOptimizationPluginChunkType*) _cmsContextGetClientChunk(ContextID, OptimizationPlugin);
    _cmsOptimizationCollection* Opts;
    cmsBool AnySuccess = FALSE;

    // A CLUT is being asked, so force this specific optimization
    if (*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_FORCE_CLUT) {

        return OptimizeByResampling(PtrLut, Intent, InputFormat, OutputFormat, dwFlags);

    // Anything to optimize?
    if ((*PtrLut) ->Elements == NULL) {
        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(*PtrLut, FastIdentity16, (void*) *PtrLut, NULL, NULL);
        return TRUE;

    // Try to get rid of identities and trivial conversions.
    AnySuccess = PreOptimize(*PtrLut);

    // After removal do we end with an identity?
    if ((*PtrLut) ->Elements == NULL) {
        _cmsPipelineSetOptimizationParameters(*PtrLut, FastIdentity16, (void*) *PtrLut, NULL, NULL);
        return TRUE;

    // Do not optimize, keep all precision
    if (*dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE)
        return FALSE;

    // Try plug-in optimizations 
    for (Opts = ctx->OptimizationCollection;
         Opts != NULL;
         Opts = Opts ->Next) {

            // If one schema succeeded, we are done
            if (Opts ->OptimizePtr(PtrLut, Intent, InputFormat, OutputFormat, dwFlags)) {

                return TRUE;    // Optimized!

   // Try built-in optimizations 
    for (Opts = DefaultOptimization;
         Opts != NULL;
         Opts = Opts ->Next) {

            if (Opts ->OptimizePtr(PtrLut, Intent, InputFormat, OutputFormat, dwFlags)) {

                return TRUE;  

    // Only simple optimizations succeeded
    return AnySuccess;

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