This source file includes following definitions.
- sub_error_code
- message
- get_error_string
- get_error_string
- error_struct
#include "error.h"
#include <assert.h>
const char heif::Error::kSuccess[] = "Success";
const char* cUnknownError = "Unknown error";
: error_code(heif_error_Ok),
heif::Error::Error(heif_error_code c,
heif_suberror_code sc,
std::string msg)
: error_code(c),
const char* heif::Error::get_error_string(heif_error_code err)
switch (err) {
case heif_error_Ok: return "Success";
case heif_error_Input_does_not_exist: return "Input file does not exist";
case heif_error_Invalid_input: return "Invalid input";
case heif_error_Unsupported_filetype: return "Unsupported file-type";
case heif_error_Unsupported_feature: return "Unsupported feature";
case heif_error_Usage_error: return "Usage error";
case heif_error_Memory_allocation_error: return "Memory allocation error";
case heif_error_Decoder_plugin_error: return "Decoder plugin generated an error";
case heif_error_Encoder_plugin_error: return "Encoder plugin generated an error";
case heif_error_Encoding_error: return "Error during encoding or writing output file";
return "Unknown error";
const char* heif::Error::get_error_string(heif_suberror_code err)
switch (err) {
case heif_suberror_Unspecified: return "Unspecified";
case heif_suberror_End_of_data: return "Unexpected end of file";
case heif_suberror_Invalid_box_size: return "Invalid box size";
case heif_suberror_Invalid_grid_data: return "Invalid grid data";
case heif_suberror_Missing_grid_images: return "Missing grid images";
case heif_suberror_No_ftyp_box: return "No 'ftyp' box";
case heif_suberror_No_idat_box: return "No 'idat' box";
case heif_suberror_No_meta_box: return "No 'meta' box";
case heif_suberror_No_hdlr_box: return "No 'hdlr' box";
case heif_suberror_No_hvcC_box: return "No 'hvcC' box";
case heif_suberror_No_pitm_box: return "No 'pitm' box";
case heif_suberror_No_ipco_box: return "No 'ipco' box";
case heif_suberror_No_ipma_box: return "No 'ipma' box";
case heif_suberror_No_iloc_box: return "No 'iloc' box";
case heif_suberror_No_iinf_box: return "No 'iinf' box";
case heif_suberror_No_iprp_box: return "No 'iprp' box";
case heif_suberror_No_iref_box: return "No 'iref' box";
case heif_suberror_No_infe_box: return "No 'infe' box";
case heif_suberror_No_pict_handler: return "Not a 'pict' handler";
case heif_suberror_Ipma_box_references_nonexisting_property: return "'ipma' box references a non-existing property";
case heif_suberror_No_properties_assigned_to_item: return "No properties assigned to item";
case heif_suberror_No_item_data: return "Item has no data";
case heif_suberror_Invalid_clean_aperture: return "Invalid clean-aperture specification";
case heif_suberror_Invalid_overlay_data: return "Invalid overlay data";
case heif_suberror_Overlay_image_outside_of_canvas: return "Overlay image outside of canvas area";
case heif_suberror_Auxiliary_image_type_unspecified: return "Type of auxiliary image unspecified";
case heif_suberror_No_or_invalid_primary_item: return "No or invalid primary item";
case heif_suberror_Security_limit_exceeded: return "Security limit exceeded";
case heif_suberror_Nonexisting_item_referenced: return "Non-existing item ID referenced";
case heif_suberror_Null_pointer_argument: return "NULL argument received";
case heif_suberror_Nonexisting_image_channel_referenced: return "Non-existing image channel referenced";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_plugin_version: return "The version of the passed plugin is not supported";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_writer_version: return "The version of the passed writer is not supported";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_parameter: return "Unsupported parameter";
case heif_suberror_Invalid_parameter_value: return "Invalid parameter value";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_codec: return "Unsupported codec";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_image_type: return "Unsupported image type";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_data_version: return "Unsupported data version";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_color_conversion: return "Unsupported color conversion";
case heif_suberror_Unsupported_item_construction_method: return "Unsupported item construction method";
case heif_suberror_Cannot_write_output_data: return "Cannot write output data";
return cUnknownError;
heif_error heif::Error::error_struct(ErrorBuffer* error_buffer) const
if (error_buffer) {
if (error_code == heif_error_Ok) {
else {
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << get_error_string(error_code) << ": "
<< get_error_string(sub_error_code);
if (!message.empty()) {
sstr << ": " << message;
heif_error err;
err.code = error_code;
err.subcode = sub_error_code;
if (error_buffer) {
err.message = error_buffer->get_error();
else {
err.message = cUnknownError;
return err;