
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


    Ming, an SWF output library
    Copyright (C) 2001  Opaque Industries -

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

/* font.h
 * $Id: font.h,v 1.30 2009/12/01 20:09:43 strk Exp $
 * Notice: This header file contains declarations of functions and types that
 * are just used internally. All library functions and types that are supposed
 * to be publicly accessable are defined in ./src/ming.h.


#include "ming.h"
#include "rect.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "block.h"

#define SWF_FONT_HASLAYOUT    (1<<7)
#define SWF_FONT_SHIFTJIS     (1<<6)
#define SWF_FONT_SMALLTEXT    (1<<5)
#define SWF_FONT_ANSI         (1<<4)
#define SWF_FONT_WIDEOFFSETS  (1<<3)
#define SWF_FONT_WIDECODES    (1<<2)
#define SWF_FONT_ISITALIC     (1<<1)
#define SWF_FONT_ISBOLD       (1<<0)

struct kernInfo
        byte code1;
        byte code2;
        short adjustment;

struct kernInfo16
        unsigned short code1;
        unsigned short code2;
        short adjustment;

struct SWFFont_s
        /* even though SWFFont isn't represented in the SWF file, */
        /* this lets us call destroySWFBlock(font) */
        struct SWFBlock_s block;

        // 0 for SWF < 7
        byte langCode;

        char *name;
        byte flags;

        int nGlyphs;

        /* map from glyphs to char codes */
        unsigned short* glyphToCode; 

        /* shape table */
        SWFShape* shapes;

        /* glyph metrics */
        short* advances;

        /* font metrics */
        short ascent;
        short descent;
        short leading;
                byte* charMap;
                unsigned short** wideMap; /* array of 256 arrays of 256 shorts */
        } codeToGlyph;

        /* font's kern table, if one is defined */
        /* XXX - should be sorted for faster lookups */
        unsigned short kernCount;
        {       struct kernInfo* k;
                struct kernInfo16* w;
        } kernTable;

struct SWFFontCollection_s
        SWFFont *fontList;
        int numFonts;

SWFFont newSWFFont();

void SWFFontCollection_addFont(SWFFontCollection collection, SWFFont font);
void destroySWFFontCollection(SWFFontCollection collection);
SWFFontCollection newSWFFontCollection();

SWFShape SWFFont_getGlyph(SWFFont font, unsigned short c);

byte SWFFont_getFlags(SWFFont font);

int SWFFont_getScaledWideStringWidth(SWFFont font,
                                     const unsigned short* string, int len);

int SWFFont_getScaledUTF8StringWidth(SWFFont font, const char* string);

int SWFFont_getScaledStringWidth(SWFFont font, const char* string);

short SWFFont_getScaledAscent(SWFFont font);

short SWFFont_getScaledDescent(SWFFont font);

short SWFFont_getScaledLeading(SWFFont font);

SWFRect SWFFont_getGlyphBounds(SWFFont font, unsigned short c);

int SWFFont_getCharacterAdvance(SWFFont font, unsigned short c);

int SWFFont_getCharacterKern(SWFFont font, unsigned short c1, unsigned short c2);

/* SWFFontCharacter is a movie's instance of a font */

SWFFontCharacter newSWFFontCharacter(SWFFont font);

SWFFontCharacter newSWFDummyFontCharacter();

void destroySWFFontCharacter(SWFFontCharacter fontCharacter);

void SWFFontCharacter_exportCharacterRange(SWFFontCharacter font,
                             unsigned short start, unsigned short end);

void SWFFontCharacter_addWideChars(SWFFontCharacter font, unsigned short *string, int len);

void SWFFontCharacter_addChars(SWFFontCharacter font, const char *string);

void SWFFontCharacter_addUTF8Chars(SWFFontCharacter font, const char *string);

SWFFont SWFFontCharacter_getFont(SWFFontCharacter font);

int SWFFontCharacter_getNGlyphs(SWFFontCharacter font);

void SWFFontCharacter_addTextToList(SWFFontCharacter font, SWFTextRecord text);

/* swf codetable: glyph --> char */
unsigned short SWFFontCharacter_getGlyphCode(SWFFontCharacter font, 
                                             unsigned short c);

/* swf codetable: char --> glyph */
int SWFFontCharacter_findGlyphCode(SWFFontCharacter font, unsigned short c);

/* source font: glyph --> char */
unsigned short SWFFont_getGlyphCode(SWFFont font, unsigned short c);

/* source font: char --> glyph */
int SWFFont_findGlyphCode(SWFFont font, unsigned short c);

void SWFFont_buildReverseMapping(SWFFont font);

#endif /* SWF_FONT_H_INCLUDED */

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