
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. isNoSVMSupport
  2. isSupportCoarseGrainBuffer
  3. isSupportFineGrainBuffer
  4. isSupportFineGrainSystem
  5. isSupportAtomics
  6. fn_clEnqueueSVMUnmap
  7. isValid

/* See LICENSE file in the root OpenCV directory */


// Internal usage only (binary compatibility is not guaranteed)
#ifndef __OPENCV_BUILD
#error Internal header file

#if defined(HAVE_OPENCL) && defined(HAVE_OPENCL_SVM)
#include "runtime/opencl_core.hpp"
#include "runtime/opencl_svm_20.hpp"
#include "runtime/opencl_svm_hsa_extension.hpp"

namespace cv { namespace ocl { namespace svm {

struct SVMCapabilities
    enum Value
        SVM_COARSE_GRAIN_BUFFER = (1 << 0),
        SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER = (1 << 1),
        SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM = (1 << 2),
        SVM_ATOMICS = (1 << 3),
    int value_;

    SVMCapabilities(int capabilities = 0) : value_(capabilities) { }
    operator int() const { return value_; }

    inline bool isNoSVMSupport() const { return value_ == 0; }
    inline bool isSupportCoarseGrainBuffer() const { return (value_ & SVM_COARSE_GRAIN_BUFFER) != 0; }
    inline bool isSupportFineGrainBuffer() const { return (value_ & SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER) != 0; }
    inline bool isSupportFineGrainSystem() const { return (value_ & SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM) != 0; }
    inline bool isSupportAtomics() const { return (value_ & SVM_ATOMICS) != 0; }

CV_EXPORTS const SVMCapabilities getSVMCapabilitites(const ocl::Context& context);

struct SVMFunctions
    clSVMAllocAMD_fn fn_clSVMAlloc;
    clSVMFreeAMD_fn fn_clSVMFree;
    clSetKernelArgSVMPointerAMD_fn fn_clSetKernelArgSVMPointer;
    //clSetKernelExecInfoAMD_fn fn_clSetKernelExecInfo;
    //clEnqueueSVMFreeAMD_fn fn_clEnqueueSVMFree;
    clEnqueueSVMMemcpyAMD_fn fn_clEnqueueSVMMemcpy;
    clEnqueueSVMMemFillAMD_fn fn_clEnqueueSVMMemFill;
    clEnqueueSVMMapAMD_fn fn_clEnqueueSVMMap;
    clEnqueueSVMUnmapAMD_fn fn_clEnqueueSVMUnmap;

    inline SVMFunctions()
        : fn_clSVMAlloc(NULL), fn_clSVMFree(NULL),
          fn_clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(NULL), /*fn_clSetKernelExecInfo(NULL),*/
          /*fn_clEnqueueSVMFree(NULL),*/ fn_clEnqueueSVMMemcpy(NULL), fn_clEnqueueSVMMemFill(NULL),
          fn_clEnqueueSVMMap(NULL), fn_clEnqueueSVMUnmap(NULL)
        // nothing

    inline bool isValid() const
        return fn_clSVMAlloc != NULL && fn_clSVMFree && fn_clSetKernelArgSVMPointer &&
                /*fn_clSetKernelExecInfo && fn_clEnqueueSVMFree &&*/ fn_clEnqueueSVMMemcpy &&
                fn_clEnqueueSVMMemFill && fn_clEnqueueSVMMap && fn_clEnqueueSVMUnmap;

// We should guarantee that SVMFunctions lifetime is not less than context's lifetime
CV_EXPORTS const SVMFunctions* getSVMFunctions(const ocl::Context& context);

CV_EXPORTS bool useSVM(UMatUsageFlags usageFlags);

}}} //namespace cv::ocl::svm

/* End of file. */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */