
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. get_type_name
  2. from_str
  3. getByName
  4. getByIndex
  5. cmp_params
  6. about
  7. apply_params
  8. apply_params
  9. sort_params
  10. cat_string
  11. getPathToApplication
  12. has
  13. check
  14. printErrors
  15. printMessage
  16. split_range_string
  17. split_string

#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <sstream>

namespace cv

struct CommandLineParserParams
    String help_message;
    String def_value;
    std::vector<String> keys;
    int number;

struct CommandLineParser::Impl
    bool error;
    String error_message;
    String about_message;

    String path_to_app;
    String app_name;

    std::vector<CommandLineParserParams> data;

    std::vector<String> split_range_string(const String& str, char fs, char ss) const;
    std::vector<String> split_string(const String& str, char symbol = ' ', bool create_empty_item = false) const;
    String cat_string(const String& str) const;

    void apply_params(const String& key, const String& value);
    void apply_params(int i, String value);

    void sort_params();
    int refcount;

static String get_type_name(int type)
    if( type == Param::INT )
        return "int";
    if( type == Param::BOOLEAN )
        return "bool";
    if( type == Param::UNSIGNED_INT )
        return "unsigned";
    if( type == Param::UINT64 )
        return "unsigned long long";
    if( type == Param::FLOAT )
        return "float";
    if( type == Param::REAL )
        return "double";
    if( type == Param::STRING )
        return "string";
    return "unknown";

static void from_str(const String& str, int type, void* dst)
    std::stringstream ss(str.c_str());
    if( type == Param::INT )
        ss >> *(int*)dst;
    else if( type == Param::BOOLEAN )
        std::string temp;
        ss >> temp;
        *(bool*) dst = temp == "true";
    else if( type == Param::UNSIGNED_INT )
        ss >> *(unsigned*)dst;
    else if( type == Param::UINT64 )
        ss >> *(uint64*)dst;
    else if( type == Param::FLOAT )
        ss >> *(float*)dst;
    else if( type == Param::REAL )
        ss >> *(double*)dst;
    else if( type == Param::STRING )
        *(String*)dst = str;
        throw cv::Exception(CV_StsBadArg, "unknown/unsupported parameter type", "", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    if (
        String err_msg = "can not convert: [" + str +
        + "] to [" + get_type_name(type) + "]";

        throw cv::Exception(CV_StsBadArg, err_msg, "", __FILE__, __LINE__);

void CommandLineParser::getByName(const String& name, bool space_delete, int type, void* dst) const
        for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->data.size(); i++)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < impl->data[i].keys.size(); j++)
                if (>data[i].keys[j]) == 0)
                    String v = impl->data[i].def_value;
                    if (space_delete)
                        v = impl->cat_string(v);
                    from_str(v, type, dst);
        impl->error = true;
        impl->error_message = impl->error_message + "Unknown parameter " + name + "\n";
    catch (std::exception& e)
        impl->error = true;
        impl->error_message = impl->error_message + "Exception: " + String(e.what()) + "\n";

void CommandLineParser::getByIndex(int index, bool space_delete, int type, void* dst) const
        for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->data.size(); i++)
            if (impl->data[i].number == index)
                String v = impl->data[i].def_value;
                if (space_delete == true) v = impl->cat_string(v);
                from_str(v, type, dst);
        impl->error = true;
        impl->error_message = impl->error_message + "Unknown parameter #" + format("%d", index) + "\n";
    catch(std::exception & e)
        impl->error = true;
        impl->error_message = impl->error_message + "Exception: " + String(e.what()) + "\n";

static bool cmp_params(const CommandLineParserParams & p1, const CommandLineParserParams & p2)
    if (p1.number < p2.number)
        return true;

    if (p1.number > p2.number)
        return false;

    return p1.keys[0].compare(p2.keys[0]) < 0;

CommandLineParser::CommandLineParser(int argc, const char* const argv[], const String& keys)
    impl = new Impl;
    impl->refcount = 1;

    // path to application
    size_t pos_s = String(argv[0]).find_last_of("/\\");
    if (pos_s == String::npos)
        impl->path_to_app = "";
        impl->app_name = String(argv[0]);
        impl->path_to_app = String(argv[0]).substr(0, pos_s);
        impl->app_name = String(argv[0]).substr(pos_s + 1, String(argv[0]).length() - pos_s);

    impl->error = false;
    impl->error_message = "";

    // parse keys
    std::vector<String> k = impl->split_range_string(keys, '{', '}');

    int jj = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < k.size(); i++)
        std::vector<String> l = impl->split_string(k[i], '|', true);
        CommandLineParserParams p;
        p.keys = impl->split_string(l[0]);
        p.def_value = l[1];
        p.help_message = impl->cat_string(l[2]);
        p.number = -1;
        if (p.keys.size() <= 0)
            impl->error = true;
            impl->error_message = "Field KEYS could not be empty\n";
            if (p.keys[0][0] == '@')
                p.number = jj;


    // parse argv
    jj = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        String s = String(argv[i]);

        if (s.find('=') != String::npos && s.find('=') < s.length())
            std::vector<String> k_v = impl->split_string(s, '=', true);
            for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++)
                if (k_v[0][0] == '-')
                    k_v[0] = k_v[0].substr(1, k_v[0].length() -1);
            impl->apply_params(k_v[0], k_v[1]);
        else if (s.length() > 2 && s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '-')
            impl->apply_params(s.substr(2), "true");
        else if (s.length() > 1 && s[0] == '-')
            impl->apply_params(s.substr(1), "true");
            impl->apply_params(jj, s);


    if (CV_XADD(&impl->refcount, -1) == 1)
        delete impl;

CommandLineParser::CommandLineParser(const CommandLineParser& parser)
    impl = parser.impl;
    CV_XADD(&impl->refcount, 1);

CommandLineParser& CommandLineParser::operator = (const CommandLineParser& parser)
    if( this != &parser )
        if(CV_XADD(&impl->refcount, -1) == 1)
            delete impl;
        impl = parser.impl;
        CV_XADD(&impl->refcount, 1);
    return *this;

void CommandLineParser::about(const String& message)
    impl->about_message = message;

void CommandLineParser::Impl::apply_params(const String& key, const String& value)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
        for (size_t k = 0; k < data[i].keys.size(); k++)
            if ([i].keys[k]) == 0)
                data[i].def_value = value;

void CommandLineParser::Impl::apply_params(int i, String value)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < data.size(); j++)
        if (data[j].number == i)
            data[j].def_value = value;

void CommandLineParser::Impl::sort_params()
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
        std::sort(data[i].keys.begin(), data[i].keys.end());

    std::sort (data.begin(), data.end(), cmp_params);

String CommandLineParser::Impl::cat_string(const String& str) const
    int left = 0, right = (int)str.length();
    while( left <= right && str[left] == ' ' )
    while( right > left && str[right-1] == ' ' )
    return left >= right ? String("") : str.substr(left, right-left);

String CommandLineParser::getPathToApplication() const
    return impl->path_to_app;

bool CommandLineParser::has(const String& name) const
    for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->data.size(); i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < impl->data[i].keys.size(); j++)
            if (>data[i].keys[j]) == 0 && String("true").compare(impl->data[i].def_value) == 0)
                return true;
    return false;

bool CommandLineParser::check() const
    return impl->error == false;

void CommandLineParser::printErrors() const
    if (impl->error)
        printf("\nERRORS:\n%s\n", impl->error_message.c_str());

void CommandLineParser::printMessage() const
    if (impl->about_message != "")
        printf("%s\n", impl->about_message.c_str());

    printf("Usage: %s [params] ", impl->app_name.c_str());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->data.size(); i++)
        if (impl->data[i].number > -1)
            String name = impl->data[i].keys[0].substr(1, impl->data[i].keys[0].length() - 1);
            printf("%s ", name.c_str());


    for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->data.size(); i++)
        if (impl->data[i].number == -1)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < impl->data[i].keys.size(); j++)
                String k = impl->data[i].keys[j];
                if (k.length() > 1)
                printf("%s", k.c_str());

                if (j != impl->data[i].keys.size() - 1)
                    printf(", ");
            String dv = impl->cat_string(impl->data[i].def_value);
            if ("") != 0)
                printf(" (value:%s)", dv.c_str());
            printf("\n\t\t%s\n", impl->data[i].help_message.c_str());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < impl->data.size(); i++)
        if (impl->data[i].number != -1)
            String k = impl->data[i].keys[0];
            k = k.substr(1, k.length() - 1);

            printf("%s", k.c_str());

            String dv = impl->cat_string(impl->data[i].def_value);
            if ("") != 0)
                printf(" (value:%s)", dv.c_str());
            printf("\n\t\t%s\n", impl->data[i].help_message.c_str());

std::vector<String> CommandLineParser::Impl::split_range_string(const String& _str, char fs, char ss) const
    String str = _str;
    std::vector<String> vec;
    String word = "";
    bool begin = false;

    while (!str.empty())
        if (str[0] == fs)
            if (begin == true)
                throw cv::Exception(CV_StsParseError,
                         String("error in split_range_string(")
                         + str
                         + String(", ")
                         + String(1, fs)
                         + String(", ")
                         + String(1, ss)
                         + String(")"),
                         "", __FILE__, __LINE__
            begin = true;
            word = "";
            str = str.substr(1, str.length() - 1);

        if (str[0] == ss)
            if (begin == false)
                throw cv::Exception(CV_StsParseError,
                         String("error in split_range_string(")
                         + str
                         + String(", ")
                         + String(1, fs)
                         + String(", ")
                         + String(1, ss)
                         + String(")"),
                         "", __FILE__, __LINE__
            begin = false;

        if (begin == true)
            word = word + str[0];
        str = str.substr(1, str.length() - 1);

    if (begin == true)
        throw cv::Exception(CV_StsParseError,
                 String("error in split_range_string(")
                 + str
                 + String(", ")
                 + String(1, fs)
                 + String(", ")
                 + String(1, ss)
                 + String(")"),
                 "", __FILE__, __LINE__

    return vec;

std::vector<String> CommandLineParser::Impl::split_string(const String& _str, char symbol, bool create_empty_item) const
    String str = _str;
    std::vector<String> vec;
    String word = "";

    while (!str.empty())
        if (str[0] == symbol)
            if (!word.empty() || create_empty_item)
                word = "";
            word = word + str[0];
        str = str.substr(1, str.length() - 1);

    if (word != "" || create_empty_item)

    return vec;


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */