
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. checkDiff
  2. checkDiffF
  3. TestType
  4. TestMat
  5. SomeMatFunctions
  6. TestSubMatAccess
  7. TestTemplateMat
  8. TestMatND
  9. TestSparseMat
  10. TestMatxMultiplication
  11. TestMatxElementwiseDivison
  12. TestVec
  13. operations1
  14. TestExp
  15. TestSVD
  16. run
  17. TEST
  18. run
  19. TEST

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//                           License Agreement
//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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#include "test_precomp.hpp"

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

class CV_OperationsTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
    void run(int);

    struct test_excep
        test_excep(const string& _s=string("")) : s(_s) { }
        string s;

    bool SomeMatFunctions();
    bool TestMat();
    template<typename _Tp> void TestType(Size sz, _Tp value);
    bool TestTemplateMat();
    bool TestMatND();
    bool TestSparseMat();
    bool TestVec();
    bool TestMatxMultiplication();
    bool TestMatxElementwiseDivison();
    bool TestSubMatAccess();
    bool TestExp();
    bool TestSVD();
    bool operations1();

    void checkDiff(const Mat& m1, const Mat& m2, const string& s)
        if (cvtest::norm(m1, m2, NORM_INF) != 0) throw test_excep(s);
    void checkDiffF(const Mat& m1, const Mat& m2, const string& s)
        if (cvtest::norm(m1, m2, NORM_INF) > 1e-5) throw test_excep(s);


CV_OperationsTest::~CV_OperationsTest() {}

#define STR(a) STR2(a)
#define STR2(a) #a

#define CHECK_DIFF(a, b) checkDiff(a, b, "(" #a ")  !=  (" #b ")  at l." STR(__LINE__))
#define CHECK_DIFF_FLT(a, b) checkDiffF(a, b, "(" #a ")  !=(eps)  (" #b ")  at l." STR(__LINE__))

#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1400
#define MSVC_OLD 1
#define MSVC_OLD 0

template<typename _Tp> void CV_OperationsTest::TestType(Size sz, _Tp value)
    cv::Mat_<_Tp> m(sz);
    CV_Assert(m.cols == sz.width && m.rows == sz.height && m.depth() == DataType<_Tp>::depth &&
              m.channels() == DataType<_Tp>::channels &&
              m.elemSize() == sizeof(_Tp) && m.step == m.elemSize()*m.cols);
    for( int y = 0; y < sz.height; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < sz.width; x++ )
            m(y,x) = value;

    double s = sum(Mat(m).reshape(1))[0];
    CV_Assert( s == (double)sz.width*sz.height );

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestMat()
        Mat one_3x1(3, 1, CV_32F, Scalar(1.0));
        Mat shi_3x1(3, 1, CV_32F, Scalar(1.2));
        Mat shi_2x1(2, 1, CV_32F, Scalar(-1));
        Scalar shift = Scalar::all(15);

        float data[] = { sqrt(2.f)/2, -sqrt(2.f)/2, 1.f, sqrt(2.f)/2, sqrt(2.f)/2, 10.f };
        Mat rot_2x3(2, 3, CV_32F, data);

        Mat res = one_3x1 + shi_3x1 + shi_3x1 + shi_3x1;
        res = Mat(Mat(2 * rot_2x3) * res - shi_2x1) + shift;

        Mat tmp, res2;
        add(one_3x1, shi_3x1, tmp);
        add(tmp, shi_3x1, tmp);
        add(tmp, shi_3x1, tmp);
        gemm(rot_2x3, tmp, 2, shi_2x1, -1, res2, 0);
        add(res2, Mat(2, 1, CV_32F, shift), res2);

        CHECK_DIFF(res, res2);

        Mat mat4x4(4, 4, CV_32F);
        randu(mat4x4, Scalar(0), Scalar(10));

        Mat roi1 = mat4x4(Rect(Point(1, 1), Size(2, 2)));
        Mat roi2 = mat4x4(Range(1, 3), Range(1, 3));

        CHECK_DIFF(roi1, roi2);
        CHECK_DIFF(mat4x4, mat4x4(Rect(Point(0,0), mat4x4.size())));

        Mat intMat10(3, 3, CV_32S, Scalar(10));
        Mat intMat11(3, 3, CV_32S, Scalar(11));
        Mat resMat(3, 3, CV_8U, Scalar(255));

        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 == intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <  intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 >  intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <= intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 >= intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 != intMat10);

        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 == 10.0);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, 10.0 == intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <  11.0);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, 11.0 > intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, 10.0 < intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, 11.0 >= intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, 10.0 <= intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, 10.0 != intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 != 10.0);

        Mat eye =  Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_16S);
        Mat maskMat4(3, 3, CV_16S, Scalar(4));
        Mat maskMat1(3, 3, CV_16S, Scalar(1));
        Mat maskMat5(3, 3, CV_16S, Scalar(5));
        Mat maskMat0(3, 3, CV_16S, Scalar(0));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat4 & maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, Scalar(1) & maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat4 & Scalar(1));

        Mat m;
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m &= maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, m);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m &= maskMat1 | maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, m);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m &= (2* maskMat1 - maskMat1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, m);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m &= Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, m);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m |= maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, m);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m ^= maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4, m);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m |= (2* maskMat1 - maskMat1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, m);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m ^= (2* maskMat1 - maskMat1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4, m);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m |= Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, m);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m ^= Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4, m);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 | maskMat4) & (maskMat1 | maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 | maskMat4) & maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat4 & (maskMat1 | maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat1 | maskMat1) & Scalar(4));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, Scalar(4) & (maskMat1 | maskMat1));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat5 ^ (maskMat4 | maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 | maskMat1) ^ maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 + maskMat1) ^ (maskMat4 + maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, Scalar(5) ^ (maskMat4 | Scalar(1)));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, Scalar(5) ^ maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, Scalar(5) ^ (maskMat4 + maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, Scalar(5) | (maskMat4 + maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 + maskMat1) ^ Scalar(5));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, maskMat5 | (maskMat4 ^ maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, (maskMat4 ^ maskMat1) | maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, maskMat5 | (maskMat4 ^ Scalar(1)));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, (maskMat4 | maskMat4) | Scalar(1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, Scalar(1) | (maskMat4 | maskMat4));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, Scalar(1) | maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, (maskMat5 | maskMat5) | (maskMat4 ^ maskMat1));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, min(maskMat1, maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, min(Mat(maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat5 | maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, max(maskMat1, maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, max(Mat(maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat5 | maskMat5));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, min(maskMat1, maskMat5 | maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, min(maskMat1 | maskMat1, maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, max(maskMat1 | maskMat1, maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, max(maskMat1, maskMat5 | maskMat5));

        CHECK_DIFF(~maskMat1, maskMat1 ^ -1);
        CHECK_DIFF(~(maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat1 ^ -1);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, maskMat4/4.0);


        CHECK_DIFF(1.0 - (maskMat5 | maskMat5), -maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 | maskMat4) * 1.0 + 1.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(1.0 + (maskMat4 | maskMat4) * 1.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 | maskMat5) * 1.0 - 1.0, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(5.0 - (maskMat4 | maskMat4) * 1.0, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 | maskMat4) * 1.0 + 0.5 + 0.5, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(0.5 + ((maskMat4 | maskMat4) * 1.0 + 0.5), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(((maskMat4 | maskMat4) * 1.0 + 2.0) - 1.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(5.0 - ((maskMat1 | maskMat1) * 1.0 + 3.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF( ( (maskMat1 | maskMat1) * 2.0 + 2.0) * 1.25, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF( 1.25 * ( (maskMat1 | maskMat1) * 2.0 + 2.0), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF( -( (maskMat1 | maskMat1) * (-2.0) + 1.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF( maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4 * 0.5 + 2.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF( 1.0 + (maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4 * 0.5 + 1.0), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF( (maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4 * 0.5 + 2.0) - 1.0, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(5.0 -  (maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4 * 0.5 + 1.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4 * 0.5 + 1.0)*1.25, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(1.25 * (maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4 * 0.5 + 1.0), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(-(maskMat1 * 2.0 + maskMat4 * (-1) + 1.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 * 1.0 + maskMat4), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 + maskMat1 * 1.0), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 * 3.0 + 1.0) + maskMat1, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1 + (maskMat1 * 3.0 + 1.0), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1*4.0 + (maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 | maskMat1) + maskMat1*4.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1*3.0 + 1.0) + (maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 | maskMat1) + (maskMat1*3.0 + 1.0), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1*4.0 + maskMat4*2.0, maskMat1 * 12);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1*3.0 + 1.0) + maskMat4*2.0, maskMat1 * 12);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4*2.0 + (maskMat1*3.0 + 1.0), maskMat1 * 12);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1*3.0 + 1.0) + (maskMat1*2.0 + 2.0), maskMat1 * 8);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5*1.0 - maskMat4, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5 - maskMat1 * 4.0, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 * 1.0 + 4.0)- maskMat4, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5 - (maskMat1 * 2.0 + 2.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5*1.0 - (maskMat4 | maskMat4), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 | maskMat5) - maskMat1 * 4.0, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 * 1.0 + 4.0)- (maskMat4 | maskMat4), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 | maskMat5) - (maskMat1 * 2.0 + 2.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1*5.0 - maskMat4 * 1.0, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1*5.0 + 3.0)- maskMat4 * 1.0, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 * 2.0 - (maskMat1*4.0 + 3.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 * 2.0 + 3.0) - (maskMat1*3.0 + 1.0), maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 - maskMat4)* 4.0, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 * (maskMat5 - maskMat4), maskMat4);

        CHECK_DIFF(-((maskMat4 | maskMat4) - (maskMat5 | maskMat5)), maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 * (maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 | maskMat4)/4.0, maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(2.0 * (maskMat1 * 2.0) , maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 / 2.0) / 2.0 , maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(-(maskMat4 - maskMat5) , maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(-((maskMat4 - maskMat5) * 1.0), maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 /  maskMat4, maskMat1);

        ///// Element-wise multiplication

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat4, 0.25), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat1 * 4, 0.25), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat4 / 4), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat4 / 4), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat4) * 0.25, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(0.25 * maskMat4.mul(maskMat4), maskMat4);

        ////// Element-wise division

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 / maskMat4, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 & maskMat4) / (maskMat1 * 4), maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 & maskMat4) / maskMat4, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 / (maskMat4 & maskMat4), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 * 4) / maskMat4, maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 / (maskMat1 * 4), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 * 0.5 )/ (maskMat1 * 2), maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 / maskMat4.mul(maskMat1), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat4 & maskMat4) / maskMat4.mul(maskMat1), maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 / maskMat4, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 / (maskMat4 | maskMat4), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 / (maskMat1 * 4.0), maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 / (maskMat4 / maskMat1), maskMat1);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m/=4.0; CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m/=maskMat4; CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m/=(maskMat1 * 4.0); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m/=(maskMat4 / maskMat1); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);

        float matrix_data[] = { 3, 1, -4, -5, 1, 0, 0, 1.1f, 1.5f};
        Mat mt(3, 3, CV_32F, matrix_data);
        Mat mi = mt.inv();
        Mat d1 = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);
        Mat d2 = d1 * 2;
        MatExpr mt_tr = mt.t();
        MatExpr mi_tr = mi.t();
        Mat mi2 = mi * 2;

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi2 * mt, d2 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi * mt, d1 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mt_tr * mi_tr, d1 );

        m = mi.clone(); m*=mt;  CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, d1);
        m = mi.clone(); m*= (2 * mt - mt) ;  CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, d1);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m+=(maskMat1 * 1.0); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat5);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m-=(maskMat1 * 4.0); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);

        m = maskMat1.clone(); m+=(maskMat1 * 3.0 + 1.0); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat5);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m-=(maskMat1 * 3.0 + 1.0); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);
        m = mi.clone(); m+=(3.0 * mi * mt + d1); CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, mi + d1 * 4);
        m = mi.clone(); m-=(3.0 * mi * mt + d1); CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, mi - d1 * 4);
        m = mi.clone(); m*=(mt * 1.0); CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, d1);
        m = mi.clone(); m*=(mt * 1.0 + Mat::eye(m.size(), m.type())); CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, d1 + mi);
        m = mi.clone(); m*=mt_tr.t(); CHECK_DIFF_FLT(m, d1);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * 2) * mt, d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi * (2 * mt), d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mt.t() * mi_tr, d1 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mt_tr * mi.t(), d1 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * 0.4) * (mt * 5), d2);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mt.t() * (mi_tr * 2), d2 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mt_tr * 2) * mi.t(), d2 );

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT(mt.t() * mi.t(), d1);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) * 2.0, d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( 2.0 * (mi * mt), d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( -(mi * mt), -d1);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) / 2.0, d1 / 2);

        Mat mt_mul_2_plus_1;
        gemm(mt, d1, 2, Mat::ones(3, 3, CV_32F), 1, mt_mul_2_plus_1);

        CHECK_DIFF( (mt * 2.0 + 1.0) * mi, mt_mul_2_plus_1 * mi);        // (A*alpha + beta)*B
        CHECK_DIFF( mi * (mt * 2.0 + 1.0), mi * mt_mul_2_plus_1);        // A*(B*alpha + beta)
        CHECK_DIFF( (mt * 2.0 + 1.0) * (mi * 2), mt_mul_2_plus_1 * mi2); // (A*alpha + beta)*(B*gamma)
        CHECK_DIFF( (mi *2)* (mt * 2.0 + 1.0), mi2 * mt_mul_2_plus_1);   // (A*gamma)*(B*alpha + beta)
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mt * 2.0 + 1.0) * mi.t(), mt_mul_2_plus_1 * mi_tr); // (A*alpha + beta)*B^t
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi.t() * (mt * 2.0 + 1.0), mi_tr * mt_mul_2_plus_1); // A^t*(B*alpha + beta)

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt + d2)*5, d1 * 3 * 5);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi * mt + d2, d1 * 3);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( -(mi * mt) + d2, d1);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) + d1, d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( d1 + (mi * mt), d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) - d2, -d1);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( d2 - (mi * mt), d1);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) + d2 * 0.5, d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( d2 * 0.5 + (mi * mt), d2);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) - d1 * 2, -d1);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( d1 * 2 - (mi * mt), d1);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) + mi.t(), mi_tr + d1);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi.t() + (mi * mt), mi_tr + d1);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( (mi * mt) - mi.t(), d1 - mi_tr);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi.t() - (mi * mt), mi_tr - d1);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( 2.0 *(mi * mt + d2), d1 * 6);
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( -(mi * mt + d2), d1 * -3);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT(mt.inv() * mt, d1);

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT(mt.inv() * (2*mt - mt), d1);
    catch (const test_excep& e)
        ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "%s\n", e.s.c_str());
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::SomeMatFunctions()
        Mat rgba( 10, 10, CV_8UC4, Scalar(1,2,3,4) );
        Mat bgr( rgba.rows, rgba.cols, CV_8UC3 );
        Mat alpha( rgba.rows, rgba.cols, CV_8UC1 );
        Mat out[] = { bgr, alpha };
        // rgba[0] -> bgr[2], rgba[1] -> bgr[1],
        // rgba[2] -> bgr[0], rgba[3] -> alpha[0]
        int from_to[] = { 0,2, 1,1, 2,0, 3,3 };
        mixChannels( &rgba, 1, out, 2, from_to, 4 );

        Mat bgr_exp( rgba.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(3,2,1));
        Mat alpha_exp( rgba.size(), CV_8UC1, Scalar(4));

        CHECK_DIFF(bgr_exp, bgr);
        CHECK_DIFF(alpha_exp, alpha);
    catch (const test_excep& e)
        ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "%s\n", e.s.c_str());
        return false;
    return true;


bool CV_OperationsTest::TestSubMatAccess()
        Mat_<float> T_bs(4,4);
        Vec3f cdir(1.f, 1.f, 0.f);
        Vec3f ydir(1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
        Vec3f fpt(0.1f, 0.7f, 0.2f);
        T_bs(Range(0,3),Range(2,3)) = 1.0*Mat(cdir); // wierd OpenCV stuff, need to do multiply
        T_bs(Range(0,3),Range(1,2)) = 1.0*Mat(ydir);
        T_bs(Range(0,3),Range(0,1)) = 1.0*Mat(cdir.cross(ydir));
        T_bs(Range(0,3),Range(3,4)) = 1.0*Mat(fpt);
        T_bs(3,3) = 1.0;
        //std::cout << "[Nav Grok] S frame =" << std::endl << T_bs << std::endl;

        // set up display coords, really just the S frame

        for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
            //std::cout << T_bs1(i) << std::endl;
        CV_Assert( cvtest::norm(coords, T_bs.reshape(1,1), NORM_INF) == 0 );
    catch (const test_excep& e)
        ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "%s\n", e.s.c_str());
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestTemplateMat()
        Mat_<float> one_3x1(3, 1, 1.0f);
        Mat_<float> shi_3x1(3, 1, 1.2f);
        Mat_<float> shi_2x1(2, 1, -2);
        Scalar shift = Scalar::all(15);

        float data[] = { sqrt(2.f)/2, -sqrt(2.f)/2, 1.f, sqrt(2.f)/2, sqrt(2.f)/2, 10.f };
        Mat_<float> rot_2x3(2, 3, data);

        Mat_<float> res = Mat(Mat(2 * rot_2x3) * Mat(one_3x1 + shi_3x1 + shi_3x1 + shi_3x1) - shi_2x1) + shift;
        Mat_<float> resS = rot_2x3 * one_3x1;

        Mat_<float> tmp, res2, resS2;
        add(one_3x1, shi_3x1, tmp);
        add(tmp, shi_3x1, tmp);
        add(tmp, shi_3x1, tmp);
        gemm(rot_2x3, tmp, 2, shi_2x1, -1, res2, 0);
        add(res2, Mat(2, 1, CV_32F, shift), res2);

        gemm(rot_2x3, one_3x1, 1, shi_2x1, 0, resS2, 0);
        CHECK_DIFF(res, res2);
        CHECK_DIFF(resS, resS2);

        Mat_<float> mat4x4(4, 4);
        randu(mat4x4, Scalar(0), Scalar(10));

        Mat_<float> roi1 = mat4x4(Rect(Point(1, 1), Size(2, 2)));
        Mat_<float> roi2 = mat4x4(Range(1, 3), Range(1, 3));

        CHECK_DIFF(roi1, roi2);
        CHECK_DIFF(mat4x4, mat4x4(Rect(Point(0,0), mat4x4.size())));

        Mat_<int> intMat10(3, 3, 10);
        Mat_<int> intMat11(3, 3, 11);
        Mat_<uchar> resMat(3, 3, 255);

        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 == intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <  intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 >  intMat10);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <= intMat11);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 >= intMat10);

        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 == 10.0);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <  11.0);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 >  10.0);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat10 <= 11.0);
        CHECK_DIFF(resMat, intMat11 >= 10.0);

        Mat_<uchar> maskMat4(3, 3, 4);
        Mat_<uchar> maskMat1(3, 3, 1);
        Mat_<uchar> maskMat5(3, 3, 5);
        Mat_<uchar> maskMat0(3, 3, (uchar)0);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat4 & maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, Scalar(1) & maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat4 & Scalar(1));

        Mat_<uchar> m;
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m&=maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, m);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m&=Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, m);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m|=maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, m);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m^=maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, m);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 | maskMat4) & (maskMat1 | maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, (maskMat4 | maskMat4) & maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat4 & (maskMat1 | maskMat1));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, maskMat5 ^ (maskMat4 | maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat0, Scalar(5) ^ (maskMat4 | Scalar(1)));

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, maskMat5 | (maskMat4 ^ maskMat1));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, maskMat5 | (maskMat4 ^ Scalar(1)));

        CHECK_DIFF(~maskMat1, maskMat1 ^ 0xFF);
        CHECK_DIFF(~(maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat1 ^ 0xFF);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1 + maskMat4, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1 + Scalar(4), maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(Scalar(4) + maskMat1, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(Scalar(4) + (maskMat1 & maskMat1), maskMat5);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1 + 4.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat1 & 0xFF) + 4.0, maskMat5);
        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 + maskMat1, maskMat5);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m+=Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat5);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m+=maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat5);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m+=(maskMat1 | maskMat1); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat5);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5 - maskMat1, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5 - Scalar(1), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 | maskMat5) - Scalar(1), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5 - 1, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 | maskMat5) - 1, maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF((maskMat5 | maskMat5) - (maskMat1 | maskMat1), maskMat4);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, min(maskMat1, maskMat5));
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, max(maskMat1, maskMat5));

        m = maskMat5.clone(); m-=Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat4);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m-=maskMat1; CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat4);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m-=(maskMat1 | maskMat1); CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat4);

        m = maskMat4.clone(); m |= Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat5, m);
        m = maskMat5.clone(); m ^= Scalar(1); CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4, m);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat1, maskMat4/4.0);

        Mat_<float> negf(3, 3, -3.0);
        Mat_<float> posf = -negf;
        Mat_<float> posf2 = posf * 2;
        Mat_<int> negi(3, 3, -3);

        CHECK_DIFF(abs(negf), -negf);
        CHECK_DIFF(abs(posf - posf2), -negf);
        CHECK_DIFF(abs(negi), -(negi & negi));

        CHECK_DIFF(5.0 - maskMat4, maskMat1);

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat4, 0.25), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat1 * 4, 0.25), maskMat4);
        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4.mul(maskMat4 / 4), maskMat4);

        ////// Element-wise division

        CHECK_DIFF(maskMat4 / maskMat4, maskMat1);
        CHECK_DIFF(4.0 / maskMat4, maskMat1);
        m = maskMat4.clone(); m/=4.0; CHECK_DIFF(m, maskMat1);


        typedef Mat_<int> TestMat_t;

        const TestMat_t cnegi = negi.clone();

        TestMat_t::iterator beg = negi.begin();
        TestMat_t::iterator end = negi.end();

        TestMat_t::const_iterator cbeg = cnegi.begin();
        TestMat_t::const_iterator cend = cnegi.end();

        int sum = 0;
        for(; beg!=end; ++beg)

        for(; cbeg!=cend; ++cbeg)

        if (sum != 0) throw test_excep();

        CHECK_DIFF(negi.col(1), negi.col(2));
        CHECK_DIFF(negi.row(1), negi.row(2));
        CHECK_DIFF(negi.col(1), negi.diag());

        if (Mat_<Point2f>(1, 1).elemSize1() != sizeof(float)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<Point2f>(1, 1).elemSize() != 2 * sizeof(float)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<Point2f>(1, 1).depth() != CV_32F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<float>(1, 1).depth() != CV_32F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<int>(1, 1).depth() != CV_32S) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<double>(1, 1).depth() != CV_64F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<Point3d>(1, 1).depth() != CV_64F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<signed char>(1, 1).depth() != CV_8S) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<unsigned short>(1, 1).depth() != CV_16U) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<unsigned short>(1, 1).channels() != 1) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<Point2f>(1, 1).channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<Point3f>(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat_<Point3d>(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();

        Mat_<uchar> eye = Mat_<uchar>::zeros(2, 2); CHECK_DIFF(Mat_<uchar>::zeros(Size(2, 2)), eye);<uchar>(Point(0,0)) = 1;<uchar>(1, 1) = 1;

        CHECK_DIFF(Mat_<uchar>::eye(2, 2), eye);
        CHECK_DIFF(eye, Mat_<uchar>::eye(Size(2,2)));

        Mat_<uchar> ones(2, 2, (uchar)1);
        CHECK_DIFF(ones, Mat_<uchar>::ones(Size(2,2)));
        CHECK_DIFF(Mat_<uchar>::ones(2, 2), ones);

        Mat_<Point2f> pntMat(2, 2, Point2f(1, 0));
        if(pntMat.stepT() != 2) throw test_excep();

        uchar uchar_data[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};

        Mat_<uchar> matFromData(1, 4, uchar_data);
        const Mat_<uchar> mat2 = matFromData.clone();
        CHECK_DIFF(matFromData, eye.reshape(1, 1));
        if (matFromData(Point(0,0)) != uchar_data[0])throw test_excep();
        if (mat2(Point(0,0)) != uchar_data[0]) throw test_excep();

        if (matFromData(0,0) != uchar_data[0])throw test_excep();
        if (mat2(0,0) != uchar_data[0]) throw test_excep();

        Mat_<uchar> rect(eye, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1));
        if (rect.cols != 1 || rect.rows != 1 || rect(0,0) != uchar_data[0]) throw test_excep();

        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::cross(const Mat_&) const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::Mat_(const vector<_Tp>&,bool)
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::Mat_(int,int,const _Tp&)
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::Mat_(Size,const _Tp&)
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::mul(const Mat_<_Tp>&,double) const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::mul(const MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op2_<Mat_<_Tp>,double,Mat_<_Tp>,MatOp_DivRS_<Mat> >,Mat_<_Tp> >&,double) const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::mul(const MatExpr_<MatExpr_Op2_<Mat_<_Tp>,double,Mat_<_Tp>,MatOp_Scale_<Mat> >,Mat_<_Tp> >&,double) const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator Mat_<T2>() const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator MatExpr_<Mat_<_Tp>,Mat_<_Tp> >() const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator()(const Range&,const Range&) const
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator()(const Rect&) const

        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator=(const MatExpr_Base&)
        //cv::Mat_<_Tp>::operator[](int) const


        float matrix_data[] = { 3, 1, -4, -5, 1, 0, 0, 1.1f, 1.5f};
        Mat_<float> mt(3, 3, matrix_data);
        Mat_<float> mi = mt.inv();
        Mat_<float> d1 = Mat_<float>::eye(3, 3);
        Mat_<float> d2 = d1 * 2;
        Mat_<float> mt_tr = mt.t();
        Mat_<float> mi_tr = mi.t();
        Mat_<float> mi2 = mi * 2;

        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi2 * mt, d2 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mi * mt, d1 );
        CHECK_DIFF_FLT( mt_tr * mi_tr, d1 );

        Mat_<float> mf;
        mf = mi.clone(); mf*=mt;  CHECK_DIFF_FLT(mf, d1);

        ////// typedefs //////

        if (Mat1b(1, 1).elemSize() != sizeof(uchar)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2b(1, 1).elemSize() != 2 * sizeof(uchar)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3b(1, 1).elemSize() != 3 * sizeof(uchar)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1f(1, 1).elemSize() != sizeof(float)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2f(1, 1).elemSize() != 2 * sizeof(float)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3f(1, 1).elemSize() != 3 * sizeof(float)) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1f(1, 1).depth() != CV_32F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3f(1, 1).depth() != CV_32F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3f(1, 1).type() != CV_32FC3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1i(1, 1).depth() != CV_32S) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1d(1, 1).depth() != CV_64F) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1b(1, 1).depth() != CV_8U) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3b(1, 1).type() != CV_8UC3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1w(1, 1).depth() != CV_16U) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1s(1, 1).depth() != CV_16S) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1f(1, 1).channels() != 1) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1b(1, 1).channels() != 1) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1i(1, 1).channels() != 1) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1w(1, 1).channels() != 1) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat1s(1, 1).channels() != 1) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2f(1, 1).channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2b(1, 1).channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2i(1, 1).channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2w(1, 1).channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat2s(1, 1).channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3f(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3b(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3i(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3w(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();
        if (Mat3s(1, 1).channels() != 3) throw test_excep();

        vector<Mat_<float> > mvf, mvf2;
        Mat_<Vec2f> mf2;
        mvf.push_back(Mat_<float>::ones(4, 3));
        mvf.push_back(Mat_<float>::zeros(4, 3));
        merge(mvf, mf2);
        split(mf2, mvf2);
        CV_Assert( cvtest::norm(mvf2[0], mvf[0], CV_C) == 0 &&
                  cvtest::norm(mvf2[1], mvf[1], CV_C) == 0 );

        Mat a(2,2,CV_32F,1.f);
        Mat b(1,2,CV_32F,1.f);
        Mat c = (a*b.t()).t();
        CV_Assert( cvtest::norm(c, CV_L1) == 4. );

        bool badarg_catched = false;
            Mat m1 = Mat::zeros(1, 10, CV_8UC1);
            Mat m2 = Mat::zeros(10, 10, CV_8UC3);
        catch(const Exception&)
            badarg_catched = true;
        CV_Assert( badarg_catched );

        Size size(2, 5);
        TestType<float>(size, 1.f);
        cv::Vec3f val1 = 1.f;
        TestType<cv::Vec3f>(size, val1);
        cv::Matx31f val2 = 1.f;
        TestType<cv::Matx31f>(size, val2);
        cv::Matx41f val3 = 1.f;
        TestType<cv::Matx41f>(size, val3);
        cv::Matx32f val4 = 1.f;
        TestType<cv::Matx32f>(size, val4);
    catch (const test_excep& e)
        ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "%s\n", e.s.c_str());
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestMatND()
    int sizes[] = { 3, 3, 3};
    cv::MatND nd(3, sizes, CV_32F);

    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestSparseMat()
        int sizes[] = { 10, 10, 10};
        int dims = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0]);
        SparseMat mat(dims, sizes, CV_32FC2);

        if (mat.dims() != dims) throw test_excep();
        if (mat.channels() != 2) throw test_excep();
        if (mat.depth() != CV_32F) throw test_excep();

        SparseMat mat2 = mat.clone();
    catch (const test_excep&)
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestMatxMultiplication()
        Matx33f mat(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); // Identity matrix
        Point2f pt(3, 4);
        Point3f res = mat * pt; // Correctly assumes homogeneous coordinates

        Vec3f res2 = mat*Vec3f(res.x, res.y, res.z);

        if(res.x != 8.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res.y != 5.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res.z != 1.0) throw test_excep();

        if(res2[0] != 14.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res2[1] != 6.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res2[2] != 1.0) throw test_excep();

        Matx44f mat44f(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
        Matx44d mat44d(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
        Scalar s(4, 3, 2, 1);
        Scalar sf = mat44f*s;
        Scalar sd = mat44d*s;

        if(sf[0] != 10.0) throw test_excep();
        if(sf[1] != 6.0) throw test_excep();
        if(sf[2] != 3.0) throw test_excep();
        if(sf[3] != 1.0) throw test_excep();

        if(sd[0] != 10.0) throw test_excep();
        if(sd[1] != 6.0) throw test_excep();
        if(sd[2] != 3.0) throw test_excep();
        if(sd[3] != 1.0) throw test_excep();
    catch(const test_excep&)
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestMatxElementwiseDivison()
        Matx22f mat(2, 4, 6, 8);
        Matx22f mat2(2, 2, 2, 2);

        Matx22f res = mat.div(mat2);

        if(res(0, 0) != 1.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res(0, 1) != 2.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res(1, 0) != 3.0) throw test_excep();
        if(res(1, 1) != 4.0) throw test_excep();
    catch(const test_excep&)
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestVec()
        cv::Mat hsvImage_f(5, 5, CV_32FC3), hsvImage_b(5, 5, CV_8UC3);
        int i = 0,j = 0;
        cv::Vec3f a;

        //these compile
        cv::Vec3b b = a;<cv::Vec3f>(i,j) = cv::Vec3f((float)i,0,1);<cv::Vec3b>(i,j) = cv::Vec3b(cv::Vec3f((float)i,0,1));

        //these don't
        b = cv::Vec3f(1,0,0);
        cv::Vec3b c;
        c = cv::Vec3f(0,0,1);<cv::Vec3b>(i,j) = cv::Vec3f((float)i,0,1);<cv::Vec3b>(i,j) = a;<cv::Vec3b>(i,j) = cv::Vec3f(1,2,3);
    catch(const test_excep&)
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::operations1()
        Point3d p1(1, 1, 1), p2(2, 2, 2), p4(4, 4, 4);
        if (!(p1     == p2)) throw test_excep();
        if (!(p2 * 2 == p4)) throw test_excep();
        if (!(p2 * 2.f == p4)) throw test_excep();
        if (!(p2 * 2.f == p4)) throw test_excep();

        Point2d pi1(1, 1), pi2(2, 2), pi4(4, 4);
        if (!(pi1     == pi2)) throw test_excep();
        if (!(pi2 * 2 == pi4)) throw test_excep();
        if (!(pi2 * 2.f == pi4)) throw test_excep();
        if (!(pi2 * 2.f == pi4)) throw test_excep();

        Vec2d v12(1, 1), v22(2, 2);
        if (!(v12 == v22)) throw test_excep();

        Vec3d v13(1, 1, 1), v23(2, 2, 2);
        if (!(v13 == v23)) throw test_excep();

        Vec4d v14(1, 1, 1, 1), v24(2, 2, 2, 2);
        if (!(v14 == v24)) throw test_excep();

        Size sz(10, 20);
        if (sz.area() != 200) throw test_excep();
        if (sz.width != 10 || sz.height != 20) throw test_excep();
        if (((CvSize)sz).width != 10 || ((CvSize)sz).height != 20) throw test_excep();

        Vec<double, 5> v5d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        Vec<double, 6> v6d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        Vec<double, 7> v7d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        Vec<double, 8> v8d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        Vec<double, 9> v9d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        Vec<double,10> v10d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

        Vec<double,10> v10dzero;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) {
            if (v10dzero[ii] != 0.0)
                throw test_excep();

        Mat A(1, 32, CV_32F), B;
        for( int i = 0; i < A.cols; i++ )
  <float>(i) = (float)(i <= 12 ? i : 24 - i);
        transpose(A, B);

        int minidx[2] = {0, 0}, maxidx[2] = {0, 0};
        double minval = 0, maxval = 0;
        minMaxIdx(A, &minval, &maxval, minidx, maxidx);

        if( !(minidx[0] == 0 && minidx[1] == 31 && maxidx[0] == 0 && maxidx[1] == 12 &&
                  minval == -7 && maxval == 12))
            throw test_excep();

        minMaxIdx(B, &minval, &maxval, minidx, maxidx);

        if( !(minidx[0] == 31 && minidx[1] == 0 && maxidx[0] == 12 && maxidx[1] == 0 &&
              minval == -7 && maxval == 12))
            throw test_excep();

        Matx33f b(1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f, 5.f, 6.f, 7.f, 8.f, 9.f);
        Mat c;
        add(Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_32F), b, c);
        CV_Assert( cvtest::norm(b, c, CV_C) == 0 );

        add(Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_64F), b, c, noArray(), c.type());
        CV_Assert( cvtest::norm(b, c, CV_C) == 0 );

        add(Mat::zeros(6, 1, CV_64F), 1, c, noArray(), c.type());
        CV_Assert( cvtest::norm(Matx61f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f), c, CV_C) == 0 );

        vector<Point2f> pt2d(3);
        vector<Point3d> pt3d(2);

        CV_Assert( Mat(pt2d).checkVector(2) == 3 && Mat(pt2d).checkVector(3) < 0 &&
                   Mat(pt3d).checkVector(2) < 0 && Mat(pt3d).checkVector(3) == 2 );

        Matx44f m44(0.8147f, 0.6324f, 0.9575f, 0.9572f,
                0.9058f, 0.0975f, 0.9649f, 0.4854f,
                0.1270f, 0.2785f, 0.1576f, 0.8003f,
                0.9134f, 0.5469f, 0.9706f, 0.1419f);
        double d = determinant(m44);
        CV_Assert( fabs(d - (-0.0262)) <= 0.001 );

        Cv32suf z;
        z.i = 0x80000000;
        CV_Assert( cvFloor(z.f) == 0 && cvCeil(z.f) == 0 && cvRound(z.f) == 0 );
    catch(const test_excep&)
        return false;
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestExp()
    Mat1f tt = Mat1f::ones(4,2);
    Mat1f outs;
    exp(-tt, outs);
    Mat1f tt2 = Mat1f::ones(4,1), outs2;
    exp(-tt2, outs2);
    return true;

bool CV_OperationsTest::TestSVD()
        Mat A = (Mat_<double>(3,4) << 1, 2, -1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 5, -1, -2, 6, 7);
        Mat x;
        if( cvtest::norm(A*x, CV_C) > FLT_EPSILON )
            throw test_excep();

        SVD svd(A, SVD::FULL_UV);
        if( cvtest::norm(A*svd.vt.row(3).t(), CV_C) > FLT_EPSILON )
            throw test_excep();

        Mat Dp(3,3,CV_32FC1);
        Mat Dc(3,3,CV_32FC1);
        Mat Q(3,3,CV_32FC1);
        Mat U,Vt,R,T,W;<float>(0,0)=0.86483884f;<float>(0,1)= -0.3077251f;<float>(0,2)=-0.55711365f;<float>(1,0)=0.49294353f;<float>(1,1)=-0.24209651f;<float>(1,2)=-0.25084701f;<float>(2,0)=0; <float>(2,1)=0;  <float>(2,2)=0;<float>(0,0)=0.75632739f;<float>(0,1)= -0.38859656f;<float>(0,2)=-0.36773083f;<float>(1,0)=0.9699229f;<float>(1,1)=-0.49858192f;<float>(1,2)=-0.47134098f;<float>(2,0)=0.10566688f;<float>(2,1)=-0.060333252f;<float>(2,2)=-0.045333147f;

        SVD decomp;
        Mat I = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F);

        if( cvtest::norm(U*U.t(), I, CV_C) > FLT_EPSILON ||
            cvtest::norm(Vt*Vt.t(), I, CV_C) > FLT_EPSILON ||
  <float>(2) < 0 ||<float>(1) <<float>(2) ||
  <float>(0) <<float>(1) ||
            cvtest::norm(U*Mat::diag(W)*Vt, Q, CV_C) > FLT_EPSILON )
            throw test_excep();
    catch(const test_excep&)
        return false;
    return true;

void CV_OperationsTest::run( int /* start_from */)
    if (!TestMat())

    if (!SomeMatFunctions())

    if (!TestTemplateMat())

 /*   if (!TestMatND())

    if (!TestSparseMat())

    if (!TestVec())

    if (!TestMatxMultiplication())

    if (!TestMatxElementwiseDivison())

    if (!TestSubMatAccess())

    if (!TestExp())

    if (!TestSVD())

    if (!operations1())


TEST(Core_Array, expressions) { CV_OperationsTest test; test.safe_run(); }

class CV_SparseMatTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
    CV_SparseMatTest() {}
    ~CV_SparseMatTest() {}
    void run(int)
            RNG& rng = theRNG();
            const int MAX_DIM=3;
            int sizes[MAX_DIM], idx[MAX_DIM];
            for( int iter = 0; iter < 100; iter++ )
                ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, ".");
                ts->update_context(this, iter, true);
                int k, dims = rng.uniform(1, MAX_DIM+1), p = 1;
                for( k = 0; k < dims; k++ )
                    sizes[k] = rng.uniform(1, 30);
                    p *= sizes[k];
                int j, nz = rng.uniform(0, (p+2)/2), nz0 = 0;
                SparseMat_<int> v(dims,sizes);

                CV_Assert( (int)v.nzcount() == 0 );

                SparseMatIterator_<int> it = v.begin();
                SparseMatIterator_<int> it_end = v.end();

                for( k = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++k )
                CV_Assert( k == 0 );

                int sum0 = 0, sum = 0;
                for( j = 0; j < nz; j++ )
                    int val = rng.uniform(1, 100);
                    for( k = 0; k < dims; k++ )
                        idx[k] = rng.uniform(0, sizes[k]);
                    if( dims == 1 )
                        CV_Assert( v.ref(idx[0]) == v(idx[0]) );
                    else if( dims == 2 )
                        CV_Assert( v.ref(idx[0], idx[1]) == v(idx[0], idx[1]) );
                    else if( dims == 3 )
                        CV_Assert( v.ref(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]) == v(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]) );
                    CV_Assert( v.ref(idx) == v(idx) );
                    v.ref(idx) += val;
                    if( v(idx) == val )
                    sum0 += val;

                CV_Assert( (int)v.nzcount() == nz0 );

                it = v.begin();
                it_end = v.end();

                for( k = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++k )
                    sum += *it;
                CV_Assert( k == nz0 && sum == sum0 );

                CV_Assert( (int)v.nzcount() == 0 );

                it = v.begin();
                it_end = v.end();

                for( k = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++k )
                CV_Assert( k == 0 );

TEST(Core_SparseMat, iterations) { CV_SparseMatTest test; test.safe_run(); }

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