This source file includes following definitions.
- bayer2Gray
- bayer2RGB
- bayer2RGBA
- bayer2RGB_EA
- bayer2Gray
- bayer2RGB
- bayer2RGBA
- bayer2RGB_EA
- bayer2Gray
- bayer2RGB
- bayer2RGBA
- bayer2RGB_EA
- Rcoeff
- Bayer2Gray_
- value
- value
- size
- Bayer2RGB_
- Bayer2RGB_VNG_8u
- Start_with_green
- Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T
- demosaicing
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <limits>
#define CV_DESCALE(x,n) (((x) + (1 << ((n)-1))) >> (n))
namespace cv
template<typename T>
class SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_
int bayer2Gray(const T*, int, T*, int, int, int, int) const
return 0;
int bayer2RGB(const T*, int, T*, int, int) const
return 0;
int bayer2RGBA(const T*, int, T*, int, int) const
return 0;
int bayer2RGB_EA(const T*, int, T*, int, int) const
return 0;
#if CV_SSE2
class SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u
use_simd = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
int bayer2Gray(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst,
int width, int bcoeff, int gcoeff, int rcoeff) const
if( !use_simd )
return 0;
__m128i _b2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(rcoeff*2));
__m128i _g2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(gcoeff*2));
__m128i _r2y = _mm_set1_epi16((short)(bcoeff*2));
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 14 )
__m128i r0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)bayer);
__m128i r1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(bayer+bayer_step));
__m128i r2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(bayer+bayer_step*2));
__m128i b1 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(r0, 8), 7),
_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(r2, 8), 7));
__m128i b0 = _mm_add_epi16(b1, _mm_srli_si128(b1, 2));
b1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(b1, 2), 1);
__m128i g0 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(r0, 7), _mm_srli_epi16(r2, 7));
__m128i g1 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(r1, 8), 7);
g0 = _mm_add_epi16(g0, _mm_add_epi16(g1, _mm_srli_si128(g1, 2)));
g1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(g1, 2), 2);
r0 = _mm_srli_epi16(r1, 8);
r1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(r0, _mm_srli_si128(r0, 2)), 2);
r0 = _mm_slli_epi16(r0, 3);
g0 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epi16(b0, _b2y), _mm_mulhi_epi16(g0, _g2y));
g1 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epi16(b1, _b2y), _mm_mulhi_epi16(g1, _g2y));
g0 = _mm_add_epi16(g0, _mm_mulhi_epi16(r0, _r2y));
g1 = _mm_add_epi16(g1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(r1, _r2y));
g0 = _mm_srli_epi16(g0, 2);
g1 = _mm_srli_epi16(g1, 2);
g0 = _mm_packus_epi16(g0, g0);
g1 = _mm_packus_epi16(g1, g1);
g0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(g0, g1);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dst, g0);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
int bayer2RGB(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst, int width, int blue) const
if( !use_simd )
return 0;
__m128i delta1 = _mm_set1_epi16(1), delta2 = _mm_set1_epi16(2);
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi16(blue < 0 ? -1 : 0), z = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i masklo = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff);
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 42 )
__m128i r0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)bayer);
__m128i r1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(bayer+bayer_step));
__m128i r2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(bayer+bayer_step*2));
__m128i b1 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_and_si128(r0, masklo), _mm_and_si128(r2, masklo));
__m128i nextb1 = _mm_srli_si128(b1, 2);
__m128i b0 = _mm_add_epi16(b1, nextb1);
b1 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(nextb1, delta1), 1);
b0 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(b0, delta2), 2);
b0 = _mm_packus_epi16(b0, b1);
__m128i g0 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(r0, 8), _mm_srli_epi16(r2, 8));
__m128i g1 = _mm_and_si128(r1, masklo);
g0 = _mm_add_epi16(g0, _mm_add_epi16(g1, _mm_srli_si128(g1, 2)));
g1 = _mm_srli_si128(g1, 2);
g0 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(g0, delta2), 2);
g0 = _mm_packus_epi16(g0, g1);
r0 = _mm_srli_epi16(r1, 8);
r1 = _mm_add_epi16(r0, _mm_srli_si128(r0, 2));
r1 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(r1, delta1), 1);
r0 = _mm_packus_epi16(r0, r1);
b1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_xor_si128(b0, r0), mask);
b0 = _mm_xor_si128(b0, b1);
r0 = _mm_xor_si128(r0, b1);
b1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(b0, g0);
b0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(b0, g0);
r1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(r0, z);
r0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(r0, z);
g0 = _mm_slli_si128(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(b0, r0), 1);
g1 = _mm_slli_si128(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(b0, r0), 1);
r0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(b1, r1);
r1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(b1, r1);
b0 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(g0, r0), 1);
b1 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpackhi_epi32(g0, r0), 1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+0), b0);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*1), _mm_srli_si128(b0, 8));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*2), b1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*3), _mm_srli_si128(b1, 8));
g0 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(g1, r1), 1);
g1 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpackhi_epi32(g1, r1), 1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*4), g0);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*5), _mm_srli_si128(g0, 8));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst-1+6*6), g1);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
int bayer2RGBA(const uchar*, int, uchar*, int, int) const
return 0;
int bayer2RGB_EA(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst, int width, int blue) const
if (!use_simd)
return 0;
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
__m128i masklow = _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff);
__m128i delta1 = _mm_set1_epi16(1), delta2 = _mm_set1_epi16(2);
__m128i full = _mm_set1_epi16(-1), z = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi16(blue > 0 ? -1 : 0);
for ( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 42)
__m128i r0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)bayer);
__m128i r1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(bayer+bayer_step));
__m128i r2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(bayer+bayer_step*2));
__m128i b1 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_and_si128(r0, masklow), _mm_and_si128(r2, masklow));
__m128i nextb1 = _mm_srli_si128(b1, 2);
__m128i b0 = _mm_add_epi16(b1, nextb1);
b1 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(nextb1, delta1), 1);
b0 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(b0, delta2), 2);
b0 = _mm_packus_epi16(b0, b1);
__m128i r0g = _mm_srli_epi16(r0, 8);
__m128i r2g = _mm_srli_epi16(r2, 8);
__m128i sumv = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(r0g, r2g), delta1), 1);
__m128i g1 = _mm_and_si128(masklow, r1);
__m128i nextg1 = _mm_srli_si128(g1, 2);
__m128i sumg = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(g1, nextg1), delta1), 1);
__m128i gradv = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epu16(r0g, r2g), _mm_subs_epu16(r2g, r0g));
__m128i gradg = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epu16(nextg1, g1), _mm_subs_epu16(g1, nextg1));
__m128i gmask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(gradg, gradv);
__m128i g0 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_and_si128(gmask, sumv), _mm_and_si128(sumg, _mm_xor_si128(gmask, full)));
g0 = _mm_packus_epi16(g0, nextg1);
r0 = _mm_srli_epi16(r1, 8);
r1 = _mm_add_epi16(r0, _mm_srli_si128(r0, 2));
r1 = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(r1, delta1), 1);
r0 = _mm_packus_epi16(r0, r1);
b1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_xor_si128(b0, r0), mask);
b0 = _mm_xor_si128(b0, b1);
r0 = _mm_xor_si128(r0, b1);
b1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(b0, g0);
b0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(b0, g0);
r1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(r0, z);
r0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(r0, z);
g0 = _mm_slli_si128(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(b0, r0), 1);
g1 = _mm_slli_si128(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(b0, r0), 1);
r0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(b1, r1);
r1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(b1, r1);
b0 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(g0, r0), 1);
b1 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpackhi_epi32(g0, r0), 1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+0), b0);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+6*1), _mm_srli_si128(b0, 8));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+6*2), b1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+6*3), _mm_srli_si128(b1, 8));
g0 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(g1, r1), 1);
g1 = _mm_srli_si128(_mm_unpackhi_epi32(g1, r1), 1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+6*4), g0);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+6*5), _mm_srli_si128(g0, 8));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(dst+6*6), g1);
return int(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
bool use_simd;
#elif CV_NEON
class SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u
int bayer2Gray(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst,
int width, int bcoeff, int gcoeff, int rcoeff) const
uint16x8_t masklo = vdupq_n_u16(255);
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 14 )
uint16x8_t r0 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)bayer);
uint16x8_t r1 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)(bayer + bayer_step));
uint16x8_t r2 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)(bayer + bayer_step*2));
uint16x8_t b1_ = vaddq_u16(vandq_u16(r0, masklo), vandq_u16(r2, masklo));
uint16x8_t b1 = vextq_u16(b1_, b1_, 1);
uint16x8_t b0 = vaddq_u16(b1_, b1);
uint16x8_t g0 = vaddq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(r0, 8), vshrq_n_u16(r2, 8));
uint16x8_t g1 = vandq_u16(r1, masklo);
g0 = vaddq_u16(g0, vaddq_u16(g1, vextq_u16(g1, g1, 1)));
uint16x8_t rot = vextq_u16(g1, g1, 1);
g1 = vshlq_n_u16(rot, 2);
r0 = vshrq_n_u16(r1, 8);
r1 = vaddq_u16(r0, vextq_u16(r0, r0, 1));
r0 = vshlq_n_u16(r0, 2);
b0 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqdmulhq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(b0), (short)(rcoeff*2)));
b1 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqdmulhq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(b1), (short)(rcoeff*4)));
g0 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqdmulhq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(g0), (short)(gcoeff*2)));
g1 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqdmulhq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(g1), (short)(gcoeff*2)));
r0 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqdmulhq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(r0), (short)(bcoeff*2)));
r1 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vqdmulhq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(r1), (short)(bcoeff*4)));
g0 = vaddq_u16(vaddq_u16(g0, b0), r0);
g1 = vaddq_u16(vaddq_u16(g1, b1), r1);
uint8x8x2_t p = vzip_u8(vrshrn_n_u16(g0, 2), vrshrn_n_u16(g1, 2));
vst1_u8(dst, p.val[0]);
vst1_u8(dst + 8, p.val[1]);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
int bayer2RGB(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst, int width, int blue) const
uint16x8_t masklo = vdupq_n_u16(255);
uint8x16x3_t pix;
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 42 )
uint16x8_t r0 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)bayer);
uint16x8_t r1 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)(bayer + bayer_step));
uint16x8_t r2 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)(bayer + bayer_step*2));
uint16x8_t b1 = vaddq_u16(vandq_u16(r0, masklo), vandq_u16(r2, masklo));
uint16x8_t nextb1 = vextq_u16(b1, b1, 1);
uint16x8_t b0 = vaddq_u16(b1, nextb1);
uint8x8x2_t bb = vzip_u8(vrshrn_n_u16(b0, 2), vrshrn_n_u16(nextb1, 1));
pix.val[1-blue] = vcombine_u8(bb.val[0], bb.val[1]);
uint16x8_t g0 = vaddq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(r0, 8), vshrq_n_u16(r2, 8));
uint16x8_t g1 = vandq_u16(r1, masklo);
g0 = vaddq_u16(g0, vaddq_u16(g1, vextq_u16(g1, g1, 1)));
g1 = vextq_u16(g1, g1, 1);
uint8x8x2_t gg = vzip_u8(vrshrn_n_u16(g0, 2), vmovn_u16(g1));
pix.val[1] = vcombine_u8(gg.val[0], gg.val[1]);
r0 = vshrq_n_u16(r1, 8);
r1 = vaddq_u16(r0, vextq_u16(r0, r0, 1));
uint8x8x2_t rr = vzip_u8(vmovn_u16(r0), vrshrn_n_u16(r1, 1));
pix.val[1+blue] = vcombine_u8(rr.val[0], rr.val[1]);
vst3q_u8(dst-1, pix);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
int bayer2RGBA(const uchar* bayer, int bayer_step, uchar* dst, int width, int blue) const
uint16x8_t masklo = vdupq_n_u16(255);
uint8x16x4_t pix;
const uchar* bayer_end = bayer + width;
pix.val[3] = vdupq_n_u8(255);
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 18; bayer += 14, dst += 56 )
uint16x8_t r0 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)bayer);
uint16x8_t r1 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)(bayer + bayer_step));
uint16x8_t r2 = vld1q_u16((const ushort*)(bayer + bayer_step*2));
uint16x8_t b1 = vaddq_u16(vandq_u16(r0, masklo), vandq_u16(r2, masklo));
uint16x8_t nextb1 = vextq_u16(b1, b1, 1);
uint16x8_t b0 = vaddq_u16(b1, nextb1);
uint8x8x2_t bb = vzip_u8(vrshrn_n_u16(b0, 2), vrshrn_n_u16(nextb1, 1));
pix.val[1-blue] = vcombine_u8(bb.val[0], bb.val[1]);
uint16x8_t g0 = vaddq_u16(vshrq_n_u16(r0, 8), vshrq_n_u16(r2, 8));
uint16x8_t g1 = vandq_u16(r1, masklo);
g0 = vaddq_u16(g0, vaddq_u16(g1, vextq_u16(g1, g1, 1)));
g1 = vextq_u16(g1, g1, 1);
uint8x8x2_t gg = vzip_u8(vrshrn_n_u16(g0, 2), vmovn_u16(g1));
pix.val[1] = vcombine_u8(gg.val[0], gg.val[1]);
r0 = vshrq_n_u16(r1, 8);
r1 = vaddq_u16(r0, vextq_u16(r0, r0, 1));
uint8x8x2_t rr = vzip_u8(vmovn_u16(r0), vrshrn_n_u16(r1, 1));
pix.val[1+blue] = vcombine_u8(rr.val[0], rr.val[1]);
vst4q_u8(dst-1, pix);
return (int)(bayer - (bayer_end - width));
int bayer2RGB_EA(const uchar*, int, uchar*, int, int) const
return 0;
typedef SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<uchar> SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u;
template<typename T, class SIMDInterpolator>
class Bayer2Gray_Invoker :
public ParallelLoopBody
Bayer2Gray_Invoker(const Mat& _srcmat, Mat& _dstmat, int _start_with_green, bool _brow,
const Size& _size, int _bcoeff, int _rcoeff) :
ParallelLoopBody(), srcmat(_srcmat), dstmat(_dstmat), Start_with_green(_start_with_green),
Brow(_brow), size(_size), Bcoeff(_bcoeff), Rcoeff(_rcoeff)
virtual void operator ()(const Range& range) const
SIMDInterpolator vecOp;
const int G2Y = 9617;
const int SHIFT = 14;
const T* bayer0 = srcmat.ptr<T>();
int bayer_step = (int)(srcmat.step/sizeof(T));
T* dst0 = (T*);
int dst_step = (int)(dstmat.step/sizeof(T));
int bcoeff = Bcoeff, rcoeff = Rcoeff;
int start_with_green = Start_with_green;
bool brow = Brow;
dst0 += dst_step + 1;
if (range.start % 2)
brow = !brow;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
start_with_green = !start_with_green;
bayer0 += range.start * bayer_step;
dst0 += range.start * dst_step;
for(int i = range.start ; i < range.end; ++i, bayer0 += bayer_step, dst0 += dst_step )
unsigned t0, t1, t2;
const T* bayer = bayer0;
T* dst = dst0;
const T* bayer_end = bayer + size.width;
if( size.width <= 0 )
dst[-1] = dst[size.width] = 0;
if( start_with_green )
t0 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2])*bcoeff;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(2*G2Y);
dst[0] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+1);
int delta = vecOp.bayer2Gray(bayer, bayer_step, dst, size.width, bcoeff, G2Y, rcoeff);
bayer += delta;
dst += delta;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += 2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*G2Y;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(4*bcoeff);
dst[0] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+2);
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3])*bcoeff;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+2]*(2*G2Y);
dst[1] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+1);
if( bayer < bayer_end )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2])*rcoeff;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1])*G2Y;
t2 = bayer[bayer_step+1]*(4*bcoeff);
dst[0] = (T)CV_DESCALE(t0 + t1 + t2, SHIFT+2);
dst0[-1] = dst0[0];
dst0[size.width] = dst0[size.width-1];
brow = !brow;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
start_with_green = !start_with_green;
Mat srcmat;
Mat dstmat;
int Start_with_green;
bool Brow;
Size size;
int Bcoeff, Rcoeff;
template<typename T, typename SIMDInterpolator>
static void Bayer2Gray_( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
const int R2Y = 4899;
const int B2Y = 1868;
Size size = srcmat.size();
int bcoeff = B2Y, rcoeff = R2Y;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2GRAY || code == CV_BayerGR2GRAY;
bool brow = true;
if( code != CV_BayerBG2GRAY && code != CV_BayerGB2GRAY )
brow = false;
std::swap(bcoeff, rcoeff);
size.height -= 2;
size.width -= 2;
if (size.height > 0)
Range range(0, size.height);
Bayer2Gray_Invoker<T, SIMDInterpolator> invoker(srcmat, dstmat,
start_with_green, brow, size, bcoeff, rcoeff);
parallel_for_(range, invoker,<double>(1<<16));
size = dstmat.size();
T* dst0 = dstmat.ptr<T>();
int dst_step = (int)(dstmat.step/sizeof(T));
if( size.height > 2 )
for( int i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + dst_step];
dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = dst0[i + (size.height-2)*dst_step];
for( int i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = 0;
template <typename T>
struct Alpha
static T value() { return std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); }
template <>
struct Alpha<float>
static float value() { return 1.0f; }
template <typename T, typename SIMDInterpolator>
class Bayer2RGB_Invoker :
public ParallelLoopBody
Bayer2RGB_Invoker(const Mat& _srcmat, Mat& _dstmat, int _start_with_green, int _blue, const Size& _size) :
srcmat(_srcmat), dstmat(_dstmat), Start_with_green(_start_with_green), Blue(_blue), size(_size)
virtual void operator() (const Range& range) const
SIMDInterpolator vecOp;
T alpha = Alpha<T>::value();
int dcn = dstmat.channels();
int dcn2 = dcn << 1;
int bayer_step = (int)(srcmat.step/sizeof(T));
const T* bayer0 = srcmat.ptr<T>() + bayer_step * range.start;
int dst_step = (int)(dstmat.step/sizeof(T));
T* dst0 = reinterpret_cast<T*>( + (range.start + 1) * dst_step + dcn + 1;
int blue = Blue, start_with_green = Start_with_green;
if (range.start % 2)
blue = -blue;
start_with_green = !start_with_green;
for (int i = range.start; i < range.end; bayer0 += bayer_step, dst0 += dst_step, ++i )
int t0, t1;
const T* bayer = bayer0;
T* dst = dst0;
const T* bayer_end = bayer + size.width;
if( size.width <= 0 )
if (dcn == 3)
dst[-4] = dst[-3] = dst[-2] = dst[size.width*dcn-1] =
dst[size.width*dcn] = dst[size.width*dcn+1] = 0;
dst[-5] = dst[-4] = dst[-3] = dst[size.width*dcn-1] =
dst[size.width*dcn] = dst[size.width*dcn+1] = 0;
dst[-2] = dst[size.width*dcn+2] = alpha;
if( start_with_green )
t0 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step] + bayer[bayer_step+2] + 1) >> 1;
dst[-blue] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
dst[blue] = (T)t1;
if (dcn == 4)
dst[2] = alpha;
dst += dcn;
int delta = dcn == 4 ?
vecOp.bayer2RGBA(bayer, bayer_step, dst, size.width, blue) :
vecOp.bayer2RGB(bayer, bayer_step, dst, size.width, blue);
bayer += delta;
dst += delta*dcn;
if (dcn == 3)
if( blue > 0 )
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += dcn2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] +
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[-1] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[1] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3] + 1) >> 1;
dst[2] = (T)t0;
dst[3] = bayer[bayer_step+2];
dst[4] = (T)t1;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += dcn2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] +
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[1] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[-1] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3] + 1) >> 1;
dst[4] = (T)t0;
dst[3] = bayer[bayer_step+2];
dst[2] = (T)t1;
if( blue > 0 )
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += dcn2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] +
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[-1] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[1] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
dst[2] = alpha;
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3] + 1) >> 1;
dst[3] = (T)t0;
dst[4] = bayer[bayer_step+2];
dst[5] = (T)t1;
dst[6] = alpha;
for( ; bayer <= bayer_end - 2; bayer += 2, dst += dcn2 )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] +
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[-1] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[1] = (T)t0;
dst[2] = alpha;
t0 = (bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 1) >> 1;
t1 = (bayer[bayer_step+1] + bayer[bayer_step+3] + 1) >> 1;
dst[3] = (T)t1;
dst[4] = bayer[bayer_step+2];
dst[5] = (T)t0;
dst[6] = alpha;
if( bayer < bayer_end )
t0 = (bayer[0] + bayer[2] + bayer[bayer_step*2] +
bayer[bayer_step*2+2] + 2) >> 2;
t1 = (bayer[1] + bayer[bayer_step] +
bayer[bayer_step+2] + bayer[bayer_step*2+1]+2) >> 2;
dst[-blue] = (T)t0;
dst[0] = (T)t1;
dst[blue] = bayer[bayer_step+1];
if (dcn == 4)
dst[2] = alpha;
dst += dcn;
if (dcn == 3)
dst0[-4] = dst0[-1];
dst0[-3] = dst0[0];
dst0[-2] = dst0[1];
dst0[size.width*dcn-1] = dst0[size.width*dcn-4];
dst0[size.width*dcn] = dst0[size.width*dcn-3];
dst0[size.width*dcn+1] = dst0[size.width*dcn-2];
dst0[-5] = dst0[-1];
dst0[-4] = dst0[0];
dst0[-3] = dst0[1];
dst0[-2] = dst0[2];
dst0[size.width*dcn-1] = dst0[size.width*dcn-5];
dst0[size.width*dcn] = dst0[size.width*dcn-4];
dst0[size.width*dcn+1] = dst0[size.width*dcn-3];
dst0[size.width*dcn+2] = dst0[size.width*dcn-2];
blue = -blue;
start_with_green = !start_with_green;
Mat srcmat;
Mat dstmat;
int Start_with_green, Blue;
Size size;
template<typename T, class SIMDInterpolator>
static void Bayer2RGB_( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
int dst_step = (int)(dstmat.step/sizeof(T));
Size size = srcmat.size();
int blue = code == CV_BayerBG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGB2BGR ? -1 : 1;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2BGR || code == CV_BayerGR2BGR;
int dcn = dstmat.channels();
size.height -= 2;
size.width -= 2;
if (size.height > 0)
Range range(0, size.height);
Bayer2RGB_Invoker<T, SIMDInterpolator> invoker(srcmat, dstmat, start_with_green, blue, size);
parallel_for_(range, invoker,<double>(1<<16));
size = dstmat.size();
T* dst0 = dstmat.ptr<T>();
if( size.height > 2 )
for( int i = 0; i < size.width*dcn; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + dst_step];
dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = dst0[i + (size.height-2)*dst_step];
for( int i = 0; i < size.width*dcn; i++ )
dst0[i] = dst0[i + (size.height-1)*dst_step] = 0;
static void Bayer2RGB_VNG_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
const uchar* bayer = srcmat.ptr();
int bstep = (int)srcmat.step;
uchar* dst = dstmat.ptr();
int dststep = (int)dstmat.step;
Size size = srcmat.size();
int blueIdx = code == CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG || code == CV_BayerGB2BGR_VNG ? 0 : 2;
bool greenCell0 = code != CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG && code != CV_BayerRG2BGR_VNG;
if( MIN(size.width, size.height) < 8 )
Bayer2RGB_<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>( srcmat, dstmat, code );
const int brows = 3, bcn = 7;
int N = size.width, N2 = N*2, N3 = N*3, N4 = N*4, N5 = N*5, N6 = N*6, N7 = N*7;
int i, bufstep = N7*bcn;
cv::AutoBuffer<ushort> _buf(bufstep*brows);
ushort* buf = (ushort*)_buf;
bayer += bstep*2;
#if CV_SSE2
bool haveSSE = cv::checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
#define _mm_absdiff_epu16(a,b) _mm_adds_epu16(_mm_subs_epu16(a, b), _mm_subs_epu16(b, a))
for( int y = 2; y < size.height - 4; y++ )
uchar* dstrow = dst + dststep*y + 6;
const uchar* srow;
for( int dy = (y == 2 ? -1 : 1); dy <= 1; dy++ )
ushort* brow = buf + ((y + dy - 1)%brows)*bufstep + 1;
srow = bayer + (y+dy)*bstep + 1;
for( i = 0; i < bcn; i++ )
brow[N*i-1] = brow[(N-2) + N*i] = 0;
i = 1;
#if CV_SSE2
if( haveSSE )
__m128i z = _mm_setzero_si128();
for( ; i <= N-9; i += 8, srow += 8, brow += 8 )
__m128i s1, s2, s3, s4, s6, s7, s8, s9;
s1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow-1-bstep)),z);
s2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow-bstep)),z);
s3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow+1-bstep)),z);
s4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow-1)),z);
s6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow+1)),z);
s7 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow-1+bstep)),z);
s8 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow+bstep)),z);
s9 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(srow+1+bstep)),z);
__m128i b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6;
b0 = _mm_adds_epu16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s2,s8),1),
_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s1, s7),
_mm_absdiff_epu16(s3, s9)));
b1 = _mm_adds_epu16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s4,s6),1),
_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s1, s3),
_mm_absdiff_epu16(s7, s9)));
b2 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s3,s7),1);
b3 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s1,s9),1);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)brow, b0);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(brow + N), b1);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(brow + N2), b2);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(brow + N3), b3);
b4 = _mm_adds_epu16(b2,_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s2, s4),
_mm_absdiff_epu16(s6, s8)));
b5 = _mm_adds_epu16(b3,_mm_adds_epu16(_mm_absdiff_epu16(s2, s6),
_mm_absdiff_epu16(s4, s8)));
b6 = _mm_adds_epu16(_mm_adds_epu16(s2, s4), _mm_adds_epu16(s6, s8));
b6 = _mm_srli_epi16(b6, 1);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(brow + N4), b4);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(brow + N5), b5);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(brow + N6), b6);
for( ; i < N-1; i++, srow++, brow++ )
brow[0] = (ushort)(std::abs(srow[-1-bstep] - srow[-1+bstep]) +
std::abs(srow[-bstep] - srow[+bstep])*2 +
std::abs(srow[1-bstep] - srow[1+bstep]));
brow[N] = (ushort)(std::abs(srow[-1-bstep] - srow[1-bstep]) +
std::abs(srow[-1] - srow[1])*2 +
std::abs(srow[-1+bstep] - srow[1+bstep]));
brow[N2] = (ushort)(std::abs(srow[+1-bstep] - srow[-1+bstep])*2);
brow[N3] = (ushort)(std::abs(srow[-1-bstep] - srow[1+bstep])*2);
brow[N4] = (ushort)(brow[N2] + std::abs(srow[-bstep] - srow[-1]) +
std::abs(srow[+bstep] - srow[1]));
brow[N5] = (ushort)(brow[N3] + std::abs(srow[-bstep] - srow[1]) +
std::abs(srow[+bstep] - srow[-1]));
brow[N6] = (ushort)((srow[-bstep] + srow[-1] + srow[1] + srow[+bstep])>>1);
const ushort* brow0 = buf + ((y - 2) % brows)*bufstep + 2;
const ushort* brow1 = buf + ((y - 1) % brows)*bufstep + 2;
const ushort* brow2 = buf + (y % brows)*bufstep + 2;
static const float scale[] = { 0.f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.1666666666667f, 0.125f, 0.1f, 0.08333333333f, 0.0714286f, 0.0625f };
srow = bayer + y*bstep + 2;
bool greenCell = greenCell0;
i = 2;
#if CV_SSE2
int limit = !haveSSE ? N-2 : greenCell ? std::min(3, N-2) : 2;
int limit = N - 2;
for( ; i < limit; i++, srow++, brow0++, brow1++, brow2++, dstrow += 3 )
int gradN = brow0[0] + brow1[0];
int gradS = brow1[0] + brow2[0];
int gradW = brow1[N-1] + brow1[N];
int gradE = brow1[N] + brow1[N+1];
int minGrad = std::min(std::min(std::min(gradN, gradS), gradW), gradE);
int maxGrad = std::max(std::max(std::max(gradN, gradS), gradW), gradE);
int R, G, B;
if( !greenCell )
int gradNE = brow0[N4+1] + brow1[N4];
int gradSW = brow1[N4] + brow2[N4-1];
int gradNW = brow0[N5-1] + brow1[N5];
int gradSE = brow1[N5] + brow2[N5+1];
minGrad = std::min(std::min(std::min(std::min(minGrad, gradNE), gradSW), gradNW), gradSE);
maxGrad = std::max(std::max(std::max(std::max(maxGrad, gradNE), gradSW), gradNW), gradSE);
int T = minGrad + MAX(maxGrad/2, 1);
int Rs = 0, Gs = 0, Bs = 0, ng = 0;
if( gradN < T )
Rs += srow[-bstep*2] + srow[0];
Gs += srow[-bstep]*2;
Bs += srow[-bstep-1] + srow[-bstep+1];
if( gradS < T )
Rs += srow[bstep*2] + srow[0];
Gs += srow[bstep]*2;
Bs += srow[bstep-1] + srow[bstep+1];
if( gradW < T )
Rs += srow[-2] + srow[0];
Gs += srow[-1]*2;
Bs += srow[-bstep-1] + srow[bstep-1];
if( gradE < T )
Rs += srow[2] + srow[0];
Gs += srow[1]*2;
Bs += srow[-bstep+1] + srow[bstep+1];
if( gradNE < T )
Rs += srow[-bstep*2+2] + srow[0];
Gs += brow0[N6+1];
Bs += srow[-bstep+1]*2;
if( gradSW < T )
Rs += srow[bstep*2-2] + srow[0];
Gs += brow2[N6-1];
Bs += srow[bstep-1]*2;
if( gradNW < T )
Rs += srow[-bstep*2-2] + srow[0];
Gs += brow0[N6-1];
Bs += srow[-bstep+1]*2;
if( gradSE < T )
Rs += srow[bstep*2+2] + srow[0];
Gs += brow2[N6+1];
Bs += srow[-bstep+1]*2;
R = srow[0];
G = R + cvRound((Gs - Rs)*scale[ng]);
B = R + cvRound((Bs - Rs)*scale[ng]);
int gradNE = brow0[N2] + brow0[N2+1] + brow1[N2] + brow1[N2+1];
int gradSW = brow1[N2] + brow1[N2-1] + brow2[N2] + brow2[N2-1];
int gradNW = brow0[N3] + brow0[N3-1] + brow1[N3] + brow1[N3-1];
int gradSE = brow1[N3] + brow1[N3+1] + brow2[N3] + brow2[N3+1];
minGrad = std::min(std::min(std::min(std::min(minGrad, gradNE), gradSW), gradNW), gradSE);
maxGrad = std::max(std::max(std::max(std::max(maxGrad, gradNE), gradSW), gradNW), gradSE);
int T = minGrad + MAX(maxGrad/2, 1);
int Rs = 0, Gs = 0, Bs = 0, ng = 0;
if( gradN < T )
Rs += srow[-bstep*2-1] + srow[-bstep*2+1];
Gs += srow[-bstep*2] + srow[0];
Bs += srow[-bstep]*2;
if( gradS < T )
Rs += srow[bstep*2-1] + srow[bstep*2+1];
Gs += srow[bstep*2] + srow[0];
Bs += srow[bstep]*2;
if( gradW < T )
Rs += srow[-1]*2;
Gs += srow[-2] + srow[0];
Bs += srow[-bstep-2]+srow[bstep-2];
if( gradE < T )
Rs += srow[1]*2;
Gs += srow[2] + srow[0];
Bs += srow[-bstep+2]+srow[bstep+2];
if( gradNE < T )
Rs += srow[-bstep*2+1] + srow[1];
Gs += srow[-bstep+1]*2;
Bs += srow[-bstep] + srow[-bstep+2];
if( gradSW < T )
Rs += srow[bstep*2-1] + srow[-1];
Gs += srow[bstep-1]*2;
Bs += srow[bstep] + srow[bstep-2];
if( gradNW < T )
Rs += srow[-bstep*2-1] + srow[-1];
Gs += srow[-bstep-1]*2;
Bs += srow[-bstep-2]+srow[-bstep];
if( gradSE < T )
Rs += srow[bstep*2+1] + srow[1];
Gs += srow[bstep+1]*2;
Bs += srow[bstep+2]+srow[bstep];
G = srow[0];
R = G + cvRound((Rs - Gs)*scale[ng]);
B = G + cvRound((Bs - Gs)*scale[ng]);
dstrow[blueIdx] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(B);
dstrow[1] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(G);
dstrow[blueIdx^2] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(R);
greenCell = !greenCell;
#if CV_SSE2
if( !haveSSE )
__m128i emask = _mm_set1_epi32(0x0000ffff),
omask = _mm_set1_epi32(0xffff0000),
z = _mm_setzero_si128(),
one = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
__m128 _0_5 = _mm_set1_ps(0.5f);
#define _mm_merge_epi16(a, b) _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(a, emask), _mm_and_si128(b, omask))
#define _mm_cvtloepi16_ps(a) _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_srai_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(a,a), 16))
#define _mm_cvthiepi16_ps(a) _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_srai_epi32(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(a,a), 16))
#define _mm_loadl_u8_s16(ptr, offset) _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)((ptr) + (offset))), z)
for( ; i <= N - 10; i += 8, srow += 8, brow0 += 8, brow1 += 8, brow2 += 8 )
__m128i gradN = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)brow0), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)brow1));
__m128i gradS = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)brow1), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)brow2));
__m128i gradW = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N-1)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N)));
__m128i gradE = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N+1)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N)));
__m128i minGrad = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_min_epi16(gradN, gradS), _mm_min_epi16(gradW, gradE));
__m128i maxGrad = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(gradN, gradS), _mm_max_epi16(gradW, gradE));
__m128i grad0, grad1;
grad0 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N4+1)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N4)));
grad1 = _mm_adds_epi16( _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N2+1))),
_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N2+1))));
__m128i gradNE = _mm_merge_epi16(grad0, grad1);
grad0 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N4-1)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N4)));
grad1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N2-1))),
_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N2-1))));
__m128i gradSW = _mm_merge_epi16(grad0, grad1);
minGrad = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_min_epi16(minGrad, gradNE), gradSW);
maxGrad = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(maxGrad, gradNE), gradSW);
grad0 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N5-1)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N5)));
grad1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N3)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N3-1))),
_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N3)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N3-1))));
__m128i gradNW = _mm_merge_epi16(grad0, grad1);
grad0 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N5+1)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N5)));
grad1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N3)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N3+1))),
_mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N3)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow1+N3+1))));
__m128i gradSE = _mm_merge_epi16(grad0, grad1);
minGrad = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_min_epi16(minGrad, gradNW), gradSE);
maxGrad = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(maxGrad, gradNW), gradSE);
__m128i T = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(maxGrad, 1), one), minGrad);
__m128i RGs = z, GRs = z, Bs = z, ng = z;
__m128i x0 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +0 );
__m128i x1 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -1 - bstep );
__m128i x2 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -1 - bstep*2);
__m128i x3 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, - bstep );
__m128i x4 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +1 - bstep*2);
__m128i x5 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +1 - bstep );
__m128i x6 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +2 - bstep );
__m128i x7 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +1 );
__m128i x8 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +2 + bstep );
__m128i x9 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +1 + bstep );
__m128i x10 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, +1 + bstep*2);
__m128i x11 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, + bstep );
__m128i x12 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -1 + bstep*2);
__m128i x13 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -1 + bstep );
__m128i x14 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -2 + bstep );
__m128i x15 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -1 );
__m128i x16 = _mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -2 - bstep );
__m128i t0, t1, mask;
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradN);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x3, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -bstep*2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(t1, mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t0, _mm_adds_epi16(x2,x4)), mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(x1,x5), t0), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradNE);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x5, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -bstep*2+2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t1, t0), mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N6+1)), _mm_adds_epi16(x4,x7)), mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t0,_mm_adds_epi16(x3,x6)), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradE);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x7, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, 2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(t1, mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(t0, mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(x5,x9), _mm_adds_epi16(x6,x8)), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradSE);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x9, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, bstep*2+2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t1, t0), mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N6+1)), _mm_adds_epi16(x7,x10)), mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(x5, 1), _mm_adds_epi16(x8,x11)), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradS);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x11, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow,bstep*2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(t1, mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t0, _mm_adds_epi16(x10,x12)), mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(x9,x13), t0), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradSW);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x13, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, bstep*2-2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t1, t0), mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow2+N6-1)), _mm_adds_epi16(x12,x15)), mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t0,_mm_adds_epi16(x11,x14)), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradW);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x15, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow, -2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(t1, mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(t0, mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_adds_epi16(x1,x13), _mm_adds_epi16(x14,x16)), mask));
mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(T, gradNW);
ng = _mm_sub_epi16(ng, mask);
t0 = _mm_slli_epi16(x1, 1);
t1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadl_u8_s16(srow,-bstep*2-2), x0);
RGs = _mm_adds_epi16(RGs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(t1, t0), mask));
GRs = _mm_adds_epi16(GRs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(brow0+N6-1)), _mm_adds_epi16(x2,x15)), mask));
Bs = _mm_adds_epi16(Bs, _mm_and_si128(_mm_merge_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(x5, 1),_mm_adds_epi16(x3,x16)), mask));
__m128 ngf0 = _mm_div_ps(_0_5, _mm_cvtloepi16_ps(ng));
__m128 ngf1 = _mm_div_ps(_0_5, _mm_cvthiepi16_ps(ng));
t0 = _mm_subs_epi16(GRs, RGs);
t1 = _mm_subs_epi16(Bs, RGs);
t0 = _mm_add_epi16(x0, _mm_packs_epi32(
_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtloepi16_ps(t0), ngf0)),
_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvthiepi16_ps(t0), ngf1))));
t1 = _mm_add_epi16(x0, _mm_packs_epi32(
_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtloepi16_ps(t1), ngf0)),
_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvthiepi16_ps(t1), ngf1))));
x1 = _mm_merge_epi16(x0, t0);
x2 = _mm_merge_epi16(t0, x0);
uchar R[8], G[8], B[8];
_mm_storel_epi64(blueIdx ? (__m128i*)B : (__m128i*)R, _mm_packus_epi16(x1, z));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)G, _mm_packus_epi16(x2, z));
_mm_storel_epi64(blueIdx ? (__m128i*)R : (__m128i*)B, _mm_packus_epi16(t1, z));
for( int j = 0; j < 8; j++, dstrow += 3 )
dstrow[0] = B[j]; dstrow[1] = G[j]; dstrow[2] = R[j];
limit = N - 2;
while( i < N - 2 );
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
dst[dststep*y + 5 - i] = dst[dststep*y + 8 - i];
dst[dststep*y + (N - 2)*3 + i] = dst[dststep*y + (N - 3)*3 + i];
greenCell0 = !greenCell0;
blueIdx ^= 2;
for( i = 0; i < size.width*3; i++ )
dst[i] = dst[i + dststep] = dst[i + dststep*2];
dst[i + dststep*(size.height-4)] =
dst[i + dststep*(size.height-3)] =
dst[i + dststep*(size.height-2)] =
dst[i + dststep*(size.height-1)] = dst[i + dststep*(size.height-5)];
template <typename T, typename SIMDInterpolator>
class Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T_Invoker :
public cv::ParallelLoopBody
Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T_Invoker(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, const Size& _size,
int _blue, int _start_with_green) :
src(_src), dst(_dst), size(_size), Blue(_blue), Start_with_green(_start_with_green)
virtual void operator()(const Range& range) const
int dcn = dst.channels();
int dcn2 = dcn<<1;
int start_with_green = Start_with_green, blue = Blue;
int sstep = int(src.step / src.elemSize1()), dstep = int(dst.step / dst.elemSize1());
SIMDInterpolator vecOp;
const T* S = src.ptr<T>(range.start + 1) + 1;
T* D = reinterpret_cast<T*>( + (range.start + 1) * dst.step) + dcn;
if (range.start % 2)
start_with_green ^= 1;
blue ^= 1;
for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; ++y)
int x = 1;
if (start_with_green)
D[blue<<1] = (S[-sstep] + S[sstep]) >> 1;
D[1] = S[0];
D[2-(blue<<1)] = (S[-1] + S[1]) >> 1;
D += dcn;
int delta = vecOp.bayer2RGB_EA(S - sstep - 1, sstep, D, size.width, blue);
x += delta;
S += delta;
D += dcn * delta;
if (blue)
for (; x < size.width; x += 2, S += 2, D += dcn2)
D[0] = S[0];
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[sstep] - S[-sstep]) ? (S[sstep] + S[-sstep] + 1) : (S[-1] + S[1] + 1)) >> 1;
D[2] = (S[-sstep-1] + S[-sstep+1] + S[sstep-1] + S[sstep+1]) >> 2;
D[3] = (S[0] + S[2] + 1) >> 1;
D[4] = S[1];
D[5] = (S[-sstep+1] + S[sstep+1] + 1) >> 1;
for (; x < size.width; x += 2, S += 2, D += dcn2)
D[0] = (S[-sstep-1] + S[-sstep+1] + S[sstep-1] + S[sstep+1] + 2) >> 2;
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[sstep] - S[-sstep]) ? (S[sstep] + S[-sstep] + 1) : (S[-1] + S[1] + 1)) >> 1;
D[2] = S[0];
D[3] = (S[-sstep+1] + S[sstep+1] + 1) >> 1;
D[4] = S[1];
D[5] = (S[0] + S[2] + 1) >> 1;
if (x <= size.width)
D[blue<<1] = (S[-sstep-1] + S[-sstep+1] + S[sstep-1] + S[sstep+1] + 2) >> 2;
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[sstep] - S[-sstep]) ? (S[sstep] + S[-sstep] + 1) : (S[-1] + S[1] + 1)) >> 1;
D[2-(blue<<1)] = S[0];
D += dcn;
for (int i = 0; i < dcn; ++i)
D[i] = D[-dcn + i];
D[-dstep+dcn+i] = D[-dstep+(dcn<<1)+i];
start_with_green ^= 1;
blue ^= 1;
S += 2;
D += dcn2;
Mat src;
Mat dst;
Size size;
int Blue, Start_with_green;
template <typename T, typename SIMDInterpolator>
static void Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int code)
Size size = src.size();
if (size.width <= 2 || size.height <= 2)
dst = Scalar::all(0);
size.width -= 2;
size.height -= 2;
int start_with_green = code == CV_BayerGB2BGR_EA || code == CV_BayerGR2BGR_EA ? 1 : 0;
int blue = code == CV_BayerGB2BGR_EA || code == CV_BayerBG2BGR_EA ? 1 : 0;
if (size.height > 0)
Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T_Invoker<T, SIMDInterpolator> invoker(src, dst, size, blue, start_with_green);
Range range(0, size.height);
parallel_for_(range, invoker,<double>(1<<16));
size = dst.size();
size.width *= dst.channels();
size_t dstep = dst.step / dst.elemSize1();
T* firstRow = dst.ptr<T>();
T* lastRow = dst.ptr<T>() + (size.height-1) * dstep;
if (size.height > 2)
for (int x = 0; x < size.width; ++x)
firstRow[x] = (firstRow+dstep)[x];
lastRow[x] = (lastRow-dstep)[x];
for (int x = 0; x < size.width; ++x)
firstRow[x] = lastRow[x] = 0;
void cv::demosaicing(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int code, int dcn)
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst;
Size sz = src.size();
int scn = src.channels(), depth = src.depth();
CV_Assert(depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_16U);
switch (code)
case CV_BayerBG2GRAY: case CV_BayerGB2GRAY: case CV_BayerRG2GRAY: case CV_BayerGR2GRAY:
if (dcn <= 0)
dcn = 1;
CV_Assert( scn == 1 && dcn == 1 );
_dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
dst = _dst.getMat();
if( depth == CV_8U )
Bayer2Gray_<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>(src, dst, code);
else if( depth == CV_16U )
Bayer2Gray_<ushort, SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<ushort> >(src, dst, code);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Bayer->Gray demosaicing only supports 8u and 16u types");
case CV_BayerBG2BGR: case CV_BayerGB2BGR: case CV_BayerRG2BGR: case CV_BayerGR2BGR:
case CV_BayerBG2BGR_VNG: case CV_BayerGB2BGR_VNG: case CV_BayerRG2BGR_VNG: case CV_BayerGR2BGR_VNG:
if (dcn <= 0)
dcn = 3;
CV_Assert( scn == 1 && (dcn == 3 || dcn == 4) );
_dst.create(sz, CV_MAKE_TYPE(depth, dcn));
Mat dst_ = _dst.getMat();
if( code == CV_BayerBG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGB2BGR ||
code == CV_BayerRG2BGR || code == CV_BayerGR2BGR )
if( depth == CV_8U )
Bayer2RGB_<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>(src, dst_, code);
else if( depth == CV_16U )
Bayer2RGB_<ushort, SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<ushort> >(src, dst_, code);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Bayer->RGB demosaicing only supports 8u and 16u types");
CV_Assert( depth == CV_8U );
Bayer2RGB_VNG_8u(src, dst_, code);
case CV_BayerBG2BGR_EA: case CV_BayerGB2BGR_EA: case CV_BayerRG2BGR_EA: case CV_BayerGR2BGR_EA:
if (dcn <= 0)
dcn = 3;
CV_Assert(scn == 1 && dcn == 3);
_dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
dst = _dst.getMat();
if (depth == CV_8U)
Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T<uchar, SIMDBayerInterpolator_8u>(src, dst, code);
else if (depth == CV_16U)
Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_T<ushort, SIMDBayerStubInterpolator_<ushort> >(src, dst, code);
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Bayer->RGB Edge-Aware demosaicing only currently supports 8u and 16u types");
CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "Unknown / unsupported color conversion code" );