This source file includes following definitions.
- normAcc
- normAcc_SQDIFF
- calcSum
- extractFirstChannel
- matchTemplate_Naive_CCORR
#if cn != 3
#define loadpix(addr) *(__global const T *)(addr)
#define TSIZE (int)sizeof(T)
#define loadpix(addr) vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(addr))
#define TSIZE ((int)sizeof(T1)*3)
#define SQSUMS_PTR(ox, oy) mad24(y + oy, src_sqsums_step, mad24(x + ox, cn, src_sqsums_offset))
#define SUMS_PTR(ox, oy) mad24(y + oy, src_sums_step, mad24(x + ox, cn, src_sums_offset))
#define SUMS(ox, oy) mad24(y+oy, src_sums_step, mad24(x+ox, (int)sizeof(T1)*cn, src_sums_offset))
#define SQ_SUMS(ox, oy) mad24(y+oy, src_sqsums_step, mad24(x+ox, (int)sizeof(T1)*cn, src_sqsums_offset))
inline float normAcc(float num, float denum)
if (fabs(num) < denum)
return num / denum;
if (fabs(num) < denum * 1.125f)
return num > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
inline float normAcc_SQDIFF(float num, float denum)
if (fabs(num) < denum)
return num / denum;
if (fabs(num) < denum * 1.125f)
return num > 0 ? 1 : -1;
return 1;
#define noconvert
#if cn == 1
#define convertToDT(value) (float)(value)
#elif cn == 2
#define convertToDT(value) (float)(value.x + value.y)
#elif cn == 3
#define convertToDT(value) (float)(value.x + value.y + value.z)
#elif cn == 4
#define convertToDT(value) (float)(value.x + value.y + value.z + value.w)
#error "cn should be 1-4"
#ifdef CALC_SUM
__kernel void calcSum(__global const uchar * srcptr, int src_step, int src_offset,
int cols, int total, __global float * dst)
int lid = get_local_id(0), id = get_global_id(0);
__local WT localmem[WGS2_ALIGNED];
WT accumulator = (WT)(0), tmp;
for ( ; id < total; id += WGS)
int src_index = mad24(id / cols, src_step, mad24(id % cols, TSIZE, src_offset));
T src = loadpix(srcptr + src_index);
tmp = convertToWT(src);
accumulator = mad(tmp, tmp, accumulator);
if (lid < WGS2_ALIGNED)
localmem[lid] = accumulator;
if (lid >= WGS2_ALIGNED && total >= WGS2_ALIGNED)
localmem[lid - WGS2_ALIGNED] += accumulator;
for (int lsize = WGS2_ALIGNED >> 1; lsize > 0; lsize >>= 1)
if (lid < lsize)
int lid2 = lsize + lid;
localmem[lid] += localmem[lid2];
if (lid == 0)
dst[0] = convertToDT(localmem[0]);
#elif defined FIRST_CHANNEL
__kernel void extractFirstChannel( const __global uchar* img, int img_step, int img_offset,
__global uchar* res, int res_step, int res_offset, int rows, int cols)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1)*PIX_PER_WI_Y;
if(x < cols )
#pragma unroll
for (int cy=0; cy < PIX_PER_WI_Y && y < rows; ++cy, ++y)
T1 image = *(__global const T1*)(img + mad24(y, img_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T1)*cn, img_offset)));;
int res_idx = mad24(y, res_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), res_offset));
*(__global float *)(res + res_idx) = image;
#elif defined CCORR
#if cn==1 && PIX_PER_WI_X==4
__kernel void matchTemplate_Naive_CCORR(__global const uchar * srcptr, int src_step, int src_offset,
__global const uchar * templateptr, int template_step, int template_offset, int template_rows, int template_cols,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols)
int x0 = get_global_id(0)*PIX_PER_WI_X;
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (y < dst_rows)
if (x0 + PIX_PER_WI_X <= dst_cols)
WT sum = (WT)(0);
int ind = mad24(y, src_step, mad24(x0, (int)sizeof(T1), src_offset));
__global const T1 * template = (__global const T1*)(templateptr + template_offset);
for (int i = 0; i < template_rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < template_cols; ++j)
T temp = (T)(template[j]);
T src = vload4(0, (__global const T1*)(srcptr + ind + j*(int)sizeof(T1)));
sum = mad(convertToWT(src), convertToWT(temp), sum);
ind += src_step;
template = (__global const T1 *)((__global const uchar *)template + template_step);
T temp = (T)(template[0]);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x0, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float4 *)(dst + dst_idx) = convert_float4(sum);
WT1 sum [PIX_PER_WI_X];
#pragma unroll
for (int i=0; i < PIX_PER_WI_X; i++) sum[i] = 0;
__global const T1 * src = (__global const T1 *)(srcptr + mad24(y, src_step, mad24(x0, (int)sizeof(T1), src_offset)));
__global const T1 * template = (__global const T1 *)(templateptr + template_offset);
for (int i = 0; i < template_rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < template_cols; ++j)
#pragma unroll
for (int cx=0, x = x0; cx < PIX_PER_WI_X && x < dst_cols; ++cx, ++x)
sum[cx] = mad(convertToWT1(src[j+cx]), convertToWT1(template[j]), sum[cx]);
src = (__global const T1 *)((__global const uchar *)src + src_step);
template = (__global const T1 *)((__global const uchar *)template + template_step);
#pragma unroll
for (int cx=0; cx < PIX_PER_WI_X && x0 < dst_cols; ++cx, ++x0)
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x0, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float *)(dst + dst_idx) = convertToDT(sum[cx]);
__kernel void matchTemplate_Naive_CCORR(__global const uchar * srcptr, int src_step, int src_offset,
__global const uchar * templateptr, int template_step, int template_offset, int template_rows, int template_cols,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
WT sum = (WT)(0);
for (int i = 0; i < template_rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < template_cols; ++j)
T src = loadpix(srcptr + mad24(y+i, src_step, mad24(x+j, TSIZE, src_offset)));
T template = loadpix(templateptr + mad24(i, template_step, mad24(j, TSIZE, template_offset)));
sum = mad(convertToWT(src), convertToWT(template), sum);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float *)(dst + dst_idx) = convertToDT(sum);
#elif defined CCORR_NORMED
__kernel void matchTemplate_CCORR_NORMED(__global const uchar * src_sqsums, int src_sqsums_step, int src_sqsums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int template_rows, int template_cols, __global const float * template_sqsum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
__global const float * sqsum = (__global const float *)(src_sqsums);
src_sqsums_step /= sizeof(float);
src_sqsums_offset /= sizeof(float);
float image_sqsum_ = (float)(sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(template_cols, template_rows)] - sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(template_cols, 0)] -
sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(0, template_rows)] + sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(0, 0)]);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
__global float * dstult = (__global float *)(dst + dst_idx);
*dstult = normAcc(*dstult, sqrt(image_sqsum_ * template_sqsum[0]));
#elif defined SQDIFF
__kernel void matchTemplate_Naive_SQDIFF(__global const uchar * srcptr, int src_step, int src_offset,
__global const uchar * templateptr, int template_step, int template_offset, int template_rows, int template_cols,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
WT sum = (WT)(0), value;
for (int i = 0; i < template_rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < template_cols; ++j)
T src = loadpix(srcptr + mad24(y+i, src_step, mad24(x+j, TSIZE, src_offset)));
T template = loadpix(templateptr + mad24(i, template_step, mad24(j, TSIZE, template_offset)));
value = convertToWT(src) - convertToWT(template);
sum = mad(value, value, sum);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float *)(dst + dst_idx) = convertToDT(sum);
#elif defined SQDIFF_PREPARED
__kernel void matchTemplate_Prepared_SQDIFF(__global const uchar * src_sqsums, int src_sqsums_step, int src_sqsums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int template_rows, int template_cols, __global const float * template_sqsum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
src_sqsums_step /= sizeof(float);
src_sqsums_offset /= sizeof(float);
__global const float * sqsum = (__global const float *)(src_sqsums);
float image_sqsum_ = (float)(
(sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(template_cols, template_rows)] - sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(template_cols, 0)]) -
(sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(0, template_rows)] - sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(0, 0)]));
float template_sqsum_value = template_sqsum[0];
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
__global float * dstult = (__global float *)(dst + dst_idx);
*dstult = image_sqsum_ - 2.0f * dstult[0] + template_sqsum_value;
#elif defined SQDIFF_NORMED
__kernel void matchTemplate_SQDIFF_NORMED(__global const uchar * src_sqsums, int src_sqsums_step, int src_sqsums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int template_rows, int template_cols, __global const float * template_sqsum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
src_sqsums_step /= sizeof(float);
src_sqsums_offset /= sizeof(float);
__global const float * sqsum = (__global const float *)(src_sqsums);
float image_sqsum_ = (float)(
(sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(template_cols, template_rows)] - sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(template_cols, 0)]) -
(sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(0, template_rows)] - sqsum[SQSUMS_PTR(0, 0)]));
float template_sqsum_value = template_sqsum[0];
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
__global float * dstult = (__global float *)(dst + dst_idx);
*dstult = normAcc_SQDIFF(image_sqsum_ - 2.0f * dstult[0] + template_sqsum_value, sqrt(image_sqsum_ * template_sqsum_value));
#elif defined CCOEFF
#if cn == 1
__kernel void matchTemplate_Prepared_CCOEFF(__global const uchar * src_sums, int src_sums_step, int src_sums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int template_rows, int template_cols, float template_sum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
__global const T* sum = (__global const T*)(src_sums + mad24(y, src_sums_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T), src_sums_offset)));
int step = src_sums_step/(int)sizeof(T);
T image_sum = (T)(0), value;
value = (T)(sum[mad24(template_rows, step, template_cols)] - sum[mad24(template_rows, step, 0)] - sum[template_cols] + sum[0]);
image_sum = mad(value, template_sum , image_sum);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float *)(dst + dst_idx) -= convertToDT(image_sum);
#elif cn==3
__kernel void matchTemplate_Prepared_CCOEFF(__global const uchar * src_sums, int src_sums_step, int src_sums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int template_rows, int template_cols, float4 template_sum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
T image_sum = (T)(0), value, temp_sum;
temp_sum.x = template_sum.x;
temp_sum.y = template_sum.y;
temp_sum.z = template_sum.z;
value = vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(template_cols, template_rows)));
value -= vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(0, template_rows)));
value -= vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(template_cols, 0)));
value += vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(0, 0)));
image_sum = mad(value, temp_sum , 0);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float *)(dst + dst_idx) -= convertToDT(image_sum);
#elif (cn==2 || cn==4)
__kernel void matchTemplate_Prepared_CCOEFF(__global const uchar * src_sums, int src_sums_step, int src_sums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int template_rows, int template_cols, float4 template_sum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
__global const T* sum = (__global const T*)(src_sums + mad24(y, src_sums_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T), src_sums_offset)));
int step = src_sums_step/(int)sizeof(T);
T image_sum = (T)(0), value, temp_sum;
#if cn==2
temp_sum.x = template_sum.x;
temp_sum.y = template_sum.y;
temp_sum = template_sum;
value = (sum[mad24(template_rows, step, template_cols)] - sum[mad24(template_rows, step, 0)] - sum[template_cols] + sum[0]);
image_sum = mad(value, temp_sum , image_sum);
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
*(__global float *)(dst + dst_idx) -= convertToDT(image_sum);
#error "cn should be 1-4"
#elif defined CCOEFF_NORMED
#if cn == 1
__kernel void matchTemplate_CCOEFF_NORMED(__global const uchar * src_sums, int src_sums_step, int src_sums_offset,
__global const uchar * src_sqsums, int src_sqsums_step, int src_sqsums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int t_rows, int t_cols, float weight, float template_sum, float template_sqsum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
float sum_[2];
float sqsum_[2];
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
int step = src_sums_step/(int)sizeof(T);
__global const T* sum = (__global const T*)(src_sums + mad24(y, src_sums_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T), src_sums_offset)));
__global const T* sqsum = (__global const T*)(src_sqsums + mad24(y, src_sqsums_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T), src_sqsums_offset)));
T value_sum = sum[mad24(t_rows, step, t_cols)] - sum[mad24(t_rows, step, 0)] - sum[t_cols] + sum[0];
T value_sqsum = sqsum[mad24(t_rows, step, t_cols)] - sqsum[mad24(t_rows, step, 0)] - sqsum[t_cols] + sqsum[0];
float num = convertToDT(mad(value_sum, template_sum, 0));
value_sqsum -= weight * value_sum * value_sum;
float denum = sqrt(mad(template_sqsum, convertToDT(value_sqsum), 0));
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
__global float * dstult = (__global float *)(dst+dst_idx);
*dstult = normAcc((*dstult) - num, denum);
#elif cn==3
__kernel void matchTemplate_CCOEFF_NORMED(__global const uchar * src_sums, int src_sums_step, int src_sums_offset,
__global const uchar * src_sqsums, int src_sqsums_step, int src_sqsums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int t_rows, int t_cols, float weight, float4 template_sum, float template_sqsum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
int step = src_sums_step/(int)sizeof(T);
T temp_sum, value_sum, value_sqsum;
temp_sum.x = template_sum.x;
temp_sum.y = template_sum.y;
temp_sum.z = template_sum.z;
value_sum = vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(t_cols, t_rows)));
value_sum -= vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(0, t_rows)));
value_sum -= vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(t_cols, 0)));
value_sum += vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sums + SUMS(0, 0)));
value_sqsum = vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sqsums + SQ_SUMS(t_cols, t_rows)));
value_sqsum -= vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sqsums + SQ_SUMS(0, t_rows)));
value_sqsum -= vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sqsums + SQ_SUMS(t_cols, 0)));
value_sqsum += vload3(0, (__global const T1 *)(src_sqsums + SQ_SUMS(0, 0)));
float num = convertToDT(mad(value_sum, temp_sum, 0));
value_sqsum -= weight * value_sum * value_sum;
float denum = sqrt(mad(template_sqsum, convertToDT(value_sqsum), 0));
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
__global float * dstult = (__global float *)(dst+dst_idx);
*dstult = normAcc((*dstult) - num, denum);
#elif (cn==2 || cn==4)
__kernel void matchTemplate_CCOEFF_NORMED(__global const uchar * src_sums, int src_sums_step, int src_sums_offset,
__global const uchar * src_sqsums, int src_sqsums_step, int src_sqsums_offset,
__global uchar * dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset, int dst_rows, int dst_cols,
int t_rows, int t_cols, float weight, float4 template_sum, float template_sqsum)
int x = get_global_id(0);
int y = get_global_id(1);
if (x < dst_cols && y < dst_rows)
int step = src_sums_step/(int)sizeof(T);
T temp_sum;
__global const T* sum = (__global const T*)(src_sums + mad24(y, src_sums_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T), src_sums_offset)));
__global const T* sqsum = (__global const T*)(src_sqsums + mad24(y, src_sqsums_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(T), src_sqsums_offset)));
T value_sum = sum[mad24(t_rows, step, t_cols)] - sum[mad24(t_rows, step, 0)] - sum[t_cols] + sum[0];
T value_sqsum = sqsum[mad24(t_rows, step, t_cols)] - sqsum[mad24(t_rows, step, 0)] - sqsum[t_cols] + sqsum[0];
#if cn==2
temp_sum.x = template_sum.x;
temp_sum.y = template_sum.y;
temp_sum = template_sum;
float num = convertToDT(mad(value_sum, temp_sum, 0));
value_sqsum -= weight * value_sum * value_sum;
float denum = sqrt(mad(template_sqsum, convertToDT(value_sqsum), 0));
int dst_idx = mad24(y, dst_step, mad24(x, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset));
__global float * dstult = (__global float *)(dst+dst_idx);
*dstult = normAcc((*dstult) - num, denum);
#error "cn should be 1-4"