This source file includes following definitions.
- icvYUY2toBGR
- icvYV12toBGR
- icvCloseAVI_XINE
- icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE
- icvOpenAVI_XINE
- icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE
- icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE
- icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE
- icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE
- icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE
- icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE
- icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE
- icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE
- icvCaptureFromFile_XINE
- open
- close
- grabFrame
- retrieveFrame
- getProperty
- setProperty
- cvCreateFileCapture_XINE
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <cassert>
extern "C"
#include <xine.h>
const char *xine_get_homedir( void );
typedef struct CvCaptureAVI_XINE
xine_t * xine;
xine_stream_t * stream;
xine_video_port_t * vo_port;
xine_video_frame_t xine_frame;
IplImage * yuv_frame;
IplImage * bgr_frame;
CvSize size;
int frame_number;
double frame_rate;
double frame_duration;
bool seekable;
static void icvYUY2toBGR( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * capture )
uint8_t * v = capture->;
int offset;
for ( int y = 0; y < capture->yuv_frame->height; y++ )
offset = y * capture->yuv_frame->widthStep;
for ( int x = 0; x < capture->yuv_frame->width; x++, offset += 3 )
capture->yuv_frame->imageData[ offset + 1 ] = v[ 3 ];
capture->yuv_frame->imageData[ offset + 2 ] = v[ 1 ];
if ( x & 1 )
capture->yuv_frame->imageData[ offset ] = v[ 2 ];
v += 4;
capture->yuv_frame->imageData[ offset ] = v[ 0 ];
cvCvtColor( capture->yuv_frame, capture->bgr_frame, CV_YCrCb2BGR );
static void icvYV12toBGR( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * capture )
IplImage * yuv = capture->yuv_frame;
int w_Y = capture->size.width;
int h_Y = capture->size.height;
int w_UV = w_Y >> 1;
int size_Y = w_Y * h_Y;
int size_UV = size_Y / 4;
int line = yuv->widthStep;
uint8_t * addr_Y = capture->;
uint8_t * addr_U = addr_Y + size_Y;
uint8_t * addr_V = addr_U + size_UV;
for ( int y = 0; y < h_Y; y++ )
int offset = y * line;
for ( int x = 0; x < w_Y; x++, offset += 3 )
int one_zero = x & 1;
addr_U += one_zero;
addr_V += one_zero;
yuv->imageData[ offset ] = *( addr_Y++ );
yuv->imageData[ offset + 1 ] = *addr_U;
yuv->imageData[ offset + 2 ] = *addr_V;
if ( y & 1 )
addr_U -= w_UV;
addr_V -= w_UV;
cvCvtColor( capture->yuv_frame, capture->bgr_frame, CV_YCrCb2BGR );
static void icvCloseAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture )
xine_free_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame );
if ( capture->yuv_frame ) cvReleaseImage( &capture->yuv_frame );
if ( capture->bgr_frame ) cvReleaseImage( &capture->bgr_frame );
xine_close( capture->stream );
if ( capture->vo_port ) xine_close_video_driver( capture->xine, capture->vo_port );
xine_exit( capture->xine );
static void icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * capture )
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture, "icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
xine_video_frame_t tmp;
xine_play( capture->stream, 0, 300 );
xine_get_next_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &tmp );
capture->seekable = ( tmp.frame_number != 0 );
xine_play( capture->stream, 0, 0 );
xine_free_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &tmp );
#ifndef NDEBUG
if ( capture->seekable )
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE: Input is seekable, using XINE seek implementation.\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE: Input is NOT seekable, using fallback function.\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
static int icvOpenAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, const char* filename )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvOpenAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
char configfile[ 2048 ];
capture->xine = xine_new();
sprintf( configfile, "%s%s", xine_get_homedir(), "/.xine/config" );
xine_config_load( capture->xine, configfile );
xine_init( capture->xine );
xine_engine_set_param( capture->xine, 0, 0 );
capture->vo_port = xine_new_framegrab_video_port( capture->xine );
if ( capture->vo_port == NULL )
printf( "(ERROR)icvOpenAVI_XINE(): Unable to initialize video driver.\n" );
return 0;
capture->stream = xine_stream_new( capture->xine, NULL, capture->vo_port );
if ( !xine_open( capture->stream, filename ) )
printf( "(ERROR)icvOpenAVI_XINE(): Unable to open source '%s'\n", filename );
return 0;
xine_play( capture->stream, 0, 0 );
capture->frame_number = 0;
if ( !xine_get_next_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame ) )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvOpenAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
capture->size = cvSize( capture->xine_frame.width, capture->xine_frame.height );
capture->yuv_frame = cvCreateImage( capture->size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
capture->bgr_frame = cvCreateImage( capture->size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
xine_free_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame );
capture->[ 0 ] = 0;
icvCheckSeekAVI_XINE( capture );
capture->frame_duration = xine_get_stream_info( capture->stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_FRAME_DURATION ) / 90.;
capture->frame_rate = 1000 / capture->frame_duration;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) frame_duration = %f, framerate = %f\n", capture->frame_duration, capture->frame_rate );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->yuv_frame,
"icvOpenAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, const char *)", "couldn't create yuv frame");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->bgr_frame,
"icvOpenAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, const char *)", "couldn't create bgr frame");
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvOpenAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return 1;
static int icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
int res = xine_get_next_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame );
if ( res ) capture->frame_number++;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return res;
static const IplImage* icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, int )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE * )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
int res = 0;
if ( capture-> == 0 )
res = icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE( capture );
res = 1;
if ( res )
switch ( capture->xine_frame.colorspace )
case XINE_IMGFMT_YV12: icvYV12toBGR( capture );
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf( "(DEBUG)icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE: converted YV12 to BGR.\n" );
case XINE_IMGFMT_YUY2: icvYUY2toBGR( capture );
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf( "(DEBUG)icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE: converted YUY2 to BGR.\n" );
case XINE_IMGFMT_XVMC: printf( "(ERROR)icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE: XVMC format not supported!\n" );
case XINE_IMGFMT_XXMC: printf( "(ERROR)icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE: XXMC format not supported!\n" );
default: printf( "(ERROR)icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE: unknown color/pixel format!\n" );
xine_free_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame );
capture-> = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return capture->bgr_frame;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
static int icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, int f )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvRetricvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
if ( f == capture->frame_number )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return 1;
else if ( f > capture->frame_number )
for ( ;capture->frame_number < f;capture->frame_number++ )
if ( !xine_get_next_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame ) )
xine_free_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame );
xine_play( capture->stream, 0, 0 );
for ( capture->frame_number = 0; capture->frame_number < f; capture->frame_number++ )
if ( !xine_get_next_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame ) )
xine_free_video_frame( capture->vo_port, &capture->xine_frame );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return ( f == capture->frame_number ) ? 1 : 0;
static int icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, int f )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
if ( capture->seekable )
int new_time = ( int ) ( ( f + 1 ) * ( float ) capture->frame_duration );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) calling xine_play()" );
if ( xine_play( capture->stream, 0, new_time ) )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "ok\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
capture->frame_number = f;
return 1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "failed\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... failed\n" );
return 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE( capture, f );
static int icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, int t )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
if ( capture->seekable )
if ( xine_play( capture->stream, 0, t ) )
capture->frame_number = ( int ) ( ( float ) t * capture->frame_rate / 1000 );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... end\n" );
return 1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
int new_frame = ( int ) ( ( float ) t * capture->frame_rate / 1000 );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE ....end\n" );
return icvOldSeekFrameAVI_XINE( capture, new_frame );
static int icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, double ratio )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, double )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, double )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, double )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
if ( ratio > 1 || ratio < 0 ) return 0;
if ( capture->seekable )
int pos_t, pos_l, length;
xine_get_pos_length( capture->stream, &pos_l, &pos_t, &length );
fprintf( stderr, "ratio on GetProperty(): %d\n", pos_l );
if ( xine_play( capture->stream, (int)(ratio*(float)length), 0 ) )
capture->frame_number = ( int ) ( ratio*length / capture->frame_duration );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
fprintf( stderr, "icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE(): Seek not supported by stream !\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE(): (seek in stream with NO seek support NOT implemented...yet!)\n" );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE ... end!\n" );
return 1;
static double icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture, int property_id )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->xine,
"icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->xine");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->bgr_frame,
"icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->bgr_frame");
int pos_t, pos_l, length;
xine_get_pos_length( capture->stream, &pos_l, &pos_t, &length );
fprintf( stderr, "ratio on GetProperty(): %i\n", pos_l );
switch ( property_id )
if ( !capture->seekable )
fprintf( stderr, "(ERROR) GetPropertyAVI_XINE(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC:\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " Stream is NOT seekable, so position info may NOT be valid !!\n" );
return pos_t;
return capture->frame_number;
if ( !capture->seekable )
fprintf( stderr, "(ERROR) GetPropertyAVI_XINE(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO:\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " Stream is NOT seekable, so ratio info may NOT be valid !!\n" );
if ( length == 0 ) break;
else return pos_l / 65535;
return capture->size.width;
return capture->size.height;
if ( !capture->seekable )
fprintf( stderr, "(ERROR) GetPropertyAVI_XINE(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS:\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " Stream is NOT seekable, so FPS info may NOT be valid !!\n" );
return capture->frame_rate;
return ( double ) xine_get_stream_info( capture->stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_FOURCC );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
static int icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* capture,
int property_id, double value )
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE ... start\n" );
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int, double )", "illegal capture");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->stream,
"icvGetPropericvSetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int )", "illegal capture->stream");
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture->vo_port,
"icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE( CvCaptureAVI_XINE *, int, double )", "illegal capture->vo_port");
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE: seeking to value %f ... ", value );
switch ( property_id )
return icvSeekTimeAVI_XINE( capture, ( int ) value );
return icvSeekFrameAVI_XINE( capture, ( int ) value );
return icvSeekRatioAVI_XINE( capture, value );
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "(DEBUG) icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE ... failed!\n" );
return 0;
static CvCaptureAVI_XINE* icvCaptureFromFile_XINE( const char* filename )
CvCaptureAVI_XINE * capture = ( CvCaptureAVI_XINE* ) cvAlloc ( sizeof ( CvCaptureAVI_XINE ) );
memset( capture, 0, sizeof ( CvCaptureAVI_XINE ) );
if ( !icvOpenAVI_XINE( capture, filename ) )
return 0;
OPENCV_ASSERT ( capture,
"cvCaptureFromFile_XINE( const char * )", "couldn't create capture");
return capture;
class CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP : public CvCapture
CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP() { captureXINE = 0; }
virtual ~CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP() { close(); }
virtual bool open( const char* filename );
virtual void close();
virtual double getProperty(int) const;
virtual bool setProperty(int, double);
virtual bool grabFrame();
virtual IplImage* retrieveFrame(int);
CvCaptureAVI_XINE* captureXINE;
bool CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP::open( const char* filename )
captureXINE = icvCaptureFromFile_XINE(filename);
return captureXINE != 0;
void CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP::close()
if( captureXINE )
icvCloseAVI_XINE( captureXINE );
cvFree( &captureXINE );
bool CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP::grabFrame()
return captureXINE ? icvGrabFrameAVI_XINE( captureXINE ) != 0 : false;
IplImage* CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP::retrieveFrame(int)
return captureXINE ? (IplImage*)icvRetrieveFrameAVI_XINE( captureXINE, 0 ) : 0;
double CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP::getProperty( int propId ) const
return captureXINE ? icvGetPropertyAVI_XINE( captureXINE, propId ) : 0;
bool CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP::setProperty( int propId, double value )
return captureXINE ? icvSetPropertyAVI_XINE( captureXINE, propId, value ) != 0 : false;
CvCapture* cvCreateFileCapture_XINE(const char* filename)
CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP* capture = new CvCaptureAVI_XINE_CPP;
if( capture->open(filename))
return capture;
delete capture;
return 0;
#undef NDEBUG