StsOutOfRange      56 modules/calib3d/src/ptsetreg.cpp         CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "the number of model points should be positive" );
StsOutOfRange    1054 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "preFilterType must be = CV_STEREO_BM_NORMALIZED_RESPONSE" );
StsOutOfRange    1057 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "preFilterSize must be odd and be within 5..255" );
StsOutOfRange    1060 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "preFilterCap must be within 1..63" );
StsOutOfRange    1064 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "SADWindowSize must be odd, be within 5..255 and be not larger than image width or height" );
StsOutOfRange    1067 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "numDisparities must be positive and divisble by 16" );
StsOutOfRange    1070 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "texture threshold must be non-negative" );
StsOutOfRange    1073 modules/calib3d/src/stereobm.cpp             CV_Error( Error::StsOutOfRange, "uniqueness ratio must be non-negative" );
StsOutOfRange     182 modules/core/src/cuda_gpu_mat.cpp             CV_Error(cv::Error::StsOutOfRange, "Bad new number of rows");
StsOutOfRange     264 modules/core/src/cuda_host_mem.cpp             CV_Error(cv::Error::StsOutOfRange, "Bad new number of rows");