schar             372 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp     CvSVMSolver( int count, int var_count, const float** samples, schar* y,
schar             376 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp     virtual bool create( int count, int var_count, const float** samples, schar* y,
schar             385 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp     virtual bool solve_c_svc( int count, int var_count, const float** samples, schar* y,
schar             388 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp     virtual bool solve_nu_svc( int count, int var_count, const float** samples, schar* y,
schar             422 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp     schar* alpha_status;
schar             424 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp     schar* y;
schar            2633 modules/core/include/opencv2/core.hpp     operator schar();
schar             425 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/base.hpp inline int cv_abs(schar x) { return std::abs(x); }
schar            1592 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CVAPI(schar*)  cvSeqPush( CvSeq* seq, const void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
schar            1596 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CVAPI(schar*)  cvSeqPushFront( CvSeq* seq, const void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
schar            1619 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CVAPI(schar*)  cvSeqInsert( CvSeq* seq, int before_index,
schar            1635 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CVAPI(schar*)  cvGetSeqElem( const CvSeq* seq, int index );
schar            1712 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CVAPI(schar*) cvSeqSearch( CvSeq* seq, const void* elem, CvCmpFunc func,
schar            2927 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CV_EXPORTS schar*  seqPush( CvSeq* seq, const void* element=0);
schar            2928 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CV_EXPORTS schar*  seqPushFront( CvSeq* seq, const void* element=0);
schar            2935 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h CV_EXPORTS schar*  getSeqElem( const CvSeq* seq, int index );
schar              95 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/datamov_utils.hpp             OPENCV_CUDA_DEFINE_FORCE_GLOB_B(schar,  s8)
schar              59 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/detail/type_traits_detail.hpp         template <> struct IsSignedIntergral<schar> { enum {value = 1}; };
schar             326 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/functional.hpp     OPENCV_CUDA_IMPLEMENT_MINMAX(maximum, schar, ::max)
schar             346 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/functional.hpp     OPENCV_CUDA_IMPLEMENT_MINMAX(minimum, schar, ::min)
schar              57 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<typename _Tp> __device__ __forceinline__ _Tp saturate_cast(schar v) { return _Tp(v); }
schar              65 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ uchar saturate_cast<uchar>(schar v)
schar             113 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(uchar v)
schar             120 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(short v)
schar             126 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(ushort v)
schar             132 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(int v)
schar             138 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(uint v)
schar             144 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(float v)
schar             150 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(double v)
schar             157 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp         return saturate_cast<schar>((float)v);
schar             161 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ ushort saturate_cast<ushort>(schar v)
schar             257 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp     template<> __device__ __forceinline__ uint saturate_cast<uint>(schar v)
schar              69 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         schar a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
schar              71 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     static __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ char8 make_char8(schar a0, schar a1, schar a2, schar a3, schar a4, schar a5, schar a6, schar a7)
schar             154 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     template<> struct TypeVec<schar, 1> { typedef schar vec_type; };
schar             155 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     template<> struct TypeVec<schar, 2> { typedef char2 vec_type; };
schar             156 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     template<> struct TypeVec<schar, 3> { typedef char3 vec_type; };
schar             157 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     template<> struct TypeVec<schar, 4> { typedef char4 vec_type; };
schar             158 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     template<> struct TypeVec<schar, 8> { typedef char8 vec_type; };
schar             236 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp     template<> struct VecTraits<schar>
schar             238 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         typedef schar elem_type;
schar             240 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ schar all(schar v) {return v;}
schar             241 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ schar make(schar x) {return x;}
schar             242 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ schar make(const schar* x) {return *x;}
schar             246 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         typedef schar elem_type;
schar             248 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char1 all(schar v) {return make_char1(v);}
schar             249 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char1 make(schar x) {return make_char1(x);}
schar             250 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char1 make(const schar* v) {return make_char1(v[0]);}
schar             254 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         typedef schar elem_type;
schar             256 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char2 all(schar v) {return make_char2(v, v);}
schar             257 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char2 make(schar x, schar y) {return make_char2(x, y);}
schar             258 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char2 make(const schar* v) {return make_char2(v[0], v[1]);}
schar             262 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         typedef schar elem_type;
schar             264 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char3 all(schar v) {return make_char3(v, v, v);}
schar             265 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char3 make(schar x, schar y, schar z) {return make_char3(x, y, z);}
schar             266 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char3 make(const schar* v) {return make_char3(v[0], v[1], v[2]);}
schar             270 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         typedef schar elem_type;
schar             272 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char4 all(schar v) {return make_char4(v, v, v, v);}
schar             273 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char4 make(schar x, schar y, schar z, schar w) {return make_char4(x, y, z, w);}
schar             274 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char4 make(const schar* v) {return make_char4(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);}
schar             278 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         typedef schar elem_type;
schar             280 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char8 all(schar v) {return make_char8(v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v);}
schar             281 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char8 make(schar a0, schar a1, schar a2, schar a3, schar a4, schar a5, schar a6, schar a7) {return make_char8(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7);}
schar             282 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp         static __device__ __host__ __forceinline__ char8 make(const schar* v) {return make_char8(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7]);}
schar             337 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/operations.hpp inline RNG::operator schar()    { return (schar)next(); }
schar             636 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/persistence.hpp       schar*       ptr;        /* pointer to element be read next */
schar             637 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/persistence.hpp       schar*       block_min;  /* pointer to the beginning of block */
schar             638 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/persistence.hpp       schar*       block_max;  /* pointer to the end of block */
schar             640 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/persistence.hpp       schar*       prev_elem;  /* pointer to previous element */
schar            1009 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/persistence.hpp void read(const FileNode& node, schar& value, schar default_value)
schar            1013 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/persistence.hpp     value = saturate_cast<schar>(temp);
schar             151 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/traits.hpp template<> class DataType<schar>
schar             154 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/traits.hpp     typedef schar       value_type;
schar             169 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/traits.hpp     typedef schar       value_type;
schar             289 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/traits.hpp     typedef schar value_type;
schar            1222 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar* data;              /**< Pointer to the first element of the block. */
schar            1243 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*    block_max;      /**< Maximal bound of the last block.     */  \
schar            1244 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*    ptr;            /**< Current write pointer.               */  \
schar            1518 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       ptr;        /**< pointer to free space */           \
schar            1519 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       block_min;  /**< pointer to the beginning of block*/\
schar            1520 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       block_max;  /**< pointer to the end of block */
schar            1533 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       ptr;        /**< pointer to element be read next */  \
schar            1534 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       block_min;  /**< pointer to the beginning of block */\
schar            1535 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       block_max;  /**< pointer to the end of block */      \
schar            1537 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h     schar*       prev_elem;  /**< pointer to previous element */
schar             350 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_LOADSTORE_CAST(VLoadStore256,  schar, __m256i, _mm256_loadu_si256, _mm256_storeu_si256);
schar             363 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VAdd,  schar, return _mm256_adds_epi8 (a, b));
schar             372 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VSub,  schar, return _mm256_subs_epi8 (a, b));
schar             381 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VMin,  schar, return _mm256_min_epi8 (a, b));
schar             390 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VMax,  schar, return _mm256_max_epi8 (a, b));
schar             407 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VAbsDiff,  schar,
schar             484 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_LOADSTORE_CAST(VLoadStore128,  schar, __m128i, _mm_loadu_si128, _mm_storeu_si128);
schar             492 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_LOADSTORE_CAST(VLoadStore64,  schar, __m128i, _mm_loadl_epi64, _mm_storel_epi64);
schar             502 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VAdd,  schar, return _mm_adds_epi8 (a, b));
schar             511 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VSub,  schar, return _mm_subs_epi8 (a, b));
schar             520 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VMin, schar,
schar             535 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VMax, schar,
schar             556 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VAbsDiff,  schar,
schar             626 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_LOADSTORE(VLoadStore128,  schar,   int8x16_t, vld1q_s8 , vst1q_s8 );
schar             634 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VAdd,  schar, vqaddq_s8 (a, b));
schar             642 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VSub,  schar, vqsubq_s8 (a, b));
schar             650 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VMin,  schar, vminq_s8 (a, b));
schar             658 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VMax,  schar, vmaxq_s8 (a, b));
schar             666 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp FUNCTOR_CLOSURE_2arg(VAbsDiff,  schar, vqabsq_s8 (vqsubq_s8(a, b)));
schar             704 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp template<> inline schar OpAbsDiff<schar>::operator ()(schar a, schar b) const
schar             705 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp { return saturate_cast<schar>(std::abs(a - b)); }
schar             774 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void add8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1,
schar             775 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar             776 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* )
schar             778 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     vBinOp<schar, OpAdd<schar>, IF_SIMD(VAdd<schar>)>(src1, step1, src2, step2, dst, step, sz);
schar             871 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void sub8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1,
schar             872 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar             873 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* )
schar             875 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     vBinOp<schar, OpSub<schar>, IF_SIMD(VSub<schar>)>(src1, step1, src2, step2, dst, step, sz);
schar             983 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void max8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1,
schar             984 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar             985 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* )
schar             987 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     vBinOp<schar, OpMax<schar>, IF_SIMD(VMax<schar>)>(src1, step1, src2, step2, dst, step, sz);
schar            1128 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void min8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1,
schar            1129 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            1130 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* )
schar            1132 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     vBinOp<schar, OpMin<schar>, IF_SIMD(VMin<schar>)>(src1, step1, src2, step2, dst, step, sz);
schar            1261 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void absdiff8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1,
schar            1262 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                        const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            1263 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                        schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* )
schar            1265 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     vBinOp<schar, OpAbsDiff<schar>, IF_SIMD(VAbsDiff<schar>)>(src1, step1, src2, step2, dst, step, sz);
schar            2385 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct Mul_SIMD<schar, float>
schar            2387 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, schar * dst, int width, float scale) const
schar            2607 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct Mul_SIMD<schar, float>
schar            2614 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, schar * dst, int width, float scale) const
schar            2843 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct Div_SIMD<schar>
schar            2848 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, schar * dst, int width, double scale) const
schar            3104 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct Recip_SIMD<schar>
schar            3109 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src2, schar * dst, int width, double scale) const
schar            3485 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void mul8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1, const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            3486 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                    schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* scale)
schar            3575 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void div8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1, const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            3576 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                   schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* scale)
schar            3617 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void recip8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1, const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            3618 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                   schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* scale)
schar            3730 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct AddWeighted_SIMD<schar, float>
schar            3737 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, schar * dst, int width, float alpha, float beta, float gamma) const
schar            3867 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct AddWeighted_SIMD<schar, float>
schar            3869 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, schar * dst, int width, float alpha, float beta, float gamma) const
schar            4090 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void addWeighted8s( const schar* src1, size_t step1, const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            4091 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                            schar* dst, size_t step, Size sz, void* scalars )
schar            4093 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     addWeighted_<schar, float>(src1, step1, src2, step2, dst, step, sz, scalars);
schar            4171 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct Cmp_SIMD<schar>
schar            4182 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, uchar * dst, int width) const
schar            4363 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct Cmp_SIMD<schar>
schar            4376 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, uchar * dst, int width) const
schar            4660 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void cmp8s(const schar* src1, size_t step1, const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            5150 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct InRange_SIMD<schar>
schar            5152 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, const schar * src3,
schar            5313 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp struct InRange_SIMD<schar>
schar            5315 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src1, const schar * src2, const schar * src3,
schar            5484 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp static void inRange8s(const schar* src1, size_t step1, const schar* src2, size_t step2,
schar            5485 modules/core/src/arithm.cpp                       const schar* src3, size_t step3, uchar* dst, size_t step, Size size)
schar            1483 modules/core/src/array.cpp             ((char*)data)[cn] = cv::saturate_cast<schar>(t);
schar            1617 modules/core/src/array.cpp             *(schar*)data = cv::saturate_cast<schar>(ivalue);
schar            1503 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScaleAbs_SIMD<schar, uchar, float>
schar            1505 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, uchar * dst, int width,
schar            1748 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScaleAbs_SIMD<schar, uchar, float>
schar            1750 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, uchar * dst, int width,
schar            1984 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<uchar, schar, float>
schar            1986 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const uchar * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2184 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, uchar, float>
schar            2186 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, uchar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2215 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, schar, float>
schar            2217 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2248 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, ushort, float>
schar            2255 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, ushort * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2288 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, short, float>
schar            2290 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, short * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2319 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, int, float>
schar            2321 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, int * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2349 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, float, float>
schar            2351 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, float * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2379 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, double, double>
schar            2381 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, double * dst, int width, double scale, double shift) const
schar            2447 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<ushort, schar, float>
schar            2449 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const ushort * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2678 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<short, schar, float>
schar            2680 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const short * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            2908 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<int, schar, float>
schar            2910 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const int * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3125 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<float, schar, float>
schar            3127 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const float * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3336 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<double, schar, float>
schar            3338 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const double * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3551 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<uchar, schar, float>
schar            3553 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const uchar * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3663 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, uchar, float>
schar            3665 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, uchar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3686 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, schar, float>
schar            3688 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3709 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, ushort, float>
schar            3711 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, ushort * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3732 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, short, float>
schar            3734 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, short * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3755 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, int, float>
schar            3757 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, int * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3777 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<schar, float, float>
schar            3779 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src, float * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3821 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<ushort, schar, float>
schar            3823 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const ushort * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            3956 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<short, schar, float>
schar            3958 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const short * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            4045 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<int, schar, float>
schar            4047 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const int * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            4135 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct cvtScale_SIMD<float, schar, float>
schar            4137 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator () (const float * src, schar * dst, int width, float scale, float shift) const
schar            4430 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<double, schar>
schar            4432 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const double * src, schar * dst, int width) const
schar            4574 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<uchar, schar>
schar            4576 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const uchar * src, schar * dst, int width) const
schar            4655 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<schar, uchar>
schar            4657 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src, uchar * dst, int width) const
schar            4669 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<schar, short>
schar            4671 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src, short * dst, int width) const
schar            4683 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<schar, ushort>
schar            4685 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src, ushort * dst, int width) const
schar            4702 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<schar, int>
schar            4704 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src, int * dst, int width) const
schar            4720 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<schar, float>
schar            4722 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const schar * src, float * dst, int width) const
schar            4757 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<ushort, schar>
schar            4759 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const ushort * src, schar * dst, int width) const
schar            4855 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<short, schar>
schar            4857 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const short * src, schar * dst, int width) const
schar            4949 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<int, schar>
schar            4951 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const int * src, schar * dst, int width) const
schar            5042 modules/core/src/convert.cpp struct Cvt_SIMD<float, schar>
schar            5044 modules/core/src/convert.cpp     int operator() (const float * src, schar * dst, int width) const
schar            5256 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_ABS_FUNC(8s8u, cvtScaleAbs_, schar, uchar, float)
schar            5264 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s8u,   schar, uchar, float)
schar            5271 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8u8s,   uchar, schar, float)
schar            5272 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s,     schar, schar, float)
schar            5273 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(16u8s,  ushort, schar, float)
schar            5274 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(16s8s,  short, schar, float)
schar            5275 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(32s8s,  int, schar, float)
schar            5276 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(32f8s,  float, schar, float)
schar            5277 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(64f8s,  double, schar, float)
schar            5280 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s16u,  schar, ushort, float)
schar            5288 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s16s,  schar, short, float)
schar            5296 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s32s,  schar, int, float)
schar            5304 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s32f,  schar, float, float)
schar            5312 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s64f,  schar, double, double)
schar            5320 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F(8s8u,   schar, uchar, 8s8u_C1Rs)
schar            5327 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F2(8u8s,   uchar, schar, 8u8s_C1RSfs)
schar            5328 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F2(16u8s,  ushort, schar, 16u8s_C1RSfs)
schar            5329 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F2(16s8s,  short, schar, 16s8s_C1RSfs)
schar            5330 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F(32s8s,  int, schar, 32s8s_C1R)
schar            5331 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F2(32f8s,  float, schar, 32f8s_C1RSfs)
schar            5332 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC(64f8s,  double, schar)
schar            5335 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F(8s16u,  schar, ushort, 8s16u_C1Rs)
schar            5343 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F(8s16s,  schar, short, 8s16s_C1R)
schar            5350 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F(8s32s,  schar, int, 8s32s_C1R)
schar            5358 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC_F(8s32f,  schar, float, 8s32f_C1R)
schar            5365 modules/core/src/convert.cpp DEF_CVT_FUNC(8s64f,  schar, double)
schar            5640 modules/core/src/convert.cpp static void LUT8u_8s( const uchar* src, const schar* lut, schar* dst, int len, int cn, int lutcn )
schar              50 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     ((schar*)(storage)->top + (storage)->block_size - (storage)->free_space)
schar              77 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp static const schar icvPower2ShiftTab[] =
schar             325 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar *ptr = 0;
schar             440 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp CV_IMPL schar*
schar             482 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     const schar *element = (const schar *)_element;
schar             610 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     seq->block_max = seq->ptr = (schar *) array + total * elem_size;
schar             618 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp         block->data = (schar *) array;
schar             661 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp             storage->free_space = cvAlignLeft((int)(((schar*)storage->top + storage->block_size) -
schar             688 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp             block->data = (schar*)cvAlignPtr( block + 1, CV_STRUCT_ALIGN );
schar             889 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp         schar *storage_block_max = (schar *) storage->top + storage->block_size;
schar             960 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp             schar *temp = reader->ptr;
schar            1097 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp         schar* ptr = reader->ptr;
schar            1130 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp CV_IMPL schar*
schar            1133 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar *ptr = 0;
schar            1164 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar *ptr;
schar            1189 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp CV_IMPL schar*
schar            1192 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* ptr = 0;
schar            1248 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp CV_IMPL schar*
schar            1256 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* ret_ptr = 0;
schar            1282 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp             schar *ptr = seq->ptr + elem_size;
schar            1369 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar *ptr;
schar            1871 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* ptr;
schar            1872 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* block_min;
schar            1873 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* block_max;
schar            1893 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp inline schar*
schar            1894 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp icvMed3( schar* a, schar* b, schar* c, CvCmpFunc cmp_func, void* aux )
schar            1970 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp                         schar* cur = ptr2.ptr;
schar            1984 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp                 schar *m1, *m2, *m3, *pivot;
schar            1995 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp                     schar *p1, *p2, *p3;
schar            2181 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp CV_IMPL schar*
schar            2185 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* result = 0;
schar            2186 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     const schar* elem = (const schar*)_elem;
schar            2262 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp             schar* ptr = cvGetSeqElem( seq, k );
schar            2311 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* element;
schar            2509 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp         schar *ptr;
schar            2989 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp static  schar*
schar            2993 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp     schar* elem_ptr = 0;
schar            3536 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp schar*  seqPush( CvSeq* seq, const void* element )
schar            3541 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp schar*  seqPushFront( CvSeq* seq, const void* element )
schar            3566 modules/core/src/datastructs.cpp schar*  getSeqElem( const CvSeq* seq, int index )
schar             935 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp struct iPow_SIMD<schar, int>
schar             937 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp     int operator() ( const schar * src, schar * dst, int len, int power)
schar            1249 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp static void iPow8s(const schar* src, schar* dst, int len, int power)
schar            1251 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp     iPow_i<schar, int>(src, dst, len, power);
schar            1802 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp transform_8s(const schar* src, schar* dst, const float* m, int len, int scn, int dcn)
schar            1879 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp diagtransform_8s(const schar* src, schar* dst, const float* m, int len, int scn, int dcn)
schar            3021 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp static double dotProd_8s(const schar* src1, const schar* src2, int len)
schar            1053 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp         schar* buf = (schar*)_buf;
schar            1055 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp             buf[i] = saturate_cast<schar>(s.val[i]);
schar            4043 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp         sort_<uchar>, sort_<schar>, sort_<ushort>, sort_<short>,
schar            4058 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp         sortIdx_<uchar>, sortIdx_<schar>, sortIdx_<ushort>, sortIdx_<short>,
schar            4602 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     {{ convertData_<uchar, uchar>, convertData_<uchar, schar>,
schar            4607 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertData_<schar, uchar>, convertData_<schar, schar>,
schar            4608 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp       convertData_<schar, ushort>, convertData_<schar, short>,
schar            4609 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp       convertData_<schar, int>, convertData_<schar, float>,
schar            4610 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp       convertData_<schar, double>, 0 },
schar            4612 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertData_<ushort, uchar>, convertData_<ushort, schar>,
schar            4617 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertData_<short, uchar>, convertData_<short, schar>,
schar            4622 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertData_<int, uchar>, convertData_<int, schar>,
schar            4627 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertData_<float, uchar>, convertData_<float, schar>,
schar            4632 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertData_<double, uchar>, convertData_<double, schar>,
schar            4647 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     {{ convertScaleData_<uchar, uchar>, convertScaleData_<uchar, schar>,
schar            4652 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertScaleData_<schar, uchar>, convertScaleData_<schar, schar>,
schar            4653 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp       convertScaleData_<schar, ushort>, convertScaleData_<schar, short>,
schar            4654 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp       convertScaleData_<schar, int>, convertScaleData_<schar, float>,
schar            4655 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp       convertScaleData_<schar, double>, 0 },
schar            4657 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertScaleData_<ushort, uchar>, convertScaleData_<ushort, schar>,
schar            4662 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertScaleData_<short, uchar>, convertScaleData_<short, schar>,
schar            4667 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertScaleData_<int, uchar>, convertScaleData_<int, schar>,
schar            4672 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertScaleData_<float, uchar>, convertScaleData_<float, schar>,
schar            4677 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp     { convertScaleData_<double, uchar>, convertScaleData_<double, schar>,
schar              74 modules/core/src/out.cpp         void valueToStr8s()  { sprintf(buf, "%3d", (int)mtx.ptr<schar>(row, col)[cn]); }
schar            3201 modules/core/src/persistence.cpp         reader->ptr = (schar*)src;
schar            3263 modules/core/src/persistence.cpp                         *(char*)data = cv::saturate_cast<schar>(ival);
schar            3309 modules/core/src/persistence.cpp                         *(char*)data = cv::saturate_cast<schar>(ival);
schar            5337 modules/core/src/persistence.cpp             reader.ptr = (schar*)_node;
schar             209 modules/core/src/rand.cpp DEF_RANDI_FUNC(8s, schar)
schar             447 modules/core/src/rand.cpp static void randnScale_8s( const float* src, schar* dst, int len, int cn,
schar              79 modules/core/src/stat.cpp struct Sum_SIMD<schar, int>
schar              81 modules/core/src/stat.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src0, const uchar * mask, int * dst, int len, int cn) const
schar             229 modules/core/src/stat.cpp struct Sum_SIMD<schar, int>
schar             231 modules/core/src/stat.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src0, const uchar * mask, int * dst, int len, int cn) const
schar             460 modules/core/src/stat.cpp static int sum8s( const schar* src, const uchar* mask, int* dst, int len, int cn )
schar             810 modules/core/src/stat.cpp struct SumSqr_SIMD<schar, int, int>
schar             812 modules/core/src/stat.cpp     int operator () (const schar * src0, const uchar * mask, int * sum, int * sqsum, int len, int cn) const
schar             998 modules/core/src/stat.cpp static int sqsum8s( const schar* src, const uchar* mask, int* sum, int* sqsum, int len, int cn )
schar            1892 modules/core/src/stat.cpp static void minMaxIdx_8s(const schar* src, const uchar* mask, int* minval, int* maxval,
schar            2504 modules/core/src/stat.cpp CV_DEF_NORM_ALL(8s, schar, int, int, int)
schar             576 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp             inRange_((const schar*)sptr, (const schar*)aptr, (const schar*)bptr, dptr, total, cn);
schar             626 modules/core/test/test_arithm.cpp             inRangeS_((const schar*)sptr, lbuf.i, rbuf.i, dptr, total, cn);
schar               8 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar* array;
schar              21 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     seq->array = (schar*)(seq + 1);
schar              32 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp static schar*  cvTsSimpleSeqElem( CvTsSimpleSeq* seq, int index )
schar              66 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar *data = seq->array, t;
schar              70 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp         schar* a = data + i*elem_size;
schar              71 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp         schar* b = data + (len - i - 1)*elem_size;
schar              83 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar* array;
schar             113 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     set_header->array = (schar*)(set_header->free_stack + max_count);
schar             126 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp static schar*  cvTsSimpleSetFind( CvTsSimpleSet* set_header, int index )
schar             269 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp static schar*  cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int index )
schar             587 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp                 schar* el = cvTsSimpleSeqElem( sseq, pos[struct_idx] );
schar             617 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp         schar* elem;
schar             650 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     vector<schar> _elem(sseq->elem_size);
schar             651 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar* elem = &_elem[0];
schar             734 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar* elem2 = 0;
schar             740 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     vector<schar> elem_buf(max_struct_size*max_elem_size);
schar             741 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar* elem = (schar*)&elem_buf[0];
schar             943 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp                     schar* elem3 = cvGetSeqElem( seq, pos + test_idx );
schar            1071 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp         schar *elem0, *elem, *elem2;
schar            1237 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     schar* elem_data = 0;
schar            1244 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     vector<schar> elem_buf(max_elem_size);
schar            1295 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp             elem_data = (schar*)elem + sizeof(int);
schar            1298 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp                 memcpy( (schar*)elem2 + sizeof(int), elem_data, pure_elem_size );
schar            1460 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp     vector<schar> elem_buf(max_elem_size);
schar            1469 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp         schar *vtx_data;
schar              22 modules/core/test/test_io.cpp             *(schar*)ptr = saturate_cast<schar>(val);
schar             250 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp                         int val = ((schar*)a_data)[j];
schar             251 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp                         ((schar*)b_data)[j] = (schar)(val == 0 ? 127 : val == 1 ? 1 :
schar             258 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp                         int val = ((schar*)a_data)[j];
schar             260 modules/core/test/test_math.cpp                         ((schar*)b_data)[j] = saturate_cast<schar>(val);
schar             199 modules/core/test/test_rand.cpp                 depth == CV_8S ? ((const schar*)data)[i] :
schar             269 modules/core/test/test_rand.cpp                 depth == CV_8S ? ((const schar*)data)[i] :
schar            1575 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_element_operations.cpp             sqrtImpl<uchar>, sqrtImpl<schar>, sqrtImpl<ushort>, sqrtImpl<short>,
schar            1645 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_element_operations.cpp             logImpl<uchar>, logImpl<schar>, logImpl<ushort>, logImpl<short>,
schar            1725 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_element_operations.cpp             expImpl<uchar>, expImpl<schar>, expImpl<ushort>, expImpl<short>,
schar            2169 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_element_operations.cpp             rhiftImpl<uchar>, rhiftImpl<schar>, rhiftImpl<ushort>, rhiftImpl<short>, rhiftImpl<int>
schar            2249 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_element_operations.cpp             lhiftImpl<uchar>, lhiftImpl<schar>, lhiftImpl<ushort>, lhiftImpl<short>, lhiftImpl<int>
schar             207 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_reductions.cpp             absSumImpl<schar>,
schar             247 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_reductions.cpp             sqrSumImpl<schar>,
schar             525 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_reductions.cpp             expectEqualImpl<schar>,
schar             340 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp CV_CUDEV_MINMAX_INST(schar, ::max, ::min)
schar             368 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp template <> struct abs_func<schar> : unary_function<schar, schar>
schar             370 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp     __device__ __forceinline__ schar operator ()(schar x) const
schar             471 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp     template <> struct name ## _func<schar> : unary_function<schar, float> \
schar             473 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp         __device__ __forceinline__ float operator ()(schar a) const \
schar             558 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp     template <> struct name ## _func<schar> : binary_function<schar, schar, float> \
schar             560 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/functional/functional.hpp         __device__ __forceinline__ float operator ()(schar a, schar b) const \
schar              56 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/detail/type_traits.hpp     template <> struct IsSignedIntergral<schar> { enum {value = 1}; };
schar              67 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/limits.hpp template <> struct numeric_limits<schar>
schar              69 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/limits.hpp     __device__ __forceinline__ static schar min() { return SCHAR_MIN; }
schar              70 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/limits.hpp     __device__ __forceinline__ static schar max() { return SCHAR_MAX; }
schar              57 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <typename T> __device__ __forceinline__ T saturate_cast(schar v) { return T(v); }
schar              65 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ uchar saturate_cast<uchar>(schar v)
schar             109 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(uchar v)
schar             116 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(short v)
schar             122 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(ushort v)
schar             128 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(int v)
schar             134 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(uint v)
schar             140 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(float v)
schar             146 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ schar saturate_cast<schar>(double v)
schar             153 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ ushort saturate_cast<ushort>(schar v)
schar             241 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/saturate_cast.hpp template <> __device__ __forceinline__ uint saturate_cast<uint>(schar v)
schar             202 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_math.hpp     __device__ __forceinline__ schar abs_(schar val)
schar             204 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_math.hpp         return (schar) ::abs((int) val);
schar              76 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp template<> struct MakeVec<schar, 1> { typedef schar type; };
schar              77 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp template<> struct MakeVec<schar, 2> { typedef char2 type; };
schar              78 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp template<> struct MakeVec<schar, 3> { typedef char3 type; };
schar              79 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp template<> struct MakeVec<schar, 4> { typedef char4 type; };
schar             142 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp template<> struct VecTraits<schar>
schar             144 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar elem_type;
schar             146 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static schar all(schar v) {return v;}
schar             147 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static schar make(schar x) {return x;}
schar             148 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static schar make(const schar* x) {return *x;}
schar             152 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar elem_type;
schar             154 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char1 all(schar v) {return make_char1(v);}
schar             155 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char1 make(schar x) {return make_char1(x);}
schar             156 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char1 make(const schar* v) {return make_char1(v[0]);}
schar             160 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar elem_type;
schar             162 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char2 all(schar v) {return make_char2(v, v);}
schar             163 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char2 make(schar x, schar y) {return make_char2(x, y);}
schar             164 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char2 make(const schar* v) {return make_char2(v[0], v[1]);}
schar             168 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar elem_type;
schar             170 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char3 all(schar v) {return make_char3(v, v, v);}
schar             171 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char3 make(schar x, schar y, schar z) {return make_char3(x, y, z);}
schar             172 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char3 make(const schar* v) {return make_char3(v[0], v[1], v[2]);}
schar             176 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar elem_type;
schar             178 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char4 all(schar v) {return make_char4(v, v, v, v);}
schar             179 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char4 make(schar x, schar y, schar z, schar w) {return make_char4(x, y, z, w);}
schar             180 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ static char4 make(const schar* v) {return make_char4(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);}
schar             264 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar      channel_type;
schar             280 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar      channel_type;
schar             296 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar      channel_type;
schar             312 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/util/vec_traits.hpp     typedef schar      channel_type;
schar              66 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp __device__ __forceinline__ schar shfl(schar val, int srcLane, int width = warpSize)
schar              68 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp     return (schar) __shfl((int) val, srcLane, width);
schar             157 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp __device__ __forceinline__ schar shfl_up(schar val, uint delta, int width = warpSize)
schar             159 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp     return (schar) __shfl_up((int) val, delta, width);
schar             248 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp __device__ __forceinline__ schar shfl_down(schar val, uint delta, int width = warpSize)
schar             250 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp     return (schar) __shfl_down((int) val, delta, width);
schar             339 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp __device__ __forceinline__ schar shfl_xor(schar val, int laneMask, int width = warpSize)
schar             341 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/warp/shuffle.hpp     return (schar) __shfl_xor((int) val, laneMask, width);
schar             603 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<typename _Tp> static inline _Tp saturate_cast(schar v)    { return _Tp(v); }
schar             623 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline uchar saturate_cast<uchar>(schar v)        { return (uchar)std::max((int)v, 0); }
schar             633 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(uchar v)        { return (schar)std::min((int)v, SCHAR_MAX); }
schar             634 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(ushort v)       { return (schar)std::min((unsigned)v, (unsigned)SCHAR_MAX); }
schar             635 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(int v)          { return (schar)((unsigned)(v-SCHAR_MIN) <= (unsigned)UCHAR_MAX ? v : v > 0 ? SCHAR_MAX : SCHAR_MIN); }
schar             636 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(short v)        { return saturate_cast<schar>((int)v); }
schar             637 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(unsigned v)     { return (schar)std::min(v, (unsigned)SCHAR_MAX); }
schar             638 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(float v)        { int iv = cvRound(v); return saturate_cast<schar>(iv); }
schar             639 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(double v)       { int iv = cvRound(v); return saturate_cast<schar>(iv); }
schar             640 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(int64 v)        { return (schar)((uint64)((int64)v-SCHAR_MIN) <= (uint64)UCHAR_MAX ? v : v > 0 ? SCHAR_MAX : SCHAR_MIN); }
schar             641 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline schar saturate_cast<schar>(uint64 v)       { return (schar)std::min(v, (uint64)SCHAR_MAX); }
schar             643 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/defs.h template<> inline ushort saturate_cast<ushort>(schar v)      { return (ushort)std::max((int)v, 0); }
schar              79 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin.hpp     typedef schar int_type;
schar              93 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin.hpp template<> struct V_TypeTraits<schar>
schar              95 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin.hpp     typedef schar value_type;
schar              96 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin.hpp     typedef schar int_type;
schar             138 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin.hpp     typedef schar n_type;
schar             727 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_cpp.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_C_INIT(v_int8x16, schar, s8)
schar             791 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_cpp.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_C_PACK(v_int16x8, short, v_int8x16, schar, pack)
schar              76 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp     typedef schar lane_type;
schar              81 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp     v_int8x16(schar v0, schar v1, schar v2, schar v3, schar v4, schar v5, schar v6, schar v7,
schar              82 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp                schar v8, schar v9, schar v10, schar v11, schar v12, schar v13, schar v14, schar v15)
schar              84 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp         schar v[] = {v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15};
schar              87 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp     schar get0() const
schar             246 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_INIT(int8x16, schar, s8)
schar             282 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_PACK(v_int8x16, schar, int8x8_t, s8, v_int16x8, s16, pack, n)
schar             529 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_SHIFT_OP(v_uint8x16, u8, schar, s8)
schar             530 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_SHIFT_OP(v_int8x16, s8, schar, s8)
schar             555 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_LOADSTORE_OP(v_int8x16, schar, s8)
schar             676 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_EXPAND(v_int8x16, v_int16x8, schar, s8)
schar             687 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp inline v_int32x4 v_load_expand_q(const schar* ptr)
schar             812 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_neon.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_NEON_INTERLEAVED(int8x16, schar, s8)
schar              79 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp     typedef schar lane_type;
schar              84 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp     v_int8x16(schar v0, schar v1, schar v2, schar v3, schar v4, schar v5, schar v6, schar v7,
schar              85 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp               schar v8, schar v9, schar v10, schar v11, schar v12, schar v13, schar v14, schar v15)
schar              92 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp     schar get0() const
schar              94 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp         return (schar)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(val);
schar             258 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_SSE_INITVEC(v_int8x16, schar, s8, si128, epi8, char, OPENCV_HAL_NOP)
schar             356 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp inline void v_pack_store(schar* ptr, v_int16x8& a)
schar             368 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp void v_rshr_pack_store(schar* ptr, const v_int16x8& a)
schar             958 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_SSE_LOADSTORE_INT_OP(v_int8x16, schar)
schar            1078 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_SSE_EXPAND(v_uint8x16, v_uint16x8, uchar, v_int8x16, v_int16x8, schar, epi8, epi16, 8)
schar            1112 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp inline v_int32x4 v_load_expand_q(const schar* ptr)
schar            1527 modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal/intrin_sse.hpp OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_SSE_LOADSTORE_INTERLEAVE(v_int8x16, schar, s8, v_uint8x16, uchar, u8)
schar             476 modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h     schar     deltas[8][2];
schar              69 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp         reader->deltas[i][0] = (schar) icvCodeDeltas[i].x;
schar              70 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp         reader->deltas[i][1] = (schar) icvCodeDeltas[i].y;
schar              79 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar *ptr;
schar             100 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp         reader->code = (schar)code;
schar             141 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar *img0;                /* image origin */
schar             142 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar *img;                 /* current image row */
schar             214 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     scanner->img0 = (schar *) img;
schar             215 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     scanner->img = (schar *) (img + step);
schar             298 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp             img[k] = img[(size.width - 1)*esz + k] = (schar)0;
schar             500 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp icvFetchContour( schar                  *ptr,
schar             506 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     const schar     nbd = 2;
schar             509 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar           *i0 = ptr, *i1, *i3, *i4 = 0;
schar             538 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp         *i0 = (schar) (nbd | -128);
schar             565 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 *i3 = (schar) (nbd | -128);
schar             574 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 schar _s = (schar) s;
schar             617 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp icvTraceContour( schar *ptr, int step, schar *stop_ptr, int is_hole )
schar             620 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar *i0 = ptr, *i1, *i3, *i4;
schar             669 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp icvFetchContourEx( schar*               ptr,
schar             679 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar        *i0 = ptr, *i1, *i3, *i4;
schar             713 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp         *i0 = (schar) (nbd | 0x80);
schar             741 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 *i3 = (schar) (nbd | 0x80);
schar             745 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 *i3 = (schar) nbd;
schar             750 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 schar _s = (schar) s;
schar             939 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 schar _s = (schar) s;
schar             997 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar* img0 = scanner->img0;
schar             998 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp     schar* img = scanner->img;
schar            1219 modules/imgproc/src/contours.cpp                 scanner->img = (schar *) img;
schar             672 modules/imgproc/src/convhull.cpp             if( ptseq_reader.ptr == (schar*)hull_next )
schar            2533 modules/imgproc/src/drawing.cpp             scalar.val[0] = cv::saturate_cast<schar>( icolor );
schar            4630 modules/imgproc/src/imgwarp.cpp         remapNearest<uchar>, remapNearest<schar>, remapNearest<ushort>, remapNearest<short>,
schar             590 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp             schar* ptr = reader.ptr;
schar            1781 modules/java/generator/src/cpp/Mat.cpp                 case CV_8S:  PUT_ITEM(schar,  row, c); break;
schar            1795 modules/java/generator/src/cpp/Mat.cpp                     case CV_8S:  PUT_ITEM(schar,  r, c); break;
schar            1059 modules/ml/src/ann_mlp.cpp                     schar* prevEk = prev_dEdw_sign[i].ptr<schar>(k);
schar            1085 modules/ml/src/ann_mlp.cpp                             prevEk[j] = (schar)s;
schar             477 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp         Solver( const Mat& _samples, const vector<schar>& _y,
schar             581 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp                 const schar* _y = &y_vec[0];
schar             641 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             alpha_status[i] = (schar)(alpha[i] >= get_C(i) ? 1 : alpha[i] <= 0 ? -1 : 0)
schar             648 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
schar             650 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
schar             811 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
schar             812 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
schar             857 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
schar             858 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
schar             907 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
schar             908 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
schar             966 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
schar             967 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
schar            1009 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp         static bool solve_c_svc( const Mat& _samples, const vector<schar>& _y,
schar            1034 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp         static bool solve_nu_svc( const Mat& _samples, const vector<schar>& _y,
schar            1091 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             vector<schar> _y(sample_count, 1);
schar            1125 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             vector<schar> _y(alpha_count);
schar            1165 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             vector<schar> _y(alpha_count);
schar            1210 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp         vector<schar> y_vec;
schar            1212 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp         vector<schar> alpha_status_vec;
schar            1412 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp             vector<schar> temp_y;
schar             209 modules/superres/src/input_array_utility.cpp             std::numeric_limits<schar>::max(),
schar             250 modules/ts/src/cuda_test.cpp                 printMatValImpl<uchar, int>, printMatValImpl<schar, int>, printMatValImpl<ushort, int>, printMatValImpl<short, int>,
schar             275 modules/ts/src/cuda_test.cpp             const schar* src_row = src.ptr<schar>(y);
schar             282 modules/ts/src/cuda_test.cpp                     schar val = src_row[x];
schar             257 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         convert_(src, (schar*)dst, total, alpha, beta);
schar             315 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             convertTo((const schar*)sptr, dptr, dtype, total, alpha, beta);
schar             569 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             randUniInt_(rng, plane.ptr<schar>(), total, cn, scale, delta);
schar             674 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         erode_<schar>(src, dst, ofs);
schar             731 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         dilate_<schar>(src, dst, ofs);
schar             808 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         filter2D_<schar>(src, _dst, ofs, coeff);
schar            1068 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             minMaxLoc_((const schar*)sptr, total, startidx,
schar            1294 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             result = norm_((const schar*)sptr, total, cn, normType, result, mptr);
schar            1376 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             result = norm_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, total, cn, normType, result, mptr);
schar            1441 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             result += crossCorr_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, total);
schar            1657 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             compare_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, dptr, total, cmpop);
schar            1704 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             compareS_((const schar*)sptr, ivalue, dptr, total, cmpop);
schar            1836 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             realmaxdiff = cmpUlpsInt_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, total, imaxDiff, startidx, idx);
schar            1925 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp                 checkInt_((const schar*)aptr, total, imin, imax, startidx, idx);
schar            2002 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             realmaxdiff = cmpUlpsInt_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, total, ilevel, startidx, idx);
schar            2344 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             transform_((const schar*)sptr, (schar*)dptr, total, scn, dcn, mat);
schar            2401 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             minmax_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, (schar*)dptr, total, op);
schar            2469 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             minmax_((const schar*)sptr1, saturate_cast<schar>(ival), (schar*)dptr, total, op);
schar            2541 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             muldiv_((const schar*)sptr1, (const schar*)sptr2, (schar*)dptr, total, scale, op);
schar            2626 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp             mean_((const schar*)sptr, mptr, total, cn, sum, nz);
schar            2859 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp         writeElems<schar, int>(out, data, nelems, starpos);