This source file includes following definitions.
- checkParamGrid
- getType
- calc_non_rbf_base
- calc_linear
- calc_poly
- calc_sigmoid
- calc_rbf
- calc_intersec
- calc_chi2
- calc
- sortSamplesByClasses
- getDefaultGrid
- ofs
- clear
- get_row_base
- get_row_svc
- get_row_one_class
- get_row_svr
- get_row
- select_working_set
- calc_rho
- select_working_set_nu_svm
- calc_rho_nu_svm
- solve_c_svc
- solve_nu_svc
- solve_one_class
- solve_eps_svr
- solve_nu_svr
- clear
- getSupportVectors
- setKernel
- setCustomKernel
- checkParams
- setParams
- getSVCount
- do_train
- optimize_linear_svm
- train
- trainAuto
- predict
- getDecisionFunction
- write_params
- isTrained
- isClassifier
- getVarCount
- getDefaultName
- write
- read_params
- read
- create
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
namespace cv { namespace ml {
typedef float Qfloat;
const int QFLOAT_TYPE = DataDepth<Qfloat>::value;
static void checkParamGrid(const ParamGrid& pg)
if( pg.minVal > pg.maxVal )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Lower bound of the grid must be less then the upper one" );
if( pg.minVal < DBL_EPSILON )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Lower bound of the grid must be positive" );
if( pg.logStep < 1. + FLT_EPSILON )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Grid step must greater then 1" );
struct SvmParams
int svmType;
int kernelType;
double gamma;
double coef0;
double degree;
double C;
double nu;
double p;
Mat classWeights;
TermCriteria termCrit;
svmType = SVM::C_SVC;
kernelType = SVM::RBF;
degree = 0;
gamma = 1;
coef0 = 0;
C = 1;
nu = 0;
p = 0;
SvmParams( int _svmType, int _kernelType,
double _degree, double _gamma, double _coef0,
double _Con, double _nu, double _p,
const Mat& _classWeights, TermCriteria _termCrit )
svmType = _svmType;
kernelType = _kernelType;
degree = _degree;
gamma = _gamma;
coef0 = _coef0;
C = _Con;
nu = _nu;
p = _p;
classWeights = _classWeights;
termCrit = _termCrit;
class SVMKernelImpl : public SVM::Kernel
SVMKernelImpl( const SvmParams& _params = SvmParams() )
params = _params;
int getType() const
return params.kernelType;
void calc_non_rbf_base( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results,
double alpha, double beta )
int j, k;
for( j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
const float* sample = &vecs[j*var_count];
double s = 0;
for( k = 0; k <= var_count - 4; k += 4 )
s += sample[k]*another[k] + sample[k+1]*another[k+1] +
sample[k+2]*another[k+2] + sample[k+3]*another[k+3];
for( ; k < var_count; k++ )
s += sample[k]*another[k];
results[j] = (Qfloat)(s*alpha + beta);
void calc_linear( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
calc_non_rbf_base( vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results, 1, 0 );
void calc_poly( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
Mat R( 1, vcount, QFLOAT_TYPE, results );
calc_non_rbf_base( vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results, params.gamma, params.coef0 );
if( vcount > 0 )
pow( R,, R );
void calc_sigmoid( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
int j;
calc_non_rbf_base( vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results,
-2*params.gamma, -2*params.coef0 );
for( j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
Qfloat t = results[j];
Qfloat e = std::exp(-std::abs(t));
if( t > 0 )
results[j] = (Qfloat)((1. - e)/(1. + e));
results[j] = (Qfloat)((e - 1.)/(e + 1.));
void calc_rbf( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
double gamma = -params.gamma;
int j, k;
for( j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
const float* sample = &vecs[j*var_count];
double s = 0;
for( k = 0; k <= var_count - 4; k += 4 )
double t0 = sample[k] - another[k];
double t1 = sample[k+1] - another[k+1];
s += t0*t0 + t1*t1;
t0 = sample[k+2] - another[k+2];
t1 = sample[k+3] - another[k+3];
s += t0*t0 + t1*t1;
for( ; k < var_count; k++ )
double t0 = sample[k] - another[k];
s += t0*t0;
results[j] = (Qfloat)(s*gamma);
if( vcount > 0 )
Mat R( 1, vcount, QFLOAT_TYPE, results );
exp( R, R );
void calc_intersec( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
int j, k;
for( j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
const float* sample = &vecs[j*var_count];
double s = 0;
for( k = 0; k <= var_count - 4; k += 4 )
s += std::min(sample[k],another[k]) + std::min(sample[k+1],another[k+1]) +
std::min(sample[k+2],another[k+2]) + std::min(sample[k+3],another[k+3]);
for( ; k < var_count; k++ )
s += std::min(sample[k],another[k]);
results[j] = (Qfloat)(s);
void calc_chi2( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
Mat R( 1, vcount, QFLOAT_TYPE, results );
double gamma = -params.gamma;
int j, k;
for( j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
const float* sample = &vecs[j*var_count];
double chi2 = 0;
for(k = 0 ; k < var_count; k++ )
double d = sample[k]-another[k];
double devisor = sample[k]+another[k];
if (devisor != 0)
chi2 += d*d/devisor;
results[j] = (Qfloat) (gamma*chi2);
if( vcount > 0 )
exp( R, R );
void calc( int vcount, int var_count, const float* vecs,
const float* another, Qfloat* results )
switch( params.kernelType )
calc_linear(vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results);
case SVM::RBF:
calc_rbf(vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results);
case SVM::POLY:
calc_poly(vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results);
calc_sigmoid(vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results);
case SVM::CHI2:
calc_chi2(vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results);
case SVM::INTER:
calc_intersec(vcount, var_count, vecs, another, results);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown kernel type");
const Qfloat max_val = (Qfloat)(FLT_MAX*1e-3);
for( int j = 0; j < vcount; j++ )
if( results[j] > max_val )
results[j] = max_val;
SvmParams params;
static void sortSamplesByClasses( const Mat& _samples, const Mat& _responses,
vector<int>& sidx_all, vector<int>& class_ranges )
int i, nsamples = _samples.rows;
CV_Assert( _responses.isContinuous() && _responses.checkVector(1, CV_32S) == nsamples );
setRangeVector(sidx_all, nsamples);
const int* rptr = _responses.ptr<int>();
std::sort(sidx_all.begin(), sidx_all.end(), cmp_lt_idx<int>(rptr));
for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
if( i == nsamples-1 || rptr[sidx_all[i]] != rptr[sidx_all[i+1]] )
ParamGrid SVM::getDefaultGrid( int param_id )
ParamGrid grid;
if( param_id == SVM::C )
grid.minVal = 0.1;
grid.maxVal = 500;
grid.logStep = 5;
else if( param_id == SVM::GAMMA )
grid.minVal = 1e-5;
grid.maxVal = 0.6;
grid.logStep = 15;
else if( param_id == SVM::P )
grid.minVal = 0.01;
grid.maxVal = 100;
grid.logStep = 7;
else if( param_id == SVM::NU )
grid.minVal = 0.01;
grid.maxVal = 0.2;
grid.logStep = 3;
else if( param_id == SVM::COEF )
grid.minVal = 0.1;
grid.maxVal = 300;
grid.logStep = 14;
else if( param_id == SVM::DEGREE )
grid.minVal = 0.01;
grid.maxVal = 4;
grid.logStep = 7;
cvError( CV_StsBadArg, "SVM::getDefaultGrid", "Invalid type of parameter "
"(use one of SVM::C, SVM::GAMMA et al.)", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
return grid;
class SVMImpl : public SVM
struct DecisionFunc
DecisionFunc(double _rho, int _ofs) : rho(_rho), ofs(_ofs) {}
DecisionFunc() : rho(0.), ofs(0) {}
double rho;
int ofs;
class Solver
enum { MIN_CACHE_SIZE = (40 << 20) , MAX_CACHE_SIZE = (500 << 20) };
typedef bool (Solver::*SelectWorkingSet)( int& i, int& j );
typedef Qfloat* (Solver::*GetRow)( int i, Qfloat* row, Qfloat* dst, bool existed );
typedef void (Solver::*CalcRho)( double& rho, double& r );
struct KernelRow
KernelRow() { idx = -1; prev = next = 0; }
KernelRow(int _idx, int _prev, int _next) : idx(_idx), prev(_prev), next(_next) {}
int idx;
int prev;
int next;
struct SolutionInfo
SolutionInfo() { obj = rho = upper_bound_p = upper_bound_n = r = 0; }
double obj;
double rho;
double upper_bound_p;
double upper_bound_n;
double r;
void clear()
alpha_vec = 0;
select_working_set_func = 0;
calc_rho_func = 0;
get_row_func = 0;
Solver( const Mat& _samples, const vector<schar>& _y,
vector<double>& _alpha, const vector<double>& _b,
double _Cp, double _Cn,
const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel, GetRow _get_row,
SelectWorkingSet _select_working_set, CalcRho _calc_rho,
TermCriteria _termCrit )
samples = _samples;
sample_count = samples.rows;
var_count = samples.cols;
y_vec = _y;
alpha_vec = &_alpha;
alpha_count = (int)alpha_vec->size();
b_vec = _b;
kernel = _kernel;
C[0] = _Cn;
C[1] = _Cp;
eps = _termCrit.epsilon;
max_iter = _termCrit.maxCount;
select_working_set_func = _select_working_set;
CV_Assert(select_working_set_func != 0);
calc_rho_func = _calc_rho;
CV_Assert(calc_rho_func != 0);
get_row_func = _get_row;
CV_Assert(get_row_func != 0);
int64 csize = (int64)sample_count*sample_count/4;
csize = std::max(csize, (int64)(MIN_CACHE_SIZE/sizeof(Qfloat)) );
csize = std::min(csize, (int64)(MAX_CACHE_SIZE/sizeof(Qfloat)) );
max_cache_size = (int)((csize + sample_count-1)/sample_count);
max_cache_size = std::min(std::max(max_cache_size, 1), sample_count);
cache_size = 0;
lru_cache.resize(sample_count+1, KernelRow(-1, 0, 0));
lru_first = lru_last = 0;
lru_cache_data.create(max_cache_size, sample_count, QFLOAT_TYPE);
Qfloat* get_row_base( int i, bool* _existed )
int i1 = i < sample_count ? i : i - sample_count;
KernelRow& kr = lru_cache[i1+1];
if( _existed )
*_existed = kr.idx >= 0;
if( kr.idx < 0 )
if( cache_size < max_cache_size )
kr.idx = cache_size;
if (!lru_last)
lru_last = i1+1;
KernelRow& last = lru_cache[lru_last];
kr.idx = last.idx;
last.idx = -1;
lru_cache[last.prev].next = 0;
lru_last = last.prev;
last.prev = 0; = 0;
kernel->calc( sample_count, var_count, samples.ptr<float>(),
samples.ptr<float>(i1), lru_cache_data.ptr<Qfloat>(kr.idx) );
if( )
lru_cache[].prev = kr.prev;
lru_last = kr.prev;
if( kr.prev )
lru_cache[kr.prev].next =;
lru_first =;
if (lru_first)
lru_cache[lru_first].prev = i1+1; = lru_first;
kr.prev = 0;
lru_first = i1+1;
return lru_cache_data.ptr<Qfloat>(kr.idx);
Qfloat* get_row_svc( int i, Qfloat* row, Qfloat*, bool existed )
if( !existed )
const schar* _y = &y_vec[0];
int j, len = sample_count;
if( _y[i] > 0 )
for( j = 0; j < len; j++ )
row[j] = _y[j]*row[j];
for( j = 0; j < len; j++ )
row[j] = -_y[j]*row[j];
return row;
Qfloat* get_row_one_class( int, Qfloat* row, Qfloat*, bool )
return row;
Qfloat* get_row_svr( int i, Qfloat* row, Qfloat* dst, bool )
int j, len = sample_count;
Qfloat* dst_pos = dst;
Qfloat* dst_neg = dst + len;
if( i >= len )
std::swap(dst_pos, dst_neg);
for( j = 0; j < len; j++ )
Qfloat t = row[j];
dst_pos[j] = t;
dst_neg[j] = -t;
return dst;
Qfloat* get_row( int i, float* dst )
bool existed = false;
float* row = get_row_base( i, &existed );
return (this->*get_row_func)( i, row, dst, existed );
#undef is_upper_bound
#define is_upper_bound(i) (alpha_status[i] > 0)
#undef is_lower_bound
#define is_lower_bound(i) (alpha_status[i] < 0)
#undef is_free
#define is_free(i) (alpha_status[i] == 0)
#undef get_C
#define get_C(i) (C[y[i]>0])
#undef update_alpha_status
#define update_alpha_status(i) \
alpha_status[i] = (schar)(alpha[i] >= get_C(i) ? 1 : alpha[i] <= 0 ? -1 : 0)
#undef reconstruct_gradient
#define reconstruct_gradient()
bool solve_generic( SolutionInfo& si )
const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
double* alpha = &alpha_vec->at(0);
schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
double* G = &G_vec[0];
double* b = &b_vec[0];
int iter = 0;
int i, j, k;
for( i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
G[i] = b[i];
if( fabs(G[i]) > 1e200 )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
if( !is_lower_bound(i) )
const Qfloat *Q_i = get_row( i, &buf[0][0] );
double alpha_i = alpha[i];
for( j = 0; j < alpha_count; j++ )
G[j] += alpha_i*Q_i[j];
const Qfloat *Q_i, *Q_j;
double C_i, C_j;
double old_alpha_i, old_alpha_j, alpha_i, alpha_j;
double delta_alpha_i, delta_alpha_j;
#ifdef _DEBUG
for( i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
if( fabs(G[i]) > 1e+300 )
return false;
if( fabs(alpha[i]) > 1e16 )
return false;
if( (this->*select_working_set_func)( i, j ) != 0 || iter++ >= max_iter )
Q_i = get_row( i, &buf[0][0] );
Q_j = get_row( j, &buf[1][0] );
C_i = get_C(i);
C_j = get_C(j);
alpha_i = old_alpha_i = alpha[i];
alpha_j = old_alpha_j = alpha[j];
if( y[i] != y[j] )
double denom = Q_i[i]+Q_j[j]+2*Q_i[j];
double delta = (-G[i]-G[j])/MAX(fabs(denom),FLT_EPSILON);
double diff = alpha_i - alpha_j;
alpha_i += delta;
alpha_j += delta;
if( diff > 0 && alpha_j < 0 )
alpha_j = 0;
alpha_i = diff;
else if( diff <= 0 && alpha_i < 0 )
alpha_i = 0;
alpha_j = -diff;
if( diff > C_i - C_j && alpha_i > C_i )
alpha_i = C_i;
alpha_j = C_i - diff;
else if( diff <= C_i - C_j && alpha_j > C_j )
alpha_j = C_j;
alpha_i = C_j + diff;
double denom = Q_i[i]+Q_j[j]-2*Q_i[j];
double delta = (G[i]-G[j])/MAX(fabs(denom),FLT_EPSILON);
double sum = alpha_i + alpha_j;
alpha_i -= delta;
alpha_j += delta;
if( sum > C_i && alpha_i > C_i )
alpha_i = C_i;
alpha_j = sum - C_i;
else if( sum <= C_i && alpha_j < 0)
alpha_j = 0;
alpha_i = sum;
if( sum > C_j && alpha_j > C_j )
alpha_j = C_j;
alpha_i = sum - C_j;
else if( sum <= C_j && alpha_i < 0 )
alpha_i = 0;
alpha_j = sum;
alpha[i] = alpha_i;
alpha[j] = alpha_j;
delta_alpha_i = alpha_i - old_alpha_i;
delta_alpha_j = alpha_j - old_alpha_j;
for( k = 0; k < alpha_count; k++ )
G[k] += Q_i[k]*delta_alpha_i + Q_j[k]*delta_alpha_j;
(this->*calc_rho_func)( si.rho, si.r );
for( i = 0, si.obj = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
si.obj += alpha[i] * (G[i] + b[i]);
si.obj *= 0.5;
si.upper_bound_p = C[1];
si.upper_bound_n = C[0];
return true;
bool select_working_set( int& out_i, int& out_j )
double Gmax1 = -DBL_MAX;
int Gmax1_idx = -1;
double Gmax2 = -DBL_MAX;
int Gmax2_idx = -1;
const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
const double* G = &G_vec[0];
for( int i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
double t;
if( y[i] > 0 )
if( !is_upper_bound(i) && (t = -G[i]) > Gmax1 )
Gmax1 = t;
Gmax1_idx = i;
if( !is_lower_bound(i) && (t = G[i]) > Gmax2 )
Gmax2 = t;
Gmax2_idx = i;
if( !is_upper_bound(i) && (t = -G[i]) > Gmax2 )
Gmax2 = t;
Gmax2_idx = i;
if( !is_lower_bound(i) && (t = G[i]) > Gmax1 )
Gmax1 = t;
Gmax1_idx = i;
out_i = Gmax1_idx;
out_j = Gmax2_idx;
return Gmax1 + Gmax2 < eps;
void calc_rho( double& rho, double& r )
int nr_free = 0;
double ub = DBL_MAX, lb = -DBL_MAX, sum_free = 0;
const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
const double* G = &G_vec[0];
for( int i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
double yG = y[i]*G[i];
if( is_lower_bound(i) )
if( y[i] > 0 )
ub = MIN(ub,yG);
lb = MAX(lb,yG);
else if( is_upper_bound(i) )
if( y[i] < 0)
ub = MIN(ub,yG);
lb = MAX(lb,yG);
sum_free += yG;
rho = nr_free > 0 ? sum_free/nr_free : (ub + lb)*0.5;
r = 0;
bool select_working_set_nu_svm( int& out_i, int& out_j )
double Gmax1 = -DBL_MAX;
int Gmax1_idx = -1;
double Gmax2 = -DBL_MAX;
int Gmax2_idx = -1;
double Gmax3 = -DBL_MAX;
int Gmax3_idx = -1;
double Gmax4 = -DBL_MAX;
int Gmax4_idx = -1;
const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
const double* G = &G_vec[0];
for( int i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
double t;
if( y[i] > 0 )
if( !is_upper_bound(i) && (t = -G[i]) > Gmax1 )
Gmax1 = t;
Gmax1_idx = i;
if( !is_lower_bound(i) && (t = G[i]) > Gmax2 )
Gmax2 = t;
Gmax2_idx = i;
if( !is_upper_bound(i) && (t = -G[i]) > Gmax3 )
Gmax3 = t;
Gmax3_idx = i;
if( !is_lower_bound(i) && (t = G[i]) > Gmax4 )
Gmax4 = t;
Gmax4_idx = i;
if( MAX(Gmax1 + Gmax2, Gmax3 + Gmax4) < eps )
return 1;
if( Gmax1 + Gmax2 > Gmax3 + Gmax4 )
out_i = Gmax1_idx;
out_j = Gmax2_idx;
out_i = Gmax3_idx;
out_j = Gmax4_idx;
return 0;
void calc_rho_nu_svm( double& rho, double& r )
int nr_free1 = 0, nr_free2 = 0;
double ub1 = DBL_MAX, ub2 = DBL_MAX;
double lb1 = -DBL_MAX, lb2 = -DBL_MAX;
double sum_free1 = 0, sum_free2 = 0;
const schar* y = &y_vec[0];
const schar* alpha_status = &alpha_status_vec[0];
const double* G = &G_vec[0];
for( int i = 0; i < alpha_count; i++ )
double G_i = G[i];
if( y[i] > 0 )
if( is_lower_bound(i) )
ub1 = MIN( ub1, G_i );
else if( is_upper_bound(i) )
lb1 = MAX( lb1, G_i );
sum_free1 += G_i;
if( is_lower_bound(i) )
ub2 = MIN( ub2, G_i );
else if( is_upper_bound(i) )
lb2 = MAX( lb2, G_i );
sum_free2 += G_i;
double r1 = nr_free1 > 0 ? sum_free1/nr_free1 : (ub1 + lb1)*0.5;
double r2 = nr_free2 > 0 ? sum_free2/nr_free2 : (ub2 + lb2)*0.5;
rho = (r1 - r2)*0.5;
r = (r1 + r2)*0.5;
static bool solve_c_svc( const Mat& _samples, const vector<schar>& _y,
double _Cp, double _Cn, const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel,
vector<double>& _alpha, SolutionInfo& _si, TermCriteria termCrit )
int sample_count = _samples.rows;
_alpha.assign(sample_count, 0.);
vector<double> _b(sample_count, -1.);
Solver solver( _samples, _y, _alpha, _b, _Cp, _Cn, _kernel,
termCrit );
if( !solver.solve_generic( _si ))
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_alpha[i] *= _y[i];
return true;
static bool solve_nu_svc( const Mat& _samples, const vector<schar>& _y,
double nu, const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel,
vector<double>& _alpha, SolutionInfo& _si,
TermCriteria termCrit )
int sample_count = _samples.rows;
vector<double> _b(sample_count, 0.);
double sum_pos = nu * sample_count * 0.5;
double sum_neg = nu * sample_count * 0.5;
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
double a;
if( _y[i] > 0 )
a = std::min(1.0, sum_pos);
sum_pos -= a;
a = std::min(1.0, sum_neg);
sum_neg -= a;
_alpha[i] = a;
Solver solver( _samples, _y, _alpha, _b, 1., 1., _kernel,
termCrit );
if( !solver.solve_generic( _si ))
return false;
double inv_r = 1./_si.r;
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_alpha[i] *= _y[i]*inv_r;
_si.rho *= inv_r;
_si.obj *= (inv_r*inv_r);
_si.upper_bound_p = inv_r;
_si.upper_bound_n = inv_r;
return true;
static bool solve_one_class( const Mat& _samples, double nu,
const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel,
vector<double>& _alpha, SolutionInfo& _si,
TermCriteria termCrit )
int sample_count = _samples.rows;
vector<schar> _y(sample_count, 1);
vector<double> _b(sample_count, 0.);
int i, n = cvRound( nu*sample_count );
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_alpha[i] = i < n ? 1 : 0;
if( n < sample_count )
_alpha[n] = nu * sample_count - n;
_alpha[n-1] = nu * sample_count - (n-1);
Solver solver( _samples, _y, _alpha, _b, 1., 1., _kernel,
termCrit );
return solver.solve_generic(_si);
static bool solve_eps_svr( const Mat& _samples, const vector<float>& _yf,
double p, double C, const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel,
vector<double>& _alpha, SolutionInfo& _si,
TermCriteria termCrit )
int sample_count = _samples.rows;
int alpha_count = sample_count*2;
CV_Assert( (int)_yf.size() == sample_count );
_alpha.assign(alpha_count, 0.);
vector<schar> _y(alpha_count);
vector<double> _b(alpha_count);
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_b[i] = p - _yf[i];
_y[i] = 1;
_b[i+sample_count] = p + _yf[i];
_y[i+sample_count] = -1;
Solver solver( _samples, _y, _alpha, _b, C, C, _kernel,
termCrit );
if( !solver.solve_generic( _si ))
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_alpha[i] -= _alpha[i+sample_count];
return true;
static bool solve_nu_svr( const Mat& _samples, const vector<float>& _yf,
double nu, double C, const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel,
vector<double>& _alpha, SolutionInfo& _si,
TermCriteria termCrit )
int sample_count = _samples.rows;
int alpha_count = sample_count*2;
double sum = C * nu * sample_count * 0.5;
CV_Assert( (int)_yf.size() == sample_count );
vector<schar> _y(alpha_count);
vector<double> _b(alpha_count);
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_alpha[i] = _alpha[i + sample_count] = std::min(sum, C);
sum -= _alpha[i];
_b[i] = -_yf[i];
_y[i] = 1;
_b[i + sample_count] = _yf[i];
_y[i + sample_count] = -1;
Solver solver( _samples, _y, _alpha, _b, 1., 1., _kernel,
termCrit );
if( !solver.solve_generic( _si ))
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
_alpha[i] -= _alpha[i+sample_count];
return true;
int sample_count;
int var_count;
int cache_size;
int max_cache_size;
Mat samples;
SvmParams params;
vector<KernelRow> lru_cache;
int lru_first;
int lru_last;
Mat lru_cache_data;
int alpha_count;
vector<double> G_vec;
vector<double>* alpha_vec;
vector<schar> y_vec;
vector<schar> alpha_status_vec;
vector<double> b_vec;
vector<Qfloat> buf[2];
double eps;
int max_iter;
double C[2];
Ptr<SVM::Kernel> kernel;
SelectWorkingSet select_working_set_func;
CalcRho calc_rho_func;
GetRow get_row_func;
void clear()
Mat getSupportVectors() const
return sv;
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(int, Type, params.svmType)
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, Gamma, params.gamma)
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, Coef0, params.coef0)
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, Degree,
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, C, params.C)
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, P, params.p)
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY_S(cv::Mat, ClassWeights, params.classWeights)
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY_S(cv::TermCriteria, TermCriteria, params.termCrit)
int getKernelType() const
return params.kernelType;
void setKernel(int kernelType)
params.kernelType = kernelType;
if (kernelType != CUSTOM)
kernel = makePtr<SVMKernelImpl>(params);
void setCustomKernel(const Ptr<Kernel> &_kernel)
params.kernelType = CUSTOM;
kernel = _kernel;
void checkParams()
int kernelType = params.kernelType;
if (kernelType != CUSTOM)
if( kernelType != LINEAR && kernelType != POLY &&
kernelType != SIGMOID && kernelType != RBF &&
kernelType != INTER && kernelType != CHI2)
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown/unsupported kernel type" );
if( kernelType == LINEAR )
params.gamma = 1;
else if( params.gamma <= 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "gamma parameter of the kernel must be positive" );
if( kernelType != SIGMOID && kernelType != POLY )
params.coef0 = 0;
else if( params.coef0 < 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "The kernel parameter <coef0> must be positive or zero" );
if( kernelType != POLY ) = 0;
else if( <= 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "The kernel parameter <degree> must be positive" );
kernel = makePtr<SVMKernelImpl>(params);
if (!kernel)
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Custom kernel is not set" );
int svmType = params.svmType;
if( svmType != C_SVC && svmType != NU_SVC &&
svmType != ONE_CLASS && svmType != EPS_SVR &&
svmType != NU_SVR )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown/unsupported SVM type" );
if( svmType == ONE_CLASS || svmType == NU_SVC )
params.C = 0;
else if( params.C <= 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "The parameter C must be positive" );
if( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == EPS_SVR ) = 0;
else if( <= 0 || >= 1 )
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "The parameter nu must be between 0 and 1" );
if( svmType != EPS_SVR )
params.p = 0;
else if( params.p <= 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "The parameter p must be positive" );
if( svmType != C_SVC )
if( !(params.termCrit.type & TermCriteria::EPS) )
params.termCrit.epsilon = DBL_EPSILON;
params.termCrit.epsilon = std::max(params.termCrit.epsilon, DBL_EPSILON);
if( !(params.termCrit.type & TermCriteria::COUNT) )
params.termCrit.maxCount = INT_MAX;
params.termCrit.maxCount = std::max(params.termCrit.maxCount, 1);
void setParams( const SvmParams& _params)
params = _params;
int getSVCount(int i) const
return (i < (int)(decision_func.size()-1) ? decision_func[i+1].ofs :
(int)df_index.size()) - decision_func[i].ofs;
bool do_train( const Mat& _samples, const Mat& _responses )
int svmType = params.svmType;
int i, j, k, sample_count = _samples.rows;
vector<double> _alpha;
Solver::SolutionInfo sinfo;
CV_Assert( _samples.type() == CV_32F );
var_count = _samples.cols;
if( svmType == ONE_CLASS || svmType == EPS_SVR || svmType == NU_SVR )
int sv_count = 0;
vector<float> _yf;
if( !_responses.empty() )
_responses.convertTo(_yf, CV_32F);
bool ok =
svmType == ONE_CLASS ? Solver::solve_one_class( _samples,, kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) :
svmType == EPS_SVR ? Solver::solve_eps_svr( _samples, _yf, params.p, params.C, kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) :
svmType == NU_SVR ? Solver::solve_nu_svr( _samples, _yf,, params.C, kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) : false;
if( !ok )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
sv_count += fabs(_alpha[i]) > 0;
CV_Assert(sv_count != 0);
sv.create(sv_count, _samples.cols, CV_32F);
for( i = k = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
if( std::abs(_alpha[i]) > 0 )
df_alpha[k] = _alpha[i];
df_index[k] = k;
decision_func.push_back(DecisionFunc(sinfo.rho, 0));
int class_count = (int);
vector<int> svidx, sidx, sidx_all, sv_tab(sample_count, 0);
Mat temp_samples, class_weights;
vector<int> class_ranges;
vector<schar> temp_y;
double nu =;
CV_Assert( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == NU_SVC );
if( svmType == C_SVC && !params.classWeights.empty() )
const Mat cw = params.classWeights;
if( (cw.cols != 1 && cw.rows != 1) ||
(int) != class_count ||
(cw.type() != CV_32F && cw.type() != CV_64F) )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "params.class_weights must be 1d floating-point vector "
"containing as many elements as the number of classes" );
cw.convertTo(class_weights, CV_64F, params.C);
sortSamplesByClasses( _samples, _responses, sidx_all, class_ranges );
if( class_ranges[class_count] <= 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "While cross-validation one or more of the classes have "
"been fell out of the sample. Try to enlarge <Params::k_fold>" );
if( svmType == NU_SVC )
for( i = 0; i < class_count; i++ )
int ci = class_ranges[i+1] - class_ranges[i];
for( j = i+1; j< class_count; j++ )
int cj = class_ranges[j+1] - class_ranges[j];
if( nu*(ci + cj)*0.5 > std::min( ci, cj ) )
return false;
size_t samplesize = _samples.cols*_samples.elemSize();
for( i = 0; i < class_count; i++ )
for( j = i+1; j < class_count; j++ )
int si = class_ranges[i], ci = class_ranges[i+1] - si;
int sj = class_ranges[j], cj = class_ranges[j+1] - sj;
double Cp = params.C, Cn = Cp;
temp_samples.create(ci + cj, _samples.cols, _samples.type());
sidx.resize(ci + cj);
temp_y.resize(ci + cj);
for( k = 0; k < ci+cj; k++ )
int idx = k < ci ? si+k : sj+k-ci;
memcpy(temp_samples.ptr(k), _samples.ptr(sidx_all[idx]), samplesize);
sidx[k] = sidx_all[idx];
temp_y[k] = k < ci ? 1 : -1;
if( !class_weights.empty() )
Cp =<double>(i);
Cn =<double>(j);
DecisionFunc df;
bool ok = params.svmType == C_SVC ?
Solver::solve_c_svc( temp_samples, temp_y, Cp, Cn,
kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) :
params.svmType == NU_SVC ?
Solver::solve_nu_svc( temp_samples, temp_y,,
kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) :
if( !ok )
return false;
df.rho = sinfo.rho;
df.ofs = (int)df_index.size();
for( k = 0; k < ci + cj; k++ )
if( std::abs(_alpha[k]) > 0 )
int idx = k < ci ? si+k : sj+k-ci;
sv_tab[sidx_all[idx]] = 1;
for( i = 0, k = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
if( sv_tab[i] )
sv_tab[i] = ++k;
int sv_total = k;
sv.create(sv_total, _samples.cols, _samples.type());
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
if( !sv_tab[i] )
memcpy(sv.ptr(sv_tab[i]-1), _samples.ptr(i), samplesize);
int n = (int)df_index.size();
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
CV_Assert( sv_tab[df_index[i]] > 0 );
df_index[i] = sv_tab[df_index[i]] - 1;
return true;
void optimize_linear_svm()
if( params.kernelType != LINEAR )
int i, df_count = (int)decision_func.size();
for( i = 0; i < df_count; i++ )
if( getSVCount(i) != 1 )
if( i == df_count )
AutoBuffer<double> vbuf(var_count);
double* v = vbuf;
Mat new_sv(df_count, var_count, CV_32F);
vector<DecisionFunc> new_df;
for( i = 0; i < df_count; i++ )
float* dst = new_sv.ptr<float>(i);
memset(v, 0, var_count*sizeof(v[0]));
int j, k, sv_count = getSVCount(i);
const DecisionFunc& df = decision_func[i];
const int* sv_index = &df_index[df.ofs];
const double* sv_alpha = &df_alpha[df.ofs];
for( j = 0; j < sv_count; j++ )
const float* src = sv.ptr<float>(sv_index[j]);
double a = sv_alpha[j];
for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
v[k] += src[k]*a;
for( k = 0; k < var_count; k++ )
dst[k] = (float)v[k];
new_df.push_back(DecisionFunc(df.rho, i));
setRangeVector(df_index, df_count);
df_alpha.assign(df_count, 1.);
std::swap(sv, new_sv);
std::swap(decision_func, new_df);
bool train( const Ptr<TrainData>& data, int )
int svmType = params.svmType;
Mat samples = data->getTrainSamples();
Mat responses;
if( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == NU_SVC )
responses = data->getTrainNormCatResponses();
if( responses.empty() )
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "in the case of classification problem the responses must be categorical; "
"either specify varType when creating TrainData, or pass integer responses");
class_labels = data->getClassLabels();
responses = data->getTrainResponses();
if( !do_train( samples, responses ))
return false;
return true;
bool trainAuto( const Ptr<TrainData>& data, int k_fold,
ParamGrid C_grid, ParamGrid gamma_grid, ParamGrid p_grid,
ParamGrid nu_grid, ParamGrid coef_grid, ParamGrid degree_grid,
bool balanced )
int svmType = params.svmType;
RNG rng((uint64)-1);
if( svmType == ONE_CLASS )
return train( data, 0 );
CV_Assert( k_fold >= 2 );
#define CHECK_GRID(grid, param) \
if( grid.logStep <= 1 ) \
{ \
grid.minVal = grid.maxVal = params.param; \
grid.logStep = 10; \
} \
else \
CHECK_GRID(C_grid, C);
CHECK_GRID(gamma_grid, gamma);
CHECK_GRID(p_grid, p);
CHECK_GRID(nu_grid, nu);
CHECK_GRID(coef_grid, coef0);
CHECK_GRID(degree_grid, degree);
if( params.kernelType != POLY )
degree_grid.minVal = degree_grid.maxVal =;
if( params.kernelType == LINEAR )
gamma_grid.minVal = gamma_grid.maxVal = params.gamma;
if( params.kernelType != POLY && params.kernelType != SIGMOID )
coef_grid.minVal = coef_grid.maxVal = params.coef0;
if( svmType == NU_SVC || svmType == ONE_CLASS )
C_grid.minVal = C_grid.maxVal = params.C;
if( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == EPS_SVR )
nu_grid.minVal = nu_grid.maxVal =;
if( svmType != EPS_SVR )
p_grid.minVal = p_grid.maxVal = params.p;
Mat samples = data->getTrainSamples();
Mat responses;
bool is_classification = false;
int class_count = (int);
if( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == NU_SVC )
responses = data->getTrainNormCatResponses();
class_labels = data->getClassLabels();
class_count = (int);
is_classification = true;
vector<int> temp_class_labels;
setRangeVector(temp_class_labels, class_count);
responses = data->getTrainResponses();
CV_Assert(samples.type() == CV_32F);
int sample_count = samples.rows;
var_count = samples.cols;
size_t sample_size = var_count*samples.elemSize();
vector<int> sidx;
setRangeVector(sidx, sample_count);
int i, j, k;
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
int i1 = rng.uniform(0, sample_count);
int i2 = rng.uniform(0, sample_count);
std::swap(sidx[i1], sidx[i2]);
if( is_classification && class_count == 2 && balanced )
vector<int> sidx0, sidx1;
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
if(<int>(sidx[i]) == 0 )
int n0 = (int)sidx0.size(), n1 = (int)sidx1.size();
int a0 = 0, a1 = 0;
for( k = 0; k < k_fold; k++ )
int b0 = ((k+1)*n0 + k_fold/2)/k_fold, b1 = ((k+1)*n1 + k_fold/2)/k_fold;
int a = (int)sidx.size(), b = a + (b0 - a0) + (b1 - a1);
for( i = a0; i < b0; i++ )
for( i = a1; i < b1; i++ )
for( i = 0; i < (b - a); i++ )
int i1 = rng.uniform(a, b);
int i2 = rng.uniform(a, b);
std::swap(sidx[i1], sidx[i2]);
a0 = b0; a1 = b1;
int test_sample_count = (sample_count + k_fold/2)/k_fold;
int train_sample_count = sample_count - test_sample_count;
SvmParams best_params = params;
double min_error = FLT_MAX;
int rtype = responses.type();
Mat temp_train_samples(train_sample_count, var_count, CV_32F);
Mat temp_test_samples(test_sample_count, var_count, CV_32F);
Mat temp_train_responses(train_sample_count, 1, rtype);
Mat temp_test_responses;
#define FOR_IN_GRID(var, grid) \
for( params.var = grid.minVal; params.var == grid.minVal || params.var < grid.maxVal; params.var = (grid.minVal == grid.maxVal) ? grid.maxVal + 1 : params.var * grid.logStep )
FOR_IN_GRID(C, C_grid)
FOR_IN_GRID(gamma, gamma_grid)
FOR_IN_GRID(p, p_grid)
FOR_IN_GRID(nu, nu_grid)
FOR_IN_GRID(coef0, coef_grid)
FOR_IN_GRID(degree, degree_grid)
double error = 0;
for( k = 0; k < k_fold; k++ )
int start = (k*sample_count + k_fold/2)/k_fold;
for( i = 0; i < train_sample_count; i++ )
j = sidx[(i+start)%sample_count];
memcpy(temp_train_samples.ptr(i), samples.ptr(j), sample_size);
if( is_classification )<int>(i) =<int>(j);
else if( !responses.empty() )<float>(i) =<float>(j);
if( !do_train( temp_train_samples, temp_train_responses ))
for( i = 0; i < train_sample_count; i++ )
j = sidx[(i+start+train_sample_count) % sample_count];
memcpy(temp_train_samples.ptr(i), samples.ptr(j), sample_size);
predict(temp_test_samples, temp_test_responses, 0);
for( i = 0; i < test_sample_count; i++ )
float val =<float>(i);
j = sidx[(i+start+train_sample_count) % sample_count];
if( is_classification )
error += (float)(val !=<int>(j));
val -=<float>(j);
error += val*val;
if( min_error > error )
min_error = error;
best_params = params;
params = best_params;
return do_train( samples, responses );
struct PredictBody : ParallelLoopBody
PredictBody( const SVMImpl* _svm, const Mat& _samples, Mat& _results, bool _returnDFVal )
svm = _svm;
results = &_results;
samples = &_samples;
returnDFVal = _returnDFVal;
void operator()( const Range& range ) const
int svmType = svm->params.svmType;
int sv_total = svm->sv.rows;
int class_count = !svm->class_labels.empty() ? (int)svm-> : svmType == ONE_CLASS ? 1 : 0;
AutoBuffer<float> _buffer(sv_total + (class_count+1)*2);
float* buffer = _buffer;
int i, j, dfi, k, si;
if( svmType == EPS_SVR || svmType == NU_SVR || svmType == ONE_CLASS )
for( si = range.start; si < range.end; si++ )
const float* row_sample = samples->ptr<float>(si);
svm->kernel->calc( sv_total, svm->var_count, svm->sv.ptr<float>(), row_sample, buffer );
const SVMImpl::DecisionFunc* df = &svm->decision_func[0];
double sum = -df->rho;
for( i = 0; i < sv_total; i++ )
sum += buffer[i]*svm->df_alpha[i];
float result = svm->params.svmType == ONE_CLASS && !returnDFVal ? (float)(sum > 0) : (float)sum;
results->at<float>(si) = result;
else if( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == NU_SVC )
int* vote = (int*)(buffer + sv_total);
for( si = range.start; si < range.end; si++ )
svm->kernel->calc( sv_total, svm->var_count, svm->sv.ptr<float>(),
samples->ptr<float>(si), buffer );
double sum = 0.;
memset( vote, 0, class_count*sizeof(vote[0]));
for( i = dfi = 0; i < class_count; i++ )
for( j = i+1; j < class_count; j++, dfi++ )
const DecisionFunc& df = svm->decision_func[dfi];
sum = -df.rho;
int sv_count = svm->getSVCount(dfi);
const double* alpha = &svm->df_alpha[df.ofs];
const int* sv_index = &svm->df_index[df.ofs];
for( k = 0; k < sv_count; k++ )
sum += alpha[k]*buffer[sv_index[k]];
vote[sum > 0 ? i : j]++;
for( i = 1, k = 0; i < class_count; i++ )
if( vote[i] > vote[k] )
k = i;
float result = returnDFVal && class_count == 2 ?
(float)sum : (float)(svm-><int>(k));
results->at<float>(si) = result;
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown SVM type, "
"the SVM structure is probably corrupted" );
const SVMImpl* svm;
const Mat* samples;
Mat* results;
bool returnDFVal;
float predict( InputArray _samples, OutputArray _results, int flags ) const
float result = 0;
Mat samples = _samples.getMat(), results;
int nsamples = samples.rows;
bool returnDFVal = (flags & RAW_OUTPUT) != 0;
CV_Assert( samples.cols == var_count && samples.type() == CV_32F );
if( _results.needed() )
_results.create( nsamples, 1, samples.type() );
results = _results.getMat();
CV_Assert( nsamples == 1 );
results = Mat(1, 1, CV_32F, &result);
PredictBody invoker(this, samples, results, returnDFVal);
if( nsamples < 10 )
invoker(Range(0, nsamples));
parallel_for_(Range(0, nsamples), invoker);
return result;
double getDecisionFunction(int i, OutputArray _alpha, OutputArray _svidx ) const
CV_Assert( 0 <= i && i < (int)decision_func.size());
const DecisionFunc& df = decision_func[i];
int count = getSVCount(i);
Mat(1, count, CV_64F, (double*)&df_alpha[df.ofs]).copyTo(_alpha);
Mat(1, count, CV_32S, (int*)&df_index[df.ofs]).copyTo(_svidx);
return df.rho;
void write_params( FileStorage& fs ) const
int svmType = params.svmType;
int kernelType = params.kernelType;
String svm_type_str =
svmType == C_SVC ? "C_SVC" :
svmType == NU_SVC ? "NU_SVC" :
svmType == ONE_CLASS ? "ONE_CLASS" :
svmType == EPS_SVR ? "EPS_SVR" :
svmType == NU_SVR ? "NU_SVR" : format("Uknown_%d", svmType);
String kernel_type_str =
kernelType == LINEAR ? "LINEAR" :
kernelType == POLY ? "POLY" :
kernelType == RBF ? "RBF" :
kernelType == SIGMOID ? "SIGMOID" :
kernelType == CHI2 ? "CHI2" :
kernelType == INTER ? "INTER" : format("Unknown_%d", kernelType);
fs << "svmType" << svm_type_str;
fs << "kernel" << "{" << "type" << kernel_type_str;
if( kernelType == POLY )
fs << "degree" <<;
if( kernelType != LINEAR )
fs << "gamma" << params.gamma;
if( kernelType == POLY || kernelType == SIGMOID )
fs << "coef0" << params.coef0;
fs << "}";
if( svmType == C_SVC || svmType == EPS_SVR || svmType == NU_SVR )
fs << "C" << params.C;
if( svmType == NU_SVC || svmType == ONE_CLASS || svmType == NU_SVR )
fs << "nu" <<;
if( svmType == EPS_SVR )
fs << "p" << params.p;
fs << "term_criteria" << "{:";
if( params.termCrit.type & TermCriteria::EPS )
fs << "epsilon" << params.termCrit.epsilon;
if( params.termCrit.type & TermCriteria::COUNT )
fs << "iterations" << params.termCrit.maxCount;
fs << "}";
bool isTrained() const
return !sv.empty();
bool isClassifier() const
return params.svmType == C_SVC || params.svmType == NU_SVC || params.svmType == ONE_CLASS;
int getVarCount() const
return var_count;
String getDefaultName() const
return "opencv_ml_svm";
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const
int class_count = !class_labels.empty() ? (int) :
params.svmType == ONE_CLASS ? 1 : 0;
if( !isTrained() )
CV_Error( CV_StsParseError, "SVM model data is invalid, check sv_count, var_* and class_count tags" );
write_params( fs );
fs << "var_count" << var_count;
if( class_count > 0 )
fs << "class_count" << class_count;
if( !class_labels.empty() )
fs << "class_labels" << class_labels;
if( !params.classWeights.empty() )
fs << "class_weights" << params.classWeights;
int i, sv_total = sv.rows;
fs << "sv_total" << sv_total;
fs << "support_vectors" << "[";
for( i = 0; i < sv_total; i++ )
fs << "[:";
fs.writeRaw("f", sv.ptr(i), sv.cols*sv.elemSize());
fs << "]";
fs << "]";
int df_count = (int)decision_func.size();
fs << "decision_functions" << "[";
for( i = 0; i < df_count; i++ )
const DecisionFunc& df = decision_func[i];
int sv_count = getSVCount(i);
fs << "{" << "sv_count" << sv_count
<< "rho" << df.rho
<< "alpha" << "[:";
fs.writeRaw("d", (const uchar*)&df_alpha[df.ofs], sv_count*sizeof(df_alpha[0]));
fs << "]";
if( class_count > 2 )
fs << "index" << "[:";
fs.writeRaw("i", (const uchar*)&df_index[df.ofs], sv_count*sizeof(df_index[0]));
fs << "]";
CV_Assert( sv_count == sv_total );
fs << "}";
fs << "]";
void read_params( const FileNode& fn )
SvmParams _params;
String svm_type_str = (String)(fn["svm_type"].empty() ? fn["svmType"] : fn["svm_type"]);
int svmType =
svm_type_str == "C_SVC" ? C_SVC :
svm_type_str == "NU_SVC" ? NU_SVC :
svm_type_str == "ONE_CLASS" ? ONE_CLASS :
svm_type_str == "EPS_SVR" ? EPS_SVR :
svm_type_str == "NU_SVR" ? NU_SVR : -1;
if( svmType < 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsParseError, "Missing of invalid SVM type" );
FileNode kernel_node = fn["kernel"];
if( kernel_node.empty() )
CV_Error( CV_StsParseError, "SVM kernel tag is not found" );
String kernel_type_str = (String)kernel_node["type"];
int kernelType =
kernel_type_str == "LINEAR" ? LINEAR :
kernel_type_str == "POLY" ? POLY :
kernel_type_str == "RBF" ? RBF :
kernel_type_str == "SIGMOID" ? SIGMOID :
kernel_type_str == "CHI2" ? CHI2 :
kernel_type_str == "INTER" ? INTER : CUSTOM;
if( kernelType == CUSTOM )
CV_Error( CV_StsParseError, "Invalid SVM kernel type (or custom kernel)" );
_params.svmType = svmType;
_params.kernelType = kernelType; = (double)kernel_node["degree"];
_params.gamma = (double)kernel_node["gamma"];
_params.coef0 = (double)kernel_node["coef0"];
_params.C = (double)fn["C"]; = (double)fn["nu"];
_params.p = (double)fn["p"];
_params.classWeights = Mat();
FileNode tcnode = fn["term_criteria"];
if( !tcnode.empty() )
_params.termCrit.epsilon = (double)tcnode["epsilon"];
_params.termCrit.maxCount = (int)tcnode["iterations"];
_params.termCrit.type = (_params.termCrit.epsilon > 0 ? TermCriteria::EPS : 0) +
(_params.termCrit.maxCount > 0 ? TermCriteria::COUNT : 0);
_params.termCrit = TermCriteria( TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::COUNT, 1000, FLT_EPSILON );
setParams( _params );
void read( const FileNode& fn )
read_params( fn );
int i, sv_total = (int)fn["sv_total"];
var_count = (int)fn["var_count"];
int class_count = (int)fn["class_count"];
if( sv_total <= 0 || var_count <= 0 )
CV_Error( CV_StsParseError, "SVM model data is invalid, check sv_count, var_* and class_count tags" );
FileNode m = fn["class_labels"];
if( !m.empty() )
m >> class_labels;
m = fn["class_weights"];
if( !m.empty() )
m >> params.classWeights;
if( class_count > 1 && (class_labels.empty() || (int) != class_count))
CV_Error( CV_StsParseError, "Array of class labels is missing or invalid" );
FileNode sv_node = fn["support_vectors"];
CV_Assert((int)sv_node.size() == sv_total);
sv.create(sv_total, var_count, CV_32F);
FileNodeIterator sv_it = sv_node.begin();
for( i = 0; i < sv_total; i++, ++sv_it )
(*sv_it).readRaw("f", sv.ptr(i), var_count*sv.elemSize());
int df_count = class_count > 1 ? class_count*(class_count-1)/2 : 1;
FileNode df_node = fn["decision_functions"];
CV_Assert((int)df_node.size() == df_count);
FileNodeIterator df_it = df_node.begin();
for( i = 0; i < df_count; i++, ++df_it )
FileNode dfi = *df_it;
DecisionFunc df;
int sv_count = (int)dfi["sv_count"];
int ofs = (int)df_index.size();
df.rho = (double)dfi["rho"];
df.ofs = ofs;
df_index.resize(ofs + sv_count);
df_alpha.resize(ofs + sv_count);
dfi["alpha"].readRaw("d", (uchar*)&df_alpha[ofs], sv_count*sizeof(df_alpha[0]));
if( class_count > 2 )
dfi["index"].readRaw("i", (uchar*)&df_index[ofs], sv_count*sizeof(df_index[0]));
if( class_count <= 2 )
setRangeVector(df_index, sv_total);
if( (int)fn["optimize_linear"] != 0 )
SvmParams params;
Mat class_labels;
int var_count;
Mat sv;
vector<DecisionFunc> decision_func;
vector<double> df_alpha;
vector<int> df_index;
Ptr<Kernel> kernel;
Ptr<SVM> SVM::create()
return makePtr<SVMImpl>();