
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. descriptorSize
  2. descriptorType
  3. defaultNorm
  4. img
  5. scores
  6. scale
  7. offset
  8. generateKernel
  9. smoothedIntensity
  10. RoiPredicate
  11. detectAndCompute
  12. computeDescriptorsAndOrOrientation
  13. computeKeypointsNoOrientation
  14. constructPyramid
  15. getKeypoints
  16. getScoreAbove
  17. getScoreBelow
  18. isMax2D
  19. refine3D
  20. getScoreMaxAbove
  21. getScoreMaxBelow
  22. refine1D
  23. refine1D_1
  24. refine1D_2
  25. subpixel2D
  26. getAgastPoints
  27. getAgastScore
  28. getAgastScore_5_8
  29. getAgastScore
  30. value
  31. halfsample
  32. twothirdsample
  33. create
  34. create

 * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
 *  Copyright (C) 2011  The Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), ETH Zurich,
 *                Stefan Leutenegger, Simon Lynen and Margarita Chli.
 *  Copyright (c) 2009, Willow Garage, Inc.
 *  All rights reserved.
 *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 *  are met:
 *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
 *     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
 *     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
 *     with the distribution.
 *   * Neither the name of the Willow Garage nor the names of its
 *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *     from this software without specific prior written permission.

 BRISK - Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
 Reference implementation of
 [1] Stefan Leutenegger,Margarita Chli and Roland Siegwart, BRISK:
 Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints, in Proceedings of
 the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2011).

#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "agast_score.hpp"

namespace cv

class BRISK_Impl : public BRISK
    explicit BRISK_Impl(int thresh=30, int octaves=3, float patternScale=1.0f);
    // custom setup
    explicit BRISK_Impl(const std::vector<float> &radiusList, const std::vector<int> &numberList,
        float dMax=5.85f, float dMin=8.2f, const std::vector<int> indexChange=std::vector<int>());

    virtual ~BRISK_Impl();

    int descriptorSize() const
        return strings_;

    int descriptorType() const
        return CV_8U;

    int defaultNorm() const
        return NORM_HAMMING;

    // call this to generate the kernel:
    // circle of radius r (pixels), with n points;
    // short pairings with dMax, long pairings with dMin
    void generateKernel(const std::vector<float> &radiusList,
        const std::vector<int> &numberList, float dMax=5.85f, float dMin=8.2f,
        const std::vector<int> &indexChange=std::vector<int>());

    void detectAndCompute( InputArray image, InputArray mask,
                     CV_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                     OutputArray descriptors,
                     bool useProvidedKeypoints );


    void computeKeypointsNoOrientation(InputArray image, InputArray mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints) const;
    void computeDescriptorsAndOrOrientation(InputArray image, InputArray mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                                       OutputArray descriptors, bool doDescriptors, bool doOrientation,
                                       bool useProvidedKeypoints) const;

    // Feature parameters
    CV_PROP_RW int threshold;
    CV_PROP_RW int octaves;

    // some helper structures for the Brisk pattern representation
    struct BriskPatternPoint{
        float x;         // x coordinate relative to center
        float y;         // x coordinate relative to center
        float sigma;     // Gaussian smoothing sigma
    struct BriskShortPair{
        unsigned int i;  // index of the first pattern point
        unsigned int j;  // index of other pattern point
    struct BriskLongPair{
        unsigned int i;  // index of the first pattern point
        unsigned int j;  // index of other pattern point
        int weighted_dx; // 1024.0/dx
        int weighted_dy; // 1024.0/dy
    inline int smoothedIntensity(const cv::Mat& image,
                const cv::Mat& integral,const float key_x,
                const float key_y, const unsigned int scale,
                const unsigned int rot, const unsigned int point) const;
    // pattern properties
    BriskPatternPoint* patternPoints_;     //[i][rotation][scale]
    unsigned int points_;                 // total number of collocation points
    float* scaleList_;                     // lists the scaling per scale index [scale]
    unsigned int* sizeList_;             // lists the total pattern size per scale index [scale]
    static const unsigned int scales_;    // scales discretization
    static const float scalerange_;     // span of sizes 40->4 Octaves - else, this needs to be adjusted...
    static const unsigned int n_rot_;    // discretization of the rotation look-up

    // pairs
    int strings_;                        // number of uchars the descriptor consists of
    float dMax_;                         // short pair maximum distance
    float dMin_;                         // long pair maximum distance
    BriskShortPair* shortPairs_;         // d<_dMax
    BriskLongPair* longPairs_;             // d>_dMin
    unsigned int noShortPairs_;         // number of shortParis
    unsigned int noLongPairs_;             // number of longParis

    // general
    static const float basicSize_;

// a layer in the Brisk detector pyramid
class CV_EXPORTS BriskLayer
  // constructor arguments
  struct CV_EXPORTS CommonParams
    static const int HALFSAMPLE = 0;
    static const int TWOTHIRDSAMPLE = 1;
  // construct a base layer
  BriskLayer(const cv::Mat& img, float scale = 1.0f, float offset = 0.0f);
  // derive a layer
  BriskLayer(const BriskLayer& layer, int mode);

  // Agast without non-max suppression
  getAgastPoints(int threshold, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints);

  // get scores - attention, this is in layer coordinates, not scale=1 coordinates!
  inline int
  getAgastScore(int x, int y, int threshold) const;
  inline int
  getAgastScore_5_8(int x, int y, int threshold) const;
  inline int
  getAgastScore(float xf, float yf, int threshold, float scale = 1.0f) const;

  // accessors
  inline const cv::Mat&
  img() const
    return img_;
  inline const cv::Mat&
  scores() const
    return scores_;
  inline float
  scale() const
    return scale_;
  inline float
  offset() const
    return offset_;

  // half sampling
  static inline void
  halfsample(const cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& dstimg);
  // two third sampling
  static inline void
  twothirdsample(const cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& dstimg);

  // access gray values (smoothed/interpolated)
  inline int
  value(const cv::Mat& mat, float xf, float yf, float scale) const;
  // the image
  cv::Mat img_;
  // its Agast scores
  cv::Mat_<uchar> scores_;
  // coordinate transformation
  float scale_;
  float offset_;
  // agast
  cv::Ptr<cv::AgastFeatureDetector> oast_9_16_;
  int pixel_5_8_[25];
  int pixel_9_16_[25];

class CV_EXPORTS BriskScaleSpace
  // construct telling the octaves number:
  BriskScaleSpace(int _octaves = 3);

  // construct the image pyramids
  constructPyramid(const cv::Mat& image);

  // get Keypoints
  getKeypoints(const int _threshold, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints);

  // nonmax suppression:
  inline bool
  isMax2D(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer);
  // 1D (scale axis) refinement:
  inline float
  refine1D(const float s_05, const float s0, const float s05, float& max) const; // around octave
  inline float
  refine1D_1(const float s_05, const float s0, const float s05, float& max) const; // around intra
  inline float
  refine1D_2(const float s_05, const float s0, const float s05, float& max) const; // around octave 0 only
  // 2D maximum refinement:
  inline float
  subpixel2D(const int s_0_0, const int s_0_1, const int s_0_2, const int s_1_0, const int s_1_1, const int s_1_2,
             const int s_2_0, const int s_2_1, const int s_2_2, float& delta_x, float& delta_y) const;
  // 3D maximum refinement centered around (x_layer,y_layer)
  inline float
  refine3D(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer, float& x, float& y, float& scale, bool& ismax) const;

  // interpolated score access with recalculation when needed:
  inline int
  getScoreAbove(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer) const;
  inline int
  getScoreBelow(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer) const;

  // return the maximum of score patches above or below
  inline float
  getScoreMaxAbove(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer, const int threshold, bool& ismax,
                   float& dx, float& dy) const;
  inline float
  getScoreMaxBelow(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer, const int threshold, bool& ismax,
                   float& dx, float& dy) const;

  // the image pyramids:
  int layers_;
  std::vector<BriskLayer> pyramid_;

  // some constant parameters:
  static const float safetyFactor_;
  static const float basicSize_;

const float BRISK_Impl::basicSize_ = 12.0f;
const unsigned int BRISK_Impl::scales_ = 64;
const float BRISK_Impl::scalerange_ = 30.f; // 40->4 Octaves - else, this needs to be adjusted...
const unsigned int BRISK_Impl::n_rot_ = 1024; // discretization of the rotation look-up

const float BriskScaleSpace::safetyFactor_ = 1.0f;
const float BriskScaleSpace::basicSize_ = 12.0f;

// constructors
BRISK_Impl::BRISK_Impl(int thresh, int octaves_in, float patternScale)
  threshold = thresh;
  octaves = octaves_in;

  std::vector<float> rList;
  std::vector<int> nList;

  // this is the standard pattern found to be suitable also
  const double f = 0.85 * patternScale;

  rList[0] = (float)(f * 0.);
  rList[1] = (float)(f * 2.9);
  rList[2] = (float)(f * 4.9);
  rList[3] = (float)(f * 7.4);
  rList[4] = (float)(f * 10.8);

  nList[0] = 1;
  nList[1] = 10;
  nList[2] = 14;
  nList[3] = 15;
  nList[4] = 20;

  generateKernel(rList, nList, (float)(5.85 * patternScale), (float)(8.2 * patternScale));

BRISK_Impl::BRISK_Impl(const std::vector<float> &radiusList,
                       const std::vector<int> &numberList,
                       float dMax, float dMin,
                       const std::vector<int> indexChange)
  generateKernel(radiusList, numberList, dMax, dMin, indexChange);
  threshold = 20;
  octaves = 3;

BRISK_Impl::generateKernel(const std::vector<float> &radiusList,
                           const std::vector<int> &numberList,
                           float dMax, float dMin,
                           const std::vector<int>& _indexChange)
  std::vector<int> indexChange = _indexChange;
  dMax_ = dMax;
  dMin_ = dMin;

  // get the total number of points
  const int rings = (int)radiusList.size();
  CV_Assert(radiusList.size() != 0 && radiusList.size() == numberList.size());
  points_ = 0; // remember the total number of points
  for (int ring = 0; ring < rings; ring++)
    points_ += numberList[ring];
  // set up the patterns
  patternPoints_ = new BriskPatternPoint[points_ * scales_ * n_rot_];
  BriskPatternPoint* patternIterator = patternPoints_;

  // define the scale discretization:
  static const float lb_scale = (float)(std::log(scalerange_) / std::log(2.0));
  static const float lb_scale_step = lb_scale / (scales_);

  scaleList_ = new float[scales_];
  sizeList_ = new unsigned int[scales_];

  const float sigma_scale = 1.3f;

  for (unsigned int scale = 0; scale < scales_; ++scale)
    scaleList_[scale] = (float)std::pow((double) 2.0, (double) (scale * lb_scale_step));
    sizeList_[scale] = 0;

    // generate the pattern points look-up
    double alpha, theta;
    for (size_t rot = 0; rot < n_rot_; ++rot)
      theta = double(rot) * 2 * CV_PI / double(n_rot_); // this is the rotation of the feature
      for (int ring = 0; ring < rings; ++ring)
        for (int num = 0; num < numberList[ring]; ++num)
          // the actual coordinates on the circle
          alpha = (double(num)) * 2 * CV_PI / double(numberList[ring]);
          patternIterator->x = (float)(scaleList_[scale] * radiusList[ring] * cos(alpha + theta)); // feature rotation plus angle of the point
          patternIterator->y = (float)(scaleList_[scale] * radiusList[ring] * sin(alpha + theta));
          // and the gaussian kernel sigma
          if (ring == 0)
            patternIterator->sigma = sigma_scale * scaleList_[scale] * 0.5f;
            patternIterator->sigma = (float)(sigma_scale * scaleList_[scale] * (double(radiusList[ring]))
                                     * sin(CV_PI / numberList[ring]));
          // adapt the sizeList if necessary
          const unsigned int size = cvCeil(((scaleList_[scale] * radiusList[ring]) + patternIterator->sigma)) + 1;
          if (sizeList_[scale] < size)
            sizeList_[scale] = size;

          // increment the iterator

  // now also generate pairings
  shortPairs_ = new BriskShortPair[points_ * (points_ - 1) / 2];
  longPairs_ = new BriskLongPair[points_ * (points_ - 1) / 2];
  noShortPairs_ = 0;
  noLongPairs_ = 0;

  // fill indexChange with 0..n if empty
  unsigned int indSize = (unsigned int)indexChange.size();
  if (indSize == 0)
    indexChange.resize(points_ * (points_ - 1) / 2);
    indSize = (unsigned int)indexChange.size();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indSize; i++)
      indexChange[i] = i;
  const float dMin_sq = dMin_ * dMin_;
  const float dMax_sq = dMax_ * dMax_;
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < points_; i++)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++)
    { //(find all the pairs)
      // point pair distance:
      const float dx = patternPoints_[j].x - patternPoints_[i].x;
      const float dy = patternPoints_[j].y - patternPoints_[i].y;
      const float norm_sq = (dx * dx + dy * dy);
      if (norm_sq > dMin_sq)
        // save to long pairs
        BriskLongPair& longPair = longPairs_[noLongPairs_];
        longPair.weighted_dx = int((dx / (norm_sq)) * 2048.0 + 0.5);
        longPair.weighted_dy = int((dy / (norm_sq)) * 2048.0 + 0.5);
        longPair.i = i;
        longPair.j = j;
      else if (norm_sq < dMax_sq)
        // save to short pairs
        CV_Assert(noShortPairs_ < indSize);
        // make sure the user passes something sensible
        BriskShortPair& shortPair = shortPairs_[indexChange[noShortPairs_]];
        shortPair.j = j;
        shortPair.i = i;

  // no bits:
  strings_ = (int) ceil((float(noShortPairs_)) / 128.0) * 4 * 4;

// simple alternative:
inline int
BRISK_Impl::smoothedIntensity(const cv::Mat& image, const cv::Mat& integral, const float key_x,
                                            const float key_y, const unsigned int scale, const unsigned int rot,
                                            const unsigned int point) const

  // get the float position
  const BriskPatternPoint& briskPoint = patternPoints_[scale * n_rot_ * points_ + rot * points_ + point];
  const float xf = briskPoint.x + key_x;
  const float yf = briskPoint.y + key_y;
  const int x = int(xf);
  const int y = int(yf);
  const int& imagecols = image.cols;

  // get the sigma:
  const float sigma_half = briskPoint.sigma;
  const float area = 4.0f * sigma_half * sigma_half;

  // calculate output:
  int ret_val;
  if (sigma_half < 0.5)
    //interpolation multipliers:
    const int r_x = (int)((xf - x) * 1024);
    const int r_y = (int)((yf - y) * 1024);
    const int r_x_1 = (1024 - r_x);
    const int r_y_1 = (1024 - r_y);
    const uchar* ptr = &<uchar>(y, x);
    size_t step = image.step;
    // just interpolate:
    ret_val = r_x_1 * r_y_1 * ptr[0] + r_x * r_y_1 * ptr[1] +
              r_x * r_y * ptr[step] + r_x_1 * r_y * ptr[step+1];
    return (ret_val + 512) / 1024;

  // this is the standard case (simple, not speed optimized yet):

  // scaling:
  const int scaling = (int)(4194304.0 / area);
  const int scaling2 = int(float(scaling) * area / 1024.0);

  // the integral image is larger:
  const int integralcols = imagecols + 1;

  // calculate borders
  const float x_1 = xf - sigma_half;
  const float x1 = xf + sigma_half;
  const float y_1 = yf - sigma_half;
  const float y1 = yf + sigma_half;

  const int x_left = int(x_1 + 0.5);
  const int y_top = int(y_1 + 0.5);
  const int x_right = int(x1 + 0.5);
  const int y_bottom = int(y1 + 0.5);

  // overlap area - multiplication factors:
  const float r_x_1 = float(x_left) - x_1 + 0.5f;
  const float r_y_1 = float(y_top) - y_1 + 0.5f;
  const float r_x1 = x1 - float(x_right) + 0.5f;
  const float r_y1 = y1 - float(y_bottom) + 0.5f;
  const int dx = x_right - x_left - 1;
  const int dy = y_bottom - y_top - 1;
  const int A = (int)((r_x_1 * r_y_1) * scaling);
  const int B = (int)((r_x1 * r_y_1) * scaling);
  const int C = (int)((r_x1 * r_y1) * scaling);
  const int D = (int)((r_x_1 * r_y1) * scaling);
  const int r_x_1_i = (int)(r_x_1 * scaling);
  const int r_y_1_i = (int)(r_y_1 * scaling);
  const int r_x1_i = (int)(r_x1 * scaling);
  const int r_y1_i = (int)(r_y1 * scaling);

  if (dx + dy > 2)
    // now the calculation:
    const uchar* ptr = image.ptr() + x_left + imagecols * y_top;
    // first the corners:
    ret_val = A * int(*ptr);
    ptr += dx + 1;
    ret_val += B * int(*ptr);
    ptr += dy * imagecols + 1;
    ret_val += C * int(*ptr);
    ptr -= dx + 1;
    ret_val += D * int(*ptr);

    // next the edges:
    const int* ptr_integral = integral.ptr<int>() + x_left + integralcols * y_top + 1;
    // find a simple path through the different surface corners
    const int tmp1 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral += dx;
    const int tmp2 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral += integralcols;
    const int tmp3 = (*ptr_integral);
    const int tmp4 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral += dy * integralcols;
    const int tmp5 = (*ptr_integral);
    const int tmp6 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral += integralcols;
    const int tmp7 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral -= dx;
    const int tmp8 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral -= integralcols;
    const int tmp9 = (*ptr_integral);
    const int tmp10 = (*ptr_integral);
    ptr_integral -= dy * integralcols;
    const int tmp11 = (*ptr_integral);
    const int tmp12 = (*ptr_integral);

    // assign the weighted surface integrals:
    const int upper = (tmp3 - tmp2 + tmp1 - tmp12) * r_y_1_i;
    const int middle = (tmp6 - tmp3 + tmp12 - tmp9) * scaling;
    const int left = (tmp9 - tmp12 + tmp11 - tmp10) * r_x_1_i;
    const int right = (tmp5 - tmp4 + tmp3 - tmp6) * r_x1_i;
    const int bottom = (tmp7 - tmp6 + tmp9 - tmp8) * r_y1_i;

    return (ret_val + upper + middle + left + right + bottom + scaling2 / 2) / scaling2;

  // now the calculation:
  const uchar* ptr = image.ptr() + x_left + imagecols * y_top;
  // first row:
  ret_val = A * int(*ptr);
  const uchar* end1 = ptr + dx;
  for (; ptr < end1; ptr++)
    ret_val += r_y_1_i * int(*ptr);
  ret_val += B * int(*ptr);
  // middle ones:
  ptr += imagecols - dx - 1;
  const uchar* end_j = ptr + dy * imagecols;
  for (; ptr < end_j; ptr += imagecols - dx - 1)
    ret_val += r_x_1_i * int(*ptr);
    const uchar* end2 = ptr + dx;
    for (; ptr < end2; ptr++)
      ret_val += int(*ptr) * scaling;
    ret_val += r_x1_i * int(*ptr);
  // last row:
  ret_val += D * int(*ptr);
  const uchar* end3 = ptr + dx;
  for (; ptr < end3; ptr++)
    ret_val += r_y1_i * int(*ptr);
  ret_val += C * int(*ptr);

  return (ret_val + scaling2 / 2) / scaling2;

inline bool
RoiPredicate(const float minX, const float minY, const float maxX, const float maxY, const KeyPoint& keyPt)
  const Point2f& pt =;
  return (pt.x < minX) || (pt.x >= maxX) || (pt.y < minY) || (pt.y >= maxY);

// computes the descriptor
BRISK_Impl::detectAndCompute( InputArray _image, InputArray _mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                              OutputArray _descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints)
  bool doOrientation=true;

  // If the user specified cv::noArray(), this will yield false. Otherwise it will return true.
  bool doDescriptors = _descriptors.needed();

  computeDescriptorsAndOrOrientation(_image, _mask, keypoints, _descriptors, doDescriptors, doOrientation,

BRISK_Impl::computeDescriptorsAndOrOrientation(InputArray _image, InputArray _mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                                     OutputArray _descriptors, bool doDescriptors, bool doOrientation,
                                     bool useProvidedKeypoints) const
  Mat image = _image.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
  if( image.type() != CV_8UC1 )
      cvtColor(image, image, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

  if (!useProvidedKeypoints)
    doOrientation = true;
    computeKeypointsNoOrientation(_image, _mask, keypoints);

  //Remove keypoints very close to the border
  size_t ksize = keypoints.size();
  std::vector<int> kscales; // remember the scale per keypoint
  static const float log2 = 0.693147180559945f;
  static const float lb_scalerange = (float)(std::log(scalerange_) / (log2));
  std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::iterator beginning = keypoints.begin();
  std::vector<int>::iterator beginningkscales = kscales.begin();
  static const float basicSize06 = basicSize_ * 0.6f;
  for (size_t k = 0; k < ksize; k++)
    unsigned int scale;
      scale = std::max((int) (scales_ / lb_scalerange * (std::log(keypoints[k].size / (basicSize06)) / log2) + 0.5), 0);
      // saturate
      if (scale >= scales_)
        scale = scales_ - 1;
      kscales[k] = scale;
    const int border = sizeList_[scale];
    const int border_x = image.cols - border;
    const int border_y = image.rows - border;
    if (RoiPredicate((float)border, (float)border, (float)border_x, (float)border_y, keypoints[k]))
      keypoints.erase(beginning + k);
      kscales.erase(beginningkscales + k);
      if (k == 0)
        beginning = keypoints.begin();
        beginningkscales = kscales.begin();

  // first, calculate the integral image over the whole image:
  // current integral image
  cv::Mat _integral; // the integral image
  cv::integral(image, _integral);

  int* _values = new int[points_]; // for temporary use

  // resize the descriptors:
  cv::Mat descriptors;
  if (doDescriptors)
    _descriptors.create((int)ksize, strings_, CV_8U);
    descriptors = _descriptors.getMat();

  // now do the extraction for all keypoints:

  // temporary variables containing gray values at sample points:
  int t1;
  int t2;

  // the feature orientation
  const uchar* ptr = descriptors.ptr();
  for (size_t k = 0; k < ksize; k++)
    cv::KeyPoint& kp = keypoints[k];
    const int& scale = kscales[k];
    int* pvalues = _values;
    const float& x =;
    const float& y =;

    if (doOrientation)
        // get the gray values in the unrotated pattern
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points_; i++)
          *(pvalues++) = smoothedIntensity(image, _integral, x, y, scale, 0, i);

        int direction0 = 0;
        int direction1 = 0;
        // now iterate through the long pairings
        const BriskLongPair* max = longPairs_ + noLongPairs_;
        for (BriskLongPair* iter = longPairs_; iter < max; ++iter)
          t1 = *(_values + iter->i);
          t2 = *(_values + iter->j);
          const int delta_t = (t1 - t2);
          // update the direction:
          const int tmp0 = delta_t * (iter->weighted_dx) / 1024;
          const int tmp1 = delta_t * (iter->weighted_dy) / 1024;
          direction0 += tmp0;
          direction1 += tmp1;
        kp.angle = (float)(atan2((float) direction1, (float) direction0) / CV_PI * 180.0);

        if (!doDescriptors)
          if (kp.angle < 0)
            kp.angle += 360.f;

    if (!doDescriptors)

    int theta;
    if (kp.angle==-1)
        // don't compute the gradient direction, just assign a rotation of 0°
        theta = 0;
        theta = (int) (n_rot_ * (kp.angle / (360.0)) + 0.5);
        if (theta < 0)
          theta += n_rot_;
        if (theta >= int(n_rot_))
          theta -= n_rot_;

    if (kp.angle < 0)
      kp.angle += 360.f;

    // now also extract the stuff for the actual direction:
    // let us compute the smoothed values
    int shifter = 0;

    //unsigned int mean=0;
    pvalues = _values;
    // get the gray values in the rotated pattern
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points_; i++)
      *(pvalues++) = smoothedIntensity(image, _integral, x, y, scale, theta, i);

    // now iterate through all the pairings
    unsigned int* ptr2 = (unsigned int*) ptr;
    const BriskShortPair* max = shortPairs_ + noShortPairs_;
    for (BriskShortPair* iter = shortPairs_; iter < max; ++iter)
      t1 = *(_values + iter->i);
      t2 = *(_values + iter->j);
      if (t1 > t2)
        *ptr2 |= ((1) << shifter);

      } // else already initialized with zero
      // take care of the iterators:
      if (shifter == 32)
        shifter = 0;

    ptr += strings_;

  // clean-up
  delete[] _values;

  delete[] patternPoints_;
  delete[] shortPairs_;
  delete[] longPairs_;
  delete[] scaleList_;
  delete[] sizeList_;

BRISK_Impl::computeKeypointsNoOrientation(InputArray _image, InputArray _mask, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints) const
  Mat image = _image.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
  if( image.type() != CV_8UC1 )
      cvtColor(_image, image, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

  BriskScaleSpace briskScaleSpace(octaves);
  briskScaleSpace.getKeypoints(threshold, keypoints);

  // remove invalid points
  KeyPointsFilter::runByPixelsMask(keypoints, mask);

// construct telling the octaves number:
BriskScaleSpace::BriskScaleSpace(int _octaves)
  if (_octaves == 0)
    layers_ = 1;
    layers_ = 2 * _octaves;

// construct the image pyramids
BriskScaleSpace::constructPyramid(const cv::Mat& image)

  // set correct size:

  // fill the pyramid:
  if (layers_ > 1)
    pyramid_.push_back(BriskLayer(pyramid_.back(), BriskLayer::CommonParams::TWOTHIRDSAMPLE));
  const int octaves2 = layers_;

  for (uchar i = 2; i < octaves2; i += 2)
    pyramid_.push_back(BriskLayer(pyramid_[i - 2], BriskLayer::CommonParams::HALFSAMPLE));
    pyramid_.push_back(BriskLayer(pyramid_[i - 1], BriskLayer::CommonParams::HALFSAMPLE));

BriskScaleSpace::getKeypoints(const int threshold_, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints)
  // make sure keypoints is empty

  // assign thresholds
  int safeThreshold_ = (int)(threshold_ * safetyFactor_);
  std::vector<std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> > agastPoints;

  // go through the octaves and intra layers and calculate agast corner scores:
  for (int i = 0; i < layers_; i++)
    // call OAST16_9 without nms
    BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[i];
    l.getAgastPoints(safeThreshold_, agastPoints[i]);

  if (layers_ == 1)
    // just do a simple 2d subpixel refinement...
    const size_t num = agastPoints[0].size();
    for (size_t n = 0; n < num; n++)
      const cv::Point2f& point =[n].pt;
      // first check if it is a maximum:
      if (!isMax2D(0, (int)point.x, (int)point.y))

      // let's do the subpixel and float scale refinement:
      BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[0];
      int s_0_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y - 1, 1);
      int s_1_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y - 1, 1);
      int s_2_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y - 1, 1);
      int s_2_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y, 1);
      int s_1_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y, 1);
      int s_0_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y, 1);
      int s_0_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y + 1, 1);
      int s_1_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y + 1, 1);
      int s_2_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y + 1, 1);
      float delta_x, delta_y;
      float max = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x, delta_y);

      // store:
      keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(float(point.x) + delta_x, float(point.y) + delta_y, basicSize_, -1, max, 0));



  float x, y, scale, score;
  for (int i = 0; i < layers_; i++)
    BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[i];
    const size_t num = agastPoints[i].size();
    if (i == layers_ - 1)
      for (size_t n = 0; n < num; n++)
        const cv::Point2f& point =[n].pt;
        // consider only 2D maxima...
        if (!isMax2D(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y))

        bool ismax;
        float dx, dy;
        getScoreMaxBelow(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y, l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y, safeThreshold_), ismax, dx, dy);
        if (!ismax)

        // get the patch on this layer:
        int s_0_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y - 1, 1);
        int s_1_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y - 1, 1);
        int s_2_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y - 1, 1);
        int s_2_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y, 1);
        int s_1_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y, 1);
        int s_0_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y, 1);
        int s_0_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y + 1, 1);
        int s_1_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y + 1, 1);
        int s_2_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y + 1, 1);
        float delta_x, delta_y;
        float max = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x, delta_y);

        // store:
            cv::KeyPoint((float(point.x) + delta_x) * l.scale() + l.offset(),
                         (float(point.y) + delta_y) * l.scale() + l.offset(), basicSize_ * l.scale(), -1, max, i));
      // not the last layer:
      for (size_t n = 0; n < num; n++)
        const cv::Point2f& point =[n].pt;

        // first check if it is a maximum:
        if (!isMax2D(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y))

        // let's do the subpixel and float scale refinement:
        bool ismax=false;
        score = refine3D(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y, x, y, scale, ismax);
        if (!ismax)

        // finally store the detected keypoint:
        if (score > float(threshold_))
          keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(x, y, basicSize_ * scale, -1, score, i));

// interpolated score access with recalculation when needed:
inline int
BriskScaleSpace::getScoreAbove(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer) const
  CV_Assert(layer < layers_-1);
  const BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[layer + 1];
  if (layer % 2 == 0)
  { // octave
    const int sixths_x = 4 * x_layer - 1;
    const int x_above = sixths_x / 6;
    const int sixths_y = 4 * y_layer - 1;
    const int y_above = sixths_y / 6;
    const int r_x = (sixths_x % 6);
    const int r_x_1 = 6 - r_x;
    const int r_y = (sixths_y % 6);
    const int r_y_1 = 6 - r_y;
    uchar score = 0xFF
        & ((r_x_1 * r_y_1 * l.getAgastScore(x_above, y_above, 1) + r_x * r_y_1
                                                                   * l.getAgastScore(x_above + 1, y_above, 1)
            + r_x_1 * r_y * l.getAgastScore(x_above, y_above + 1, 1)
            + r_x * r_y * l.getAgastScore(x_above + 1, y_above + 1, 1) + 18)
           / 36);

    return score;
  { // intra
    const int eighths_x = 6 * x_layer - 1;
    const int x_above = eighths_x / 8;
    const int eighths_y = 6 * y_layer - 1;
    const int y_above = eighths_y / 8;
    const int r_x = (eighths_x % 8);
    const int r_x_1 = 8 - r_x;
    const int r_y = (eighths_y % 8);
    const int r_y_1 = 8 - r_y;
    uchar score = 0xFF
        & ((r_x_1 * r_y_1 * l.getAgastScore(x_above, y_above, 1) + r_x * r_y_1
                                                                   * l.getAgastScore(x_above + 1, y_above, 1)
            + r_x_1 * r_y * l.getAgastScore(x_above, y_above + 1, 1)
            + r_x * r_y * l.getAgastScore(x_above + 1, y_above + 1, 1) + 32)
           / 64);
    return score;
inline int
BriskScaleSpace::getScoreBelow(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer) const
  const BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[layer - 1];
  int sixth_x;
  int quarter_x;
  float xf;
  int sixth_y;
  int quarter_y;
  float yf;

  // scaling:
  float offs;
  float area;
  int scaling;
  int scaling2;

  if (layer % 2 == 0)
  { // octave
    sixth_x = 8 * x_layer + 1;
    xf = float(sixth_x) / 6.0f;
    sixth_y = 8 * y_layer + 1;
    yf = float(sixth_y) / 6.0f;

    // scaling:
    offs = 2.0f / 3.0f;
    area = 4.0f * offs * offs;
    scaling = (int)(4194304.0 / area);
    scaling2 = (int)(float(scaling) * area);
    quarter_x = 6 * x_layer + 1;
    xf = float(quarter_x) / 4.0f;
    quarter_y = 6 * y_layer + 1;
    yf = float(quarter_y) / 4.0f;

    // scaling:
    offs = 3.0f / 4.0f;
    area = 4.0f * offs * offs;
    scaling = (int)(4194304.0 / area);
    scaling2 = (int)(float(scaling) * area);

  // calculate borders
  const float x_1 = xf - offs;
  const float x1 = xf + offs;
  const float y_1 = yf - offs;
  const float y1 = yf + offs;

  const int x_left = int(x_1 + 0.5);
  const int y_top = int(y_1 + 0.5);
  const int x_right = int(x1 + 0.5);
  const int y_bottom = int(y1 + 0.5);

  // overlap area - multiplication factors:
  const float r_x_1 = float(x_left) - x_1 + 0.5f;
  const float r_y_1 = float(y_top) - y_1 + 0.5f;
  const float r_x1 = x1 - float(x_right) + 0.5f;
  const float r_y1 = y1 - float(y_bottom) + 0.5f;
  const int dx = x_right - x_left - 1;
  const int dy = y_bottom - y_top - 1;
  const int A = (int)((r_x_1 * r_y_1) * scaling);
  const int B = (int)((r_x1 * r_y_1) * scaling);
  const int C = (int)((r_x1 * r_y1) * scaling);
  const int D = (int)((r_x_1 * r_y1) * scaling);
  const int r_x_1_i = (int)(r_x_1 * scaling);
  const int r_y_1_i = (int)(r_y_1 * scaling);
  const int r_x1_i = (int)(r_x1 * scaling);
  const int r_y1_i = (int)(r_y1 * scaling);

  // first row:
  int ret_val = A * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left, y_top, 1));
  for (int X = 1; X <= dx; X++)
    ret_val += r_y_1_i * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + X, y_top, 1));
  ret_val += B * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + dx + 1, y_top, 1));
  // middle ones:
  for (int Y = 1; Y <= dy; Y++)
    ret_val += r_x_1_i * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left, y_top + Y, 1));

    for (int X = 1; X <= dx; X++)
      ret_val += int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + X, y_top + Y, 1)) * scaling;
    ret_val += r_x1_i * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + dx + 1, y_top + Y, 1));
  // last row:
  ret_val += D * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left, y_top + dy + 1, 1));
  for (int X = 1; X <= dx; X++)
    ret_val += r_y1_i * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + X, y_top + dy + 1, 1));
  ret_val += C * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + dx + 1, y_top + dy + 1, 1));

  return ((ret_val + scaling2 / 2) / scaling2);

inline bool
BriskScaleSpace::isMax2D(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer)
  const cv::Mat& scores = pyramid_[layer].scores();
  const int scorescols = scores.cols;
  const uchar* data = scores.ptr() + y_layer * scorescols + x_layer;
  // decision tree:
  const uchar center = (*data);
  const uchar s_10 = *data;
  if (center < s_10)
    return false;
  data += 2;
  const uchar s10 = *data;
  if (center < s10)
    return false;
  data -= (scorescols + 1);
  const uchar s0_1 = *data;
  if (center < s0_1)
    return false;
  data += 2 * scorescols;
  const uchar s01 = *data;
  if (center < s01)
    return false;
  const uchar s_11 = *data;
  if (center < s_11)
    return false;
  data += 2;
  const uchar s11 = *data;
  if (center < s11)
    return false;
  data -= 2 * scorescols;
  const uchar s1_1 = *data;
  if (center < s1_1)
    return false;
  data -= 2;
  const uchar s_1_1 = *data;
  if (center < s_1_1)
    return false;

  // reject neighbor maxima
  std::vector<int> delta;
  // put together a list of 2d-offsets to where the maximum is also reached
  if (center == s_1_1)
  if (center == s0_1)
  if (center == s1_1)
  if (center == s_10)
  if (center == s10)
  if (center == s_11)
  if (center == s01)
  if (center == s11)
  const unsigned int deltasize = (unsigned int)delta.size();
  if (deltasize != 0)
    // in this case, we have to analyze the situation more carefully:
    // the values are gaussian blurred and then we really decide
    data = scores.ptr() + y_layer * scorescols + x_layer;
    int smoothedcenter = 4 * center + 2 * (s_10 + s10 + s0_1 + s01) + s_1_1 + s1_1 + s_11 + s11;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deltasize; i += 2)
      data = scores.ptr() + (y_layer - 1 + delta[i + 1]) * scorescols + x_layer + delta[i] - 1;
      int othercenter = *data;
      othercenter += 2 * (*data);
      othercenter += *data;
      data += scorescols;
      othercenter += 2 * (*data);
      othercenter += 4 * (*data);
      othercenter += 2 * (*data);
      data += scorescols;
      othercenter += *data;
      othercenter += 2 * (*data);
      othercenter += *data;
      if (othercenter > smoothedcenter)
        return false;
  return true;

// 3D maximum refinement centered around (x_layer,y_layer)
inline float
BriskScaleSpace::refine3D(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer, float& x, float& y, float& scale,
                          bool& ismax) const
  ismax = true;
  const BriskLayer& thisLayer = pyramid_[layer];
  const int center = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer, 1);

  // check and get above maximum:
  float delta_x_above = 0, delta_y_above = 0;
  float max_above = getScoreMaxAbove(layer, x_layer, y_layer, center, ismax, delta_x_above, delta_y_above);

  if (!ismax)
    return 0.0f;

  float max; // to be returned

  if (layer % 2 == 0)
  { // on octave
    // treat the patch below:
    float delta_x_below, delta_y_below;
    float max_below_float;
    int max_below = 0;
    if (layer == 0)
      // guess the lower intra octave...
      const BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[0];
      int s_0_0 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer - 1, y_layer - 1, 1);
      max_below = s_0_0;
      int s_1_0 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer, y_layer - 1, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_1_0, max_below);
      int s_2_0 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer + 1, y_layer - 1, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_2_0, max_below);
      int s_2_1 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer + 1, y_layer, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_2_1, max_below);
      int s_1_1 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer, y_layer, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_1_1, max_below);
      int s_0_1 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer - 1, y_layer, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_0_1, max_below);
      int s_0_2 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer - 1, y_layer + 1, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_0_2, max_below);
      int s_1_2 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer, y_layer + 1, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_1_2, max_below);
      int s_2_2 = l.getAgastScore_5_8(x_layer + 1, y_layer + 1, 1);
      max_below = std::max(s_2_2, max_below);

      max_below_float = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x_below,
      max_below_float = (float)max_below;
      max_below_float = getScoreMaxBelow(layer, x_layer, y_layer, center, ismax, delta_x_below, delta_y_below);
      if (!ismax)
        return 0;

    // get the patch on this layer:
    int s_0_0 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer - 1, y_layer - 1, 1);
    int s_1_0 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer - 1, 1);
    int s_2_0 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer + 1, y_layer - 1, 1);
    int s_2_1 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer + 1, y_layer, 1);
    int s_1_1 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer, 1);
    int s_0_1 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer - 1, y_layer, 1);
    int s_0_2 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer - 1, y_layer + 1, 1);
    int s_1_2 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer + 1, 1);
    int s_2_2 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer + 1, y_layer + 1, 1);
    float delta_x_layer, delta_y_layer;
    float max_layer = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x_layer,

    // calculate the relative scale (1D maximum):
    if (layer == 0)
      scale = refine1D_2(max_below_float, std::max(float(center), max_layer), max_above, max);
      scale = refine1D(max_below_float, std::max(float(center), max_layer), max_above, max);

    if (scale > 1.0)
      // interpolate the position:
      const float r0 = (1.5f - scale) / .5f;
      const float r1 = 1.0f - r0;
      x = (r0 * delta_x_layer + r1 * delta_x_above + float(x_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
      y = (r0 * delta_y_layer + r1 * delta_y_above + float(y_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
      if (layer == 0)
        // interpolate the position:
        const float r0 = (scale - 0.5f) / 0.5f;
        const float r_1 = 1.0f - r0;
        x = r0 * delta_x_layer + r_1 * delta_x_below + float(x_layer);
        y = r0 * delta_y_layer + r_1 * delta_y_below + float(y_layer);
        // interpolate the position:
        const float r0 = (scale - 0.75f) / 0.25f;
        const float r_1 = 1.0f - r0;
        x = (r0 * delta_x_layer + r_1 * delta_x_below + float(x_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
        y = (r0 * delta_y_layer + r_1 * delta_y_below + float(y_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
    // on intra
    // check the patch below:
    float delta_x_below, delta_y_below;
    float max_below = getScoreMaxBelow(layer, x_layer, y_layer, center, ismax, delta_x_below, delta_y_below);
    if (!ismax)
      return 0.0f;

    // get the patch on this layer:
    int s_0_0 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer - 1, y_layer - 1, 1);
    int s_1_0 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer - 1, 1);
    int s_2_0 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer + 1, y_layer - 1, 1);
    int s_2_1 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer + 1, y_layer, 1);
    int s_1_1 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer, 1);
    int s_0_1 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer - 1, y_layer, 1);
    int s_0_2 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer - 1, y_layer + 1, 1);
    int s_1_2 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer, y_layer + 1, 1);
    int s_2_2 = thisLayer.getAgastScore(x_layer + 1, y_layer + 1, 1);
    float delta_x_layer, delta_y_layer;
    float max_layer = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x_layer,

    // calculate the relative scale (1D maximum):
    scale = refine1D_1(max_below, std::max(float(center), max_layer), max_above, max);
    if (scale > 1.0)
      // interpolate the position:
      const float r0 = 4.0f - scale * 3.0f;
      const float r1 = 1.0f - r0;
      x = (r0 * delta_x_layer + r1 * delta_x_above + float(x_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
      y = (r0 * delta_y_layer + r1 * delta_y_above + float(y_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
      // interpolate the position:
      const float r0 = scale * 3.0f - 2.0f;
      const float r_1 = 1.0f - r0;
      x = (r0 * delta_x_layer + r_1 * delta_x_below + float(x_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();
      y = (r0 * delta_y_layer + r_1 * delta_y_below + float(y_layer)) * thisLayer.scale() + thisLayer.offset();

  // calculate the absolute scale:
  scale *= thisLayer.scale();

  // that's it, return the refined maximum:
  return max;

// return the maximum of score patches above or below
inline float
BriskScaleSpace::getScoreMaxAbove(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer, const int threshold,
                                  bool& ismax, float& dx, float& dy) const

  ismax = false;
  // relevant floating point coordinates
  float x_1;
  float x1;
  float y_1;
  float y1;

  // the layer above
  CV_Assert(layer + 1 < layers_);
  const BriskLayer& layerAbove = pyramid_[layer + 1];

  if (layer % 2 == 0)
    // octave
    x_1 = float(4 * (x_layer) - 1 - 2) / 6.0f;
    x1 = float(4 * (x_layer) - 1 + 2) / 6.0f;
    y_1 = float(4 * (y_layer) - 1 - 2) / 6.0f;
    y1 = float(4 * (y_layer) - 1 + 2) / 6.0f;
    // intra
    x_1 = float(6 * (x_layer) - 1 - 3) / 8.0f;
    x1 = float(6 * (x_layer) - 1 + 3) / 8.0f;
    y_1 = float(6 * (y_layer) - 1 - 3) / 8.0f;
    y1 = float(6 * (y_layer) - 1 + 3) / 8.0f;

  // check the first row
  int max_x = (int)x_1 + 1;
  int max_y = (int)y_1 + 1;
  float tmp_max;
  float maxval = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x_1, y_1, 1);
  if (maxval > threshold)
    return 0;
  for (int x = (int)x_1 + 1; x <= int(x1); x++)
    tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(float(x), y_1, 1);
    if (tmp_max > threshold)
      return 0;
    if (tmp_max > maxval)
      maxval = tmp_max;
      max_x = x;
  tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x1, y_1, 1);
  if (tmp_max > threshold)
    return 0;
  if (tmp_max > maxval)
    maxval = tmp_max;
    max_x = int(x1);

  // middle rows
  for (int y = (int)y_1 + 1; y <= int(y1); y++)
    tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x_1, float(y), 1);
    if (tmp_max > threshold)
      return 0;
    if (tmp_max > maxval)
      maxval = tmp_max;
      max_x = int(x_1 + 1);
      max_y = y;
    for (int x = (int)x_1 + 1; x <= int(x1); x++)
      tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x, y, 1);
      if (tmp_max > threshold)
        return 0;
      if (tmp_max > maxval)
        maxval = tmp_max;
        max_x = x;
        max_y = y;
    tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x1, float(y), 1);
    if (tmp_max > threshold)
      return 0;
    if (tmp_max > maxval)
      maxval = tmp_max;
      max_x = int(x1);
      max_y = y;

  // bottom row
  tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x_1, y1, 1);
  if (tmp_max > maxval)
    maxval = tmp_max;
    max_x = int(x_1 + 1);
    max_y = int(y1);
  for (int x = (int)x_1 + 1; x <= int(x1); x++)
    tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(float(x), y1, 1);
    if (tmp_max > maxval)
      maxval = tmp_max;
      max_x = x;
      max_y = int(y1);
  tmp_max = (float)layerAbove.getAgastScore(x1, y1, 1);
  if (tmp_max > maxval)
    maxval = tmp_max;
    max_x = int(x1);
    max_y = int(y1);

  //find dx/dy:
  int s_0_0 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y - 1, 1);
  int s_1_0 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y - 1, 1);
  int s_2_0 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y - 1, 1);
  int s_2_1 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y, 1);
  int s_1_1 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y, 1);
  int s_0_1 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y, 1);
  int s_0_2 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y + 1, 1);
  int s_1_2 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y + 1, 1);
  int s_2_2 = layerAbove.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y + 1, 1);
  float dx_1, dy_1;
  float refined_max = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, dx_1, dy_1);

  // calculate dx/dy in above coordinates
  float real_x = float(max_x) + dx_1;
  float real_y = float(max_y) + dy_1;
  bool returnrefined = true;
  if (layer % 2 == 0)
    dx = (real_x * 6.0f + 1.0f) / 4.0f - float(x_layer);
    dy = (real_y * 6.0f + 1.0f) / 4.0f - float(y_layer);
    dx = (real_x * 8.0f + 1.0f) / 6.0f - float(x_layer);
    dy = (real_y * 8.0f + 1.0f) / 6.0f - float(y_layer);

  // saturate
  if (dx > 1.0f)
    dx = 1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;
  if (dx < -1.0f)
    dx = -1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;
  if (dy > 1.0f)
    dy = 1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;
  if (dy < -1.0f)
    dy = -1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;

  // done and ok.
  ismax = true;
  if (returnrefined)
    return std::max(refined_max, maxval);
  return maxval;

inline float
BriskScaleSpace::getScoreMaxBelow(const int layer, const int x_layer, const int y_layer, const int threshold,
                                  bool& ismax, float& dx, float& dy) const
  ismax = false;

  // relevant floating point coordinates
  float x_1;
  float x1;
  float y_1;
  float y1;

  if (layer % 2 == 0)
    // octave
    x_1 = float(8 * (x_layer) + 1 - 4) / 6.0f;
    x1 = float(8 * (x_layer) + 1 + 4) / 6.0f;
    y_1 = float(8 * (y_layer) + 1 - 4) / 6.0f;
    y1 = float(8 * (y_layer) + 1 + 4) / 6.0f;
    x_1 = float(6 * (x_layer) + 1 - 3) / 4.0f;
    x1 = float(6 * (x_layer) + 1 + 3) / 4.0f;
    y_1 = float(6 * (y_layer) + 1 - 3) / 4.0f;
    y1 = float(6 * (y_layer) + 1 + 3) / 4.0f;

  // the layer below
  CV_Assert(layer > 0);
  const BriskLayer& layerBelow = pyramid_[layer - 1];

  // check the first row
  int max_x = (int)x_1 + 1;
  int max_y = (int)y_1 + 1;
  float tmp_max;
  float max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x_1, y_1, 1);
  if (max > threshold)
    return 0;
  for (int x = (int)x_1 + 1; x <= int(x1); x++)
    tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(float(x), y_1, 1);
    if (tmp_max > threshold)
      return 0;
    if (tmp_max > max)
      max = tmp_max;
      max_x = x;
  tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x1, y_1, 1);
  if (tmp_max > threshold)
    return 0;
  if (tmp_max > max)
    max = tmp_max;
    max_x = int(x1);

  // middle rows
  for (int y = (int)y_1 + 1; y <= int(y1); y++)
    tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x_1, float(y), 1);
    if (tmp_max > threshold)
      return 0;
    if (tmp_max > max)
      max = tmp_max;
      max_x = int(x_1 + 1);
      max_y = y;
    for (int x = (int)x_1 + 1; x <= int(x1); x++)
      tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x, y, 1);
      if (tmp_max > threshold)
        return 0;
      if (tmp_max == max)
        const int t1 = 2
            * (layerBelow.getAgastScore(x - 1, y, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(x + 1, y, 1)
               + layerBelow.getAgastScore(x, y + 1, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(x, y - 1, 1))
                       + (layerBelow.getAgastScore(x + 1, y + 1, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(x - 1, y + 1, 1)
                          + layerBelow.getAgastScore(x + 1, y - 1, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(x - 1, y - 1, 1));
        const int t2 = 2
            * (layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y, 1)
               + layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y + 1, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y - 1, 1))
                       + (layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y + 1, 1) + layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x - 1,
                                                                                                       max_y + 1, 1)
                          + layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y - 1, 1)
                          + layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y - 1, 1));
        if (t1 > t2)
          max_x = x;
          max_y = y;
      if (tmp_max > max)
        max = tmp_max;
        max_x = x;
        max_y = y;
    tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x1, float(y), 1);
    if (tmp_max > threshold)
      return 0;
    if (tmp_max > max)
      max = tmp_max;
      max_x = int(x1);
      max_y = y;

  // bottom row
  tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x_1, y1, 1);
  if (tmp_max > max)
    max = tmp_max;
    max_x = int(x_1 + 1);
    max_y = int(y1);
  for (int x = (int)x_1 + 1; x <= int(x1); x++)
    tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(float(x), y1, 1);
    if (tmp_max > max)
      max = tmp_max;
      max_x = x;
      max_y = int(y1);
  tmp_max = (float)layerBelow.getAgastScore(x1, y1, 1);
  if (tmp_max > max)
    max = tmp_max;
    max_x = int(x1);
    max_y = int(y1);

  //find dx/dy:
  int s_0_0 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y - 1, 1);
  int s_1_0 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y - 1, 1);
  int s_2_0 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y - 1, 1);
  int s_2_1 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y, 1);
  int s_1_1 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y, 1);
  int s_0_1 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y, 1);
  int s_0_2 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x - 1, max_y + 1, 1);
  int s_1_2 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x, max_y + 1, 1);
  int s_2_2 = layerBelow.getAgastScore(max_x + 1, max_y + 1, 1);
  float dx_1, dy_1;
  float refined_max = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, dx_1, dy_1);

  // calculate dx/dy in above coordinates
  float real_x = float(max_x) + dx_1;
  float real_y = float(max_y) + dy_1;
  bool returnrefined = true;
  if (layer % 2 == 0)
    dx = (float)((real_x * 6.0 + 1.0) / 8.0) - float(x_layer);
    dy = (float)((real_y * 6.0 + 1.0) / 8.0) - float(y_layer);
    dx = (float)((real_x * 4.0 - 1.0) / 6.0) - float(x_layer);
    dy = (float)((real_y * 4.0 - 1.0) / 6.0) - float(y_layer);

  // saturate
  if (dx > 1.0)
    dx = 1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;
  if (dx < -1.0f)
    dx = -1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;
  if (dy > 1.0f)
    dy = 1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;
  if (dy < -1.0f)
    dy = -1.0f;
    returnrefined = false;

  // done and ok.
  ismax = true;
  if (returnrefined)
    return std::max(refined_max, max);
  return max;

inline float
BriskScaleSpace::refine1D(const float s_05, const float s0, const float s05, float& max) const
  int i_05 = int(1024.0 * s_05 + 0.5);
  int i0 = int(1024.0 * s0 + 0.5);
  int i05 = int(1024.0 * s05 + 0.5);

  //   16.0000  -24.0000    8.0000
  //  -40.0000   54.0000  -14.0000
  //   24.0000  -27.0000    6.0000

  int three_a = 16 * i_05 - 24 * i0 + 8 * i05;
  // second derivative must be negative:
  if (three_a >= 0)
    if (s0 >= s_05 && s0 >= s05)
      max = s0;
      return 1.0f;
    if (s_05 >= s0 && s_05 >= s05)
      max = s_05;
      return 0.75f;
    if (s05 >= s0 && s05 >= s_05)
      max = s05;
      return 1.5f;

  int three_b = -40 * i_05 + 54 * i0 - 14 * i05;
  // calculate max location:
  float ret_val = -float(three_b) / float(2 * three_a);
  // saturate and return
  if (ret_val < 0.75)
    ret_val = 0.75;
  else if (ret_val > 1.5)
    ret_val = 1.5; // allow to be slightly off bounds ...?
  int three_c = +24 * i_05 - 27 * i0 + 6 * i05;
  max = float(three_c) + float(three_a) * ret_val * ret_val + float(three_b) * ret_val;
  max /= 3072.0f;
  return ret_val;

inline float
BriskScaleSpace::refine1D_1(const float s_05, const float s0, const float s05, float& max) const
  int i_05 = int(1024.0 * s_05 + 0.5);
  int i0 = int(1024.0 * s0 + 0.5);
  int i05 = int(1024.0 * s05 + 0.5);

  //  4.5000   -9.0000    4.5000
  //-10.5000   18.0000   -7.5000
  //  6.0000   -8.0000    3.0000

  int two_a = 9 * i_05 - 18 * i0 + 9 * i05;
  // second derivative must be negative:
  if (two_a >= 0)
    if (s0 >= s_05 && s0 >= s05)
      max = s0;
      return 1.0f;
    if (s_05 >= s0 && s_05 >= s05)
      max = s_05;
      return 0.6666666666666666666666666667f;
    if (s05 >= s0 && s05 >= s_05)
      max = s05;
      return 1.3333333333333333333333333333f;

  int two_b = -21 * i_05 + 36 * i0 - 15 * i05;
  // calculate max location:
  float ret_val = -float(two_b) / float(2 * two_a);
  // saturate and return
  if (ret_val < 0.6666666666666666666666666667f)
    ret_val = 0.666666666666666666666666667f;
  else if (ret_val > 1.33333333333333333333333333f)
    ret_val = 1.333333333333333333333333333f;
  int two_c = +12 * i_05 - 16 * i0 + 6 * i05;
  max = float(two_c) + float(two_a) * ret_val * ret_val + float(two_b) * ret_val;
  max /= 2048.0f;
  return ret_val;

inline float
BriskScaleSpace::refine1D_2(const float s_05, const float s0, const float s05, float& max) const
  int i_05 = int(1024.0 * s_05 + 0.5);
  int i0 = int(1024.0 * s0 + 0.5);
  int i05 = int(1024.0 * s05 + 0.5);

  //   18.0000  -30.0000   12.0000
  //  -45.0000   65.0000  -20.0000
  //   27.0000  -30.0000    8.0000

  int a = 2 * i_05 - 4 * i0 + 2 * i05;
  // second derivative must be negative:
  if (a >= 0)
    if (s0 >= s_05 && s0 >= s05)
      max = s0;
      return 1.0f;
    if (s_05 >= s0 && s_05 >= s05)
      max = s_05;
      return 0.7f;
    if (s05 >= s0 && s05 >= s_05)
      max = s05;
      return 1.5f;

  int b = -5 * i_05 + 8 * i0 - 3 * i05;
  // calculate max location:
  float ret_val = -float(b) / float(2 * a);
  // saturate and return
  if (ret_val < 0.7f)
    ret_val = 0.7f;
  else if (ret_val > 1.5f)
    ret_val = 1.5f; // allow to be slightly off bounds ...?
  int c = +3 * i_05 - 3 * i0 + 1 * i05;
  max = float(c) + float(a) * ret_val * ret_val + float(b) * ret_val;
  max /= 1024;
  return ret_val;

inline float
BriskScaleSpace::subpixel2D(const int s_0_0, const int s_0_1, const int s_0_2, const int s_1_0, const int s_1_1,
                            const int s_1_2, const int s_2_0, const int s_2_1, const int s_2_2, float& delta_x,
                            float& delta_y) const

  // the coefficients of the 2d quadratic function least-squares fit:
  int tmp1 = s_0_0 + s_0_2 - 2 * s_1_1 + s_2_0 + s_2_2;
  int coeff1 = 3 * (tmp1 + s_0_1 - ((s_1_0 + s_1_2) << 1) + s_2_1);
  int coeff2 = 3 * (tmp1 - ((s_0_1 + s_2_1) << 1) + s_1_0 + s_1_2);
  int tmp2 = s_0_2 - s_2_0;
  int tmp3 = (s_0_0 + tmp2 - s_2_2);
  int tmp4 = tmp3 - 2 * tmp2;
  int coeff3 = -3 * (tmp3 + s_0_1 - s_2_1);
  int coeff4 = -3 * (tmp4 + s_1_0 - s_1_2);
  int coeff5 = (s_0_0 - s_0_2 - s_2_0 + s_2_2) << 2;
  int coeff6 = -(s_0_0 + s_0_2 - ((s_1_0 + s_0_1 + s_1_2 + s_2_1) << 1) - 5 * s_1_1 + s_2_0 + s_2_2) << 1;

  // 2nd derivative test:
  int H_det = 4 * coeff1 * coeff2 - coeff5 * coeff5;

  if (H_det == 0)
    delta_x = 0.0f;
    delta_y = 0.0f;
    return float(coeff6) / 18.0f;

  if (!(H_det > 0 && coeff1 < 0))
    // The maximum must be at the one of the 4 patch corners.
    int tmp_max = coeff3 + coeff4 + coeff5;
    delta_x = 1.0f;
    delta_y = 1.0f;

    int tmp = -coeff3 + coeff4 - coeff5;
    if (tmp > tmp_max)
      tmp_max = tmp;
      delta_x = -1.0f;
      delta_y = 1.0f;
    tmp = coeff3 - coeff4 - coeff5;
    if (tmp > tmp_max)
      tmp_max = tmp;
      delta_x = 1.0f;
      delta_y = -1.0f;
    tmp = -coeff3 - coeff4 + coeff5;
    if (tmp > tmp_max)
      tmp_max = tmp;
      delta_x = -1.0f;
      delta_y = -1.0f;
    return float(tmp_max + coeff1 + coeff2 + coeff6) / 18.0f;

  // this is hopefully the normal outcome of the Hessian test
  delta_x = float(2 * coeff2 * coeff3 - coeff4 * coeff5) / float(-H_det);
  delta_y = float(2 * coeff1 * coeff4 - coeff3 * coeff5) / float(-H_det);
  // TODO: this is not correct, but easy, so perform a real boundary maximum search:
  bool tx = false;
  bool tx_ = false;
  bool ty = false;
  bool ty_ = false;
  if (delta_x > 1.0)
    tx = true;
  else if (delta_x < -1.0)
    tx_ = true;
  if (delta_y > 1.0)
    ty = true;
  if (delta_y < -1.0)
    ty_ = true;

  if (tx || tx_ || ty || ty_)
    // get two candidates:
    float delta_x1 = 0.0f, delta_x2 = 0.0f, delta_y1 = 0.0f, delta_y2 = 0.0f;
    if (tx)
      delta_x1 = 1.0f;
      delta_y1 = -float(coeff4 + coeff5) / float(2 * coeff2);
      if (delta_y1 > 1.0f)
        delta_y1 = 1.0f;
      else if (delta_y1 < -1.0f)
        delta_y1 = -1.0f;
    else if (tx_)
      delta_x1 = -1.0f;
      delta_y1 = -float(coeff4 - coeff5) / float(2 * coeff2);
      if (delta_y1 > 1.0f)
        delta_y1 = 1.0f;
      else if (delta_y1 < -1.0)
        delta_y1 = -1.0f;
    if (ty)
      delta_y2 = 1.0f;
      delta_x2 = -float(coeff3 + coeff5) / float(2 * coeff1);
      if (delta_x2 > 1.0f)
        delta_x2 = 1.0f;
      else if (delta_x2 < -1.0f)
        delta_x2 = -1.0f;
    else if (ty_)
      delta_y2 = -1.0f;
      delta_x2 = -float(coeff3 - coeff5) / float(2 * coeff1);
      if (delta_x2 > 1.0f)
        delta_x2 = 1.0f;
      else if (delta_x2 < -1.0f)
        delta_x2 = -1.0f;
    // insert both options for evaluation which to pick
    float max1 = (coeff1 * delta_x1 * delta_x1 + coeff2 * delta_y1 * delta_y1 + coeff3 * delta_x1 + coeff4 * delta_y1
                  + coeff5 * delta_x1 * delta_y1 + coeff6)
                 / 18.0f;
    float max2 = (coeff1 * delta_x2 * delta_x2 + coeff2 * delta_y2 * delta_y2 + coeff3 * delta_x2 + coeff4 * delta_y2
                  + coeff5 * delta_x2 * delta_y2 + coeff6)
                 / 18.0f;
    if (max1 > max2)
      delta_x = delta_x1;
      delta_y = delta_x1;
      return max1;
      delta_x = delta_x2;
      delta_y = delta_x2;
      return max2;

  // this is the case of the maximum inside the boundaries:
  return (coeff1 * delta_x * delta_x + coeff2 * delta_y * delta_y + coeff3 * delta_x + coeff4 * delta_y
          + coeff5 * delta_x * delta_y + coeff6)
         / 18.0f;

// construct a layer
BriskLayer::BriskLayer(const cv::Mat& img_in, float scale_in, float offset_in)
  img_ = img_in;
  scores_ = cv::Mat_<uchar>::zeros(img_in.rows, img_in.cols);
  // attention: this means that the passed image reference must point to persistent memory
  scale_ = scale_in;
  offset_ = offset_in;
  // create an agast detector
  oast_9_16_ = AgastFeatureDetector::create(1, false, AgastFeatureDetector::OAST_9_16);
  makeAgastOffsets(pixel_5_8_, (int)img_.step, AgastFeatureDetector::AGAST_5_8);
  makeAgastOffsets(pixel_9_16_, (int)img_.step, AgastFeatureDetector::OAST_9_16);
// derive a layer
BriskLayer::BriskLayer(const BriskLayer& layer, int mode)
  if (mode == CommonParams::HALFSAMPLE)
    img_.create(layer.img().rows / 2, layer.img().cols / 2, CV_8U);
    halfsample(layer.img(), img_);
    scale_ = layer.scale() * 2;
    offset_ = 0.5f * scale_ - 0.5f;
    img_.create(2 * (layer.img().rows / 3), 2 * (layer.img().cols / 3), CV_8U);
    twothirdsample(layer.img(), img_);
    scale_ = layer.scale() * 1.5f;
    offset_ = 0.5f * scale_ - 0.5f;
  scores_ = cv::Mat::zeros(img_.rows, img_.cols, CV_8U);
  oast_9_16_ = AgastFeatureDetector::create(1, false, AgastFeatureDetector::OAST_9_16);
  makeAgastOffsets(pixel_5_8_, (int)img_.step, AgastFeatureDetector::AGAST_5_8);
  makeAgastOffsets(pixel_9_16_, (int)img_.step, AgastFeatureDetector::OAST_9_16);

// Agast
// wraps the agast class
BriskLayer::getAgastPoints(int threshold, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints)
  oast_9_16_->detect(img_, keypoints);

  // also write scores
  const size_t num = keypoints.size();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
    scores_((int)keypoints[i].pt.y, (int)keypoints[i].pt.x) = saturate_cast<uchar>(keypoints[i].response);

inline int
BriskLayer::getAgastScore(int x, int y, int threshold) const
  if (x < 3 || y < 3)
    return 0;
  if (x >= img_.cols - 3 || y >= img_.rows - 3)
    return 0;
  uchar& score = (uchar&)scores_(y, x);
  if (score > 2)
    return score;
  score = (uchar)agast_cornerScore<AgastFeatureDetector::OAST_9_16>(&<uchar>(y, x), pixel_9_16_, threshold - 1);
  if (score < threshold)
    score = 0;
  return score;

inline int
BriskLayer::getAgastScore_5_8(int x, int y, int threshold) const
  if (x < 2 || y < 2)
    return 0;
  if (x >= img_.cols - 2 || y >= img_.rows - 2)
    return 0;
  int score = agast_cornerScore<AgastFeatureDetector::AGAST_5_8>(&<uchar>(y, x), pixel_5_8_, threshold - 1);
  if (score < threshold)
    score = 0;
  return score;

inline int
BriskLayer::getAgastScore(float xf, float yf, int threshold_in, float scale_in) const
  if (scale_in <= 1.0f)
    // just do an interpolation inside the layer
    const int x = int(xf);
    const float rx1 = xf - float(x);
    const float rx = 1.0f - rx1;
    const int y = int(yf);
    const float ry1 = yf - float(y);
    const float ry = 1.0f - ry1;

    return (uchar)(rx * ry * getAgastScore(x, y, threshold_in) + rx1 * ry * getAgastScore(x + 1, y, threshold_in)
           + rx * ry1 * getAgastScore(x, y + 1, threshold_in) + rx1 * ry1 * getAgastScore(x + 1, y + 1, threshold_in));
    // this means we overlap area smoothing
    const float halfscale = scale_in / 2.0f;
    // get the scores first:
    for (int x = int(xf - halfscale); x <= int(xf + halfscale + 1.0f); x++)
      for (int y = int(yf - halfscale); y <= int(yf + halfscale + 1.0f); y++)
        getAgastScore(x, y, threshold_in);
    // get the smoothed value
    return value(scores_, xf, yf, scale_in);

// access gray values (smoothed/interpolated)
inline int
BriskLayer::value(const cv::Mat& mat, float xf, float yf, float scale_in) const
  // get the position
  const int x = cvFloor(xf);
  const int y = cvFloor(yf);
  const cv::Mat& image = mat;
  const int& imagecols = image.cols;

  // get the sigma_half:
  const float sigma_half = scale_in / 2;
  const float area = 4.0f * sigma_half * sigma_half;
  // calculate output:
  int ret_val;
  if (sigma_half < 0.5)
    //interpolation multipliers:
    const int r_x = (int)((xf - x) * 1024);
    const int r_y = (int)((yf - y) * 1024);
    const int r_x_1 = (1024 - r_x);
    const int r_y_1 = (1024 - r_y);
    const uchar* ptr = image.ptr() + x + y * imagecols;
    // just interpolate:
    ret_val = (r_x_1 * r_y_1 * int(*ptr));
    ret_val += (r_x * r_y_1 * int(*ptr));
    ptr += imagecols;
    ret_val += (r_x * r_y * int(*ptr));
    ret_val += (r_x_1 * r_y * int(*ptr));
    return 0xFF & ((ret_val + 512) / 1024 / 1024);

  // this is the standard case (simple, not speed optimized yet):

  // scaling:
  const int scaling = (int)(4194304.0f / area);
  const int scaling2 = (int)(float(scaling) * area / 1024.0f);

  // calculate borders
  const float x_1 = xf - sigma_half;
  const float x1 = xf + sigma_half;
  const float y_1 = yf - sigma_half;
  const float y1 = yf + sigma_half;

  const int x_left = int(x_1 + 0.5);
  const int y_top = int(y_1 + 0.5);
  const int x_right = int(x1 + 0.5);
  const int y_bottom = int(y1 + 0.5);

  // overlap area - multiplication factors:
  const float r_x_1 = float(x_left) - x_1 + 0.5f;
  const float r_y_1 = float(y_top) - y_1 + 0.5f;
  const float r_x1 = x1 - float(x_right) + 0.5f;
  const float r_y1 = y1 - float(y_bottom) + 0.5f;
  const int dx = x_right - x_left - 1;
  const int dy = y_bottom - y_top - 1;
  const int A = (int)((r_x_1 * r_y_1) * scaling);
  const int B = (int)((r_x1 * r_y_1) * scaling);
  const int C = (int)((r_x1 * r_y1) * scaling);
  const int D = (int)((r_x_1 * r_y1) * scaling);
  const int r_x_1_i = (int)(r_x_1 * scaling);
  const int r_y_1_i = (int)(r_y_1 * scaling);
  const int r_x1_i = (int)(r_x1 * scaling);
  const int r_y1_i = (int)(r_y1 * scaling);

  // now the calculation:
  const uchar* ptr = image.ptr() + x_left + imagecols * y_top;
  // first row:
  ret_val = A * int(*ptr);
  const uchar* end1 = ptr + dx;
  for (; ptr < end1; ptr++)
    ret_val += r_y_1_i * int(*ptr);
  ret_val += B * int(*ptr);
  // middle ones:
  ptr += imagecols - dx - 1;
  const uchar* end_j = ptr + dy * imagecols;
  for (; ptr < end_j; ptr += imagecols - dx - 1)
    ret_val += r_x_1_i * int(*ptr);
    const uchar* end2 = ptr + dx;
    for (; ptr < end2; ptr++)
      ret_val += int(*ptr) * scaling;
    ret_val += r_x1_i * int(*ptr);
  // last row:
  ret_val += D * int(*ptr);
  const uchar* end3 = ptr + dx;
  for (; ptr < end3; ptr++)
    ret_val += r_y1_i * int(*ptr);
  ret_val += C * int(*ptr);

  return 0xFF & ((ret_val + scaling2 / 2) / scaling2 / 1024);

// half sampling
inline void
BriskLayer::halfsample(const cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& dstimg)
  // make sure the destination image is of the right size:
  CV_Assert(srcimg.cols / 2 == dstimg.cols);
  CV_Assert(srcimg.rows / 2 == dstimg.rows);

  // handle non-SSE case
  resize(srcimg, dstimg, dstimg.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);

inline void
BriskLayer::twothirdsample(const cv::Mat& srcimg, cv::Mat& dstimg)
  // make sure the destination image is of the right size:
  CV_Assert((srcimg.cols / 3) * 2 == dstimg.cols);
  CV_Assert((srcimg.rows / 3) * 2 == dstimg.rows);

  resize(srcimg, dstimg, dstimg.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);

Ptr<BRISK> BRISK::create(int thresh, int octaves, float patternScale)
    return makePtr<BRISK_Impl>(thresh, octaves, patternScale);

// custom setup
Ptr<BRISK> BRISK::create(const std::vector<float> &radiusList, const std::vector<int> &numberList,
                         float dMax, float dMin, const std::vector<int>& indexChange)
    return makePtr<BRISK_Impl>(radiusList, numberList, dMax, dMin, indexChange);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */