
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. fourccToString
  2. m_f
  3. m_f
  4. isOpened
  5. open
  6. close
  7. read
  8. seekg
  9. tellg
  10. m_is_indx_present
  11. getFramesCount
  12. getFrames
  13. getWidth
  14. getHeight
  15. getFps
  16. printError
  17. printError
  18. parseMovi
  19. parseInfo
  20. parseIndex
  21. parseStrl
  22. skipJunk
  23. skipJunk
  24. parseHdrlList
  25. parseAviWithFrameList
  26. parseAvi
  27. parseAvi
  28. getCaptureDomain
  29. getFramePos
  30. setProperty
  31. getProperty
  32. readFrame
  33. grabFrame
  34. retrieveFrame
  35. isOpened
  36. close
  37. open
  38. parseRiff
  39. createMotionJpegCapture

//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
//  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
//  copy or use the software.
//                           License Agreement
//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2015, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
//     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
//   * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products
//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
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// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <deque>
#include <stdint.h>

namespace cv

const uint32_t RIFF_CC = CV_FOURCC('R','I','F','F');
const uint32_t LIST_CC = CV_FOURCC('L','I','S','T');
const uint32_t HDRL_CC = CV_FOURCC('h','d','r','l');
const uint32_t AVIH_CC = CV_FOURCC('a','v','i','h');
const uint32_t STRL_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','l');
const uint32_t STRH_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','h');
const uint32_t VIDS_CC = CV_FOURCC('v','i','d','s');
const uint32_t MJPG_CC = CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G');
const uint32_t MOVI_CC = CV_FOURCC('m','o','v','i');
const uint32_t IDX1_CC = CV_FOURCC('i','d','x','1');
const uint32_t AVI_CC  = CV_FOURCC('A','V','I',' ');
const uint32_t AVIX_CC = CV_FOURCC('A','V','I','X');
const uint32_t JUNK_CC = CV_FOURCC('J','U','N','K');
const uint32_t INFO_CC = CV_FOURCC('I','N','F','O');

String fourccToString(uint32_t fourcc);

String fourccToString(uint32_t fourcc)
    return format("%c%c%c%c", fourcc & 255, (fourcc >> 8) & 255, (fourcc >> 16) & 255, (fourcc >> 24) & 255);

#ifndef DWORD
typedef uint32_t DWORD;
#ifndef WORD
typedef uint16_t WORD;
#ifndef LONG
typedef int32_t  LONG;

#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct AviMainHeader
    DWORD dwMicroSecPerFrame;    //  The period between video frames
    DWORD dwMaxBytesPerSec;      //  Maximum data rate of the file
    DWORD dwReserved1;           // 0
    DWORD dwFlags;               //  0x10 AVIF_HASINDEX: The AVI file has an idx1 chunk containing an index at the end of the file.
    DWORD dwTotalFrames;         // Field of the main header specifies the total number of frames of data in file.
    DWORD dwInitialFrames;       // Is used for interleaved files
    DWORD dwStreams;             // Specifies the number of streams in the file.
    DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; // Field specifies the suggested buffer size forreading the file
    DWORD dwWidth;               // Fields specify the width of the AVIfile in pixels.
    DWORD dwHeight;              // Fields specify the height of the AVIfile in pixels.
    DWORD dwReserved[4];         // 0, 0, 0, 0

struct AviStreamHeader
    uint32_t fccType;              // 'vids', 'auds', 'txts'...
    uint32_t fccHandler;           // "cvid", "DIB "
    DWORD dwFlags;               // 0
    DWORD dwPriority;            // 0
    DWORD dwInitialFrames;       // 0
    DWORD dwScale;               // 1
    DWORD dwRate;                // Fps (dwRate - frame rate for video streams)
    DWORD dwStart;               // 0
    DWORD dwLength;              // Frames number (playing time of AVI file as defined by scale and rate)
    DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; // For reading the stream
    DWORD dwQuality;             // -1 (encoding quality. If set to -1, drivers use the default quality value)
    DWORD dwSampleSize;          // 0 means that each frame is in its own chunk
    struct {
        short int left;
        short int top;
        short int right;
        short int bottom;
    } rcFrame;                // If stream has a different size than dwWidth*dwHeight(unused)

struct AviIndex
    DWORD ckid;
    DWORD dwFlags;
    DWORD dwChunkOffset;
    DWORD dwChunkLength;

struct BitmapInfoHeader
    DWORD biSize;                // Write header size of BITMAPINFO header structure
    LONG  biWidth;               // width in pixels
    LONG  biHeight;              // heigth in pixels
    WORD  biPlanes;              // Number of color planes in which the data is stored
    WORD  biBitCount;            // Number of bits per pixel
    DWORD biCompression;         // Type of compression used (uncompressed: NO_COMPRESSION=0)
    DWORD biSizeImage;           // Image Buffer. Quicktime needs 3 bytes also for 8-bit png
                                 //   (biCompression==NO_COMPRESSION)?0:xDim*yDim*bytesPerPixel;
    LONG  biXPelsPerMeter;       // Horizontal resolution in pixels per meter
    LONG  biYPelsPerMeter;       // Vertical resolution in pixels per meter
    DWORD biClrUsed;             // 256 (color table size; for 8-bit only)
    DWORD biClrImportant;        // Specifies that the first x colors of the color table. Are important to the DIB.

struct RiffChunk
    uint32_t m_four_cc;
    uint32_t m_size;

struct RiffList
    uint32_t m_riff_or_list_cc;
    uint32_t m_size;
    uint32_t m_list_type_cc;

#pragma pack(pop)

class MjpegInputStream
    MjpegInputStream(const String& filename);
    MjpegInputStream& read(char*, uint64_t);
    MjpegInputStream& seekg(uint64_t);
    uint64_t tellg();
    bool isOpened() const;
    bool open(const String& filename);
    void close();
    operator bool();

    bool    m_is_valid;
    FILE*   m_f;

MjpegInputStream::MjpegInputStream(): m_is_valid(false), m_f(0)

MjpegInputStream::MjpegInputStream(const String& filename): m_is_valid(false), m_f(0)

bool MjpegInputStream::isOpened() const
    return m_f != 0;

bool MjpegInputStream::open(const String& filename)

    m_f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");

    m_is_valid = isOpened();

    return m_is_valid;

void MjpegInputStream::close()
        m_is_valid = false;

        m_f = 0;

MjpegInputStream& MjpegInputStream::read(char* buf, uint64_t count)
        m_is_valid = (count == fread((void*)buf, 1, (size_t)count, m_f));

    return *this;

MjpegInputStream& MjpegInputStream::seekg(uint64_t pos)
    m_is_valid = (fseek(m_f, (long)pos, SEEK_SET) == 0);

    return *this;

uint64_t MjpegInputStream::tellg()
    return ftell(m_f);

MjpegInputStream::operator bool()
    return m_is_valid;


MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviMainHeader& avih);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviStreamHeader& strh);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, BitmapInfoHeader& bmph);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffList& riff_list);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffChunk& riff_chunk);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviIndex& idx1);

MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviMainHeader& avih)
{*)(&avih), sizeof(AviMainHeader));
    return is;

MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviStreamHeader& strh)
{*)(&strh), sizeof(AviStreamHeader));
    return is;

MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, BitmapInfoHeader& bmph)
{*)(&bmph), sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
    return is;

MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffList& riff_list)
{*)(&riff_list), sizeof(riff_list));
    return is;

MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffChunk& riff_chunk)
{*)(&riff_chunk), sizeof(riff_chunk));
    return is;

MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviIndex& idx1)
{*)(&idx1), sizeof(idx1));
    return is;

AVI struct:

      LIST ('hdrl'
            'avih'(<Main AVI Header>)
            LIST ('strl'
                  'strh'(<Stream header>)
                  'strf'(<Stream format>)
                  [ 'strd'(<Additional header data>) ]
                  [ 'strn'(<Stream name>) ]
                  [ 'indx'(<Odml index data>) ]
            [LIST ('strl' ...)]
            [LIST ('strl' ...)]
            [LIST ('odml'
                  'dmlh'(<ODML header data>)
      [LIST ('INFO' ...)]
      LIST ('movi'
            {{xxdb|xxdc|xxpc|xxwb}(<Data>) | LIST ('rec '
      ['idx1' (<AVI Index>) ]

     xx - stream number: 00, 01, 02, ...
     db - uncompressed video frame
     dc - commpressed video frame
     pc - palette change
     wb - audio frame

     JUNK section may pad any data section and must be ignored

typedef std::deque< std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t> > frame_list;
typedef frame_list::iterator frame_iterator;

//Represents single MJPEG video stream within single AVI/AVIX entry
//Multiple video streams within single AVI/AVIX entry are not supported
//ODML index is not supported
class AviMjpegStream
    //stores founded frames in m_frame_list which can be accessed via getFrames
    bool parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
    //stores founded frames in in_frame_list. getFrames() would return empty list
    bool parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list);
    size_t getFramesCount();
    frame_list& getFrames();
    uint32_t getWidth();
    uint32_t getHeight();
    double getFps();


    bool parseAviWithFrameList(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list);
    void skipJunk(RiffChunk& chunk, MjpegInputStream& in_str);
    void skipJunk(RiffList& list, MjpegInputStream& in_str);
    bool parseHdrlList(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
    bool parseIndex(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint32_t index_size, frame_list& in_frame_list);
    bool parseMovi(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list);
    bool parseStrl(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint8_t stream_id);
    bool parseInfo(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
    void printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffList& list, uint32_t expected_fourcc);
    void printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffChunk& chunk, uint32_t expected_fourcc);

    uint32_t   m_stream_id;
    uint64_t   m_movi_start;
    uint64_t   m_movi_end;
    frame_list m_frame_list;
    uint32_t   m_width;
    uint32_t   m_height;
    double     m_fps;
    bool       m_is_indx_present;

AviMjpegStream::AviMjpegStream(): m_stream_id(0), m_movi_start(0), m_movi_end(0), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_fps(0), m_is_indx_present(false)

size_t AviMjpegStream::getFramesCount()
    return m_frame_list.size();

frame_list& AviMjpegStream::getFrames()
    return m_frame_list;

uint32_t AviMjpegStream::getWidth()
    return m_width;

uint32_t AviMjpegStream::getHeight()
    return m_height;

double AviMjpegStream::getFps()
    return m_fps;

void AviMjpegStream::printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffList& list, uint32_t expected_fourcc)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file while searching for %s list\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str());
    else if(list.m_riff_or_list_cc != LIST_CC)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected element. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(LIST_CC).c_str(), fourccToString(list.m_riff_or_list_cc).c_str());
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected list type. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str(), fourccToString(list.m_list_type_cc).c_str());

void AviMjpegStream::printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffChunk& chunk, uint32_t expected_fourcc)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file while searching for %s chunk\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str());
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected element. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str(), fourccToString(chunk.m_four_cc).c_str());

bool AviMjpegStream::parseMovi(MjpegInputStream&, frame_list&)
    //not implemented
    return true;

bool AviMjpegStream::parseInfo(MjpegInputStream&)
    //not implemented
    return true;

bool AviMjpegStream::parseIndex(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint32_t index_size, frame_list& in_frame_list)
    uint64_t index_end = in_str.tellg();
    index_end += index_size;
    bool result = false;

    while(in_str && (in_str.tellg() < index_end))
        AviIndex idx1;
        in_str >> idx1;

        if(idx1.ckid == m_stream_id)
            uint64_t absolute_pos = m_movi_start + idx1.dwChunkOffset;

            if(absolute_pos < m_movi_end)
                in_frame_list.push_back(std::make_pair(absolute_pos, idx1.dwChunkLength));
                //unsupported case
                fprintf(stderr, "Frame offset points outside movi section.\n");

        result = true;

    return result;

bool AviMjpegStream::parseStrl(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint8_t stream_id)
    RiffChunk strh;
    in_str >> strh;

    if(in_str && strh.m_four_cc == STRH_CC)
        uint64_t next_strl_list = in_str.tellg();
        next_strl_list += strh.m_size;

        AviStreamHeader strm_hdr;
        in_str >> strm_hdr;

        if(strm_hdr.fccType == VIDS_CC && strm_hdr.fccHandler == MJPG_CC)
            uint8_t first_digit = (stream_id/10) + '0';
            uint8_t second_digit = (stream_id%10) + '0';

            if(m_stream_id == 0)
                m_stream_id = CV_FOURCC(first_digit, second_digit, 'd', 'c');
                m_fps = double(strm_hdr.dwRate)/strm_hdr.dwScale;
                //second mjpeg video stream found which is not supported
                fprintf(stderr, "More than one video stream found within AVI/AVIX list. Stream %c%cdc would be ignored\n", first_digit, second_digit);

            return true;

    return false;

void AviMjpegStream::skipJunk(RiffChunk& chunk, MjpegInputStream& in_str)
    if(chunk.m_four_cc == JUNK_CC)
        in_str.seekg(in_str.tellg() + chunk.m_size);
        in_str >> chunk;

void AviMjpegStream::skipJunk(RiffList& list, MjpegInputStream& in_str)
    if(list.m_riff_or_list_cc == JUNK_CC)
        //JUNK chunk is 4 bytes less than LIST
        in_str.seekg(in_str.tellg() + list.m_size - 4);
        in_str >> list;

bool AviMjpegStream::parseHdrlList(MjpegInputStream& in_str)
    bool result = false;

    RiffChunk avih;
    in_str >> avih;

    if(in_str && avih.m_four_cc == AVIH_CC)
        uint64_t next_strl_list = in_str.tellg();
        next_strl_list += avih.m_size;

        AviMainHeader avi_hdr;
        in_str >> avi_hdr;

            m_is_indx_present = ((avi_hdr.dwFlags & 0x10) != 0);
            DWORD number_of_streams = avi_hdr.dwStreams;
            m_width = avi_hdr.dwWidth;
            m_height = avi_hdr.dwWidth;

            //the number of strl lists must be equal to number of streams specified in main avi header
            for(DWORD i = 0; i < number_of_streams; ++i)
                RiffList strl_list;
                in_str >> strl_list;

                if( in_str && strl_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && strl_list.m_list_type_cc == STRL_CC )
                    next_strl_list = in_str.tellg();
                    //RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
                    next_strl_list += (strl_list.m_size - 4);

                    result = parseStrl(in_str, (uint8_t)i);
                    printError(in_str, strl_list, STRL_CC);
        printError(in_str, avih, AVIH_CC);

    return result;

bool AviMjpegStream::parseAviWithFrameList(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list)
    RiffList hdrl_list;
    in_str >> hdrl_list;

    if( in_str && hdrl_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && hdrl_list.m_list_type_cc == HDRL_CC )
        uint64_t next_list = in_str.tellg();
        //RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
        next_list += (hdrl_list.m_size - 4);
        //parseHdrlList sets m_is_indx_present flag which would be used later

            RiffList some_list;
            in_str >> some_list;

            //an optional section INFO
            if(in_str && some_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && some_list.m_list_type_cc == INFO_CC)
                next_list = in_str.tellg();
                //RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
                next_list += (some_list.m_size - 4);

                in_str >> some_list;

            //an optional section JUNK
            skipJunk(some_list, in_str);

            //we are expecting to find here movi list. Must present in avi
            if(in_str && some_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && some_list.m_list_type_cc == MOVI_CC)
                bool is_index_found = false;

                m_movi_start = in_str.tellg();
                m_movi_start -= 4;

                m_movi_end = m_movi_start + some_list.m_size;
                //if m_is_indx_present is set to true we should find index
                    //we are expecting to find index section after movi list
                    uint32_t indx_pos = (uint32_t)m_movi_start + 4;
                    indx_pos += (some_list.m_size - 4);

                    RiffChunk index_chunk;
                    in_str >> index_chunk;

                    if(in_str && index_chunk.m_four_cc == IDX1_CC)
                        is_index_found = parseIndex(in_str, index_chunk.m_size, in_frame_list);
                        //we are not going anywhere else
                        printError(in_str, index_chunk, IDX1_CC);
                //index not present or we were not able to find it
                //parsing movi list
                    //not implemented
                    parseMovi(in_str, in_frame_list);

                    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse avi: index was not found\n");
                    //we are not going anywhere else
                printError(in_str, some_list, MOVI_CC);
        printError(in_str, hdrl_list, HDRL_CC);

    return in_frame_list.size() > 0;

bool AviMjpegStream::parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list)
    return parseAviWithFrameList(in_str, in_frame_list);

bool AviMjpegStream::parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str)
    return parseAviWithFrameList(in_str, m_frame_list);

class MotionJpegCapture: public IVideoCapture
    virtual ~MotionJpegCapture();
    virtual double getProperty(int) const;
    virtual bool setProperty(int, double);
    virtual bool grabFrame();
    virtual bool retrieveFrame(int, OutputArray);
    virtual bool isOpened() const;
    virtual int getCaptureDomain() { return CAP_ANY; } // Return the type of the capture object: CAP_VFW, etc...
    MotionJpegCapture(const String&);

    bool open(const String&);
    void close();

    bool parseRiff(MjpegInputStream& in_str);

    inline uint64_t getFramePos() const;
    std::vector<char> readFrame(frame_iterator it);

    MjpegInputStream m_file_stream;
    bool             m_is_first_frame;
    frame_list       m_mjpeg_frames;

    frame_iterator   m_frame_iterator;
    Mat              m_current_frame;

    //frame width/height and fps could be different for
    //each frame/stream. At the moment we suppose that they
    //stays the same within single avi file.
    uint32_t         m_frame_width;
    uint32_t         m_frame_height;
    double           m_fps;

uint64_t MotionJpegCapture::getFramePos() const
        return 0;

    if(m_frame_iterator == m_mjpeg_frames.end())
        return m_mjpeg_frames.size();

    return m_frame_iterator - m_mjpeg_frames.begin() + 1;

bool MotionJpegCapture::setProperty(int property, double value)
    if(property == CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
        if(int(value) == 0)
            m_is_first_frame = true;
            m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end();
            return true;
        else if(m_mjpeg_frames.size() > value)
            m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.begin() + int(value - 1);
            m_is_first_frame = false;
            return true;

    return false;

double MotionJpegCapture::getProperty(int property) const
        case CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES:
            return (double)getFramePos();
        case CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO:
            return double(getFramePos())/m_mjpeg_frames.size();
        case CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH:
            return (double)m_frame_width;
            return (double)m_frame_height;
        case CAP_PROP_FPS:
            return m_fps;
        case CAP_PROP_FOURCC:
            return (double)CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G');
        case CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT:
            return (double)m_mjpeg_frames.size();
        case CAP_PROP_FORMAT:
            return 0;
            return 0;

std::vector<char> MotionJpegCapture::readFrame(frame_iterator it)

    RiffChunk chunk;
    m_file_stream >> chunk;

    std::vector<char> result;

    result.resize(chunk.m_size);, chunk.m_size);

    return result;

bool MotionJpegCapture::grabFrame()
            m_is_first_frame = false;
            m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.begin();

    return m_frame_iterator != m_mjpeg_frames.end();

bool MotionJpegCapture::retrieveFrame(int, OutputArray output_frame)
    if(m_frame_iterator != m_mjpeg_frames.end())
        std::vector<char> data = readFrame(m_frame_iterator);

            m_current_frame = imdecode(data, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH | CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);


        return true;

    return false;


MotionJpegCapture::MotionJpegCapture(const String& filename)

bool MotionJpegCapture::isOpened() const
    return m_mjpeg_frames.size() > 0;

void MotionJpegCapture::close()
    m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end();

bool MotionJpegCapture::open(const String& filename)

    m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end();
    m_is_first_frame = true;


    return isOpened();

bool MotionJpegCapture::parseRiff(MjpegInputStream& in_str)
    bool result = false;
        RiffList riff_list;

        in_str >> riff_list;

        if( in_str && riff_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == RIFF_CC &&
            ((riff_list.m_list_type_cc == AVI_CC) | (riff_list.m_list_type_cc == AVIX_CC)) )
            uint64_t next_riff = in_str.tellg();
            //RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
            next_riff += (riff_list.m_size - 4);

            AviMjpegStream mjpeg_video_stream;
            bool is_parsed = mjpeg_video_stream.parseAvi(in_str, m_mjpeg_frames);
            result = result || is_parsed;

                m_frame_width = mjpeg_video_stream.getWidth();
                m_frame_height = mjpeg_video_stream.getHeight();
                m_fps = mjpeg_video_stream.getFps();


    return result;

Ptr<IVideoCapture> createMotionJpegCapture(const String& filename)
    Ptr<MotionJpegCapture> mjdecoder(new MotionJpegCapture(filename));
    if( mjdecoder->isOpened() )
        return mjdecoder;
    return Ptr<MotionJpegCapture>();


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */