
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. setMotionModel
  2. motionModel
  3. setRansacParams
  4. ransacParams
  5. setMinInlierRatio
  6. minInlierRatio
  7. set
  8. setMotionModel
  9. motionModel
  10. setMotionModel
  11. motionModel
  12. setMotionModel
  13. motionModel
  14. setDetector
  15. detector
  16. setOpticalFlowEstimator
  17. opticalFlowEstimator
  18. setOutlierRejector
  19. outlierRejector
  20. setMotionModel
  21. motionModel
  22. setOutlierRejector
  23. outlierRejector

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#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videostab/optical_flow.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videostab/motion_core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videostab/outlier_rejection.hpp"

#  include "opencv2/cudaimgproc.hpp"

namespace cv
namespace videostab

//! @addtogroup videostab_motion
//! @{

/** @brief Estimates best global motion between two 2D point clouds in the least-squares sense.

@note Works in-place and changes input point arrays.

@param points0 Source set of 2D points (32F).
@param points1 Destination set of 2D points (32F).
@param model Motion model (up to MM_AFFINE).
@param rmse Final root-mean-square error.
@return 3x3 2D transformation matrix (32F).
CV_EXPORTS Mat estimateGlobalMotionLeastSquares(
        InputOutputArray points0, InputOutputArray points1, int model = MM_AFFINE,
        float *rmse = 0);

/** @brief Estimates best global motion between two 2D point clouds robustly (using RANSAC method).

@param points0 Source set of 2D points (32F).
@param points1 Destination set of 2D points (32F).
@param model Motion model. See cv::videostab::MotionModel.
@param params RANSAC method parameters. See videostab::RansacParams.
@param rmse Final root-mean-square error.
@param ninliers Final number of inliers.
CV_EXPORTS Mat estimateGlobalMotionRansac(
        InputArray points0, InputArray points1, int model = MM_AFFINE,
        const RansacParams &params = RansacParams::default2dMotion(MM_AFFINE),
        float *rmse = 0, int *ninliers = 0);

/** @brief Base class for all global motion estimation methods.
class CV_EXPORTS MotionEstimatorBase
    virtual ~MotionEstimatorBase() {}

    /** @brief Sets motion model.

    @param val Motion model. See cv::videostab::MotionModel.
    virtual void setMotionModel(MotionModel val) { motionModel_ = val; }

    @return Motion model. See cv::videostab::MotionModel.
    virtual MotionModel motionModel() const { return motionModel_; }

    /** @brief Estimates global motion between two 2D point clouds.

    @param points0 Source set of 2D points (32F).
    @param points1 Destination set of 2D points (32F).
    @param ok Indicates whether motion was estimated successfully.
    @return 3x3 2D transformation matrix (32F).
    virtual Mat estimate(InputArray points0, InputArray points1, bool *ok = 0) = 0;

    MotionEstimatorBase(MotionModel model) { setMotionModel(model); }

    MotionModel motionModel_;

/** @brief Describes a robust RANSAC-based global 2D motion estimation method which minimizes L2 error.
class CV_EXPORTS MotionEstimatorRansacL2 : public MotionEstimatorBase
    MotionEstimatorRansacL2(MotionModel model = MM_AFFINE);

    void setRansacParams(const RansacParams &val) { ransacParams_ = val; }
    RansacParams ransacParams() const { return ransacParams_; }

    void setMinInlierRatio(float val) { minInlierRatio_ = val; }
    float minInlierRatio() const { return minInlierRatio_; }

    virtual Mat estimate(InputArray points0, InputArray points1, bool *ok = 0);

    RansacParams ransacParams_;
    float minInlierRatio_;

/** @brief Describes a global 2D motion estimation method which minimizes L1 error.

@note To be able to use this method you must build OpenCV with CLP library support. :
class CV_EXPORTS MotionEstimatorL1 : public MotionEstimatorBase
    MotionEstimatorL1(MotionModel model = MM_AFFINE);

    virtual Mat estimate(InputArray points0, InputArray points1, bool *ok = 0);

    std::vector<double> obj_, collb_, colub_;
    std::vector<double> elems_, rowlb_, rowub_;
    std::vector<int> rows_, cols_;

    void set(int row, int col, double coef)

/** @brief Base class for global 2D motion estimation methods which take frames as input.
class CV_EXPORTS ImageMotionEstimatorBase
    virtual ~ImageMotionEstimatorBase() {}

    virtual void setMotionModel(MotionModel val) { motionModel_ = val; }
    virtual MotionModel motionModel() const { return motionModel_; }

    virtual Mat estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok = 0) = 0;

    ImageMotionEstimatorBase(MotionModel model) { setMotionModel(model); }

    MotionModel motionModel_;

class CV_EXPORTS FromFileMotionReader : public ImageMotionEstimatorBase
    FromFileMotionReader(const String &path);

    virtual Mat estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);

    std::ifstream file_;

class CV_EXPORTS ToFileMotionWriter : public ImageMotionEstimatorBase
    ToFileMotionWriter(const String &path, Ptr<ImageMotionEstimatorBase> estimator);

    virtual void setMotionModel(MotionModel val) { motionEstimator_->setMotionModel(val); }
    virtual MotionModel motionModel() const { return motionEstimator_->motionModel(); }

    virtual Mat estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);

    std::ofstream file_;
    Ptr<ImageMotionEstimatorBase> motionEstimator_;

/** @brief Describes a global 2D motion estimation method which uses keypoints detection and optical flow for
class CV_EXPORTS KeypointBasedMotionEstimator : public ImageMotionEstimatorBase
    KeypointBasedMotionEstimator(Ptr<MotionEstimatorBase> estimator);

    virtual void setMotionModel(MotionModel val) { motionEstimator_->setMotionModel(val); }
    virtual MotionModel motionModel() const { return motionEstimator_->motionModel(); }

    void setDetector(Ptr<FeatureDetector> val) { detector_ = val; }
    Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector() const { return detector_; }

    void setOpticalFlowEstimator(Ptr<ISparseOptFlowEstimator> val) { optFlowEstimator_ = val; }
    Ptr<ISparseOptFlowEstimator> opticalFlowEstimator() const { return optFlowEstimator_; }

    void setOutlierRejector(Ptr<IOutlierRejector> val) { outlierRejector_ = val; }
    Ptr<IOutlierRejector> outlierRejector() const { return outlierRejector_; }

    virtual Mat estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);

    Ptr<MotionEstimatorBase> motionEstimator_;
    Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector_;
    Ptr<ISparseOptFlowEstimator> optFlowEstimator_;
    Ptr<IOutlierRejector> outlierRejector_;

    std::vector<uchar> status_;
    std::vector<KeyPoint> keypointsPrev_;
    std::vector<Point2f> pointsPrev_, points_;
    std::vector<Point2f> pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_;


class CV_EXPORTS KeypointBasedMotionEstimatorGpu : public ImageMotionEstimatorBase
    KeypointBasedMotionEstimatorGpu(Ptr<MotionEstimatorBase> estimator);

    virtual void setMotionModel(MotionModel val) { motionEstimator_->setMotionModel(val); }
    virtual MotionModel motionModel() const { return motionEstimator_->motionModel(); }

    void setOutlierRejector(Ptr<IOutlierRejector> val) { outlierRejector_ = val; }
    Ptr<IOutlierRejector> outlierRejector() const { return outlierRejector_; }

    virtual Mat estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);
    Mat estimate(const cuda::GpuMat &frame0, const cuda::GpuMat &frame1, bool *ok = 0);

    Ptr<MotionEstimatorBase> motionEstimator_;
    Ptr<cuda::CornersDetector> detector_;
    SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimatorGpu optFlowEstimator_;
    Ptr<IOutlierRejector> outlierRejector_;

    cuda::GpuMat frame0_, grayFrame0_, frame1_;
    cuda::GpuMat pointsPrev_, points_;
    cuda::GpuMat status_;

    Mat hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_;
    std::vector<Point2f> hostPointsPrevTmp_, hostPointsTmp_;
    std::vector<uchar> rejectionStatus_;


/** @brief Computes motion between two frames assuming that all the intermediate motions are known.

@param from Source frame index.
@param to Destination frame index.
@param motions Pair-wise motions. motions[i] denotes motion from the frame i to the frame i+1
@return Motion from the frame from to the frame to.
CV_EXPORTS Mat getMotion(int from, int to, const std::vector<Mat> &motions);

//! @}

} // namespace videostab
} // namespace cv


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