
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


 * Utils.h
 *  Created on: Mar 28, 2014
 *      Author: Edgar Riba

#ifndef UTILS_H_
#define UTILS_H_

#include <iostream>

#include "PnPProblem.h"

// Draw a text with the question point
void drawQuestion(cv::Mat image, cv::Point3f point, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw a text with the number of entered points
void drawText(cv::Mat image, std::string text, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw a text with the number of entered points
void drawText2(cv::Mat image, std::string text, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw a text with the frame ratio
void drawFPS(cv::Mat image, double fps, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw a text with the frame ratio
void drawConfidence(cv::Mat image, double confidence, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw a text with the number of entered points
void drawCounter(cv::Mat image, int n, int n_max, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw the points and the coordinates
void drawPoints(cv::Mat image, std::vector<cv::Point2f> &list_points_2d, std::vector<cv::Point3f> &list_points_3d, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw only the 2D points
void draw2DPoints(cv::Mat image, std::vector<cv::Point2f> &list_points, cv::Scalar color);

// Draw an arrow into the image
void drawArrow(cv::Mat image, cv::Point2i p, cv::Point2i q, cv::Scalar color, int arrowMagnitude = 9, int thickness=1, int line_type=8, int shift=0);

// Draw the 3D coordinate axes
void draw3DCoordinateAxes(cv::Mat image, const std::vector<cv::Point2f> &list_points2d);

// Draw the object mesh
void drawObjectMesh(cv::Mat image, const Mesh *mesh, PnPProblem *pnpProblem, cv::Scalar color);

// Computes the norm of the translation error
double get_translation_error(const cv::Mat &t_true, const cv::Mat &t);

// Computes the norm of the rotation error
double get_rotation_error(const cv::Mat &R_true, const cv::Mat &R);

// Converts a given Rotation Matrix to Euler angles
cv::Mat rot2euler(const cv::Mat & rotationMatrix);

// Converts a given Euler angles to Rotation Matrix
cv::Mat euler2rot(const cv::Mat & euler);

// Converts a given string to an integer
int StringToInt ( const std::string &Text );

// Converts a given float to a string
std::string FloatToString ( float Number );

// Converts a given integer to a string
std::string IntToString ( int Number );

#endif /* UTILS_H_ */

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