LPSTR              63 ext/snmp/winsnmp.c     LPSTR              agent;
LPSTR              64 ext/snmp/winsnmp.c     LPSTR              community;
LPSTR             586 sapi/cli/php_cli.c int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
LPSTR              70 sapi/isapi/stresstest/stresstest.cpp BOOL WINAPI GetServerVariable(HCONN, LPSTR, LPVOID, LPDWORD );
LPSTR             727 sapi/isapi/stresstest/stresstest.cpp BOOL WINAPI GetServerVariable(HCONN hConn, LPSTR lpszVariableName,
LPSTR             916 sapi/isapi/stresstest/stresstest.cpp char *GetEnv(LPSTR lpszEnvVar)
LPSTR              45 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h     LPSTR     lpszMethod;             // REQUEST_METHOD
LPSTR              46 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h     LPSTR     lpszQueryString;        // QUERY_STRING
LPSTR              47 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h     LPSTR     lpszPathInfo;           // PATH_INFO
LPSTR              48 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h     LPSTR     lpszPathTranslated;     // PATH_TRANSLATED
LPSTR              49 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h 	LPSTR     lpszFileName;           // FileName to PHP3 physical file
LPSTR              50 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h 	LPSTR     lpszUri;		          // The request URI
LPSTR              51 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h 	LPSTR     lpszReq;		          // The whole HTTP request line
LPSTR              52 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h 	LPSTR     lpszUser;		          // The authenticated user
LPSTR              53 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h 	LPSTR     lpszPassword;	          // The authenticated password
LPSTR              59 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h     LPSTR     lpszContentType;        // Content type of client data
LPSTR              66 sapi/pi3web/pi3web_sapi.h                                  LPSTR       lpszVariableName,
LPSTR             901 win32/sendmail.c static unsigned long GetAddr(LPSTR szHost)
LPSTR              49 win32/sendmail.h static unsigned long GetAddr(LPSTR szHost);