
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. checkReadLocks
  2. key_compare
  3. leftRotate
  4. rightRotate
  5. append_val
  6. append_node
  7. print_node
  8. check_redblack_tree
  9. do_insert_balancing
  10. do_delete_balancing
  11. btreeCreateTable
  12. btreeLogRollbackOp
  13. sqliteRbtreeOpen
  14. memRbtreeCreateTable
  15. memRbtreeDropTable
  16. memRbtreeKeyCompare
  17. memRbtreeCursor
  18. memRbtreeInsert
  19. memRbtreeMoveto
  20. memRbtreeDelete
  21. memRbtreeClearTable
  22. memRbtreeFirst
  23. memRbtreeLast
  24. memRbtreeNext
  25. memRbtreePrevious
  26. memRbtreeKeySize
  27. memRbtreeKey
  28. memRbtreeDataSize
  29. memRbtreeData
  30. memRbtreeCloseCursor
  31. memRbtreeGetMeta
  32. memRbtreeUpdateMeta
  33. memRbtreeIntegrityCheck
  34. memRbtreeSetCacheSize
  35. memRbtreeSetSafetyLevel
  36. memRbtreeBeginTrans
  37. deleteRollbackList
  38. memRbtreeCommit
  39. memRbtreeClose
  40. execute_rollback_list
  41. memRbtreeRollback
  42. memRbtreeBeginCkpt
  43. memRbtreeCommitCkpt
  44. memRbtreeRollbackCkpt
  45. memRbtreePageDump
  46. memRbtreeCursorDump
  47. memRbtreePager
  48. memRbtreeGetFilename
  49. memRbtreeCopyFile

** 2003 Feb 4
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
**    May you do good and not evil.
**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** $Id: btree_rb.c,v 2005/09/07 15:11:31 iliaa Exp $
** This file implements an in-core database using Red-Black balanced
** binary trees.
** It was contributed to SQLite by anonymous on 2003-Feb-04 23:24:49 UTC.
#include "btree.h"
#include "sqliteInt.h"
#include <assert.h>

** Omit this whole file if the SQLITE_OMIT_INMEMORYDB macro is
** defined.  This allows a lot of code to be omitted for installations
** that do not need it.

typedef struct BtRbTree BtRbTree;
typedef struct BtRbNode BtRbNode;
typedef struct BtRollbackOp BtRollbackOp;
typedef struct Rbtree Rbtree;
typedef struct RbtCursor RbtCursor;

/* Forward declarations */
static BtOps sqliteRbtreeOps;
static BtCursorOps sqliteRbtreeCursorOps;

 * During each transaction (or checkpoint), a linked-list of
 * "rollback-operations" is accumulated. If the transaction is rolled back,
 * then the list of operations must be executed (to restore the database to
 * it's state before the transaction started). If the transaction is to be
 * committed, just delete the list.
 * Each operation is represented as follows, depending on the value of eOp:
 * ROLLBACK_INSERT  ->  Need to insert (pKey, pData) into table iTab.
 * ROLLBACK_DELETE  ->  Need to delete the record (pKey) into table iTab.
 * ROLLBACK_CREATE  ->  Need to create table iTab.
 * ROLLBACK_DROP    ->  Need to drop table iTab.
struct BtRollbackOp {
  u8 eOp;
  int iTab;
  int nKey; 
  void *pKey;
  int nData;
  void *pData;
  BtRollbackOp *pNext;

** Legal values for BtRollbackOp.eOp:
#define ROLLBACK_INSERT 1 /* Insert a record */
#define ROLLBACK_DELETE 2 /* Delete a record */
#define ROLLBACK_CREATE 3 /* Create a table */
#define ROLLBACK_DROP   4 /* Drop a table */

struct Rbtree {
  BtOps *pOps;    /* Function table */
  int aMetaData[SQLITE_N_BTREE_META];

  int next_idx;   /* next available table index */
  Hash tblHash;   /* All created tables, by index */
  u8 isAnonymous; /* True if this Rbtree is to be deleted when closed */
  u8 eTransState; /* State of this Rbtree wrt transactions */

  BtRollbackOp *pTransRollback; 
  BtRollbackOp *pCheckRollback;
  BtRollbackOp *pCheckRollbackTail;

** Legal values for Rbtree.eTransState.
#define TRANS_NONE           0  /* No transaction is in progress */
#define TRANS_INTRANSACTION  1  /* A transaction is in progress */
#define TRANS_INCHECKPOINT   2  /* A checkpoint is in progress  */
#define TRANS_ROLLBACK       3  /* We are currently rolling back a checkpoint or
                                 * transaction. */

struct RbtCursor {
  BtCursorOps *pOps;        /* Function table */
  Rbtree    *pRbtree;
  BtRbTree *pTree;
  int       iTree;          /* Index of pTree in pRbtree */
  BtRbNode *pNode;
  RbtCursor *pShared;       /* List of all cursors on the same Rbtree */
  u8 eSkip;                 /* Determines if next step operation is a no-op */
  u8 wrFlag;                /* True if this cursor is open for writing */

** Legal values for RbtCursor.eSkip.
#define SKIP_NONE     0   /* Always step the cursor */
#define SKIP_NEXT     1   /* The next sqliteRbtreeNext() is a no-op */
#define SKIP_PREV     2   /* The next sqliteRbtreePrevious() is a no-op */
#define SKIP_INVALID  3   /* Calls to Next() and Previous() are invalid */

struct BtRbTree {
  RbtCursor *pCursors;     /* All cursors pointing to this tree */
  BtRbNode *pHead;         /* Head of the tree, or NULL */

struct BtRbNode {
  int nKey;
  void *pKey;
  int nData;
  void *pData;
  u8 isBlack;        /* true for a black node, 0 for a red node */
  BtRbNode *pParent; /* Nodes parent node, NULL for the tree head */
  BtRbNode *pLeft;   /* Nodes left child, or NULL */
  BtRbNode *pRight;  /* Nodes right child, or NULL */

  int nBlackHeight;  /* Only used during the red-black integrity check */

/* Forward declarations */
static int memRbtreeMoveto(
  RbtCursor* pCur,
  const void *pKey,
  int nKey,
  int *pRes
static int memRbtreeClearTable(Rbtree* tree, int n);
static int memRbtreeNext(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes);
static int memRbtreeLast(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes);
static int memRbtreePrevious(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes);

** This routine checks all cursors that point to the same table
** as pCur points to.  If any of those cursors were opened with
** wrFlag==0 then this routine returns SQLITE_LOCKED.  If all
** cursors point to the same table were opened with wrFlag==1
** then this routine returns SQLITE_OK.
** In addition to checking for read-locks (where a read-lock 
** means a cursor opened with wrFlag==0) this routine also NULLs
** out the pNode field of all other cursors.
** This is necessary because an insert 
** or delete might change erase the node out from under
** another cursor.
static int checkReadLocks(RbtCursor *pCur){
  RbtCursor *p;
  assert( pCur->wrFlag );
  for(p=pCur->pTree->pCursors; p; p=p->pShared){
    if( p!=pCur ){
      if( p->wrFlag==0 ) return SQLITE_LOCKED;
      p->pNode = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

 * The key-compare function for the red-black trees. Returns as follows:
 * (key1 < key2)             -1
 * (key1 == key2)             0 
 * (key1 > key2)              1
 * Keys are compared using memcmp(). If one key is an exact prefix of the
 * other, then the shorter key is less than the longer key.
static int key_compare(void const*pKey1, int nKey1, void const*pKey2, int nKey2)
  int mcmp = memcmp(pKey1, pKey2, (nKey1 <= nKey2)?nKey1:nKey2);
  if( mcmp == 0){
    if( nKey1 == nKey2 ) return 0;
    return ((nKey1 < nKey2)?-1:1);
  return ((mcmp>0)?1:-1);

 * Perform the LEFT-rotate transformation on node X of tree pTree. This
 * transform is part of the red-black balancing code.
 *        |                   |
 *        X                   Y
 *       / \                 / \
 *      a   Y               X   c
 *         / \             / \
 *        b   c           a   b
 *      BEFORE              AFTER
static void leftRotate(BtRbTree *pTree, BtRbNode *pX)
  BtRbNode *pY;
  BtRbNode *pb;
  pY = pX->pRight;
  pb = pY->pLeft;

  pY->pParent = pX->pParent;
  if( pX->pParent ){
    if( pX->pParent->pLeft == pX ) pX->pParent->pLeft = pY;
    else pX->pParent->pRight = pY;
  pY->pLeft = pX;
  pX->pParent = pY;
  pX->pRight = pb;
  if( pb ) pb->pParent = pX;
  if( pTree->pHead == pX ) pTree->pHead = pY;

 * Perform the RIGHT-rotate transformation on node X of tree pTree. This
 * transform is part of the red-black balancing code.
 *        |                   |
 *        X                   Y
 *       / \                 / \
 *      Y   c               a   X
 *     / \                     / \
 *    a   b                   b   c
 *      BEFORE              AFTER
static void rightRotate(BtRbTree *pTree, BtRbNode *pX)
  BtRbNode *pY;
  BtRbNode *pb;
  pY = pX->pLeft;
  pb = pY->pRight;

  pY->pParent = pX->pParent;
  if( pX->pParent ){
    if( pX->pParent->pLeft == pX ) pX->pParent->pLeft = pY;
    else pX->pParent->pRight = pY;
  pY->pRight = pX;
  pX->pParent = pY;
  pX->pLeft = pb;
  if( pb ) pb->pParent = pX;
  if( pTree->pHead == pX ) pTree->pHead = pY;

 * A string-manipulation helper function for check_redblack_tree(). If (orig ==
 * NULL) a copy of val is returned. If (orig != NULL) then a copy of the *
 * concatenation of orig and val is returned. The original orig is deleted
 * (using sqliteFree()).
static char *append_val(char * orig, char const * val){
  char *z;
  if( !orig ){
    z = sqliteStrDup( val );
  } else{
    z = 0;
    sqliteSetString(&z, orig, val, (char*)0);
    sqliteFree( orig );
  return z;

 * Append a string representation of the entire node to orig and return it.
 * This is used to produce debugging information if check_redblack_tree() finds
 * a problem with a red-black binary tree.
static char *append_node(char * orig, BtRbNode *pNode, int indent)
  char buf[128];
  int i;

  for( i=0; i<indent; i++ ){
      orig = append_val(orig, " ");

  sprintf(buf, "%p", pNode);
  orig = append_val(orig, buf);

  if( pNode ){
    indent += 3;
    if( pNode->isBlack ){
      orig = append_val(orig, " B \n");
      orig = append_val(orig, " R \n");
    orig = append_node( orig, pNode->pLeft, indent );
    orig = append_node( orig, pNode->pRight, indent );
    orig = append_val(orig, "\n");
  return orig;

 * Print a representation of a node to stdout. This function is only included
 * so you can call it from within a debugger if things get really bad.  It
 * is not called from anyplace in the code.
static void print_node(BtRbNode *pNode)
    char * str = append_node(0, pNode, 0);
    printf("%s", str);

    /* Suppress a warning message about print_node() being unused */

 * Check the following properties of the red-black tree:
 * (1) - If a node is red, both of it's children are black
 * (2) - Each path from a given node to a leaf (NULL) node passes thru the
 *       same number of black nodes 
 * If there is a problem, append a description (using append_val() ) to *msg.
static void check_redblack_tree(BtRbTree * tree, char ** msg)
  BtRbNode *pNode;

  /* 0 -> came from parent 
   * 1 -> came from left
   * 2 -> came from right */
  int prev_step = 0;

  pNode = tree->pHead;
  while( pNode ){
    switch( prev_step ){
      case 0:
        if( pNode->pLeft ){
          pNode = pNode->pLeft;
          prev_step = 1;
      case 1:
        if( pNode->pRight ){
          pNode = pNode->pRight;
          prev_step = 0;
          prev_step = 2;
      case 2:
        /* Check red-black property (1) */
        if( !pNode->isBlack &&
            ( (pNode->pLeft && !pNode->pLeft->isBlack) ||
              (pNode->pRight && !pNode->pRight->isBlack) )
          char buf[128];
          sprintf(buf, "Red node with red child at %p\n", pNode);
          *msg = append_val(*msg, buf);
          *msg = append_node(*msg, tree->pHead, 0);
          *msg = append_val(*msg, "\n");

        /* Check red-black property (2) */
          int leftHeight = 0;
          int rightHeight = 0;
          if( pNode->pLeft ){
            leftHeight += pNode->pLeft->nBlackHeight;
            leftHeight += (pNode->pLeft->isBlack?1:0);
          if( pNode->pRight ){
            rightHeight += pNode->pRight->nBlackHeight;
            rightHeight += (pNode->pRight->isBlack?1:0);
          if( leftHeight != rightHeight ){
            char buf[128];
            sprintf(buf, "Different black-heights at %p\n", pNode);
            *msg = append_val(*msg, buf);
            *msg = append_node(*msg, tree->pHead, 0);
            *msg = append_val(*msg, "\n");
          pNode->nBlackHeight = leftHeight;

        if( pNode->pParent ){
          if( pNode == pNode->pParent->pLeft ) prev_step = 1;
          else prev_step = 2;
        pNode = pNode->pParent;
      default: assert(0);

 * Node pX has just been inserted into pTree (by code in sqliteRbtreeInsert()).
 * It is possible that pX is a red node with a red parent, which is a violation
 * of the red-black tree properties. This function performs rotations and 
 * color changes to rebalance the tree
static void do_insert_balancing(BtRbTree *pTree, BtRbNode *pX)
  /* In the first iteration of this loop, pX points to the red node just
   * inserted in the tree. If the parent of pX exists (pX is not the root
   * node) and is red, then the properties of the red-black tree are
   * violated.
   * At the start of any subsequent iterations, pX points to a red node
   * with a red parent. In all other respects the tree is a legal red-black
   * binary tree. */
  while( pX != pTree->pHead && !pX->pParent->isBlack ){
    BtRbNode *pUncle;
    BtRbNode *pGrandparent;

    /* Grandparent of pX must exist and must be black. */
    pGrandparent = pX->pParent->pParent;
    assert( pGrandparent );
    assert( pGrandparent->isBlack );

    /* Uncle of pX may or may not exist. */
    if( pX->pParent == pGrandparent->pLeft ) 
      pUncle = pGrandparent->pRight;
      pUncle = pGrandparent->pLeft;

    /* If the uncle of pX exists and is red, we do the following:
     *       |                 |
     *      G(b)              G(r)
     *      /  \              /  \        
     *   U(r)   P(r)       U(b)  P(b)
     *            \                \
     *           X(r)              X(r)
     *     BEFORE             AFTER
     * pX is then set to G. If the parent of G is red, then the while loop
     * will run again.  */
    if( pUncle && !pUncle->isBlack ){
      pGrandparent->isBlack = 0;
      pUncle->isBlack = 1;
      pX->pParent->isBlack = 1;
      pX = pGrandparent;

      if( pX->pParent == pGrandparent->pLeft ){
        if( pX == pX->pParent->pRight ){
          /* If pX is a right-child, do the following transform, essentially
           * to change pX into a left-child: 
           *       |                  | 
           *      G(b)               G(b)
           *      /  \               /  \        
           *   P(r)   U(b)        X(r)  U(b)
           *      \                /
           *     X(r)            P(r) <-- new X
           *     BEFORE             AFTER
          pX = pX->pParent;
          leftRotate(pTree, pX);

        /* Do the following transform, which balances the tree :) 
         *       |                  | 
         *      G(b)               P(b)
         *      /  \               /  \        
         *   P(r)   U(b)        X(r)  G(r)
         *    /                         \
         *  X(r)                        U(b)
         *     BEFORE             AFTER
        assert( pGrandparent == pX->pParent->pParent );
        pGrandparent->isBlack = 0;
        pX->pParent->isBlack = 1;
        rightRotate( pTree, pGrandparent );

        /* This code is symetric to the illustrated case above. */
        if( pX == pX->pParent->pLeft ){
          pX = pX->pParent;
          rightRotate(pTree, pX);
        assert( pGrandparent == pX->pParent->pParent );
        pGrandparent->isBlack = 0;
        pX->pParent->isBlack = 1;
        leftRotate( pTree, pGrandparent );
  pTree->pHead->isBlack = 1;

 * A child of pParent, which in turn had child pX, has just been removed from 
 * pTree (the figure below depicts the operation, Z is being removed). pParent
 * or pX, or both may be NULL.  
 *                |           |
 *                P           P
 *               / \         / \
 *              Z           X
 *             / \
 *            X  nil
 * This function is only called if Z was black. In this case the red-black tree
 * properties have been violated, and pX has an "extra black". This function 
 * performs rotations and color-changes to re-balance the tree.
void do_delete_balancing(BtRbTree *pTree, BtRbNode *pX, BtRbNode *pParent)
  BtRbNode *pSib; 

  /* TODO: Comment this code! */
  while( pX != pTree->pHead && (!pX || pX->isBlack) ){
    if( pX == pParent->pLeft ){
      pSib = pParent->pRight;
      if( pSib && !(pSib->isBlack) ){
        pSib->isBlack = 1;
        pParent->isBlack = 0;
        leftRotate(pTree, pParent);
        pSib = pParent->pRight;
      if( !pSib ){
        pX = pParent;
      }else if( 
          (!pSib->pLeft  || pSib->pLeft->isBlack) &&
          (!pSib->pRight || pSib->pRight->isBlack) ) {
        pSib->isBlack = 0;
        pX = pParent;
        if( (!pSib->pRight || pSib->pRight->isBlack) ){
          if( pSib->pLeft ) pSib->pLeft->isBlack = 1;
          pSib->isBlack = 0;
          rightRotate( pTree, pSib );
          pSib = pParent->pRight;
        pSib->isBlack = pParent->isBlack;
        pParent->isBlack = 1;
        if( pSib->pRight ) pSib->pRight->isBlack = 1;
        leftRotate(pTree, pParent);
        pX = pTree->pHead;
      pSib = pParent->pLeft;
      if( pSib && !(pSib->isBlack) ){
        pSib->isBlack = 1;
        pParent->isBlack = 0;
        rightRotate(pTree, pParent);
        pSib = pParent->pLeft;
      if( !pSib ){
        pX = pParent;
      }else if( 
          (!pSib->pLeft  || pSib->pLeft->isBlack) &&
          (!pSib->pRight || pSib->pRight->isBlack) ){
        pSib->isBlack = 0;
        pX = pParent;
        if( (!pSib->pLeft || pSib->pLeft->isBlack) ){
          if( pSib->pRight ) pSib->pRight->isBlack = 1;
          pSib->isBlack = 0;
          leftRotate( pTree, pSib );
          pSib = pParent->pLeft;
        pSib->isBlack = pParent->isBlack;
        pParent->isBlack = 1;
        if( pSib->pLeft ) pSib->pLeft->isBlack = 1;
        rightRotate(pTree, pParent);
        pX = pTree->pHead;
    pParent = pX->pParent;
  if( pX ) pX->isBlack = 1;

 * Create table n in tree pRbtree. Table n must not exist.
static void btreeCreateTable(Rbtree* pRbtree, int n)
  BtRbTree *pNewTbl = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(BtRbTree));
  sqliteHashInsert(&pRbtree->tblHash, 0, n, pNewTbl);

 * Log a single "rollback-op" for the given Rbtree. See comments for struct
 * BtRollbackOp.
static void btreeLogRollbackOp(Rbtree* pRbtree, BtRollbackOp *pRollbackOp)
  assert( pRbtree->eTransState == TRANS_INCHECKPOINT ||
      pRbtree->eTransState == TRANS_INTRANSACTION );
  if( pRbtree->eTransState == TRANS_INTRANSACTION ){
    pRollbackOp->pNext = pRbtree->pTransRollback;
    pRbtree->pTransRollback = pRollbackOp;
  if( pRbtree->eTransState == TRANS_INCHECKPOINT ){
    if( !pRbtree->pCheckRollback ){
      pRbtree->pCheckRollbackTail = pRollbackOp;
    pRollbackOp->pNext = pRbtree->pCheckRollback;
    pRbtree->pCheckRollback = pRollbackOp;

int sqliteRbtreeOpen(
  const char *zFilename,
  int mode,
  int nPg,
  Btree **ppBtree
  Rbtree **ppRbtree = (Rbtree**)ppBtree;
  *ppRbtree = (Rbtree *)sqliteMalloc(sizeof(Rbtree));
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) goto open_no_mem;
  sqliteHashInit(&(*ppRbtree)->tblHash, SQLITE_HASH_INT, 0);

  /* Create a binary tree for the SQLITE_MASTER table at location 2 */
  btreeCreateTable(*ppRbtree, 2);
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) goto open_no_mem;
  (*ppRbtree)->next_idx = 3;
  (*ppRbtree)->pOps = &sqliteRbtreeOps;
  /* Set file type to 4; this is so that "attach ':memory:' as ...."  does not
  ** think that the database in uninitialised and refuse to attach
  (*ppRbtree)->aMetaData[2] = 4;
  return SQLITE_OK;

  *ppBtree = 0;
  return SQLITE_NOMEM;

 * Create a new table in the supplied Rbtree. Set *n to the new table number.
 * Return SQLITE_OK if the operation is a success.
static int memRbtreeCreateTable(Rbtree* tree, int* n)
  assert( tree->eTransState != TRANS_NONE );

  *n = tree->next_idx++;
  btreeCreateTable(tree, *n);
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  /* Set up the rollback structure (if we are not doing this as part of a
   * rollback) */
  if( tree->eTransState != TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
    BtRollbackOp *pRollbackOp = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(BtRollbackOp));
    if( pRollbackOp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pRollbackOp->eOp = ROLLBACK_DROP;
    pRollbackOp->iTab = *n;
    btreeLogRollbackOp(tree, pRollbackOp);

  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Delete table n from the supplied Rbtree. 
static int memRbtreeDropTable(Rbtree* tree, int n)
  BtRbTree *pTree;
  assert( tree->eTransState != TRANS_NONE );

  memRbtreeClearTable(tree, n);
  pTree = sqliteHashInsert(&tree->tblHash, 0, n, 0);
  assert( pTree->pCursors==0 );

  if( tree->eTransState != TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
    BtRollbackOp *pRollbackOp = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(BtRollbackOp));
    if( pRollbackOp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pRollbackOp->eOp = ROLLBACK_CREATE;
    pRollbackOp->iTab = n;
    btreeLogRollbackOp(tree, pRollbackOp);

  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeKeyCompare(RbtCursor* pCur, const void *pKey, int nKey,
                                 int nIgnore, int *pRes)

  if( !pCur->pNode ) {
    *pRes = -1;
  } else {
    if( (pCur->pNode->nKey - nIgnore) < 0 ){
      *pRes = -1;
      *pRes = key_compare(pCur->pNode->pKey, pCur->pNode->nKey-nIgnore, 
          pKey, nKey);
  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Get a new cursor for table iTable of the supplied Rbtree. The wrFlag
 * parameter indicates that the cursor is open for writing.
 * Note that RbtCursor.eSkip and RbtCursor.pNode both initialize to 0.
static int memRbtreeCursor(
  Rbtree* tree,
  int iTable,
  int wrFlag,
  RbtCursor **ppCur
  RbtCursor *pCur;
  pCur = *ppCur = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(RbtCursor));
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  pCur->pTree  = sqliteHashFind(&tree->tblHash, 0, iTable);
  assert( pCur->pTree );
  pCur->pRbtree = tree;
  pCur->iTree  = iTable;
  pCur->pOps = &sqliteRbtreeCursorOps;
  pCur->wrFlag = wrFlag;
  pCur->pShared = pCur->pTree->pCursors;
  pCur->pTree->pCursors = pCur;

  assert( (*ppCur)->pTree );
  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Insert a new record into the Rbtree.  The key is given by (pKey,nKey)
 * and the data is given by (pData,nData).  The cursor is used only to
 * define what database the record should be inserted into.  The cursor
 * is left pointing at the new record.
 * If the key exists already in the tree, just replace the data. 
static int memRbtreeInsert(
  RbtCursor* pCur,
  const void *pKey,
  int nKey,
  const void *pDataInput,
  int nData
  void * pData;
  int match;

  /* It is illegal to call sqliteRbtreeInsert() if we are
  ** not in a transaction */
  assert( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState != TRANS_NONE );

  /* Make sure some other cursor isn't trying to read this same table */
  if( checkReadLocks(pCur) ){
    return SQLITE_LOCKED; /* The table pCur points to has a read lock */

  /* Take a copy of the input data now, in case we need it for the 
   * replace case */
  pData = sqliteMallocRaw(nData);
  if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memcpy(pData, pDataInput, nData);

  /* Move the cursor to a node near the key to be inserted. If the key already
   * exists in the table, then (match == 0). In this case we can just replace
   * the data associated with the entry, we don't need to manipulate the tree.
   * If there is no exact match, then the cursor points at what would be either
   * the predecessor (match == -1) or successor (match == 1) of the
   * searched-for key, were it to be inserted. The new node becomes a child of
   * this node.
   * The new node is initially red.
  memRbtreeMoveto( pCur, pKey, nKey, &match);
  if( match ){
    BtRbNode *pNode = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(BtRbNode));
    if( pNode==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pNode->nKey = nKey;
    pNode->pKey = sqliteMallocRaw(nKey);
    if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(pNode->pKey, pKey, nKey);
    pNode->nData = nData;
    pNode->pData = pData; 
    if( pCur->pNode ){
      switch( match ){
        case -1:
          assert( !pCur->pNode->pRight );
          pNode->pParent = pCur->pNode;
          pCur->pNode->pRight = pNode;
        case 1:
          assert( !pCur->pNode->pLeft );
          pNode->pParent = pCur->pNode;
          pCur->pNode->pLeft = pNode;
      pCur->pTree->pHead = pNode;

    /* Point the cursor at the node just inserted, as per SQLite requirements */
    pCur->pNode = pNode;

    /* A new node has just been inserted, so run the balancing code */
    do_insert_balancing(pCur->pTree, pNode);

    /* Set up a rollback-op in case we have to roll this operation back */
    if( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState != TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
      BtRollbackOp *pOp = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(BtRollbackOp) );
      if( pOp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      pOp->eOp = ROLLBACK_DELETE;
      pOp->iTab = pCur->iTree;
      pOp->nKey = pNode->nKey;
      pOp->pKey = sqliteMallocRaw( pOp->nKey );
      if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      memcpy( pOp->pKey, pNode->pKey, pOp->nKey );
      btreeLogRollbackOp(pCur->pRbtree, pOp);

    /* No need to insert a new node in the tree, as the key already exists.
     * Just clobber the current nodes data. */

    /* Set up a rollback-op in case we have to roll this operation back */
    if( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState != TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
      BtRollbackOp *pOp = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(BtRollbackOp) );
      if( pOp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      pOp->iTab = pCur->iTree;
      pOp->nKey = pCur->pNode->nKey;
      pOp->pKey = sqliteMallocRaw( pOp->nKey );
      if( sqlite_malloc_failed ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      memcpy( pOp->pKey, pCur->pNode->pKey, pOp->nKey );
      pOp->nData = pCur->pNode->nData;
      pOp->pData = pCur->pNode->pData;
      pOp->eOp = ROLLBACK_INSERT;
      btreeLogRollbackOp(pCur->pRbtree, pOp);
      sqliteFree( pCur->pNode->pData );

    /* Actually clobber the nodes data */
    pCur->pNode->pData = pData;
    pCur->pNode->nData = nData;

  return SQLITE_OK;

/* Move the cursor so that it points to an entry near pKey.
** Return a success code.
**     *pRes<0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
**                  is smaller than pKey or if the table is empty
**                  and the cursor is therefore left point to nothing.
**     *pRes==0     The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
**                  exactly matches pKey.
**     *pRes>0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
**                  is larger than pKey.
static int memRbtreeMoveto(
  RbtCursor* pCur,
  const void *pKey,
  int nKey,
  int *pRes
  BtRbNode *pTmp = 0;

  pCur->pNode = pCur->pTree->pHead;
  *pRes = -1;
  while( pCur->pNode && *pRes ) {
    *pRes = key_compare(pCur->pNode->pKey, pCur->pNode->nKey, pKey, nKey);
    pTmp = pCur->pNode;
    switch( *pRes ){
      case 1:    /* cursor > key */
        pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pLeft;
      case -1:   /* cursor < key */
        pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pRight;

  /* If (pCur->pNode == NULL), then we have failed to find a match. Set
   * pCur->pNode to pTmp, which is either NULL (if the tree is empty) or the
   * last node traversed in the search. In either case the relation ship
   * between pTmp and the searched for key is already stored in *pRes. pTmp is
   * either the successor or predecessor of the key we tried to move to. */
  if( !pCur->pNode ) pCur->pNode = pTmp;
  pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;

  return SQLITE_OK;

** Delete the entry that the cursor is pointing to.
** The cursor is left pointing at either the next or the previous
** entry.  If the cursor is left pointing to the next entry, then 
** the pCur->eSkip flag is set to SKIP_NEXT which forces the next call to 
** sqliteRbtreeNext() to be a no-op.  That way, you can always call
** sqliteRbtreeNext() after a delete and the cursor will be left
** pointing to the first entry after the deleted entry.  Similarly,
** pCur->eSkip is set to SKIP_PREV is the cursor is left pointing to
** the entry prior to the deleted entry so that a subsequent call to
** sqliteRbtreePrevious() will always leave the cursor pointing at the
** entry immediately before the one that was deleted.
static int memRbtreeDelete(RbtCursor* pCur)
  BtRbNode *pZ;      /* The one being deleted */
  BtRbNode *pChild;  /* The child of the spliced out node */

  /* It is illegal to call sqliteRbtreeDelete() if we are
  ** not in a transaction */
  assert( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState != TRANS_NONE );

  /* Make sure some other cursor isn't trying to read this same table */
  if( checkReadLocks(pCur) ){
    return SQLITE_LOCKED; /* The table pCur points to has a read lock */

  pZ = pCur->pNode;
  if( !pZ ){
    return SQLITE_OK;

  /* If we are not currently doing a rollback, set up a rollback op for this 
   * deletion */
  if( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState != TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
    BtRollbackOp *pOp = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(BtRollbackOp) );
    if( pOp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    pOp->iTab = pCur->iTree;
    pOp->nKey = pZ->nKey;
    pOp->pKey = pZ->pKey;
    pOp->nData = pZ->nData;
    pOp->pData = pZ->pData;
    btreeLogRollbackOp(pCur->pRbtree, pOp);

  /* First do a standard binary-tree delete (node pZ is to be deleted). How
   * to do this depends on how many children pZ has:
   * If pZ has no children or one child, then splice out pZ.  If pZ has two
   * children, splice out the successor of pZ and replace the key and data of
   * pZ with the key and data of the spliced out successor.  */
  if( pZ->pLeft && pZ->pRight ){
    BtRbNode *pTmp;
    int dummy;
    pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;
    memRbtreeNext(pCur, &dummy);
    assert( dummy == 0 );
    if( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState == TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
    pZ->pData = pCur->pNode->pData;
    pZ->nData = pCur->pNode->nData;
    pZ->pKey = pCur->pNode->pKey;
    pZ->nKey = pCur->pNode->nKey;
    pTmp = pZ;
    pZ = pCur->pNode;
    pCur->pNode = pTmp;
    pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NEXT;
    int res;
    pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;
    memRbtreeNext(pCur, &res);
    pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NEXT;
    if( res ){
      memRbtreeLast(pCur, &res);
      memRbtreePrevious(pCur, &res);
      pCur->eSkip = SKIP_PREV;
    if( pCur->pRbtree->eTransState == TRANS_ROLLBACK ){

  /* pZ now points at the node to be spliced out. This block does the 
   * splicing. */
    BtRbNode **ppParentSlot = 0;
    assert( !pZ->pLeft || !pZ->pRight ); /* pZ has at most one child */
    pChild = ((pZ->pLeft)?pZ->pLeft:pZ->pRight);
    if( pZ->pParent ){
      assert( pZ == pZ->pParent->pLeft || pZ == pZ->pParent->pRight );
      ppParentSlot = ((pZ == pZ->pParent->pLeft)
      *ppParentSlot = pChild;
      pCur->pTree->pHead = pChild;
    if( pChild ) pChild->pParent = pZ->pParent;

  /* pZ now points at the spliced out node. pChild is the only child of pZ, or
   * NULL if pZ has no children. If pZ is black, and not the tree root, then we
   * will have violated the "same number of black nodes in every path to a
   * leaf" property of the red-black tree. The code in do_delete_balancing()
   * repairs this. */
  if( pZ->isBlack ){ 
    do_delete_balancing(pCur->pTree, pChild, pZ->pParent);

  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Empty table n of the Rbtree.
static int memRbtreeClearTable(Rbtree* tree, int n)
  BtRbTree *pTree;
  BtRbNode *pNode;

  pTree = sqliteHashFind(&tree->tblHash, 0, n);

  pNode = pTree->pHead;
  while( pNode ){
    if( pNode->pLeft ){
      pNode = pNode->pLeft;
    else if( pNode->pRight ){
      pNode = pNode->pRight;
    else {
      BtRbNode *pTmp = pNode->pParent;
      if( tree->eTransState == TRANS_ROLLBACK ){
        sqliteFree( pNode->pKey );
        sqliteFree( pNode->pData );
        BtRollbackOp *pRollbackOp = sqliteMallocRaw(sizeof(BtRollbackOp));
        if( pRollbackOp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
        pRollbackOp->eOp = ROLLBACK_INSERT;
        pRollbackOp->iTab = n;
        pRollbackOp->nKey = pNode->nKey;
        pRollbackOp->pKey = pNode->pKey;
        pRollbackOp->nData = pNode->nData;
        pRollbackOp->pData = pNode->pData;
        btreeLogRollbackOp(tree, pRollbackOp);
      sqliteFree( pNode );
      if( pTmp ){
        if( pTmp->pLeft == pNode ) pTmp->pLeft = 0;
        else if( pTmp->pRight == pNode ) pTmp->pRight = 0;
      pNode = pTmp;

  pTree->pHead = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeFirst(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes)
  if( pCur->pTree->pHead ){
    pCur->pNode = pCur->pTree->pHead;
    while( pCur->pNode->pLeft ){
      pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pLeft;
  if( pCur->pNode ){
    *pRes = 0;
    *pRes = 1;
  pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeLast(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes)
  if( pCur->pTree->pHead ){
    pCur->pNode = pCur->pTree->pHead;
    while( pCur->pNode->pRight ){
      pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pRight;
  if( pCur->pNode ){
    *pRes = 0;
    *pRes = 1;
  pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Advance the cursor to the next entry in the database.  If
** successful then set *pRes=0.  If the cursor
** was already pointing to the last entry in the database before
** this routine was called, then set *pRes=1.
static int memRbtreeNext(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes)
  if( pCur->pNode && pCur->eSkip != SKIP_NEXT ){
    if( pCur->pNode->pRight ){
      pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pRight;
      while( pCur->pNode->pLeft )
        pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pLeft;
      BtRbNode * pX = pCur->pNode;
      pCur->pNode = pX->pParent;
      while( pCur->pNode && (pCur->pNode->pRight == pX) ){
        pX = pCur->pNode;
        pCur->pNode = pX->pParent;
  pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;

  if( !pCur->pNode ){
    *pRes = 1;
    *pRes = 0;

  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreePrevious(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pRes)
  if( pCur->pNode && pCur->eSkip != SKIP_PREV ){
    if( pCur->pNode->pLeft ){
      pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pLeft;
      while( pCur->pNode->pRight )
        pCur->pNode = pCur->pNode->pRight;
      BtRbNode * pX = pCur->pNode;
      pCur->pNode = pX->pParent;
      while( pCur->pNode && (pCur->pNode->pLeft == pX) ){
        pX = pCur->pNode;
        pCur->pNode = pX->pParent;
  pCur->eSkip = SKIP_NONE;

  if( !pCur->pNode ){
    *pRes = 1;
    *pRes = 0;

  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeKeySize(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pSize)
  if( pCur->pNode ){
    *pSize = pCur->pNode->nKey;
    *pSize = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeKey(RbtCursor* pCur, int offset, int amt, char *zBuf)
  if( !pCur->pNode ) return 0;
  if( !pCur->pNode->pKey || ((amt + offset) <= pCur->pNode->nKey) ){
    memcpy(zBuf, ((char*)pCur->pNode->pKey)+offset, amt);
    memcpy(zBuf, ((char*)pCur->pNode->pKey)+offset, pCur->pNode->nKey-offset);
    amt = pCur->pNode->nKey-offset;
  return amt;

static int memRbtreeDataSize(RbtCursor* pCur, int *pSize)
  if( pCur->pNode ){
    *pSize = pCur->pNode->nData;
    *pSize = 0;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeData(RbtCursor *pCur, int offset, int amt, char *zBuf)
  if( !pCur->pNode ) return 0;
  if( (amt + offset) <= pCur->pNode->nData ){
    memcpy(zBuf, ((char*)pCur->pNode->pData)+offset, amt);
    memcpy(zBuf, ((char*)pCur->pNode->pData)+offset ,pCur->pNode->nData-offset);
    amt = pCur->pNode->nData-offset;
  return amt;

static int memRbtreeCloseCursor(RbtCursor* pCur)
  if( pCur->pTree->pCursors==pCur ){
    pCur->pTree->pCursors = pCur->pShared;
    RbtCursor *p = pCur->pTree->pCursors;
    while( p && p->pShared!=pCur ){ p = p->pShared; }
    assert( p!=0 );
    if( p ){
      p->pShared = pCur->pShared;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeGetMeta(Rbtree* tree, int* aMeta)
  memcpy( aMeta, tree->aMetaData, sizeof(int) * SQLITE_N_BTREE_META );
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeUpdateMeta(Rbtree* tree, int* aMeta)
  memcpy( tree->aMetaData, aMeta, sizeof(int) * SQLITE_N_BTREE_META );
  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Check that each table in the Rbtree meets the requirements for a red-black
 * binary tree. If an error is found, return an explanation of the problem in 
 * memory obtained from sqliteMalloc(). Parameters aRoot and nRoot are ignored. 
static char *memRbtreeIntegrityCheck(Rbtree* tree, int* aRoot, int nRoot)
  char * msg = 0;
  HashElem *p;

  for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&tree->tblHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){
    BtRbTree *pTree = sqliteHashData(p);
    check_redblack_tree(pTree, &msg);

  return msg;

static int memRbtreeSetCacheSize(Rbtree* tree, int sz)
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeSetSafetyLevel(Rbtree *pBt, int level){
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeBeginTrans(Rbtree* tree)
  if( tree->eTransState != TRANS_NONE ) 
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  assert( tree->pTransRollback == 0 );
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_INTRANSACTION;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Delete a linked list of BtRollbackOp structures.
static void deleteRollbackList(BtRollbackOp *pOp){
  while( pOp ){
    BtRollbackOp *pTmp = pOp->pNext;
    pOp = pTmp;

static int memRbtreeCommit(Rbtree* tree){
  /* Just delete pTransRollback and pCheckRollback */
  tree->pTransRollback = 0;
  tree->pCheckRollback = 0;
  tree->pCheckRollbackTail = 0;
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_NONE;
  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Close the supplied Rbtree. Delete everything associated with it.
static int memRbtreeClose(Rbtree* tree)
  HashElem *p;
  while( (p=sqliteHashFirst(&tree->tblHash))!=0 ){
    tree->eTransState = TRANS_ROLLBACK;
    memRbtreeDropTable(tree, sqliteHashKeysize(p));
  return SQLITE_OK;

 * Execute and delete the supplied rollback-list on pRbtree.
static void execute_rollback_list(Rbtree *pRbtree, BtRollbackOp *pList)
  BtRollbackOp *pTmp;
  RbtCursor cur;
  int res;

  cur.pRbtree = pRbtree;
  cur.wrFlag = 1;
  while( pList ){
    switch( pList->eOp ){
        cur.pTree  = sqliteHashFind( &pRbtree->tblHash, 0, pList->iTab );
        cur.iTree  = pList->iTab;
        cur.eSkip  = SKIP_NONE;
        memRbtreeInsert( &cur, pList->pKey,
            pList->nKey, pList->pData, pList->nData );
        cur.pTree  = sqliteHashFind( &pRbtree->tblHash, 0, pList->iTab );
        cur.iTree  = pList->iTab;
        cur.eSkip  = SKIP_NONE;
        memRbtreeMoveto(&cur, pList->pKey, pList->nKey, &res);
        assert(res == 0);
        memRbtreeDelete( &cur );
        btreeCreateTable(pRbtree, pList->iTab);
      case ROLLBACK_DROP:
        memRbtreeDropTable(pRbtree, pList->iTab);
    pTmp = pList->pNext;
    pList = pTmp;

static int memRbtreeRollback(Rbtree* tree)
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_ROLLBACK;
  execute_rollback_list(tree, tree->pCheckRollback);
  execute_rollback_list(tree, tree->pTransRollback);
  tree->pTransRollback = 0;
  tree->pCheckRollback = 0;
  tree->pCheckRollbackTail = 0;
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_NONE;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeBeginCkpt(Rbtree* tree)
  if( tree->eTransState != TRANS_INTRANSACTION ) 
    return SQLITE_ERROR;

  assert( tree->pCheckRollback == 0 );
  assert( tree->pCheckRollbackTail == 0 );
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_INCHECKPOINT;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeCommitCkpt(Rbtree* tree)
  if( tree->eTransState == TRANS_INCHECKPOINT ){ 
    if( tree->pCheckRollback ){
      tree->pCheckRollbackTail->pNext = tree->pTransRollback;
      tree->pTransRollback = tree->pCheckRollback;
      tree->pCheckRollback = 0;
      tree->pCheckRollbackTail = 0;
    tree->eTransState = TRANS_INTRANSACTION;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeRollbackCkpt(Rbtree* tree)
  if( tree->eTransState != TRANS_INCHECKPOINT ) return SQLITE_OK;
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_ROLLBACK;
  execute_rollback_list(tree, tree->pCheckRollback);
  tree->pCheckRollback = 0;
  tree->pCheckRollbackTail = 0;
  tree->eTransState = TRANS_INTRANSACTION;
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreePageDump(Rbtree* tree, int pgno, int rec)
  assert(!"Cannot call sqliteRbtreePageDump");
  return SQLITE_OK;

static int memRbtreeCursorDump(RbtCursor* pCur, int* aRes)
  assert(!"Cannot call sqliteRbtreeCursorDump");
  return SQLITE_OK;

static struct Pager *memRbtreePager(Rbtree* tree)
  return 0;

** Return the full pathname of the underlying database file.
static const char *memRbtreeGetFilename(Rbtree *pBt){
  return 0;  /* A NULL return indicates there is no underlying file */

** The copy file function is not implemented for the in-memory database
static int memRbtreeCopyFile(Rbtree *pBt, Rbtree *pBt2){
  return SQLITE_INTERNAL;  /* Not implemented */

static BtOps sqliteRbtreeOps = {
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeClose,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int)) memRbtreeSetCacheSize,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int)) memRbtreeSetSafetyLevel,
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeBeginTrans,
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeCommit,
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeRollback,
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeBeginCkpt,
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeCommitCkpt,
    (int(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeRollbackCkpt,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int*)) memRbtreeCreateTable,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int*)) memRbtreeCreateTable,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int)) memRbtreeDropTable,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int)) memRbtreeClearTable,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int,int,BtCursor**)) memRbtreeCursor,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int*)) memRbtreeGetMeta,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int*)) memRbtreeUpdateMeta,
    (char*(*)(Btree*,int*,int)) memRbtreeIntegrityCheck,
    (const char*(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreeGetFilename,
    (int(*)(Btree*,Btree*)) memRbtreeCopyFile,
    (struct Pager*(*)(Btree*)) memRbtreePager,
    (int(*)(Btree*,int,int)) memRbtreePageDump,

static BtCursorOps sqliteRbtreeCursorOps = {
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,const void*,int,int*)) memRbtreeMoveto,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*)) memRbtreeDelete,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,const void*,int,const void*,int)) memRbtreeInsert,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreeFirst,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreeLast,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreeNext,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreePrevious,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreeKeySize,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int,int,char*)) memRbtreeKey,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,const void*,int,int,int*)) memRbtreeKeyCompare,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreeDataSize,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int,int,char*)) memRbtreeData,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*)) memRbtreeCloseCursor,
    (int(*)(BtCursor*,int*)) memRbtreeCursorDump,



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