count 53 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c int count; count 87 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c count = n1->n_len + MIN (n1->n_scale, n2->n_scale); count 91 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c while ((count > 0) && (*n1ptr == *n2ptr)) count 95 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c count--; count 97 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c if (ignore_last && count == 1 && n1->n_scale == n2->n_scale) count 99 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c if (count != 0) count 124 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c for (count = n1->n_scale-n2->n_scale; count>0; count--) count 136 bcmath/libbcmath/src/compare.c for (count = n2->n_scale-n1->n_scale; count>0; count--) count 94 bcmath/libbcmath/src/div.c unsigned int len1, len2, scale2, qdigits, extra, count; count 218 bcmath/libbcmath/src/div.c for (count = 0; count < len2+1; count++) count 239 bcmath/libbcmath/src/div.c for (count = 0; count < len2; count++) count 55 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c int count; count 66 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c for (count = scale_min - sum_scale; count > 0; count--) count 147 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c int borrow, count, val; count 160 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c for (count = scale_min - diff_scale; count > 0; count--) count 176 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c for (count = n1->n_scale - min_scale; count > 0; count--) count 182 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c for (count = n2->n_scale - min_scale; count > 0; count--) count 198 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c for (count = 0; count < min_len + min_scale; count++) count 214 bcmath/libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c for (count = diff_len - min_len; count > 0; count--) count 50 bcmath/libbcmath/src/nearzero.c int count; count 58 bcmath/libbcmath/src/nearzero.c count = num->n_len + scale; count 62 bcmath/libbcmath/src/nearzero.c while ((count > 0) && (*nptr++ == 0)) count--; count 64 bcmath/libbcmath/src/nearzero.c if (count != 0 && (count != 1 || *--nptr != 1)) count 119 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c int count, carry; count 121 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c count = val->n_len; count 123 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c count--; count 124 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c assert (accum->n_len+accum->n_scale >= shift+count); count 134 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c while (count--) { count 153 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c while (count--) { count 46 bcmath/libbcmath/src/zero.c int count; count 53 bcmath/libbcmath/src/zero.c count = num->n_len + num->n_scale; count 57 bcmath/libbcmath/src/zero.c while ((count > 0) && (*nptr++ == 0)) count--; count 59 bcmath/libbcmath/src/zero.c if (count != 0) count 142 bz2/bz2.c ret = BZ2_bzread(self->bz_file, buf, count); count 155 bz2/bz2.c return BZ2_bzwrite(self->bz_file, (char*)buf, count); count 557 com_dotnet/com_handlers.c *count = ubound - lbound + 1; count 375 com_dotnet/com_saproxy.c *count = ubound - lbound + 1; count 144 curl/streams.c return php_stream_write(curlstream->writebuffer.buf, buf, count); count 199 curl/streams.c didread = php_stream_read(curlstream->readbuffer.buf, buf, count); count 305 date/lib/parse_tz.c *count = sizeof(timezonedb_idx_builtin) / sizeof(*timezonedb_idx_builtin); count 223 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c timelib_sll current_dow, count; count 225 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c count = time->relative.special.amount; count 228 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c if (count == 0) { count 237 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c } else if (count > 0) { count 247 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c time->d += (count / 5) * 7; count 250 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c time->d += (count % 5); count 251 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c if ((count % 5) + current_dow > 5) { count 254 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c } else if (count < 0) { count 264 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c time->d += (count / 5) * 7; count 267 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c time->d += (count % 5); count 268 date/lib/tm2unixtime.c if ((count % 5) + current_dow < 1) { count 145 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c uint32 count; count 151 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c c->count[i] = 0; count 156 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c ++c->count[255 & x->hp[i].h]; count 161 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c u = c->count[i] * 2; count 182 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c u += c->count[i]; /* bounded by numentries, so no overflow */ count 193 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c count = c->count[i]; count 195 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c len = count + count; /* no overflow possible */ count 203 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.c for (u = 0;u < count;++u) { count 45 dba/libcdb/cdb_make.h uint32 count[256]; count 179 dom/characterdata.c long offset, count; count 183 dom/characterdata.c if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Oll", &id, dom_characterdata_class_entry, &offset, &count) == FAILURE) { count 196 dom/characterdata.c if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > length) { count 202 dom/characterdata.c if ((offset + count) > length) { count 203 dom/characterdata.c count = length - offset; count 206 dom/characterdata.c substring = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset, count); count 309 dom/characterdata.c long offset, count; count 313 dom/characterdata.c if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Oll", &id, dom_characterdata_class_entry, &offset, &count) == FAILURE) { count 326 dom/characterdata.c if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > length) { count 338 dom/characterdata.c if ((offset + count) > length) { count 339 dom/characterdata.c count = length - offset; count 342 dom/characterdata.c second = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset + count, length - offset); count 365 dom/characterdata.c long offset, count; count 369 dom/characterdata.c if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, getThis(), "Olls", &id, dom_characterdata_class_entry, &offset, &count, &arg, &arg_len) == FAILURE) { count 382 dom/characterdata.c if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > length) { count 394 dom/characterdata.c if ((offset + count) > length) { count 395 dom/characterdata.c count = length - offset; count 399 dom/characterdata.c second = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset + count, length - offset); count 91 dom/namednodemap.c int count = 0; count 99 dom/namednodemap.c count = xmlHashSize(objmap->ht); count 106 dom/namednodemap.c count++; count 108 dom/namednodemap.c count++; count 117 dom/namednodemap.c ZVAL_LONG(*retval, count); count 211 dom/namednodemap.c int count; count 235 dom/namednodemap.c count = 0; count 236 dom/namednodemap.c while (count < index && curnode != NULL) { count 237 dom/namednodemap.c count++; count 58 dom/nodelist.c int count = 0; count 64 dom/nodelist.c count = xmlHashSize(objmap->ht); count 68 dom/nodelist.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(nodeht); count 75 dom/nodelist.c count++; count 77 dom/nodelist.c count++; count 87 dom/nodelist.c curnode = dom_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_raw(nodep, objmap->ns, objmap->local, &count, -1); count 95 dom/nodelist.c ZVAL_LONG(*retval, count); count 115 dom/nodelist.c int count = 0; count 147 dom/nodelist.c while (count < index && curnode != NULL) { count 148 dom/nodelist.c count++; count 158 dom/nodelist.c itemnode = dom_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_raw(nodep, objmap->ns, objmap->local, &count, index); count 631 ereg/ereg.c long count = -1; count 638 ereg/ereg.c if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss|l", &spliton, &spliton_len, &str, &str_len, &count) == FAILURE) { count 658 ereg/ereg.c while ((count == -1 || count > 1) && !(err = regexec(&re, strp, 1, subs, 0))) { count 688 ereg/ereg.c if (count != -1) { count 689 ereg/ereg.c count--; count 243 ereg/regex/regcomp.c register int count; count 354 ereg/regex/regcomp.c count = p_count(p); count 358 ereg/regex/regcomp.c REQUIRE(count <= count2, REG_BADBR); count 362 ereg/regex/regcomp.c count2 = count; count 363 ereg/regex/regcomp.c repeat(p, pos, count, count2); count 446 ereg/regex/regcomp.c register int count; count 532 ereg/regex/regcomp.c count = p_count(p); count 536 ereg/regex/regcomp.c REQUIRE(count <= count2, REG_BADBR); count 540 ereg/regex/regcomp.c count2 = count; count 541 ereg/regex/regcomp.c repeat(p, pos, count, count2); count 562 ereg/regex/regcomp.c register int count = 0; count 565 ereg/regex/regcomp.c while (MORE() && isdigit(PEEK()) && count <= DUPMAX) { count 566 ereg/regex/regcomp.c count = count*10 + (GETNEXT() - '0'); count 570 ereg/regex/regcomp.c REQUIRE(ndigits > 0 && count <= DUPMAX, REG_BADBR); count 571 ereg/regex/regcomp.c return(count); count 1378 exif/exif.c int count; count 1498 exif/exif.c int count; count 1517 exif/exif.c int count; count 1611 exif/exif.c int count = ImageInfo->file.count; count 1613 exif/exif.c tmp = safe_erealloc(ImageInfo->file.list, (count+1), sizeof(file_section), 0); count 1615 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.list[count].type = 0xFFFF; count 1616 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.list[count].data = NULL; count 1617 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.list[count].size = 0; count 1618 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.count = count+1; count 1624 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.list[count].type = type; count 1625 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.list[count].data = data; count 1626 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.list[count].size = size; count 1627 exif/exif.c return count; count 1641 exif/exif.c if (section_index >= ImageInfo->file.count) { count 1659 exif/exif.c if (ImageInfo->file.count) { count 1660 exif/exif.c for (i=0; i<ImageInfo->file.count; i++) { count 1665 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->file.count = 0; count 1685 exif/exif.c list = safe_erealloc(image_info->info_list[section_index].list, (image_info->info_list[section_index].count+1), sizeof(image_info_data), 0); count 1688 exif/exif.c info_data = &image_info->info_list[section_index].list[image_info->info_list[section_index].count]; count 1794 exif/exif.c image_info->info_list[section_index].count++; count 1815 exif/exif.c list = safe_erealloc(image_info->info_list[section_index].list, (image_info->info_list[section_index].count+1), sizeof(image_info_data), 0); count 1818 exif/exif.c info_data = &image_info->info_list[section_index].list[image_info->info_list[section_index].count]; count 1825 exif/exif.c image_info->info_list[section_index].count++; count 1838 exif/exif.c list = safe_erealloc(image_info->info_list[section_index].list, (image_info->info_list[section_index].count+1), sizeof(image_info_data), 0); count 1840 exif/exif.c info_data = &image_info->info_list[section_index].list[image_info->info_list[section_index].count]; count 1847 exif/exif.c image_info->info_list[section_index].count++; count 1879 exif/exif.c list = safe_erealloc(image_info->info_list[section_index].list, (image_info->info_list[section_index].count+1), sizeof(image_info_data), 0); count 1881 exif/exif.c info_data = &image_info->info_list[section_index].list[image_info->info_list[section_index].count]; count 1890 exif/exif.c image_info->info_list[section_index].count++; count 1902 exif/exif.c if (image_info->info_list[section_index].count) { count 1903 exif/exif.c for (i=0; i < image_info->info_list[section_index].count; i++) { count 1959 exif/exif.c if (image_info->info_list[section_index].count) { count 1967 exif/exif.c for(i=0; i<image_info->info_list[section_index].count; i++) { count 2470 exif/exif.c new_size = 8 + 2 + info_list->count * 12 + 4; count 2472 exif/exif.c exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Thumbnail: size of signature + directory(%d): 0x%02X", info_list->count, new_size); count 2475 exif/exif.c for (i=0; i<info_list->count; i++) { count 2494 exif/exif.c php_ifd_set16u(new_data, info_list->count, ImageInfo->motorola_intel); count 2496 exif/exif.c for (i=0; i<info_list->count; i++) { count 2980 exif/exif.c tmp_xp = (xp_field_type*)safe_erealloc(ImageInfo->xp_fields.list, (ImageInfo->xp_fields.count+1), sizeof(xp_field_type), 0); count 2983 exif/exif.c ImageInfo->xp_fields.count++; count 2984 exif/exif.c exif_process_unicode(ImageInfo, &(ImageInfo->xp_fields.list[ImageInfo->xp_fields.count-1]), tag, value_ptr, byte_count TSRMLS_CC); count 3281 exif/exif.c exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Needing section %d @ 0x%08X", ImageInfo->file.count, fpos); count 3838 exif/exif.c for (i=0; i<ImageInfo->xp_fields.count; i++) { count 4040 exif/exif.c for (i=0; i<ImageInfo.xp_fields.count; i++) { count 802 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c inp += *count; count 803 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c *count += sh.sh_properties; count 961 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c *count = 0; count 971 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c info, count, &maxcount) == -1) { count 1205 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 1276 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c size_t count; count 1279 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c if (cdf_unpack_summary_info(sst, h, &ssi, &info, &count) == -1) count 1288 fileinfo/libmagic/cdf.c cdf_dump_property_info(info, count); count 59 fileinfo/libmagic/readcdf.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 179 fileinfo/libmagic/readcdf.c size_t count; count 182 fileinfo/libmagic/readcdf.c if (cdf_unpack_summary_info(sst, h, &si, &info, &count) == -1) count 215 fileinfo/libmagic/readcdf.c m = cdf_file_property_info(ms, info, count); count 1003 fileinfo/libmagic/softmagic.c uint32_t count = m->str_range; count 1006 fileinfo/libmagic/softmagic.c if (mcopy(ms, p, m->type, m->flag & INDIR, s, offset, nbytes, count) == -1) count 1490 fileinfo/libmagic/softmagic.c if (mcopy(ms, p, m->type, 0, s, offset, nbytes, count) == -1) count 21 gd/libgd/gd_color.c int count; count 53 gd/libgd/gd_color.c count = *(bp++); count 54 gd/libgd/gd_color.c if( count > 0 ) { count 55 gd/libgd/gd_color.c im2->red[color] = *(bp++) / count; count 56 gd/libgd/gd_color.c im2->green[color] = *(bp++) / count; count 57 gd/libgd/gd_color.c im2->blue[color] = *(bp++) / count; count 58 gd/libgd/gd_color.c im2->alpha[color] = *(bp++) / count; count 329 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c unsigned char count; count 331 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c if (! ReadOK(fd,&count,1)) { count 335 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c *ZeroDataBlockP = count == 0; count 337 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c if ((count != 0) && (! ReadOK(fd, buf, count))) { count 341 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c return count; count 373 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c unsigned char count; count 393 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c if ((count = GetDataBlock(fd, &scd->buf[2], ZeroDataBlockP)) <= 0) count 396 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c scd->last_byte = 2 + count; count 398 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c scd->lastbit = (2+count)*8 ; count 475 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c int count; count 481 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c while ((count = GetDataBlock(fd, buf, ZeroDataBlockP)) > 0) count 484 gd/libgd/gd_gif_in.c if (count != 0) count 725 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c long count = 0; /* 2.0.28: = 0 */ count 744 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c if ((count = *histp++) != 0) count 746 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c total += count; count 748 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c ((c0 << C0_SHIFT) + ((1 << C0_SHIFT) >> 1)) * count; count 750 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c ((c1 << C1_SHIFT) + ((1 << C1_SHIFT) >> 1)) * count; count 752 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c ((c2 << C2_SHIFT) + ((1 << C2_SHIFT) >> 1)) * count; count 763 gd/libgd/gd_topal.c if (count) count 185 gd/libgd/webpimg.c double sse = 0., count = 0.; count 187 gd/libgd/webpimg.c count += y_width; count 195 gd/libgd/webpimg.c count += 2 * uv_width; count 203 gd/libgd/webpimg.c return -4.3429448 * log(sse / (255. * 255. * count)); count 284 gettext/gettext.c long count; count 286 gettext/gettext.c if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ssl", &msgid1, &msgid1_len, &msgid2, &msgid2_len, &count) == FAILURE) { count 293 gettext/gettext.c msgstr = ngettext(msgid1, msgid2, count); count 308 gettext/gettext.c long count; count 311 gettext/gettext.c &msgid1, &msgid1_len, &msgid2, &msgid2_len, &count) == FAILURE) { count 319 gettext/gettext.c msgstr = dngettext(domain, msgid1, msgid2, count); count 334 gettext/gettext.c long count, category; count 339 gettext/gettext.c &msgid1, &msgid1_len, &msgid2, &msgid2_len, &count, &category) == FAILURE) { count 347 gettext/gettext.c msgstr = dcngettext(domain, msgid1, msgid2, count, category); count 252 hash/hash_gost.c if ((MAX32 - context->count[0]) < (len * 8)) { count 253 hash/hash_gost.c context->count[1]++; count 254 hash/hash_gost.c context->count[0] = MAX32 - context->count[0]; count 255 hash/hash_gost.c context->count[0] = (len * 8) - context->count[0]; count 257 hash/hash_gost.c context->count[0] += len * 8; count 290 hash/hash_gost.c memcpy(l, context->count, sizeof(context->count)); count 260 hash/hash_haval.c { int i; context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; \ count 290 hash/hash_haval.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x7F); count 292 hash/hash_haval.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 293 hash/hash_haval.c context->count[1]++; count 295 hash/hash_haval.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 335 hash/hash_haval.c Encode(bits + 2, context->count, 8); count 339 hash/hash_haval.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 389 hash/hash_haval.c Encode(bits + 2, context->count, 8); count 393 hash/hash_haval.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 443 hash/hash_haval.c Encode(bits + 2, context->count, 8); count 447 hash/hash_haval.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 483 hash/hash_haval.c Encode(bits + 2, context->count, 8); count 487 hash/hash_haval.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 524 hash/hash_haval.c Encode(bits + 2, context->count, 8); count 528 hash/hash_haval.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 269 hash/hash_md.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 290 hash/hash_md.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 293 hash/hash_md.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) count 295 hash/hash_md.c context->count[1]++; count 296 hash/hash_md.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 331 hash/hash_md.c Encode(bits, context->count, 8); count 335 hash/hash_md.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 529 hash/hash_md.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 549 hash/hash_md.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 552 hash/hash_md.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) count 554 hash/hash_md.c context->count[1]++; count 555 hash/hash_md.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 589 hash/hash_md.c Encode(bits, context->count, 8); count 593 hash/hash_md.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 73 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 88 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 107 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 123 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 261 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 264 hash/hash_ripemd.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 265 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1]++; count 267 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 359 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 362 hash/hash_ripemd.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 363 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1]++; count 365 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 458 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 461 hash/hash_ripemd.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 462 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1]++; count 464 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 566 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 569 hash/hash_ripemd.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 570 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1]++; count 572 hash/hash_ripemd.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 630 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 631 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 632 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 633 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 634 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 635 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 636 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 637 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 641 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 667 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 668 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 669 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 670 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 671 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 672 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 673 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 674 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 678 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 704 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 705 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 706 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 707 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 708 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 709 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 710 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 711 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 715 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 741 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 742 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 743 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 744 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 745 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 746 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 747 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 748 hash/hash_ripemd.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 752 hash/hash_ripemd.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 208 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 339 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 342 hash/hash_sha.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) count 344 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1]++; count 345 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 380 hash/hash_sha.c bits[7] = context->count[0] & 0xFF; count 381 hash/hash_sha.c bits[6] = (context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF; count 382 hash/hash_sha.c bits[5] = (context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF; count 383 hash/hash_sha.c bits[4] = (context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF; count 384 hash/hash_sha.c bits[3] = context->count[1] & 0xFF; count 385 hash/hash_sha.c bits[2] = (context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF; count 386 hash/hash_sha.c bits[1] = (context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF; count 387 hash/hash_sha.c bits[0] = (context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF; count 391 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 463 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 523 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 547 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 550 hash/hash_sha.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 551 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1]++; count 553 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 587 hash/hash_sha.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 588 hash/hash_sha.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 589 hash/hash_sha.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 590 hash/hash_sha.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 591 hash/hash_sha.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 592 hash/hash_sha.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 593 hash/hash_sha.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 594 hash/hash_sha.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 598 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 624 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 627 hash/hash_sha.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen << 3)) { count 628 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1]++; count 630 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 664 hash/hash_sha.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 665 hash/hash_sha.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 666 hash/hash_sha.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 667 hash/hash_sha.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 668 hash/hash_sha.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 669 hash/hash_sha.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 670 hash/hash_sha.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 671 hash/hash_sha.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 675 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 772 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 838 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x7F); count 841 hash/hash_sha.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint64) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint64) inputLen << 3)) { count 842 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1]++; count 844 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint64) inputLen >> 61); count 878 hash/hash_sha.c bits[15] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 879 hash/hash_sha.c bits[14] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 880 hash/hash_sha.c bits[13] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 881 hash/hash_sha.c bits[12] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 882 hash/hash_sha.c bits[11] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 32) & 0xFF); count 883 hash/hash_sha.c bits[10] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 40) & 0xFF); count 884 hash/hash_sha.c bits[9] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 48) & 0xFF); count 885 hash/hash_sha.c bits[8] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 56) & 0xFF); count 886 hash/hash_sha.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 887 hash/hash_sha.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 888 hash/hash_sha.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 889 hash/hash_sha.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 890 hash/hash_sha.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 32) & 0xFF); count 891 hash/hash_sha.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 40) & 0xFF); count 892 hash/hash_sha.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 48) & 0xFF); count 893 hash/hash_sha.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 56) & 0xFF); count 897 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x7f); count 928 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 952 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x7F); count 955 hash/hash_sha.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_hash_uint64) inputLen << 3)) < ((php_hash_uint64) inputLen << 3)) { count 956 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1]++; count 958 hash/hash_sha.c context->count[1] += ((php_hash_uint64) inputLen >> 61); count 992 hash/hash_sha.c bits[15] = (unsigned char) (context->count[0] & 0xFF); count 993 hash/hash_sha.c bits[14] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 994 hash/hash_sha.c bits[13] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 995 hash/hash_sha.c bits[12] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 996 hash/hash_sha.c bits[11] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 32) & 0xFF); count 997 hash/hash_sha.c bits[10] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 40) & 0xFF); count 998 hash/hash_sha.c bits[9] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 48) & 0xFF); count 999 hash/hash_sha.c bits[8] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[0] >> 56) & 0xFF); count 1000 hash/hash_sha.c bits[7] = (unsigned char) (context->count[1] & 0xFF); count 1001 hash/hash_sha.c bits[6] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF); count 1002 hash/hash_sha.c bits[5] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF); count 1003 hash/hash_sha.c bits[4] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); count 1004 hash/hash_sha.c bits[3] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 32) & 0xFF); count 1005 hash/hash_sha.c bits[2] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 40) & 0xFF); count 1006 hash/hash_sha.c bits[1] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 48) & 0xFF); count 1007 hash/hash_sha.c bits[0] = (unsigned char) ((context->count[1] >> 56) & 0xFF); count 1011 hash/hash_sha.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x7f); count 144 hash/hash_snefru.c if ((MAX32 - context->count[1]) < (len * 8)) { count 145 hash/hash_snefru.c context->count[0]++; count 146 hash/hash_snefru.c context->count[1] = MAX32 - context->count[1]; count 147 hash/hash_snefru.c context->count[1] = (len * 8) - context->count[1]; count 149 hash/hash_snefru.c context->count[1] += len * 8; count 182 hash/hash_snefru.c context->state[14] = context->count[0]; count 183 hash/hash_snefru.c context->state[15] = context->count[1]; count 29 hash/php_hash_gost.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; count 28 hash/php_hash_haval.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; count 64 hash/php_hash_md.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ count 80 hash/php_hash_md.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; count 28 hash/php_hash_ripemd.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ count 34 hash/php_hash_ripemd.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ count 40 hash/php_hash_ripemd.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ count 46 hash/php_hash_ripemd.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ count 40 hash/php_hash_sha.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 */ count 56 hash/php_hash_sha.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 */ count 67 hash/php_hash_sha.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 */ count 78 hash/php_hash_sha.h php_hash_uint64 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^128 */ count 89 hash/php_hash_sha.h php_hash_uint64 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^128 */ count 33 hash/php_hash_snefru.h php_hash_uint32 count[2]; count 108 interbase/ibase_events.c *l = (unsigned short) isc_event_block(event_buf, result_buf, count, events[0], count 38 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c int count; count 44 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(args)); count 46 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c if(count < umsg_format_arg_count(MSG_FORMAT_OBJECT(mfo))) { count 54 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c fargs = safe_emalloc(count, sizeof(zval *), 0); count 57 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c for(i=0;i<count;i++) { count 66 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c umsg_format_helper(MSG_FORMAT_OBJECT(mfo), count, fargs, &formatted, &formatted_len, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(mfo) TSRMLS_CC); count 68 intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c for(i=0;i<count;i++) { count 47 intl/msgformat/msgformat_helpers.cpp return m.getArgTypeList(count); count 140 intl/msgformat/msgformat_helpers.cpp Formattable *fargs = ((const MessageFormat*)fmt)->parse(srcString, *count, *status); count 146 intl/msgformat/msgformat_helpers.cpp *args = (zval **)safe_emalloc(*count, sizeof(zval *), 0); count 149 intl/msgformat/msgformat_helpers.cpp for(int32_t i = 0; i < *count; i++) { count 34 intl/msgformat/msgformat_parse.c int count = 0; count 42 intl/msgformat/msgformat_parse.c umsg_parse_helper(MSG_FORMAT_OBJECT(mfo), &count, &fargs, usource, usrc_len, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(mfo)); count 49 intl/msgformat/msgformat_parse.c for(i=0;i<count;i++) { count 273 intl/resourcebundle/resourcebundle_class.c *count = ures_getSize( rb->me ); count 414 intl/resourcebundle/resourcebundle_class.c ZEND_NAMED_ME( count, ZEND_FN(resourcebundle_count), arginfo_resourcebundle_count, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC ) count 1203 ldap/ldap.c int i, count, dn_len; count 1216 ldap/ldap.c count = i; count 1220 ldap/ldap.c add_assoc_long(return_value, "count", count); count 1221 ldap/ldap.c for (i = 0; i<count; i++) { count 314 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c int count; /* for OP_REPEAT_INC, OP_REPEAT_INC_NG */ count 628 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c stk->u.repeat.count = 0;\ count 779 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c STACK_AT(stk->>u.repeat.count--;\ count 801 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c STACK_AT(stk->>u.repeat.count--;\ count 821 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c STACK_AT(stk->>u.repeat.count--;\ count 2722 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c stkp->u.repeat.count++; count 2723 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c if (stkp->u.repeat.count >= reg->repeat_range[mem].upper) { count 2726 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c else if (stkp->u.repeat.count >= reg->repeat_range[mem].lower) { count 2752 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c stkp->u.repeat.count++; count 2753 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c if (stkp->u.repeat.count < reg->repeat_range[mem].upper) { count 2754 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c if (stkp->u.repeat.count >= reg->repeat_range[mem].lower) { count 2765 mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c else if (stkp->u.repeat.count == reg->repeat_range[mem].upper) { count 1062 mbstring/php_mbregex.c long count = -1; count 1064 mbstring/php_mbregex.c if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss|l", &arg_pattern, &arg_pattern_len, &string, &string_len, &count) == FAILURE) { count 1068 mbstring/php_mbregex.c if (count == 0) { count 1069 mbstring/php_mbregex.c count = 1; count 1083 mbstring/php_mbregex.c while ((--count != 0) && count 1102 mbstring/php_mbregex.c if (count < 0) { count 1103 mbstring/php_mbregex.c count = 0; count 152 mbstring/ucgendat/ucgendat.c ac_uint4 count; count 1264 mbstring/ucgendat/ucgendat.c comps[cu].count = 2; count 1542 mbstring/ucgendat/ucgendat.c (unsigned long) comps[i].comp, (unsigned long) comps[i].count, count 496 mcrypt/mcrypt.c int i, count; count 500 mcrypt/mcrypt.c modules = mcrypt_list_algorithms(MCG(algorithms_dir), &count); count 501 mcrypt/mcrypt.c if (count == 0) { count 504 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 509 mcrypt/mcrypt.c mcrypt_free_p(modules, count); count 511 mcrypt/mcrypt.c modules = mcrypt_list_modes(MCG(modes_dir), &count); count 512 mcrypt/mcrypt.c if (count == 0) { count 515 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 520 mcrypt/mcrypt.c mcrypt_free_p (modules, count); count 746 mcrypt/mcrypt.c int i, count = 0; count 752 mcrypt/mcrypt.c key_sizes = mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(pm->td, &count); count 754 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 971 mcrypt/mcrypt.c int i, count = 0; count 977 mcrypt/mcrypt.c key_sizes = mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes(module, dir, &count); count 979 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 993 mcrypt/mcrypt.c int i, count; count 1001 mcrypt/mcrypt.c modules = mcrypt_list_algorithms(lib_dir, &count); count 1003 mcrypt/mcrypt.c if (count == 0) { count 1006 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 1009 mcrypt/mcrypt.c mcrypt_free_p(modules, count); count 1020 mcrypt/mcrypt.c int i, count; count 1028 mcrypt/mcrypt.c modules = mcrypt_list_modes(lib_dir, &count); count 1030 mcrypt/mcrypt.c if (count == 0) { count 1033 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 1036 mcrypt/mcrypt.c mcrypt_free_p(modules, count); count 1172 mcrypt/mcrypt.c int block_size, max_key_length, use_key_length, i, count, iv_size; count 1191 mcrypt/mcrypt.c key_length_sizes = mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(td, &count); count 1192 mcrypt/mcrypt.c if (count == 0 && key_length_sizes == NULL) { /* all lengths 1 - k_l_s = OK */ count 1197 mcrypt/mcrypt.c } else if (count == 1) { /* only m_k_l = OK */ count 1204 mcrypt/mcrypt.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 1411 mysqli/mysqli.c int count = (int)php_stream_read(mysql->li_stream, buf, buf_len); count 1413 mysqli/mysqli.c if (count < 0) { count 1417 mysqli/mysqli.c return count; count 72 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_loaddata.c int count; count 76 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_loaddata.c count = (int)php_stream_read(info->fd, (char *) buf, buf_len); count 78 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_loaddata.c if (count < 0) { count 83 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_loaddata.c DBG_RETURN(count); count 66 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_net, network_read_ex)(MYSQLND_NET * const net, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, count 70 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c size_t to_read = count, ret; count 75 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c DBG_INF_FMT("count="MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC, count); count 87 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE(stats, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED, count - to_read); count 96 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_net, network_write_ex)(MYSQLND_NET * const net, const zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, count 101 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c ret = php_stream_write(net->stream, (char *)buffer, count); count 300 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_net, send_ex)(MYSQLND_NET * const net, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, count 306 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c size_t left = count; count 312 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c DBG_INF_FMT("count=" MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC " compression=%u", count, net->compressed); count 400 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c STAT_BYTES_SENT, count + packets_sent * MYSQLND_HEADER_SIZE, count 410 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c DBG_ERR_FMT("Can't %u send bytes", count); count 432 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c if (buffer->len >= count) { count 433 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c memcpy(dest, buffer->data + buffer->offset, count); count 434 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c buffer->offset += count; count 435 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c buffer->len -= count; count 475 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c ret->data = mnd_emalloc(count); count 476 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c ret->size = ret->len = count; count 585 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_net, receive_ex)(MYSQLND_NET * const net, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, count 588 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c size_t to_read = count; count 204 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.c mysqlnd_array_init(return_value, stats->count); count 205 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.c for (i = 0; i < stats->count; i++) { count 254 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.c (*stats)->count = statistic_count; count 302 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.c memset(stats->triggers, 0, stats->count * sizeof(mysqlnd_stat_trigger)); count 66 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if ((enabler) && _p_s && _s != _p_s->count) { \ count 75 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if ((enabler) && _p_s && _s != _p_s->count) { \ count 84 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if ((enabler) && _p_s && _s != _p_s->count) { \ count 98 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if (_s1 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s1, v1); \ count 99 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if (_s2 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s2, v2); \ count 113 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if (_s1 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s1, v1); \ count 114 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if (_s2 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s2, v2); \ count 115 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.h if (_s3 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s3, v3); \ count 249 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_structs.h size_t count; count 263 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_structs.h void (*read)(struct st_mysqlnd_read_buffer *, size_t count, zend_uchar * dest); count 184 openssl/xp_ssl.c didwrite = SSL_write(sslsock->ssl_handle, buf, count); count 197 openssl/xp_ssl.c didwrite = php_stream_socket_ops.write(stream, buf, count TSRMLS_CC); count 216 openssl/xp_ssl.c nr_bytes = SSL_read(sslsock->ssl_handle, buf, count); count 234 openssl/xp_ssl.c nr_bytes =, buf, count TSRMLS_CC); count 1374 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int start_count = *count; count 1391 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c *count += 1; count 1392 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (name == NULL && *count == lorn) return *count; count 1441 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c *count += 1; count 1442 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (name == NULL && *count == lorn) return *count; count 1449 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c return *count; count 1551 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int rc = find_parens_sub(&ptr, cd, name, lorn, xmode, utf, count); count 1558 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (dup_parens && *count < hwm_count) *count = hwm_count; count 1564 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (*count > hwm_count) hwm_count = *count; count 1565 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c *count = start_count; count 1607 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int count = 0; count 1617 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c rc = find_parens_sub(&ptr, cd, name, lorn, xmode, utf, &count); count 244 pcre/php_pcre.c int count = 0; count 260 pcre/php_pcre.c if (pcre_fullinfo(pce->re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &count) == PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC) { count 562 pcre/php_pcre.c int count = 0; /* Count of matched subpatterns */ count 652 pcre/php_pcre.c count = pcre_exec(pce->re, extra, subject, subject_len, start_offset, count 659 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count == 0) { count 661 pcre/php_pcre.c count = size_offsets/3; count 665 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count > 0) { count 671 pcre/php_pcre.c if (pcre_get_substring_list(subject, offsets, count, &stringlist) < 0) { count 682 pcre/php_pcre.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 696 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count < num_subpats) { count 708 pcre/php_pcre.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 726 pcre/php_pcre.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 744 pcre/php_pcre.c } else if (count == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { count 755 pcre/php_pcre.c pcre_handle_exec_error(count TSRMLS_CC); count 861 pcre/php_pcre.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 923 pcre/php_pcre.c if (backref < count) { count 1002 pcre/php_pcre.c int count = 0; /* Count of matched subpatterns */ count 1080 pcre/php_pcre.c count = pcre_exec(pce->re, extra, subject, subject_len, start_offset, count 1087 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count == 0) { count 1089 pcre/php_pcre.c count = size_offsets/3; count 1094 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count > 0 && (limit == -1 || limit > 0)) { count 1106 pcre/php_pcre.c offsets, count, &eval_result TSRMLS_CC); count 1110 pcre/php_pcre.c eval_result_len = preg_do_repl_func(replace_val, subject, offsets, subpat_names, count, &eval_result TSRMLS_CC); count 1123 pcre/php_pcre.c if (backref < count) count 1165 pcre/php_pcre.c if (backref < count) { count 1184 pcre/php_pcre.c } else if (count == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH || limit == 0) { count 1210 pcre/php_pcre.c pcre_handle_exec_error(count TSRMLS_CC); count 1484 pcre/php_pcre.c int count = 0; /* Count of matched subpatterns */ count 1529 pcre/php_pcre.c count = pcre_exec(pce->re, extra, subject, count 1537 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count == 0) { count 1539 pcre/php_pcre.c count = size_offsets/3; count 1543 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count > 0) { count 1565 pcre/php_pcre.c for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { count 1579 pcre/php_pcre.c } else if (count == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { count 1593 pcre/php_pcre.c count = pcre_exec(re_bump, extra_bump, subject, count 1596 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count < 1) { count 1607 pcre/php_pcre.c pcre_handle_exec_error(count TSRMLS_CC); count 1760 pcre/php_pcre.c int count = 0; /* Count of matched subpatterns */ count 1801 pcre/php_pcre.c count = pcre_exec(pce->re, extra, Z_STRVAL(subject), count 1806 pcre/php_pcre.c if (count == 0) { count 1808 pcre/php_pcre.c count = size_offsets/3; count 1809 pcre/php_pcre.c } else if (count < 0 && count != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { count 1810 pcre/php_pcre.c pcre_handle_exec_error(count TSRMLS_CC); count 1815 pcre/php_pcre.c if ((count > 0 && !invert) || (count == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH && invert)) { count 8 pcre/upgrade-pcre.php if (count($newpcre) > 1) { count 14 pcre/upgrade-pcre.php if (count($newpcre) == 0) { count 614 pdo_oci/oci_statement.c amt = count; count 616 pdo_oci/oci_statement.c &amt, self->offset, (char*)buf, count, count 634 pdo_oci/oci_statement.c amt = count; count 636 pdo_oci/oci_statement.c &amt, self->offset, buf, count, count 644 pdo_oci/oci_statement.c if (amt < count) { count 123 pdo_pgsql/pgsql_driver.c return lo_write(self->conn, self->lfd, (char*)buf, count); count 129 pdo_pgsql/pgsql_driver.c return lo_read(self->conn, self->lfd, buf, count); count 33 phar/build_precommand.php $c = count($f); count 112 phar/dirstream.c to_read = MIN(keylen, count); count 114 phar/dirstream.c if (to_read == 0 || count < keylen) { count 398 phar/phar.php if (isset($conf['select']) && count($conf['select'])) { count 429 phar/phar.php if (count($which) != 1) { count 1359 phar/phar.php if (count($dir) != 1) { count 1430 phar/phar_object.c int count; count 1899 phar/phar_object.c pass.count = 0; count 1980 phar/phar_object.c pass.count = 0; count 5341 phar/phar_object.c PHP_ME(Phar, count, arginfo_phar__void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 227 phar/pharzip.h char count[2]; /* total number of entries in count 379 phar/stream.c got = php_stream_read(data->fp, buf, MIN(count, entry->uncompressed_filesize - data->position)); count 439 phar/stream.c if (count != php_stream_write(data->fp, buf, count)) { count 440 phar/stream.c php_stream_wrapper_log_error(stream->wrapper, stream->flags TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: Could not write %d characters to \"%s\" in phar \"%s\"", (int) count, data->internal_file->filename, data->phar->fname); count 450 phar/stream.c return count; count 574 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php while (!isset($dirs[$index++]) && $index <= count($dirs)); count 579 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php } while ($index <= count($dirs)); count 765 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php if (count($files)) { count 772 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php echo '(' . $testid . ' of ' . count($files) . ') ' . $xdebugfile; count 856 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php while (!isset($dirs[$index++]) && $index <= count($dirs)); count 861 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php } while ($index <= count($dirs)); count 1510 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php echo "Scanning ", count($paths), " source files"; count 1537 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php echo count($modifiedPaths), ' modified files resulting in ', count 1538 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php count($modifiedTests), " modified tests\n"; count 1540 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php echo "Scanning ", count($paths), " test paths"; count 1554 phar/tests/files/pear2coverage.phar.php echo count($modifiedTests), " tests should be re-run\n"; count 213 phar/zip.c if (PHAR_GET_16(locator.counthere) != PHAR_GET_16(locator.count)) { count 292 phar/zip.c zend_hash_init(&mydata->manifest, PHAR_GET_16(locator.count), count 296 phar/zip.c zend_hash_init(&mydata->virtual_dirs, PHAR_GET_16(locator.count) * 2, count 351 phar/zip.c for (i = 0; i < PHAR_GET_16(locator.count); ++i) { count 453 phar/zip.c if (i != PHAR_GET_16(locator.count) - 1) { count 1381 phar/zip.c PHAR_SET_16(eocd.count, zend_hash_num_elements(&phar->manifest) + 1); count 1384 phar/zip.c PHAR_SET_16(eocd.count, zend_hash_num_elements(&phar->manifest)); count 917 posix/posix.c int count; count 930 posix/posix.c for (count=0; g->gr_mem[count] != NULL; count++) { count 931 posix/posix.c add_next_index_string(array_members, g->gr_mem[count], 1); count 359 reflection/php_reflection.c int count, count_static_props = 0, count_static_funcs = 0, count_shadow_props = 0; count 432 reflection/php_reflection.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->constants_table); count 433 reflection/php_reflection.c string_printf(str, "%s - Constants [%d] {\n", indent, count); count 434 reflection/php_reflection.c if (count > 0) { count 456 reflection/php_reflection.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->properties_info); count 457 reflection/php_reflection.c if (count > 0) { count 495 reflection/php_reflection.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->function_table); count 496 reflection/php_reflection.c if (count > 0) { count 537 reflection/php_reflection.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->properties_info) - count_static_props - count_shadow_props; count 538 reflection/php_reflection.c string_printf(str, "\n%s - Properties [%d] {\n", indent, count); count 539 reflection/php_reflection.c if (count > 0) { count 562 reflection/php_reflection.c count = 0; count 575 reflection/php_reflection.c count++; count 585 reflection/php_reflection.c string_printf(str, "\n%s - Dynamic properties [%d] {\n", indent, count); count 593 reflection/php_reflection.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->function_table) - count_static_funcs; count 594 reflection/php_reflection.c if (count > 0) { count 599 reflection/php_reflection.c count = 0; count 630 reflection/php_reflection.c count++; count 636 reflection/php_reflection.c string_printf(str, "\n%s - Methods [%d] {", indent, count); count 637 reflection/php_reflection.c if (!count) { count 790 reflection/php_reflection.c zend_uint i, count; count 802 reflection/php_reflection.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(static_variables); count 804 reflection/php_reflection.c if (!count) { count 812 reflection/php_reflection.c while (i < count) { count 241 shmop/shmop.c long shmid, start, count; count 248 shmop/shmop.c if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "lll", &shmid, &start, &count) == FAILURE) { count 259 shmop/shmop.c if (count < 0 || start > (INT_MAX - count) || start + count > shmop->size) { count 265 shmop/shmop.c bytes = count ? count : shmop->size - start; count 1873 simplexml/simplexml.c *count = 0; count 1882 simplexml/simplexml.c (*count)++; count 1909 simplexml/simplexml.c *count = (long) Z_LVAL_P(intern->tmp); count 1914 simplexml/simplexml.c return php_sxe_count_elements_helper(intern, count TSRMLS_CC); count 1922 simplexml/simplexml.c long count = 0; count 1929 simplexml/simplexml.c php_sxe_count_elements_helper(sxe, &count TSRMLS_CC); count 1931 simplexml/simplexml.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 2615 simplexml/simplexml.c SXE_ME(count, arginfo_simplexmlelement__void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 376 snmp/snmp.c int count; count 689 snmp/snmp.c int status, count, found; count 706 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->offset = objid_query->count; count 717 snmp/snmp.c if ((st & SNMP_CMD_SET) && objid_query->count > objid_query->step) { count 745 snmp/snmp.c for (count = 0; objid_query->offset < objid_query->count && count < objid_query->step; objid_query->offset++, count++){ count 772 snmp/snmp.c if (objid_query->offset < objid_query->count) { /* we have unprocessed OIDs */ count 820 snmp/snmp.c for (count = 0; count < objid_query->count; count++) { count 821 snmp/snmp.c if (objid_query->vars[count].name_length == vars->name_length && snmp_oid_compare(objid_query->vars[count].name, objid_query->vars[count].name_length, vars->name, vars->name_length) == 0) { count 823 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[count].name_length = 0; /* mark this name as used */ count 828 snmp/snmp.c add_assoc_zval(return_value, objid_query->vars[count].oid, snmpval); count 837 snmp/snmp.c count = objid_query->vars[0].name_length; count 838 snmp/snmp.c while(count < vars->name_length){ count 839 snmp/snmp.c sprintf(buf, "%lu.", vars->name[count]); count 841 snmp/snmp.c count++; count 870 snmp/snmp.c if (objid_query->offset < objid_query->count) { /* we have unprocessed OIDs */ count 875 snmp/snmp.c for ( count=1, vars = response->variables; count 876 snmp/snmp.c vars && count != response->errindex; count 877 snmp/snmp.c vars = vars->next_variable, count++); count 974 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->count = 0; count 983 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].oid = Z_STRVAL_PP(oid); count 992 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].type = *pptr; count 993 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].value = Z_STRVAL_PP(value); count 1000 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->count++; count 1018 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].oid = Z_STRVAL_PP(tmp_oid); count 1022 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].type = *pptr; count 1032 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].type = *pptr; count 1042 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].value = Z_STRVAL_PP(value); count 1046 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->vars[objid_query->count].value = Z_STRVAL_PP(tmp_value); count 1055 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->count++; count 1061 snmp/snmp.c if (objid_query->count > 1) { count 1078 snmp/snmp.c for (objid_query->offset = 0; objid_query->offset < objid_query->count; objid_query->offset++) { count 1088 snmp/snmp.c objid_query->step = objid_query->count; count 1089 snmp/snmp.c return (objid_query->count > 0); count 216 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php if (count($this->endpoints) > 0) { count 443 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php } else if (is_array($soap_test->method_params) && count($soap_test->method_params) == 1) { count 446 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php } else if (is_array($soap_test->method_params) && count($soap_test->method_params) == 0) { count 691 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php if (count($endpoint_info['methods']) > 0) { count 702 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php $this->totals['calls'] = count($methods) * $this->totals['servers']; count 714 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php if (count($hi) > 1) { count 746 soap/interop/client_round2_interop.php if ($this->showFaults && count($faults) > 0) { count 46 soap/interop/test.utility.php $d = max(min(strlen(count($m1)?$m1[1]:'0'),strlen(count($m2)?$m2[1]:'0')),2); count 81 soap/interop/test.utility.php if (count($ar1) != count($ar2)) return FALSE; count 129 soap/interop/test.utility.php if (gettype($v) == 'array' && count($v)==1) { count 3611 soap/php_encoding.c int i, count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(array)); count 3614 soap/php_encoding.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 3630 soap/php_encoding.c int i, count, cur_type, prev_type, different; count 3642 soap/php_encoding.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(ht); count 3645 soap/php_encoding.c for (i = 0;i < count;i++) { count 3696 soap/php_encoding.c if (different || count == 0) { count 1370 spl/spl_array.c *count = 0; count 1378 spl/spl_array.c *count = 0; count 1381 spl/spl_array.c (*count)++; count 1386 spl/spl_array.c *count = zend_hash_num_elements(aht); count 1403 spl/spl_array.c *count = (long) Z_LVAL_P(intern->retval); count 1406 spl/spl_array.c *count = 0; count 1409 spl/spl_array.c return spl_array_object_count_elements_helper(intern, count TSRMLS_CC); count 1417 spl/spl_array.c long count; count 1424 spl/spl_array.c spl_array_object_count_elements_helper(intern, &count TSRMLS_CC); count 1426 spl/spl_array.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 1877 spl/spl_array.c SPL_ME(Array, count, arginfo_array_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 1904 spl/spl_array.c SPL_ME(Array, count, arginfo_array_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 2036 spl/spl_directory.c SPL_ME(GlobIterator, count, arginfo_splfileinfo_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 81 spl/spl_dllist.c int count; count 131 spl/spl_dllist.c llist->count = 0; count 141 spl/spl_dllist.c return (long)llist->count; count 204 spl/spl_dllist.c llist->count++; count 228 spl/spl_dllist.c llist->count++; count 252 spl/spl_dllist.c llist->count--; count 307 spl/spl_dllist.c llist->count--; count 349 spl/spl_dllist.c while(intern->llist->count > 0) { count 496 spl/spl_dllist.c *count = (long) Z_LVAL_P(intern->retval); count 499 spl/spl_dllist.c *count = 0; count 503 spl/spl_dllist.c *count = spl_ptr_llist_count(intern->llist); count 695 spl/spl_dllist.c long count; count 702 spl/spl_dllist.c count = spl_ptr_llist_count(intern->llist); count 703 spl/spl_dllist.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 711 spl/spl_dllist.c long count; count 717 spl/spl_dllist.c spl_dllist_object_count_elements(getThis(), &count TSRMLS_CC); count 718 spl/spl_dllist.c RETURN_BOOL(count==0); count 778 spl/spl_dllist.c RETURN_BOOL(index >= 0 && index < intern->llist->count); count 797 spl/spl_dllist.c if (index < 0 || index >= intern->llist->count) { count 837 spl/spl_dllist.c if (index < 0 || index >= intern->llist->count) { count 886 spl/spl_dllist.c if (index < 0 || index >= intern->llist->count) { count 913 spl/spl_dllist.c llist->count--; count 947 spl/spl_dllist.c *traverse_position_ptr = llist->count-1; count 1319 spl/spl_dllist.c SPL_ME(SplDoublyLinkedList, count, arginfo_dllist_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 561 spl/spl_fixedarray.c *count = (long) Z_LVAL_P(intern->retval); count 565 spl/spl_fixedarray.c *count = intern->array->size; count 569 spl/spl_fixedarray.c *count = 0; count 1080 spl/spl_fixedarray.c SPL_ME(SplFixedArray, count, arginfo_splfixedarray_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 63 spl/spl_heap.c int count; count 233 spl/spl_heap.c heap->count = 0; count 243 spl/spl_heap.c if (heap->count+1 > heap->max_size) { count 252 spl/spl_heap.c for(i = heap->count++; i > 0 && heap->cmp(heap->elements[(i-1)/2], elem, cmp_userdata TSRMLS_CC) < 0; i = (i-1)/2) { count 267 spl/spl_heap.c if (heap->count == 0) { count 277 spl/spl_heap.c const int limit = (heap->count-1)/2; count 281 spl/spl_heap.c if (heap->count == 0) { count 286 spl/spl_heap.c bottom = heap->elements[--heap->count]; count 292 spl/spl_heap.c if(j != heap->count && heap->cmp(heap->elements[j+1], heap->elements[j], cmp_userdata TSRMLS_CC) > 0) { count 324 spl/spl_heap.c heap->count = from->count; count 330 spl/spl_heap.c for (i=0; i < heap->count; ++i) { count 341 spl/spl_heap.c for (i=0; i < heap->count; ++i) { count 351 spl/spl_heap.c return heap->count; count 365 spl/spl_heap.c for (i = 0; i < intern->heap->count; ++i) { count 409 spl/spl_heap.c for (i = 0; i < intern->heap->count; ++i) { count 509 spl/spl_heap.c *count = (long) Z_LVAL_P(intern->retval); count 512 spl/spl_heap.c *count = 0; count 516 spl/spl_heap.c *count = spl_ptr_heap_count(intern->heap); count 557 spl/spl_heap.c for (i = 0; i < intern->heap->count; ++i) { count 587 spl/spl_heap.c long count; count 594 spl/spl_heap.c count = spl_ptr_heap_count(intern->heap); count 595 spl/spl_heap.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 909 spl/spl_heap.c return (iterator->object->heap->count != 0 ? SUCCESS : FAILURE); count 923 spl/spl_heap.c if (iterator->object->heap->count == 0 || !*element) { count 941 spl/spl_heap.c if (iterator->object->heap->count == 0 || !*element) { count 956 spl/spl_heap.c *int_key = (ulong) iterator->object->heap->count - 1; count 992 spl/spl_heap.c RETURN_LONG(intern->heap->count - 1); count 1023 spl/spl_heap.c RETURN_BOOL(intern->heap->count != 0); count 1049 spl/spl_heap.c if (!intern->heap->count || !element) { count 1068 spl/spl_heap.c if (!intern->heap->count || !*element) { count 1186 spl/spl_heap.c SPL_ME(SplHeap, count, arginfo_splheap_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 1201 spl/spl_heap.c SPL_ME(SplHeap, count, arginfo_splheap_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 1388 spl/spl_iterators.c intern->u.limit.count = -1; /* get all */ count 1389 spl/spl_iterators.c if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "O|ll", &zobject, ce_inner, &intern->u.limit.offset, &intern->u.limit.count) == FAILURE) { count 1398 spl/spl_iterators.c if (intern->u.limit.count < 0 && intern->u.limit.count != -1) { count 1975 spl/spl_iterators.c int subject_len, use_copy, count = 0, result_len; count 2013 spl/spl_iterators.c count = pcre_exec(intern->u.regex.pce->re, intern->u.regex.pce->extra, subject, subject_len, 0, 0, NULL, 0); count 2014 spl/spl_iterators.c RETVAL_BOOL(count >= 0); count 2027 spl/spl_iterators.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(intern->; count 2028 spl/spl_iterators.c RETVAL_BOOL(count > 0); count 2039 spl/spl_iterators.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(intern->; count 2040 spl/spl_iterators.c RETVAL_BOOL(count > 1); count 2051 spl/spl_iterators.c result = php_pcre_replace_impl(intern->u.regex.pce, subject, subject_len, replacement, 0, &result_len, -1, &count TSRMLS_CC); count 2069 spl/spl_iterators.c RETVAL_BOOL(count > 0); count 2428 spl/spl_iterators.c if (intern->u.limit.count != -1 && intern->current.pos >= intern->u.limit.offset + intern->u.limit.count) { count 2444 spl/spl_iterators.c if (pos >= intern->u.limit.offset + intern->u.limit.count && intern->u.limit.count != -1) { count 2445 spl/spl_iterators.c zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_OutOfBoundsException, 0 TSRMLS_CC, "Cannot seek to %ld which is behind offset %ld plus count %ld", pos, intern->u.limit.offset, intern->u.limit.count); count 2502 spl/spl_iterators.c RETURN_BOOL((intern->u.limit.count == -1 || intern->current.pos < intern->u.limit.offset + intern->u.limit.count) && intern->; count 2514 spl/spl_iterators.c if (intern->u.limit.count == -1 || intern->current.pos < intern->u.limit.offset + intern->u.limit.count) { count 3003 spl/spl_iterators.c SPL_ME(CachingIterator, count, arginfo_recursive_it_void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) count 3589 spl/spl_iterators.c long count = 0; count 3595 spl/spl_iterators.c if (spl_iterator_apply(obj, spl_iterator_count_apply, (void*)&count TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { count 3596 spl/spl_iterators.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 3604 spl/spl_iterators.c long count; count 3615 spl/spl_iterators.c apply_info->count++; count 3638 spl/spl_iterators.c apply_info.count = 0; count 3641 spl/spl_iterators.c RETVAL_LONG(apply_info.count); count 3655 spl/spl_iterators.c SPL_ABSTRACT_ME(Countable, count, arginfo_recursive_it_void) count 146 spl/spl_iterators.h long count; count 810 spl/spl_observer.c long count; count 836 spl/spl_observer.c count = Z_LVAL_P(pcount); count 838 spl/spl_observer.c while(count-- > 0) { count 969 spl/spl_observer.c SPL_ME(SplObjectStorage, count, arginfo_splobject_void,0) count 1293 spl/spl_observer.c SPL_MA(MultipleIterator, countIterators, SplObjectStorage, count, arginfo_splobject_void, 0) count 7328 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c unsigned int count; /* Number of entries in this table */ count 7331 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c int count; /* Number of entries with this hash */ count 13070 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pSchema->tblHash.count count 13071 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c + pSchema->trigHash.count count 13072 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c + pSchema->idxHash.count count 13073 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c + pSchema->fkeyHash.count count 21726 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pNew->count = 0; count 21749 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count = 0; count 21776 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pHead = pEntry->count ? pEntry->chain : 0; count 21777 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pEntry->count++; count 21846 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c int count; /* Number of elements left to test */ count 21851 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c count = pEntry->count; count 21854 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c count = pH->count; count 21856 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c while( count-- && ALWAYS(elem) ){ count 21887 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pEntry->count--; count 21888 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c assert( pEntry->count>=0 ); count 21891 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count--; count 21892 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( pH->count<=0 ){ count 21894 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c assert( pH->count==0 ); count 21964 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count++; count 21965 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( pH->count>=10 && pH->count > 2*pH->htsize ){ count 21966 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( rehash(pH, pH->count*2) ){ count 81964 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c int count = (pParse->nested==0); /* True to count changes */ count 81965 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(pParse, pTab, iCur, iRowid, count, pTrigger, OE_Default); count 82102 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_Delete, iCur, (count?OPFLAG_NCHANGE:0)); count 82103 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( count ){ count 83786 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c AGGREGATE(count, 1, 0, 0, countStep, countFinalize ), count 108826 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c assert( count>=0 ); count 108827 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( count < NDELAY ){ count 108828 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c delay = delays[count]; count 108829 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c prior = totals[count]; count 108832 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c prior = totals[NDELAY-1] + delay*(count-(NDELAY-1)); count 108843 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( (count+1)*1000 > timeout ){ count 111720 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c int count; /* Number of entries in this table */ count 111724 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c int count; /* Number of entries with this hash */ count 111795 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c #define fts3HashCount(H) ((H)->count) count 117937 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pNew->count = 0; count 117963 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count = 0; count 118057 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pEntry->count++; count 118099 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c int count; /* Number of elements left to test */ count 118105 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c count = pEntry->count; count 118107 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c while( count-- && elem ){ count 118138 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pEntry->count--; count 118139 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( pEntry->count<=0 ){ count 118146 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count--; count 118147 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c if( pH->count<=0 ){ count 118149 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c assert( pH->count==0 ); count 118227 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c || (pH->count>=pH->htsize && fts3Rehash(pH, pH->htsize*2)) count 118229 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count = 0; count 118246 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c pH->count++; count 1082 sqlite3/sqlite3.c if (sqlite3_stream->position + count >= sqlite3_stream->size) { count 1083 sqlite3/sqlite3.c count = sqlite3_stream->size - sqlite3_stream->position; count 1086 sqlite3/sqlite3.c if (count) { count 1087 sqlite3/sqlite3.c if (sqlite3_blob_read(sqlite3_stream->blob, buf, count, sqlite3_stream->position) != SQLITE_OK) { count 1090 sqlite3/sqlite3.c sqlite3_stream->position += count; count 1092 sqlite3/sqlite3.c return count; count 1325 standard/array.c int var_exists, key_type, count = 0; count 1460 standard/array.c count++; count 1471 standard/array.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 3282 standard/basic_functions.c PHP_FE(count, arginfo_count) count 3345 standard/basic_functions.c PHP_FALIAS(sizeof, count, arginfo_count) count 4152 standard/basic_functions.c unsigned int i, count = 0; count 4159 standard/basic_functions.c count++; count 4163 standard/basic_functions.c paras = safe_emalloc(sizeof(opt_struct), count, 0); count 4164 standard/basic_functions.c memset(paras, 0, sizeof(opt_struct) * count); count 4182 standard/basic_functions.c return count; count 4254 standard/basic_functions.c int count; count 4257 standard/basic_functions.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(p_longopts)); count 4261 standard/basic_functions.c opts = (opt_struct *) erealloc(opts, sizeof(opt_struct) * (len + count + 1)); count 4265 standard/basic_functions.c memset(opts, 0, count * sizeof(opt_struct)); count 457 standard/crypt_blowfish.c } while (--count); count 670 standard/crypt_blowfish.c BF_word count; count 691 standard/crypt_blowfish.c count = (BF_word)1 << ((setting[4] - '0') * 10 + (setting[5] - '0')); count 692 standard/crypt_blowfish.c if (count < min || BF_decode(data.binary.salt, &setting[7], 16)) { count 756 standard/crypt_blowfish.c } while (--count); count 762 standard/crypt_blowfish.c count = 64; count 765 standard/crypt_blowfish.c } while (--count); count 886 standard/crypt_blowfish.c (count && (count < 4 || count > 31)) || count 894 standard/crypt_blowfish.c if (!count) count = 5; count 900 standard/crypt_blowfish.c output[4] = '0' + count / 10; count 901 standard/crypt_blowfish.c output[5] = '0' + count % 10; count 474 standard/crypt_freesec.c if (count == 0) { count 476 standard/crypt_freesec.c } else if (count > 0) { count 486 standard/crypt_freesec.c count = -count; count 512 standard/crypt_freesec.c while (count--) { count 601 standard/crypt_freesec.c retval = do_des(rawl, rawr, &l_out, &r_out, count, data); count 620 standard/crypt_freesec.c uint32_t count, salt, l, r0, r1, keybuf[2]; count 645 standard/crypt_freesec.c for (i = 1, count = 0; i < 5; i++) { count 649 standard/crypt_freesec.c count |= value << (i - 1) * 6; count 651 standard/crypt_freesec.c if (!count) count 687 standard/crypt_freesec.c count = 25; count 703 standard/crypt_freesec.c if (do_des(0, 0, &r0, &r1, count, data)) count 931 standard/dns.c int count, qdc; count 989 standard/dns.c count = ntohs((unsigned short)hp->ancount); count 990 standard/dns.c while (--count >= 0 && cp < end) { count 209 standard/dns_win32.c DWORD count = data_txt->dwStringCount; count 219 standard/dns_win32.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 225 standard/dns_win32.c for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { count 1852 standard/file.c int count, i = 0, ret; count 1857 standard/file.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(fields)); count 1897 standard/file.c if (++i != count) { count 617 standard/ftp_fopen_wrapper.c if (count != sizeof(php_stream_dirent)) { count 440 standard/html_tables/html_table_gen.php if (count($el) == 3) { count 447 standard/html_tables/html_table_gen.php if (count($el) == 3) count 474 standard/html_tables/html_table_gen.php echo "\t{ {", sprintf("%02d", count($v) - 1), count 478 standard/html_tables/html_table_gen.php echo "\t{ {", sprintf("%02d", count($v)), count 737 standard/html_tables/html_table_gen.php $numelems = max(pow(2, ceil(log(1.5*count($origdp))/log(2))),16); count 182 standard/image.c for (loop = pos; loop < pos + count; loop++) count 185 standard/image.c ((((buffer[loop / 8]) >> (7 - (loop % 8))) & 0x01) << (count - (loop - pos) - 1)); count 1109 standard/math.c int count=0; count 1201 standard/math.c if (thousand_sep && (++count%3)==0 && s>=tmpbuf) { count 36 standard/php_fopen_wrapper.c PHPWRITE(buf, count); count 37 standard/php_fopen_wrapper.c return count; count 80 standard/php_fopen_wrapper.c if (read_bytes <= count) { count 83 standard/php_fopen_wrapper.c read_bytes = count; count 89 standard/php_fopen_wrapper.c read_bytes = sapi_module.read_post(buf, count TSRMLS_CC); count 167 standard/sha1.c context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0; count 189 standard/sha1.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F); count 192 standard/sha1.c if ((context->count[0] += ((php_uint32) inputLen << 3)) count 194 standard/sha1.c context->count[1]++; count 195 standard/sha1.c context->count[1] += ((php_uint32) inputLen >> 29); count 230 standard/sha1.c bits[7] = context->count[0] & 0xFF; count 231 standard/sha1.c bits[6] = (context->count[0] >> 8) & 0xFF; count 232 standard/sha1.c bits[5] = (context->count[0] >> 16) & 0xFF; count 233 standard/sha1.c bits[4] = (context->count[0] >> 24) & 0xFF; count 234 standard/sha1.c bits[3] = context->count[1] & 0xFF; count 235 standard/sha1.c bits[2] = (context->count[1] >> 8) & 0xFF; count 236 standard/sha1.c bits[1] = (context->count[1] >> 16) & 0xFF; count 237 standard/sha1.c bits[0] = (context->count[1] >> 24) & 0xFF; count 241 standard/sha1.c index = (unsigned int) ((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f); count 29 standard/sha1.h php_uint32 count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ count 3474 standard/string.c int count = 0; count 3488 standard/string.c count++; count 3490 standard/string.c if (count == 0) { count 3504 standard/string.c new_str = safe_emalloc(count, str_len - needle_len, length + 1); count 3725 standard/string.c int count = 0; count 3755 standard/string.c php_str_replace_in_subject(*search, *replace, subject_entry, result, case_sensitivity, (argc > 3) ? &count : NULL); count 3776 standard/string.c php_str_replace_in_subject(*search, *replace, subject, return_value, case_sensitivity, (argc > 3) ? &count : NULL); count 3780 standard/string.c ZVAL_LONG(*zcount, count); count 4918 standard/string.c int count = 0; count 4962 standard/string.c count++; count 4968 standard/string.c count++; count 4972 standard/string.c RETURN_LONG(count); count 622 standard/var.c int count; count 628 standard/var.c count = zend_hash_num_elements(HASH_OF(retval_ptr)); count 630 standard/var.c --count; count 632 standard/var.c smart_str_append_long(buf, count); count 635 standard/var.c if (count > 0) { count 43 sysvsem/php_sysvsem.h int count; /* Acquire count for auto-release. */ count 145 sysvsem/sysvsem.c if (sem_ptr->count == -1 || !sem_ptr->auto_release) { count 157 sysvsem/sysvsem.c if (sem_ptr->count) { count 160 sysvsem/sysvsem.c sop[1].sem_op = sem_ptr->count; count 193 sysvsem/sysvsem.c int count; count 246 sysvsem/sysvsem.c count = semctl(semid, SYSVSEM_USAGE, GETVAL, NULL); count 247 sysvsem/sysvsem.c if (count == -1) { count 253 sysvsem/sysvsem.c if (count == 1) { count 289 sysvsem/sysvsem.c sem_ptr->count = 0; count 310 sysvsem/sysvsem.c if (!acquire && sem_ptr->count == 0) { count 326 sysvsem/sysvsem.c sem_ptr->count -= acquire ? -1 : 1; count 393 sysvsem/sysvsem.c sem_ptr->count = -1; count 72 tidy/examples/dumpit5.php if(count($node->attribute)) { count 15 tokenizer/tokenizer.php $count = count($tokens); count 122 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c int count; count 184 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c count = 0; count 185 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c while (count < i) { count 186 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c buffer_add(bfr, o[count++]); count 37 zip/zip_stream.c n = zip_fread(self->zf, buf, count); count 47 zip/zip_stream.c if (n == 0 || n < (ssize_t)count) { count 64 zip/zip_stream.c return count; count 38 zlib/zlib_fopen_wrapper.c read = gzread(self->gz_file, buf, count); count 52 zlib/zlib_fopen_wrapper.c wrote = gzwrite(self->gz_file, (char *) buf, count);