length            159 bcmath/libbcmath/src/bcmath.h #define bc_new_num(length, scale)	_bc_new_num_ex((length), (scale), 0)
length             54 bcmath/libbcmath/src/init.c   temp = (bc_num) safe_pemalloc (1, sizeof(bc_struct)+length, scale, persistent);
length             65 bcmath/libbcmath/src/init.c   temp->n_len = length;
length             69 bcmath/libbcmath/src/init.c   temp->n_ptr = (char *) safe_pemalloc (1, length, scale, persistent);
length             72 bcmath/libbcmath/src/init.c   memset (temp->n_ptr, 0, length+scale);
length             72 bcmath/libbcmath/src/recmul.c   temp->n_len = length;
length             71 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 	uint length = 0;
length             74 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 	length = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, olestring, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
length             76 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 	if (length) {
length             77 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 		string = (char*)safe_emalloc(length, sizeof(char), 0);
length             78 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 		length = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, olestring, -1, string, length, NULL, NULL);
length             79 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 		ok = length > 0;
length             84 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 		length = 0;
length             97 com_dotnet/com_olechar.c 		*string_len = length-1;
length            995 curl/interface.c 	size_t          length = size * nmemb;
length           1005 curl/interface.c 			PHPWRITE(data, length);
length           1010 curl/interface.c 			if (length > 0) {
length           1011 curl/interface.c 				smart_str_appendl(&t->buf, data, (int) length);
length           1028 curl/interface.c 			ZVAL_STRINGL(zdata, data, length, 1);
length           1046 curl/interface.c 				length = -1;
length           1051 curl/interface.c 				length = Z_LVAL_P(retval_ptr);
length           1061 curl/interface.c 	return length;
length           1071 curl/interface.c 	int             length = -1;
length           1121 curl/interface.c 				length = -1;
length           1148 curl/interface.c 	int             length = 0;
length           1153 curl/interface.c 				length = fread(data, size, nmemb, t->fp);
length           1196 curl/interface.c 				length = CURL_READFUNC_ABORT;
length           1200 curl/interface.c 					length = MIN((int) (size * nmemb), Z_STRLEN_P(retval_ptr));
length           1201 curl/interface.c 					memcpy(data, Z_STRVAL_P(retval_ptr), length);
length           1213 curl/interface.c 	return length;
length           1223 curl/interface.c 	size_t          length = size * nmemb;
length           1230 curl/interface.c 			if (ch->handlers->write->method == PHP_CURL_RETURN && length > 0) {
length           1231 curl/interface.c 				smart_str_appendl(&ch->handlers->write->buf, data, (int) length);
length           1233 curl/interface.c 				PHPWRITE(data, length);
length           1251 curl/interface.c 			ZVAL_STRINGL(zdata, data, length, 1);
length           1271 curl/interface.c 				length = -1;
length           1276 curl/interface.c 				length = Z_LVAL_P(retval_ptr);
length           1285 curl/interface.c 			return length;
length           1291 curl/interface.c 	return length;
length             88 curl/streams.c 	size_t length = size * nmemb;
length             94 curl/streams.c 	if (length < 2) {
length             96 curl/streams.c 		return length;
length             99 curl/streams.c 	if (!(length == 2 && data[0] == '\r' && data[1] == '\n')) {
length            101 curl/streams.c 		Z_STRLEN_P(header) = length;
length            102 curl/streams.c 		Z_STRVAL_P(header) = estrndup(data, length);
length            103 curl/streams.c 		if (Z_STRVAL_P(header)[length-1] == '\n') {
length            104 curl/streams.c 			Z_STRVAL_P(header)[length-1] = '\0';
length            107 curl/streams.c 			if (Z_STRVAL_P(header)[length-2] == '\r') {
length            108 curl/streams.c 				Z_STRVAL_P(header)[length-2] = '\0';
length            125 curl/streams.c 	return length;
length           4184 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           4190 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           4191 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           5388 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           5393 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           5395 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           6619 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           6625 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           6626 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           10238 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           10245 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           10246 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           11032 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           11038 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 2, &length);
length           11039 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           11684 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           11688 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           11691 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           11801 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           11808 date/lib/parse_date.c 			s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           11809 date/lib/parse_date.c 			TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           12617 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           12621 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           12624 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           12667 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           12671 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           12674 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           12973 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           12977 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           12980 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           13305 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           13309 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           13312 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           14633 date/lib/parse_date.c 		int length = 0;
length           14637 date/lib/parse_date.c 		s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 4, &length);
length           14640 date/lib/parse_date.c 		TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           24877 date/lib/parse_date.c 					int length = 0;
length           24879 date/lib/parse_date.c 					if ((s->time->y = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 2, &length)) == TIMELIB_UNSET) {
length           24882 date/lib/parse_date.c 					TIMELIB_PROCESS_YEAR(s->time->y, length);
length           24920 date/lib/parse_date.c 					int length;
length           24924 date/lib/parse_date.c 					min = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 2, &length);
length           24925 date/lib/parse_date.c 					if (min == TIMELIB_UNSET || length != 2) {
length           24934 date/lib/parse_date.c 					int length;
length           24938 date/lib/parse_date.c 					sec = timelib_get_nr_ex((char **) &ptr, 2, &length);
length           24939 date/lib/parse_date.c 					if (sec == TIMELIB_UNSET || length != 2) {
length            948 date/php_date.c 	int                  i, length;
length            985 date/php_date.c 			case 'd': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->d); break;
length            986 date/php_date.c 			case 'D': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", php_date_short_day_name(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
length            987 date/php_date.c 			case 'j': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->d); break;
length            988 date/php_date.c 			case 'l': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", php_date_full_day_name(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
length            989 date/php_date.c 			case 'S': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", english_suffix(t->d)); break;
length            990 date/php_date.c 			case 'w': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_day_of_week(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
length            991 date/php_date.c 			case 'N': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_iso_day_of_week(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
length            992 date/php_date.c 			case 'z': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_day_of_year(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
length            997 date/php_date.c 				length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) isoweek); break; /* iso weeknr */
length           1000 date/php_date.c 				length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) isoyear); break; /* iso year */
length           1003 date/php_date.c 			case 'F': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", mon_full_names[t->m - 1]); break;
length           1004 date/php_date.c 			case 'm': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->m); break;
length           1005 date/php_date.c 			case 'M': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", mon_short_names[t->m - 1]); break;
length           1006 date/php_date.c 			case 'n': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->m); break;
length           1007 date/php_date.c 			case 't': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_days_in_month(t->y, t->m)); break;
length           1010 date/php_date.c 			case 'L': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", timelib_is_leap((int) t->y)); break;
length           1011 date/php_date.c 			case 'y': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->y % 100); break;
length           1012 date/php_date.c 			case 'Y': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s%04lld", t->y < 0 ? "-" : "", php_date_llabs((timelib_sll) t->y)); break;
length           1015 date/php_date.c 			case 'a': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", t->h >= 12 ? "pm" : "am"); break;
length           1016 date/php_date.c 			case 'A': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", t->h >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"); break;
length           1023 date/php_date.c 				length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%03d", retval);
length           1026 date/php_date.c 			case 'g': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (t->h % 12) ? (int) t->h % 12 : 12); break;
length           1027 date/php_date.c 			case 'G': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->h); break;
length           1028 date/php_date.c 			case 'h': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (t->h % 12) ? (int) t->h % 12 : 12); break;
length           1029 date/php_date.c 			case 'H': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->h); break;
length           1030 date/php_date.c 			case 'i': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->i); break;
length           1031 date/php_date.c 			case 's': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->s); break;
length           1032 date/php_date.c 			case 'u': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%06d", (int) floor(t->f * 1000000 + 0.5)); break;
length           1035 date/php_date.c 			case 'I': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", localtime ? offset->is_dst : 0); break;
length           1037 date/php_date.c 			case 'O': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%c%02d%s%02d",
length           1044 date/php_date.c 			case 'T': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", localtime ? offset->abbr : "GMT"); break;
length           1046 date/php_date.c 					      length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", "UTC");
length           1050 date/php_date.c 								  length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", t->tz_info->name);
length           1053 date/php_date.c 								  length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", offset->abbr);
length           1056 date/php_date.c 								  length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%c%02d:%02d",
length           1065 date/php_date.c 			case 'Z': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", localtime ? offset->offset : 0); break;
length           1068 date/php_date.c 			case 'c': length = slprintf(buffer, 96, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d",
length           1076 date/php_date.c 			case 'r': length = slprintf(buffer, 96, "%3s, %02d %3s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d",
length           1085 date/php_date.c 			case 'U': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%lld", (timelib_sll) t->sse); break;
length           1089 date/php_date.c 			default: buffer[0] = format[i]; buffer[1] = '\0'; length = 1; break;
length           1091 date/php_date.c 		smart_str_appendl(&string, buffer, length);
length           3683 date/php_date.c 	int                  i, length, have_format_spec = 0;
length           3693 date/php_date.c 				case 'Y': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->y); break;
length           3694 date/php_date.c 				case 'y': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->y); break;
length           3696 date/php_date.c 				case 'M': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->m); break;
length           3697 date/php_date.c 				case 'm': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->m); break;
length           3699 date/php_date.c 				case 'D': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->d); break;
length           3700 date/php_date.c 				case 'd': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->d); break;
length           3702 date/php_date.c 				case 'H': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->h); break;
length           3703 date/php_date.c 				case 'h': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->h); break;
length           3705 date/php_date.c 				case 'I': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->i); break;
length           3706 date/php_date.c 				case 'i': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->i); break;
length           3708 date/php_date.c 				case 'S': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%02ld", (long) t->s); break;
length           3709 date/php_date.c 				case 's': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%ld", (long) t->s); break;
length           3713 date/php_date.c 						length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->days);
length           3715 date/php_date.c 						length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "(unknown)");
length           3718 date/php_date.c 				case 'r': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%s", t->invert ? "-" : ""); break;
length           3719 date/php_date.c 				case 'R': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%c", t->invert ? '-' : '+'); break;
length           3721 date/php_date.c 				case '%': length = slprintf(buffer, 32, "%%"); break;
length           3722 date/php_date.c 				default: buffer[0] = '%'; buffer[1] = format[i]; buffer[2] = '\0'; length = 2; break;
length           3724 date/php_date.c 			smart_str_appendl(&string, buffer, length);
length            144 dom/characterdata.c 	long length = 0;
length            158 dom/characterdata.c 		length = xmlUTF8Strlen(content);
length            162 dom/characterdata.c 	ZVAL_LONG(*retval, length);
length            180 dom/characterdata.c 	int         length;
length            194 dom/characterdata.c 	length = xmlUTF8Strlen(cur);
length            196 dom/characterdata.c 	if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > length) {
length            202 dom/characterdata.c 	if ((offset + count) > length) {
length            203 dom/characterdata.c 		count = length - offset;
length            263 dom/characterdata.c 	int         length, arg_len;
length            277 dom/characterdata.c 	length = xmlUTF8Strlen(cur);
length            279 dom/characterdata.c 	if (offset < 0 || offset > length) {
length            286 dom/characterdata.c 	second = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset, length - offset);
length            310 dom/characterdata.c 	int         length;
length            324 dom/characterdata.c 	length = xmlUTF8Strlen(cur);
length            326 dom/characterdata.c 	if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > length) {
length            338 dom/characterdata.c 	if ((offset + count) > length) {
length            339 dom/characterdata.c 		count = length - offset;
length            342 dom/characterdata.c 	second = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset + count, length - offset);
length            366 dom/characterdata.c 	int         length, arg_len;
length            380 dom/characterdata.c 	length = xmlUTF8Strlen(cur);
length            382 dom/characterdata.c 	if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > length) {
length            394 dom/characterdata.c 	if ((offset + count) > length) {
length            395 dom/characterdata.c 		count = length - offset;
length            398 dom/characterdata.c 	if (offset < length) {
length            399 dom/characterdata.c 		second = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset + count, length - offset);
length             69 dom/dom_iterators.c 	ret->length = 0;
length            155 dom/text.c     	int         length;
length            171 dom/text.c     	length = xmlUTF8Strlen(cur);
length            173 dom/text.c     	if (offset > length || offset < 0) {
length            179 dom/text.c     	second = xmlUTF8Strsub(cur, offset, length - offset);
length           1187 exif/exif.c    		len = spprintf(&dump, 0, "(%d,%d) {", components, length);
length           1371 exif/exif.c    	DWORD               length;
length           1681 exif/exif.c    	if (length < 0) {
length           1692 exif/exif.c    	info_data->length = length;
length           1699 exif/exif.c    				length = php_strnlen(value, length);
length           1700 exif/exif.c    				info_value->s = estrndup(value, length);
length           1701 exif/exif.c    				info_data->length = length;
length           1703 exif/exif.c    				info_data->length = 0;
length           1718 exif/exif.c    			if (!length)
length           1723 exif/exif.c    				info_value->s = estrndup(value, length);
length           1724 exif/exif.c    				info_data->length = length;
length           1726 exif/exif.c    				info_data->length = 0;
length           1739 exif/exif.c    			if (length==0) {
length           1742 exif/exif.c    			if (length>1) {
length           1743 exif/exif.c    				info_value->list = safe_emalloc(length, sizeof(image_info_value), 0);
length           1747 exif/exif.c    			for (idex=0,vptr=value; idex<(size_t)length; idex++,vptr=(char *) vptr + php_tiff_bytes_per_format[format]) {
length           1748 exif/exif.c    				if (length>1) {
length           1803 exif/exif.c    	exif_iif_add_value(image_info, section_index, name, tag, format, (int)length, value, image_info->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC);
length           1821 exif/exif.c    	info_data->length = 1;
length           1843 exif/exif.c    		info_data->length = 1;
length           1884 exif/exif.c    		info_data->length = length;
length           1886 exif/exif.c    		info_data->value.s = safe_emalloc(length, 1, 1);
length           1887 exif/exif.c    		memcpy(info_data->value.s, value, length);
length           1888 exif/exif.c    		info_data->value.s[length] = 0;
length           1911 exif/exif.c    					if (image_info->info_list[section_index].list[i].length<1)
length           1930 exif/exif.c    					if (image_info->info_list[section_index].list[i].length > 1) {
length           1980 exif/exif.c    			if (info_data->length==0) {
length           1996 exif/exif.c    							add_assoc_stringl(tmpi, name, info_value->s, info_data->length, 1);
length           2022 exif/exif.c    						if ((l = info_data->length) > 1) {
length           2227 exif/exif.c    	exif_iif_add_tag(image_info, SECTION_COMMENT, "Comment", TAG_COMPUTED_VALUE, TAG_FMT_STRING, length-2, value+2 TSRMLS_CC);
length           2239 exif/exif.c    	if (length>3) {
length           2242 exif/exif.c    				exif_iif_add_tag(image_info, SECTION_COMMENT, "Comment", TAG_COMPUTED_VALUE, TAG_FMT_UNDEFINED, length, value TSRMLS_CC);
length           2245 exif/exif.c    				exif_iif_add_tag(image_info, SECTION_COMMENT, "Comment", TAG_COMPUTED_VALUE, TAG_FMT_STRING, length, value);
length           2376 exif/exif.c    	byte_count = php_tiff_bytes_per_format[info_data->format] * info_data->length;
length           2379 exif/exif.c    	if (!info_data->length) {
length           2395 exif/exif.c    		for(i=0; i<info_data->length; i++) {
length           2396 exif/exif.c    			if (info_data->length==1) {
length           2477 exif/exif.c    				byte_count = php_tiff_bytes_per_format[info_data->format] * info_data->length;
length           2498 exif/exif.c    				byte_count = php_tiff_bytes_per_format[info_data->format] * info_data->length;
length           2500 exif/exif.c    				exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Thumbnail: process tag(x%04X=%s): %s%s (%d bytes)", info_data->tag, exif_get_tagname(info_data->tag, tagname, -12, tag_table_IFD TSRMLS_CC), (info_data->length>1)&&info_data->format!=TAG_FMT_UNDEFINED&&info_data->format!=TAG_FMT_STRING?"ARRAY OF ":"", exif_get_tagformat(info_data->format), byte_count);
length           2510 exif/exif.c    					php_ifd_set32u(new_data + 4, info_data->length, ImageInfo->motorola_intel);
length           2554 exif/exif.c    	if ((ImageInfo->Thumbnail.offset + ImageInfo->Thumbnail.size) > length) {
length           2806 exif/exif.c    	size_t length;
length           2907 exif/exif.c    	dump_data = exif_dump_data(&dump_free, format, components, length, ImageInfo->motorola_intel, value_ptr TSRMLS_CC);
length           2956 exif/exif.c    				if (byte_count>1 && (length=php_strnlen(value_ptr, byte_count)) > 0) {
length           2957 exif/exif.c    					if (length<byte_count-1) {
length           2960 exif/exif.c    						ImageInfo->CopyrightEditor        = estrdup(value_ptr+length+1);
length           2961 exif/exif.c    						spprintf(&ImageInfo->Copyright, 0, "%s, %s", value_ptr, value_ptr+length+1);
length           3208 exif/exif.c    	if (offset_of_ifd > length) {
length           3215 exif/exif.c    	exif_process_IFD_in_JPEG(ImageInfo, CharBuf+offset_of_ifd, CharBuf, length/*-14*/, displacement, SECTION_IFD0 TSRMLS_CC);
length           3236 exif/exif.c    	if (length <= 8 || memcmp(CharBuf+2, ExifHeader, 6)) {
length           3240 exif/exif.c    	exif_process_TIFF_in_JPEG(ImageInfo, CharBuf + 8, length - 8, displacement+8 TSRMLS_CC);
length           3254 exif/exif.c    	if ((l1 = php_strnlen(buffer+2, length-2)) > 0) {
length           3256 exif/exif.c    		if (length > 2+l1+1) {
length           3257 exif/exif.c    			l2 = php_strnlen(buffer+2+l1+1, length-2-l1-1);
length           3441 exif/exif.c    	size_t          length=2, pos=0;
length           3454 exif/exif.c    		pos += length;
length           3472 exif/exif.c    		length = php_jpg_get16(data+pos);
length           3473 exif/exif.c    		if (pos+length>=ImageInfo->Thumbnail.size) {
length           3477 exif/exif.c    		exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Thumbnail: process section(x%02X=%s) @ x%04X + x%04X", marker, exif_get_markername(marker), pos, length);
length             78 gd/libgd/gd_png.c 	check = gdGetBuf(data, length, (gdIOCtx *) png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
length             79 gd/libgd/gd_png.c 	if (check != length) {
length             86 gd/libgd/gd_png.c 	gdPutBuf (data, length, (gdIOCtx *) png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
length            411 hash/hash.c    	long length = -1, didread = 0;
length            413 hash/hash.c    	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rr|l", &zhash, &zstream, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            420 hash/hash.c    	while (length) {
length            424 hash/hash.c    		if (length > 0 && toread > length) {
length            425 hash/hash.c    			toread = length;
length            433 hash/hash.c    		length -= n;
length            260 hash/hash_gost.c 	if (context->length + len < 32) {
length            261 hash/hash_gost.c 		memcpy(&context->buffer[context->length], input, len);
length            262 hash/hash_gost.c 		context->length += len;
length            264 hash/hash_gost.c 		size_t i = 0, r = (context->length + len) % 32;
length            266 hash/hash_gost.c 		if (context->length) {
length            267 hash/hash_gost.c 			i = 32 - context->length;
length            268 hash/hash_gost.c 			memcpy(&context->buffer[context->length], input, i);
length            278 hash/hash_gost.c 		context->length = r;
length            286 hash/hash_gost.c 	if (context->length) {
length            152 hash/hash_snefru.c 	if (context->length + len < 32) {
length            153 hash/hash_snefru.c 		memcpy(&context->buffer[context->length], input, len);
length            154 hash/hash_snefru.c 		context->length += len;
length            156 hash/hash_snefru.c 		size_t i = 0, r = (context->length + len) % 32;
length            158 hash/hash_snefru.c 		if (context->length) {
length            159 hash/hash_snefru.c 			i = 32 - context->length;
length            160 hash/hash_snefru.c 			memcpy(&context->buffer[context->length], input, i);
length            170 hash/hash_snefru.c 		context->length = r;
length            178 hash/hash_snefru.c 	if (context->length) {
length            141 hash/hash_tiger.c 	context->passed += (php_hash_uint64) context->length << 3;
length            143 hash/hash_tiger.c 	context->buffer[context->length++] = 0x1;
length            144 hash/hash_tiger.c 	if (context->length % 8) {
length            145 hash/hash_tiger.c 		memset(&context->buffer[context->length], 0, 8-context->length%8);
length            146 hash/hash_tiger.c 		context->length += 8-context->length%8;
length            149 hash/hash_tiger.c 	if (context->length > 56) {
length            150 hash/hash_tiger.c 		memset(&context->buffer[context->length], 0, 64 - context->length);
length            154 hash/hash_tiger.c 		memset(&context->buffer[context->length], 0, 56 - context->length);
length            200 hash/hash_tiger.c 	if (context->length + len < 64) {
length            201 hash/hash_tiger.c 		memcpy(&context->buffer[context->length], input, len);
length            202 hash/hash_tiger.c 		context->length += len;
length            204 hash/hash_tiger.c 		size_t i = 0, r = (context->length + len) % 64;
length            206 hash/hash_tiger.c 		if (context->length) {
length            207 hash/hash_tiger.c 			i = 64 - context->length;
length            208 hash/hash_tiger.c 			memcpy(&context->buffer[context->length], input, i);
length            221 hash/hash_tiger.c 		context->length = r;
length             30 hash/php_hash_gost.h 	unsigned char length;
length             34 hash/php_hash_snefru.h 	unsigned char length;
length             30 hash/php_hash_tiger.h 	unsigned int length:7;
length           1997 iconv/iconv.c  	long offset, length = 0;
length           2004 iconv/iconv.c  		&str, &str_len, &offset, &length,
length           2015 iconv/iconv.c  		length = str_len;
length           2018 iconv/iconv.c  	err = _php_iconv_substr(&retval, str, str_len, offset, length, charset);
length             84 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 		int length = u - nstart;
length             87 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 		if (length < sizeof(buf)) {
length             90 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 			numbuf = (char *) _do_alloca(length + 1, use_heap);
length            232 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 	if (!length) {
length            237 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 	if (length>=2 && str[0]=='0' && (str[1]=='x' || str[1]=='X')) {
length            244 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 		if (end_ptr_long == str+length) { /* integer string */
length            265 intl/collator/collator_is_numeric.c 		if (end_ptr_double == str+length) { /* floating point string */
length            213 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 	int    length = USIZE( value_buf );
length            230 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 	length = udat_toPattern(DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo), is_pattern_localized, value, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo));
length            231 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 	if(INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo) == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && length >= USIZE( value_buf )) {
length            232 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 		++length; /* to avoid U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING */
length            234 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 		value = eumalloc(length);
length            235 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 		length = udat_toPattern(DATE_FORMAT_OBJECT(dfo), is_pattern_localized, value, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(dfo) );
length            243 intl/dateformat/dateformat_attr.c 	INTL_METHOD_RETVAL_UTF8( dfo, value, length, ( value != value_buf ) );
length            108 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	int    length = 0;
length            124 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	length = unum_getTextAttribute( FORMATTER_OBJECT(nfo), attribute, value, value_buf_size, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo) );
length            125 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	if(INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo) == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && length >= value_buf_size) {
length            126 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		++length; /* to avoid U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING */
length            128 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		value = eumalloc(length);
length            129 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		length = unum_getTextAttribute( FORMATTER_OBJECT(nfo), attribute, value, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo) );
length            137 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	INTL_METHOD_RETVAL_UTF8( nfo, value, length, ( value != value_buf ) );
length            255 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	int length = USIZE(value_buf);
length            276 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	length = unum_getSymbol(FORMATTER_OBJECT(nfo), symbol, value_buf, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo));
length            277 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	if(INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo) == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && length >= USIZE( value_buf )) {
length            278 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		++length; /* to avoid U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING */
length            280 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		value = eumalloc(length);
length            281 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		length = unum_getSymbol(FORMATTER_OBJECT(nfo), symbol, value, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo));
length            289 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	INTL_METHOD_RETVAL_UTF8( nfo, value, length, ( value_buf != value ) );
length            348 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	int    length = USIZE( value_buf );
length            365 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	length = unum_toPattern(FORMATTER_OBJECT(nfo), 0, value, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo));
length            366 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	if(INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo) == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && length >= USIZE( value_buf )) {
length            367 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		++length; /* to avoid U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING */
length            369 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		value = eumalloc(length);
length            370 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 		length = unum_toPattern( FORMATTER_OBJECT(nfo), 0, value, length, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE(nfo) );
length            378 intl/formatter/formatter_attr.c 	INTL_METHOD_RETVAL_UTF8( nfo, value, length, ( value != value_buf ) );
length            404 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 	long lstart = 0, length = 0;
length            413 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sl|l", (char **)&str, &str_len, &lstart, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            434 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 		grapheme_substr_ascii((char *)str, str_len, start, length, ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), (char **) &sub_str, &sub_str_len);
length            535 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 	if ( length < 0 ) {
length            547 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 	while ( length ) {
length            554 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 		length += iter_val;
length            558 intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c 		if(length < 0) {
length            130 intl/msgformat/msgformat_helpers.cpp 	*formatted_len = resultStr.length();
length            187 intl/msgformat/msgformat_helpers.cpp 			intl_convert_utf16_to_utf8(&stmp, &stmp_len, temp.getBuffer(), temp.length(), status);
length             88 intl/resourcebundle/resourcebundle_iterator.c 	return (iterator->i < iterator->length) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE;
length            175 intl/resourcebundle/resourcebundle_iterator.c 	iterator->length = ures_getSize( rb->me );
length             28 intl/resourcebundle/resourcebundle_iterator.h 	long                  length;
length            455 json/JSON_parser.c     for (the_index = 0; the_index < length; the_index += 1) {
length             37 json/JSON_parser.h 	return parse_JSON_ex(jp, z, utf16_json, length, assoc ? PHP_JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY : 0 TSRMLS_CC);
length             91 json/utf8_decode.c     utf8->the_length = length;
length           1324 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 		end = from + length;
length           1327 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			end = start + length*2;
length           1330 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			end = start + length*4;
length           1353 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 				while (k < length) {
length           1409 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 		mbfl_memory_device_init(&device, length + 1, 0);
length           1430 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 		pc.stop = from + length;
length           1473 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 	if (from < 0 || length < 0) {
length           1504 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if (from + length >= string->len) {
length           1505 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 				length = string->len - from;
length           1509 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			end   = start + (length & -2);
length           1513 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if (from + length >= string->len) {
length           1514 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 				length = string->len - from;
length           1518 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			end   = start + (length & -4);
length           1520 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if (from + length >= string->len) {
length           1521 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 				length = string->len - from;
length           1525 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			end = start + length;
length           1542 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if ((start - string->val) + length >= (int)string->len) {
length           1545 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 				for (q = p + length; p < q; p += (m = mbtab[*p]));
length           1601 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 		mbfl_memory_device_init(&device, length + 8, 0);
length           1623 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 		if (length > q - p) {
length           1624 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			length = q - p;
length           1627 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 		if (length >= 20) {
length           1630 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			for (r = p + length - 20; p < r; p++) {
length           1636 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if (device.pos > length) {
length           1656 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 				if (device.pos > length) {
length           1687 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if (device.pos > length) {
length           1708 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.c 			if (device.pos > length) {
length             50 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = 0;
length             55 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 				device->length = initsz;
length             73 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		if (initsz > device->length) {
length             77 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 				device->length = initsz;
length             96 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = 0;
length            125 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = 0;
length            143 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if (device->pos >= device->length) {
length            148 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		newlen = device->length + device->allocsz;
length            153 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = newlen;
length            166 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if ((device->pos + 2) >= device->length) {
length            171 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		newlen = device->length + device->allocsz;
length            176 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = newlen;
length            191 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if ((device->pos + 4) >= device->length) {
length            196 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		newlen = device->length + device->allocsz;
length            201 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = newlen;
length            227 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if ((device->pos + len) >= device->length) {
length            229 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		int newlen = device->length + (len + MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_ALLOC_SIZE)*sizeof(unsigned char);
length            234 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = newlen;
length            254 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if ((device->pos + len) >= device->length) {
length            256 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		int newlen = device->length + len + MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_ALLOC_SIZE;
length            261 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = newlen;
length            281 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if ((dest->pos + src->pos) >= dest->length) {
length            283 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		int newlen = dest->length + src->pos + MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_ALLOC_SIZE;
length            288 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		dest->length = newlen;
length            309 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = 0;
length            323 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = 0;
length            333 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 	if (device->pos >= device->length) {
length            338 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		newlen = device->length + device->allocsz;
length            343 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.c 		device->length = newlen;
length             41 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.h 	int length;
length             48 mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.h 	int length;
length             80 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/conv_encoding.c 			if (dev.pos >= dev.length) {
length             81 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/conv_encoding.c 				if (dev.length + dev.allocsz < dev.length) {
length             86 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/conv_encoding.c 				mbfl_memory_device_realloc(&dev, dev.length + dev.allocsz,
length            126 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/conv_kana.c 			if (dev.pos >= dev.length) {
length            127 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/conv_kana.c 				if (dev.length + dev.allocsz < dev.length) {
length            132 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/conv_kana.c 				mbfl_memory_device_realloc(&dev, dev.length + dev.allocsz,
length             72 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/emoji.c 	mbfl_memory_device_realloc(&dev, dev.length + dev.allocsz, dev.allocsz);
length            101 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/emoji.c 	mbfl_memory_device_realloc(&dev2, dev2.length + dev2.allocsz, dev2.allocsz);
length             31 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strcut.c 	int offset, length;
length             59 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strcut.c 	length = strtol(argv[4], NULL, 10);
length             89 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strcut.c 			if (dev.pos >= dev.length) {
length             90 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strcut.c 				if (dev.length + dev.allocsz < dev.length) {
length             95 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strcut.c 				mbfl_memory_device_realloc(&dev, dev.length + dev.allocsz,
length            103 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strcut.c 		if (mbfl_strcut(&string, &result, offset, length)) {
length             60 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strwidth.c 			if (dev.pos >= dev.length) {
length             61 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strwidth.c 				if (dev.length + dev.allocsz < dev.length) {
length             66 mbstring/libmbfl/tests/strwidth.c 				mbfl_memory_device_realloc(&dev, dev.length + dev.allocsz,
length           2981 mbstring/mbstring.c 	string.len = length;
length            948 mssql/php_mssql.c 			int length;
length            951 mssql/php_mssql.c 			length=dbdatlen(mssql_ptr->link,offset);
length            953 mssql/php_mssql.c 			while (length>0 && data[length-1] == ' ') { /* nuke trailing whitespace */
length            954 mssql/php_mssql.c 				length--;
length            957 mssql/php_mssql.c 			ZVAL_STRINGL(result, data, length, 1); 
length           2503 mysql/php_mysql.c 			Z_LVAL_P(return_value) = mysql_field->length;
length            363 mysqli/mysqli_api.c 				bind[ofs].length = &stmt->result.buf[ofs].output_len;
length            405 mysqli/mysqli_api.c 						(stmt->stmt->fields) ? (stmt->stmt->fields[ofs].length) ? stmt->stmt->fields[ofs].length + 1: 256: 256;
length            420 mysqli/mysqli_api.c 				bind[ofs].length = &stmt->result.buf[ofs].output_len;
length           1068 mysqli/mysqli_api.c 	add_property_long(value, "length", field->length);
length            548 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_alloc.c 	ret = pemalloc(REAL_SIZE(length) + 1, persistent);
length            550 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_alloc.c 		size_t l = length;
length            560 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_alloc.c 		*(size_t *) ret = length;
length            733 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_alloc.c 	return pestrndup(ptr, length, persistent);
length            471 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_bt.c 	*length = res_len;
length             69 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_debug.h 		char * (*get_backtrace)(uint max_levels, size_t * length TSRMLS_DC);
length            216 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_driver.c 		stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.length = 4096;
length            217 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_driver.c 		stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.buffer = mnd_pemalloc(stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.length, stmt->persistent);
length            661 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c 			net->cmd_buffer.length = *(unsigned int*) value;
length            662 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c 			DBG_INF_FMT("new_length=%u", net->cmd_buffer.length);
length            664 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c 				net->cmd_buffer.buffer = mnd_pemalloc(net->cmd_buffer.length, net->persistent);
length            666 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_net.c 				net->cmd_buffer.buffer = mnd_perealloc(net->cmd_buffer.buffer, net->cmd_buffer.length, net->persistent);
length             47 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_priv.h #define pestrndup(s, length, persistent) ((persistent)?zend_strndup((s),(length)):estrndup((s),(length)))
length           1274 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps.c 							 				 const char * const data, unsigned long length TSRMLS_DC)
length           1286 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps.c 	DBG_INF_FMT("stmt=%lu param_no=%u data_len=%lu", stmt->stmt_id, param_no, length);
length           1326 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps.c 		cmd_buf = mnd_emalloc(packet_len = STMT_ID_LENGTH + 2 + length);
length           1332 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps.c 			memcpy(cmd_buf + STMT_ID_LENGTH + 2, data, length);
length            233 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	unsigned int length; /* First byte encodes the length*/
length            237 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	if ((length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row))) {
length            247 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		t.second_part	= (length > 8) ? (unsigned long) sint4korr(to+8) : 0;
length            255 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		(*row) += length;
length            261 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	length = mnd_sprintf(&value, 0, "%s%02u:%02u:%02u", (t.neg ? "-" : ""), t.hour, t.minute, t.second);
length            267 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, value, length, 1);
length            271 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_UTF8_STRINGL(zv, value, length, ZSTR_AUTOFREE);
length            286 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	unsigned int length; /* First byte encodes the length*/
length            290 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	if ((length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row))) {
length            302 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		(*row)+= length;
length            308 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	length = mnd_sprintf(&value, 0, "%04u-%02u-%02u", t.year, t.month, t.day);
length            314 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, value, length, 1);
length            318 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_UTF8_STRINGL(zv, value, length, ZSTR_AUTOFREE);
length            333 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	unsigned int length; /* First byte encodes the length*/
length            337 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	if ((length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row))) {
length            347 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		if (length > 4) {
length            354 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		t.second_part = (length > 7) ? (unsigned long) sint4korr(to+7) : 0;
length            356 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		(*row)+= length;
length            362 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	length = mnd_sprintf(&value, 0, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second);
length            368 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, value, length, 1);
length            372 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_UTF8_STRINGL(zv, to, length, ZSTR_AUTOFREE);
length            390 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	unsigned long length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row);
length            392 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	DBG_INF_FMT("len = %lu", length);
length            396 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, (char *)*row, length, 1);
length            399 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 		ZVAL_UTF8_STRINGL(zv, (char*)*row, length, ZSTR_DUPLICATE);
length            403 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, (char *)*row, length, 1);
length            406 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	(*row) += length;
length            418 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	unsigned long length= php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row);
length            419 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zv, field, pack_len, row, as_unicode, length TSRMLS_CC);
length            917 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps_codec.c 	size_t cmd_buffer_length = stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.length;
length             64 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.c 			const char *end=key+length-1;
length             66 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.c 			if (*tmp++=='0' && length>2) { /* don't accept numbers with leading zeros */
length            107 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.c 			UChar *end=key+length-1;
length            109 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.c 			if (*tmp++==0x30 && length>2) { /* don't accept numbers with leading zeros */
length            199 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.c 			field_len = meta->fields[i].length / 8;
length            204 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.c 			if (meta->fields[i].length % 8) {
length             66 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_structs.h 	size_t			length;
length             79 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_structs.h 	unsigned long length;		/* Width of column (create length) */
length            192 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	if (length < (uint64_t) L64(251)) {
length            193 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 		*packet = (zend_uchar) length;
length            197 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	if (length < (uint64_t) L64(65536)) {
length            199 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 		int2store(packet,(unsigned int) length);
length            203 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	if (length < (uint64_t) L64(16777216)) {
length            205 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 		int3store(packet,(ulong) length);
length            209 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	int8store(packet, length);
length            581 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.buffer? conn->net->cmd_buffer.length: AUTH_RESP_BUFFER_SIZE;
length            701 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	zend_uchar * buffer = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length >= packet->auth_data_len? conn->net->cmd_buffer.buffer : mnd_emalloc(packet->auth_data_len);
length            744 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.buffer? conn->net->cmd_buffer.length : OK_BUFFER_SIZE;
length            835 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length;
length            937 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 		tmp = (tmp_len > net->cmd_buffer.length)? mnd_emalloc(tmp_len):net->cmd_buffer.buffer;
length            984 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length;
length           1123 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length, total_len = 0;
length           1192 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	meta->length = uint4korr(p);
length           1215 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 			(meta->type != MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP || meta->length == 14 || meta->length == 8)
length           1871 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length;
length           1913 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length;
length           2001 mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c 	size_t buf_len = conn->net->cmd_buffer.length;
length            316 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	long length;
length            321 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &length) == FAILURE) {
length            326 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "Ol", &z_descriptor, oci_lob_class_entry_ptr, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            338 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (length <= 0) {
length            343 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (php_oci_lob_read(descriptor, length, descriptor->lob_current_position, &buffer, &buffer_len TSRMLS_CC)) {
length            649 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	long offset = -1, length = -1;
length            652 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|ll", &offset, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            661 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 1 && length < 0) {
length            667 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "O|ll", &z_descriptor, oci_lob_class_entry_ptr, &offset, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            676 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 2 && length < 0) {
length            689 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (php_oci_lob_erase(descriptor, offset, length, &bytes_erased TSRMLS_CC)) {
length            800 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	long length = 0;
length            802 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "OO|l", &z_descriptor_dest, oci_lob_class_entry_ptr, &z_descriptor_from, oci_lob_class_entry_ptr, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            819 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() == 3 && length < 0) {
length            826 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		length = -1;
length            829 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (php_oci_lob_copy(descriptor_dest, descriptor_from, length TSRMLS_CC)) {
length            881 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	long start = -1, length = -1, block_length;
length            887 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "p|ll", &filename, &filename_len, &start, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            889 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|ll", &filename, &filename_len, &start, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            898 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 2 && length < 0) {
length            905 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "Op|ll", &z_descriptor, oci_lob_class_entry_ptr, &filename, &filename_len, &start, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            907 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "Os|ll", &z_descriptor, oci_lob_class_entry_ptr, &filename, &filename_len, &start, &length) == FAILURE) {
length            916 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 3 && length < 0) {
length            945 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (length == -1) {
length            946 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		length = lob_length - descriptor->lob_current_position;
length            949 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (length == 0) {
length            972 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	if (block_length > length) {
length            973 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		block_length = length;
length            976 oci8/oci8_interface.c 	while(length > 0) {
length            991 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		length -= tmp_bytes_read;
length            995 oci8/oci8_interface.c 		if (block_length > length) {
length            996 oci8/oci8_interface.c 			block_length = length;
length            120 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	*length = 0;
length            123 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		*length = descriptor->lob_size;
length            135 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		PHP_OCI_CALL_RETURN(connection->errcode, OCILobGetLength, (connection->svc, connection->err, descriptor->descriptor, (ub4 *)length));
length            143 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		descriptor->lob_size = *length;
length            239 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	ub4 length = 0;
length            261 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	if (php_oci_lob_get_length(descriptor, &length TSRMLS_CC)) {
length            265 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	if (length <= 0) {
length            269 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	if (initial_offset > length) {
length            275 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		requested_len = length;
length            278 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	if (requested_len > (length - initial_offset)) {
length            279 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		requested_len = length - initial_offset;
length            545 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	if (length == -1) {
length            548 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		copy_len = length;
length            860 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	if (length == -1) {
length            861 oci8/oci8_lob.c 		length = lob_length;
length            864 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	PHP_OCI_CALL_RETURN(connection->errcode, OCILobErase, (connection->svc, connection->err, lob, (ub4 *)&length, offset+1));
length            872 oci8/oci8_lob.c 	*bytes_erased = length;
length            640 openssl/openssl.c 	add_assoc_stringl(val, key, (char *)str->data, str->length, 1);
length            659 openssl/openssl.c 	if (timestr->length < 13) {
length            670 openssl/openssl.c 	thestr = strbuf + timestr->length - 3;
length           1357 openssl/openssl.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zout, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           1507 openssl/openssl.c 			add_assoc_stringl(subitem, extname, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           1960 openssl/openssl.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zout, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           2016 openssl/openssl.c 				ZVAL_STRINGL(zcert, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           2026 openssl/openssl.c 				ZVAL_STRINGL(zpkey, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           2044 openssl/openssl.c 					ZVAL_STRINGL(zextracert, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           2365 openssl/openssl.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(zout, bio_buf->data, bio_buf->length, 1);
length           1714 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int length = -1;
length           1758 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c     if (length < 0) length = branchlength;
length           1759 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c       else if (length != branchlength) return -1;
length           1760 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c     if (*cc != OP_ALT) return length;
length           2860 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int length = (int)(ptr - cd->start_pattern - GET(previous_callout, 2));
length           2861 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c PUT(previous_callout, 2 + LINK_SIZE, length);
length           7038 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int length;
length           7055 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c length = 2 + 2*LINK_SIZE + skipbytes;
length           7099 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c     length += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
length           7107 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c         (lengthptr == NULL)? NULL : &length))
length           7240 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c         length += 2 + 2*LINK_SIZE;
length           7257 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c       if (OFLOW_MAX - *lengthptr < length)
length           7262 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c       *lengthptr += length;
length           7279 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c     length += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
length           7632 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c int length = 1;  /* For final END opcode */
length           7877 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c   FALSE, 0, 0, &firstchar, &reqchar, NULL, cd, &length);
length           7880 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c DPRINTF(("end pre-compile: length=%d workspace=%d\n", length,
length           7883 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (length > MAX_PATTERN_SIZE)
length           7894 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c size = sizeof(REAL_PCRE) + (length + cd->names_found * cd->name_entry_size) * sizeof(pcre_uchar);
length           7969 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (code - codestart > length) errorcode = ERR23;
length           8159 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c   length, re->top_bracket, re->top_backref);
length           8190 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_compile.c if (code - codestart > length)
length            116 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c if (is_subject && length > md->end_subject - p) length = md->end_subject - p;
length            117 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c while (length-- > 0)
length            158 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c   pchars(eptr, length, TRUE, md);
length            161 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c pchars(p, length, FALSE, md);
length            168 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c if (length < 0) return -1;
length            188 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c     PCRE_PUCHAR endptr = p + length;
length            205 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c     while (length-- > 0)
length            220 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c   while (length-- > 0)
length            614 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c int length;
length           2684 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       length = (md->jscript_compat)? 0 : -1;
length           2686 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       length = md->offset_vector[offset+1] - md->offset_vector[offset];
length           2715 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       if ((length = match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, caseless)) < 0)
length           2717 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c         if (length == -2) eptr = md->end_subject;   /* Partial match */
length           2721 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       eptr += length;
length           2731 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c     if (length == 0) continue;
length           2732 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c     if (length < 0 && min == 0) continue;
length           2741 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       if ((slength = match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, caseless)) < 0)
length           2765 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c         if ((slength = match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, caseless)) < 0)
length           2784 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c         if ((slength = match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, caseless)) < 0)
length           2804 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c         eptr -= length;
length           3155 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       length = 1;
length           3157 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       GETCHARLEN(fc, ecode, length);
length           3158 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       if (length > md->end_subject - eptr)
length           3163 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       while (length-- > 0) if (*ecode++ != *eptr++) RRETURN(MATCH_NOMATCH);
length           3192 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       length = 1;
length           3194 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       GETCHARLEN(fc, ecode, length);
length           3217 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c         ecode += length;
length           3314 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       length = 1;
length           3316 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       GETCHARLEN(fc, ecode, length);
length           3317 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       ecode += length;
length           3322 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c       if (length > 1)
length           3334 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c           if (eptr <= md->end_subject - length &&
length           3335 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c             memcmp(eptr, charptr, IN_UCHARS(length)) == 0) eptr += length;
length           3357 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c             if (eptr <= md->end_subject - length &&
length           3358 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c               memcmp(eptr, charptr, IN_UCHARS(length)) == 0) eptr += length;
length           3378 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c             if (eptr <= md->end_subject - length &&
length           3379 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c                 memcmp(eptr, charptr, IN_UCHARS(length)) == 0) eptr += length;
length           3403 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c             eptr -= length;
length           6386 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c if (re == NULL && extra_data == NULL && subject == NULL && length == -999 &&
length           6400 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c if (start_offset < 0 || start_offset > length) return PCRE_ERROR_BADOFFSET;
length           6429 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c   int errorcode = PRIV(valid_utf)((PCRE_PUCHAR)subject, length, &erroroffset);
length           6447 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c   if (start_offset > 0 && start_offset < length &&
length           6467 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c   rc = PRIV(jit_exec)(re, extra_data, (const pcre_uchar *)subject, length,
length           6529 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_exec.c md->end_subject = md->start_subject + length;
length             82 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_study.c int length = -1;
length            155 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_study.c     if (length < 0 || (!had_recurse && branchlength < length))
length            156 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_study.c       length = branchlength;
length            157 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_study.c     if (op != OP_ALT) return length;
length            104 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c PRIV(valid_utf)(PCRE_PUCHAR string, int length, int *erroroffset)
length            109 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c if (length < 0)
length            112 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c   length = (int)(p - string);
length            115 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c for (p = string; length-- > 0; p++)
length            135 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c   if (length < ab)
length            138 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c     return ab - length;                 /* Codes ERR1 to ERR5 */
length            140 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c   length -= ab;                         /* Length remaining */
length            291 pcre/pcrelib/pcre_valid_utf8.c (void)(length);
length            199 pcre/pcrelib/pcreposix.c size_t length, addlength;
length            203 pcre/pcrelib/pcreposix.c length = strlen(message) + 1;
length            211 pcre/pcrelib/pcreposix.c   if (addlength > 0 && errbuf_size >= length + addlength)
length            220 pcre/pcrelib/pcreposix.c return length + addlength;
length            231 pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 							S->fields[i].length;
length            250 pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 				S->bound_result[i].length = &S->out_length[i];
length            479 pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 				b->length = &S->in_length[param->paramno];
length            507 pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 					*b->length = 0;
length            565 pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 						*b->length = Z_STRLEN_P(param->parameter);
length            696 pdo_mysql/mysql_statement.c 		cols[i].maxlen = S->fields[i].length;
length             79 phar/phar_internal.h # define pestrndup(s, length, persistent) ((persistent)?zend_strndup((s),(length)):estrndup((s),(length)))
length           2417 session/session.c 				value_len = data->length;
length           2510 session/session.c 			Z_LVAL_P(progress->current_file_bytes_processed) = data->offset + data->length;
length            685 soap/php_schema.c 			schema_restriction_var_int(trav, &cur_type->restrictions->length);
length           2374 soap/php_schema.c 		delete_restriction_var_int(&type->restrictions->length);
length           2421 soap/php_schema.c 		delete_restriction_var_int_persistent(&type->restrictions->length);
length           1347 soap/php_sdl.c 		type->restrictions->length = sdl_deserialize_resriction_int(in);
length           1949 soap/php_sdl.c 		sdl_serialize_resriction_int(type->restrictions->length,out);
length           2774 soap/php_sdl.c 		if (ptype->restrictions->length) {
length           2775 soap/php_sdl.c 			make_persistent_restriction_int(&ptype->restrictions->length);
length            145 soap/php_sdl.h 	sdlRestrictionIntPtr length;
length           1208 sockets/sockets.c 	long		length = 0;
length           1211 sockets/sockets.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rs|l", &arg1, &str, &str_len, &length) == FAILURE) {
length           1218 sockets/sockets.c 		length = str_len;
length           1222 sockets/sockets.c 	retval = write(php_sock->bsd_socket, str, MIN(length, str_len));
length           1224 sockets/sockets.c 	retval = send(php_sock->bsd_socket, str, min(length, str_len), 0);
length           1244 sockets/sockets.c 	long		length, type = PHP_BINARY_READ;
length           1246 sockets/sockets.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rl|l", &arg1, &length, &type) == FAILURE) {
length           1251 sockets/sockets.c 	if ((length + 1) < 2) {
length           1255 sockets/sockets.c 	tmpbuf = emalloc(length + 1);
length           1260 sockets/sockets.c 		retval = php_read(php_sock, tmpbuf, length, 0);
length           1262 sockets/sockets.c 		retval = recv(php_sock->bsd_socket, tmpbuf, length, 0);
length           2827 spl/spl_directory.c 	long length = 0;
length           2829 spl/spl_directory.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|l", &str, &str_len, &length) == FAILURE) {
length           2834 spl/spl_directory.c 		str_len = MAX(0, MIN(length, str_len));
length           19025 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   int length;                /* Length of the field */
length           19053 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   length = 0;
length           19238 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = (int)(&buf[etBUFSIZE-1]-bufpt);
length           19239 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         for(idx=precision-length; idx>0; idx--){
length           19249 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = (int)(&buf[etBUFSIZE-1]-bufpt);
length           19256 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = 0;
length           19281 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           length = 3;
length           19298 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c             length = sqlite3Strlen30(bufpt);
length           19388 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = (int)(bufpt-buf);
length           19393 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         if( flag_zeropad && !flag_leftjustify && length < width){
length           19395 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           int nPad = width - length;
length           19401 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           length = width;
length           19407 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = width = 0;
length           19412 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = 1;
length           19419 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           length = precision;
length           19421 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           length =1;
length           19434 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           for(length=0; length<precision && bufpt[length]; length++){}
length           19436 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c           length = sqlite3Strlen30(bufpt);
length           19473 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = j;
length           19484 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = width = 0;
length           19497 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c         length = width = 0;
length           19512 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c       nspace = width-length;
length           19517 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     if( length>0 ){
length           19518 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c       sqlite3StrAccumAppend(pAccum, bufpt, length);
length           19522 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c       nspace = width-length;
length           20790 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   const char *zEnd = z + length;
length           20932 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   return !sqlite3Atoi64(z, pResult, length, enc);
length           20992 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   const char *zEnd = zNum + length;
length           26921 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   unsigned long long length;        /* nbr of bytes to lock */
length           26949 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c   pb.length = length; 
length           26954 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     offset, length));
length           83741 sqlite3/libsqlite/sqlite3.c     FUNCTION(length,             1, 0, 0, lengthFunc       ),
length           1870 standard/array.c 	if (length < 0) {
length           1871 standard/array.c 		length = num_in - offset + length;
length           1872 standard/array.c 	} else if (((unsigned)offset + (unsigned)length) > (unsigned)num_in) {
length           1873 standard/array.c 		length = num_in - offset;
length           1878 standard/array.c 	zend_hash_init(out_hash, (length > 0 ? num_in - length : 0) + list_count, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
length           1896 standard/array.c 		for ( ; pos < offset + length && p; pos++, p = p->pListNext) {
length           1906 standard/array.c 		for ( ; pos < offset + length && p; pos++, p = p->pListNext);
length           2091 standard/array.c 			length = 0,
length           2095 standard/array.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "al|lz/", &array, &offset, &length, &repl_array) == FAILURE) {
length           2102 standard/array.c 		length = num_in;
length           2120 standard/array.c 		int size = length;
length           2130 standard/array.c 		if (length < 0) {
length           2131 standard/array.c 			size = num_in - offset + length;
length           2132 standard/array.c 		} else if (((unsigned long) offset + (unsigned long) length) > (unsigned) num_in) {
length           2142 standard/array.c 	new_hash = php_splice(Z_ARRVAL_P(array), offset, length, repl, repl_num, rem_hash);
length           2168 standard/array.c 			 length = 0;	
length           2186 standard/array.c 		length = num_in;
length           2189 standard/array.c 		length = Z_LVAL_PP(z_length);
length           2201 standard/array.c 	if (length < 0) {
length           2202 standard/array.c 		length = num_in - offset + length;
length           2203 standard/array.c 	} else if (((unsigned long) offset + (unsigned long) length) > (unsigned) num_in) {
length           2204 standard/array.c 		length = num_in - offset;
length           2208 standard/array.c 	array_init_size(return_value, length > 0 ? length : 0);
length           2210 standard/array.c 	if (length <= 0) {
length           2223 standard/array.c 	while (pos < offset + length && zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(input), (void **)&entry, &hpos) == SUCCESS) {
length             62 standard/base64.c 	if (length < 0) {
length             69 standard/base64.c 	result = (unsigned char *) safe_emalloc((length + 2) / 3, 4 * sizeof(char), 1);
length             72 standard/base64.c 	while (length > 2) { /* keep going until we have less than 24 bits */
length             79 standard/base64.c 		length -= 3; /* we just handle 3 octets of data */
length             83 standard/base64.c 	if (length != 0) {
length             85 standard/base64.c 		if (length > 1) {
length            139 standard/base64.c 	return php_base64_decode_ex(str, length, ret_length, 0);
length            150 standard/base64.c 	result = (unsigned char *)safe_emalloc(length, 1, 1);
length            153 standard/base64.c 	while ((ch = *current++) != '\0' && length-- > 0) {
length            155 standard/base64.c 			if (*current != '=' && ((i % 4) == 1 || (strict && length > 0))) {
length            261 standard/cyr_convert.c 	for( i = 0; i<length; i++)
length            834 standard/html.c 	*length = *buf - *start;
length            836 standard/html.c 	if (*length == 0)
length            847 standard/html.c 	ulong hash = zend_inline_hash_func(start, length);
length            851 standard/html.c 		if (s->entity_len == length) {
length            852 standard/html.c 			if (memcmp(start, s->entity, length) == 0) {
length            423 standard/image.c 	off_t length = ((unsigned int)php_read2(stream TSRMLS_CC));
length            425 standard/image.c 	if (length < 2)	{
length            428 standard/image.c 	length = length - 2;
length            429 standard/image.c 	php_stream_seek(stream, (long)length, SEEK_CUR);
length            438 standard/image.c 	unsigned short length;
length            443 standard/image.c 	length = php_read2(stream TSRMLS_CC);
length            444 standard/image.c 	if (length < 2)	{
length            447 standard/image.c 	length -= 2;				/* length includes itself */
length            449 standard/image.c 	buffer = emalloc(length);
length            451 standard/image.c 	if (php_stream_read(stream, buffer, (long) length) <= 0) {
length            460 standard/image.c 		add_assoc_stringl(info, markername, buffer, length, 1);
length            474 standard/image.c 	unsigned short length, ff_read=1;
length            496 standard/image.c 					length = php_read2(stream TSRMLS_CC);
length            501 standard/image.c 					if (!info || length < 8) { /* if we don't want an extanded info -> return */
length            504 standard/image.c 					if (php_stream_seek(stream, length - 8, SEEK_CUR)) { /* file error after info */
length            125 standard/iptc.c 	unsigned int  length;
length            132 standard/iptc.c 	length = (((unsigned char) c1) << 8) + ((unsigned char) c2);
length            134 standard/iptc.c 	length -= 2;
length            136 standard/iptc.c 	while (length--)
length             87 standard/quot_print.c 	i = length, p1 = str; buf_size = length;
length            100 standard/quot_print.c 	i = length; p1 = str; p2 = retval;
length            154 standard/quot_print.c 	ret = safe_emalloc(1, 3 * length + 3 * (((3 * length)/PHP_QPRINT_MAXL) + 1), 0);
length            157 standard/quot_print.c 	while (length--) {
length            158 standard/quot_print.c 		if (((c = *str++) == '\015') && (*str == '\012') && length > 0) {
length            161 standard/quot_print.c 			length--;
length           3241 standard/string.c 	char *new_str = safe_emalloc(4, (length?length:(length=strlen(str))), 1);
length           3253 standard/string.c 	for (source = (char*)str, end = source + length, target = new_str; source < end; source++) {
length           3276 standard/string.c 	if (target - new_str < length * 4) {
length           3306 standard/string.c 	new_str = (char *) safe_emalloc(2, (length ? length : (length = strlen(str))), 1);
length           3308 standard/string.c 	end = source + length;
length           3431 standard/string.c 	if (needle_len < length) {
length           3436 standard/string.c 			new_str = estrndup(haystack, length);
length           3437 standard/string.c 			*_new_length = length;
length           3440 standard/string.c 				end = new_str + length;
length           3448 standard/string.c 				haystack_dup = estrndup(haystack, length);
length           3450 standard/string.c 				php_strtolower(haystack_dup, length);
length           3452 standard/string.c 				end = haystack_dup + length;
length           3465 standard/string.c 				haystack_dup = estrndup(haystack, length);
length           3467 standard/string.c 				php_strtolower(haystack_dup, length);
length           3472 standard/string.c 				new_str = emalloc(length + 1);
length           3484 standard/string.c 				endp = o + length;
length           3498 standard/string.c 					new_str = estrndup(haystack, length);
length           3500 standard/string.c 						*_new_length = length;
length           3504 standard/string.c 					new_str = safe_emalloc(count, str_len - needle_len, length + 1);
length           3511 standard/string.c 				end = haystack + length;
length           3527 standard/string.c 				end = haystack_dup + length;
length           3558 standard/string.c 	} else if (needle_len > length) {
length           3560 standard/string.c 		*_new_length = length;
length           3561 standard/string.c 		new_str = estrndup(haystack, length);
length           3564 standard/string.c 		if (case_sensitivity && memcmp(haystack, needle, length)) {
length           3569 standard/string.c 			l_haystack = estrndup(haystack, length);
length           3570 standard/string.c 			l_needle = estrndup(needle, length);
length           3572 standard/string.c 			php_strtolower(l_haystack, length);
length           3573 standard/string.c 			php_strtolower(l_needle, length);
length           3575 standard/string.c 			if (memcmp(l_haystack, l_needle, length)) {
length           3601 standard/string.c 	return php_str_to_str_ex(haystack, length, needle, needle_len, str, str_len, _new_length, 1, NULL);
length           4916 standard/string.c 	long offset = 0, length = 0;
length           4922 standard/string.c 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss|ll", &haystack, &haystack_len, &needle, &needle_len, &offset, &length) == FAILURE) {
length           4947 standard/string.c 		if (length <= 0) {
length           4951 standard/string.c 		if (length > (haystack_len - offset)) {
length           4952 standard/string.c 			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Length value %ld exceeds string length", length);
length           4955 standard/string.c 		endp = p + length;
length            104 standard/url.c 	ue = s + length;
length            107 standard/url.c 	if ((e = memchr(s, ':', length)) && (e - s)) {
length            148 standard/url.c 			length -= ++e - s;
length            173 standard/url.c 					length -= ++e - s;
length            213 standard/url.c 		ue = s + length;
length           1182 sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.c 	if ((length - 1) <= EG(precision)) {                \
length           1188 sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.c 			ZVAL_STRINGL(&result, buf, length- 1, 1);   \
length           1191 sybase_ct/php_sybase_ct.c 		ZVAL_STRINGL(&result, buf, length- 1, 1);       \
length             42 sysvshm/php_sysvshm.h 	long length;
length            309 sysvshm/sysvshm.c 	if (php_var_unserialize(&return_value, (const unsigned char **) &shm_data, (unsigned char *) shm_data + shm_var->length, &var_hash TSRMLS_CC) != 1) {
length            377 sysvshm/sysvshm.c 	shm_var->length = len;
length             25 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c   b->length = 512;
length             26 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c   b->data = malloc(sizeof(char)*(b->length));
length             36 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c   if (b->offset == b->length) {
length             37 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c     b->length += 512;
length             38 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c     b->data = realloc(b->data, b->length);
length             46 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c   b->length = 0;
length             82 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c       if (offset > length) {
length            153 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c 	      if (offset > length) endoffile = 1;
length             15 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.h   int length;
length            275 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c 	return strftime (buf, length, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tm);
length            277 xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c    return strftime(buf, length, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tm);
length            335 xmlrpc/xmlrpc-epi-php.c 	if(id) return add_assoc_stringl(list, id, string, length, duplicate);
length            336 xmlrpc/xmlrpc-epi-php.c 	else   return add_next_index_stringl(list, string, length, duplicate);