
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. getMandatoryArgumentNames
  2. getOptionalArgumentNames
  3. setArgumentLists
  4. setExtraArgumentList
  5. getExtraArgumentList
  6. setShortArgumentList
  7. getShortArgumentList
  8. setValidArgumentLists
  9. getValidArgumentLists
  10. getMaximumArgumentList
  11. setInitialisationStatements
  12. getInitialisationStatements

abstract class gtTestSubject {

  protected $optionalArgumentNames;
  protected $mandatoryArgumentNames;

  protected $extraArgumentList = '';
  protected $shortArgumentList = '';

  protected $allowedArgumentLists;

  protected $maximumArgumentList;
  protected $initialisationStatements;

  /** Return the list of all mandatory argument names
   * @return array
  public function getMandatoryArgumentNames() {
    return $this->mandatoryArgumentNames;

   * Return the list of all optional argument names
   * @return array
  public function getOptionalArgumentNames() {
    return $this->optionalArgumentNames;
  public function setArgumentLists() {

   * Set the argument list to call the subject with. Adds one extra argument.
  public function setExtraArgumentList() {
    if(count ($this->mandatoryArgumentNames) > 0) {
      for( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->mandatoryArgumentNames ); $i++) {
        $this->extraArgumentList .= "\$".$this->mandatoryArgumentNames[$i].", ";
    if(count ($this->optionalArgumentNames) > 0) {
      for( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->optionalArgumentNames ); $i++) {
        $this->extraArgumentList .=  "\$".$this->optionalArgumentNames[$i].", ";

    $this->extraArgumentList= $this->extraArgumentList. "\$extra_arg";

   * Return the list of arguments as it appears in the function call
   * @return string - list of arguments
  public function getExtraArgumentList() {
    return $this->extraArgumentList;

   * Set the list of function arguments to be one less that the number of mandatory arguments
  public function setShortArgumentList() {

    if(count ($this->mandatoryArgumentNames) > 0) {
      for( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->mandatoryArgumentNames ) - 1; $i++) {
        $this->shortArgumentList .= "\$".$this->mandatoryArgumentNames[$i].", ";
      $this->shortArgumentList = substr($this->shortArgumentList, 0, -2);

   * Return the short list of arguments
   * @return string - list of arguments
  public function getShortArgumentList() {
    return $this->shortArgumentList;

   * Construct the list of all possible ways to call the subject (function or method)
  public function setValidArgumentLists() {
    $this->allowedArgumentLists[0] = '';
    if(count ($this->mandatoryArgumentNames) > 0) {
      for( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->mandatoryArgumentNames ); $i++) {
        $this->allowedArgumentLists[0] .= "\$".$this->mandatoryArgumentNames[$i].", ";
    if(count ($this->optionalArgumentNames) > 0) {
      for( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->optionalArgumentNames ); $i++) {
        $this->allowedArgumentLists[] = $this->allowedArgumentLists[$i]."\$".$this->optionalArgumentNames[$i].", ";
        $this->allowedArgumentLists[$i] = substr ($this->allowedArgumentLists[$i], 0, -2);

    $this->allowedArgumentLists[count($this->allowedArgumentLists) -1 ] = substr($this->allowedArgumentLists[count($this->allowedArgumentLists) -1 ], 0, -2);

   * Return the array of all possible sets of method/function arguments
   * @return unknown
  public function getValidArgumentLists() {
    return $this->allowedArgumentLists;

   * Returns the argument list with the greatest possible number of arguments.
   * @return string
  public function getMaximumArgumentList() {
    return end($this->allowedArgumentLists);

   * Write initialisation statemenst for all the variables that might be used
  public function setInitialisationStatements() {
    if(count ($this->mandatoryArgumentNames) > 0) {
      foreach( $this->mandatoryArgumentNames as $name) {
        $this->initialisationStatements[] = "\$".$name." = ";
    if(count ($this->optionalArgumentNames) > 0) {
      foreach( $this->optionalArgumentNames as $name) {
        $this->initialisationStatements[] = "\$".$name." = ";
   * Return the initialisation statements
   * @return unknown
  public function getInitialisationStatements() {
    return $this->initialisationStatements;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */