
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   | PHP Version 5                                                        |
   | Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group                                |
   | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
   | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
   |                                  |
   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
   | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
   | Authors: Dmitry Stogov <>                             |

/* $Id$ */

/* FastCGI protocol */

#define FCGI_VERSION_1 1

#define FCGI_MAX_LENGTH 0xffff

#define FCGI_KEEP_CONN  1

/* this is near the perfect hash function for most useful FastCGI variables
 * which combines efficiency and minimal hash collisions

#define FCGI_HASH_FUNC(var, var_len) \
        (UNEXPECTED(var_len < 3) ? var_len : \
                (((unsigned int)var[3]) << 2) + \
                (((unsigned int)var[var_len-2]) << 4) + \
                (((unsigned int)var[var_len-1]) << 2) + \

#define FCGI_GETENV(request, name) \
        fcgi_quick_getenv(request, name, sizeof(name)-1, FCGI_HASH_FUNC(name, sizeof(name)-1))

#define FCGI_PUTENV(request, name, value) \
        fcgi_quick_putenv(request, name, sizeof(name)-1, FCGI_HASH_FUNC(name, sizeof(name)-1), value)

typedef enum _fcgi_role {
        FCGI_RESPONDER  = 1,
        FCGI_AUTHORIZER = 2,
        FCGI_FILTER             = 3
} fcgi_role;

typedef enum _fcgi_request_type {
        FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST              =  1, /* [in]                              */
        FCGI_ABORT_REQUEST              =  2, /* [in]  (not supported)             */
        FCGI_END_REQUEST                =  3, /* [out]                             */
        FCGI_PARAMS                             =  4, /* [in]  environment variables       */
        FCGI_STDIN                              =  5, /* [in]  post data                   */
        FCGI_STDOUT                             =  6, /* [out] response                    */
        FCGI_STDERR                             =  7, /* [out] errors                      */
        FCGI_DATA                               =  8, /* [in]  filter data (not supported) */
        FCGI_GET_VALUES                 =  9, /* [in]                              */
        FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT  = 10  /* [out]                             */
} fcgi_request_type;

typedef enum _fcgi_protocol_status {
        FCGI_CANT_MPX_CONN              = 1,
        FCGI_OVERLOADED                 = 2,
        FCGI_UNKNOWN_ROLE               = 3
} dcgi_protocol_status;

typedef struct _fcgi_header {
        unsigned char version;
        unsigned char type;
        unsigned char requestIdB1;
        unsigned char requestIdB0;
        unsigned char contentLengthB1;
        unsigned char contentLengthB0;
        unsigned char paddingLength;
        unsigned char reserved;
} fcgi_header;

typedef struct _fcgi_begin_request {
        unsigned char roleB1;
        unsigned char roleB0;
        unsigned char flags;
        unsigned char reserved[5];
} fcgi_begin_request;

typedef struct _fcgi_begin_request_rec {
        fcgi_header hdr;
        fcgi_begin_request body;
} fcgi_begin_request_rec;

typedef struct _fcgi_end_request {
    unsigned char appStatusB3;
    unsigned char appStatusB2;
    unsigned char appStatusB1;
    unsigned char appStatusB0;
    unsigned char protocolStatus;
    unsigned char reserved[3];
} fcgi_end_request;

typedef struct _fcgi_end_request_rec {
        fcgi_header hdr;
        fcgi_end_request body;
} fcgi_end_request_rec;

/* FastCGI client API */

typedef void (*fcgi_apply_func)(char *var, unsigned int var_len, char *val, unsigned int val_len, void *arg TSRMLS_DC);

typedef struct _fcgi_request fcgi_request;

int fcgi_init(void);
void fcgi_shutdown(void);
int fcgi_is_fastcgi(void);
int fcgi_in_shutdown(void);
void fcgi_terminate(void);
int fcgi_listen(const char *path, int backlog);
fcgi_request* fcgi_init_request(int listen_socket);
void fcgi_destroy_request(fcgi_request *req);
int fcgi_accept_request(fcgi_request *req);
int fcgi_finish_request(fcgi_request *req, int force_close);

char* fcgi_getenv(fcgi_request *req, const char* var, int var_len);
char* fcgi_putenv(fcgi_request *req, char* var, int var_len, char* val);
char* fcgi_quick_getenv(fcgi_request *req, const char* var, int var_len, unsigned int hash_value);
char* fcgi_quick_putenv(fcgi_request *req, char* var, int var_len, unsigned int hash_value, char* val);
void  fcgi_loadenv(fcgi_request *req, fcgi_apply_func load_func, zval *array TSRMLS_DC);

int fcgi_read(fcgi_request *req, char *str, int len);

int fcgi_write(fcgi_request *req, fcgi_request_type type, const char *str, int len);
int fcgi_flush(fcgi_request *req, int close);

#ifdef PHP_WIN32
void fcgi_impersonate(void);

void fcgi_set_mgmt_var(const char * name, size_t name_len, const char * value, size_t value_len);
void fcgi_free_mgmt_var_cb(void * ptr);

 * Local variables:
 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * End:
 * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
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