
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. fpm_children_cleanup
  2. fpm_child_alloc
  3. fpm_child_free
  4. fpm_child_close
  5. fpm_child_link
  6. fpm_child_unlink
  7. fpm_child_find
  8. fpm_child_init
  9. fpm_children_free
  10. fpm_children_bury
  11. fpm_resources_prepare
  12. fpm_resources_discard
  13. fpm_child_resources_use
  14. fpm_parent_resources_use
  15. fpm_children_make
  16. fpm_children_create_initial
  17. fpm_children_init_main

        /* $Id: fpm_children.c,v 2008/12/13 03:21:18 anight Exp $ */
        /* (c) 2007,2008 Andrei Nigmatulin */

#include "fpm_config.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "fpm.h"
#include "fpm_children.h"
#include "fpm_signals.h"
#include "fpm_worker_pool.h"
#include "fpm_sockets.h"
#include "fpm_process_ctl.h"
#include "fpm_php.h"
#include "fpm_conf.h"
#include "fpm_cleanup.h"
#include "fpm_events.h"
#include "fpm_clock.h"
#include "fpm_stdio.h"
#include "fpm_unix.h"
#include "fpm_env.h"
#include "fpm_scoreboard.h"
#include "fpm_status.h"
#include "fpm_log.h"

#include "zlog.h"

static time_t *last_faults;
static int fault;

static void fpm_children_cleanup(int which, void *arg) /* {{{ */
/* }}} */

static struct fpm_child_s *fpm_child_alloc() /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_child_s *ret;

        ret = malloc(sizeof(struct fpm_child_s));

        if (!ret) {
                return 0;

        memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));
        ret->scoreboard_i = -1;
        return ret;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_child_free(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */
/* }}} */

static void fpm_child_close(struct fpm_child_s *child, int in_event_loop) /* {{{ */
        if (child->fd_stdout != -1) {
                if (in_event_loop) {
                if (child->fd_stdout != -1) {

        if (child->fd_stderr != -1) {
                if (in_event_loop) {
                if (child->fd_stderr != -1) {

/* }}} */

static void fpm_child_link(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp = child->wp;


        child->next = wp->children;
        if (child->next) {
                child->next->prev = child;
        child->prev = 0;
        wp->children = child;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_child_unlink(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */

        if (child->prev) {
                child->prev->next = child->next;
        } else {
                child->wp->children = child->next;

        if (child->next) {
                child->next->prev = child->prev;
/* }}} */

static struct fpm_child_s *fpm_child_find(pid_t pid) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;
        struct fpm_child_s *child = 0;

        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {

                for (child = wp->children; child; child = child->next) {
                        if (child->pid == pid) {

                if (child) break;

        if (!child) {
                return 0;

        return child;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_child_init(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */
        fpm_globals.max_requests = wp->config->pm_max_requests;

        if (0 > fpm_stdio_init_child(wp)  ||
            0 > fpm_log_init_child(wp)    ||
            0 > fpm_status_init_child(wp) ||
            0 > fpm_unix_init_child(wp)   ||
            0 > fpm_signals_init_child()  ||
            0 > fpm_env_init_child(wp)    ||
            0 > fpm_php_init_child(wp)) {

                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] child failed to initialize", wp->config->name);
/* }}} */

int fpm_children_free(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_child_s *next;

        for (; child; child = next) {
                next = child->next;
                fpm_child_close(child, 0 /* in_event_loop */);

        return 0;
/* }}} */

void fpm_children_bury() /* {{{ */
        int status;
        pid_t pid;
        struct fpm_child_s *child;

        while ( (pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED)) > 0) {
                char buf[128];
                int severity = ZLOG_NOTICE;
                int restart_child = 1;

                child = fpm_child_find(pid);

                if (WIFEXITED(status)) {

                        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "with code %d", WEXITSTATUS(status));

                        /* if it's been killed because of dynamic process management
                         * don't restart it automaticaly
                        if (child && child->idle_kill) {
                                restart_child = 0;

                        if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != FPM_EXIT_OK) {
                                severity = ZLOG_WARNING;

                } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
                        const char *signame = fpm_signal_names[WTERMSIG(status)];
                        const char *have_core = WCOREDUMP(status) ? " - core dumped" : "";

                        if (signame == NULL) {
                                signame = "";

                        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "on signal %d (%s%s)", WTERMSIG(status), signame, have_core);

                        /* if it's been killed because of dynamic process management
                         * don't restart it automaticaly
                        if (child && child->idle_kill && WTERMSIG(status) == SIGQUIT) {
                                restart_child = 0;

                        if (WTERMSIG(status) != SIGQUIT) { /* possible request loss */
                                severity = ZLOG_WARNING;
                } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {

                        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "child %d stopped for tracing", (int) pid);

                        if (child && child->tracer) {


                if (child) {
                        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp = child->wp;
                        struct timeval tv1, tv2;


                        fpm_scoreboard_proc_free(wp->scoreboard, child->scoreboard_i);


                        timersub(&tv1, &child->started, &tv2);

                        if (restart_child) {
                                if (!fpm_pctl_can_spawn_children()) {
                                        severity = ZLOG_DEBUG;
                                zlog(severity, "[pool %s] child %d exited %s after %ld.%06d seconds from start", child->wp->config->name, (int) pid, buf, tv2.tv_sec, (int) tv2.tv_usec);
                        } else {
                                zlog(ZLOG_DEBUG, "[pool %s] child %d has been killed by the process management after %ld.%06d seconds from start", child->wp->config->name, (int) pid, tv2.tv_sec, (int) tv2.tv_usec);

                        fpm_child_close(child, 1 /* in event_loop */);


                        if (last_faults && (WTERMSIG(status) == SIGSEGV || WTERMSIG(status) == SIGBUS)) {
                                time_t now = tv1.tv_sec;
                                int restart_condition = 1;
                                int i;

                                last_faults[fault++] = now;

                                if (fault == fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold) {
                                        fault = 0;

                                for (i = 0; i < fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold; i++) {
                                        if (now - last_faults[i] > fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_interval) {
                                                restart_condition = 0;

                                if (restart_condition) {

                                        zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "failed processes threshold (%d in %d sec) is reached, initiating reload", fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold, fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_interval);

                                        fpm_pctl(FPM_PCTL_STATE_RELOADING, FPM_PCTL_ACTION_SET);

                        if (restart_child) {
                                fpm_children_make(wp, 1 /* in event loop */, 1, 0);

                                if (fpm_globals.is_child) {
                } else {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "oops, unknown child (%d) exited %s. Please open a bug report (", pid, buf);
/* }}} */

static struct fpm_child_s *fpm_resources_prepare(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_child_s *c;

        c = fpm_child_alloc();

        if (!c) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] unable to malloc new child", wp->config->name);
                return 0;

        c->wp = wp;
        c->fd_stdout = -1; c->fd_stderr = -1;

        if (0 > fpm_stdio_prepare_pipes(c)) {
                return 0;

        if (0 > fpm_scoreboard_proc_alloc(wp->scoreboard, &c->scoreboard_i)) {
                return 0;

        return c;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_resources_discard(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */
        fpm_scoreboard_proc_free(child->wp->scoreboard, child->scoreboard_i);
/* }}} */

static void fpm_child_resources_use(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;
        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {
                if (wp == child->wp) {

        fpm_scoreboard_child_use(child->wp->scoreboard, child->scoreboard_i, getpid());
/* }}} */

static void fpm_parent_resources_use(struct fpm_child_s *child) /* {{{ */
/* }}} */

int fpm_children_make(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp, int in_event_loop, int nb_to_spawn, int is_debug) /* {{{ */
        pid_t pid;
        struct fpm_child_s *child;
        int max;
        static int warned = 0;

        if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_DYNAMIC) {
                if (!in_event_loop) { /* starting */
                        max = wp->config->pm_start_servers;
                } else {
                        max = wp->running_children + nb_to_spawn;
        } else if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_ONDEMAND) {
                if (!in_event_loop) { /* starting */
                        max = 0; /* do not create any child at startup */
                } else {
                        max = wp->running_children + nb_to_spawn;
        } else { /* PM_STYLE_STATIC */
                max = wp->config->pm_max_children;

         * fork children while:
         *   - fpm_pctl_can_spawn_children : FPM is running in a NORMAL state (aka not restart, stop or reload)
         *   - wp->running_children < max  : there is less than the max process for the current pool
         *   - (fpm_global_config.process_max < 1 || fpm_globals.running_children < fpm_global_config.process_max):
         *     if fpm_global_config.process_max is set, FPM has not fork this number of processes (globaly)
        while (fpm_pctl_can_spawn_children() && wp->running_children < max && (fpm_global_config.process_max < 1 || fpm_globals.running_children < fpm_global_config.process_max)) {

                warned = 0;
                child = fpm_resources_prepare(wp);

                if (!child) {
                        return 2;

                pid = fork();

                switch (pid) {

                        case 0 :
                                fpm_globals.is_child = 1;
                                return 0;

                        case -1 :
                                zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "fork() failed");

                                return 2;

                        default :
                                child->pid = pid;

                                zlog(is_debug ? ZLOG_DEBUG : ZLOG_NOTICE, "[pool %s] child %d started", wp->config->name, (int) pid);


        if (!warned && fpm_global_config.process_max > 0 && fpm_globals.running_children >= fpm_global_config.process_max) {
                warned = 1;
                zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "The maximum number of processes has been reached. Please review your configuration and consider raising 'process.max'");

        return 1; /* we are done */
/* }}} */

int fpm_children_create_initial(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */
        if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_ONDEMAND) {
                wp->ondemand_event = (struct fpm_event_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct fpm_event_s));

                if (!wp->ondemand_event) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] unable to malloc the ondemand socket event", wp->config->name);
                        // FIXME handle crash
                        return 1;

                memset(wp->ondemand_event, 0, sizeof(struct fpm_event_s));
                fpm_event_set(wp->ondemand_event, wp->listening_socket, FPM_EV_READ | FPM_EV_EDGE, fpm_pctl_on_socket_accept, wp);
                wp->socket_event_set = 1;
                fpm_event_add(wp->ondemand_event, 0);

                return 1;
        return fpm_children_make(wp, 0 /* not in event loop yet */, 0, 1);
/* }}} */

int fpm_children_init_main() /* {{{ */
        if (fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold &&
                fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_interval) {

                last_faults = malloc(sizeof(time_t) * fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold);

                if (!last_faults) {
                        return -1;

                memset(last_faults, 0, sizeof(time_t) * fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold);

        if (0 > fpm_cleanup_add(FPM_CLEANUP_ALL, fpm_children_cleanup, 0)) {
                return -1;

        return 0;
/* }}} */

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