
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. check_mb_utf8mb3_sequence
  2. check_mb_utf8_sequence
  3. check_mb_utf8mb3_valid
  4. check_mb_utf8_valid
  5. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3
  6. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8
  7. check_mb_big5
  8. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_big5
  9. check_mb_cp932
  10. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_cp932
  11. check_mb_euckr
  12. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_euckr
  13. check_mb_eucjpms
  14. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_eucjpms
  15. check_mb_gb2312
  16. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gb2312
  17. check_mb_gbk
  18. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gbk
  19. check_mb_sjis
  20. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_sjis
  21. check_mb_ucs2
  22. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2
  23. check_mb_ujis
  24. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ujis
  25. check_mb_utf16
  26. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf16
  27. check_mb_utf32
  28. mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32
  29. mysqlnd_find_charset_nr
  30. mysqlnd_find_charset_name
  31. mysqlnd_cset_escape_quotes
  32. mysqlnd_cset_escape_slashes
  33. mysqlnd_charsets_plugin_register

  | PHP Version 5                                                        |
  | Copyright (c) 2006-2015 The PHP Group                                |
  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
  |                                  |
  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
  | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
  | Authors: Georg Richter <>                             |
  |          Andrey Hristov <>                           |
  |          Ulf Wendel <>                              |
#include "php.h"
#include "php_globals.h"
#include "mysqlnd.h"
#include "mysqlnd_priv.h"
#include "mysqlnd_debug.h"
#include "mysqlnd_charset.h"

/* {{{ utf8 functions */
static unsigned int check_mb_utf8mb3_sequence(const char *start, const char *end)
        zend_uchar      c;

        if (start >= end) {
                return 0;

        c = (zend_uchar) start[0];

        if (c < 0x80) {
                return 1;               /* single byte character */
        if (c < 0xC2) {
                return 0;               /* invalid mb character */
        if (c < 0xE0) {
                if (start + 2 > end) {
                        return 0;       /* too small */
                if (!(((zend_uchar)start[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40)) {
                        return 0;
                return 2;
        if (c < 0xF0) {
                if (start + 3 > end) {
                        return 0;       /* too small */
                if (!(((zend_uchar)start[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && ((zend_uchar)start[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 &&
                        (c >= 0xE1 || (zend_uchar)start[1] >= 0xA0))) {
                        return 0;       /* invalid utf8 character */
                return 3;
        return 0;

static unsigned int check_mb_utf8_sequence(const char *start, const char *end)
        zend_uchar      c;

        if (start >= end) {
                return 0;

        c = (zend_uchar) start[0];

        if (c < 0x80) {
                return 1;               /* single byte character */
        if (c < 0xC2) {
                return 0;               /* invalid mb character */
        if (c < 0xE0) {
                if (start + 2 > end) {
                        return 0;       /* too small */
                if (!(((zend_uchar)start[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40)) {
                        return 0;
                return 2;
        if (c < 0xF0) {
                if (start + 3 > end) {
                        return 0;       /* too small */
                if (!(((zend_uchar)start[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 && ((zend_uchar)start[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 &&
                        (c >= 0xE1 || (zend_uchar)start[1] >= 0xA0))) {
                        return 0;       /* invalid utf8 character */
                return 3;
        if (c < 0xF5) {
                if (start + 4 > end) { /* We need 4 characters */
                        return 0;       /* too small */

                  UTF-8 quick four-byte mask:
                  11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
                  Encoding allows to encode U+00010000..U+001FFFFF

                  The maximum character defined in the Unicode standard is U+0010FFFF.
                  Higher characters U+00110000..U+001FFFFF are not used.

                  11110000.10010000.10xxxxxx.10xxxxxx == F0.90.80.80 == U+00010000 (min)
                  11110100.10001111.10111111.10111111 == F4.8F.BF.BF == U+0010FFFF (max)

                  Valid codes:

                if (!(((zend_uchar)start[1] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 &&
                        ((zend_uchar)start[2] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 &&
                        ((zend_uchar)start[3] ^ 0x80) < 0x40 &&
                                (c >= 0xf1 || (zend_uchar)start[1] >= 0x90) &&
                                (c <= 0xf3 || (zend_uchar)start[1] <= 0x8F)))
                        return 0;       /* invalid utf8 character */
                return 4;
        return 0;

static unsigned int check_mb_utf8mb3_valid(const char *start, const char *end)
        unsigned int len = check_mb_utf8mb3_sequence(start, end);
        return (len > 1)? len:0;

static unsigned int check_mb_utf8_valid(const char *start, const char *end)
        unsigned int len = check_mb_utf8_sequence(start, end);
        return (len > 1)? len:0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3(unsigned int utf8)
        if (utf8 < 0x80) {
                return 1;               /* single byte character */
        if (utf8 < 0xC2) {
                return 0;               /* invalid multibyte header */
        if (utf8 < 0xE0) {
                return 2;               /* double byte character */
        if (utf8 < 0xF0) {
                return 3;               /* triple byte character */
        return 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8(unsigned int utf8)
        if (utf8 < 0x80) {
                return 1;               /* single byte character */
        if (utf8 < 0xC2) {
                return 0;               /* invalid multibyte header */
        if (utf8 < 0xE0) {
                return 2;               /* double byte character */
        if (utf8 < 0xF0) {
                return 3;               /* triple byte character */
        if (utf8 < 0xF8) {
                return 4;               /* four byte character */
        return 0;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ big5 functions */
#define valid_big5head(c)       (0xA1 <= (unsigned int)(c) && (unsigned int)(c) <= 0xF9)
#define valid_big5tail(c)       ((0x40 <= (unsigned int)(c) && (unsigned int)(c) <= 0x7E) || \
                                                        (0xA1 <= (unsigned int)(c) && (unsigned int)(c) <= 0xFE))

#define isbig5code(c,d) (isbig5head(c) && isbig5tail(d))

static unsigned int check_mb_big5(const char *start, const char *end)
        return (valid_big5head(*(start)) && (end - start) > 1 && valid_big5tail(*(start + 1)) ? 2 : 0);

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_big5(unsigned int big5)
        return (valid_big5head(big5)) ? 2 : 1;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ cp932 functions */
#define valid_cp932head(c) ((0x81 <= (c) && (c) <= 0x9F) || (0xE0 <= (c) && c <= 0xFC))
#define valid_cp932tail(c) ((0x40 <= (c) && (c) <= 0x7E) || (0x80 <= (c) && c <= 0xFC))

static unsigned int check_mb_cp932(const char *start, const char *end)
        return (valid_cp932head((zend_uchar)start[0]) && (end - start >  1) &&
                        valid_cp932tail((zend_uchar)start[1])) ? 2 : 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_cp932(unsigned int cp932)
        return (valid_cp932head((zend_uchar)cp932)) ? 2 : 1;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ euckr functions */
#define valid_euckr(c)  ((0xA1 <= (zend_uchar)(c) && (zend_uchar)(c) <= 0xFE))

static unsigned int check_mb_euckr(const char *start, const char *end)
        if (end - start <= 1) {
                return 0;       /* invalid length */
        if (*(zend_uchar *)start < 0x80) {
                return 0;       /* invalid euckr character */
        if (valid_euckr(start[1])) {
                return 2;
        return 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_euckr(unsigned int kr)
        return (valid_euckr(kr)) ? 2 : 1;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ eucjpms functions */
#define valid_eucjpms(c)                (((c) & 0xFF) >= 0xA1 && ((c) & 0xFF) <= 0xFE)
#define valid_eucjpms_kata(c)   (((c) & 0xFF) >= 0xA1 && ((c) & 0xFF) <= 0xDF)
#define valid_eucjpms_ss2(c)    (((c) & 0xFF) == 0x8E)
#define valid_eucjpms_ss3(c)    (((c) & 0xFF) == 0x8F)

static unsigned int check_mb_eucjpms(const char *start, const char *end)
        if (*((zend_uchar *)start) < 0x80) {
                return 0;       /* invalid eucjpms character */
        if (valid_eucjpms(start[0]) && (end - start) > 1 && valid_eucjpms(start[1])) {
                return 2;
        if (valid_eucjpms_ss2(start[0]) && (end - start) > 1 && valid_eucjpms_kata(start[1])) {
                return 2;
        if (valid_eucjpms_ss3(start[0]) && (end - start) > 2 && valid_eucjpms(start[1]) &&
                valid_eucjpms(start[2])) {
                return 2;
        return 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_eucjpms(unsigned int jpms)
        if (valid_eucjpms(jpms) || valid_eucjpms_ss2(jpms)) {
                return 2;
        if (valid_eucjpms_ss3(jpms)) {
                return 3;
        return 1;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ gb2312 functions */
#define valid_gb2312_head(c)    (0xA1 <= (zend_uchar)(c) && (zend_uchar)(c) <= 0xF7)
#define valid_gb2312_tail(c)    (0xA1 <= (zend_uchar)(c) && (zend_uchar)(c) <= 0xFE)

static unsigned int check_mb_gb2312(const char *start, const char *end)
        return (valid_gb2312_head((unsigned int)start[0]) && end - start > 1 &&
                        valid_gb2312_tail((unsigned int)start[1])) ? 2 : 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gb2312(unsigned int gb)
        return (valid_gb2312_head(gb)) ? 2 : 1;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ gbk functions */
#define valid_gbk_head(c)       (0x81<=(zend_uchar)(c) && (zend_uchar)(c)<=0xFE)
#define valid_gbk_tail(c)       ((0x40<=(zend_uchar)(c) && (zend_uchar)(c)<=0x7E) || (0x80<=(zend_uchar)(c) && (zend_uchar)(c)<=0xFE))

static unsigned int check_mb_gbk(const char *start, const char *end)
        return (valid_gbk_head(start[0]) && (end) - (start) > 1 && valid_gbk_tail(start[1])) ? 2 : 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gbk(unsigned int gbk)
        return (valid_gbk_head(gbk) ? 2 : 1);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ sjis functions */
#define valid_sjis_head(c)      ((0x81 <= (c) && (c) <= 0x9F) || (0xE0 <= (c) && (c) <= 0xFC))
#define valid_sjis_tail(c)      ((0x40 <= (c) && (c) <= 0x7E) || (0x80 <= (c) && (c) <= 0xFC))

static unsigned int check_mb_sjis(const char *start, const char *end)
        return (valid_sjis_head((zend_uchar)start[0]) && (end - start) > 1 && valid_sjis_tail((zend_uchar)start[1])) ? 2 : 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_sjis(unsigned int sjis)
        return (valid_sjis_head((zend_uchar)sjis)) ? 2 : 1;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ucs2 functions */
static unsigned int check_mb_ucs2(const char *start __attribute((unused)), const char *end __attribute((unused)))
        return 2; /* always 2 */

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2(unsigned int ucs2 __attribute((unused)))
        return 2; /* always 2 */
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ujis functions */
#define valid_ujis(c)           ((0xA1 <= ((c)&0xFF) && ((c)&0xFF) <= 0xFE))
#define valid_ujis_kata(c)  ((0xA1 <= ((c)&0xFF) && ((c)&0xFF) <= 0xDF))
#define valid_ujis_ss2(c)       (((c)&0xFF) == 0x8E)
#define valid_ujis_ss3(c)       (((c)&0xFF) == 0x8F)

static unsigned int check_mb_ujis(const char *start, const char *end)
        if (*(zend_uchar*)start < 0x80) {
                return 0;       /* invalid ujis character */
        if (valid_ujis(*(start)) && valid_ujis(*((start)+1))) {
                return 2;
        if (valid_ujis_ss2(*(start)) && valid_ujis_kata(*((start)+1))) {
                return 2;
        if (valid_ujis_ss3(*(start)) && (end-start) > 2 && valid_ujis(*((start)+1)) && valid_ujis(*((start)+2))) {
                return 3;
        return 0;

static unsigned int mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ujis(unsigned int ujis)
        return (valid_ujis(ujis)? 2: valid_ujis_ss2(ujis)? 2: valid_ujis_ss3(ujis)? 3: 1);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ utf16 functions */
#define UTF16_HIGH_HEAD(x)  ((((zend_uchar) (x)) & 0xFC) == 0xD8)
#define UTF16_LOW_HEAD(x)   ((((zend_uchar) (x)) & 0xFC) == 0xDC)

static unsigned int check_mb_utf16(const char *start, const char *end)
        if (start + 2 > end) {
                return 0;

        if (UTF16_HIGH_HEAD(*start)) {
                return (start + 4 <= end) && UTF16_LOW_HEAD(start[2]) ? 4 : 0;

        if (UTF16_LOW_HEAD(*start)) {
                return 0;
        return 2;

static uint mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf16(unsigned int utf16)
  return UTF16_HIGH_HEAD(utf16) ? 4 : 2;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ utf32 functions */
static uint
check_mb_utf32(const char *start __attribute((unused)), const char *end __attribute((unused)))
        return 4;

static uint
mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32(unsigned int utf32 __attribute((unused)))
        return 4;
/* }}} */

  The server compiles sometimes the full utf-8 (the mb4) as utf8m4, and the old as utf8,
  for BC reasons. Sometimes, utf8mb4 is just utf8 but the old charsets are utf8mb3.
  Change easily now, with a macro, could be made compilastion dependable.

#define UTF8_MB4 "utf8mb4"
#define UTF8_MB3 "utf8"

/* {{{ mysqlnd_charsets */
const MYSQLND_CHARSET mysqlnd_charsets[] =
        {   1, "big5","big5_chinese_ci", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_big5, check_mb_big5},
        {   3, "dec8", "dec8_swedish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {   4, "cp850", "cp850_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {   6, "hp8", "hp8_english_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {   7, "koi8r", "koi8r_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {   8, "latin1", "latin1_swedish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {   5, "latin1", "latin1_german1_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL}, /* should be after 0x8 because swedish_ci is the default collation */
        {   9, "latin2", "latin2_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {   2, "latin2", "latin2_czech_cs", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL}, /* should be after 0x9 because general_ci is the default collation */
        {  10, "swe7", "swe7_swedish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  11, "ascii", "ascii_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  12, "ujis", "ujis_japanese_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ujis, check_mb_ujis},
        {  13, "sjis", "sjis_japanese_ci", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_sjis, check_mb_sjis},
        {  16, "hebrew", "hebrew_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  17, "filename", "filename", 1, 5, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  18, "tis620", "tis620_thai_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  19, "euckr", "euckr_korean_ci", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_euckr, check_mb_euckr},
        {  21, "latin2", "latin2_hungarian_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  27, "latin2", "latin2_croatian_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  22, "koi8u", "koi8u_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  24, "gb2312", "gb2312_chinese_ci", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gb2312, check_mb_gb2312},
        {  25, "greek", "greek_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  26, "cp1250", "cp1250_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  28, "gbk", "gbk_chinese_ci", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gbk, check_mb_gbk},
        {  30, "latin5", "latin5_turkish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  31, "latin1", "latin1_german2_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  15, "latin1", "latin1_danish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  32, "armscii8", "armscii8_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  33, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_general_ci", 1, 3, "UTF-8 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3,  check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        {  35, "ucs2", "ucs2_general_ci", 2, 2, "UCS-2 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        {  36, "cp866", "cp866_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  37, "keybcs2", "keybcs2_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  38, "macce", "macce_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  39, "macroman", "macroman_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  40, "cp852", "cp852_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  41, "latin7", "latin7_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  20, "latin7", "latin7_estonian_cs", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  57, "cp1256", "cp1256_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  59, "cp1257", "cp1257_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  63, "binary", "binary", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  97, "eucjpms", "eucjpms_japanese_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_eucjpms, check_mb_eucjpms},
        {  29, "cp1257", "cp1257_lithuanian_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  31, "latin1", "latin1_german2_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  34, "cp1250", "cp1250_czech_cs", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  42, "latin7", "latin7_general_cs", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  43, "macce", "macce_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  44, "cp1250", "cp1250_croatian_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  45, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_general_ci", 1, 4, "UTF-8 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8,  check_mb_utf8_valid},
        {  46, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_bin", 1, 4, "UTF-8 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8,  check_mb_utf8_valid},
        {  47, "latin1", "latin1_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  48, "latin1", "latin1_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  49, "latin1", "latin1_general_cs", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  51, "cp1251", "cp1251_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  14, "cp1251", "cp1251_bulgarian_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  23, "cp1251", "cp1251_ukrainian_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  50, "cp1251", "cp1251_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  52, "cp1251", "cp1251_general_cs", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  53, "macroman", "macroman_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  54, "utf16", "utf16_general_ci", 2, 4, "UTF-16 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf16, check_mb_utf16},
        {  55, "utf16", "utf16_bin", 2, 4, "UTF-16 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf16, check_mb_utf16},
        {  56, "utf16le", "utf16le_general_ci", 2, 4, "UTF-16LE Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf16, check_mb_utf16},
        {  58, "cp1257", "cp1257_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
/*55*/{  60, "utf32", "utf32_general_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*55*/{  61, "utf32", "utf32_bin", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
        {  62, "utf16le", "utf16le_bin", 2, 4, "UTF-16LE Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf16, check_mb_utf16},
        {  64, "armscii8", "armscii8_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  65, "ascii", "ascii_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  66, "cp1250", "cp1250_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  67, "cp1256", "cp1256_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  68, "cp866", "cp866_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  69, "dec8", "dec8_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  70, "greek", "greek_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  71, "hebrew", "hebrew_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  72, "hp8", "hp8_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  73, "keybcs2", "keybcs2_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  74, "koi8r", "koi8r_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  75, "koi8u", "koi8u_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  77, "latin2", "latin2_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  78, "latin5", "latin5_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  79, "latin7", "latin7_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  80, "cp850", "cp850_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  81, "cp852", "cp852_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  82, "swe7", "swe7_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  83, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_bin", 1, 3, "UTF-8 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3,  check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        {  84, "big5", "big5_bin", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_big5, check_mb_big5},
        {  85, "euckr", "euckr_bin", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_euckr, check_mb_euckr},
        {  86, "gb2312", "gb2312_bin", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gb2312, check_mb_gb2312},
        {  87, "gbk", "gbk_bin", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_gbk, check_mb_gbk},
        {  88, "sjis", "sjis_bin", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_sjis, check_mb_sjis},
        {  89, "tis620", "tis620_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  90, "ucs2", "ucs2_bin", 2, 2, "UCS-2 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        {  91, "ujis", "ujis_bin", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ujis, check_mb_ujis},
        {  92, "geostd8", "geostd8_general_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  93, "geostd8", "geostd8_bin", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  94, "latin1", "latin1_spanish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        {  95, "cp932", "cp932_japanese_ci", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_cp932, check_mb_cp932},
        {  96, "cp932", "cp932_bin", 1, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_cp932, check_mb_cp932},
        {  97, "eucjpms", "eucjpms_japanese_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_eucjpms, check_mb_eucjpms},
        {  98, "eucjpms", "eucjpms_bin", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_eucjpms, check_mb_eucjpms},
        {  99, "cp1250", "cp1250_polish_ci", 1, 1, "", NULL, NULL},
        { 128, "ucs2", "ucs2_unicode_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 129, "ucs2", "ucs2_icelandic_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 130, "ucs2", "ucs2_latvian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 131, "ucs2", "ucs2_romanian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 132, "ucs2", "ucs2_slovenian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 133, "ucs2", "ucs2_polish_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 134, "ucs2", "ucs2_estonian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 135, "ucs2", "ucs2_spanish_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 136, "ucs2", "ucs2_swedish_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 137, "ucs2", "ucs2_turkish_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 138, "ucs2", "ucs2_czech_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 139, "ucs2", "ucs2_danish_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 140, "ucs2", "ucs2_lithuanian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 141, "ucs2", "ucs2_slovak_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 142, "ucs2", "ucs2_spanish2_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 143, "ucs2", "ucs2_roman_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 144, "ucs2", "ucs2_persian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 145, "ucs2", "ucs2_esperanto_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 146, "ucs2", "ucs2_hungarian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 147, "ucs2", "ucs2_sinhala_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 148, "ucs2", "ucs2_german2_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 149, "ucs2", "ucs2_croatian_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 150, "ucs2", "ucs2_unicode_520_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},
        { 151, "ucs2", "ucs2_vietnamese_ci", 2, 2, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_ucs2, check_mb_ucs2},

/*56*/{160, "utf32", "utf32_unicode_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{161, "utf32", "utf32_icelandic_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{162, "utf32", "utf32_latvian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{163, "utf32", "utf32_romanian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{164, "utf32", "utf32_slovenian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{165, "utf32", "utf32_polish_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{166, "utf32", "utf32_estonian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{167, "utf32", "utf32_spanish_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{168, "utf32", "utf32_swedish_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{169, "utf32", "utf32_turkish_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{170, "utf32", "utf32_czech_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{171, "utf32", "utf32_danish_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{172, "utf32", "utf32_lithuanian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{173, "utf32", "utf32_slovak_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{174, "utf32", "utf32_spanish2_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{175, "utf32", "utf32_roman_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{176, "utf32", "utf32_persian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{177, "utf32", "utf32_esperanto_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{178, "utf32", "utf32_hungarian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{179, "utf32", "utf32_sinhala_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{180, "utf32", "utf32_german2_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{181, "utf32", "utf32_croatian_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{182, "utf32", "utf32_unicode_520_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},
/*56*/{183, "utf32", "utf32_vietnamese_ci", 4, 4, "UTF-32 Unicode", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf32, check_mb_utf32},

        { 192, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_unicode_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 193, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_icelandic_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 194, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_latvian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3,  check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 195, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_romanian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 196, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_slovenian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 197, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_polish_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 198, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_estonian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 199, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_spanish_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 200, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_swedish_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 201, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_turkish_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 202, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_czech_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 203, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_danish_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid },
        { 204, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_lithuanian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid },
        { 205, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_slovak_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 206, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_spanish2_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 207, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_roman_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 208, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_persian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 209, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_esperanto_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 210, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_hungarian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 211, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_sinhala_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 212, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_german2_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 213, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_croatian_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 214, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_unicode_520_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},
        { 215, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_vietnamese_ci", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8mb3, check_mb_utf8mb3_valid},

        { 224, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_unicode_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 225, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_icelandic_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 226, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_latvian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 227, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_romanian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 228, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_slovenian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 229, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_polish_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 230, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_estonian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 231, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_spanish_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 232, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_swedish_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 233, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_turkish_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 234, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_czech_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 235, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_danish_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 236, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_lithuanian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 237, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_slovak_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 238, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_spanish2_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 239, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_roman_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 240, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_persian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 241, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_esperanto_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 242, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_hungarian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 243, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_sinhala_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 244, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_german2_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 245, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_croatian_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 246, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_unicode_520_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        { 247, UTF8_MB4, UTF8_MB4"_vietnamese_ci", 1, 4, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},

        { 254, UTF8_MB3, UTF8_MB3"_general_cs", 1, 3, "", mysqlnd_mbcharlen_utf8, check_mb_utf8_valid},
        {   0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL}
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_find_charset_nr */
PHPAPI const MYSQLND_CHARSET * mysqlnd_find_charset_nr(unsigned int charsetnr)
        const MYSQLND_CHARSET * c = mysqlnd_charsets;

        do {
                if (c->nr == charsetnr) {
                        return c;
        } while (c[0].nr != 0);
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_find_charset_name */
PHPAPI const MYSQLND_CHARSET * mysqlnd_find_charset_name(const char * const name)
        if (name) {
                const MYSQLND_CHARSET * c = mysqlnd_charsets;
                do {
                        if (!strcasecmp(c->name, name)) {
                                return c;
                } while (c[0].nr != 0);
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_cset_escape_quotes */
PHPAPI ulong mysqlnd_cset_escape_quotes(const MYSQLND_CHARSET * const cset, char *newstr,
                                                                                const char * escapestr, size_t escapestr_len TSRMLS_DC)
        const char      *newstr_s = newstr;
        const char      *newstr_e = newstr + 2 * escapestr_len;
        const char      *end = escapestr + escapestr_len;
        zend_bool       escape_overflow = FALSE;


        for (;escapestr < end; escapestr++) {
                unsigned int len = 0;
                /* check unicode characters */

                if (cset->char_maxlen > 1 && (len = cset->mb_valid(escapestr, end))) {

                        /* check possible overflow */
                        if ((newstr + len) > newstr_e) {
                                escape_overflow = TRUE;
                        /* copy mb char without escaping it */
                        while (len--) {
                                *newstr++ = *escapestr++;
                if (*escapestr == '\'') {
                        if (newstr + 2 > newstr_e) {
                                escape_overflow = TRUE;
                        *newstr++ = '\'';
                        *newstr++ = '\'';
                } else {
                        if (newstr + 1 > newstr_e) {
                                escape_overflow = TRUE;
                        *newstr++ = *escapestr;
        *newstr = '\0';

        if (escape_overflow) {
        DBG_RETURN((ulong)(newstr - newstr_s));
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_cset_escape_slashes */
PHPAPI ulong mysqlnd_cset_escape_slashes(const MYSQLND_CHARSET * const cset, char *newstr,
                                                                                 const char * escapestr, size_t escapestr_len TSRMLS_DC)
        const char      *newstr_s = newstr;
        const char      *newstr_e = newstr + 2 * escapestr_len;
        const char      *end = escapestr + escapestr_len;
        zend_bool       escape_overflow = FALSE;

        DBG_INF_FMT("charset=%s", cset->name);

        for (;escapestr < end; escapestr++) {
                char esc = '\0';
                unsigned int len = 0;

                /* check unicode characters */
                if (cset->char_maxlen > 1 && (len = cset->mb_valid(escapestr, end))) {
                        /* check possible overflow */
                        if ((newstr + len) > newstr_e) {
                                escape_overflow = TRUE;
                        /* copy mb char without escaping it */
                        while (len--) {
                                *newstr++ = *escapestr++;
                if (cset->char_maxlen > 1 && cset->mb_charlen(*escapestr) > 1) {
                        esc = *escapestr;
                } else {
                        switch (*escapestr) {
                                case 0:
                                        esc = '0';
                                case '\n':
                                        esc = 'n';
                                case '\r':
                                        esc = 'r';
                                case '\\':
                                case '\'':
                                case '"':
                                        esc = *escapestr;
                                case '\032':
                                        esc = 'Z';
                if (esc) {
                        if (newstr + 2 > newstr_e) {
                                escape_overflow = TRUE;
                        /* copy escaped character */
                        *newstr++ = '\\';
                        *newstr++ = esc;
                } else {
                        if (newstr + 1 > newstr_e) {
                                escape_overflow = TRUE;
                        /* copy non escaped character */
                        *newstr++ = *escapestr;
        *newstr = '\0';

        if (escape_overflow) {
        DBG_RETURN((ulong)(newstr - newstr_s));
/* }}} */

static struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_charsets mysqlnd_plugin_charsets_plugin =
                "PHP License 3.01",
                "Andrey Hristov <>,  Ulf Wendel <>, Georg Richter <>",
                        NULL, /* no statistics , will be filled later if there are some */
                        NULL, /* no statistics */
                        NULL /* plugin shutdown */
        {/* methods */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_charsets_plugin_register */
        mysqlnd_plugin_register_ex((struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header *) &mysqlnd_plugin_charsets_plugin TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */

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 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
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