
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes
  2. ps_fetch_null
  3. ps_fetch_int8
  4. ps_fetch_int16
  5. ps_fetch_int32
  6. ps_fetch_int64
  7. ps_fetch_float
  8. ps_fetch_double
  9. ps_fetch_time
  10. ps_fetch_date
  11. ps_fetch_datetime
  12. ps_fetch_string
  13. ps_fetch_bit
  14. _mysqlnd_init_ps_fetch_subsystem
  15. mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it
  16. mysqlnd_stmt_free_copies
  17. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_check_n_enlarge_buffer
  18. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_prepare_param_types
  19. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_types
  20. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_calculate_param_values_size
  21. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_param_values
  22. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_params
  23. mysqlnd_stmt_execute_generate_request

  | PHP Version 5                                                        |
  | Copyright (c) 2006-2015 The PHP Group                                |
  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
  |                                  |
  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
  | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
  | Authors: Andrey Hristov <>                           |
  |          Ulf Wendel <>                              |
  |          Georg Richter <>                             |

/* $Id$ */
#include "php.h"
#include "mysqlnd.h"
#include "mysqlnd_wireprotocol.h"
#include "mysqlnd_priv.h"
#include "mysqlnd_debug.h"
#include "ext/mysqlnd/mysql_float_to_double.h"


enum mysqlnd_timestamp_type

struct st_mysqlnd_time
  unsigned int  year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
  unsigned long second_part;
  zend_bool     neg;
  enum mysqlnd_timestamp_type time_type;

struct st_mysqlnd_perm_bind mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LAST + 1];

#define MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR              -2

/* {{{ ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes */
ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len,
                                                   zend_uchar ** row, unsigned int byte_count TSRMLS_DC)
        char tmp[22];
        size_t tmp_len = 0;
        zend_bool is_bit = field->type == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT;
        DBG_INF_FMT("zv=%p byte_count=%u", zv, byte_count);
        if (field->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG) {
                uint64_t uval = 0;

                switch (byte_count) {
                        case 8:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint8korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint8korr(*row);break;
                        case 7:uval = bit_uint7korr(*row);break;
                        case 6:uval = bit_uint6korr(*row);break;
                        case 5:uval = bit_uint5korr(*row);break;
                        case 4:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint4korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint4korr(*row);break;
                        case 3:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint3korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint3korr(*row);break;
                        case 2:uval = is_bit? (uint64_t) bit_uint2korr(*row):(uint64_t) uint2korr(*row);break;
                        case 1:uval = (uint64_t) uint1korr(*row);break;

                if (uval > INT_MAX) {
                        tmp_len = sprintf((char *)&tmp, MYSQLND_LLU_SPEC, uval);
                } else 
#endif /* #if SIZEOF_LONG==4 */
                        if (byte_count < 8 || uval <= L64(9223372036854775807)) {
                                ZVAL_LONG(zv, (long) uval); /* the cast is safe, we are in the range */
                        } else {
                                tmp_len = sprintf((char *)&tmp, MYSQLND_LLU_SPEC, uval);
        } else {
                /* SIGNED */
                int64_t lval = 0;
                switch (byte_count) {
                        case 8:lval = (int64_t) sint8korr(*row);break;
                          7, 6 and 5 are not possible.
                          BIT is only unsigned, thus only uint5|6|7 macroses exist
                        case 4:lval = (int64_t) sint4korr(*row);break;
                        case 3:lval = (int64_t) sint3korr(*row);break;
                        case 2:lval = (int64_t) sint2korr(*row);break;
                        case 1:lval = (int64_t) *(int8_t*)*row;break;

                if ((L64(2147483647) < (int64_t) lval) || (L64(-2147483648) > (int64_t) lval)) {
                        tmp_len = sprintf((char *)&tmp, MYSQLND_LL_SPEC, lval);
                } else
#endif /* SIZEOF */
                        ZVAL_LONG(zv, (long) lval); /* the cast is safe, we are in the range */

        if (tmp_len) {
                ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, tmp, tmp_len, 1);
        (*row)+= byte_count;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_null */
static void
ps_fetch_null(zval *zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_int8 */
static void
ps_fetch_int8(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zv, field, pack_len, row, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_int16 */
static void
ps_fetch_int16(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zv, field, pack_len, row, 2 TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_int32 */
static void
ps_fetch_int32(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zv, field, pack_len, row, 4 TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_int64 */
static void
ps_fetch_int64(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zv, field, pack_len, row, 8 TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_float */
static void
ps_fetch_float(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        float fval;
        double dval;
        float4get(fval, *row);
        (*row)+= 4;
        DBG_INF_FMT("value=%f", fval);

# define NOT_FIXED_DEC 31

        dval = mysql_float_to_double(fval, (field->decimals >= NOT_FIXED_DEC) ? -1 : field->decimals);

        ZVAL_DOUBLE(zv, dval);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_double */
static void
ps_fetch_double(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        double value;
        float8get(value, *row);
        ZVAL_DOUBLE(zv, value);
        (*row)+= 8;
        DBG_INF_FMT("value=%f", value);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_time */
static void
ps_fetch_time(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        struct st_mysqlnd_time t;
        unsigned long length; /* First byte encodes the length*/
        char * value;

        if ((length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row))) {
                zend_uchar * to= *row;

                t.time_type = MYSQLND_TIMESTAMP_TIME;
                t.neg                   = (zend_bool) to[0];

                         = (unsigned long) sint4korr(to+1);
                t.hour                  = (unsigned int) to[5];
                t.minute                = (unsigned int) to[6];
                t.second                = (unsigned int) to[7];
                t.second_part   = (length > 8) ? (unsigned long) sint4korr(to+8) : 0;
                t.year                  = t.month= 0;
                if ( {
                        /* Convert days to hours at once */
                        t.hour +=*24;
                 = 0;

                (*row) += length;
        } else {
                memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
                t.time_type = MYSQLND_TIMESTAMP_TIME;

        length = mnd_sprintf(&value, 0, "%s%02u:%02u:%02u", (t.neg ? "-" : ""), t.hour, t.minute, t.second);

        DBG_INF_FMT("%s", value);
        ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, value, length, 1);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_date */
static void
ps_fetch_date(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        struct st_mysqlnd_time t = {0};
        unsigned long length; /* First byte encodes the length*/
        char * value;

        if ((length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row))) {
                zend_uchar *to= *row;

                t.time_type= MYSQLND_TIMESTAMP_DATE;
                t.neg= 0;

                t.second_part = t.hour = t.minute = t.second = 0;

                t.year  = (unsigned int) sint2korr(to);
                t.month = (unsigned int) to[2];
         = (unsigned int) to[3];

                (*row)+= length;
        } else {
                memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
                t.time_type = MYSQLND_TIMESTAMP_DATE;

        length = mnd_sprintf(&value, 0, "%04u-%02u-%02u", t.year, t.month,;

        DBG_INF_FMT("%s", value);
        ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, value, length, 1);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_datetime */
static void
ps_fetch_datetime(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        struct st_mysqlnd_time t;
        unsigned long length; /* First byte encodes the length*/
        char * value;

        if ((length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row))) {
                zend_uchar * to = *row;

                t.time_type = MYSQLND_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME;
                t.neg    = 0;

                t.year   = (unsigned int) sint2korr(to);
                t.month = (unsigned int) to[2];
          = (unsigned int) to[3];

                if (length > 4) {
                        t.hour   = (unsigned int) to[4];
                        t.minute = (unsigned int) to[5];
                        t.second = (unsigned int) to[6];
                } else {
                        t.hour = t.minute = t.second= 0;
                t.second_part = (length > 7) ? (unsigned long) sint4korr(to+7) : 0;

                (*row)+= length;
        } else {
                memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
                t.time_type = MYSQLND_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME;

        length = mnd_sprintf(&value, 0, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.minute, t.second);

        DBG_INF_FMT("%s", value);
        ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, value, length, 1);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_string */
static void
ps_fetch_string(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
          For now just copy, before we make it possible
          to write \0 to the row buffer
        const unsigned long length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row);
        DBG_INF_FMT("len = %lu", length);
        DBG_INF("copying from the row buffer");
        ZVAL_STRINGL(zv, (char *)*row, length, 1);

        (*row) += length;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ ps_fetch_bit */
static void
ps_fetch_bit(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, unsigned int pack_len, zend_uchar ** row TSRMLS_DC)
        unsigned long length = php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(row);
        ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zv, field, pack_len, row, length TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ _mysqlnd_init_ps_fetch_subsystem */
void _mysqlnd_init_ps_fetch_subsystem()
        memset(mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions, 0, sizeof(mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions));
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NULL].func                = ps_fetch_null;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NULL].pack_len    = 0;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NULL].php_type    = IS_NULL;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NULL].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY].func                = ps_fetch_int8;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY].pack_len    = 1;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY].php_type    = IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT].func               = ps_fetch_int16;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT].pack_len   = 2;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT].php_type   = IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT].can_ret_as_str_in_uni      = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR].func                = ps_fetch_int16;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR].pack_len    = 2;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR].php_type    = IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_INT24].func               = ps_fetch_int32;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_INT24].pack_len   = 4;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_INT24].php_type   = IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_INT24].can_ret_as_str_in_uni      = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG].func                = ps_fetch_int32;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG].pack_len    = 4;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG].php_type    = IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG].func    = ps_fetch_int64;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG].pack_len= 8;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG].php_type= IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG].can_ret_as_str_in_uni   = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT].func               = ps_fetch_float;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT].pack_len   = 4;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT].php_type   = IS_DOUBLE;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT].can_ret_as_str_in_uni      = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE].func              = ps_fetch_double;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE].pack_len  = 8;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE].php_type  = IS_DOUBLE;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE].can_ret_as_str_in_uni     = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIME].func                = ps_fetch_time;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIME].pack_len    = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_W_LEN;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIME].php_type    = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIME].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATE].func                = ps_fetch_date;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATE].pack_len    = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_W_LEN;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATE].php_type    = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATE].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE].func             = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE].pack_len = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_W_LEN;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE].php_type = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE].can_ret_as_str_in_uni    = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME].func    = ps_fetch_datetime;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME].pack_len= MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_W_LEN;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME].php_type= IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME].can_ret_as_str_in_uni   = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP].func   = ps_fetch_datetime;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP].pack_len= MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_W_LEN;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP].php_type= IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP].can_ret_as_str_in_uni  = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB].func   = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB].pack_len= MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB].php_type = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB].can_ret_as_str_in_uni  = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB].func                = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB].pack_len    = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB].php_type    = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB].can_ret_as_str_in_uni       = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB].func         = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB].pack_len     = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB].php_type     = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB].can_ret_as_str_in_uni        = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB].func           = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB].pack_len       = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB].php_type       = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB].can_ret_as_str_in_uni  = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BIT].func         = ps_fetch_bit;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BIT].pack_len     = 8;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BIT].php_type     = IS_LONG;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_BIT].can_ret_as_str_in_uni = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING].func          = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING].pack_len      = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING].php_type = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR].func             = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR].pack_len = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR].php_type = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_STRING].func                      = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_STRING].pack_len          = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_STRING].php_type  = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_STRING].is_possibly_blob = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL].func             = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL].pack_len = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL].php_type = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL].can_ret_as_str_in_uni    = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL].func          = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL].pack_len      = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL].php_type      = IS_STRING;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL].can_ret_as_str_in_uni = TRUE;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM].func                = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM].pack_len    = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM].php_type    = IS_STRING;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SET].func                 = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SET].pack_len             = MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_SET].php_type             = IS_STRING;

        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY].func    = ps_fetch_string;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY].pack_len= MYSQLND_PS_SKIP_RESULT_STR;
        mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY].php_type= IS_STRING;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it */
static enum_func_status
mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it(zval *** copies, zval * original, unsigned int param_count, unsigned int current TSRMLS_DC)
        if (!*copies) {
                *copies = mnd_ecalloc(param_count, sizeof(zval *));
        if (*copies) {
                *(*copies)[current] = *original;
                Z_SET_REFCOUNT_P((*copies)[current], 1);
                return PASS;
        return FAIL;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_free_copies */
static void
mysqlnd_stmt_free_copies(MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt, zval ** copies TSRMLS_DC)
        if (copies) {
                unsigned int i;
                for (i = 0; i < stmt->param_count; i++) {
                        if (copies[i]) {
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_check_n_enlarge_buffer */
static enum_func_status
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_check_n_enlarge_buffer(zend_uchar **buf, zend_uchar **p, size_t * buf_len, zend_uchar * const provided_buffer, size_t needed_bytes TSRMLS_DC)
        const size_t overalloc = 5;
        size_t left = (*buf_len - (*p - *buf));

        if (left < (needed_bytes + overalloc)) {
                size_t offset = *p - *buf;
                zend_uchar *tmp_buf;
                *buf_len = offset + needed_bytes + overalloc;
                tmp_buf = mnd_emalloc(*buf_len);
                if (!tmp_buf) {
                        return FAIL;
                memcpy(tmp_buf, *buf, offset);
                if (*buf != provided_buffer) {
                *buf = tmp_buf;
                /* Update our pos pointer */
                *p = *buf + offset;
        return PASS;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_prepare_param_types */
static enum_func_status
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_prepare_param_types(MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt, zval *** copies_param, int * resend_types_next_time TSRMLS_DC)
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < stmt->param_count; i++) {
                short current_type = stmt->param_bind[i].type;

                if (Z_TYPE_P(stmt->param_bind[i].zv) != IS_NULL && (current_type == MYSQL_TYPE_LONG || current_type == MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG)) {
                        zval ** copies;
                        /* always copy the var, because we do many conversions */
                        if (Z_TYPE_P(stmt->param_bind[i].zv) != IS_LONG &&
                                PASS != mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it(copies_param, stmt->param_bind[i].zv, stmt->param_count, i TSRMLS_CC))
                                goto end;
                        copies = *copies_param;
                          if it doesn't fit in a long send it as a string.
                          Check bug #52891 : Wrong data inserted with mysqli/mysqlnd when using bind_param, value > LONG_MAX
                        if (Z_TYPE_P(stmt->param_bind[i].zv) != IS_LONG) {
                                zval *tmp_data = (copies && copies[i])? copies[i]: stmt->param_bind[i].zv;
                                  Because converting to double and back to long can lead
                                  to losing precision we need second variable. Conversion to double is to see if 
                                  value is too big for a long. As said, precision could be lost.
                                zval *tmp_data_copy;
                                *tmp_data_copy = *tmp_data;
                                Z_SET_REFCOUNT_P(tmp_data_copy, 1);

                                  if it doesn't fit in a long send it as a string.
                                  Check bug #52891 : Wrong data inserted with mysqli/mysqlnd when using bind_param, value > LONG_MAX
                                  We do transformation here, which will be used later when sending types. The code later relies on this.
                                if (Z_DVAL_P(tmp_data_copy) > LONG_MAX || Z_DVAL_P(tmp_data_copy) < LONG_MIN) {
                                        stmt->send_types_to_server = *resend_types_next_time = 1;
                                } else {

/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_types */
static void
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_types(MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt, zval ** copies, zend_uchar ** p)
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < stmt->param_count; i++) {
                short current_type = stmt->param_bind[i].type;
                /* our types are not unsigned */
#if SIZEOF_LONG==8  
                if (current_type == MYSQL_TYPE_LONG) {
                        current_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
                if (Z_TYPE_P(stmt->param_bind[i].zv) != IS_NULL && (current_type == MYSQL_TYPE_LONG || current_type == MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG)) {
                          if it doesn't fit in a long send it as a string.
                          Check bug #52891 : Wrong data inserted with mysqli/mysqlnd when using bind_param, value > LONG_MAX
                        if (Z_TYPE_P(stmt->param_bind[i].zv) != IS_LONG) {
                                const zval *tmp_data = (copies && copies[i])? copies[i]: stmt->param_bind[i].zv;
                                  In case of IS_LONG we do nothing, it is ok, in case of string, we just need to set current_type.
                                  The actual transformation has been performed several dozens line above.
                                if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp_data) == IS_STRING) {
                                        current_type = MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING;
                                          don't change stmt->param_bind[i].type to MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING
                                          we force convert_to_long_ex in all cases, thus the type will be right in the next switch.
                                          if the type is however not long, then we will do a goto in the next switch.
                                          We want to preserve the original bind type given by the user. Thus, we do these hacks.
                int2store(*p, current_type);
                *p+= 2;
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_calculate_param_values_size */
static enum_func_status
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_calculate_param_values_size(MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt, zval *** copies_param, size_t * data_size TSRMLS_DC)
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < stmt->param_count; i++) {
                unsigned short is_longlong = 0;
                unsigned int j;
                zval *the_var = stmt->param_bind[i].zv;

                if (!the_var || (stmt->param_bind[i].type != MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB && Z_TYPE_P(the_var) == IS_NULL)) {
                for (j = i + 1; j < stmt->param_count; j++) {
                        if (stmt->param_bind[j].zv == the_var) {
                                /* Double binding of the same zval, make a copy */
                                if (!*copies_param || !(*copies_param)[i]) {
                                        if (PASS != mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it(copies_param, the_var, stmt->param_count, i TSRMLS_CC)) {
                                                goto end;

                switch (stmt->param_bind[i].type) {
                        case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
                                *data_size += 8;
                                if (Z_TYPE_P(the_var) != IS_DOUBLE) {
                                        if (!*copies_param || !(*copies_param)[i]) {
                                                if (PASS != mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it(copies_param, the_var, stmt->param_count, i TSRMLS_CC)) {
                                                        goto end;
                        case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG:
                                is_longlong = 4;
                                /* fall-through */
                        case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
                                        zval *tmp_data = (*copies_param && (*copies_param)[i])? (*copies_param)[i]: stmt->param_bind[i].zv;
                                        if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp_data) == IS_STRING) {
                                                goto use_string;
                                *data_size += 4 + is_longlong;
                        case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB:
                                if (!(stmt->param_bind[i].flags & MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND_BLOB_USED)) {
                                          User hasn't sent anything, we will send empty string.
                                          Empty string has length of 0, encoded in 1 byte. No real
                                          data will follows after it.
                        case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING:
                                *data_size += 8; /* max 8 bytes for size */
                                if (Z_TYPE_P(the_var) != IS_STRING) {
                                        if (!*copies_param || !(*copies_param)[i]) {
                                                if (PASS != mysqlnd_stmt_copy_it(copies_param, the_var, stmt->param_count, i TSRMLS_CC)) {
                                                        goto end;
                                        the_var = (*copies_param)[i];
                                *data_size += Z_STRLEN_P(the_var);
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_param_values */
static void
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_param_values(MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt, zval ** copies, zend_uchar * buf, zend_uchar ** p, size_t null_byte_offset)
        unsigned int i;
        for (i = 0; i < stmt->param_count; i++) {
                zval * data = (copies && copies[i])? copies[i]: stmt->param_bind[i].zv;
                /* Handle long data */
                if (stmt->param_bind[i].zv && Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_NULL) {
                        (buf + null_byte_offset)[i/8] |= (zend_uchar) (1 << (i & 7));
                } else {
                        switch (stmt->param_bind[i].type) {
                                case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
                                        float8store(*p, Z_DVAL_P(data));
                                        (*p) += 8;
                                case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG:
                                        if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
                                                goto send_string;
                                        /* data has alreade been converted to long */
                                        int8store(*p, Z_LVAL_P(data));
                                        (*p) += 8;
                                case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
                                        if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
                                                goto send_string;
                                        /* data has alreade been converted to long */
                                        int4store(*p, Z_LVAL_P(data));
                                        (*p) += 4;
                                case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB:
                                        if (stmt->param_bind[i].flags & MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND_BLOB_USED) {
                                                stmt->param_bind[i].flags &= ~MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND_BLOB_USED;
                                        } else {
                                                /* send_long_data() not called, send empty string */
                                                *p = php_mysqlnd_net_store_length(*p, 0);
                                case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING:
                                                size_t len = Z_STRLEN_P(data);
                                                /* to is after p. The latter hasn't been moved */
                                                *p = php_mysqlnd_net_store_length(*p, len);
                                                memcpy(*p, Z_STRVAL_P(data), len);
                                                (*p) += len;
                                        /* Won't happen, but set to NULL */
                                        (buf + null_byte_offset)[i/8] |= (zend_uchar) (1 << (i & 7));
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_params */
static enum_func_status
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_params(MYSQLND_STMT * s, zend_uchar **buf, zend_uchar **p, size_t *buf_len  TSRMLS_DC)
        MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt = s->data;
        unsigned int i = 0;
        zend_uchar * provided_buffer = *buf;
        size_t data_size = 0;
        zval **copies = NULL;/* if there are different types */
        enum_func_status ret = FAIL;
        int resend_types_next_time = 0;
        size_t null_byte_offset;


                unsigned int null_count = (stmt->param_count + 7) / 8;
                if (FAIL == mysqlnd_stmt_execute_check_n_enlarge_buffer(buf, p, buf_len, provided_buffer, null_count TSRMLS_CC)) {
                        goto end;
                /* put `null` bytes */
                null_byte_offset = *p - *buf;
                memset(*p, 0, null_count);
                *p += null_count;

/* 1. Store type information */
          check if need to send the types even if stmt->send_types_to_server is 0. This is because
          if we send "i" (42) then the type will be int and the server will expect int. However, if next
          time we try to send > LONG_MAX, the conversion to string will send a string and the server
          won't expect it and interpret the value as 0. Thus we need to resend the types, if any such values
          occur, and force resend for the next execution.
        if (FAIL == mysqlnd_stmt_execute_prepare_param_types(stmt, &copies, &resend_types_next_time TSRMLS_CC)) {
                goto end;

        int1store(*p, stmt->send_types_to_server);

        if (stmt->send_types_to_server) {
                if (FAIL == mysqlnd_stmt_execute_check_n_enlarge_buffer(buf, p, buf_len, provided_buffer, stmt->param_count * 2 TSRMLS_CC)) {
                        goto end;
                mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_types(stmt, copies, p);

        stmt->send_types_to_server = resend_types_next_time;

/* 2. Store data */
        /* 2.1 Calculate how much space we need */
        if (FAIL == mysqlnd_stmt_execute_calculate_param_values_size(stmt, &copies, &data_size TSRMLS_CC)) {
                goto end;

        /* 2.2 Enlarge the buffer, if needed */
        if (FAIL == mysqlnd_stmt_execute_check_n_enlarge_buffer(buf, p, buf_len, provided_buffer, data_size TSRMLS_CC)) {
                goto end;

        /* 2.3 Store the actual data */
        mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_param_values(stmt, copies, *buf, p, null_byte_offset);

        ret = PASS;
        mysqlnd_stmt_free_copies(stmt, copies TSRMLS_CC);

        DBG_INF_FMT("ret=%s", ret == PASS? "PASS":"FAIL");
/* }}} */

/* {{{ mysqlnd_stmt_execute_generate_request */
mysqlnd_stmt_execute_generate_request(MYSQLND_STMT * const s, zend_uchar ** request, size_t *request_len, zend_bool * free_buffer TSRMLS_DC)
        MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * stmt = s->data;
        zend_uchar      *p = stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.buffer,
                                *cmd_buffer = stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.buffer;
        size_t cmd_buffer_length = stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.length;
        enum_func_status ret;


        int4store(p, stmt->stmt_id);
        p += 4;

        /* flags is 4 bytes, we store just 1 */
        int1store(p, (zend_uchar) stmt->flags);

        /* Make it all zero */
        int4store(p, 0); 

        int1store(p, 1); /* and send 1 for iteration count */
        p+= 4;

        ret = mysqlnd_stmt_execute_store_params(s, &cmd_buffer, &p, &cmd_buffer_length TSRMLS_CC);

        *free_buffer = (cmd_buffer != stmt->execute_cmd_buffer.buffer);
        *request_len = (p - cmd_buffer);
        *request = cmd_buffer;
        DBG_INF_FMT("ret=%s", ret == PASS? "PASS":"FAIL");
/* }}} */

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