
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. fpm_conf_is_dir
  2. fpm_conf_expand_pool_name
  3. fpm_conf_set_boolean
  4. fpm_conf_set_string
  5. fpm_conf_set_integer
  6. fpm_conf_set_long
  7. fpm_conf_set_time
  8. fpm_conf_set_log_level
  9. fpm_conf_set_syslog_facility
  10. fpm_conf_set_rlimit_core
  11. fpm_conf_set_pm
  12. fpm_conf_set_array
  13. fpm_worker_pool_config_alloc
  14. fpm_worker_pool_config_free
  15. fpm_evaluate_full_path
  16. fpm_conf_process_all_pools
  17. fpm_conf_unlink_pid
  18. fpm_conf_write_pid
  19. fpm_conf_post_process
  20. fpm_conf_cleanup
  21. fpm_conf_ini_parser_include
  22. fpm_conf_ini_parser_section
  23. fpm_conf_ini_parser_entry
  24. fpm_conf_ini_parser_array
  25. fpm_conf_ini_parser
  26. fpm_conf_load_ini_file
  27. fpm_conf_dump
  28. fpm_conf_init_main

        /* $Id: fpm_conf.c,v 2008/12/13 03:50:29 anight Exp $ */
        /* (c) 2007,2008 Andrei Nigmatulin */

#include "fpm_config.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <stdint.h>
#ifdef HAVE_GLOB
# ifndef PHP_WIN32
#  include <glob.h>
# else
#  include "win32/glob.h"
# endif

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "php.h"
#include "zend_ini_scanner.h"
#include "zend_globals.h"
#include "zend_stream.h"
#include "php_syslog.h"

#include "fpm.h"
#include "fpm_conf.h"
#include "fpm_stdio.h"
#include "fpm_worker_pool.h"
#include "fpm_cleanup.h"
#include "fpm_php.h"
#include "fpm_sockets.h"
#include "fpm_shm.h"
#include "fpm_status.h"
#include "fpm_log.h"
#include "fpm_events.h"
#include "zlog.h"
#include "fpm_systemd.h"

#define STR2STR(a) (a ? a : "undefined")
#define BOOL2STR(a) (a ? "yes" : "no")
#define GO(field) offsetof(struct fpm_global_config_s, field)
#define WPO(field) offsetof(struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s, field)

static int fpm_conf_load_ini_file(char *filename TSRMLS_DC);
static char *fpm_conf_set_integer(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
#if 0 /* not used for now */
static char *fpm_conf_set_long(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_time(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_boolean(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_string(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_log_level(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_rlimit_core(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_pm(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);
static char *fpm_conf_set_syslog_facility(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset);

struct fpm_global_config_s fpm_global_config = {
        .daemonize = 1,
        .syslog_facility = -1,
        .process_max = 0,
        .process_priority = 64, /* 64 means unset */
        .systemd_watchdog = 0,
        .systemd_interval = -1, /* -1 means not set */
static struct fpm_worker_pool_s *current_wp = NULL;
static int ini_recursion = 0;
static char *ini_filename = NULL;
static int ini_lineno = 0;
static char *ini_include = NULL;

 * Please keep the same order as in fpm_conf.h and in
static struct ini_value_parser_s ini_fpm_global_options[] = {
        { "pid",                         &fpm_conf_set_string,          GO(pid_file) },
        { "error_log",                   &fpm_conf_set_string,          GO(error_log) },
        { "syslog.ident",                &fpm_conf_set_string,          GO(syslog_ident) },
        { "syslog.facility",             &fpm_conf_set_syslog_facility, GO(syslog_facility) },
        { "log_level",                   &fpm_conf_set_log_level,       GO(log_level) },
        { "emergency_restart_threshold", &fpm_conf_set_integer,         GO(emergency_restart_threshold) },
        { "emergency_restart_interval",  &fpm_conf_set_time,            GO(emergency_restart_interval) },
        { "process_control_timeout",     &fpm_conf_set_time,            GO(process_control_timeout) },
        { "process.max",                 &fpm_conf_set_integer,         GO(process_max) },
        { "process.priority",            &fpm_conf_set_integer,         GO(process_priority) },
        { "daemonize",                   &fpm_conf_set_boolean,         GO(daemonize) },
        { "rlimit_files",                &fpm_conf_set_integer,         GO(rlimit_files) },
        { "rlimit_core",                 &fpm_conf_set_rlimit_core,     GO(rlimit_core) },
        { "events.mechanism",            &fpm_conf_set_string,          GO(events_mechanism) },
        { "systemd_interval",            &fpm_conf_set_time,            GO(systemd_interval) },
        { 0, 0, 0 }

 * Please keep the same order as in fpm_conf.h and in
static struct ini_value_parser_s ini_fpm_pool_options[] = {
        { "prefix",                    &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(prefix) },
        { "user",                      &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(user) },
        { "group",                     &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(group) },
        { "listen",                    &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_address) },
        { "listen.backlog",            &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(listen_backlog) },
        { "listen.acl_users",          &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_acl_users) },
        { "listen.acl_groups",         &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_acl_groups) },
        { "listen.owner",              &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_owner) },
        { "",              &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_group) },
        { "listen.mode",               &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_mode) },
        { "listen.allowed_clients",    &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(listen_allowed_clients) },
        { "process.priority",          &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(process_priority) },
        { "pm",                        &fpm_conf_set_pm,          WPO(pm) },
        { "pm.max_children",           &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(pm_max_children) },
        { "pm.start_servers",          &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(pm_start_servers) },
        { "pm.min_spare_servers",      &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(pm_min_spare_servers) },
        { "pm.max_spare_servers",      &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(pm_max_spare_servers) },
        { "pm.process_idle_timeout",   &fpm_conf_set_time,        WPO(pm_process_idle_timeout) },
        { "pm.max_requests",           &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(pm_max_requests) },
        { "pm.status_path",            &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(pm_status_path) },
        { "ping.path",                 &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(ping_path) },
        { "ping.response",             &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(ping_response) },
        { "access.log",                &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(access_log) },
        { "access.format",             &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(access_format) },
        { "slowlog",                   &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(slowlog) },
        { "request_slowlog_timeout",   &fpm_conf_set_time,        WPO(request_slowlog_timeout) },
        { "request_terminate_timeout", &fpm_conf_set_time,        WPO(request_terminate_timeout) },
        { "rlimit_files",              &fpm_conf_set_integer,     WPO(rlimit_files) },
        { "rlimit_core",               &fpm_conf_set_rlimit_core, WPO(rlimit_core) },
        { "chroot",                    &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(chroot) },
        { "chdir",                     &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(chdir) },
        { "catch_workers_output",      &fpm_conf_set_boolean,     WPO(catch_workers_output) },
        { "clear_env",                 &fpm_conf_set_boolean,     WPO(clear_env) },
        { "security.limit_extensions", &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(security_limit_extensions) },
        { "apparmor_hat",              &fpm_conf_set_string,      WPO(apparmor_hat) },
        { 0, 0, 0 }

static int fpm_conf_is_dir(char *path) /* {{{ */
        struct stat sb;

        if (stat(path, &sb) != 0) {
                return 0;

        return (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR;
/* }}} */

 * Expands the '$pool' token in a dynamically allocated string
static int fpm_conf_expand_pool_name(char **value) {
        char *token;

        if (!value || !*value) {
                return 0;

        while (*value && (token = strstr(*value, "$pool"))) {
                char *buf;
                char *p2 = token + strlen("$pool");

                /* If we are not in a pool, we cannot expand this name now */
                if (!current_wp || !current_wp->config  || !current_wp->config->name) {
                        return -1;

                /* "aaa$poolbbb" becomes "aaa\0oolbbb" */
                token[0] = '\0';

                /* Build a brand new string with the expanded token */
                spprintf(&buf, 0, "%s%s%s", *value, current_wp->config->name, p2);

                /* Free the previous value and save the new one */
                *value = strdup(buf);

        return 0;

static char *fpm_conf_set_boolean(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        long value_y = !strcasecmp(val, "1");
        long value_n = !strcasecmp(val, "");

        if (!value_y && !value_n) {
                return "invalid boolean value";

        * (int *) ((char *) *config + offset) = value_y ? 1 : 0;
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_string(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char **config_val = (char **) ((char *) *config + offset);

        if (!config_val) {
                return "internal error: NULL value";

        /* Check if there is a previous value to deallocate */
        if (*config_val) {

        *config_val = strdup(Z_STRVAL_P(value));
        if (!*config_val) {
                return "fpm_conf_set_string(): strdup() failed";
        if (fpm_conf_expand_pool_name(config_val) == -1) {
                return "Can't use '$pool' when the pool is not defined";

        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_integer(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        char *p;

        /* we don't use strtol because we don't want to allow negative values */
        for (p = val; *p; p++) {
                if (p == val && *p == '-') continue;
                if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') {
                        return "is not a valid number (greater or equal than zero)";
        * (int *) ((char *) *config + offset) = atoi(val);
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

#if 0 /* not used for now */
static char *fpm_conf_set_long(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        char *p;

        for (p = val; *p; p++) {
                if ( p == val && *p == '-' ) continue;
                if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') {
                        return "is not a valid number (greater or equal than zero)";
        * (long int *) ((char *) *config + offset) = atol(val);
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_time(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        int len = strlen(val);
        char suffix;
        int seconds;
        if (!len) {
                return "invalid time value";

        suffix = val[len-1];
        switch (suffix) {
                case 'm' :
                        val[len-1] = '\0';
                        seconds = 60 * atoi(val);
                case 'h' :
                        val[len-1] = '\0';
                        seconds = 60 * 60 * atoi(val);
                case 'd' :
                        val[len-1] = '\0';
                        seconds = 24 * 60 * 60 * atoi(val);
                case 's' : /* s is the default suffix */
                        val[len-1] = '\0';
                        suffix = '0';
                default :
                        if (suffix < '0' || suffix > '9') {
                                return "unknown suffix used in time value";
                        seconds = atoi(val);

        * (int *) ((char *) *config + offset) = seconds;
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_log_level(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        int log_level;

        if (!strcasecmp(val, "debug")) {
                log_level = ZLOG_DEBUG;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "notice")) {
                log_level = ZLOG_NOTICE;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "warning") || !strcasecmp(val, "warn")) {
                log_level = ZLOG_WARNING;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "error")) {
                log_level = ZLOG_ERROR;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "alert")) {
                log_level = ZLOG_ALERT;
        } else {
                return "invalid value for 'log_level'";

        * (int *) ((char *) *config + offset) = log_level;
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_syslog_facility(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        int *conf = (int *) ((char *) *config + offset);

#ifdef LOG_AUTH
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "AUTH")) {
                *conf = LOG_AUTH;
                return NULL;

        if (!strcasecmp(val, "AUTHPRIV")) {
                *conf = LOG_AUTHPRIV;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_CRON
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "CRON")) {
                *conf = LOG_CRON;
                return NULL;

        if (!strcasecmp(val, "DAEMON")) {
                *conf = LOG_DAEMON;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_FTP
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "FTP")) {
                *conf = LOG_FTP;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_KERN
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "KERN")) {
                *conf = LOG_KERN;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LPR
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LPR")) {
                *conf = LOG_LPR;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_MAIL
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "MAIL")) {
                *conf = LOG_MAIL;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_NEWS
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "NEWS")) {
                *conf = LOG_NEWS;
                return NULL;

        if (!strcasecmp(val, "SYSLOG")) {
                *conf = LOG_SYSLOG;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_USER
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "USER")) {
                *conf = LOG_USER;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_UUCP
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "UUCP")) {
                *conf = LOG_UUCP;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL0
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL0")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL0;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL1
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL1")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL1;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL2
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL2")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL2;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL3
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL3")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL3;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL4
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL4")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL4;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL5
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL5")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL5;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL6
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL6")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL6;
                return NULL;

#ifdef LOG_LOCAL7
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "LOCAL7")) {
                *conf = LOG_LOCAL7;
                return NULL;

        return "invalid value";
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_rlimit_core(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        int *ptr = (int *) ((char *) *config + offset);

        if (!strcasecmp(val, "unlimited")) {
                *ptr = -1;
        } else {
                int int_value;
                void *subconf = &int_value;
                char *error;

                error = fpm_conf_set_integer(value, &subconf, 0);

                if (error) { 
                        return error;

                if (int_value < 0) {
                        return "must be greater than zero or 'unlimited'";

                *ptr = int_value;

        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_pm(zval *value, void **config, intptr_t offset) /* {{{ */
        char *val = Z_STRVAL_P(value);
        struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s  *c = *config;
        if (!strcasecmp(val, "static")) {
                c->pm = PM_STYLE_STATIC;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "dynamic")) {
                c->pm = PM_STYLE_DYNAMIC;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(val, "ondemand")) {
                c->pm = PM_STYLE_ONDEMAND;
        } else {
                return "invalid process manager (static, dynamic or ondemand)";
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static char *fpm_conf_set_array(zval *key, zval *value, void **config, int convert_to_bool) /* {{{ */
        struct key_value_s *kv;
        struct key_value_s ***parent = (struct key_value_s ***) config;
        int b;
        void *subconf = &b;

        kv = malloc(sizeof(*kv));

        if (!kv) {
                return "malloc() failed";

        memset(kv, 0, sizeof(*kv));
        kv->key = strdup(Z_STRVAL_P(key));

        if (!kv->key) {
                return "fpm_conf_set_array: strdup(key) failed";

        if (convert_to_bool) {
                char *err = fpm_conf_set_boolean(value, &subconf, 0);
                if (err) {
                        return err;
                kv->value = strdup(b ? "1" : "0");
        } else {
                kv->value = strdup(Z_STRVAL_P(value));
                if (fpm_conf_expand_pool_name(&kv->value) == -1) {
                        return "Can't use '$pool' when the pool is not defined";

        if (!kv->value) {
                return "fpm_conf_set_array: strdup(value) failed";

        kv->next = **parent;
        **parent = kv;
        return NULL;
/* }}} */

static void *fpm_worker_pool_config_alloc() /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;

        wp = fpm_worker_pool_alloc();

        if (!wp) {
                return 0;

        wp->config = malloc(sizeof(struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s));

        if (!wp->config) { 
                return 0;

        memset(wp->config, 0, sizeof(struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s));
        wp->config->listen_backlog = FPM_BACKLOG_DEFAULT;
        wp->config->pm_process_idle_timeout = 10; /* 10s by default */
        wp->config->process_priority = 64; /* 64 means unset */
        wp->config->clear_env = 1;

        if (!fpm_worker_all_pools) {
                fpm_worker_all_pools = wp;
        } else {
                struct fpm_worker_pool_s *tmp = fpm_worker_all_pools;
                while (tmp) {
                        if (!tmp->next) {
                                tmp->next = wp;
                        tmp = tmp->next;

        current_wp = wp;
        return wp->config;
/* }}} */

int fpm_worker_pool_config_free(struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s *wpc) /* {{{ */
        struct key_value_s *kv, *kv_next;


        for (kv = wpc->php_values; kv; kv = kv_next) {
                kv_next = kv->next;
        for (kv = wpc->php_admin_values; kv; kv = kv_next) {
                kv_next = kv->next;
        for (kv = wpc->env; kv; kv = kv_next) {
                kv_next = kv->next;

        return 0;
/* }}} */

static int fpm_evaluate_full_path(char **path, struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp, char *default_prefix, int expand) /* {{{ */
        char *prefix = NULL;
        char *full_path;

        if (!path || !*path || **path == '/') {
                return 0;

        if (wp && wp->config) {
                prefix = wp->config->prefix;

        /* if the wp prefix is not set */
        if (prefix == NULL) {
                prefix = fpm_globals.prefix;

        /* if the global prefix is not set */
        if (prefix == NULL) {
                prefix = default_prefix ? default_prefix : PHP_PREFIX;

        if (expand) {
                char *tmp;
                tmp = strstr(*path, "$prefix");
                if (tmp != NULL) {

                        if (tmp != *path) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "'$prefix' must be use at the beginning of the value");
                                return -1;

                        if (strlen(*path) > strlen("$prefix")) {
                                tmp = strdup((*path) + strlen("$prefix"));
                                *path = tmp;
                        } else {
                                *path = NULL;

        if (*path) {
                spprintf(&full_path, 0, "%s/%s", prefix, *path);
                *path = strdup(full_path);
        } else {
                *path = strdup(prefix);

        if (**path != '/' && wp != NULL && wp->config) {
                return fpm_evaluate_full_path(path, NULL, default_prefix, expand);
        return 0;
/* }}} */

static int fpm_conf_process_all_pools() /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp, *wp2;

        if (!fpm_worker_all_pools) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "No pool defined. at least one pool section must be specified in config file");
                return -1;

        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {

                /* prefix */
                if (wp->config->prefix && *wp->config->prefix) {
                        fpm_evaluate_full_path(&wp->config->prefix, NULL, NULL, 0);

                        if (!fpm_conf_is_dir(wp->config->prefix)) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the prefix '%s' does not exist or is not a directory", wp->config->name, wp->config->prefix);
                                return -1;

                /* alert if user is not set only if we are not root*/
                if (!wp->config->user && !geteuid()) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] user has not been defined", wp->config->name);
                        return -1;

                /* listen */
                if (wp->config->listen_address && *wp->config->listen_address) {
                        wp->listen_address_domain = fpm_sockets_domain_from_address(wp->config->listen_address);

                        if (wp->listen_address_domain == FPM_AF_UNIX && *wp->config->listen_address != '/') {
                                fpm_evaluate_full_path(&wp->config->listen_address, wp, NULL, 0);
                } else {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] no listen address have been defined!", wp->config->name);
                        return -1;

                if (wp->config->process_priority != 64 && (wp->config->process_priority < -19 || wp->config->process_priority > 20)) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] process.priority must be included into [-19,20]", wp->config->name);
                        return -1;

                /* pm */
                if (wp->config->pm != PM_STYLE_STATIC && wp->config->pm != PM_STYLE_DYNAMIC && wp->config->pm != PM_STYLE_ONDEMAND) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] the process manager is missing (static, dynamic or ondemand)", wp->config->name);
                        return -1;

                /* pm.max_children */
                if (wp->config->pm_max_children < 1) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.max_children must be a positive value", wp->config->name);
                        return -1;

                /* pm.start_servers, pm.min_spare_servers, pm.max_spare_servers */
                if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_DYNAMIC) {
                        struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s *config = wp->config;

                        if (config->pm_min_spare_servers <= 0) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.min_spare_servers(%d) must be a positive value", wp->config->name, config->pm_min_spare_servers);
                                return -1;

                        if (config->pm_max_spare_servers <= 0) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.max_spare_servers(%d) must be a positive value", wp->config->name, config->pm_max_spare_servers);
                                return -1;

                        if (config->pm_min_spare_servers > config->pm_max_children ||
                                        config->pm_max_spare_servers > config->pm_max_children) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.min_spare_servers(%d) and pm.max_spare_servers(%d) cannot be greater than pm.max_children(%d)", wp->config->name, config->pm_min_spare_servers, config->pm_max_spare_servers, config->pm_max_children);
                                return -1;

                        if (config->pm_max_spare_servers < config->pm_min_spare_servers) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.max_spare_servers(%d) must not be less than pm.min_spare_servers(%d)", wp->config->name, config->pm_max_spare_servers, config->pm_min_spare_servers);
                                return -1;

                        if (config->pm_start_servers <= 0) {
                                config->pm_start_servers = config->pm_min_spare_servers + ((config->pm_max_spare_servers - config->pm_min_spare_servers) / 2);
                                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "[pool %s] pm.start_servers is not set. It's been set to %d.", wp->config->name, config->pm_start_servers);

                        } else if (config->pm_start_servers < config->pm_min_spare_servers || config->pm_start_servers > config->pm_max_spare_servers) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.start_servers(%d) must not be less than pm.min_spare_servers(%d) and not greater than pm.max_spare_servers(%d)", wp->config->name, config->pm_start_servers, config->pm_min_spare_servers, config->pm_max_spare_servers);
                                return -1;
                } else if (wp->config->pm == PM_STYLE_ONDEMAND) {
                        struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s *config = wp->config;

                        if (!fpm_event_support_edge_trigger()) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] ondemand process manager can ONLY be used when events.mechanisme is either epoll (Linux) or kqueue (*BSD).", wp->config->name);
                                return -1;

                        if (config->pm_process_idle_timeout < 1) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ALERT, "[pool %s] pm.process_idle_timeout(%ds) must be greater than 0s", wp->config->name, config->pm_process_idle_timeout);
                                return -1;

                        if (config->listen_backlog < FPM_BACKLOG_DEFAULT) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "[pool %s] listen.backlog(%d) was too low for the ondemand process manager. I updated it for you to %d.", wp->config->name, config->listen_backlog, FPM_BACKLOG_DEFAULT);
                                config->listen_backlog = FPM_BACKLOG_DEFAULT;

                        /* certainely useless but proper */
                        config->pm_start_servers = 0;
                        config->pm_min_spare_servers = 0;
                        config->pm_max_spare_servers = 0;

                /* status */
                if (wp->config->pm_status_path && *wp->config->pm_status_path) {
                        int i;
                        char *status = wp->config->pm_status_path;

                        if (*status != '/') {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the status path '%s' must start with a '/'", wp->config->name, status);
                                return -1;

                        if (strlen(status) < 2) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the status path '%s' is not long enough", wp->config->name, status);
                                return -1;

                        for (i = 0; i < strlen(status); i++) {
                                if (!isalnum(status[i]) && status[i] != '/' && status[i] != '-' && status[i] != '_' && status[i] != '.') {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the status path '%s' must contain only the following characters '[alphanum]/_-.'", wp->config->name, status);
                                        return -1;

                /* ping */
                if (wp->config->ping_path && *wp->config->ping_path) {
                        char *ping = wp->config->ping_path;
                        int i;

                        if (*ping != '/') {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the ping path '%s' must start with a '/'", wp->config->name, ping);
                                return -1;

                        if (strlen(ping) < 2) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the ping path '%s' is not long enough", wp->config->name, ping);
                                return -1;

                        for (i = 0; i < strlen(ping); i++) {
                                if (!isalnum(ping[i]) && ping[i] != '/' && ping[i] != '-' && ping[i] != '_' && ping[i] != '.') {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the ping path '%s' must containt only the following characters '[alphanum]/_-.'", wp->config->name, ping);
                                        return -1;

                        if (!wp->config->ping_response) {
                                wp->config->ping_response = strdup("pong");
                        } else {
                                if (strlen(wp->config->ping_response) < 1) {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the ping response page '%s' is not long enough", wp->config->name, wp->config->ping_response);
                                        return -1;
                } else {
                        if (wp->config->ping_response) {
                                wp->config->ping_response = NULL;

                /* access.log, access.format */
                if (wp->config->access_log && *wp->config->access_log) {
                        fpm_evaluate_full_path(&wp->config->access_log, wp, NULL, 0);
                        if (!wp->config->access_format) {
                                wp->config->access_format = strdup("%R - %u %t \"%m %r\" %s");

                if (wp->config->request_terminate_timeout) {
                        fpm_globals.heartbeat = fpm_globals.heartbeat ? MIN(fpm_globals.heartbeat, (wp->config->request_terminate_timeout * 1000) / 3) : (wp->config->request_terminate_timeout * 1000) / 3;

                /* slowlog */
                if (wp->config->slowlog && *wp->config->slowlog) {
                        fpm_evaluate_full_path(&wp->config->slowlog, wp, NULL, 0);

                /* request_slowlog_timeout */
                if (wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout) {
                        if (! (wp->config->slowlog && *wp->config->slowlog)) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] 'slowlog' must be specified for use with 'request_slowlog_timeout'", wp->config->name);
                                return -1;
                        static int warned = 0;

                        if (!warned) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "[pool %s] 'request_slowlog_timeout' is not supported on your system",       wp->config->name);
                                warned = 1;

                        wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout = 0;

                        if (wp->config->slowlog && *wp->config->slowlog) {
                                int fd;

                                fd = open(wp->config->slowlog, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);

                                if (0 > fd) {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "Unable to create or open slowlog(%s)", wp->config->slowlog);
                                        return -1;

                        fpm_globals.heartbeat = fpm_globals.heartbeat ? MIN(fpm_globals.heartbeat, (wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout * 1000) / 3) : (wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout * 1000) / 3;

                        if (wp->config->request_terminate_timeout && wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout > wp->config->request_terminate_timeout) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] 'request_slowlog_timeout' (%d) can't be greater than 'request_terminate_timeout' (%d)", wp->config->name, wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout, wp->config->request_terminate_timeout);
                                return -1;

                /* chroot */
                if (wp->config->chroot && *wp->config->chroot) {

                        fpm_evaluate_full_path(&wp->config->chroot, wp, NULL, 1);

                        if (*wp->config->chroot != '/') {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the chroot path '%s' must start with a '/'", wp->config->name, wp->config->chroot);
                                return -1;

                        if (!fpm_conf_is_dir(wp->config->chroot)) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the chroot path '%s' does not exist or is not a directory", wp->config->name, wp->config->chroot);
                                return -1;

                /* chdir */
                if (wp->config->chdir && *wp->config->chdir) {

                        fpm_evaluate_full_path(&wp->config->chdir, wp, NULL, 0);

                        if (*wp->config->chdir != '/') {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the chdir path '%s' must start with a '/'", wp->config->name, wp->config->chdir);
                                return -1;

                        if (wp->config->chroot) {
                                char *buf;

                                spprintf(&buf, 0, "%s/%s", wp->config->chroot, wp->config->chdir);

                                if (!fpm_conf_is_dir(buf)) {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the chdir path '%s' within the chroot path '%s' ('%s') does not exist or is not a directory", wp->config->name, wp->config->chdir, wp->config->chroot, buf);
                                        return -1;

                        } else {
                                if (!fpm_conf_is_dir(wp->config->chdir)) {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] the chdir path '%s' does not exist or is not a directory", wp->config->name, wp->config->chdir);
                                        return -1;

                /* security.limit_extensions */
                if (!wp->config->security_limit_extensions) {
                        wp->config->security_limit_extensions = strdup(".php .phar");

                if (*wp->config->security_limit_extensions) {
                        int nb_ext;
                        char *ext;
                        char *security_limit_extensions;
                        char *limit_extensions;

                        /* strdup because strtok(3) alters the string it parses */
                        security_limit_extensions = strdup(wp->config->security_limit_extensions);
                        limit_extensions = security_limit_extensions;
                        nb_ext = 0;

                        /* find the number of extensions */
                        while (strtok(limit_extensions, " \t")) {
                                limit_extensions = NULL;

                        /* if something found */
                        if (nb_ext > 0) {

                                /* malloc the extension array */
                                wp->limit_extensions = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nb_ext + 1));
                                if (!wp->limit_extensions) {
                                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] unable to malloc extensions array", wp->config->name);
                                        return -1;

                                /* strdup because strtok(3) alters the string it parses */
                                security_limit_extensions = strdup(wp->config->security_limit_extensions);
                                limit_extensions = security_limit_extensions;
                                nb_ext = 0;

                                /* parse the string and save the extension in the array */
                                while ((ext = strtok(limit_extensions, " \t"))) {
                                        limit_extensions = NULL;
                                        wp->limit_extensions[nb_ext++] = strdup(ext);

                                /* end the array with NULL in order to parse it */
                                wp->limit_extensions[nb_ext] = NULL;

                /* env[], php_value[], php_admin_values[] */
                if (!wp->config->chroot) {
                        struct key_value_s *kv;
                        char *options[] = FPM_PHP_INI_TO_EXPAND;
                        char **p;

                        for (kv = wp->config->php_values; kv; kv = kv->next) {
                                for (p = options; *p; p++) {
                                        if (!strcasecmp(kv->key, *p)) {
                                                fpm_evaluate_full_path(&kv->value, wp, NULL, 0);
                        for (kv = wp->config->php_admin_values; kv; kv = kv->next) {
                                if (!strcasecmp(kv->key, "error_log") && !strcasecmp(kv->value, "syslog")) {
                                for (p = options; *p; p++) {
                                        if (!strcasecmp(kv->key, *p)) {
                                                fpm_evaluate_full_path(&kv->value, wp, NULL, 0);

        /* ensure 2 pools do not use the same listening address */
        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {
                for (wp2 = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp2; wp2 = wp2->next) {
                        if (wp == wp2) {

                        if (wp->config->listen_address && *wp->config->listen_address && wp2->config->listen_address && *wp2->config->listen_address && !strcmp(wp->config->listen_address, wp2->config->listen_address)) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] unable to set listen address as it's already used in another pool '%s'", wp2->config->name, wp->config->name);
                                return -1;
        return 0;
/* }}} */

int fpm_conf_unlink_pid() /* {{{ */
        if (fpm_global_config.pid_file) {
                if (0 > unlink(fpm_global_config.pid_file)) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "Unable to remove the PID file (%s).", fpm_global_config.pid_file);
                        return -1;
        return 0;
/* }}} */

int fpm_conf_write_pid() /* {{{ */
        int fd;

        if (fpm_global_config.pid_file) {
                char buf[64];
                int len;

                fd = creat(fpm_global_config.pid_file, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);

                if (fd < 0) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "Unable to create the PID file (%s).", fpm_global_config.pid_file);
                        return -1;

                len = sprintf(buf, "%d", (int) fpm_globals.parent_pid);

                if (len != write(fd, buf, len)) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "Unable to write to the PID file.");
                        return -1;
        return 0;
/* }}} */

static int fpm_conf_post_process(int force_daemon TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;

        if (fpm_global_config.pid_file) {
                fpm_evaluate_full_path(&fpm_global_config.pid_file, NULL, PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR, 0);

        if (force_daemon >= 0) {
                /* forced from command line options */
                fpm_global_config.daemonize = force_daemon;

        fpm_globals.log_level = fpm_global_config.log_level;

        if (fpm_global_config.process_max < 0) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "process_max can't be negative");
                return -1;

        if (fpm_global_config.process_priority != 64 && (fpm_global_config.process_priority < -19 || fpm_global_config.process_priority > 20)) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "process.priority must be included into [-19,20]");
                return -1;

        if (!fpm_global_config.error_log) {
                fpm_global_config.error_log = strdup("log/php-fpm.log");

        if (0 > fpm_systemd_conf()) {
                return -1;

        if (!fpm_global_config.syslog_ident) {
                fpm_global_config.syslog_ident = strdup("php-fpm");

        if (fpm_global_config.syslog_facility < 0) {
                fpm_global_config.syslog_facility = LOG_DAEMON;

        if (strcasecmp(fpm_global_config.error_log, "syslog") != 0)
                fpm_evaluate_full_path(&fpm_global_config.error_log, NULL, PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR, 0);

        if (0 > fpm_stdio_open_error_log(0)) {
                return -1;

        if (0 > fpm_event_pre_init(fpm_global_config.events_mechanism)) {
                return -1;

        if (0 > fpm_conf_process_all_pools()) {
                return -1;

        if (0 > fpm_log_open(0)) {
                return -1;

        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {
                if (!wp->config->access_log || !*wp->config->access_log) {
                if (0 > fpm_log_write(wp->config->access_format TSRMLS_CC)) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] wrong format for access.format '%s'", wp->config->name, wp->config->access_format);
                        return -1;

        return 0;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_cleanup(int which, void *arg) /* {{{ */
        fpm_global_config.pid_file = 0;
        fpm_global_config.error_log = 0;
        fpm_global_config.syslog_ident = 0;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_ini_parser_include(char *inc, void *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        char *filename;
        int *error = (int *)arg;;
#ifdef HAVE_GLOB
        glob_t g;
        int i;

        if (!inc || !arg) return;
        if (*error) return; /* We got already an error. Switch to the end. */
        spprintf(&filename, 0, "%s", ini_filename); 

#ifdef HAVE_GLOB
                g.gl_offs = 0;
                if ((i = glob(inc, GLOB_ERR | GLOB_MARK, NULL, &g)) != 0) {
                        if (i == GLOB_NOMATCH) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "Nothing matches the include pattern '%s' from %s at line %d.", inc, filename, ini_lineno);
#endif /* GLOB_NOMATCH */
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "Unable to globalize '%s' (ret=%d) from %s at line %d.", inc, i, filename, ini_lineno);
                        *error = 1;

                for (i = 0; i < g.gl_pathc; i++) {
                        int len = strlen(g.gl_pathv[i]);
                        if (len < 1) continue;
                        if (g.gl_pathv[i][len - 1] == '/') continue; /* don't parse directories */
                        if (0 > fpm_conf_load_ini_file(g.gl_pathv[i] TSRMLS_CC)) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "Unable to include %s from %s at line %d", g.gl_pathv[i], filename, ini_lineno);
                                *error = 1;
#else /* HAVE_GLOB */
        if (0 > fpm_conf_load_ini_file(inc TSRMLS_CC)) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "Unable to include %s from %s at line %d", inc, filename, ini_lineno);
                *error = 1;
#endif /* HAVE_GLOB */

/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_ini_parser_section(zval *section, void *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;
        struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s *config;
        int *error = (int *)arg;

        /* switch to global conf */
        if (!strcasecmp(Z_STRVAL_P(section), "global")) {
                current_wp = NULL;

        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {
                if (!wp->config) continue;
                if (!wp->config->name) continue;
                if (!strcasecmp(wp->config->name, Z_STRVAL_P(section))) {
                        /* Found a wp with the same name. Bring it back */
                        current_wp = wp;

        /* it's a new pool */
        config = (struct fpm_worker_pool_config_s *)fpm_worker_pool_config_alloc();
        if (!current_wp || !config) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] Unable to alloc a new WorkerPool for worker '%s'", ini_filename, ini_lineno, Z_STRVAL_P(section));
                *error = 1;
        config->name = strdup(Z_STRVAL_P(section));
        if (!config->name) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] Unable to alloc memory for configuration name for worker '%s'", ini_filename, ini_lineno, Z_STRVAL_P(section));
                *error = 1;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_ini_parser_entry(zval *name, zval *value, void *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        struct ini_value_parser_s *parser;
        void *config = NULL;

        int *error = (int *)arg;
        if (!value) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] value is NULL for a ZEND_INI_PARSER_ENTRY", ini_filename, ini_lineno);
                *error = 1;

        if (!strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(name), "include")) {
                if (ini_include) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] two includes at the same time !", ini_filename, ini_lineno);
                        *error = 1;
                ini_include = strdup(Z_STRVAL_P(value));

        if (!current_wp) { /* we are in the global section */
                parser = ini_fpm_global_options;
                config = &fpm_global_config;
        } else {
                parser = ini_fpm_pool_options;
                config = current_wp->config;

        for (; parser->name; parser++) {
                if (!strcasecmp(parser->name, Z_STRVAL_P(name))) {
                        char *ret;
                        if (!parser->parser) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] the parser for entry '%s' is not defined", ini_filename, ini_lineno, parser->name);
                                *error = 1;

                        ret = parser->parser(value, &config, parser->offset);
                        if (ret) {
                                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] unable to parse value for entry '%s': %s", ini_filename, ini_lineno, parser->name, ret);
                                *error = 1;

                        /* all is good ! */

        /* nothing has been found if we got here */
        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] unknown entry '%s'", ini_filename, ini_lineno, Z_STRVAL_P(name));
        *error = 1;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_ini_parser_array(zval *name, zval *key, zval *value, void *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        int *error = (int *)arg;
        char *err = NULL;
        void *config;

        if (!Z_STRVAL_P(key) || !Z_STRVAL_P(value) || !*Z_STRVAL_P(key)) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] Misspelled  array ?", ini_filename, ini_lineno);
                *error = 1;
        if (!current_wp || !current_wp->config) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] Array are not allowed in the global section", ini_filename, ini_lineno);
                *error = 1;

        if (!strcmp("env", Z_STRVAL_P(name))) {
                if (!*Z_STRVAL_P(value)) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] empty value", ini_filename, ini_lineno);
                        *error = 1;
                config = (char *)current_wp->config + WPO(env);
                err = fpm_conf_set_array(key, value, &config, 0);

        } else if (!strcmp("php_value", Z_STRVAL_P(name))) {
                config = (char *)current_wp->config + WPO(php_values);
                err = fpm_conf_set_array(key, value, &config, 0);

        } else if (!strcmp("php_admin_value", Z_STRVAL_P(name))) {
                config = (char *)current_wp->config + WPO(php_admin_values);
                err = fpm_conf_set_array(key, value, &config, 0);

        } else if (!strcmp("php_flag", Z_STRVAL_P(name))) {
                config = (char *)current_wp->config + WPO(php_values);
                err = fpm_conf_set_array(key, value, &config, 1);

        } else if (!strcmp("php_admin_flag", Z_STRVAL_P(name))) {
                config = (char *)current_wp->config + WPO(php_admin_values);
                err = fpm_conf_set_array(key, value, &config, 1);

        } else {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] unknown directive '%s'", ini_filename, ini_lineno, Z_STRVAL_P(name));
                *error = 1;

        if (err) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] error while parsing '%s[%s]' : %s", ini_filename, ini_lineno, Z_STRVAL_P(name), Z_STRVAL_P(key), err);
                *error = 1;
/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_ini_parser(zval *arg1, zval *arg2, zval *arg3, int callback_type, void *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        int *error;

        if (!arg1 || !arg) return;
        error = (int *)arg;
        if (*error) return; /* We got already an error. Switch to the end. */

        switch(callback_type) {
                case ZEND_INI_PARSER_ENTRY:
                        fpm_conf_ini_parser_entry(arg1, arg2, error TSRMLS_CC);
                case ZEND_INI_PARSER_SECTION:
                        fpm_conf_ini_parser_section(arg1, error TSRMLS_CC);
                case ZEND_INI_PARSER_POP_ENTRY:
                        fpm_conf_ini_parser_array(arg1, arg3, arg2, error TSRMLS_CC);
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[%s:%d] Unknown INI syntax", ini_filename, ini_lineno);
                        *error = 1;
/* }}} */

int fpm_conf_load_ini_file(char *filename TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        int error = 0;
        char buf[1024+1];
        int fd, n;
        int nb_read = 1;
        char c = '*';

        int ret = 1;

        if (!filename || !filename[0]) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "configuration filename is empty");
                return -1;

        fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
        if (fd < 0) {
                zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "failed to open configuration file '%s'", filename);
                return -1;

        if (ini_recursion++ > 4) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "failed to include more than 5 files recusively");
                return -1;

        ini_lineno = 0;
        while (nb_read > 0) {
                int tmp;
                memset(buf, 0, sizeof(char) * (1024 + 1));
                for (n = 0; n < 1024 && (nb_read = read(fd, &c, sizeof(char))) == sizeof(char) && c != '\n'; n++) {
                        buf[n] = c;
                buf[n++] = '\n';
                ini_filename = filename;
                tmp = zend_parse_ini_string(buf, 1, ZEND_INI_SCANNER_NORMAL, (zend_ini_parser_cb_t)fpm_conf_ini_parser, &error TSRMLS_CC);
                ini_filename = filename;
                if (error || tmp == FAILURE) {
                        if (ini_include) free(ini_include);
                        return -1;
                if (ini_include) {
                        char *tmp = ini_include;
                        ini_include = NULL;
                        fpm_evaluate_full_path(&tmp, NULL, NULL, 0);
                        fpm_conf_ini_parser_include(tmp, &error TSRMLS_CC);
                        if (error) {
                                return -1;

        return ret;

/* }}} */

static void fpm_conf_dump() /* {{{ */
        struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp;

         * Please keep the same order as in fpm_conf.h and in
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "[General]");
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpid = %s",                         STR2STR(fpm_global_config.pid_file));
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\terror_log = %s",                   STR2STR(fpm_global_config.error_log));
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tsyslog.ident = %s",                STR2STR(fpm_global_config.syslog_ident));
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tsyslog.facility = %d",             fpm_global_config.syslog_facility); /* FIXME: convert to string */
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlog_level = %s",                   zlog_get_level_name(fpm_globals.log_level));
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\temergency_restart_interval = %ds", fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_interval);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\temergency_restart_threshold = %d", fpm_global_config.emergency_restart_threshold);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprocess_control_timeout = %ds",    fpm_global_config.process_control_timeout);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprocess.max = %d",                 fpm_global_config.process_max);
        if (fpm_global_config.process_priority == 64) {
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprocess.priority = undefined");
        } else {
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprocess.priority = %d", fpm_global_config.process_priority);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tdaemonize = %s",                   BOOL2STR(fpm_global_config.daemonize));
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\trlimit_files = %d",                fpm_global_config.rlimit_files);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\trlimit_core = %d",                 fpm_global_config.rlimit_core);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tevents.mechanism = %s",            fpm_event_machanism_name());
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tsystemd_interval = %ds",           fpm_global_config.systemd_interval/1000);
        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, " ");

        for (wp = fpm_worker_all_pools; wp; wp = wp->next) {
                struct key_value_s *kv;
                if (!wp->config) continue;
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "[%s]",                              STR2STR(wp->config->name));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprefix = %s",                     STR2STR(wp->config->prefix));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tuser = %s",                       STR2STR(wp->config->user));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tgroup = %s",                      STR2STR(wp->config->group));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten = %s",                     STR2STR(wp->config->listen_address));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten.backlog = %d",             wp->config->listen_backlog);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten.acl_users = %s",           STR2STR(wp->config->listen_acl_users));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten.acl_groups = %s",          STR2STR(wp->config->listen_acl_groups));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten.owner = %s",               STR2STR(wp->config->listen_owner));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\ = %s",               STR2STR(wp->config->listen_group));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten.mode = %s",                STR2STR(wp->config->listen_mode));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tlisten.allowed_clients = %s",     STR2STR(wp->config->listen_allowed_clients));
                if (wp->config->process_priority == 64) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprocess.priority = undefined");
                } else {
                        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tprocess.priority = %d", wp->config->process_priority);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm = %s",                         PM2STR(wp->config->pm));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.max_children = %d",            wp->config->pm_max_children);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.start_servers = %d",           wp->config->pm_start_servers);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.min_spare_servers = %d",       wp->config->pm_min_spare_servers);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.max_spare_servers = %d",       wp->config->pm_max_spare_servers);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.process_idle_timeout = %d",    wp->config->pm_process_idle_timeout);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.max_requests = %d",            wp->config->pm_max_requests);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tpm.status_path = %s",             STR2STR(wp->config->pm_status_path));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tping.path = %s",                  STR2STR(wp->config->ping_path));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tping.response = %s",              STR2STR(wp->config->ping_response));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\taccess.log = %s",                 STR2STR(wp->config->access_log));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\taccess.format = %s",              STR2STR(wp->config->access_format));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tslowlog = %s",                    STR2STR(wp->config->slowlog));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\trequest_slowlog_timeout = %ds",   wp->config->request_slowlog_timeout);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\trequest_terminate_timeout = %ds", wp->config->request_terminate_timeout);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\trlimit_files = %d",               wp->config->rlimit_files);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\trlimit_core = %d",                wp->config->rlimit_core);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tchroot = %s",                     STR2STR(wp->config->chroot));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tchdir = %s",                      STR2STR(wp->config->chdir));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tcatch_workers_output = %s",       BOOL2STR(wp->config->catch_workers_output));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tclear_env = %s",                  BOOL2STR(wp->config->clear_env));
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tsecurity.limit_extensions = %s",  wp->config->security_limit_extensions);

                for (kv = wp->config->env; kv; kv = kv->next) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tenv[%s] = %s", kv->key, kv->value);

                for (kv = wp->config->php_values; kv; kv = kv->next) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tphp_value[%s] = %s", kv->key, kv->value);

                for (kv = wp->config->php_admin_values; kv; kv = kv->next) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "\tphp_admin_value[%s] = %s", kv->key, kv->value);
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, " ");
/* }}} */

int fpm_conf_init_main(int test_conf, int force_daemon) /* {{{ */
        int ret;

        if (fpm_globals.prefix && *fpm_globals.prefix) {
                if (!fpm_conf_is_dir(fpm_globals.prefix)) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "the global prefix '%s' does not exist or is not a directory", fpm_globals.prefix);
                        return -1;

        if ( && * {
                fpm_global_config.pid_file = strdup(;

        if (fpm_globals.config == NULL) {
                char *tmp;

                if (fpm_globals.prefix == NULL) {
                        spprintf(&tmp, 0, "%s/php-fpm.conf", PHP_SYSCONFDIR);
                } else {
                        spprintf(&tmp, 0, "%s/etc/php-fpm.conf", fpm_globals.prefix);

                if (!tmp) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "spprintf() failed (tmp for fpm_globals.config)");
                        return -1;

                fpm_globals.config = strdup(tmp);

                if (!fpm_globals.config) {
                        zlog(ZLOG_SYSERROR, "spprintf() failed (fpm_globals.config)");
                        return -1;

        ret = fpm_conf_load_ini_file(fpm_globals.config TSRMLS_CC);

        if (0 > ret) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "failed to load configuration file '%s'", fpm_globals.config);
                return -1;

        if (0 > fpm_conf_post_process(force_daemon TSRMLS_CC)) {
                zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "failed to post process the configuration");
                return -1;

        if (test_conf) {
                if (test_conf > 1) {
                zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "configuration file %s test is successful\n", fpm_globals.config);
                fpm_globals.test_successful = 1;
                return -1;

        if (0 > fpm_cleanup_add(FPM_CLEANUP_ALL, fpm_conf_cleanup, 0)) {
                return -1;

        return 0;
/* }}} */

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