/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
#include "fft.h"
struct Filter {
complex_t *time;
int sizet;
complex_t *freq;
Create a window function such that:
the main lobe has width 2 * n * filterfrac
outside the main lobe, the linf residual is tolerance
Computes the required w.
Allocates and returns the filter.
complex_t * make_dolphchebyshev_t(double lobefrac, double tolerance, int &w);
complex_t * make_gaussian_t(double lobefrac, double tolerance, int &w);
complex_t * make_kaiserbessel_t(double lobefrac, double tolerance, int &w);
Modifies a w-dimensional window function to have n-dimensional FFT
the sum of b adjacent ones previously.
Allocates and returns a Filter instance pointing to the modified x and an n-dimensional FFT of it.
Filter make_multiple_t(complex_t *x, int w, int n, int b);