/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H
#include "fft.h"
// Compute the gcd of a and b
// assumes a, b > 0.
int gcd(int a, int b);
// crappy inversion code I stole from elsewhere
// Undefined if gcd(a, n) > 1
int mod_inverse(int a, int n);
Compute the num'th smallest element of the length n input.
uses std::nth_element, but doesn't mutate input.
real_t nth_element_immutable(real_t *input, int n, int num);
Output the indices corresponding to the num largest elements of samples.
Output is sorted.
void find_largest_indices(int *output, int num, real_t *samples, int n);
void radix(int byte, int size, int *A, int *TEMP);
void radix_sort(int *A, int size);
void radix_filt(int byte, int size, int *A, int *TEMP, complex_t* Filter, complex_t* TMP_F);
void radix_sort_filt(int *A, complex_t* Filter,int size);
int floor_to_pow2(double x);
//x[i] <- x[i-r]
void shift(complex_t *x, int n, int r);
double phase(complex_t x);
double AWGN(complex_t *x, int n, double std_noise);
double cabs2(complex_t x);
double binomial_cdf(double prob, int n, int needed);