/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- doSetup
- lineToR
- curveToR
- curveTo
- smoothCurveToR
- smoothCurveTo
- intersectLines
- midLine
- bezierSplit
- cubicToRec
- cubicTo
- cubicToR
- smoothCubicTo
- smoothCubicToR
- close
- finish
- setupR
- setup
- lineTo
- rect
- ellipseSegment
- ellipse
- arcTo
- arcToR
- boundsWriteXML
#include "SWFShapeMaker.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "SWFShapeItem.h"
#include "SWFItem.h"
#include "SWF.h"
#define TMP_STRLEN 0xFF
namespace SWF {
// TODO assure bits is representable in 4 bits!
ShapeMaker::ShapeMaker( List<ShapeItem>* e, double fx, double fy, double ofsx, double ofsy ) {
edges = e;
factorx = fx;
factory = fy;
offsetx = ofsx;
offsety = ofsy;
diffx = diffy = 0.0;
lastx = lasty = 0.0;
smoothx = smoothy = 0.0;
minx = miny = maxx = maxy = 0.0;
have_first = false;
fillStyle0 = lineStyle = fillStyle1 = -1;
void ShapeMaker::doSetup( double _x, double _y, bool hasMoveTo, int _fillStyle0, int _fillStyle1, int _lineStyle ) {
// append shapesetup (whithout styles, this is glyph only for now)
ShapeSetup *setup = new ShapeSetup;
if( _fillStyle0 != -1 ) {
setup->setfillStyle0( _fillStyle0 );
setup->sethasFillStyle0( 1 );
if( _fillStyle1 != -1 ) {
setup->setfillStyle1( _fillStyle1 );
setup->sethasFillStyle1( 1 );
if( _lineStyle != -1 ) {
setup->setlineStyle( _lineStyle );
setup->sethasLineStyle( 1 );
if( hasMoveTo ) {
int x = roundX(factorx * ( _x ) );
int y = roundY(factory * ( _y ) );
diffx = diffy = 0;
setup->setxybits( SWFMaxBitsNeeded( true, 2, x, y ) );
setup->sethasMoveTo( 1 );
setup->setx( x );
setup->sety( y );
minmax( x, y );
lastx = _x; lasty = _y;
lastsetupx = _x; lastsetupy = _y;
edges->append( setup );
// fprintf(stderr,"setup %i/%i\n", x, y );
void ShapeMaker::lineToR( double _x, double _y ) {
int x = roundX(factorx * ( _x ) );
int y = roundY(factory * ( _y ) );
diffx += x; diffy += y;
SWF::LineTo *segment = new SWF::LineTo;
//segment->setbits( maxBitsNeeded( true, 2, x, y ) );
segment->setx( x );
segment->sety( y );
edges->append( segment );
minmax( x+(lastx*factorx), y+(lasty*factory) );
lastx += _x; lasty += _y;
void ShapeMaker::curveToR( double _cx, double _cy, double ax, double ay ) {
int cx = roundX(factorx * ( _cx ) );
int cy = roundY(factory * ( _cy ) );
int x = roundX(factorx * ( ax - _cx ) );
int y = roundY(factory * ( ay - _cy) );
smoothx = lastx + _cx;
smoothy = lasty + _cy;
diffx += cx + x; diffy += cy + y;
CurveTo *segment = new CurveTo;
segment->setbits( SWFMaxBitsNeeded( true, 4, x, y, cx, cy ) );
segment->setx1( cx );
segment->sety1( cy );
segment->setx2( x );
segment->sety2( y );
edges->append( segment );
minmax( x+cx+(lastx*factorx), y+cy+(lasty*factory) );
lastx += ax; lasty += ay;
smoothx = ax - _cx;
smoothy = ay - _cy;
void ShapeMaker::curveTo( double cx, double cy, double ax, double ay ) {
curveToR( cx - lastx, cy - lasty, ax - lastx, ay - lasty );
void ShapeMaker::smoothCurveToR( double ax, double ay ) {
curveToR( smoothx, smoothy, ax, ay );
void ShapeMaker::smoothCurveTo( double ax, double ay ) {
curveTo( lastx + smoothx, lasty + smoothy, ax, ay );
// cubic to quadratic bezier functions
// thanks to Robert Penner
Point intersectLines( Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4 ) {
double x1 = p1.x, y1 = p1.y;
double x4 = p4.x, y4 = p4.y;
double dx1 = p2.x-x1;
double dx2 = p3.x-x4;
if( dx1 == 0 && dx2 == 0 ) return Point(p1.x + ((p4.x-p1.x)/2), p1.y + ((p4.y-p1.y)/2));
double m1 = (p2.y-y1)/dx1;
double m2 = (p3.y-y4)/dx2;
if( !dx1 ) {
return Point( x1, (m2*(x1-x4))+y4 );
} else if( !dx2 ) {
return Point( x4, (m1*(x4-x1))+y1 );
} else if( fabs( m1-m2 ) < .001 ) {
return Point( x4, (m1*(x4-x1))+y1 );
double x = ((-m2 * x4) + y4 + (m1 * x1) - y1) / (m1-m2);
Point p( x, (m1 * (x-x1)) + y1 );
if( fabs(p.y) > 100 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"p1/2: %f/%f %f/%f %f/%f %f/%f\n", p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, p4.x, p4.y );
fprintf(stderr,"S: %f/%f m1/2: %f/%f\n", p.x, p.y, m1, m2 );
return p;
Point midLine( const Point& a, const Point& b ) {
Point p( ((a.x+b.x)/2), ((a.y+b.y)/2) );
return p;
void bezierSplit( const Bezier& b, Bezier* b0, Bezier* b1 ) {
Point p01 = midLine( b.p0, b.p1 );
Point p12 = midLine( b.p1, b.p2 );
Point p23 = midLine( b.p2, b.p3 );
Point p02 = midLine( p01, p12 );
Point p13 = midLine( p12, p23 );
Point p03 = midLine( p02, p13 );
b0->set( b.p0, p01, p02, p03 );
b1->set( p03, p13, p23, b.p3 );
void ShapeMaker::cubicToRec( const Point& a, const Point& b, const Point& c, const Point& d, double k, int iteration ) {
Point s = intersectLines( a, b, c, d );
double dx = (a.x+d.x+s.x*4-(b.x+c.x)*3)*.125;
double dy = (a.y+d.y+s.y*4-(b.y+c.y)*3)*.125;
Bezier bz( a, b, c, d );
Bezier b0, b1;
if( dx*dx + dy*dy > k && iteration<10 ) {
// fprintf(stderr,"[%03i] split: %f\n", iteration, dx*dx + dy*dy);
bezierSplit( bz, &b0, &b1 );
// recurse
cubicToRec( a, b0.p1, b0.p2, b0.p3, k, iteration );
//lineTo( b0.p3.x, b0.p3.y );
cubicToRec( b1.p0, b1.p1, b1.p2, d, k, iteration );
//lineTo( b1.p1.x, b1.p1.y );
//lineTo( b1.p2.x, b1.p2.y );
//lineTo( d.x, d.y );
} else {
// fprintf(stderr,"#### %i %i %i %i\n", (int)s.x, (int)s.y, (int)d.x, (int)d.y );
//lineTo( (int)s.x, (int)s.y );
//lineTo( (int)d.x, (int)d.y );
curveTo( s.x, s.y, d.x, d.y );
void ShapeMaker::cubicTo( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double ax, double ay ) {
Point a(lastx,lasty);
Point b(x1,y1);
Point c(x2,y2);
Point d(ax,ay);
cubicToRec( a, b, c, d, .01 );
lastx = ax; lasty = ay;
smoothx = ax - x2;
smoothy = ay - y2;
void ShapeMaker::cubicToR( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double ax, double ay ) {
cubicTo(lastx + x1, lasty + y1,
lastx + x2, lasty + y2,
lastx + ax, lasty + ay);
void ShapeMaker::smoothCubicTo( double x2, double y2, double ax, double ay ) {
cubicTo( lastx + smoothx, lasty + smoothy, x2, y2, ax, ay );
void ShapeMaker::smoothCubicToR( double x2, double y2, double ax, double ay ) {
cubicToR( smoothx, smoothy, x2, y2, ax, ay );
void ShapeMaker::close(bool stroke) {
// diffx/diffy captures rounding errors. they can accumulate a bit! FIXME
if( diffx || diffy ) {
/*fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: shape not closed; closing (%f/%f).\n", diffx, diffy);
fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: accumulated rounding error (%f/%f).\n", roundx, roundy);*/
if(!stroke) {
doSetup( 0, 0, false, -1, -1, 0 );
// closing line
LineTo *segment = new LineTo;
//segment->setbits( maxBitsNeeded( true, 2, x, y ) );
segment->setx( (int)-diffx );
segment->sety( (int)-diffy );
edges->append( segment );
if(!stroke) {
doSetup( 0, 0, false, -1, -1, lineStyle );
diffx = diffy = 0;
if(stroke) {
lastx = lastsetupx; lasty = lastsetupy;
void ShapeMaker::finish() {
// end shape
ShapeSetup *setup = new ShapeSetup;
edges->append( setup );
void ShapeMaker::setupR( double x, double y ) {
x += lastx; y += lasty;
doSetup( x, y, true, fillStyle0, fillStyle1, lineStyle );
void ShapeMaker::setup( double x, double y ) {
x += offsetx; y += offsety;
doSetup( x, y, true, fillStyle0, fillStyle1, lineStyle );
void ShapeMaker::lineTo( double x, double y ) {
x += offsetx; y += offsety;
lineToR( x - lastx, y - lasty );
void ShapeMaker::rect( double x, double y, double w, double h, double rx, double ry ) {
if(rx > 0 || ry > 0) {
setup(x + rx, y);
lineTo(x + w - rx, y);
arcTo(rx, ry, 0, false, true, x + w, y + ry);
lineTo(x + w, y + h - ry);
arcTo(rx, ry, 0, false, true, x + w - rx, y + h);
lineTo(x + rx, y + h);
arcTo(rx, ry, 0, false, true, x, y + h - ry);
lineTo(x, y + ry);
arcTo(rx, ry, 0, false, true, x + rx, y);
} else {
setup(x, y);
lineToR(0, h);
lineToR(w, 0);
lineToR(0, -h);
lineToR(-w, 0);
void ShapeMaker::ellipseSegment( double cx, double cy, double rx, double ry, double phi, double theta, double dTheta) {
double a1 = theta + dTheta / 2;
double a2 = theta + dTheta;
double f = cos(dTheta / 2);
Point p1(cos(a1) * rx / f, sin(a1) * ry / f);
Point p2(cos(a2) * rx, sin(a2) * ry);
curveTo(cx + p1.x, cy + p1.y, cx + p2.x, cy + p2.y);
void ShapeMaker::ellipse( double cx, double cy, double rx, double ry ) {
setup(cx + rx, cy);
for(int i = 0; i < ELLIPSE_SEGMENTS; i++) {
ellipseSegment(cx, cy, rx, ry, 0, ELLIPSE_ANGLE * i, ELLIPSE_ANGLE);
void ShapeMaker::arcTo( double rx, double ry, double rotation, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag, double x, double y ) {
double a, f, lambda, theta, dTheta;
a = rotation / 180 * M_PI;
Point A(lastx, lasty);
Point B(x, y);
Point P = (A - B) / 2;
lambda = pow(P.x, 2) / pow(rx, 2) + pow(P.y, 2) / pow(ry, 2);
if(lambda > 1) {
rx *= sqrt(lambda);
ry *= sqrt(lambda);
f = (pow(rx, 2)*pow(ry, 2)-pow(rx, 2)*pow(P.y, 2)-pow(ry, 2)*pow(P.x, 2))/(pow(rx, 2)*pow(P.y, 2)+pow(ry, 2)*pow(P.x, 2));
if(f < 0) {
f = 0;
} else {
f = sqrt(f);
if(largeArcFlag == sweepFlag) f *= -1;
Point C_(rx / ry * P.y, -ry / rx * P.x);
C_ = C_ * f;
Point C = C_;
C = C + (A + B) / 2;
theta = atan2((P.y-C_.y)/ry, (P.x-C_.x)/rx);
dTheta = atan2((-P.y-C_.y)/ry, (-P.x-C_.x)/rx) - theta;
if(sweepFlag && dTheta < 0)
dTheta += 2 * M_PI;
if(!sweepFlag && dTheta > 0)
dTheta -= 2 * M_PI;
double dThetaAbs = (dTheta < 0 ? -dTheta : dTheta);
int segments = (int)ceil(dThetaAbs / ELLIPSE_ANGLE);
for(int i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
ellipseSegment(C.x, C.y, rx, ry, a, dTheta / segments * i + theta, dTheta / segments);
void ShapeMaker::arcToR( double rx, double ry, double rotation, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag, double x, double y ) {
arcTo(rx, ry, rotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, lastx + x, lasty + y);
void ShapeMaker::boundsWriteXML( xmlNodePtr parent, double border ) {
char tmp[TMP_STRLEN];
xmlNodePtr node;
if(border >= 0) {
node = xmlNewChild(parent, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"bounds", NULL);
} else {
node = xmlNewChild(parent, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"strokeBounds", NULL);
border = 0;
node = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"Rectangle", NULL);
snprintf(tmp, TMP_STRLEN, "%f", minx - border * 20);
xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"left", (const xmlChar *)&tmp);
snprintf(tmp, TMP_STRLEN,"%f", miny - border * 20);
xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"top", (const xmlChar *)&tmp);
snprintf(tmp,TMP_STRLEN,"%f", maxx + border * 20);
xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"right", (const xmlChar *)&tmp);
snprintf(tmp,TMP_STRLEN,"%f", maxy + border * 20);
xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"bottom", (const xmlChar *)&tmp);