/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- usage
- xsltParseStylesheetMemory
- swfmill_swf2xml
- swfmill_xml2swf
- swfmill_xslt
- swfmill_do_xslt
- swfmill_create_library_dir
- swfmill_create_library
- swfmill_library
- main
#include <libexslt/exslt.h>
#include "SWFFile.h"
#include "swft.h"
#include "xslt.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libxslt/transform.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
#include <dirent.h>
using namespace SWF;
bool quiet = false;
bool verbose = false;
bool dump = false;
bool nonet = false;
const char *swf_encoding = "UTF-8";
const char *internal_stylesheet = NULL;
void usage() {
fprintf( stderr,
" XML-based SWF processing tool\n"
"usage: swfmill [<options>] <command>\n"
"<command> is one of:\n"
" swf2xml <in> [<out>]\n"
" convert from SWF to XML.\n"
" <in> is a single SWF file, or 'stdin'\n"
" <out> is a single XML file, or (by default) 'stdout'\n"
" xml2swf <in> [<out>]\n"
" convert from XML to SWF.\n"
" <in> is a single XML file, or 'stdin'\n"
" <out> is a single SWF file, or (by default) 'stdout'\n"
" simple <in> [<out>]\n"
" convert from a movie definition file to SWF.\n"
" <in> is a single XML file, or 'stdin'\n"
" <out> is a single SWF file, or (by default) 'stdout'\n"
" (for details, see README)\n"
" xslt <xsl> <in> [<out>]\n"
" transform <in> to <out> as described by <xsl>.\n"
" <xsl> is the XSLT stylesheet,\n"
" and can use the swft: extension.\n"
" <in> must be some XML (depends on <xsl>)\n"
" <out> is either SWF (when it ends in .swf)\n"
" or XML, by default on 'stdout'\n"
"<option>s are:\n"
" -h print this help and quit\n"
" -v verbose output\n"
" -V extra-verbose debugging output\n"
" -d dump SWF data when loaded (for debugging)\n"
" -e specify text encoding in SWF (for SWF 5 and earlier only;\n"
" default: UTF-8).\n"
" -n deactivate libxml network access\n"
"Please report bugs at http://bugs.launchpad.net/swfmill/+filebug\n\n"
// helper func
xsltStylesheetPtr xsltParseStylesheetMemory( const char *buffer, int size ) {
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory( buffer, size );
if( !doc ) return NULL;
xsltStylesheetPtr ret = xsltParseStylesheetDoc( doc );
return ret;
int swfmill_swf2xml( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
const char *infile = NULL, *outfile = "stdout";
bool success = false;
FILE *in_fp=0, *out_fp=0;
bool std_in, std_out;
File input;
unsigned int filesize, size, xmlsize;
struct stat filestat;
char sig;
Context ctx;
// parse filenames
if( argc < 1 || argc > 2 ) {
goto fail;
infile = argv[0];
if( argc>1 ) outfile = argv[1];
// open files
std_in = !strncmp( infile, "stdin", 5 );
std_out = !strncmp( outfile, "stdout", 6 );
in_fp = std_in ? stdin : fopen( infile, "rb" );
if( !in_fp ) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not open file %s for reading\n", infile?infile:"stdin" );
goto fail;
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"Reading from %s\n", infile );
// stat filesize
filesize = (unsigned int)-1;
if( !std_in ) {
stat( infile, &filestat );
filesize = filestat.st_size;
// setup context
ctx.debugTrace = verbose;
ctx.quiet = quiet;
// setup encoding conversion.
if (strcmp(swf_encoding, "UTF-8")) {
ctx.convertEncoding = true;
ctx.swf_encoding = swf_encoding;
// treat input as SWF, produce XML
if( (size = input.load( in_fp, &ctx, filesize )) != 0 ) {
if( dump ) input.dump();
out_fp = std_out ? stdout : fopen( outfile, "wb" );
if( !out_fp ) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not open file %s for writing\n", outfile );
goto fail;
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"Writing XML to %s\n", outfile );
if( (xmlsize = input.saveXML( out_fp, &ctx )) != 0 ) {
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"XML saved to %s (%i bytes).\n", outfile, xmlsize );
success = true;
if( in_fp && !std_in ) fclose(in_fp);
if( out_fp && !std_out ) fclose(out_fp);
return success ? 0 : -1;
int swfmill_xml2swf( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
const char *infile = NULL, *outfile = "stdout";
bool success = false;
FILE *in_fp=0, *out_fp=0;
bool std_in, std_out;
const char *filename;
xsltStylesheetPtr transform = NULL;
File input;
int size, xmlsize;
Context ctx;
xmlDocPtr doc = NULL, doc2;
// parse filenames
if( argc < 1 || argc > 2 ) {
goto fail;
infile = argv[0];
if( argc>1 ) outfile = argv[1];
// open files
std_in = !strncmp( infile, "stdin", 5 );
std_out = !strncmp( outfile, "stdout", 6 );
in_fp = std_in ? stdin : fopen( infile, "rb" );
if( !in_fp ) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not open file %s for reading\n", infile?infile:"stdin" );
goto fail;
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"Reading from %s\n", infile );
// setup context
ctx.debugTrace = verbose;
ctx.quiet = quiet;
// setup encoding conversion.
if (strcmp(swf_encoding, "UTF-8")) {
ctx.convertEncoding = true;
ctx.swf_encoding = swf_encoding;
filename = std_in ? "-" : infile ;
doc = xmlParseFile( filename );
if( !doc ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: input document %s could not be read.\n", infile );
goto fail;
// see if one of the internal stylesheets should be used
if( internal_stylesheet ) {
transform = xsltParseStylesheetMemory( internal_stylesheet, strlen(internal_stylesheet) );
if( !transform ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: internal stylesheet could not be read.\n" );
goto fail;
const char *params[3];
params[0] = "quiet";
params[1] = "\"false\"";
params[2] = NULL;
if( quiet ) {
params[1] = "\"true\"";
doc2 = xsltApplyStylesheet( transform, doc, (const char **)¶ms );
if( !doc2 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: transformation failed.\n" );
goto fail;
xmlFreeDoc( doc );
doc = doc2;
// treat input as XML, produce SWF
input.setXML( doc->xmlRootNode, &ctx );
if( dump ) input.dump();
out_fp = std_out ? stdout : fopen( outfile, "wb" );
if( !out_fp ) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not open file '%s' for writing\n", outfile );
goto fail;
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"Writing SWF to %s\n", outfile );
if( (size = input.save( out_fp, &ctx )) != 0 ) {
success = true;
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"SWF saved to %s (%i bytes).\n", outfile, size );
if( doc ) xmlFreeDoc( doc );
if( in_fp && !std_in ) fclose(in_fp);
if( out_fp && !std_out ) fclose(out_fp);
return success ? 0 : -1;
int swfmill_do_xslt( xmlDocPtr doc, xsltStylesheetPtr transform, const char *outfile );
int swfmill_xslt( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
const char *xslfile, *infile, *outfile = "stdout";
xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
xsltStylesheetPtr transform;
// parse filenames
if( argc < 2 || argc > 3 ) {
goto fail;
xslfile = argv[0];
infile = argv[1];
if( argc>2 ) outfile = argv[2];
doc = xmlParseFile( infile );
if( !doc ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: input document %s could not be read.\n", infile );
goto fail;
transform = xsltParseStylesheetFile( (const xmlChar *)xslfile );
if( !transform ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: stylesheet %s could not be read.\n", xslfile );
goto fail;
return swfmill_do_xslt( doc, transform, outfile );
return -1;
int swfmill_do_xslt( xmlDocPtr doc, xsltStylesheetPtr transform, const char *outfile ) {
xmlDocPtr doc2 = NULL;
FILE *out_fp;
const char *ext;
Context ctx;
int size;
const char *params[3];
params[0] = "quiet";
params[1] = "\"FALSE\"";
params[2] = NULL;
if( quiet ) {
params[1] = "\"FALSE\"";
// setup context
ctx.debugTrace = verbose;
ctx.quiet = quiet;
if( !quiet ) fprintf( stderr, "Applying XSLT...\n" );
doc2 = xsltApplyStylesheet( transform, doc, params );
if( !doc2 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: transformation failed.\n" );
goto fail;
if( (ext = strrchr(outfile,'.'))!=NULL && !strncmp( ".swf", ext, 4 ) ) {
if( !quiet ) fprintf( stderr, "Saving to SWF %s\n", outfile);
File swf;
swf.setXML( doc2->xmlRootNode, NULL );
out_fp = fopen( outfile, "wb" );
if( !out_fp ) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not open file '%s' for writing\n", outfile );
goto fail;
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"Writing SWF to %s\n", outfile );
if( (size = swf.save( out_fp, &ctx )) != 0 ) {
if( !quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"SWF saved to %s (%i bytes).\n", outfile, size );
if( doc ) xmlFreeDoc(doc);
if( doc2 ) xmlFreeDoc(doc2);
if( transform ) xsltFreeStylesheet( transform );
return 0;
} else {
bool std_out = !strncmp( outfile, "stdout", 6 );
const char *file = std_out ? "-" : outfile;
return xsltSaveResultToFilename( file, doc2, transform, 0 );
if( doc ) xmlFreeDoc(doc);
if( doc2 ) xmlFreeDoc(doc2);
if( transform ) xsltFreeStylesheet( transform );
return -1;
void swfmill_create_library( xmlNodePtr lib, const char *filename );
void swfmill_create_library_dir( xmlNodePtr lib, const char *dir ) {
char tmp[256];
struct dirent *e;
DIR *d = opendir( dir );
if( d == NULL ) return;
while( true ) {
e = readdir(d);
if( e==NULL ) break;
if( e->d_name[0] == '.' ) continue; // no hidden files
snprintf( tmp, 1023, "%s/%s", dir, e->d_name );
swfmill_create_library( lib, tmp );
void swfmill_create_library( xmlNodePtr lib, const char *filename ) {
struct stat s;
if( stat(filename,&s) ) return;
int i=strlen(filename)-1;
while( i>0 && filename[i]!='.' ) i--;
const char *ext = &filename[i];
if( S_ISDIR(s.st_mode) ) {
swfmill_create_library_dir( lib, filename );
} else {
// if( !strcmp( ext, ".jpg" ) || !strcmp( ext, ".jpeg" ) ) {
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewChild( lib, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"clip", NULL );
xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar *)"id", (const xmlChar *)filename );
xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar *)"import", (const xmlChar *)filename );
// fprintf(stderr, "clip %s: %s (%s)\n", filename, S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)?"dir":"file", ext );
int swfmill_library( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
if( argc < 2 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "library creation needs at least two arguments\n\tswfmill library <input file(s)/dir(s)> <output>.swf\n" );
return -1;
const char *outfile = argv[argc-1];
internal_stylesheet = xslt_simple;
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar*)"1.0");
doc->children = xmlNewDocNode( doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*)"movie", NULL );
xmlNodePtr lib = xmlNewChild( doc->children, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"library", NULL );
for( int i=0; i<argc; i++ ) {
swfmill_create_library( lib, argv[i] );
xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewChild( lib, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"frame", NULL );
// xmlSetProp( node, (const xmlChar*)"id", (const xmlChar *)"foo");
xsltStylesheetPtr transform = xsltParseStylesheetMemory( internal_stylesheet, strlen(internal_stylesheet) );
if( !transform ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: internal stylesheet could not be read.\n" );
return -1;
swfmill_do_xslt( doc, transform, outfile );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
char *command = NULL;
quiet = true;
// parse args
int i=1;
for( ; i<argc && command==NULL; i++ ) {
if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) {
int swallow=0;
for( int j=1; j<strlen(argv[i]); j++ ) {
switch( argv[i][j] ) {
case 'q':
quiet = true;
case 'v':
quiet = false;
case 'V':
verbose = true;
case 'd':
dump = true;
case 'n':
nonet = true;
case 'h':
case '?':
goto fail;
case 'e':
if (i+swallow < argc) {
swf_encoding = argv[i+swallow];
} else {
goto fail;
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: unknown option %c\n",argv[i][j]);
goto fail;
} else {
if( !command ) command=argv[i];
if( !command ) {
goto fail;
if( nonet ) xmlSetExternalEntityLoader( xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader );
if( !quiet ) fprintf( stderr, "%s %s\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION );
if( !strcmp( command, "swf2xml" ) ) {
return swfmill_swf2xml( argc-i, &argv[i] );
} else if( !strcmp( command, "xml2swf" ) ) {
return swfmill_xml2swf( argc-i, &argv[i] );
} else if( !strcmp( command, "xslt" ) ) {
return swfmill_xslt( argc-i, &argv[i] );
} else if( !strcmp( command, "simple" ) ) {
internal_stylesheet = xslt_simple;
return swfmill_xml2swf( argc-i, &argv[i] );
} else if( !strcmp( command, "library" ) ) {
return swfmill_library( argc-i, &argv[i] );
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: unknown command %s\n", command );
goto fail;
return -1;