GList             703 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *daToks;
GList             716 lib/pdf/xpdf/     daToks = new GList();
GList            1063 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *daToks;
GList            1076 lib/pdf/xpdf/     daToks = new GList();
GList              24 lib/pdf/xpdf/ GList::GList() {
GList              31 lib/pdf/xpdf/ GList::GList(int sizeA) {
GList              38 lib/pdf/xpdf/ GList::~GList() {
GList              42 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void GList::append(void *p) {
GList              49 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void GList::append(GList *list) {
GList              60 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void GList::insert(int i, void *p) {
GList              71 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void *GList::del(int i) {
GList              85 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void GList::sort(int (*cmp)(const void *obj1, const void *obj2)) {
GList              89 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void GList::expand() {
GList              94 lib/pdf/xpdf/ void GList::shrink() {
GList              24 lib/pdf/xpdf/GList.h class GList {
GList              28 lib/pdf/xpdf/GList.h   GList();
GList              31 lib/pdf/xpdf/GList.h   GList(int sizeA);
GList              34 lib/pdf/xpdf/GList.h   ~GList();
GList              51 lib/pdf/xpdf/GList.h   void append(GList *list);
GList              86 lib/pdf/xpdf/GList.h     GList *_list = (list);                          \
GList             261 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *fonts;			// [WinFontInfo]
GList             271 lib/pdf/xpdf/   fonts = new GList();
GList             433 lib/pdf/xpdf/   cmds = new GList();
GList             442 lib/pdf/xpdf/   cmds = new GList();
GList             639 lib/pdf/xpdf/   toUnicodeDirs = new GList();
GList             672 lib/pdf/xpdf/   psNamedFonts16 = new GList();
GList             673 lib/pdf/xpdf/   psFonts16 = new GList();
GList             691 lib/pdf/xpdf/   fontDirs = new GList();
GList             724 lib/pdf/xpdf/   plugins = new GList();
GList             725 lib/pdf/xpdf/   securityHandlers = new GList();
GList             791 lib/pdf/xpdf/   keyBindings = new GList();
GList             948 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *tokens;
GList             954 lib/pdf/xpdf/   tokens = new GList();
GList            1268 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *list;
GList            1277 lib/pdf/xpdf/   if (!(list = (GList *)cMapDirs->lookup(collection))) {
GList            1278 lib/pdf/xpdf/     list = new GList();
GList            1534 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *cmds;
GList            1556 lib/pdf/xpdf/   cmds = new GList();
GList            1824 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *list;
GList            2050 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *list;
GList            2057 lib/pdf/xpdf/   if (!(list = (GList *)cMapDirs->lookup(collection))) {
GList            2511 lib/pdf/xpdf/ GList *GlobalParams::getKeyBinding(int code, int mods, int context) {
GList            2513 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *cmds;
GList            2526 lib/pdf/xpdf/       cmds = new GList();
GList              27 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h class GList;
GList             136 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *cmds;			// list of commands [GString]
GList             140 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   KeyBinding(int codeA, int modsA, int contextA, GList *cmdsA);
GList             259 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *getKeyBinding(int code, int mods, int context);
GList             320 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseNameToUnicode(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             321 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseCIDToUnicode(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             322 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseUnicodeToUnicode(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             323 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseUnicodeMap(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             324 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseCMapDir(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             325 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseToUnicodeDir(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             326 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseDisplayFont(GList *tokens, GHash *fontHash,
GList             329 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parsePSFile(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             330 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parsePSPaperSize(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             331 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parsePSImageableArea(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             332 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parsePSLevel(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             333 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parsePSFont(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             334 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parsePSFont16(char *cmdName, GList *fontList,
GList             335 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h 		     GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             336 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseTextEncoding(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             337 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseTextEOL(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             338 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseFontDir(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             339 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseInitialZoom(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             340 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseScreenType(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             341 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseBind(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             342 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   void parseUnbind(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             346 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h 		 GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             348 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h 		    GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             350 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h 		  GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             353 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h 		    GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             355 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h 		  GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line);
GList             386 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *toUnicodeDirs;		// list of ToUnicode CMap dirs [GString]
GList             411 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *psNamedFonts16;	// named 16-bit fonts [PSFontParam]
GList             412 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *psFonts16;		// generic 16-bit fonts [PSFontParam]
GList             427 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *fontDirs;		// list of font dirs [GString]
GList             445 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *keyBindings;		// key & mouse button bindings [KeyBinding]
GList             455 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *plugins;		// list of plugins [Plugin]
GList             456 lib/pdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.h   GList *securityHandlers;	// list of loaded security handlers
GList            1196 lib/pdf/xpdf/   globalSegments = new GList();
GList            1209 lib/pdf/xpdf/   segments = new GList();
GList            1483 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *codeTables;
GList            1554 lib/pdf/xpdf/   codeTables = new GList();
GList            1914 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *codeTables;
GList            1978 lib/pdf/xpdf/   codeTables = new GList();
GList              22 lib/pdf/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h class GList;
GList             122 lib/pdf/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h   GList *segments;		// [JBIG2Segment]
GList             123 lib/pdf/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h   GList *globalSegments;	// [JBIG2Segment]
GList             114 lib/pdf/xpdf/ GList *OutlineItem::readItemList(Object *firstItemRef, Object *lastItemRef,
GList             116 lib/pdf/xpdf/   GList *items;
GList             121 lib/pdf/xpdf/   items = new GList();
GList              22 lib/pdf/xpdf/Outline.h class GList;
GList              34 lib/pdf/xpdf/Outline.h   GList *getItems() { return items; }
GList              38 lib/pdf/xpdf/Outline.h   GList *items;			// NULL if document has no outline
GList              50 lib/pdf/xpdf/Outline.h   static GList *readItemList(Object *firstItemRef, Object *lastItemRef,
GList              61 lib/pdf/xpdf/Outline.h   GList *getKids() { return kids; }
GList              73 lib/pdf/xpdf/Outline.h   GList *kids;			// NULL unless this item is open [OutlineItem]
GList            1665 lib/pdf/xpdf/   words = new GList();
GList            1756 lib/pdf/xpdf/   fonts = new GList();
GList            1759 lib/pdf/xpdf/   underlines = new GList();
GList            1760 lib/pdf/xpdf/   links = new GList();
GList            1836 lib/pdf/xpdf/   fonts = new GList();
GList              24 lib/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h class GList;
GList             398 lib/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h   GList *words;			// [TextWord]
GList             518 lib/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h   GList *fonts;			// all font info objects used on this
GList             525 lib/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h   GList *underlines;		// [TextUnderline]
GList             526 lib/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h   GList *links;			// [TextLink]